CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 2 Sep 1920, p. 3

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D£E UERTYMUE NXP>9efRM . TiUEAY. SEPTMBER 2. 1920. I )rm :eIence. what his u ts supeuauf 1 motor %vîth chined com- trongest yel the cut and rig in a con- ing bearngs îng demand tng for the ny that this ,e )ml1to rstand.. time, madie up tbe arn un itofapainte even approxiinateily corren rer IIRN D II eut due te aK nosb in.n OYSatu F R rdmm bave tisen kept. accardine f)t(.. day msternt,.r. he .,.en Kh .in New York Times. The nemrm-- knoarm hP wth te $400 planning f ""pY ..v.' ... l1apmra hte It was caused by ;i rhmmera the amount. Wlàen be a a a ed n K[EY Iepdemic ln 184 9. Then Ifi,,i mhs f IREIN WITIIR nosa hecounet locmiae hbis mah U LA î nmbered 3,033 tethe mllion ,i popu HIARBOR jIt OUSE î faer;î, levig i i ls S IIN IN ZION CIT i Uoti i thereabet aJ ni' h1 Seven Year Old Son of Alec' In the moraing wlen hii.. wlire wen, Harold Nelson, Son 6f Elmer fer t I'm'nflt Incitide ashi. Bruno Victim cf Mysterlous ;r:, ,,k fh ound thé o ue Nelson. and Paul Rocka ianadicardiîac diseazela of whic-h lth n- Fire Sunday Morning. Qintane il ier'ie ak e rl IlGult. ii. oza,' direct rauI,. mmi flbrhsad wkndblnndlie il.' notable of the difscoaverime Ta- saten yar old son.of ME-.- and in is hl aste te get "hlm. Sie 'childr.'n tii i. W.CROFT 'nthe course of tha rigitrar gtmeraisg Wara.» Aies Bruno, o Winthrop Harbor to aafety didti fothe ogtbs s ih trc oswr a tinvestiatiola lltithe aitnc n ge h was terribly burnid arly SuÛday q trouaers anti wbem ts ae0t hie 1 ir by ce ag invastîati lase the Itraidechangte morning whon a dire o uysterlous 'point of trying ta gelthtemn thedae atternptiflg te destrüy and muttilate a disease. Wban It lied prevailed before origin detroyeti the Bruno boreneatkIept hlm back. However. tier.' senez s"gn en 27tît mtrel, Zion, at the en-lwams duOOst Praeoe drove the tsinjly out of fdours sulittatbe forantuestiongL toawbether tronte to Sîloli tark The sigu wa haue tatparona efeca, 0ou bh itehopita erqesbion al; or whetherî i hefr 0 Daily Iterinder". 55 years of age those younag.1r [han haste' aectsi'ose h .' the Ponts ad'.tti.. aaled haorM. Sheit ofthe i that b4ving beet cotnparativety ate dfes. etc, Ieem.a tim- lteu, in .stheo-admnI.tte mtýr.Sedo mi,,'hed tqoi th ro whch had MIbimali FieldI Comfltmy hait rom- (rom attack anti ualtY îeîîmmcîng if whàvrtonIc h denmielvs faon, i.. mîu'.m' d quickly about the bouge went îaed tmiat the iaws anti ordinances oft tey dit becoule Infectemi In 1919 lisaiiw c a ehu* s. nsdeand-"fried trousers and mufle> ian aîîuld Ile tespected by the com- tbe older peuple vere apparent 1> ai- b> the trl e i.'mlmmy hldboen awaY. At ounil rate tbe trousars i anl Te igu w put tla hy Voliva. mont lrnmune, vblle thome ieioa 35 arîma ~dmoney are lent te Bruno andi a. th"- and la one o! a numbert'f t mall signali auppliet an efloraua majority nof[lie 'fo-h ltte 'b"> a n [lit, Kencladit. ire cuna4umetieverything lu tbe houa" which Volia cls "pin prleki.". Hai" deatba. i-pit.mal. where ait-'waa nîmbedti t iera ineno way of dteermînine l'or a oltiNelson and Paul Rockafeller In jTbis anauinanti violent alteration,, ]I fllmlinYer of Ziun-had boeea caliet i certainty wbetber the ire mor thi.,r'-4 conmipany witb Donald Rice vent acrosa as let impi> an observemi fam.i. ail to attend irn anti fuuud thatl imathurasadded 10 Bruino',; rnsfortuiie.ta,, thé sign and Borne blows vere attempte te explain il bave faiemi ol we 0f auch a charaicter that bhoftoi Bruno jS 5afailbflr mpIYo>î m(etlb.. emmuck that loooened the igu o that convincing demonstration. Tv,, ag. ht, anly bat ane chance in a huarde Municipal Engineering Wattsa and bas it hung by a rail. Then they gos . gestions are made'-blhec u~ele <roin the lime t ellue been empfloYe there for at leaslt tn colt tact anti beat a realmesat. Spi,- in a cbange of the reesainit po'wer or tDr.biitmeYer nat Ioda> that the years. Hia fiaonds iotiay ralliei to bis cial police ver.' out watchlng the the population andi that il al i de ita hi» bat been hurneti go badly antd assistance andt now the unfortuinate igusl andthtb boys vere caugbt b>' change lu the attacklng poirer orth[le had inmhae so mucb af the daan«esrmanfaues the proposition of tartîng David Andiersoni, an offîcer vbo a goetn The latter theor> mn b.' the aa belie fiat hiswould at no ime life aven again as ail of bis aavlngs aondty i tthe tlme, more probable, a ilain naccord vith recule r. anti bousehaid affectstarvera-trficot l Ou the witneaa stand Anderson tes. the varying inalignance' n dîfferent ios 80 n cash. the dre anti smoke. tifledt liaI he wa. ou dut>' about 10 yvars of sarvenal other diseases. they ______P.m. anti beard a racket. He ooketi belin ilu inome epldenmm>sud lêtdsteterrible Injuries ta th. oveor îowardsthelb duanatasl ou hlth deadly lunalliera lttitiboltherei oilr rý ieNo Illinois Action Needed latreet ant I lWibret boys e B at a s._______ luttey bot there la anather traiuc tes ure Io the dtre vbicb net oly ton «To Give Women Vote aTdey ves in etilti o ubyuid. T li aumn.d the Bruna ore but anoilier Spriangfield, I]. Ana. 26 -Womeuthbey lefIthe asigu anti ho overbead 1 AR)G A =411 bhouafe next ta Il. both 0f "'Jch ViU b. qualifiedtetovote ln Ilinoisas oans boy gay, *I.tas go bock anti fin Voie ovustiby Brut Biimmons. vyein s@ou «asthe officIilnotice of Sacre- toit the job."'. The police iteprtlent SN IITFO kbown Boton realdeat. tarf Coîbysa suffrage proclamation tg tae thon notfiait andi Aai«t IS I UM1 O It -ema that Bruno. nutl onîy lat racelveoibobe,.Socretary oi State Ern- Chiel Strieti arrostedth ie Ibree boyse. ail of bis hoMasolti affecta and faces inmoen announedt oday. Rot Thamas H. Nelson, tathor ot the terrible accident te i son, but TanIllinois Cities operatluu under liaroit Nelson lestifiedt iat ho «. THEi LOCAL PUBLIC ha loat 8400 lu resi mon"y. theo cies anti villages act wvii close aminotid the slgn atler the mater lait- On SUurtiay ho borowed 8200 of their lista -of vamen voter. tonîiglat ien repoHrtte 10hlm antihob. iatLait o s$56 u eI afrisait adait teo bi n oveq no tbu ler townua andin luthe coulait>a ylimam il wa.'.nflt defaceti. He admllted Price nwl i56 u el wvbcb ho bad been étaine for &flme regiaraitian i. uat necesear>' sud vom-liailm hati been farenched tram ils, ers Have None; Freight rate en mi>' vote b> affidavita. place liowever. bul 100k ex- Ieptaon te tbe word "defaced". He Boost to be Added. statemj liai hoe trOngly objértet I o - lie muilation mmma amy bulletin boardeT he 00price of autbracimm m'ouat j uie vould nflt rounlaenace tmidWautt.'can novai angi 2-ni8130 Idestruction for aone moment. He Ias. o $1S ) bait the tea p,% h Im ni sores, ho sai. Ifflai hi.. b, hat gai Whaltihe prie could lhe if ihemi had For L ieutenajit G overnor j n ied'u,;;imaIl. ; t>sup [t i l C y ,er ;,.Iýiré I-oi afi ru almwemi 1heard .of fi, sav hm mihe, idmit thi '-h. micei detuction , mmm . ts no .e : ýý -gs , ,t' h'i, at a FR If i te tIm> w-.,fi cmed in ,ith ittho- ni î,'da roII%'..t F R D . T E LI Gl.' ilium î' mif . re i.. anytlmlug u'il--',,k tlis 1,'î,T vrneWih mien i re itga propel t 't I ".mutt1 e m m'-'e I.m lac 'l'h- se migr a hould i *I. 's roai and ir I n tîmmmm ~~ n m mîicoelood a guard, i ihInk lt'o è . te nmih r 'li. ' t '.t OFI 'h n . D hat the> ,hmuid b.' guardet. -.m ,,,I.. lmdmotmi' 0F U~.Il-Ui> .hul g;rd tere in perfec. 1'toulai on"Ille. SuI."mii Ili-~ .tîu a.. a Walilibe pe i. protecionm to timese Il :m~date foi-'flic Rlepîb- î-tgn, mi.i'îmm .' liiaNoiiij:;:m tiail at the %.' 1) I,, .t"ler. tatimel of one of 1iock ',~î,, . .- ii, imî.fiim Ol s'tated bto te court I'im.îy.Sel.l5t.mlimIle action'. of lb.'boys fidit netm1mth. -'ý ofn13ZI'm t1- "' lt.'. i %%l. "mmi mu' s amplromat andi lie wnld n-a mîim'm' 10 mimen 1mmi 9 itie ta here bail W., kegmi lot. i-.. .'pîlýi .'im fotrlrý l hs mutilation aif ..iî.pl t Ttîmm r' l', h'î î'a- foi- r'* errai' 'm att .' mu- -o ami,-i lik fieda' r olrd Neo l mimm, iiiSm i.i fil- ii... a. 29. iiI r 'iW'rtes yl,. îl> not kn' n Ibut dealers' li..,.i-1:9~,- or ia-n. tlrr- IN~FLUENZAL'.1IS f'mieamin i Ilh ri .1 fod hail I - ':r-i'r-(.e.mtt,. . i !, temI ton i ie of rot im. 4 'FOUND TO BE :, . m-_i .. - ..iii bi !""i~r.!uTNA T , ..t I... ,i , .,m ITAl'T'o'imi .tmmp' otI mouîglita filor îmbatki fil, -Nationammi,, l aid t. ', i l t' FR3 E TRIGDýad1Iness of Epidemic Which 1~~.,.. A.i' m7 .i'î ',tomm il1 1 n l h tt Iný,l- - l wl Z 3IftLI~$ lUS i" m;:~,d,' imil eat.' r.'.'niiScotirqie ofthe British ~ 'i. i. 11 o-lIn . il 1- liltm t..,î, laîrirg î f a iîr î a u. î l oi-Ilt#rl- lu,1r ta, th 'I mue-n - t :.,îim t îhmrtîe- QI .tatitic,. i. ' in. ii ',r'i"amir-'l'r,,ytri prtlîatv m. mi 0. întlumemz;i pidemir that svepm Ifl miIl .%%mfli al na "rat.lort th e Mtti' i e '11i,'Lm'i aitqil. - frttilistî he otvî-'ia oel,- 000 0 O 0 'I0 JC O O O O a O 0 'I , aî i'?'mt fi,.' it&-laiia i Prialy. Sept, .1911,1, a.,i-tm- . m ta-miahli , ftalitie- wî're immrait REAL ESTATIETRANSFERS e mmm, a>iita'i.î.îmî.toua b, mam than t[lns.'that have 00 O Oo0oo o o0o00 0 0 0 O O itm'liei(itm' mmmînn o f atm> kinml, - Aug. 13, 192(1. matieio mmii iiThroa,. vâtu LEN..SMALL FOR GO HO0NEST-CAPABLE - INDI LEN. SMALL the sisetion et Waren G. Harding fer pvssUnt..a dCulvin Ceool-e 'lma.fer Vices Puosidt. ami ,lddlmg.ih. country 'Of Dmkj m.ltal emIrvie». Ho fater. epeaullu the praesaiPublie Utilities act. thewaby rgitte il sis.e Houa»luaRas*iL.heraulatile &ads" of aiPublia Uti. ies.' He faveup ce-apative buplus ami aian" whis Win usure te îLe preducer a fuir pale ,bis labo, auj camaiiti5 and »at.te trio sammerethe eaziaIote pro#" of thes coreupi ees. bae. spacaters and pW.f item. Cailata foriL.' Republlsma Nom- ination FOR GOIVERNOR Mis Rorsd la Oua, ai Fuitabulou FeièsFoule Seri" Weiffand vite %V[i1) 1000. lot 15 Giniés cuh. Lb ttmil.' Tbeo Vanmier %Wiriffandmi vie lu Bmotte Srhotimni. i ite '%Vm Il'$111Pi lot 16. Gm mmc îh1.mhry i. I E NH -enry M.,mnmmîm liiC. E .d-g, )V E R N OW' I-1)$2,75 ii. i)i 1tMaumian'- cmiii. EPENDENT Pete.: iidt c't NEri LEN. SMALL ub i;n S,.' 3, GOl.mi(,nrhnipl 1 Aug: 14, 192 Promuises rapitiiy te pouhElls i.Boi'ni.tiin amnl hinmmlta 1C te comuplm'ion the bard rond A. snt MabeitC Oa'etm.. W.1hi$10-..O system of Illinois. Ha vOll lot 9. block 9. li'.amkegan pull Ilinois out of the mua. Peter sihinen ant i afe ta L l' Hnige WD $10-00. loi 15, block 3. Haestandis for the Aussi' Durai'.. suutl ifsad sub. Wsokegau. ecluisrn of Washinagton aad A. C, Ritzentbau,'r ta G. H. Coopî-r Repubtlcasam .of Lmicole. W D $10.00, lot aim Pîarle View' J., J. Walter mimd aile it arcob $a- Ms Hedemandéa amore eîm hagian w'f) $850 i.o mli8. (Ex S .32 ilsiribution of the borde" [t) Block 7. Sund- i un's. 1.t adîl Wa.u of taxation, snd puaiabueut Mega. Fifaiadhsa1t of tba.nich taz'dodgerà Wha Rockwood loti I tid vite )l atteuipt- te stade pariag, $15.600.o0.parti t1. iav-mua. their just shars of the eLx- *ao Gl umtvfetat~î penaS of gavernseeit. Richarde8 W t!$1' (iiW'33 fi. loit. Bunnetta Northlid aidmmt. Waukegan. Ha'is appoed te &My par. 'uig 20, 1920. masut alliance vltb uu7 Lillie M. Seoti ani hushant intaHan,. paret the sforsîga tvabd. Thoruti auit if,. W 1)$1000. ltmi41, Twvedt's euh. Fox take. Ha favava immuedieacs- T.,1L Knask anti vife io T. J tisa tevard 1he payrsesai: of Knas.k W 1)'> fil lom.ti avillage of a libsoal bonues te the soi- Deerlelti. alors. &alle@ and marise .J.P. Ft{iml n Feivu H. Sherman Who servtsdin the lt. va,. W 1D 810.00>ltinmaivillage af neer. ____field. Ha balstes ua, 'Heury' Mairari liiW'. G. Gran anti HebeieesthtAmari. vufe W D 82.00. lot 2 anti voat il lot caa citiaens ahoula ha ex- 1, block Intt home sub. Wancutia. empt f ront fderal Ite»"IOClare E.Jobnnuai t lia . FMoan MaéliIn lcaneus of luses Ibu 7r., W D $10.0é. N 43 fi. loota"19.20 $6,900 par year. anti 21, Cumnîing. ,m.'a. ., Natil aie uts Ithe Pople.atit. Waukegan. litaof * p»Pe. -V. W. Burrisa nd wale ta, G. A. -15,1920Kraft W ) 81.00. lot 28, block 40. BER .1, 192 LaeoBluff. I harlotte 'ýFrth anti huabalidt 0W. A. Wixsou W ID $1000, »M tlot 1 REACHINUOUI ILLINOIS 1- $160000000 surplus inIi is tiomaury! $6000000 In lard road bonda, and U0000000 in wateway bondel CHICAGO 1- bssuiveg cript Promisset pay-b4as . $5,000,000 dafleit.--a batik. rupt tressury. SHALL THE THOMPSON TAMMANY. wlîich bas emptlad Chasg' remaur > yanti pitetinp this linge dtceilit. hopermitbd lte<"ntrol the satet's muhlosa? HAL.X SUt 'H A POSIBILIT bý mmiii>'for LU.i.40Y. sIdats t. 5 Osv.s t uai 34m m midt erjutrf ud John G. Oglesby REPUBLICAN CANDIDATIE fO" GOVRRNOR .He Stands %asnht"a Tsunniny Par Illinois." s - -~e - hiocl< 80, Highlandi Park. C. A. Newcombi Jr, ta Nim'lm t2hos I 'i em u N 25 ft. .1;31ftm ltt 8 hin, k 13S. Northi Chicago. ',. oft le'rb'rt 'r.Stran>' (oi Grave i s'Ilanu dmiemi ii )N iiIt luit 2, lîmî itX 'm-nu', aim. lighi.îîîmll'.mmk Aug. 21,1420u Il M,'nîleeood anti ait, mu F, E. S.mag.' and wife W I) $10 0A0lt' 3Smîi tii .; uh ounliitnci L.ake. Mar) Stratton to J. F Graf andi wlfe W 1) $75' .0)f. lot 19. Atweiis smb FastmiAttiiacl .Mamtet in Chmncéry la Il J. Guérnn deemi $9.750. iots 6 to 9 Pearson, Slmok- e>' & Hogabma euh.. iliglivoot Emaimuel Schwartz ta Wm MecKerlie W D $10.00,. lot 16, biock -_. Eiýgr'.. aditd Waukeiman. Charotte C. Craudati anti huabanti mmm Nina W. Wmn.itont W 1) $1.800. N 3o ftt S 130 fit, omt6, black 19. High-' landi Park. W . W.Grumimîntimand i] vt luPaul ine. (7abrya W I.) $10.00, ilt on cast imiie 2n tai. libertyville. K H, Esty and vite in M. H.Sniuh block 6, Warren'. atiti.,Waukegan. Est> M',S. Keit.b(decdi"to lDavid Aikien... Deet $3000, lots 2 anti 3 Sel cartz North aide gub-, Waukegan. i('aroioe G. Erskine anti hushandti t A. F. Beauble W lD $10.00,.flot 48. Counly clark'.. sub on ljUtfick Sîreel. Waukegara. Aug. 21, 1920, p M. C. Barnes anti vif.' ta E. V.« Thorp W D $175.00. lot 15, block 2. Nixonsg West aide.atd.. Waukegan. Joaephine Marks 10 John Gostisca anti wife W DB $5.500. lot on eaît site Marion atreet. snuth of South avenue. Waukegan. Jerry Cbamernlk ant i vfe ta Adam Skrlac W D $*10.00. lot 16, block 4. W , àukegau Highlands, North Chicago, * URM EA LA*ICEMIS o 0000006006SOSO00 00 Roy Isaac Ccl Keltuer. G. Lake. 21 Nettie Mary Lavrence. Highlandi P'ark, 18. Harry Caution, Jr., Kenosha. 22. Katbryn E. Kark lmlea. Kenosha. 20. Gordon W. Fringer. G. lýgke., 22i laina B1. Hartmann. Milvaukee, 18. Allen P. Henry, N. Chicago, 32. Irane M. Poucher. N. Chicago, 24. Albert Kuaistra, Shields, 39. Caille Tinga. Libertyville. 38. Walter S. Krena. Evanaton, 30. Nellie B. Hilton. lBirminghmam, Ai.. Smtani.'> Baur'r No.<'Chicago. 3x Li.mclc- Zv.i'rz>n8ki, No. Chicago.26 " 1y Put Up Witi Rata for Vearis," Writes N. Windsor, Farmer. "Vears ago i biougbht sorte rat pais- on, %imich neail>' kllled aur fine watch Ih en scared n that ve suffeemi a lomngtlimae wilm ralbuuntil rn>' neigmii bnr toIt me about RAT-SNAP. That'a the sure rat killer aund a safe one ." Three sîzes. 36c. 65c, $100 Solti anti guarauheet b>' Decker Drug Store and Scbanck Hardware Ca. No Sm Lit THE-N 6:02a.n 6:32 a. ni. 7-02 a. ini. 7:32 a. mmi 8-02 a. tii 8:32 a. Ii, 9:02 a. mi. 9:32 a. ni. Long Grove Cider Mifi Is Open Each Day f the WeekI Except Saturday1 Sorghum Mill Open Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursays and Fridys of Each Week Do flot bring cane unil dead ripe je H. EISSLER Long Grove Try a "Wa.t Ad," a in the bependcat. I wil pay y.. loke, Dirt or Cinders )n the Electric Road bertyviIIe toChicago FORTH SHORE UNE i (N%éLý 1 AT LAK'E 81.1il WITNI l'\IRESs TRAIN 6:24 a. ini 634 a. m 7:24 a.iim b:24 min, W-)4 a. n. 4:24 a. nu. 9:54 a. m Then every hour until: 3:32 p. ni. 3: 4:02 p. mi. 4:32 p. mn. 4: 502 p.m. 5: 5:32 p. mi.5: 6:02 p. on. & 6-,32"p. mn. 702 71 7s 32p. m. 7. 3:34 1).n :24 p. n :54 P. i :24 p. m p.54'p W-24 P. M. &:54 P. n 7-24p. M. 7,54 Thon every heur until 12&32 a. m.; last 1-27 a. mi. TRAI. sARRiNI' mN CHICA(uU 7:44 a. tii. 8:14 a. ait. 8:44 a. ni. 9:14 a. Ini. 9:44 a. ni. 10: 14 a:;mIn. 10:44 a. ni. 11:14 -a. nm 5:14 5:44 p. ii 6:14 p. r 6:44 7:14 p. . 7:44 p.n. & 14 p.m. &44 p.m. 9:14 p. . train leaves at iboie Sodmlulo Opoated @Il Stdarl flue For furthen information apply tCo the CIICA60 NORTI SCORE & MILWAUKIE R. R. Liberty ville Ticket Office Phone: Libert'yville 74 PAISE - - Illinois A Voe $or Lop. ui aa V.a forthe.%i PRIMARYS WBDNESDAY, SEPTEDI

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