EAIGHT VOL XVIIINO.- PRIý 'oI0Rtm 119 BUL NWR(Oý IE M1400 FåIR9 FARMER PUPILS unReIaALadmke wothW A N T A -D S TRIAL IN 1 going o "c0N R0AD; LIKE IT ETRTI ET CA AV OURS ENTETrs ENTCmN1buV RATES- 10 Cents par Lien, Eachlinsrtion. COUETH G6ET STEADY JOBS FIXED TO SUIT ·*- - 111,, n ir- n n a1kaee ntr-tat irPlns --- FO CtytoR SALýF-3 lots in Area, Improved WANTED-Chamber maid waitroe 1ndictment etrned Agant onli -Two cion Youths Ask City to Tremendous, Season. Principal Keller of thë Waukegan with cement garage, frame barn and for smaillhouse. Telephone 1503 1,007 ofuTeayunty e rn teoe asi,hec arc. a Pu Te-o RadWrkRih cooihs aehupfolm-dwelling and work shop combined. AI Highland Park.. 29 on te oherhan.si: c a whch ediate consideration the point rais. real bargain. Aise 2 lots 133i150 with Farm Bureau.and in sefincor pothaàtno- s tedyJo.ed ny farmere living in waukegan lak. righis; fine location natual NTED-Menor women to take )r , and a argin of¡.rolit s ynoughTownship that the daylight saving sae drssJL rigAre.t fIerlmn red n egbr Ali thre id, nd scrub bul i nlime to equip the tarmi properly, 1 orthe mnufin aranntehosr Take County. .-0 of tte-em1make .0h, wcork easer and give the cretsy','l.,ion sesto ha%, some --time even for a few weeks as ap. g guantdboo. gr ne nitlptn-tcalef arm hboyi a reail incentive ito sia% 0onattnetions forit 1,ast to w Thisyear will he the top-noteh yelar; plied to the high school will make al FOR SALE--PAIR AI RW ullnsfrmn oe n h are~~~~1.11" uneiniteto lieo tefr.hsa ,, 1 n he eiy foi-r -uiM 192Q0 ill break alt recordg. That In very Inconven ent arrangement for QXFORDS. SIZE .AWL L LLdren. Elimiinates darning. We pay hg rderceny. hey arev accused ý Thertide al il ei tn nc %w v n ot" dlninni the prediction Of .te management eft armers how aewrigudrsi-CHEAP; TOO LARGE*FOR OWNER. 50c an hour for @pars time, or 124 for havig nrbed ake ount far ie A Prairiiamrrpæst e to te had woked atf thef1r ires1the Kankakee Inter-State Fair. Again .ADESBX36 IETVtE ultm xeineuncsay Jf sums aryiling ltroll arsfew iolla I,1,cenlltyi e onat uI n 1 i Carle d Behrnd w- fu: i dtu p-,preparations are in thle ming for the dard timne. Write lOXternational Stockinfo Mille ni;ikaty iiii wha th seùly butlt 1 d Tuteroale onit ad tirfu. to 1in this NM. Keller statesthlat unoder the FOR RIENT- 11-room hot.se, stean to evtera ,losand dlarost ea. c seI Tet ybHen -w hi oaleepston g eated furnished or ufurnishred Nrrstwu, P.-·1 IL -~~thka o-oo ouimerr t ev i, ko,1t llery :hulll F on.à Pil 111 rodue a ttraction whieh new arrangemenit of inrollment tinu liged t t s tkpla ore h s er e rSm tnw nh m insGb c na·Inquire con the premg-ises of 3Mr1s. jPeae bateis saidta imiloar robbrgies - ai. limiberoth1ers lid :il ilb, rens tok t'elterntie fte: h, In variety and breadth of interest han the High school the coming ie.hloJon leousge, Citizens Bailik. AreWAT Ctnra;apy haule bee herptrtd n are ds ami a iw were lseen id ving lhadt workpd oui fhis fin( lhe derided no equal. Ibelieve.s it will be possible to ilaragt 33-tf atTheInd-Cependgct onfi$;ce. e te for theps0 ers. e b ie w ,ke Michigan. IHe dit]. lhow%- gthalthlik d tire work ,o wel th:a, The beautiful horne show, the ont- for silud(enits who11comle to chol frlm0-1- TetindiCotmentswrea td yteeer aicceed in-gengrin nt;K rvi(e pijgddfor- steadyv;wor1k on ai 'door free,@circus withlits Indnite veri.thecutydsrcstewl-o ATDGO IR O E.Fl AEHue n osa e etvecmittee of the Lake with r'. Knot Hed, ttn yrorihle utar ocale and got it.. Then alontey facsanItrllrehecea.haetocoetoshol tsuhan ERLHOSWOK. O AN- oab( rce ndeaytem.Ld County fr mirbureau ti tslielast miet- LG.outy Scu«Bll' inFOR Ch SMComik n ,dsi ttaoivugcpgbilteagrcutualoRiWRKnW R EeYtMS.wneusin1 et ing. Information was presýented by He ad Mr. iliad sitting in rthe dr ae Chri haditbeen L oknitridasr nfulolive stoc, nn enHbhoull, theirclseswiri MTHc63NOlGNSE TRET---- C o u n te A d v i s o r W . E . W a t k i n s t o s a a g odbr y b s a e " na i d wit ý a s u n g w i h j o o c r o wn d s , p u t p r i o d ui n g t heea r e t p r O K O K E S . 9 A S i u t n how that about two-thirds noftit- h Lof ok.s ie w'eu a ne was ý, l- a rres. n l, t ro-n t f ie 1 Areprs o hs wnefl ntt-o.h rig1rnteatron A K GA .P O E95 f l RS LE U oc eiec farmers of th e county were having 1 oi fai , IlI ! ol ,, l o to ay his unirl, and pre toantogethers hey ae t h m st Acc jlý ornlin ordnie tt ae hi W ¯~ ~ ¯¯ ¯¯NE McKnILlev4R 1 A v le. Mr ime s. .t tèu ula heirpocetspiced y g adeadsmlyo- at n rex onaroiwlito work yhiit til Aft kunique and popular fair In Amerlen. situation Mir. Keikidesiresto have IF YOUR PRICE 18 RIGHT flist your -- - senth bulls, and that in this ~~~~w wen we get in co L i' i Ui, oin , li-h to ish 10 ha ned in id frn wt .H eeit 2 .F R S W N Ek-rngr Bo thefe frmers ere being robbed of to do like aill aye--talk ia ltot t anw thlie conclusion thaet e % woi Vent Crowd. that Wil o om alfi h a imUticSt WatI. egned11 29-2t ,17 N. D Nearon t Cia mont of their frni pro lis. The co- 1noting adkl1ieut fja rte oko h ra n e te' E ey eat et o h ar i l end iln o!thein(ýaes io th da , e can Bno Igitten unanimously voted that thegets disgustlange il.n it lraComisson irEe ron il.! Thomp n its elf ariceent. Anydepatearange the periods accordIli. 29-2tingly74 . eint earbo bfr St at al offenders mut answer the hargne e ts T e w isgue ata lot i i c -nan lissasie pl t t a lowuld atractnthuany d fp eo".se hilenther ewillb o nl t hcreg o T-A ra des bo, ona ig tm s.fyuwih oslcal rwr e befors e a jr f arm tesedfdrecthedwon't care and imy clients a i n %O wok today ant'd got I1..1H0 sta! ied off ple. But the great number of depart- weeéks cor so for the" &onfl et i o i e lothing, lost on Milwaukee Ave., fihema. Phone Central 8148 11-24t Watkins oppretekcs ortecape that way."1 thin lorno.: with his dinne ipail. mente furnish an appeal to every type. nreteesM elris of th.e the-nerJhR.TopnfamFndr- poecton Bt ayay tescu ollcsean il eciv ul orma pyThe management of the Kankakes 1l-f that there ,quets which;mit lplease cal Libertyville 260 M-11. or no JNION HOTEL FOR f3ALE or e -x- CONVICTING -THE SCRUBS promises to Lie aone oi the tuo>j iinte inIlreceiving his ,personn; effect ne-SaeFir nemtepo cm ntohv hie ol oar myteThmsnFr.i31 hne o amlnd1odbr e atdngreverar:edi n aeCony wiheshdDe aenimhtwe rsIve leadership of Len Smalit, has range as tu avoid tis dillwculty ofanshd;agoha;2½ar f "liWer grad and rub bul mus nrretd. Chrs hdapca lenkept close to the people. The Fair the farmnera would no, es ue ORSL-pigpgsadHlti and adj; oinig nhell r âereandnic be~ ~ ~ ~ ~~nt covce, noehaeteevrrt t e g !"aad islanot promoted merely to have a fair, ous but whiat he could handie the bulWIsinquire of A. 8. Wilkinson, grvysd;2 ie rmCiao ceIto" cr'as on n.C SA X O PIIO N ES W ILL - gW but for the 'purpose of entertaining, situation nicely f lie tn. , us, %w!,i Lake Villa. Phone Round Lake 19 .M6 1. on Milwaukee avenue; al h rd roads, and thie evidence lisesooverwhelm- 1don wa,, rnt.m1 doit owam .educating and amusing the people. dîme they would refr mNg. -33-Plt aitway toe he k n L be ila. ing that we believe nmany of the(-cut- C N IiET 0 N a--- --- Howeops dsi li%. aI ps-IRAEibletateFOSAE-codhnhaywrklios.2t tslvsurrte nerand. thr ow ithe- ,sIceet had a salutory effect. The KankakéeeFair will thisYsear1sugget on madetfarmibers andthre ORSALec d anmih elephwoklne is areveson"hemeyor th ossb.IluanWe -open on Monday. August 16ith. Fromi subsequent comeback by l'n-neipal 12.ilRound Lake. 33-2t ES tsi Teidpnet arl firet or that po ss-ii.iy andAN J ZZ then until the cloue on Fridaty, Augusvt Keller may bring about a better a- I ES tei h needn willy indeis that nolsrt-heatst stym- - 20tC R OW'-h, I1p. m., the grounds wll be P urraneentfothe-farmners permanent --- ------ juatiterfr wt the eeiy o packed with crowd, trobin. th ly fihan in the past. The point raised FoRi SALE--One Paige car, five-pas- just ll th ei hrband a good milany Judge Edwards Refuses to En- 13 JOy n eteme. by the farmiers against the dlaylighti egr clne, is ls od old ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ji offnder illno outofde roancee iin front of the mammoth grand savinig schedui loi- irerene to their Gn n ee a agOunr the ID6utetand seek to escap', Justice stand the warmly fought heats of the, children that they cannot get hoired lon;e et,50ub. angy;e, Whueel. in tht ehv oc o. Hall at Channel Lake. horne races owill be een. « the p o v kn ge ly nts and there- e,&Wison dropheoe&at o ten t d e t c t \ e s a t w o rk w ito w ill 0 B . O I K Sfi u lta n e o u s y w ith th e ra ce s tassist iep n dth e fa tl r ior T h e r fo e . l p o nk15 t i ey i e 3 a - round up e y e r a ad - -a 'a hecaininxaeoe oninde-peplcwllbetrateitoaprgrmG. heboA.hveto mie o chola the proper im e. e p e l of et cu a d au devi te a p o r m a s s i Tacai g a atio, eachde afe ai d . h fo , p ji n 1 5 I L b r yv l 3 All the favorite hiding phws .-and 1I( ded %victory tincircufitcour( %V a u - r13a-eyorsesfokswhlet e-lin vuea lchose.eca of anhe or ealu co n o i e t eoie NOTICE haunte of the thieves havýe Ib .n catait kegan latle %Mondaysafternoon whienlot of the H. C, L. baHloon tion v ed su ri aheoebcneority teyaie lhving it woufld o njIthe NTC logued. and our detectims et t. grai Judl,,Edwýari,, denied a petitionmask iover another >ack of battant and sends pAbr1 afosesowoe t arner th, suof thetirson«, eorne Kankakee Fair to Stage Mam-. Ali offacerts audebr ftet fiteml all onafew hott's notice. Iingm for a wrt of injunc-tion enjoin- the old sausaige up anoüther nothi. Aplethemorstido--ll ePtateNswcith Mirm.Kderara ngtomtmEet-enedy, CunyinerA ricuturaeAs"ckt 'The jury owill lbe a,ked ito recon- Iin, thre operationi of a dance ghal] oi thlîe milk distributors in Waukega n N) ihM ,lr d Hn i ohEvn-ensay oit lone giUtUa nul, aiderthl- facts careluly and in find t j outshreof VChainn1 l l, Friday aitia meeting named the pricel of the afternoons performance.Hers'; hae th,-l ei school.pmod Iplannu-d me . g1gito o-aswri.Th i clba tvery (on- oith,ýe deendann- g> uilty Charles A. Phelps. Frank (.,,Karýtg or nullk ior August, iSepteinberuand Ilthe highty-trained harneau and saddle thaot th- y will not haýeve t to ts 1eh ieuO ad bSketh'plenig beld on On aill cunts charged in th.- ndir- t- n Nlc>,. Adelaide Glennon, ail of .October. and the price per, quàr, wenthorerm the et @tabes tonte u can mg ain thi TebigstRpulca etTgth-ied nedayugst 1, in McCartysl o ment. Eeu radeandscrb bu whm on an ocupyprteýntiou- dur .15to tu16ce.nt, with pint gogu te ibon ad oey ofeedbthe thusth e m.evn tien aler tee uigth rmraapngdilOoe o h iljs ars h ie is charged in rthe ind etmnoits with -11baner 1hom71C-nearby, valued :at up- IIfrom 1 u, 9 vents. teaink adir rffrd yt e (ýtr, nte tandard e in alt.obreer e dat the Ktank ae ntSait w es fWdwot.Big orb gra d laey. hIgh ayr-obe. pirk ward, of $50,00,GwrevheneswhnThthesonas ivn bath deler K kth.e.t edivAe8t ing pockecs . burgKy n meze ogtthe injunction. The lpetition j-ou July 1 thre tarmers advanced Werd@eOrnatent OUtdoer Entetei e h e bian ro ue oe ftir et Weilfilled, as It la-the wish of the inent. was, fought by Mr. and Mrs. \\il[!i-un teprice of imilk 55 cents per- hun- tainmient. sctim 3<e T it wouldovethe a>y:e t-102 cunies rnteyofnllnoofil a the Asoatnthtliigesndbd ..The posecution will laok for the . W Einch wh"0oducite dal t Ihll dredl poundis. Thre uistrib)utors he Iih el een ai ha teKa-e:l hi ou ld eil),, the y <e ssb toys are well povieor.alsodbring .,amoe penalyin alle case aentnce i tuest[on laisedtheipice ofquartfrom14ofokakee Inter-State Fair in the World's oecmnao colwee, pJ Big Round-Up. alreetack ob evdwt of neyea i th susae acpr,. at-h clttr adZlamb.guol1)letebutcotinedto)el th GeatstOutdoor Entertainment. It sibily ip thle pasnt ithas been neces-1 For that day Len Smail, e&t icecemdrn heeeigetr ztIls. ut on u>i-era g sire tue (f- f marhpalule u o ts at 8sets. on thre drsetofleads in the qualit o is ehiit; t sryfo tuemiobegnethentn ofth bg epoitonawlletae- ali. bt cnsierig te ntur ofteru.- laughter and'thle 0ar Of ar- ;August the producrs again raised the is nsurass f inits etertainment. dor open ru.amm-ý- je Oth roundupstof lortGandOdgimn.Cutsae andntoa th rime ;s rcomted w.%e e o eelrya inand epating oteitorot and ric 0 etTprhudeeeesi weed o flgut leth to Mtile For Instance il tney, do not have Part. It will not be a tlkQîfîtOr speakers will le prenant for the occa- thasor.itu lie erer. a ve every ansutiiomoile eies ro:Mby h emMtirtating the incre ased retail price, whiolh the week of this mammoth Fair tuobe In class quntil t leven o'clock It a forrnat receptin, but will be a large n.WatchL for ptesad prorm reaon o elive ha a onietonlluber,-as charged by 'he erti bcmsefctv toc. h ieleaves timne for him to asist his fa- get-together for the purpose of having IL 0. BROWN. (,T! re nt to h u hneny n pe f ac thrioo th.0 eprhdursaewr eceiving i NIEWSPAPIRS GIVEN CREDIT. ther on the farni up to a g.ven ltime a good time andgetting acquainted. CHARLM ALCOC. Preident. 3.70depersdere thounds- il prior to that hour instead of coli- There WIll beuno speeches. There wLill Th, vienewhich Watkins 1is de .heie e e ertoo teor frloid for at least three nmonths. IL is Ln ma itev ng rig, tehusai whl a.t e mets rersee7inthecoutr aendig up n siniegtluywa idviaTepeitoer rntedsae hyrgr tepeetpie -conflict of times Mey have seemed It will constat of all the depiart- muotd asr anintetigaionofserlda fidavTe ,it fom er resort- das the peakr;for a year. in an Interview with Leu Small, raller hard on the fr.iimer ais ýeas. mnso atarclua ar h scrub ulosf th:oug hesanyeeiliers :n the neighborho)od. all of which The samne price obtains in Chicago, Secreary of the Kankakee Inter-State fly seen now, how, with the mattler 1t. an l bavat elwth exellear.Tho- h r J vte rd. o the oners bthwer edr tended to beiar out their contentions with the exception that the deálers Frair, hg' was aked what form ofc up for cartful conoideration it may obarehrns an ofild att rle theep --- werade Commienrî.,aswnder hle - nil .threhaerase1pnl P1 cntpublicity had been found most prodlo provlea lasting benefitetothe mnn we; ntLaeto ndnsawrie n e r lac- . Ote othmer oandav its, solAe nta f9a stecs ee ieo esit h r a.gsihadfiut e.swIne, poultry and farmaproduct ex- PISYEtA in ecouthe real mtIiiPuld] ront ra nuber hoaf ertedtha Retailers Say They Long". fHe replied: "We have tried every ting help to run thirfarms blbits will be there in gret numbers. Earl C. Morgan, Paator uds secrete otatraon I pai<litey were not annoyed by the pres- Officiais of the companiesi declar*ed known method of advertieiag. tuno far The crowds wlill be entertained by Sna cola-0a..RyE las tr.e t arn e e ll at nui- nLce of the dance hall-in fact they that wheras the dealers pay 50 cent asupossible, results have been carefull' OUDBE"SMT-IN bK" on ecear agnient sé onemna cac t1 a,.RyF ofcos iledduin te ea.enjoy the music of the orchestra. morewZpe 100 poundlos, the advance is checked. 1 am win tot say without Preaeh SMTHN IE"so. h oldslning prerucicesat 11 a. m.pt 4erinofatcowsmleddn the ear Other affidavit, were, presented fromt only 1 cent a quart for e-ach of the hesitation that newspaper advertising ln outdoor attractions. Vreperin service at Ia m. eta ta in m aksesthep e rag . rhc-- eiu peuple who told of haiing vIs;Ited the forty-six quarts which 100 pounds of 1 yfrte et trace h e-WireltessTelephone Nothing tae nvensImortnt vene.PrsTopic h e r 1.m.oin.thois sepraedino lase sowngth pac ad avngfouind i ltatml otain. Thus teysy 1he le. Itfeisteadot.at leise.hepBe oe Mn es:.PrteImportancavattac toParac ticotby Rev.Ermon."Morgan -average production on farms 8where ocouldobendesired.e·fooseM4ncents.plookrto therpaperrnotconlytforenewe, thecRepublican Day.at theCKankagan the herdâ are headed Iby purebredcetloktthpairDt Addit onal affidavits were 'present, 'Oe. recent controversies retail deal but for Information on amusemnents.'An ththa hewil F ir, d u o t et theKn Sall EHOiTEP8OA bulls, by grade bulls and by seruited to s how 15(tthere laanothh lfic e uchsaeodeli e8 cngs asrso i1am convinced that .Knkakeredit o Anlton h e o i e m troaiewilssFoir,25dyearsthe secretarothen igagi- RUETC.F.KDIhuEPStOr. uloon as t·he figures twere avait- liaNing been éestablishred there before mtilk fromt the country to the city con. ht b e otepaes co eehnethafaanrnn carry re a n or «,inatcandidate for Sna cola 0a .Oog cOleonoir 00fain, atingd e l p IetitionerIiltter omssumer and leave them a profit. 1.inthe.aro.nd in hl@ hat. There will be n-. heRpub.ic.in ominaettfoSupt. a.ble.on oe s e 00 arms, ata ns e-there. Under the new agreement witl. the ingly we take ·liberal space ohrteehnei ishmfundu enrofIln.s i mn ntu orning wspat 1 'lc.8r vi cioet n he ery e t lal h uge E.dwaors tto kt poitin milk producers, they will pay approx- h Everoge 'rtththe one Inside of hig hat. and Balticfriends plan to make this y SndySholat1 . . wt al cims n hecleda s h ta h hd o igttogrntansi-imately 8 cents for each quart of nmuk. 1, the result will tw that theomans ie leggest event Inhl@campa gn frclias So er ae. V0sator.,in thea mked the garmi bureau e (cncomruncinunesa jury had 1heard th, By training the refaiH price to 16 cent. urgare recetpts. wife cenn talk te himl wherever he the nomination for govrernor. They ilagfeeecay iit. inth mentte4) tretrnalthe'inditmsi adcs ndhl ht h lc wsaaart hystl av h ensma hwhether il he his office, a IllcmfoI, adnaritn Morning worship at 11 o'clock- iSer- ,oeoedu.p,46thutila.c in ensurta nu h isa er, margin.oH AD ITS BIRT H IN RIDICULE street corner. àha algamna or aon nominatng him by a handsome ma- mon themte. "Vacation Responsibil- shwe 146 bll o te 1ars f The fivna. lurC ontas reee ny Collect 4 Conte Extra, church. 1ori .ty nSpebradeetn i ties." Lakte Countgy. most 01 thremt being of attrsvrlhuscnue in thel;.i n raising the price of pint botiles This is a One t--ig indeed. n by a greattlend in November. Community Vesper servtces in Cen- iairy breeding or claiming to be of imaking of argumientd. fromt 9 to 10 cents,,they have an ai. Explanation of Frequently Heard Es" may reny ynbe conalderadda ltep in r1al park at 6 p. m. The aeov!re these. 456 are puretred. 654 grades i-- lowance of 6 cents out of which to paý pression ",Glving Him a Roland îadvnne ht i ho tepwInes ilsn r.Ncol ill furnish and 3,.3 scrubs. expenses and seebure a profit. On for an Oliver.,,of teewortlaremlooking for,%V g l'h akkeFi Poie h ss gMus ic he Rev. E ual C SCRUBSSTEAl.LARGEOUMPOSIINevery two pint bottes sold, according --fwtveot world a okutre.kigfr SelrAtatin "a i e rtemsae T e records of 1,111 cow s in 65 t o the 8 cent overall tat .em en t, they T he e Pre sion ' A R oland for n as s to e hi gth a w l helitee ph n o ne -- eAt a c io s ,M o gnty s et i ver othie o f h8 er mwhre tpulee srs hd en DEVELOPS IN THlE w "t-"c------" " ··"--'"'""IDthe ha( all holl-w Th- week -f Angut-- d e t e pas eth ohaieo us aedfragmotnfS oiar hwinecessary to give them a profit. libie story, with another still more Lan. Wie may asneWellconfile to you the Wiln ee one of the mont brilliant en. 1ivPayr mttn Wdedy t78 ainoaTe average of $267per cow ortfe iftcosts a cent more, to handle credible, ls derived from the finneihfor at that eeitid oesrin etimnt tPakaefrthsi h veniengWdedy i78 nul soa. he verge f 89 cws EPU LIC N SATEpint tbottnes,experts arguedl, the de-al tales told fly the old chronilers con•thoug terhea rtitioff womeng athat ibete wek of te .farfamediA cordial inviain oal ne, 52 hrheded aores il $2n2er still çoIllect au extra cent per pint. erniung the marv-elous deeds acconym edytre ilbenetdaEnkeeIertteFr.Oal 7)ikmles parre . here v'as an In ~1916 Inlhen the'retail iprice of Tptlied by Rtoland and Oliver, the two conIveancter eans of hihe eteyamusaeent nterses Firte Ofntry o 17 cows na each herd of m cent h d er s c e s a quart tf m uspp s o l t i adhl m ttns o w r he ueent e irMi g n th o n - A P ULrSEyN On Illotýhêý band. 2.2o5 cowe In 19;Dotand 0fåS Social. ait- 'sae t n 8 cents qar rberofiestwee omervetooly mote b.Amfcnfolawmnwtfallbae yam mggalp 152 Ad by scrub oc grade ists Fall to Ficeete ooperate and obtain a profit.tatneither vwa. aie te sun>m bat teleb.ne jut ,Ir, ps,,y n, he cn,,,p.b .eranen-ris tsB . .C aisi eurnedis $j174 mlk • Athough conte in general have ad- other, and, accrdingly toent'rt i igeioher wth the telephones owe have ount drfl ssurgassés au Oum& tin •Te"mjrbent..iCh l sb le c v (an tyeris etfis w less ea1tre sianefi on vanced considerably since 1916, the relative superiority they meaI e n ow. I1e1, sayW3,he in attendtg :-varietly, In gaauty à aniæmite' ,Trie r o ult twi it ysehd- per âbIi.v than teretu brde n d mwel e$4treasiatsfrconyamont for overhe&adand profit now anomba thße cRuve ay o metngoftrb wardens«hwhab ^lf tratoscoEs ie r-se aPbs EIlle at thate- staliped purebred-therds, and 648 Jobs .wilt have no worries3soffr aon pllected by the dealers in 264 2.3 per en Il'and-nteRvrRhine wIth larectifyeitting lin a poker game;*-mraer vauldevillewt; f«ats ofrstrength ist*t l egM nte utio rga liiesperw ha hee w esa the primnariffon sep. 1à are, eon- Cent more than In that year. ither gaining the Jeust advantage over and how is the wifeto- knout any and agility: UtarMig aets ofr. g deboc= s 4toneits arta espacist n "Ihepree ad ea e in Iche cerned for they wITI haye no oppo@- the eother. At the end of the battle ofdfeenien cu age ad ofrigsofuna ethe as tofliaera tg usctyrn Itthre a aiy er , Iglon. Friday was the last day for Bnet sudti ad oadws Ru hntistigi nvne y leued andT~oelte-ri hl Ilch paysa cent roit. 1 d n eu n o d n w I>ttiooa"lj oUD 0R TiEt O:i.er,'whO n'ms o 1e h " o:. i: -:r;:, "'-" the -'"â'rage n ha was l ig up ig e deuSgr th ilathe ont one wher he ta coey the ridiculous mauser In whieb the and "0 the man person juist twherte Delghtful TrIP to Kankakeeo-Ex. "yt tIn - a pubi omait Jury. "Muent of the purebred herds test. AttyW. A. Derne and LMeut O S A N adventures of thesetwo heroes lWer11 11 bcisaand estylobwat heosdlge Clet etinmentB&e anditvablyt lisobigtod.me à" reven the grade berde headed for Col. A. V. Smith are candid7oes. for reouted, the saying, "A Roland Por then. deir -folks, you may prepare te celtnlephone 00mpany aims to ren-tUMe Ese yers by.a purbred sre ar proseutor.ai, Oliver," groisthe matehing t on0» s»P the world turn good. Durihg the week- of Auguset16th to der eiietsrve t t sbMrbr returniÈnsome profit 'the margin be- The(,encuimbents ant. ecandidattes for While pasig hoghZo Ct e iewith one stili.greater. Temr mnwlrntb tosed o2t uoaswi aea otntyand in like s tumm'iandfburg eenpmitan lssinevryeae e-eecio frpher -ainin. three enlo atbir northwest, a woman Ume this delteat* fson et . tdenake a overy delightin1 drive. lits obligto Oho hordrth in caused by the serait Or grade blIl iofftees. their namiges be ng: passenger of «rf erowd who - wauYe,7t7è-. , b trworld tie4•A rv o h akae nerSaesevcand làphOld the ýsu eta therforesteas tht anountfromthe oronr-Dr J. s. Tylor tea Zio Cit's lw enoredmentand • -and htir word, fa AnelesTime. . ombi te atenertaimentof te .pice f intoril tonemel th 1.,iog on the nit to th. 1ret of I-, chase ýof Imulrder. W illiam Il Hw er t. tJul loIngIm-o ia whw a - and bMrs. Grace l-1St11ing 'rIII, were nocrrid atl1 in th, asng 00q ect M1 Chur hl by I'WrsIlhing. Mr. and wil res.Ide tin Chicag;o." A f,.w weeks ago the foruwd thagt MrlS trang1 had b1 -1n Imari [d al l1 Ftrarm who") -V eni1d tic:ketoffice of the Not jt fthe navail station, str ni,.(]thel. statemel(n, Th ;tranfg 4m e4 ',i' m å sn ison lin 111 Ugro s .I 1. byalm hli of btry inine h adbn atsattorney We file-M- eotfoe the gr! p'ubbeily hArrged Mrs the nmurde (Arfier huA jng I tumony bforle tth J4» ulted( in a failure to f.-ndantl, buit on leqjuet euitor mlhe was no-t exon the'r.se binig left Ope couI rýuolwn il at any l>omI.àtd Mræ StrangI sion. r-sented fthe sran .for thi,,defe se eiii -t had Iaten the mamle food al the time (be lhil.- r Idlte Ipossibility, si c ld, A bohr of ic jw hat a wesis dhSitrang hi dfhint tak, ii own life POUC E SEEK 1 MSSING S5 LAST Was with Two Saile kegan Harbor wher North Chicago P< IS BUT FIFTEEN Y The Wauke;;an gauand l' poýjle udy ¯no 0 1 bara/tupr, -ear 01 Mr. an:d Mr.,MreS al cáiote Id ,Tent has been n'iits PI! @;:I". lit Ftoday evetil O'clock. When last F-en 1,11 sailord at', '. Waul:egs :.rLth CalIcago poile Phe is aboit fi"e feec .1,poundrt l'as blavk iý resanid when lest roet a r-n i t 1k (dl M S, an d r ch E e h Iliarive roiwe hUe ben ab an cjlxtio pir'iha 2itr*týIfF, wbIhch !lcru 1 rIP lIeI, luor Iin go 941re. ,I ffleal , th breesh1- only theattees tarpim i. f %we twýe wou'd qlt h - I MWary PublicC In SYentata t..te lrust tg 1. monik Gewi r%, in the lna Thrges. ThI.ama, depens enrùmsf,;r II plPtow fOuirga w its la a ver!4ble it7 -If be n4ËEUBERTYV!af INDPENDNTTHDRSY , M'21920. Gracelsl And W.80 Arc Mari 'Atjoli,