CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 12 Aug 1920, p. 1

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M IE 60NE; WORK, IHÀRVÀRD RERÀLD NOST Pf ýTFrS'FOR 'i 42ND ANNUAI OF TEMPERANCE COMES OUT FOR ELECTRIC L16UT AND BASKEI SOCIETY TO END SEN. R. B. SWIFT' FOR'LIBERTYVILLE - OF THE L&e C&mty Soidiers' and Joint Convention of The foilowing le taken from the Ten Per cent Raise for Domes- Sweffish - Finnish Societies Hral lierald, and ý xplains that pu- tic Use; 23 Percent Hike in TO BE HELI per's re"onii for outoporting Sen-atoi Wffl Settle Question. il B. Owift tu bis rlice for re-election Power Rate Granted. CM PARK, LIBERTY' & tu the êen&t:Eý iinnauncement la DIRA that a joint -Wilbur Oleau litail of the Orders increasing gels, elect rie light, co a ennon of th e cZý*d1sh-FInnlgh Zto Apostolic Cburch and ruier et water and traction rate@ in 147 towub THURSDAY, AUGt v ;,.n" City, with lis 760 male votera, of northern Illinois, including Liberty- Temperance aoéwciitioti and the Bon- bas declared, war on Rodaey B. Swift., ville, and practically ail Chicago euh- evolorit ARROCiation Vinland of &mer xenator froni this district, be- urba, were iput lifte elfect by the stat* (STANDARD Ica will be, beld ai the FInniph Tem 41"14.4f. of the lattges position In voting publie utilities commission Monday. , i a reaulution te Inveàtigate ZIOný The gant, electric light and waiçi 9.00 a. m. REGISTRATION Bo ppranne hall on UCAIIqtpr avenue, City affaire In the lent leigislattfre, lerders bocateil the rates te bc charg ed Ouests. Veil va will throw the 750 by the Publie ser ice Company et ývaui&egtn. starting August 19, and v wtadiu up Aufflt 22. church vote# hf cent rois et Zion CitY Nortizem Illinois. , m3o a. m. BUSINESS MEETINC there lu Support Of E. M. RUUYard, W&Uke-1 The traction orders applied te the 12-.00 m.- DINNER. Aocording te local Offic0rh &M lawyer, in the September Prim&ry: Chicago andWest TowWs railway éys- wui Il. deifflties from aiment every in the hurle of deteatins Senator Swift-'tem and the Evanston surface fines. AFUM W N PROGE etattili the unionand Indications arf But Senator Swift le whilling te ment The ordors wore, signed by the main-' that In th» total tbere wil, be et jouet the Zion City czar in the fray and lias 1 bers of the commission 1 * t Saturday music-"Amçrica" Gre made formai announement of bis eau- before they left on their vacation. but loo mure delogate& and roeilbly sey- dldà,,y fer the etate.aenate. . 1 Ino annotincement of 1 the Change 1 Prayer Rever eral tim-1; tâtai numtwr of Tfifitors. "Sectatoir Swift bus »rved one terra XI2 Mayor Bidinter of Waukegan in Io of four years In the ripper bonne ut i r"'eo were made until Monday e Music-Selection th, Snringtield, where Ille made a record OePt lu the case of the Evaqston stree t AddreSs of Welcome by Mayor derivpr an addre» of welcome te that bas nover botte equaied in aitimie car lines, which were -permitted te in creuse their faite froffil 6 tri 7 cents. Response by President of Associatic guent., tnd according . te the Plans 'nt respect». For lnst"ee.#be was Dres-: Music Liberty Fife City officiels. the keys of Waukegau eut and in hie &est in the sonate upon. The couimission'a Order affecte LAIb- will hý turned over te the vimitorg every roll rail; attended every seulon: trtyville only ai; te electrie light Ten-Minute Addresses-- and noyer missed a oommittee meet- rates, which je ten pot ent for il during thetr SÙLY. IW. At his, own expenjw he 'viaiteil inestite or ordinary Use, and appr.., For Sons of Vetérans This i- the tiret time eûtber tif thse charitable Institution mately 2u pé-r cent for power or coin- For Woman's Relief Cor ýocIopeý has r held a convention in Illinois, uttrizing week ends tu thus' niercial uqeý Music-Selection la Wauïeg&n and the tact that th, infortif himiieif upon the needs of the Tbe incriasý- eu gas rates afficts saine and la order te art lut,111gentl> uialy the Public ieriicý-- eoidpany iiiii Ten-Minute Addresses - OÉD4,et* .t botti'sýIU tilt to malle Il Il lien ýipprox,)rjaf Ions raille before thei I.iberLyville je supl)li(.d by the North For Daughters of G. A. 1 joint oon..Intion j".je 19 prfflt ronclu- fui action. Shore Gaaieouàpan). Th, iiiieut cas fi.l, tb,.y i)âvý endeaurt il tu' 'That Senator Swift madif a recoid tare incr(,asgýdoes net aIfrctýxhù N Or lil Past Departincrit malle th- local meeting file blgg h.t entities him te another terni If shore electile line. which bat, il wri for Spanish-Atiierican V file lit- de-isird the saiiiü,)ý net dioputed ars le peu 1 For Arnericail Legion )f th. kind evpr belli. Laitit Year bï those conversant wiiii fils services Il un befure the toiniai.s.,IiL 3caevolent Association of Amerlea . to n,.rea.i-, ratts and filet but, noi he4d il,, annutil conenti(,,n ai Pulte. and lie would likely bc file li- n deteriiiined upon, the saine ho;J Music distinction 01 Liu opposition were it nul Inv true in the case ni the North for Oterbeer Voliva, %ho is conaidera. Address Ou- of 01e big fnj,ý thitt Wili fOlok- bie of a political factor lu Lakf county,*Short,. ga conipany. Dcparlinent Coini borate the con, nton ai this ligne le, and wh(i exerciseu bis poyer whenever rhe tient ut, tifs fine, aýe ci electric ille qilupéition of disbanding thWSwe- 1 fille occasion warranta. light rate@ was net centered ripou thut Music diab-Vianieh Teinperanck- asýocihtlOn _The question recurs as ý tu whether issue but upon the portion rit the lie "Star Spangled Bannet and worginr. file entii,- efforts fille Il.ý. voterb uf Douce, McHeury and tition which asked for putting the cobt one doclety, fi) lie kn(,Wll aý thé Ben liki, comaties wili foilow Mr. Voliva of Installation et service upon the evoient Amuffliatiob Vinland Of Ambr* m bis deslie lu defeet Mr. Swift or emaumer. That part oz the prayer Imm, This in due te dit tact thât give theui support te the Lake COUatY 'or the petitionerg bas net beffl grunt- Refreshu« ts Serveg the equntry hué nulle drY and the farmer-aenatur Who bas made g0Odýed, the commission ruling against Il SWOW»h-pinnimb Te.mperanc,ý iis-ocia-. during lits aingle terni in the etAte',, tact. iloweet ihý public service quoi bar, found lta*4f la exiotencel enate. came back %vith a petition aýkinlz leavp Tbe Sm of Veterm of Wai witbout a cause to work for. For. es i 'lWorking wiGi film colitagUts ill.the te modify the Installation test profile, j tbe "-me unpliem the toundation of, senate, whooe intufeuts art in farming 1 continueil Dance in the Aulfitorim in à ibetr order bas been te âght for loin. j Senat0l*,18wift wau able te bring abou ý, sition. The commission perarirp Thé bêlief prévails amongl benelletai legiulation for agriculture iil). filait matter indefinitely. SoWim' and Saâ« nimtwrý4 that il wili be botter for the ; file lit-ate ilis efforts in what waa A ruling If, expecteil in the n,;,t pýff.. 1 kuu%%,n ah tilt! C(>Qperativt mark eti,2g fille re on the North Shore Gas coin geillat(-d witb the teint 1 il directed and iproduced Pany's pet ition and also of tbë NOrth &&ce wx-letir to concentraté thpir pfý t bill were we e Shore Plectrie railwaY company to in forte thi» %,,rk ,r the Brnevolpret 900d r sultn 'creuse their rate$. Jj L nu%% senatoi Swift I, ýù.y on --$139000 DÀMÀQES li Th. corivfitinn will 1q, ride file Ilb I-ike counly tarte barvesting bis grain and louking giter woik that rit, qui& ý il tifs pet solfia) attention. But lie STA E MAY TAKE ÀSKED IN THREE Il ili lak, tile titump aes muon sa prose- ing faim dunes are over and th '! th' ES M. RUNYARD TO votera the Issue» that lnepeait"U eý OVER DIRT ROO SUITS VS. FIRMI senatortal district. That the .te Sen-! là a ' Die te give " sec roue 1 iné; of iiii record et Si Wrn. and Jane Gourley and IAVE SUPNRT OF 1 MAINTENANCE SOON lit not diâputed. He Reka reservatiOD 011 judjmeat until lie cela present bis catie John Martin of Lake Forest P, lie votera of the district." OVERSEER YOLIVA:,,,, Figure Cost of Improving Dirt Lumber Co.. Defendants. il Roads Included in Bond 1 C Three lawauits filed Mmriday inthe Il Tbe liglit lot the nomination for! LEAVES CAR NEAR issue System. Circuit court b., Atty RRIPh 1 Dedy elle rpublicati candidate for state tien- make Williani Gourloy. Jane Gourley, o atur front the Eiglit district, compoëed ,,qýringfild. 111 The division of John Martin of file Nlartin Lumber Co f: ce Lake, Melleikry and Boune Couatieb. COURT HOUSE; RE- L uay.q l, iriN#,Rligating tfir COSt Of ail of the Lake For's? LUmbe" cent a MW ar,ý)wked dý,wn Io a race beteell m.lintnnýirktc, and improveniAnt of the pany. Laké Foreýtý defendants fil a fi tbe »lesent iiièunibent, Senator IL 13 0 rniI-ý,s et dirt road inch'ded in Ca e hich involvý,s a total Of $13.- Il th" stni.. bond jqqur systpmý with 41ilq amag, , the toi c.ý being the re- tîwift ot j.jhe, ty ville, and Eugene M. PORÎS ITS THEFT dw pfflyard, a law)er of %ý'aukegan. For fol, to relieing tnwnghlps of the i suit or a coli $ton between a truck t' wa, a cou- Il ors I,ïil'egiýlatîon will lie iie,ýdpd owned bý file luinber compary and t h0qi 1 an automobile belonging tu George test ' but laýt Attorney Caâeý, 01 1_ ri,ý-r lý, U afflie t. illake il,., plan ef(f,(t v.. lit niak- %4 ho Ilfid kmauuneed liiatuell %loil-la, 1-uh; :,td iýfi ,land 1pu thie aiinOuiirýrnent, ci E. Bradt, W. Davidson. the auciffent occurrtng e us a i-miikdaie. withdrew, and loft Uie Waýb ý,ilierintý-ndent of the division. salit: at Uake RIu1lý Joly 1, of this )est. field tý, -;wift and Rurourd. N, il) 1.1 il h bond iL,,i, law contertipialpti The bill sets forth filet Mrs. David- -;, ( ýj ..T",. son was driving file uai in a no'-tliel'IY Voli.ýý le bittei ag-inât Sý«Atüf Swilt " 11 , ,, ; ,, au ;ýcý;Ouut Of [lis Note in the a roi ilie biilidinx of theysteni et the rate direction 01, Slleriditik jouit. when the N, te tiv"âttgate vouvala varlouis activi- hait h. -Il S 11eli t', Of fron) SOO to 1,600 trilles annitally, lumber conýpany*, *..tick, driven by r tWij In Zion City. and Mr. Runyard la 1 et the conditions whieh con- t;l view au employp of the ficin, damhed out OUI'" of the 'Zion City vote. semator 'l Il. poile, lit une, ind ail ýli -thrir -ont un imIay egpecially as regards of a private Il ghway et, Arden Shore, 1 switt la Weil known in this Part of tu lucilie the siolen cet rhey tranoporialion. ýt liq apparent filial, directly in fro _ nt of the automobile 1 th, county, but Mr. Runyard ma 'y net out a dragnet whicit leluded thie part ut fille plan cannot lit Car- he following places;,ityville CauBing il tu strike the truck. rancit. 4 he »0 wuil imov.-.u te our routier@. We ried oui. ing in serious injury to two ci the 1 Cive below a allort sketch: Nfilwauke". lttorine. iýeliOsh.1 , Zion tie (teparimen k mak- occupants of the automobile. and i Ig. M. itunyard wa.s bOl1lýàMuét 29, City, lAke Foresi, "tiighland Park, ing an inve,*fiý,oion of the cent and practically wrecking th@ machine. 1 1879, un a ferai &bout two mileàý north. Evanston and Chicago. 4 organizatioli used In other effiles for . One or flic plaintirfs le Leora Eliza - weut ci the village of AntioCh, Lakel In oach chy the police wore 'lu"' the maintenance and luitirOvtinent Of beth %lifter, who flied ' met-ely a muni) ý He atended the district plied wiih a detailed descr;ption of their >ýtale synteni praecipe-aakin,- $5.000 damages. an- 1 ochoru. itit@r which Lie entered the Val- th, çar and were aaked te keep a ibis plan te adopted il will mean the other W filet of Margaret Bkillmau pgr&ido Normal School et ValliaraIS0, watch for il, but ail tr no &Xilllil as ný taking oler of the rernaining 4,000 by her next friend, Luney B. judson Indiana. Iteturling ho hi& home, he reports were recelved concerning the mlles of the state bond issue aYotem superintendent of the IAke Bluff 1 ' taught achool for two years, making etolen car. foi, state maintenance. thus telleving Deactortens Orphanage, wbo chUMe elle 1 bia home on the old farm. After anoth. the townships of this wOrk. fractured rib, asking Bilent ai Northwestern T^KINK GLORY FROM THE ..It sustained a or twO Yeats wili involve the grading and $5.000 damages. and Mrý Davidson, Amdemy, Evsnston, bc agala rotumed GRAS& LAKE LOTUS 111ROS dragginr of the earth roadu and the owner of the, automobile, who Claimin le the séeue or bis boyhood and taught reijurfacing of the macadam and grav bis $4,00j) machine vies dataged to une year ai Hickory a" -MW r«r et à year or go ago authorities on the el roads wi the possibleu se Of oit the citent of $3.000. Chajoufl Lake in AnOOCh tOW3WhlP. question gave out Information that the where available. TO put Ibis talc et la the rail of 1901 Mr. RUDYard be- lotus befig of Grass 'Lake, in Lake fect -Id require . patrolm.,tli with ê^YS SENATOR SWIFT MA$ Son a four Year écume ai the Wisem- but three béd& in, proper elluipment on oacil twenty ci' RIONT METHODS IN CAMPAION &hà State Valirernity et Madison. WIS., cOunty. were one of thirty-mlle section, file length de- - fyom the law Soboul In the worid. theother two being lomted' pending on the work lnvotted. il je no new thing for poilitical saillir- = 1ýltè%9. and was admitteil tO ths ý tu Floride, and Egypt. Last week H. B. "Il would al@o includ.- the proper 1 k f hie ,omettre of law in the allaite of Illinois 1 Eger gave out the information that the marking and directory 1319na te sentait ants te 00 te the neirepapers 0 in February, 1906. lotus flowers grew prolifiCally rieur his the travellug publie. A plan or this territory for support and assistance in Deciding tà begin bis Career in Wau- kind would Insure the system beint earryi»g him te victory. but lit in sel- kegaffi' Mr. Runyard efstablisheil an old home tnotbe Mais of Iowa; and irept in the bent possible condition. aura that alcandidate tailles advantagè oMce and soon attraced the attention ricin, comies H. Hendricks, or the firm Eaeh year se tnapy miles sa possible of thç advertising columus ot the ci oider mon lu th6 profession, Ricong of H. Hendricks & Ço., Ingleside, and would lie ImProved wtth a hard sur- thomi belag the late Judge Charlesl et where ho formerly resided face thus rediming eaiâ year the rail- newepapern ait 9enator Swift of the Whitney, Wh :ý ýý.tended Mr. Runyard'gt&teO th m Invitation 10 juin in the law firm ý in the state of Ui»ouri, Dear tlie Feu. if earth malle tij be matiktained." Eighth dintçict-has - d0ue for au bonnet of which, Judge M'httneY W98 thé son- sais liffi.j bout lot mlle. duth ý ilf and -aboveboard pi'esontation of bis ter member. Thuis came lot» existentie Atchima and twelve mpu north ut àn automobile went into the diteh ce" te the votera of the district. tao frirai of Whitney, Dady and Run- near the Gumee blacksmith abop Bat jourd, a partnership, whieh e idsted tmul Leavenworth, the lotus groin, abund" urday xLight. Reportâ bad It àit one ý Semtor Swift la tu be clongratulated lg-. Whitney was elected fin a iplace andy la the aballow-water allons the fr là becupants who wu burt uçoni the straightforward method ho «m the circuit bench. Froin Decouffiber Missouri rived, ttbaing necessary tu rý 4.,11-%tmihar tnjudu but this te- bas taken ici preeent' blis cm, and 1410, unul the tant of 1918, Mr. a4lu-, oult thim béiew thé walter Ilue la thé portoumet be v«Me& là Second au- mmy newfflper publishm wili bâve frard séryed lAke CouatY 98 uldàtmt ' tomobile went lutin, the diteb et the a wuza @pot ta thoir bearille for bluff, *&te'$ attorney. latin faie la water on whieh they latottilliame point baroty m boer aft«War& whgtber t»y enipport bie mndtd«y or empected tu, cet t".. No one la the second car was burt. am.-.Barrtuton Review. L REUNION T PICNIC ýE id Sailors' Association LD IN (VILLE, ILLINOIS UST 19TH, 1920. 1) IME) iooks Open for Comrades and G. ýRAM- 1-30 P. M. Male Quartet front in France, Rome time later being tient bands and orchEstraâ in Lake sent home suffering train shell shock counCy, concert and claY Pigeon shoot R. Cora B. Lane and consequent lapses of inemory. An ta begin ait 9 O'clock, CharnPlonsh» t President of Wisconsin aunt, visiting him, feit that he . htl of countv to tw av.arde(; bifoiro march mlg , ing to picniv ground,, farinera and farc en t' War Veterans - W. D. Lambert better under private treatm - hutiess men's bfiýebaII gante et 10 0' secured an appointatent as his guard-, cIiýck supý-rinteiided t- Thomas Ho- Edward Gavin ian ur consenator, upon wbich he waa gaa and Chi Lacas. who have al- Naval Station Band n;ý1eiuý,.ed by the governmeilt. ready Belect. il (heiý batterie4. and a other paye14 and bencil illen, who in Edwin N. Armstrong ý 't lýB nluallv placil in ïStinny- years gone by were vrof,ýBs-onaIs et nmatider G. A. R. . Il rook sanitarium. tIi,ý gain(- Thete will nWo býé a Pro- Liberty Fife and Druni Corps Tuesday afternoon Mr8. 0»1)ùnnell. Lessional bawbail gaine in th-, lifter- Naval Station Band acconipanied by Marshal Limberry noon. and the Rev. Father Luttrell, drove ta , 1), 0. Thoiiipon, tcrelary of the Long Lake, where they were joinEd Iliinoiq Agriculturai Association. of by Repreaentative Tom Grahain, the Chicago, han promisea ta have nue of A on the Grounè the be4t national speakers on band ý,)art), then proceeding ta the nanitur- ai Il o'clock, who will have a helptul lutin. Here Mr@. O'Donnell exhibitedi laessage foi, b,,th [armera. baginess. paper4 showing thit aile liait been ap_: and profefjý,jonai men. aukegan Camps Will Give a PoInt-Id coïsservator of lier son in tb.ý Banlierm, lawýers. law maisers, and the Evening for Benefit of place of her sister, qýhen the Young! alliera wIli be on the speakiag pro- ni As»càtion Mau was placed in the eustid of hùs i gram. Judge l' C. Edwards, judge p. Iý,,p.rý 'Y . ûnB. Senalor Rodney B. mother without ceremonY. ailier thau; S«iftý A. Bill th. and Others wul the adJustment of sanie financial diffi- i speak. culties. They retiiineil ta LibertyvilW Highpoweréd autoinobiles will race INSPECTOR.STOPS and on Wednesday arternoon Mre, and rhere wili lý.- contesta for 2. 4. 5 i neil and hf-r son Thomas left for'théir awl 74 p",eiig,.i car-l. one mille duh. i home lu I»troit, the lady expressi . ng, standing start Thim race will lie gratitude ta the peo»Ie who aqaisted open 10 ;lit lalo. Collnty ellitraills. FÀRMERS FRON I'hýq-e Is an1jlý ,parc for the-park- lier in her difficulitels. illic or ail cars At Sunnybrook the doctor in charge The yoting ioý)irace will dé- NÀRKETIN6 14ILK charge denled that Mrs, O'Donneli bailli, cide the championhip for the coucity, been assaulted. and stated that the! open ta ail coinerm, miiplsrjntended by InfiPector Z. L. Blaiede . 11, of the de. only retiqson alie and the manageai Aretue Taylor. Thc wonienle and partinent or heaith. CitY ai Chicago, girl% footrace will ne in charge et' falled ta reach 'an underatanding was' loaeVhin, Foster who bas charge of thls territory foi, that she neglected ta ishow the neceq-' There will be a ilag di-Ili by the the tentinK-of milk ta bc shipped ta sary authority upon demanding the re., school teachers and schoIarý of the Chicago, bas been making things hum ln this section of the county. liesse of the Bon. The son Ili a bright countý, ýuporilti hy Nlis8 Nellie Liuring the Past week lie bas issutd looking yourig tuan, and it in Delaney. ®rder8 prohibiting thIrteen tarmers, bc will soon recOv, r, from lits afflic. Fiage Il be lurnidhed b) the aâ- train the vicinitY of Grayalake, ArW frociatiol1w;l, 4111 Partieipanqs al the and"Libertyville train marketing inlik' tion lipouglit on by hie wounds while; grounds. ta be shiPped ta Chicago. The-.milk 1 ln the ae"%'ice ofL . Tqcle Sum, There will Il, other cýents, roo nuý - lias ail been brouglit ta Libertyville, nierouâ il) mention. Ta niisia this and delivered to the Yore Bros. bol- tling Plant, and PrePared for ghifinient. prograni w1l be a Ille-lung regret; to the Chicago market, LÀKE CO. HERD AT why -be. . ýad the rest of joui days? In ail cases the lnsPectoi- found au 1. ('orne, and banilsh glooni. excess of water, and in sev( rai in- HEÀD Of AU IN f stances the mijk did not contain th., requircd ý)er cent of butter fat. 0£-FOR-ÀLL ÀT The order against thesp producers will rtniain in effect unLil countel, STATE ýN JUNE, nianded by Mr. Blaisdell. Liu PETITE V ÀS One ci the men named in the order, i Cows of Lloyd Ritzenthaler' IV !Iff residing in the vicinity of Grayalake, bas tant hie right ta seuil any milk .1 Stand Highest in fAilk Test Chicago, and the order bas been made ý of State Associations. Permanent. This jn the fourth titille, p a,.. - : Sheriff Green Calied to Qued a the milk brought ln by him bas been! Lloyd attenthaler of Lake county 1 found ta contain tac, much water. He nie ownj% the berd of cows wbIcý Young Riot afbr Const" imn only oeil hie milk locally. lu ail et;ýd et th. bead of .11 herdis la llli- Gets "Cold Feet" (?). the other elques this la the tiret time note cow-testissig associations la June. mllk bas not bas toi standard. Hia elgbt pure-breg Holstein» pro- M'lien Jov Karas, and thiet eMý The» men verte amillwing about, al dgced au average of 1,418 Pound@ of passions, 1111 Chicactre, men ea»t« _ýw.T et Lake Petite, salit nqmethingýaboe thoquand pomun&blot Inflirdally ta the nlltlk (about 167 gallons) and 66.3 Yore Broqs. P, on accoussit Of4l)ounds of butterfat during Juste. tir a 4uniaged au««Ooo the abortage of settlIng fi Ik at this time wili i The sissit highest herd was that of. fonder. for iirbieh thpv saki assissi matertally M ilthe output of the Clay HoIstuseler of Stephenson casse- Chicago iuan wan reispýngble becoffl local, butubg plaint. 1 ty, whieh averaged 1.484 pounds of the latter ran lut vith a truck, the The Illidefflillent au the nanies of lnemotrued tu the men against whom the order was milk and 49.9 of buttertat. vrnird will M The bignelit cow for June la a pure. M@ttling With finta,.Md a troc-torislit lesUed, but on accolut of the tact that bred Holstein owned by Bort ý Roque .4tart@d 911"aY fttterOM th" Vi It las the tiret biteuse, tbey will not be e Printed. Herisatter, howeyer, when an or Lake eounty. She produced 2.882 quimd thi ®rder la issued prohibitlng anyone pouds of milk and 40.5 pounds Of but. LMMer Green and hi@ dePutY.-ý.'I'RV.b trom marketing milk. the names wili terfat. (iriffin. be printed. Ment the consumer of The man who drove the tru«-Wu milk la forced ta pay 16 cents a qu accompainied by six Othar OU V&qIqý for milk, and that milk containi.11ra, NAVY AUTO BITS .- hargéd wiib jouit« m *0 liberai aupply of water, il la a little grand mlx-up. But sisvesil "à t» . stèep, and this business should lie qseat oliiig for four and witon t». istoçped. This practice lm an injury ta 1WINNETM MAN CeK of t'attle elea"d Karu Ma , the farmer who, la bonest, as West as ln m" eýýe.'PAniOn8 ver@ pietty weu ilissi the consumer. Hari. * v NI, Butter. weatthy Mar- %àp A "riol cilli' wam sont to Alitté*; i i rhatil of Winnetka and Highland and Constable Pelter la qMid te 19» Why People Buy Rat-Snop in Prefer.' l'aik wax -eriously lisjored MoDday staried for the %cassis, but film hm b linet ta Rat Poison . niglit when thp antontobile wh'els be, 1 goi wind of the dlaturbUce, eholdM. (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely killa ratn vraa driviibg was lltrtirk by a recriti hin mInd and auggeeed thet thtr MA 1 and mice. (2) Mat Il doesn't kill IL (,ar tire, Great làtkffl Navat Station th-ý shprIfI',ý Posse. scartaist away. (3) Rate killed with apernted by lm, M. Hcndrtekil. Karas initiait ta Ajatiook &M bol$*. 1 AT-BNAP l«ye no salais. they dry The rêeruiting car. viril W" JuSt4ce lftftacs. Wheu Sboriff 11111111101M 1 up timide. (4) Made la cakes, go Ill shapied in the fortin of a submarint, and tqs deputy arrivait the oputr,* 1 lng with other'food. (6) Catu or doge chaser, eollided with Mr. Builpr'e car was ove r and they wwe abb 40,ne , swazi touch It. Three alliez, 35c, sifie, titiller tli.ý "ortltweb;tütn vladuct In up only two of the en« à= r $1.25. Sold and guamut«d by Dock" Highland Park. Mr. Butter wso tak- Marts. They gave tlàedr B&'@« «1ý' Dmg Store and flebanck ildw. Co. en ta the Highland Park Hospital. Tom CumbÉbm WIL w1si11wiý ,iiù the, *eât ýt doira ta r«t Liba diemaed bouse about te pone. Kra. had no sSngr rhen- he glane. and 6ew hie exProsalon on down the rt. moihers aâ. her b.;de, ho ovtry that bar i summoned a thing posàible out sUccfý,qff a« pnyBkian pro- a briêf examJ ru ln Gormany nerica twenty- had livid id ty-thrce years mn ln the vi- d by the lot- ýouth Park ave rilliant Cluerin, hilng. Wads- g, Evanston; iukegan; Wil- ýan. She aISO ýhfIdren. iold an inqifflt i. Rahling to- ho Witite and a will ho an- ed I., wil 1 be re- inie at a ver7. iÏe $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVAM VIDUE XXVIII.-NO.33. 1 reat Lakes Naval Station Band erend Gardner A. MacWhorter Male Quartet Hon. J. B. Morse ion P. L. Austin and Drum Corps, Waukegan - - . Charles H. King )rps - Mary C. Stewart reat- rices :e or àrel id"Y $670 .a SW or d- $388 a Seai $700 i Seal bn at$620. DEP-,ENýD -NT LIB --R-TYVý"L p Lake County ýe Big Weekly W«Uuin tmntyCmbWd WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LAKE COUNTY INDIEPENDIENT LIBERTWILLE, LAKE COUNTY. RMOIS. THURSDAY, AUCUST 12,1920. NOTHER SECURES DROP EVERYTMNQ; RELEASE OF SON PLAY AU6. 189 IS FROM SUNNYBROOK, PIONEERSI ÀDVýIR Satili'da) or ULSI mi, kieien'All Day Celebration at McCar. 0,T)onfiç.ll, w110 foi a iluilibel nt ýèars1 ty's Grove to Eclipse Ev hw been engaged in editorial and erything in County. repoitorial work in Petroit, Mich gari, Erie, l'a, and Other ciGýâ in the ea8t, E% erything ri ý,ni clay arriyed htre, making the Newcaatleý and races hotel lier stopping place. The saine, r. i ýý. harl anj oicit,ýstri) con- day she visited Long Lake, but it was certs. fin(. 'lin1:ý ý. à1l'i ho. sides a huiidýeul and crie other fortins not until site 4ecOnd l'lait tO that of entertarimpri-, wili tenture nt the placé on Sunda), that ube revealed lier, grand ct-lel)iatioli ond ýijskq,ý pirnie buRine.4f;. Upon lipr r(turn on Sundav k. C jun'y pion -r sh-, jpvok.ýd tho, aid ni- ';%Iarëlial Làm_' ! :"', :' tion or Wad',worth, in Me. j C,'irt%"ý (;roýe. \Vtý(1,ýsday. August berr) (0 appireliend one of the doc tOC2 lb ai Sunnybrook sanitariuni near Lobg This ),.oniibes to bý ont of th, big- Lake, alleging that lie lied assaulted gest cvents of the ,,aeon and ove", ber. Injuring one of her limbe in th-, body [rom awners of l'ackni-ds toi aItcicmion which ensued. The mar. Fords, surrey pa8f*tige:-. to horse bock ridera a invited tu g an4 in"e shal informed her that she should a day of It. tRking a wall Mlled basket make a co;nplaint before a juédiCe, It will be One 01 the r--al Old fRshioD- Beek the nid of the etate's attorney."r' ed country picnics where evei bod It seeme that she had a son an In- will bave a roilicking good tinie. '> g plenty of more.serious entertainmest mate of the sanitartum. The youn for those interesied. The main obJeet man prior ici the war was employed In la to go everybody tu laite a day *ôtf one of the banke of Detroit. Wben and be there, the entertaintuent in the United States entered the world diersified so that lhere. will be %%ar, the young man enlisted in the ocimething lor every :raon who at- the tends. . :Ouu try's service and. wen t to The program includes one . of - 1 the luir at $116 at 98.75 ,oat 35.60

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