Libertyville Endependent Lake Counity Independet - Waukegàn Weekly Sun The reception being given Gene Runyard ail ovet- the district in his race for state senator indicates that the. feeling is very kind. towzrd the Wa-akegan candidate. In Boone and McHeny coun- ties. the vters have expressed their belief that the local ttorey will weII look after their interests and that thcy are going to give ,hni the chance he asks for. Bill Weiss ha. been spending cofisîderable tinie in the other counties of the disttict. Hec reports that tiisentiment there is very friendly toward hum. Leaders asuc admit that Mr. Weiss wili ,probably be. high matn in the district and the way tbings look, bes practicaUly as good asLelected rlght now. In Lake Couaty msny men who were luke-warm to lits candidacy for a time bave conte over to hum in fine shape for thcy sec tbat Lake County has a chance of landing a member of the bouse as well as in the senate a.nd tbeyi fccl that the countys importance justifies such a recognition, with- out any apologies therefor. In cennection with the recent meeting beld in the Waukeg..n armory by Mayor Tbompson, the one outstandîng thing of tLie whnle session was that NOT ONCE during hs'talk did the Chi- cago Mayor say one word in fayot- of thc National Republicn q lTicket or of Republican nomince, Mr. Harding. His voice wasi atilied wben it camne toecncouraging votera to support thc Repub-i lican party at the National election and wben lie had finished bies galk many voters wbo bad been loiting for the retura cf Republi-1 tan turnes wondered wbether the mayor actually wanted Uic Re- i ,pub!ican Party to be victorious thi. coming election or net. Ifq RECOVER BODY 0F BOY WIIO IROWNED IN NO. C1160. SUNm. Washed to Shore fast Niglit; Father Watched on Lake Shore Day and Night. FOUNO NEAR SOUTH PIER Alter wateb4ng on tth. Lake shore day and nlgbt &face bis tourteau Yer 01<1 ion drowned la the waterg «. L.l i hlt n, ignats Jablowà eky North UhIcao wus timaly rs 'I*Ueoa4tY evntng about S90O0o'eioek Wtten tae boys body ww iis*A allot, Bi a pont Opposite the "me.ý loa 8eel and Wire eOmpeny plant. near 1- - outh plat. - 1.i~ the kake shore wthth e griet mrcàea lamJer at the lita. vers Mr. and of North Chîcago i ne latter was ith irt to ss te OOCIY Of StOve JablOnickY flotW« g ara shore. Pon witnessing the body or lte deati boy, bIts. istok maesan out- cry aîij pointed toward the spot -tbat site sa thtie body tioatlng. The. ran- sic fatuier ran toward the South piet and upon tehlngijhe pler. his sonsa body 'was washed ttei. shore. 'the bodly nas removed to the P..A troshius morgue anid an Inquest heldg lter in the evening. »eath bydrown. lng In Lake Mticigan was the. verdict 01 te coronera jury. Wayor Tbompson and those whom hie brought te Waukegan toi lne North Ch2icago boy drowned earty Sunday afternoonf, when ho 5out- ronduct has meeting stand for the National Republican ticket they fereti a ct-amp, while but à short dis- were ver careful NOT TO SAY SQ at the Waukegan meeting.. tance front anite. Hia eleyn year old bratier, Thtomas. àùd Lwis Botocky, Col. Smith as the Ieading canîdidate for states Attorney is teli aged. 14, son of John Potocky of North Ing folks all over the coutity that lie iierely intends doing th e )est ChiÎcago were withbhim aBthtii ime. Ilbrauier was to0cfar awar to Ille* lie (-ai, that lie beIieves in the enforcemient of the laws as fliev- cxîsr r ss 0'ju but Potocky tried to aid * 0'm anti early Iost his awn if. in and that is about ali anybody could ask of or expect front a cari- sIcilng. didate... Intiinate acqîiaiiîtance .vth the colonel causes Ilîcise vIio lataiwllî be fiell d de knv i liim in rcalize lie mecans what lie savs. mninng at 9 octock Cfrnthe Motier 0f <loti churcit Buriat at Mount Oivet 'e4metery. The Republicans of Illinois ought to be aroused by thte_____ determined effort and defmned policy being followed by the Hearst papers in Chicago in their endeavor to sûr up COUNTY "6WORSTED" . intestinthe success of the Thompaon ticket i lios The Hearst papers are doing their best to defeat Lient I I<lW YPA Gov. Oglesby and his ticket and put mnto power the Thomp.___ son organisation-in Illinois, in-80-far as the primmnies are Laike ounky wti population Yery coroemed. However, that apparently is flot their niti- amiali as conîparedt l Cook countye, t mate aim. They hope to stir up the Bepublicans in Illinois gt're"aliybn' dlc ildngthe matter OC 80 THEY WILL BE FIGHIENG EÂCH 0TH:g after niar,1es K Rtussell, county sutterin: * the primaries are over. Hearst is a Demacrat and there- day, îniroougî lithest th'al le roands bis desire to have Thompson succeed. It merely is to get receve Practcall< as rough usaae lus desire to have Thompson succeed, fl merely us to get as lte 120k couat> matiu. thr Republican.s to fighting among themaelves to such an County road are kept uD by txtent that àfter the primary the Republicans wiIl have SUPeinen ssellt-rnad if a mil- te2cn engaged in such a vicious fight themseives that ji lmOnt duollars are aliet r pr. will make easy pleddingfor the Democrats -at election. son 19lova Ibird of a dollar. in Trhat la why the Hearst papers are NOW BEFORE THE amalou;sw bariPoenBtiotrniaîo PRIMARY, boosting Thompson and hbu ticket to sucli Bub1ect nur taiprs tu thirt tmes in extent. Republicans who can see beyond their nosen -.t l elrPoint far consderation are fiuing this-thlng out and they know the motives be- ta me liard usage cor matie recelve as Hearst and bis political move. We do flot believe raesli O Cth îcag tru s. u a lt-a.t-n à suffncient number of them are being beguiled to permit "' Gate we have teceîved no ld front Rlearst to put over bis scheme.esae lbyteatmî. él .A_ ý:_ML ýSL; ý hAtrun, aiy Lo, myPLUM ~E FATAL TO ?rei Pag on) , .p IGH'ILAND PARKER hi nb klI>Fat-m. .Must lie sun s z ý,e . 7-hum Il y3es icturen. iL . uIt for bet aidary 4.slC iau nb> On 1the eve af bis wlfe's retornCtrn -i D OY or girl under18 ears;no it n uer st Iac .Thomas, l.'*... . - Â-L. ~ Y kmnthe nartbweslern district fort-hie c- , LLe L2 e 1:àr*'»y i%*tJer,ç-v 'al LfDI- G 6mo.iS.3.00 Pnnsyivania lines, diedti oday in a ~>*< , ,, ~ , ,> Q'(54-. Crleic rlunge from the elghli Ilciar af tie .5 J1.iflt4~Vi n~u ùe.armsn 1c-i Vait-y f,,w; ti.jr Ugars. Jw'k In-surance Exchange building at 175* Ofri %ViçeWes Jark--îin boulevard Chilcage. '~ ~ ~ ~ ",- >'-t Bcde Bull, l;1,x(:gr, Smlas Thîomas' bdy Cel] on the r-ofcof the lu~"t - blt- iop. oPen Bioard toC Trade buildinie. six £iL.e âi4Y if' vntr' 'ioù Sàat..r _ 111(llon ll onuer 6 mci; itarwýs below. creatig commtailon i ù t r Monlay .Ju'lglrug i.'bcdjuc.ý s>in t-sciae rite bakery> atnontetiraders on the fluior. I on u.,ia>. I Biotlcita Exhibit (flîleti and Mymtery ourrounds the apparent ,î5,ANDt VEG.A'IAJ1LE I lle 115 wner. 110.0,0 in cash. suicîdè. Thomas, a man af about 40, B.- i.i 411<5 Wh'- t ,î'y t» iIerd.aana bSPl-ialti, babed upon bad been in the cmptay oC-the Penn-4 ri,,- -O, i a t-lbbon vnner In 4Xîîbi iiatfpa.iand apitearance af s>tvanta for a numier coC years, lie 191 9.)wi n 1ri t rapis Lum.Cile ,.Saladuring the lair; 510. was generati> belleved la b. wrh baýr lisia. BiaieXib fairlle. CUP, ]Alae vrathundreti thauiiatitidllars. llla s hierleatl ft lu InLurm~h iBank: suver cup. Untit tact Mat-cii, i tadaut t iet- cil Tr<piLî uilàtr B#ît liait- grade dalryh->beIeralin, agents noffice wa inI Pittsburgh. Wben it- U. L<14 r lyt- h1>0 by el- 1 Ilwas lransferred bere, Thomas È hl ""' Lielitaflîwnbyex *1-i t t 0flivatck owned by moved inCih'licago wltb bis wife andt bibiior, uta awlnnet- ai 1919 Cfair.$51.00 oriedtIn11al dparîillnnîaCuti: llaw- aI> cniîngo wfcuîrn ln traie t4iet- of lrippb Luniber .14-ra i-arim. Elzb. nil yeac id01 t i Edrdn, 1 ardas. l14-t 4 ltermya <Uct (of Sit- 5 Ei z <taneth.i11cbasda n e dw15Ia-d lis-st bu. Oasa.$5.10 in trade al elth i ptoîiuce or ciw tluernsi.Y> 2 ani-; vi - nad prv.hand lhmeai.318 Ra- et- cii Irippa Lunucbr yards. m4i, Cup. ici rvHgln ak i liestbu. bartey shown by extulilîit- Bkeat 4 àIil8taeiit ititof utSi-,, .1be-n d iul î-p'ndenlt OW11u- mlot wnner of 91 fir5.00 ln tadts Coal WilbUr Lb ber ( lies?. bu. bat-tey, 5.00 lunt-nde ait mals. Cup. *îîîîer of lrîppst Lumber yards. bli uernai-y <ait undeî, --4 tmen of Wauconda are lies 10slais O coa. 5.00lu 1P< Libettyvilte Ilcwer antid avaiîaWie ici aIl boys andi girls Ina trade at etter of Tripps Lumber Iii.* rilia ie rWuod.'is IlilliliE IJPPARTMENT premums" ar tered In connection « Bt -2. hbu. yeartlg ccitt. an$bt-0ed.nraed w-lilîfileboy. anti girts stock ludglng mrlianI 2taieiotA. tcries: SJa.00lnluLake (Jaunis-. Culp, 0. W . e. l cîid Ob ed eallieLake County aurcani(. . . utri, re. manin. flait- SePieniber 8ti. ln addition to liet ii;Ehlbit Vegetabie: 1to e ouP?_ est droit laIntimeanies 101 Olfereti by lhe Lake Cnunîy 1Fair-~ pîeiregistered, CuP, Hiiwlarn tFar . M Ascii coniesi Itu be beld Wednesday ~ lieât dialhiay tomaioee: $2.00 cash.lien colt tuai 1920, lfeavy Hallfer, sti11hginai 2 P. M. Any boy or girl épitg e st aurant. ple.Umr Cl.. alrIer. beiween 1 andi 19 may enter. Faci et inge Resar a. es Ube li est inîs Driver. 12.00. John flan- contestant willIbe given a abeel 01t le. W. i'arkhurnt. o. paPer wik taniierlng tie ring. upon ist exbubit 019 seeti corn andi 10 îSWINE DEPARTMENT wflîch 11e wîîî, write bis placings antidi stala grciwn tram lie camne. $5.00. "estI Dig under 6 mIonths. Wm. Wal. Mt-ttliios folite placlng oft he ani- 519» POU TRYrond' lace->Stot-e 12.00 mals io be juigra. -111e paliers wli Ut-TR Gant DmlnBa la as ee cllecîti anti zraded and prefflum> ris. kt-ytipaJ B a-eîcellntn'&s Barber Shop. alvat-ded ccordingîy. and Co ..o.00Hat.Lilet 8ow Sîi pt-eaiikOg um.-5t2 Su Waucond lient cock any breeti. LovetII Dret o-<Wa> ge,5.0Del: Mo. 15.uglgCne 12o. Uup ~ li'EilAj5CONTNUED Trust and liavings anklt. lie?, ie an beed [a> n tles t ibil !Slt5Sset u 2nd prelum-sitt.00: Wauconda Baal en tP.Siu0.y F . omaLaite County Registet-. liîihplihslo lice kCnl'olit-, F.C. ot-in, "est 4 aaws or it sBits-et- Cup, W. - 5"rd pretunu- St 00: 1i. A. Pt-lot-andi 51.00 ,in t-ate. H. Pri-lini t. i.. (c. Nie Carnick. lie t extinit male by anc cihl ieLU i PeimI5.:Bacbr n Amet-tcan bt-e<ds: 1 ssck (iO1c0 r sy lu'sit>Dur-oc S.4 'l'nuiî teîlm5 ci:lia ur u Arcady l't-ducer Ratilons. Libertycu. t, liin b> member p i -lItOin ville bOmbe? , Co, 1 55biSio 5o.~~ ,i<i2rtliul( it:iaita u ilet reein Pe ay boo, IlýL) ie belter lilhe pg liii In acktf br eg 11gg %Ia.sui.r Plg club: $( l519 3, 5.2. 61 l>lIII.iiýt ait-cul. sîam. lb STOf iaCKfit D E g SiasT lo aan i lwn h lis eluber Poanti Massage: Fred Permandez. ViI SRY CK ATE $rtcublt>5. $3. 520.I aitjui igg ontell. toiIJARYCTTL Feuise: liia;nPhie iig ahaWn thuiier *t preium11260: Waucanda ý;tji oct le bstHollslein F m l ie -l o jb: il10, s$.51. . 2of mile à t .F.iunte. ]silinesavins tan. li,.iiHolteincal n Ascicainîl"" ile Ihawn b liniit-pg id lremîonî 5141 tSi: Il.1. Malin. 1%0'-,Uti, HwthrneFars. o<club: $'U.$5. s:;,, 5. suliebe itaad Diclîicn Iît-î.nan. kif-i Hoistefin e. emale ulider 1 year: B h0i (JitienýdnsIai !A, itch 3III tît-iiuIi-$.ioi:.00:l.rwanti. LUP, lHawthorne Fat-ms. fanicifltte a nkr l' relî iult-0 Bon n tisai Hostein tire os-et-2 years: ainlanti Lake C() au n k liou f uhne rut MutI h. won Ibre.e -.vville. 1 ii trmima uv.hait-cnt4chant p4aF 1lMW,* oit0wiaa aremiunts danated b 15Pooand Massage: lBert Harris. AYJ *1~~~ IAy ;SwEy I~2O. ~ -- rrr. VV .wrr- ~~.r.ww- .ay......~..'Vy...g.S. . - o'~;- ~. j. Ma.~ J HON.JAMES HAMILTON LEWIS Democratic Candidate FOR yOERO 0F ILLINOIS Wil Speak at The LAKE -CGUNTY FAIR THI Good Be In He;o JRSAYSEPT* 91b AT THREE O'CLOCK ,MIen and Women Speakers Wili Daily Attendance At Democratie, adqu'arters During County Fair 644444446666e p.... ******~g '[i e .1 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 .4 ~ .4 .4 i 4 4 --------------------- à I 4.44w 414 .1