TEMBER 2. nov' al-large. in ainy;, of-with ýquippe4' u swith çeration ien, real me who, ated car,. ook over «e Supportera -Ueavy. je.-Black & ;c 39e ES VALUES iclhing of i3chool g of Ginabalis 5t litncy. For ta of dep)endabie d moùtliera vlsb obe-r4 fer luttle )l V îp Speciaily t 2.98 tai a j;tit.;- de uf plaid aii tn an îxCellelit t lauid4rs adil se-mît c Ail Biz- rop 2.98 iam Dresses -ed from ,,3.98 Wear .s tixxie. And it such prie- ài whbite and de of heavy )r collar of $4.98 ipeciaI mcator, Reli ilspe- - 4pIendi<l fit" e INPROVEMENTS AT ST. PATRICK'S RECENTLY MADE An lmproîsenî toflintriest lo Ibe Public generaill-liq the eew addition flult te lt. Patriek cbuictb, Wads- 'Wrb,tloi-thie purps.e sofprovldlng a Mleetng place for varions socletieî COft the cbnrcb. The new rooru was recentiy Itormali>- tpened by a bouse-warmnang Party- ari-anged by thie ioly Naine Sc- let>-. 718s ocijet>- it lae laind ilaa oneebrundred per cent Holy N'arne So- -.eiety and tbirefore rivais Norîthli-. cage whlcb Iays clalrtutla fils dîstitic latit Frida>- niglît a lawn fe <te 'sa4 lseld on.tbe ciîurch lasso undi-r Iii;- aumslçeaof the lDaugiît4îr cf tth Us-n bAllas Gtirludi, ieLaney, vice ~--n being lu charge asîavd by fh îlie w Jing young laies: J (uining4 Jiam,D)alziel, %labl iCsx, -('ai-a nOyie, Alce lweeny. .Ma-gars-t ih-lýani-y. 'île affair îrovred ai't ey deligh(fult one and a large crowd attnd--d. 1 in conneetlrîn '19dlih ie., psnîng cft the socleties ii fi-îtînMrooom it de.- 4etop8 lItIi.atit ,]Foiy bas rercmnt 17 Installer! 5illiilits' assTarùe of lus parabonrs T.n , todt' liglit 1 h15 Plant s'hich i Igth thle ot<'mi -I ing rooiîî, the i r, i, and tIjs- li-coo> J'Ilâ ~ IîJKîrg Plantuit-o.0 furnfistr ligla j 1,r* i'-latan ia tv1i h.'rPcr lte,,and .- a reru i fhe innovatione lkt. l'alriî k -s 10w lias a COille Iit- 115g aymtil T . -s. any lia in i. t or iiy: rhurch jr, th,! sitlug--s i actipIby tb<- k'ubllc b-irs- co. *'i'El) OF" St ItOL In il.Ii:t onnp'< ion Iailer FUif-y lias &nu 0Ounî-î-î1Io tUis îarliiîone-rs t IaI ln 1mb lth i.' leIrogrees niade by lte parist, in ;le rst-ion o! a ncw se- feely îîî;.-ting Place and other xth-r.s- Ivc inProemn-es litihave toneec0 alnce hi' ci,îup tb the par'ii e fi-'I1 t laecssîîry to crs-ct sonne- kind o AChoOi lor uFsbetl lit'î,n cf tii'- cf &et). I is isthie nfiat as-p a ilil18 te pîohnê-ýssand(]asml'atlier Fclpy bia t advanciv,- ra ~pidyintle tne mhe h-as kx-çri -s-:.' thechauffs are t will net b" -:(Itlg b' fon.- lie bas a scIboO lal liii'lests onde i.. caamjices of "L Aflotncu .uîîpovcment one Of inn Portr.ncr-, retliutl>made bY the cburch Vas th re lîilatiouu o! a Vater sys- letensWlr ty titi churc-l and rùctory la now ÉIPud i liiiwatiîr ln a lery Mode-rn vway. MI[R PRICE PLOT, POOLE CIÂRES ti .iùi f ane l.ii'g' d cn'plrarî 'o1 4 coer(t- dairy farmi w ostio ji fariner-' iark'-vîng a"socàatloes.to4 beep îîujik prices up ws-re promlsied lasin night by Rlussell J. Poole, secre-4 tan-y of the cîîy. council H. C. of L. conmnlîîee o! Chicago. Mr-. Poiole bas spi-nt a 'si'îk invesU-- gatin4 eompisintî' of IPaul Rieger. James lManaman, an-d Edward Uci »wow f Cary. Ill., that agents of the Car-y local of the niai-luting Organiza - lion refused 1 tertnît thrashberi% ta tbrtph 169) ar-s of tare-at and oatP be- T loaging te ii-g--r and Lietzow. ««Iba% e piint y oftact, anld w-il l Ur-- thein icr toe edistrict attorneY whM mtemetà 1took onl My 186 mile touir of the car district aretîyye- fAE 1fttn, r. Poole, ld. ,B YPUBLIC Aid. Max Adamowski, cbairnian of-n [he cost VII living committee, said that there are "hundreds of acres of un- RE DUCINGi PRICES thrashed grain rotting on thc ground' as the rer-uil t fhei Ireats. Washington, Aug. 31- iefusal of "Agents of the mflk marketing a,,- the public to tay-"excessive prices" sociation which sbella mîjik tu the pro- caumed a.continuation o! the down- Cer's association. are "ent tu the farra - wa rd trend ef values in Augusmt, Uie er witi agi eeinenia for thie sale of bis federsi reserve board said In lis talit for o140ytar," sait! Aid. Adam,- nontbîy business review. issued to- wsi. "If ho refuses to skgn the night. The board added that the "i-e- tbraehers pava by hie farmwithout 'x- a"ton' agaînst bigla prices had been planatlon." aecompatiEd b>- a genfral siOwlng uP During bis investigation Mr. Poole of demand in the wholesale field and to.'T WillIarn Fresb and }Henry Meyer, by siight evidences (J unemPlOYmeit Ilij lýi:amif-r8 wlio ad- piumised uIo 1, Gme rsctions. Sthe tbree fai-mers' grain, tuat The board's vlewe cf the nation's by jei1uEing tu act they have btcome business generally were more oPtimîs- cug4 n le alieged consphiracy. tic than recent expressions and indi- "This caumed the thrashera tu change cated au expclatiofl of more mtabil- Iheir minda, and Uic>- have promised ity1 in industry and comnmerce. tu bring their outfila [o oui, tartes ta- _____ day," McManaman maid . )he left the ety al wthLitzwand Ml111er ]est NO ROYAL FLUSHI 1 We are going t decorate the ma- î-binery wîîlî Anîcris-an ilags and bicw the Whittetet 1ev < ail kflow we're LE FI IN NEW DECK 1hra lîlng toda>. Wer-eflot atrald ciT *welve morie crowned beads, rul- lite ý1LreatF." ersE of 40 Furjectm in a pai'teboard kingdogm, have faih ,n in the mai-ci of democracy and ait I tus-rnbas talion - Ancestors Wete Ait Black! the "royal flush", that tradition n! TI fàîîrries- oirii!"' uropean okin poer-, Arnis-ria'm î-a1est i'îsr 15~~~~~~ th . eiti'cu ite~~ sport. in lthe nt-w îlaylng cards il" r-~ ~ ~ ~ n -RUi 'trîtî i the knovl- kîng. qu..t--n inîîr ieno wmc- lnlad icrding lu lthe îîîbi-b e,. mec lau-st r-ts-galne<j supports er,an ÀMerican utiighboy taillre- tii1 îw fItîîîît l John Hunter place the jing, a ilsd Cross nurre iý1) m' n3, ' iit the. original colo, the queen. a "gub', the jack, 'RI, île of matis b-ki1lt%%asS black. mie ace wlil be an aveatcr. dom vonEl'OR THOS. E. GRAHAM Democratic Candidate for the LEOCI SLATU RE My 12 years experience in the Hou6e of Rep- reentativea makes me conversant with the affaire of the State andi1 earnestly thixk 1 arn able to Vive you proper representation. PRIMARIES> SEPTEMBER 15, 1920. Your Vote mnd Support Wifl Be Appreciated b BOYS' SHOES -Little menae tan situes ln button and lace styles. Tliey are on !oot-form lasîs in i4. kst . ........1.95 P ls BOYS' SHEOES Strongly made situes o! guis metal caîf, bulton and Elit- cher styles in 11ij tn 13% site. Coost$360 26 They're Here YoungMan!., Those Suits With 2 Pairs of Pants You 've Hoped For and the Price Is Only S -Every College Man, Ail the High Sehool Fellows. Every Particit- lar. Young Chap Who Can Wear tCIasuy Waist,-Line and Belted Mod. eLs Should Take Quick Advautage of This Slensational Offer. Ever -r îung f'tlIow in Wau'i cgan1 and ail the c -ounryîObU)d will 11 î-'gî11i-zc ie importance of thisý anuoujicîitt is somli as lie secs it. 1 J t's new s that w'otild start the pecuple talking at aiiy fnie anîd coiitg nî l%ît xv li Nen 3yoîîY ail thinkin'- abouît the Dnuw suit for' sehool it* ;a i-ai itens-aton. Yoin ail kuow Nw-bat two pair or1 lincan - thuv tîhlete life of your suit. The ý otiger boy s have eîijîyed this, ad- antage foir saine timne anidiiov we bring ymi lcrby"tesaîte gi cnt opportunity. Th'e Sîiits aic as classy as they ean bc bit. They re in doulile-breasted, waist-Iine ani belt., eddls in thr' biandsornc fancy mixtures so înuî'h in deinand. Coine in and see thrn. -Yuii be as enthiusiastic as w-e are. Send Your Boy Back to School In ASuit He's Proud to Wear SuitsThat Demionstrate the Leader- ship of Our Great Boys' Store aretu li u 'tgeaî dul-reas d Iers andmi hîîm is,hîiiyt lie îew-plitit and pi i'ket effects. T1wy are' in1 fCw -'îades of bî'ow-n nal gi-cen, miixture-s, î'iicks, plaids, stips and plain w-caves. The K-xieker- - , -kes Çii i- .1 extra lar'ge and î'ooxîy anîd arc fiil l iii d. Tihey)-e in isest'r boys fuenîx 8 to 17 ve- andam aire in lt<-ni m tw o pair' of pants stylvs. The prices ire The "Globe Special" A1I-Wool Suits With Two Pairs of Pants Hûre's a boy's suit that perfornis as well as At looks - Stîits for 'reàl boys" - w-ho -onp and play with their heart in the gaine and not or, their elothesý. They eost a trifle more but they'm' a real in-cstmnît. They'e in beautifîl fabx'ies anil bave beits to mlateh. The pants bavé doube seats and double kues and that ilîcans trjîex a' BOYS' HATS AKD CAPS A nea lot o!entaitest bats and caps for flu 'ear- They're ln al lte 'aantcd stylesan d colores at 1150 10 3.00 BOYS' KNEE PANTS Excellent qîlality fox' sv'iool \-Cai -They 'i-e miade of strstig fabrxic-s aid soîîe atte Ilnîed. Maîîy or theni 'vilii ua-ts'h up mw 11h su its Prices range fi-oi 11.98 to 4.98 $25 BOYS' SWEATERS Al wmol Sxatsin slip oN>li- styles. --Thiey're gooid, heaxy. In--tesa a gx'eat xariety il, -oninhiatiosi taîles andi conIe iii aîHs~7s* lthx~rediî-iatt fric 7.50 to 9.98 BOYS' KAYNEE BLOUSES. Ex-ex-v uiîtlir kîîoxs thýese faîîoms bloiises. Th unie stands -for quality. Tlîcy're ini excellenît f;tbi'ies iii a vayiety 11 of colors anîd patterns aud arP fast eolors at-........ WASH SUITS -le the îutost wanted style. and-fabrica.-- *Tbey're - exceheil> made and are ta no, ed of different pat- lerfils. The prîces are. 1.98, 0 2.98 WE'RE FAMOUS OUTFITTERB FOR TRE SOHOOL BOY Thiis la Waukegans ipadltg %tore for Boîys, betauFe hou and we have nmade It r-o. It dldnt "jupt Lapp n." When you thlnli et the min hatîdise we have si'aays tsî',youIl bec-. sahy vA id. W'EVE uiSENSEDII BOYS' NEEDS AND Wre ready with the best eicihes we ever assctîibied for lbe boys. Up-to-tbe-minute styles, the cream e!tlbhe ew ldeas - real values ihat wili ,crosad the boys' aloi-e. 4