FRED BAIRSTOW,0 GI1TS IIONORS AT STATE- SCiIOOL 11,as GSmalest Volunteer but s Given Command of a, ,iiitary Conpany. ALSO 'HOP4OR JOHe LeVOY irred Bairstow, son of Mr. and rUse. corre Baîittow, wion consid*erable dL,. tinction mi Ille Illnois State Pair 811100, leld ai Springfield for a week, when lie Ras paced in commnfd cf IL nlîitary training cOniffY. Wiefl th e in a 10 teil aske for v luters wflo bad mlary training, young Ilaîr,-tow, wlo belongs to ti,»e %ýauliegan nigb school cadet corps, 'tepped to the front. Heise tHl! in Bnee trouacli andtili waî, an unusual sigabtow se hlm commlaiiding a coin- jiany o! bg huskies, lie. being the îounnest aud aniallest in tlhe lot. ther Lake County Uc9ys Whookt- lefilldth 1e acbool for 1the week Were John LeV'oY of Lae Villa, Who was aiso piacd in commnand of a military training conpany, lienry Casey, Llb ertyville, and Sumner Sprague, Prairie View. There were enrolled 261 atu- dents, representing practîcaily every - ounty in the state. It waa considered gulte au nonor to bave two Lake 6.ounîy boys In charge of twaot the spur coxapanfea or snlitary organlýa- lion. T. A. Simpson, county super- Sntencient of achoola, acompanied the Laie COunitY YoUtls, Who had the op. portunity of heaeing sBore ] es&ea ing educators et thee tate during tho Vxions lctqfts. 'WAUKE6AN LABOR UNIONS TO ATTEND FAIR ON MONDAY Expected that Fu11y2,000 wiI Make Trip; Speola Featurs Planned. IT WILL BE A BIG OCCASION MembeTsaof the Tarous organisa. tions of Waukegan and vlclnity VIII do muc ta maie tihe openlng day ot the Laie county fair a! Libertyvilliî neat Monday a bg uccess. Tpe tact that It la Labor Day viii permit large tiumbeis to attend. one "non mai ln Waukegau predlcted that as maay as 2000 union men from Waukegan alone would attend. Arran gements bave been made tc have épeclal cars leai e thre corner of Genesee and Washington treeta, start lngat 10:15 a. m. Thre Waukegau delegation wiii bie accompanied bye 24 piece band. It e la pajed tu torn a procession t the Electrit tuait de pot ln Liberî>sille and marcb t h far ground. In anticipation of iis big deeta. lion the fair officiais have arrangea a apecia] prograi. This viii Includ4 tour horse races, bi cycle races, a bai ,me between the Fanteel team anc t epeciai j.1ced teani from the coua. ly, canis! featurea, tme attractioni and lire works in the evenlng. EV &-rything conEidered it promises td bi one o! the b.g days, perhaps the big ;te,, das. CUl WEEDS ON ROADSIDE; MEANS SAFETY TO ALL Culthie veedas&long tlhe tîgiwaym. Thi a m1 lie inuiiian lht , compsr frontini. "Dy faimiimg uiiiunitiit!, viieme v.eeds are primedti o grow urimi bey b 'e elîitabie roand ton- e"s '.o tense as l0nialle Ifdifficult tci dé'mcrmiu the ioadway j! two con- voYance- or i,, io'c i cars niepm on Whtere hieh il llçimýuûmfrs are unaile mû do weed Cîmîng thisile com nri asmonenii ai e urged 10 do éci la or- dtr la improve higlways andi maie îoad travel more eaey. A tripi eiong country roada ahi Ibms tI rie reveair the presence of noxions weeds a! many pointa. Sorne farinera looki aler we-d cuting aiong thiru tireniaEei, but mont farinera are 100 bus>' ta do au andi they are unairie ho eecure irelp te do tire wori. sa Ibat tire tasi depends on higlrway eunâ- -missioners ait tirsleecomilsoner oviing tihe ride a!tua istins wauld tîcar ava>' tire ved and great!>' Sm- prove hirghways. Tire departîuent of agriculture cilia attention te tire aeceçsuty for promipt action aiIbtis tinte la lb. cuting cf w.eeds. Weeds sirould ire cul virerever tlîey may lie grovhng-. If net eut on ihe irgiruys, complaint sirould be ~malle'tetire Canada thîtîtle or iigir- way corimssioner n tire towanship 'autre the lav ine vmlateit. A cirloua phenomemion efthtie Sa- ]luit-a in the cirsrglng utfinotorcar irrrdeavtir lertricity. Lerriles rmq niuuitihie vlcinty o! Gaies are re. iormeal to be oltemi affected, and drv. ers grmsping lie sterling hondie aftoe ai stop are liable le recelve mne aliocke. The eleefrificalbon l; enp- pogedte lble iipareti to the clîa-'it roî mt bandiflolI.iwn nugiio't If. the rultier tire r i.sem iil:ioO ta retin thre c*ifiag'. By tiiEihg a irn-.Pt îounti u' .1 4'tu l in a " the - di Fuparto groos lrouguucut catm,.Ie districts$b li e sutiio!ftliiii i 9t giprer qualily Is çound îî-ii ige urcma of p'.ur r.nd imn'landriîs i,î antii..E Ini lt er lt, a 1, 1* i renturies in Sirn. i me umîuui!u.-lune of im i i ng l1 . . Im rtrarteb.'excluo*vly iiof espaurii i'L iui (romth ielUe et tire Ioorlshuçi'cpa- KUNOSiIA MILK CULTIVATON PRICE NOW Iéc BIAS NO EFFECT Tepieof miii In Kenosha W'aî ON IRAINFALL iticreaFedte < sixteen cents B quart ai Kenosha loday. Tire price ln Wal)kE- PnwsincreaFed in 16 ents Auguat Weather Records for Fitty 1I. Tire pruiesirers 1-- m.iioary for tbree montuis. Years Upsets Belief Held in Some Localities. TIIEYRE SME.&RINGi KOW0 YK Y S IfiNS-; Tie leIthaf th, rultivation oet M.d Ini-cpestheBurean by the weatirer bureau Of the Uuited 4qtaies departltient o! Agriculture. Heatd 'ignCampa grW Wax- Speclai attention irea beenl giveir by bHurauaotediq St-àsidihe.. es More Intense as Boys 1 eby itsd etaiess Atack Bilboards, lint cui tivation doca flot Cause anY aP- preciairie difference ln thre Mralil. 'Jlieue lias teen a 4ecded Incease ANOTHER SIGN IS. UP NOW1& in ii~ares under cultivation In tire grsout plain stntea during the pat The anti" l Zio Cly lii e flo tfty-years. If lncreaslag tihe area Of BTh irckanti alloin d the Votysbae otiscultivaîlon un any district Iacreaaed est aekandallwed he oila f!ksthe oi*etaunthUnle specialste Point Io piasIci hie City witiigniroards out, a teady rias laIi bo annuel naint- carryiZh words whiciu are obnoxious faD oret is negion cofid ire expectied. ta thie waY ofthtinking. înstead of a reanl&r lucrese, thre rec- Hovever, it now develops tirat ordos show tbere are wel-detiDed but theae boarsi are being a atched irY compas.aively short penladietfIncluS- Voliva men. Some ha"e ieen defacet i ng and decreasllla ralalail. but vbirh viti paint and ini, but the guard cannot ire due ta cultvatlofl. lus been treagtbened and n.o oe Over tire vestera plaina thre aves* ea get away witir their mutlaion age rain! ail for thre tWe»tY-4ive gea- witiaui being caugir!. Tva boys at- from 1868 ta 1892, inclusive, vos 19.3 tacked a amali one lust veei iand juches, and trom 1893 te 1917,.latcn vers ftned- 110 and Cosa. Olirer large nive, 18.4 inebes. The average raIS- boards are golg up, ana some ai them fal aOven tire sOutirera great paina "botter" tirastire anasi already erec- fer lire lvEatyfIve yeata tram SUES ted. to 1892 larluave.ouasa19.8 boChes Md Ons large bulletin board viricirla' fur the n'es!tvetfY ei eiected on Iltir treet, near lb. In- oaly 1745 Juches. Thre average pi.-Prê dependeut 1s.adquanters, nforms tire c îpitation over tira central lgreat Pleins publie tira!: . , for tire first period vas 18.4 juches, "No getienan-iaowilg tira!tirhe and for lb. second vas 18.7 taches. useof obacu as eenstrcity pe-Over tire nortieun great pllans tire ns.te i tirac s bee frnutey pro- average fal for tire irai Periel van hmbtedla insci>' ramhe er> ~ 19.4 incires. and for lthe second vas glsning of lts ezltece-vili use tu- 19.4 Juches. bacra ulîbmnis bardera. Tis leaIo An interenting 1-at la canneclio beadquarters, thre priva!. home of Uithé ,th thepreciptaiosirecorda Io tirat Christian Catboll1c hurcir la Zlaa. We dry Years Occa»ally OeCurdurias jestablirbed Il. and ve viii ilgiri for t thevet perlid or vet jeamu la a 6'> ln thne e ofthe. Lord of ]Fluestheb.pernt>d* Tire opinion lae xpfessei > Cod Of tire armies af Zian, virosMmsaetuden( or veather datan that wcied men imagine lbey cam def>'. dry liears and vo et yel «MO la Outsiders and biuttinsaya have no groupe et twa or three nachi. but th]* bualeas. mur asy rigirta a in iti, tbelief la sot subtaftiated h' the ree' andt they viiiDot b. permitted tubull orda efthle ve&tbei etir la on an>' matrs. Notic te a&l vis- voila. Jt la met posible te predici itors. Wirenav.r sud vherèer lonon t pai records lthe tal Iprecpi- se. a masnusIna tobacca, etier smok- talion for an> yeors. A vet gui mn! inlg or ceia you are hereiry la- b ioteud b>' asalier vet est. or b>' ,fformed tira!tira! mas la an enemy of a dry yeux, or vie versa. e MIon and Voliva. Mark i hm Draw Tearn of abundant and Vali-diâtrib- i yau avnutd raintrail encourag, a western ex- yorOnconclusions." tension f ttire Cutyl tl ia.and -.vies tirelea a urcesasai l avai- yMoern Gir. -r~ able geans faim operatifl ma>' be a A Cljtî (enter pliy.icien sent tetirictsheit 5fa rdjt inr em the-arini- eleMl ouIte do collet~ingjaecord. tll nirtatirl ordnsny gi i rataO 17 he,*g th.'h wPt.kl neede and lisater resulla. Dutia >le vâan bour %%îhu a ring, a mar. tirefe periade o1 unuruai ralafail the t aecrtiflut e, as"am an id $.iiil of opinion frequenil>' la exprmsed tire whviicir sie tiaticolê,ete.Kanýa% Cit., ralufati te lncreasing and t tira'hia a tU Increase mua!lire due ta theisen«ge n Star. 'ment a! tire areas af rultivatien. To records, iroveyer, deonet support thia e Wrid'a Two Great Cana&&. ireuef. Thue suez canI llich WBas 9opened -Off k_ n lm ]O la 0miles loi-_, ulile the . En 'ua ier- -.VtILU ,l panama enal la but 50.5 tailes la L jv '. i fv~lsr 10lengthit toucas!about Sl00000000 te m?. e n 'sat. ?II-choir 11 ronetrtu-t tue Ruez anal. 'ahihe tire 'il i sIr un anthein et joy andi id tas! of building li , nama <inal vas .thlsavngl igpecony r onposed far rniîi ~. tra qtamnour th f flôfsi -Ilo lTrnsernipt. 13 S>'>ITURD&Y ONLI- Domhestie Mixed Paints For inside or outside work that seils for $4.10 a gallon at $300 per gallon WALTER H. LARSEN, Prop. 219 North Genesee Street We Ruw- f«oR iHas BSm Prven. Dr. Ba.rber's ECZEMÂ OINTMENT la the Best on earth for relievilg ECZE M ,AONE ITCH. BÂRBERIS ITOU INGWORM. CHILBLAINS, POISONIV BURNS. -SOALDS, SUN-BURNS, CUTS, BORES. and OU) BORES of long standng. Try a Tube Today at. PEÂRCE DRUG STORE, 1XOLLSTEIN'S, DRUG STORE SANKIEWICZ DRUG STORE, No. Chicago 'Manufactnred and Distrîhnted by GEORG A.BSSLake Villa, IllMos Are Hnuappy Days For Ai Boys -who start the new term in clothes from DOOLITTLE, & WHXTTE, the Boys' Store. 500, new suits with 2 pair of trousers just received. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING Alil Sizes, Prices and Patt-irns-Lorgest Stock In Lake"County Real Boys Need Ré ai Clothes Shoes for, Boys and Girls YoiitîwiIIfind at tlii ými.'looI 811e. Cobeuii Iceather stuts and îip- peus4, made by first- cIass wVtIkmCll. Wheîî yoîî nted a pair jîlbt t ifl for Boy Scout Shoes Boys' Hais and Caps Boys' Shirts and Blouses A becaîtifiil hue tg) s(<let.t fruut. $2, $1.50 $1.25 Boys' Hosiery lp]ENDABL~ Acc Lele bh bbc wn Of Lake -COUD~ WOMEN CAN VOTF At the Primary, Sept. -15, 1920 Ail women, citizens of the United States above the age of 21 years, having resided in the state one year, in the county 90 days an d in the election district 30i days next preceding the Primary CAN VOTE., IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO REGISTER IN LAKE COUNTY IN ORDER TO VOTE AT THIS PRIMARY. It is 'only necessary for you to go to the poils; your party affiliation and ask for a ballot. 1 sincerely, requeet your su office of State's Attorney. T to ail citizens of this countY. A. v. declare Lipport of my candidacy for the rbis office is of vital importance SMITH Candidate for ~ STATE&vj.'S ATTORNEY on the REPUBLICAN TICKET (Cotired f romin State of Illinois, ('ounty of Lakea: Bloard of S".erviaors, J WAUKEGI Mr. Cirairman and 0G Board of Supervlsors. Tour Commlttee on 1 recommend tiraItthe J lion for the entin i ed and the palig lasp geoommend.d hi tthe uIiers. as telous: Tmm e nd Proclnct. Boueton li. Judge Paul Kuecirler W. 0. iiuby 8. B. atlmaon PelIinI City o Bouton 2ad. *B. C. Tirompsi " W. Arînatroc Il eo. A. Mitcla r cvlleg V ZtnS9 City n Beat on rd. A.fS. IBurges J. 1). Bird A. C. Grout * Branel Nu. Embic0] Sit. Santn 4ir. City o R. W. Wlilteaý * Jus. Darrow Brancl Nu. Enocir B Snton jtir. John 1). Throm À, Wm. E. 84chmà i., Ernil ct at 'F lire 'I Ave Ciy o Denton 6tir Jameâ Fasiati L.A ergas G eorge Soreni Villag E . erint E. r ar Encru[in E. L. Situons llarry luaaca Jauie8 Antiocir 2nd. lleury Grimmt Frank Ijuno C. F. lichardi Griint lSI. WVm. J. Du. V. Viait i.lenilrickâ Giant loti. Hloward h. Si Lai Laie Villa J. J. Bamnilai Jaines b.en Dix liarn. Vili Avo~n 184 C. L Dtoltîie Aý W. llarsey (bhai .Kapple Villag lait Avon lnd E. A. lBrown Wm. husa Mke Luby Villag Laik Warren I.. W. W akefi JiLtuts Il>an %%oeil nee. Waukegan lis A. L. Heondee 'terbeni îSbea Wlilamu lait( MVaini Count WZaukiegar n l F. A. Webb 1). A. Hutton Johin Wiralen Fegan Cente Waukrzgau 3rd i. W. Holdidl Jamea Salmon A. G. Taylor Estysa Waukegaa 4th F. W. Churcir C. E. Baîrstoi JI. C. Coulsan Arxnoi Wauiegaa 5tir W. B. Smnith A. Vogel Wm. Zoeirier Swans Asir Waukegan Çth Conrad ilollat Frank Bidinge S. F. Greenlea .2014 N Waukegan 7th C-a Mart Boy s' Eit.ra Knckers s'Pm