CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 5 Aug 1920, p. 15

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SCIIOOL CEnSUS -Slows CITY lAS, S19,117 POPULATION mae se- few -~ oJIg#'a it3 ~ - = woZ ABE F UZ ________________ mall tu baUld. bui big in cre. ating interest, la the lîny I 'apuchin1 nionkey v.hidi cati liii,-m thei rbabies et the Washington s« klb.thehandAs of lb.eIeeper 0f the Waah. 111.e 10110w te quit*ê a huskey. Intgon MD. C.) zoo. Sohool Board Hears Report oi bchool Census Enumerat- j ors, i8 AstonisheU. i FI!JANCIAL. REPORTS MADE j Ti.- Waukgau tity andîtiphbt- o board ut educalion itelîl an iniltortîant âne tmg Tuesday eeniunp,. aittgrnill-ti .i- th&nge dont bing -1I...eceipl 0f echicol censua report ailowtng Wsaukeganta popu!ation cen se- crding lteIthe achoutci ritus to Le 2. Adepte reporte t siat-trIeas-- arersanard order a'ime pubishel le- day tn he Sun <futI detais tn anther colum n.) I. Pose alIevy ordinance. 4. Notifled Woene- club wilîi drop iunh- tocom ait btgh chorAl detaitti n ariottier cotumn.> 5. Acçept sone. resigriýtions. and Ose O e b.niodpopular enge .c w lest-bers t0 titi ptaces. liApPO. tiren la intasacy h it t,. SeIt $225000 bond issue te Na - - lionai Cty Bank, Chic.ace at daccunt of V$h500. ommendlng furi' citon :i.i~-I 7. Award pumnbrng contrat-t for lnger, of S>eamore, li!tInOt-, aS-t-aiLt Ndittut at-riaIte Thot..Kiliti, ni ttt.titl tr ainingt; t-m ilabelJtî- North Chtago; heaiat10Claff«y & of Madi-itn, Wi-euat-in, ii.-igy, %lis Ca., Chicago. Marjorît Swi-.,-iniaof ApIltron, - 8. Order senta for neis Nortttwest cousin. E.n1.-b; Mme Etna M%. ]E.e- acliooi. den e o tf i tg ilineiË,.ftiifitogy. Te tnboj cenmus report va-i onc te lake llari- DEtMines ibhtrIey wle ut il- tl ei. ttî liaI came grant-ti eaît- tof aIýent : it'tar. t-i. t. tî- Ltitlî. i hat 7158 ilir. IXît id <i li i . t] fi d le ies- tii--iantifittai. n unritr ;A carb it! gatwnn,.itrli A- acite-oi-t ii r î.. tiiig -n ttii (i f ut auhn- Keller uw ýi wF.Ot.utd 1,t r >timmeoil gýaî. - ,431 uîitt-s, and ten.iai, 4 beu- .t t- oit i I ,1 tl liitt.t-ti tit ages uf 6 tanti21 >eaI ut.tlt.- b, M <ç--1', . i 2 pti-titisbtteen !lie a&(,-i,12 anti oellSchoei Sonds,. 21 a-i.> tan etiter ic-iitr - a $225i'l !,e bittd ii,, ii t.e Watt à boy- antd 7 girls bt-ier L,. I t-an t îîy -, Ll D .aing ot i -nil 14 vite tre net 5 W li-'Cnt lt t rintu. --ibîe t-ni- l'e- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o 1 l.t-t -------. lit. -t-lt lît(1, wt. -,in,-Il n i - a1e-Illltg p clirif j t.t'Le lhi-bidder I it Trust L Wl.t ie tiqu* t noi lt-lt - w t i, miasank of Iltiiitttda ttt--ilte itui t-îny Ile itii-i ttr ti ib.d ut f r822 i nilut liunl- n- Iii-> ii ltiat a i.iiu iiii .itr4ttCttof Tây .tut, a- & t;tdl uc iis îtlltig ;tlte Ciy 1et Ct l.itl-Sltant ,& te _ C. ' n t t at tr' 1unpIioe Orctifrlla .wl..11 M:i.t t- & C«, ,,-fi t Nttonal lit rt.cnîot n r-n -l :ea n iC . CDm> tntpan ant Ii i i n 'itî i A ~r-î ir~iiiIl19.,U; pii muons ra1 ia litBatri k s i-.. -1r- The- lui', n ith-til ,fî/ aukegRn. The it-Lt idtIrit-Cii a f ti-N- eLft.i al jeutiýr-n it ce-sttsrepot it Imitai Cîtc tenpanit $21- 7- - t ttir , t-ii -ll19 1 î p t-ins re,,îdîng ttin - t -t-I ilîcîcar t lin, i itî . tu à t i> i -k.itdate et deliter> lit brun i . ptol-I:-- Ilib.rCia> trItouols. Th, boardti us ttii îîî 1,,I di_ un ji uk-i,auii ttgit ilied verris--couil lthe bondirutS - ilttii and i.i i itii itblihtd ini ac- Awsard Schoc ol rklejobs. tutI-t. ,e wîrtt il... provisionls ot an 'Bide fer te piombitnu ii litne-' ai itnsat-Jit.ti ilatsessionft etin the JÇribwenet l idé ii iuit(ine- ulic as L-îri T h re reporte are w-ai-c ubmitted, anti air a- follu wF- 0 in î i ýIt. - 'ie ameuaîs Paîlu Plutabizg-Tbomas J, Kiltiar Northi ýo,t i tquiol udni it.bila achuogi Chicago, 87180.00; Jamp- A. Salmon. unît-t te aious itea]iflga. Walliegan. 19989): lý- -'Vtiuti Otal, ei &coctOo pot. %aukegaa.813. -l - ànuairEtpt u tlu mte ttlite Cent-euitirai; awîirtplIo trhumias et ItiL tri rty eui-t.ttnteibdent ci J. Mllis,. ati tN pre-ident antinec- iius fto r tuhlie clj tii and (Lit e etai-y directde enlu cirrlote con- tutu et biàO1%Isutu nmuehitnertsting trac t. tata lAI :ii 'L' 1h.- e-t y 5rbuool h-taiag---laffy & Co.,Cbttcaeo ii it uiles. ciii t nt $14,000; A. W. Johnson iioya attiatitîng publt ic ttia e-iîY Ceo.,('icago. aplit ny-t-t, 116877; ofi Wauku gan. 15,At gîtla Alîentiig Lep MuDonutugli. 'Vatkt eau t-ii t y- Jtuîi t, ictI-aCaity t iWeukekgan. lent. 19939. liowney iieatîng & Ven- jo i-tt& âad3079 oys slte'diflg pare- Ulaing LCo. Mlwaukee, $20,1[55; Len- ti!laisi iha, . 0> ol ci%\atkegaui. t)6, aid - & aleêrurne,- y>-tni. $1325ui; gi- atti-istttiE etKis.-at acî itin iy Amertii t'Vounlry & Fui narti Co. oi Nittuke-get, 622, total 1023. eotai turnace -yfzteni, S12.12() buys anti h;àrla tcnltng publicest-houle The boarti -dc tedti iadoptî tle anissdpat-ocilal %concis, Lily et Wauke- apIt-Fystem, vather tlian the ftiaice ga ..4,107.system. rejecteil thé îIWObidelu et ('est j*r upil IbeYs an1 grl; at- meftloied. anti cceptlti îe bld ci tendii-tepublic -thatOla. I) t0il Saukt---Ciaffy & Cri ut Chicag on ite splil tan, lasi year $52U6. systani anti the pi-aident anti sec- SEgitih grade g radut-te'-ý publtc retary vere du t-t te-I t-ti-nt-r into con- ab.ot-fl-.1213. trat-dth l Caiy & Co. ot Chirage fer Mlin ieaceîs in public %choois bealing andi ventilting in niaît]tOi-ti a-Cri- AaitA. iQo.Oti; ven teachgera WestaChSool. in i tîblîre beolq vere raid, $87,497.26. Committlea on builings anti grouinds 'otalitai men anti vomen teachers rePOrtdiluth tbhatirectived bis pubihr anitibe $9ï,397.26. f ront ihe Empire Seating Co. andthîe Fi nI>-ftor An public Americca 5eating Co. fer leaka te be cottu-intributed 10 Teanti-ar' Peu- intaledin ta he-Nert-liai-at' Friont blitifndlti, $307 00. Seven cbos-ol building. antI i appeanîng tat te bll liatiling', having a total of 2,936 ut- ot the Empire SE-aIng Co. vas the linge fur aîuîy. bubtttt- ati qup- th7~e bo~ard iretethbt ortie-t rint arie5tvaluî ut t ;ti rtt.tmaîe-tY a's "on ias posstible out Ieskàlfor the A îîîîo I t fbenibe-it t it ledneSn et City -icloi olIltaitit, Jîîi 1, ".20, HOLU NOTE AS RARE RELIC Nulbti cf pitlis a mii by qî I Pce of Morley tasued i China Mores Itenr nursqe, 2921. Than Five Centunlet Ago Numbei- foun i aitrateti. 1,119. weInAerct Nuitthet-oft hoIiu-t a It-tI ilbY xix- OndnAeîa ilra! nir>e. 218. lîni-co Pin fouiitihuttltoteq In Nume tsilsu g n-i-Chiai-aget iige, pritiieti ou pliper modle rri,~s isseCt, 146. framtaite iark tf lite -MiberrY Inca. Data on Higit Scitot. Oee Exuenitta fi-cm t igh eb trlT' ee t i-chae ortts, upen wvicthnt ie port follov1 uy grsat Veutia trac eler hliiuitIt rity Nuiberof uYý nioah-idlin iigi bave gazeti, i on exhiitiolun &t itis fcttoti, 31I; auIL.ter Of girls entuletiday iiithie olle et u n Amertunn i rm- in iigit achool, 325, total 443. parly. It la eueetfa sei-ici, eurt]by Salai-y palti men eachcrs, 118,344.33. the Ming dy-nlstY about M599A. D-, salamy pald iroitmeateeChens. 821,- 'tlrent ayviers under lbe beavens" 220.00, total $3964-33. -anti acema te bave been pi-Asie- frein Sittinga ftov aîaudy in blgb Êseboel, 5oodei blecka on a so of etDpper «4. - neuhy thure-en ncitcs--ýaebiggcr sur- t'est ler pupil. iýoYr ant igtl'K i face titon ariy mati conuti roc-er vit hîgit et-bel lasî Yeta, $1.- bot iantis euistretciîet. Iltisgod AmOUUt O f bolel iâdebtednesa for "one strinig et cash." The provi- hîgb ache00, âmea 30 1920, $600000. @Iea aiginsl forgery la simple te the City at-bol budget abowa te&aciers, Point ut severty - "Counterfelters principale. ispedai toschiers, supern- bei-e-ct illi be executeti, Persons giv- tefndent, off ice assistnt ant i yiltflEIng information ofet enlerftters viii nurse- under conîtrateî, otaling $122,- bc reve-rtiti tht ae l aIs250, nant, la 5th5.00. janitors alaries, cea] itu- aditilon, ce iiireeelve te yrOpe-ny bc- #îliîes ortIIai kdse m o catia t tlonglcg te îhe-crimlnn. Thrie ittat et appuiiJtley 18800000. flitcttei-ucrr w-li gave the entier nd 'Te Ciiy Scbool board, Pased ils te leApet ienas o f te ,-ountertelt-1 annual tex icvy resolution, levying ers bave long Isinçe moldere tintolIm- $150000 fr educatllnal purpoaes, anti -palpable duat, tfie proparty et t o700frbn hgplirpoaoal. crimini vanisheti anti Itt net au, Higb areel budget itO*s prif'l amut-h tts a sate, but te fadaI 01 andt eachera unoter co 1ntredit for Ps- bnkin)e, pre-e eti iveen i te lteelsi stig year i t-aalaistolalng I4G.- oet -'t¶--tanti frnmet ln cri-ceateck, 7801.00. eeilletonits ls hili %qeu-tt iit ýoIl Ainotinît aidti tacbers, Principal, icclin uiitiirsianti ir. il ORCANDIE FOR FALL "So pahlreg ta aflew «te veerorgendiéfer rmnu reCiu "sl .anta ae faL The sodol abovu te euvAe*Y dainey. Thé naasow sirt bas a toe-baad of hobontsoataAckag. Ovestha laek e"d frot. fanis au aral saed. -smbroidered&cp"-ofe organdi..ÀAround IOdAisiti lb.éaleeoSeut line ftwu 8Il, the fteet lu eeAhodiactlàe a ckea' tilles plafl e ranmdis MM 1OsuWI. MM néet P a rxandiee miile* WAU.KEGAN LOCALS 1TLe 2iaboni, aie Lictdjig a lite-utcof Renrt-an's taro, Round Lake lotie>. 3 The botys vii sleep out on lh. sbeach eround a bit camp aire and [or an üe tiueuir in tii. îttoin N)~wIIi f ake .în -ariy dip In lthe lahel. Glenta Vau Ai-staii-, iiiad ild lman for tb. Biatchford (2aufutt aieompay, in 4 Waukegan buaint--5 aisator te- day. iuieiy Junion B. Io urget obte pi-ca- ent Witt somie bi-eakfaj-t for hiblei te b. couiil by tlilira aSturtls> )Ir. C. J. St-ngenbergen, Cbief Clerk ef lte Auît-can Stcel & Wire Ce., bas purchat-til a *Dc -caene Studebaker. litr. G. Harding, of 619 julian SI. ndervent a serions operatacu aI the Jane MCAltiti- bospilal ii,îx tot-- ing. S Idra. fBen lozerman'a mother, vho bas been visitini ber, for a month. 9 has retunet l ber home in St. Louis. Y The Bev. AlbertI Lafford vii hape t charge of Abs service ai the bome. et i-W. J. Wite at 2:30 Waukegan liie IlFnidsy vith serv-ices at the Mihnbrn ccmelery later. The publie Iibrary a .1 be open Thuraday at Il a. in. for the dIstribu- glion of books. The library bus been nevly ticcerateti and the books bave been ail goe over anti matde ready. d This lalthe aceonti occasion ef Ifs kindilhe olter having aucun-ad Pce lime ago. Rend ctticials bellev, that the delitîrae tiltptalewrich their train, le 0,it- e'ik of seme manioc. 'OnIly vigîtîn-- lu. fuîcitorttian en à Niorth Shore electite fast train pru- >venteti viat milght bave been a e. bt alsla'ophe Satur-day rifternoon naer àKenoaha whcn n northiiound express t.v as brought le a stop ouhy a few tr e f-fom viiere aý4pile of rail-oad i ie IRY erosa lte track«.. DIr. R. K. Davis anti wite relut-net] d todaY f ren a thi-e e eke' automobile tri tnpIroughl oWa, Minneaota and Wisco nain. Thcy vîsited relativea ln k, Iowa. Dr. Davissya lie ccv remark- -abI> fine cropq An the lat 1ter atate. Autons i4eblay, marrAient ai 726 Tenth at-cet, deciiedti t leave duli eare beitindti nti Stnday suai-ted tem rtht w ide of Wisconsin. About 15 mnilceet oKetinha ho femad hlb.. R ie automoblea hied tia a crub-iale Ires anti wenl mb oa riteit. lie Mati- agedti tepick himieif ouIut fthe wreck- *age vilh oîty ea[t-w i-rrutceexanti -bruieis. * Thte TuimilI, t-jasofuthlie Y. M. C. leA. boy's depttriment ara ID for a very tj ielpui as weil as a vcry happy tlnî; "«'rdy evuag mAtiti iglit. Thly iii 1j>.» tbe "" a 7:00p m. for ta L. AUGIJST 5. 1920. fIUITaln advising hou. ewivea 10 boy rus - NO er M 1 r*' nw i do sot mean 10îe îtem ý;oJuvntie rmit NMwlargeME vu whle W,î rnd o -"swa i4ltgtf h n UV SU6A ; PRIC laige(i ~ fii'ti iii lie trio 1muýii Imstth) BUY UGA ; P ICE 1, t" Fi.lthewhoistk r nn -,eftPherthOtIioglt. Seelng hlm playlbg, il -ti- iiîlî lîî n ý l ,i n b the liaek ynrd ea e, alieasked Ill IS TO 60 HI161E 1ýl"i : trC-nhv anedidtt oaiitswt i n ilt (iffile,('0U rý. rertletithe cbilid. "they disturh mi Present Drop in price is Due to ask:ng in thirî. 1 hitî>1,)ail caname. Enormous Quantities bnilr~t-ulaleFrtWnant onUln Just -Receved. ;, 1 g tutthtiilb m r lai TtiiFie Woîan ever ai teio on tt liair,1iI. ý thr st woni lonw, de mn n.l r tai 1nl it m- ieat le- i 1 e e M lt ary alr M AY GO TO 30 CENTS ACA 11u: l 'il t0agaralti h PPs i tttac,-lte aheti n have axie aùua ni ', )mberis thn litn 'f.urti î.gr mli-ti1imAhon It he jue !tls a 1h, h-ai c un u ( taoi âalii. roy - tànille ha. T uw d. h ' 't, orallct d . nbe ii.I wI'uienale groeery bouFec th lb ltoihut-i e 'ingli t l i it.Tr th d wa, r ie I - orqpicl n tu9ar nov for the c anntng -u (i i -l) t- I l le i-i ,e Ci I Wih granulatet] auvar tFeii,, l i Tl:--f 1 r:î a hlîîtt, il by 1h i ,,taiif-ii .are Wonderfui Zt. Anthoaiý itrce-i ranging fro -o t t 25 -î a l t .inii il , iw )îrk iI tii3- SI. Anîtirny wis fite stîit nho onit pounI andi vith un rit r on- ;., 10 1iricortoihu\ii W h sugar li i n vc f , v, 1-e tent-i.ied. Iewî it i rti îlor- the amount the p urehagpr m-e h-. î ,- '21 ui-, lti nov. he aaid. A$ tht-il ce i tr e Ne w Vot k rn lin e, f. . ebh i W iy i t i r,front i Lt- l'inoflnrns iurcat5e Ibis coliiitîoiiity, na til t , la, Yurk rar .ci;froni $22 !-5 il) $2 a aMItinef Us5uilliy 'eliën a man [l- rf lte Pe-ak fi-re Of ni Li,:o i ni .lhiindrî i t uîi Thait oit-arts27 tu -i fîred -v ,tas t--a r St. Aîtriony- [licunti . i l ,it w h tfai, li fo, l etnI -igil a la i in 4t)île-ar ILA J.- :lt Ibt i r . tcare About v.ln eý k.i, Lait i, n *<dI alun t t atrti aiet. Lti-t<d l'ii Innes Dry Goods Co.' WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Store Cloes Satuday et 9 P. M. 1 The Most For the Least But Always For Cash. Store Clos Saturday et 9 P.M.IL Unusual Bargains- In Underwear. Hosiery, Dress Voiles and'Al Summer Goods 1iLot of f Aprons 4 AT -'$1.*49 Summer Voiles Sharply Shirting Madras Reduced 3 -n h W d Now Seling at 3-nhWd 49ec- 59c - 69c 59c per yd. L -NGloves - r. Itt ike up 1 rf iFtank 'SIîerwood, e irut t o tî. titî-il ý((in boyst, atl- t î l ail.1w du eax erien> . ,,!IlitN-. Il bet-hbtîr pacat on 1h- lhi-ik»t-tling stories and givins i1:01 - -- - Overvorketi reporitir-tc. .itîa gtel il in lte ne-ch erk ' go. i Thtis rnorning lie got Un ti i ,zr No. 323 at jde->er's Gret-ni t,1;,- î il15.- o'clock. lHe bad lave tt-nueiýsn big riocke-t but wanted ttt 1),- àî o )1T. low anti lauîi tithe - àî i !In raiher titan work off l I C-jý iti ii fi motorîntîn didnî tddt; t ire lti Uni lýe reporter 20 liunc- 'C10 itt 'îî Iln-i-after one n porter w .À lis. 't tan- firmeti grourh andtilwi . ii <or-'s ronvénoleebu' I. 13en CV, qiegei. main.r, Wa4hî,orrriDeplanItu- n -t- w leRx t- fora Iwoi ve- l-i wek ant i tlt is -r - - : <-fth 0i rni-ha Savinge bh- f)uwe-nt5 i tr-1 n.1, si ntiy lte ->ddte - -Ut foir 5 cents an hotu titi t it- , 1: - tlay. ag-r -il lea truce -, 1--1 , t :î grounds cennmmtte lte , t-È up4 their comp!atIi5 Eariy thi î tt < Mtrs. Jamtes V. galilnî cf Se:, vieiting ber tparents, Mr.antih W. s. auât:l, 1131 Poplar sn'îetiXVIIn Nirs. .Salter reîut-nq born'e h- w 1 t "Cmompani«dl by her mothr - rI.- fiarxeF Home P ar a lui n ltirhorv Cerntr toi-tt'al tri Vt-StCn,;. - - I t T E. Gerai tAnr ihle ctrtenier ia 1-k, utiyuni-tss le !Poun., who don 1t ari work. TIe iuild niz propraliti a on fou lit in Waukon-îu and c <.eiy iini uf a a-erkman S in tirnatiti. -rier«e lg such a dpmand oue-t-ne a,-t noing vlih earh cther for the mBen. Dri. (Cari P. Srnibe-rg of ('hibcagri. organizer andldelegýal.O 1lthe natuonal convenition fl et oýiaIi&ts w-an ne of those seniencedti 1one- jear în le Coty hal In Chicago ila connfectlii vilh thte sediflori trial vhieo lomieed Monday and i n whicb Wrn Broe Llyod atnd uthers wr-te convacied. Il ta stateti Uatt santinerg at tunetinte owned and i tndlitiid lthe -aeside Hotel ai Fox I.z:ke wh ch e-, b dts- troyed lit- rire a year or go augO il in sailitiliai Sanhiig used b lîotd fm- portant iîitecîififke ut his t-owd An aie - . report tbat the e i lii i i - - .- clonedt] toi lite P~aie Of a v,, A knomtn Genesce street confe< li ,.i.i t t t il. lue roprilir nay tbere'a oIt iîîg d I t -0111Y about $20,000 -iinrt n 1îLe dtal, trio proprýetor sud cit-ý-iday. -'Z Mra. l-intl.a Diitantid.at211tt1Û7, 1Alice eofl-I i ,01l. are q.js~iitg jhe jit bt îioilof -iii tatd M t-. lio% tt Att---tf. t u-î,î hnue. fr-it i , t.. -' fîmit watitrr liiL- toun. 'ti o i1- fi,! tu!- ea_1 te. tnît.. atate that1 i -t a gootimre - Tbe fiahtttlttJanti vite la-;. t- t itomle t' i a menthe ' tits nliast nigit homne coni rg Iii'it tn vas litIl in the pariot i of ilite h itist chutrrît in tiaeir honor.a tiii'00pet-t'ir aia- teading. pli - - veralIntmusical IIumbera iii i o ct atdreF.tat ýof velcome fit-titi Vite leda of q-trioi departmpnnt ofîte eiturch. Reti es-t mint.sw-t t e 1t - t1 j tirring th., f yen- ieg. A"BâIstnchietrl tfipoliee 1 'hoe. Tyr i-cll etates tlai lihe rounty aiteuld cma ploy@ one Or Iwo inoturcycie rotin. even though jhe oh ended lîsaitretîs ly 10A lte IE_ýt cre. The tpeeders menace tin iii, iinrryis ceet itorp, seriotis tian'in tîiîî cily. according te Chier Tyrrn-ii, ant i nîtes.e the pt-ac- tire 1l9 broken up liy persistent ai- rente Ihere wil lie ail kinde of trag- tedes. The aulornoi-ile - "alaugitter» 1oeh wveki-en itti aaPlalig ini North- ern Illinois andi Soutîherll WiFCoflain 1record.shéow. IHazardouq occupa- tion s sich ns. nloter-cYcle Policeman cao be covered tI-v eniployers liability r Iaurttnccr-q a 10 -t-tn o the V Mr. anti Mr.t.t. N. Otwetl. et sJaaiuing. id. rflurend honte Yea- terday after vFit ng nt lte boeeof àMr. andi Misi. James aIL Brod. Mr-. 9Olveil aje msiiltnit elaies stiperiniend 1 nt o ofs-onis la Miachigan. aMr-. anti Mrs. S. J. Ctîrlee yuli ai- rive Sunday f romntllooniington. ilIi., le, vieil lheir mon,. R. A. Curlee Becrt Tuupldie ii eýnJoiits i . îi Itrip et Dcii- Itixur. Min». r r. and i lIra. tni}oidrMege ,tiýL i.. and iMiii. Ctefvilotitritge itturaed Monderf elta tîtuxtor tnple Lakeveoti. WIrecunlm . heî-e tItiy vibfted an onle and tîîtnt otfilt. Otat-jenée Hoildg. White 0uit -1ikiti tii rse'tbrries one day. Ilte w-trtteu ik were given a shutit liy Ileeeute smiitfit Ni tiner', in a qxuui à short eitlane e titthean steve Iltynhatal. a6 mendier àci lt5ni.- M gei i i-tii ofWaukegalàanti Nefrt 0Ciiicttgttlis tteri the tIillinois andi Wfacotaln éoËl dealcrVe Meecati0ln -at l3Muivaetkeeia eeh., , > 1 Hosiery Ladies' Bleck Houe - 59c Pair Ladies' Fibre Silk two tone, special this week 1.25 Pair ANN A. J. Carpenter has purchased the ColwelI Storage Battery Company, and will conduct the business under the name of Lake County Battery and Ignition Compazny. This is an OFFICIAL WILLARD SERVICE STrATION -We carry a complete list of parts in stock and repair ail makes of Starting, Lighting and Ignition Systems. Efficient Workmanship -Prompt Service Your Patronage is Solicited LAKE COUNTY, BATTERY ANO IGNITIONMI' 116-118 RMDSON STREET WAiN(Em, IMMUO. Pm111on3 Long Black Silk Gloves 14 and 16 Button Lengths Pr. 98c and 1. 25

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