CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 19 Aug 1920, p. 4

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t 70U8 fl~ LEE«IYVI.LE DV~9I*Nl. TI.IJRSnAY. AI ICI tST 10 îa~a %vas. illginaily a bllghled cu' unm z)errty v ill Independen ADDITIONAL LIBERTYVILLE NEWS WILDCUCUMBER. f 1;- to 1;; .;T:i~Il gJ.,~-g W ekIyf M.t iohr of Evanston Ja in lltberty. fliiter" Poinselîl Ot Fort W&as EeAS1WbigfilbnafdO in F. ........-. ........... Manager 8ax sreu non. Sîir'adhelîn hornam ~ teJc TcANIK A alupalgn to extermluatei CNAS. D. NALLEY ............ .......... Local Manager Ray Dionne of Chicago $pont theI- --week end at the Johîn Newboborne MMre. o haplg Is the Cause of Blight Whichi 61USSCRIPTION PRI- 41.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCIB. spe4ding a faili daysale the Gotti homeYeryLsnsth TelphnsMube 1 Lbelyile xcene.Edward Ktiinedy of Chicago vas i on Sirague altrei. ParLsenU -1 .-ie-tvle cha-- . Libertyv.Lle Sunday vslting at Ibei P duMn M i tth otffIce e ietvle i. sScnC Mail Matter. borne of John Hanlon and -otiier rehîýi- Mn. Antbony Klemp outIJeerfleld ~taedet ii Pstofie t Lbelyill. II. a Scod Cv îs. »Dent Thuraday here wlth ber sister, '.w Il d uubrvoimol Offcii ubictin orth VllgeofLiertvile Ms.E.W.Carol ndchlore Mm.. J. N. Bernard. grownaSi an ornemental vine in thon- a111eliIPublcation for Lakte Çounty goerd of Supervlbora'Proceedlnee uE .Cari adetirnre- brlGrsC~ eda Bean ide of finnois dooryards, 14 mnark- lovM rer Turday AvetiougRaea ad Koe oltrnied bomne lait Sunday front a IvoTeSay il lbbl ec ed for exlermntalon. Il la utidpr In- Tbursday. AvertlailitatestM delaoilveonla AlleeIIon.varty al the Lakte Forest Beach on dlotmeî as the orlgnator ofif l,.' Wei In deference to the judgment of certain pglitical dope- m" ga"t Wd"naday eveiilng. bllght ta nnually detr i part stemu, W seems rather fortunate that soenebody, even litt was Bill Mia Marie Englebrecht. retu nd MIe" Viola Greenwood te enjoyung 0i f the cucumber luid melon rit I~ r () TS , Weiss. hadl the foresight ta enter the legisiative race fromn Lake bone Saturday f romntiNette, Wavacation (rom ber doues att he Shel.'ienthrstl. vier a. pet ivek Vlslu nt 8"001 lu iCicago. She la viztingi Discovery th!u the wild cucumbpr County. If he had not donc it, it would have resuted in McHenry finarelatives St Lakevood. . Mlch., tua 5lute* source Of thie Pet tlItic- County, having three candidates for tihe three republican nomine- voit. cuMber and melon growoqrig havi tion--, short, they COULD have joined together and grabbed o ff Mr. and Mns. Han-y Titus of Cai- hlr andMis Chales ellrfar au e rs hfanvestgatin 1 M s èCie cago vlsltedaet the borne of M.and Mmd CharchSeier ond ctad bs.t he oi o Inetiatnl ail three nominations if they had been able to work the deel. Three MmhatsBouo orbs reet. idren; Mr..and Mrs. Charie oa Ceei connutd yt e l ll trii. avowed candidates from McHenry County, ail working hard for -ver the wetit end. Kaiser and daugbten, isas Doris, vonf ile Pachersi' association, an or- thenonnaton re:Mm.Walh, has Frnci an J.H. ickrstoKeitosha tuis rornlng ho attend the gatniation of Aflinerln P:okle man-FD 1 tht omiatin ae W . WaehCha. Faucs an J.H. ickrs, Miss Emima Strng returned to ber* wedding of Harny 1Seller and Mies tfacturors. W. C. Woodard or Mar- o a incumbent. Now with Hayes ott againat Graham (Dem.) wouldn't, home in Washington Monday, after Jeannette Dabte. engo, owner of Ilbe Woodard Pickl F rIec it have been a fine thing to have pennitted McHenry to line- Up i I aving splent .a few dayî bere wtb i.1vhetvlgae'yIi aie Co.. la the chaîimalli of the associa- - THREE republican candidates for thse house-and Lake County lier"iter. Mes. Pbilip Bensinger. and togethen li S. P. Doillhle.1 has more votes than McHenry and Boocne combined. of! SI. Joaepb'a cburch utet Johtnoogm. as M)'. and Mrs. C. Hapite and daugh-' Welcb bomne Sunda> ias largely at hrOeen ddpclnt th research von 'eri Misse, Mamye and Hîlda. 0f Watt: tended. Varljous forintsor entertain. In connfectlou with li- Wisconsin roi ju~g kgIi aiîended the Lawn Festival on'iîîenî vuis prus-idnit foi, the guestaand 1ltege. SEE. DAU IITE TA ES FRST AY undy tlthiehome of John Weich. cai luieent liedae most enjoyable lmt JOr e~ rinentF bave shown T h à d3i rti. Benjamîin Biradfordit oj Dr. and Mn». Chiarles R. Galioway> inProxlmlty Io the wiid rcumbet WHIO ELOPED, TAK- OFF IN 59 VEARS Uplend, lad., and Mr. and Mre. Mms' and M'. and Mrs. litalph W. BulkIet become blightedwhile those pro- Liberty- ING $46 IN CASH; AT BARBER SIOP . athc e oro Jackt lradford. for Trout LakeW18., on a two weeks'i curitrber ta uflknown tèie lght I! ____Mi-s Fid Calmne> is sîîbbtiîuting Il'ii tetip uooie.tnfn19 httewl ______ - ~~~~~~~~~h ostoftice for S. c. KinîiîlWsho gthtn byatmbe.enonhlaItesiduîuîîi _________________ Parents Ask Waukegan Police. Wm. J. DCkhaut, Who Played a îatting bis annuai vacation M White PlaYing in the bain ut Joei:ll Daughter and Sailor. Has Anniversary. 'wooit, Mich., thi8 week. iJr.. tiedest on of Mr. and Miis. J.A ,,hthaliv I ltt 4 '<ii od da .ghitr. lat ..Dicithaut. of Kenèsa à;a J 1 Diil !Eglcd, rs telliou,î the loitrand se- lizabeth. la lp~ i l!li larold l Ia n tesa@ofWlc *onSna atrio, r ig verely Sieiiuishic elt crin. At ftuaI Norman, a a orailthe (Grc'ut kp., ofiest barber tt stt Icn of udyetron rn ing Wva thougbt h. bons# of the ariL gs Naval training -talionis hIe far of s, ' n id u'called by old tîme ne'.l îarîy tbattend churclà, and lncieitî .eîe boken Theinjuy lequit Mrndajut Mrs, Ptank Trobfnbliînfd-nîsof Waulcegan, because be used a.>scattéring soni'> advertisIng IiMl ainul, lad li.Te jsckviqi eabi lUS Orbard sreel.Chicag v 1o o plas for tiances' .iere yeam an., te. for the Fox Laite motor boit r.iijsi so o ,sîlîas SudYApp eo th lbegan nti bslutpassed an Imporant mlle Suniy ftenouiî 'he in e y he iuun hi-. cari er. h an juil cele- Mn .Inla Carlson end ber brother, iuinbyt ealapralgv Noraeldbinrte NIahosuse -vn te, i lit beed his flfty-ninth annîverfiars F rankt Meson. bave retunned front a ciel., 1j Pys To Advertise," reaenkted MS A L.. E have bie norîdtai hei 'fi foi a barbeî iThe ii<<'îlon 0ccurd ibi tte nîrnthsa visilitlb relivi.iet rýlire ai the ltedpalh C'eauqa.L Raceine Sahurdav afternooi i.. 'I X.ii at îos 'r. let>oei usu a, beiete artyefritI bt rht liree [ielaoina hit ,. , ' 'n" -s'~ miei Mijntans the>,I(,, know tjat Vici rE. Lambert wîîî IN ORDER TO ME ROON FOR OIUR FALL war wlobfin uht"fir . iîrte iud lithcoaiil o atherie ofidth,- vi ited ai Glacier National Park. picacnî hbelauccei-ssful drame, -The 0, nt vî41 bini. liuuedtr ise chinto thaylrger os tItinsWl,"a h udtru NDWNE tOKO HES FAE h,.. daughtgcr ir.iuuiNo. niii in tloîuî-r aetin Il wis .bis1.5 fil FrnOend, itrasM L lerADWN E T C FS O SW R I»încoîn Park last nemoril a Des -lane intd ali, hi'. 9th aninlstrsltrv zephyr, blev la front La Crosse i.- 1 Monday tsening. Aîugut i . Mr. Laîn Saturdey busv' l(jsto'l! v- ",.bl,1beisplay couics,1 ecortiiuended Ib> lie ' OFFERING YOU SOME UNUSAJAL BARGAINS' S'.- lheîî~ph u! îs) oetros ' ses i iherbair. Strdyescning, and vas kept bu cs csg niuoeacuso Erat letten rirenrbel-rik i:Litr, i (ess 1 can tpare ont uts-v in iftI. greeting bis leglen of relatives mut ' - USE 55LSI1r urnandî'o Sain "uclubsaof lis Normn t ot lrilsu,s> hat t1viFetilnmnl. vii eare b id. vlptng a Per fiieunds tbitie-untut Monday. when lienîany of our Dent cilie, and promluises _ t YLf> J5I M N S AND,, CHILDRELS lemdtat qeys rece ls n th-I.tulien breturaed tu nesumne his duties biii,_ eouicihtng veli iturt i vhjii iezedlta It adwtles li tpulted dovut the window slî had grlaAbu lymebrstCouba= SHOES AND OXFORDS. Mmlrhf n aya s- h la-tii dn"i * utontd ohiFtactme u socknd he e rt So, Leiodge No. 131, Mysîic Woriters of thetI bei dilugteî'oe t arten thai -iCv no door,'vnli hbiswfare to ente tb e TeNsi Sotegne of'Luth- Wortld, vent to Round LaiteWef-. more, letter'. .!, ch caustd it pri'nObdere a111 e eran Young Piopies' Socetles vii day nlghî. vliere the degnee team of titilait (liati tIc ,aIiit i usîn nopuil>,, h tuow e aliternbsmt. ed th~v<<>s01ttvote h rer b e n aUbin St" * inatcanhaed that Nhotua IicaiCieadswod n1telocal lodge exetnPlified tu rtual-1 o n in e n W 'd e d te, girl i1usd,- ai rreuucments10 Ne- o benzIcne buggies iDn eely days. I Uia.Ags 2 Ti ioni. adidates bcbng lnitiated. Aliter thetm e c s o elie d j celve her tut 1 t ,, tilet 'drs, vîit he ln electrîn mineet cars. And tllie tl ho b. beld at Braeesde, but il bas meeting o! tbelodge, refresbmenta Site vas em Sî.I-he thlnk, hter1 In nu>-ovn line.-berbering, The sri been decided to hold ut at Llbertyville. vene served and a big dance belli at dauhte noFe ave nitui - 'irnnOf hAVIDg bas c-anged a grelot d'.al ills twiiî please brng baskets. tht Arnann lialit. Sîîart's orchIRdatey.ndhesfyrcr vne.W miandlsrputo fluestrela Closes Saturday, Augi r-js sghtt'hs.t-ufi u'-neyr eerdreanied w.- .outd some Miss Anna Itittner is taking a vaca-l ing excellent music for the affafir. turned hboni.-iu th lietr iV,1.i- tic,, d at s ea fety razoi- Hetir-cutîlng lion frotî br dulies ah imbau ak M.= n Gog rcietaeWomen' Wiîe Oxiords, militais Ilîels, lurtu Wînt sB bier niothler iiî-louui , ighad ak'M. n Ms Gog 1 Pu r tîî arbeen comptttely revrlutionlzed au bsavie hnel i tenoo tescet.-îivît ti- sinui îuîîî sle sze n.2 7 $ vlu. 75 d ed el4nsead *1 lit , ,' t Juidbs-k.uirs i Th.irie yu', o u-ihiwe n lte s Mm. as , sales, $3 1.007.$ vle $.0 n oen $1uiitii lbof-$ILilo. inl-abuIi- i a siicn's its theung vonuf- l aking an excursion on the cmLa,". stzLiet. Crockett p$3.-00 piu Themobe sas liabth ia hldsets'.-,.on thîî tosii g lui ni Great Laites.lier fther je tn recelttMiss RucetImitb, dug ter oial Mn. icl Tiouot hier eas,, Elizabeth lied hagelut f Mra Women's Black uand - Broswn Oxford,,,,it ou $ hcbehal bliddn lhn ber 1 hase lIong bait, s a dgn if being a Out"A'-o souvenir tai-de frono her-one Ada Smith. The young peuple were tO Ovle clathlatg. 8qh. wsmobliged ief'tn'fli'b-k .WellI vel usetl"i' td theliun] Maciinac, Mcll, anil the u)js $a0r.d0elualue;ree$6.00smgo. nti rbui oveth er amoher h.- îîeused ronsiNiagara- Falls, bave Jmet returned tfromt a veddiag tirio sale prîce ....-_... .. sale Price ihe amosaber ak e in tIeitdr, palire n sv er dtua ub,-r In Athene10 Washington, D. C.,.and vi maha. Attornas-W. F. \V.riss eud Chartles i on nLGane n rctt 10 Per Cent Disoant on At Mens Shoes. 15 Per Cent D Io vlsy ah. ddnot go t10btific i, LlSl) l~ Ni Miton of Wauitegan vere in Libert)> ui om n Éaie Fee. r.l roenv gilcmpandro en1 II -'- iteTuesday, In thii.nîterest (il the tInte morntieg tht Tnol,.nbutui. g Bank.uChictago. diacovoned thal lzabetls vatis i- "PAIEaagn o! Mr. Wecs, vtîo iis acandI it.Ciao SCHOOL DAYS WILL SOON BE HERE. TIS IS YOUR CHAN in,. 0 as$4 fonua ur. tuti i S A EBY 4E i 'dat-(fi h4 Ooitofuta mmbn itnes vTaylor ias fîîed suit un Jus- WITH A NEW PAIR 0F SHOES THAT WILL GIVE GOOD SER motoen. bureau. 0 the general aiaembly tron thîs d ii.ce of lbhe Peacte Hubbard'a court TIste at he gi ad uitth aiatuoa n u tATi. ubt-c t th p-PONDy eofîo attLawrence Dent, suPernîtend-I IS BEYOND COMPARISON. vi. 10 be held September 15. cnt ofThiornbury Farni. The arnount Bi mentthe allr. lqiiiy a theNortl nnmt is about $30. Taylor vaas ep- o Gun Metal BlUcher Shoes, sîzes 2 to Misses"Bros WetrIeo i hcg tloyet on the tarm. anedclaimsn that 5/2$ 0vau Westerdpthe girlîcao ciledZ Torle deer (.kBarnard drove [o Chiicagou tin ve5k!a2, i*$gve-noicvatate; the0"ac liaI3tt5g0I$5dapndîlîaseî tIetfurWulîgs adliddecntinn alrg ortin tht labtIesWedn i an d vbtu i'. vas to Quitbiis Job August 15. and thatE sale prîce-.................. price Panted On the train that i-t1 at 2A I hneof tht band vereer il ied Rt-sas t4nting in tht treutt . rio Bent refuses tu pay hlm Ounil iSept. .E By'BakEgls atjos ies2/ 0 Cid'Ba M. jfrontae sand Pît, elghteenest unôt boy ciîrbet 1inatd a.iPopriated a Mr. Bent clalas Taylor agreed ticie-b 5i2$5.5Bvalue The panent,. ien o. th- nasal th tsurfae of tht ground tbe colier package, containior merchandisesval- nmain in bts enîpioy unti Septertiber: 5V,$.0vau,- statIOu Set"i1 ituma-stusliifounu daY vhen James Morrov'a vorite e u$5 n cuadsts u sThe case vil) hie tried lomonrow (Fr1-0* sale pric hbtNon amd teil for haIne in suetaing gravel frntm Morow's lal- h abtday) mornlng. saUle pGien..s......n- Me...... Bluc..........o...salezei lit% OutomObute on ia 41 houri' leev Pon by meang of a sand sucitlng lalgte a.btcould not caii-h Utileny SGeersso o! M. md a l lchrShe, i Tht>- came tu Waltiitgan but vert niîîhîne, lb. fin tMr.lnlmide weSelieu, E Ilsoon/2 .of., ale;r.lf CiandBrs no#aile #- finit dey trace- 0f tIi.- the pipe beçeme logged and George -Mns. H. i. Seiler, ut Lîbertyvilie, ad __qe v gil O uitiIe>Wtt oitn- ,etrs entered tihe Pond and nemos hagnyfrhe brber, bas taken Ms Jao-l Dbdof Ienosa we E sale price...... .......... ................. $4 $4.50 ar ed te o h sithe obstrui.ction. the entier belng mtjnut.-d ___ ' y)Augt sleprice ______ - b~hld a he end of tht pipe - opa>- d ii as complet. The vedding took place et the boni-' VaidUtioeCcni in stock of cigans, tobacco, etc.. funli§hed Vaie ae.cfCcorts that company, la connection with o! the brIdes parents lu Kenoua. MoiBy-nrw Coconits lsS-Ii Ctî OUtSidei'od Tii.antuers su-ri' Jet blackhit beîlmsbarber Aboli on Milwaukee avenue. S S er uis ii,»Ido>euuon roat cotrsuuc- Boys 5.7ro5w, 0"e Of t&lb. iài-i.i,l . rodueîs of' remnoved bot ater being drled In tbie The cillic.nlng date la set for Saturda>-, lion uuotk for Laite count>- and 1..t5z$57 loistropîî-s. T'eVitet r-tic s tud uid onttined to a cla>- yellow colos-. V~glast21. Full dataiti in lange di-vel knva LAbortyffle Younig nri, sale price - tu utIllz't" t ii uehY te ne.-T7ip antlera and head bouies, vbîch , py id on page eigbt o! this issue. ttes, l'h.-iflil.utu- t eten raW IncludO the filstJoint of the vente- hr ebîemn red.Aie iBy"u « OOkfd, furum,- u;11) triii article bra. are apparentl>- petrlfled ,beine Mn. and Mrs. W. P. Wood o! Raigler, weddlng trip, the nevi>- married coui- 5/.$.0 «t to d I le Ilitî Ontained leatad as tone. ID vlew of the tact Neb., arrlsed ber. Tuesday for a vîsit pvi ii rei-cle la Libentyville, the 1- bu nei nof lée nul a mnot efresh. that they vere lakett -from s gl oeanfin 1ev, R ih r da db ro ombaln. sale orcead peC icGue Ut druithe it pfrum lte unopened a depth, and 1,200, teet froui thho e-i-laRcadDdleadnmr - -. aigrcnlyprb» lever luds i.,lsiit ied as a rinnkf aeMihgn ad U t relatives ad iediIn adGw ltbneo r adere.Cid'Gn- Md 1%mdl highdyllutOiccîlng Ir silowed tos'. ImmenfelBie hgnmtaround Libetyvtlle. Mn. Woodlt oueonOch dslàt I-n/ a l th mes ie l iindcaties liai the automobiliebusiness,ad CA h on011111Hulbband returned homo Solln-I1,$ et thé nut Inrs elme h t ie> aebnten o udoachange of aoveslad attîpient frulade>-fronti.Dayton, Ohio, viiero ho bad ui r et tii ~ uffl uei fotr fuel andtu gj 9fyearitl's it Ild tale 5evot'al IDtrolt-to Denver a few monthu agblen emplOYed about a veeni by a ti'ee sl rc l»r Mitoe ropis- neîîîng p Centunles for tise action of thieWvies sloppling en route a couple of days ettlm ngcDra>.<oasyth br" s.ti he t of the nut leu ni mdto cover thon vii go uchisand Iis pace. litseta!a tee expert t l ntes o n0muck Misse , $ 60@"Wd uteas18'Ilsle lebçreau the Athoun heUt ip of Ihl tntiens are Ïolay, Augusti ltb, iteltte third an. Wlth S comipanion ho ves engsged la sl rc Wood f thepeinforeîtîiug frmati md l ffte Bd re-aot nIieraySf h dypashllD9 rs analagedn re Blackdsaeprc .tut4 m ImItefr nbuts. InchIl an a lfI iadamoeer. lltdlet. Limbenny vas strocit b>-an automobile oven a laite. They vere about tt> ty est Ing theY WG v longer. and op. on hthe sreet, cauing hum 10 b. laid ItigIt. vhen thie braach on wviesiol ler edcdprcson ai of our Misses and Chldret -'iWeMid' Go camping WIlh.uiî Parenil>- had e foi nt> chi@prend lantUP in tbe bo"Ilta1 for everal monlis. were vorilg Hubbard toillra ee p g t n . av&en . he o! ki ng an irori givenal. t e anIden. ma nreo ee s fo er Pb>'slad ev er, ainleon tht gr o u rt he d, and sus-a d la k nd B r ai,, Il,. "'i med fin mole profttîsl'le Il the lite blîglîl j" '\ Ienîuiiîuut. J 'i ILlotgolti te C un '3 '.tele ,je wtiicb te-fte 'r givr iii cd fu join. Cu-.rieari j,. growlng lias h.cîîi. r! .lnsîjven- dilotry iln Ibis < oun'. , itiCra. t. Wanted r16 Years of Aire king Room [s, Milhing Go. rville, Illinois ce y, August 18, and ust 28 atdck i Il, 1 31 ù ,f)\ $7. ()1 $80< vdu~ $6.00 $5.00 Discount on AUl Womnen's Shoes = ME TO START THE CHILDREN- :VICE AND AT A PRICE MHAT- wnLace Slioc., size, Il 1 ,to 2.~ ~'aî,s; $4.25 ck K'd Lace Shoes, sizes 8V2 to I alue;$2090 - ad $5~ vaus ,nEnglish Last Shoes, sizes 3 t, - value;$47 I4etaI Blucher Shoca, saue 2 te, value. 40 -Metal and Kid Lace sibos, sazes $4.50 value; $35 * Metal and Kid LaceéSbces, sîzes= $5 and $5.50 value $4025 en's White Oxfords, One- un Oxfords and SS Them VALATa, A aietyile llni ibertyvilie, Illinois MI MM j Libe BlnWrlat w TuesdaY for a ViSit vi Mws% Ham yPoster visitor MondaY. liOSi lesFail àpe.ngfieulf.Let'aGo Iing bis brother-in-Ia ilUes. W. R. Docker and turned f[rom a (wo 1MAng Lake. M~r. and Mr, itayni, vey apent the week q Ir. 8mai. home. Mna. M. Rudolph au 01 Chicago viiiid lasi Charles liau&a IMa. Arthur East=l W s., vlsted over the Mrs.Maude Lusk. MM IL W. Cohbj' ai SIlîîddy :m. Mrdui-tt muladuning the i' a>u John boing affliîe'ud Men's AU Anew si Former Pr À4 T$8.01 OF YOU WANI ELw MIR Foi- ie s- ()Ur Mirro Ait îng thai liei substantial ai beautiful and~ Note lluem in ( 1) Haut( Ming. (2) ble boler cal i(3) Riv Mîrro featuri caîching cret (5) Roui (6) Ricb C (7) Fam mark-stai and yourgu Schai lu n£ LIURrYVRIE bVkPENDW. MilWAY. AUGUSr 19- 192n

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