THE LIBERT'KVUILL E PENDEI)Rf. 1IAWAY. SEP~MBER2. 1920. szz.zs::::~S5 e. *eree.eo6O**.~~~... z:::: :::s~Se.:ATTY CHAS. He KINti Coufty eat ewsANDFAMILY TO :::sss:s~mIci, ittilh r. Ga-ns - ier and e-----------------Purchase Home in Highland, -e-i pllollCy oftfile Comspany . aicb im. IT WÀS NOTA iesitÀtossnrs TRAP DRUG. CLRI Suburb of Los Angeles and iticeio et pc.ot:piandJ Decide to Remain There. ~OMPANY ULE TO expltina bic attitude assumued b>"IO Z One of the retil surprises of thse day, mi ) e. L; the nrews that Atorney and, Mr@. minoscIttrý:11lOiSot orMIK K Chartes H. King and their famiIy. of REFUSE BOYS MI114k hî,-,onmttl.-1the HÙ cutcised i O HURE I'î t p a : t l l wiCl t . i n l t e r t' l itht* 0 Ok o n n W a k g n Bordén Co. Explains Treatmenl iit ti..t t i iI~ iAdmits he "lTipped off" Place several weeka age on. a 'iit ae ofByScouts When on tr i ttrAho il basn îdcîosi5d- Where the Liquor was Kept ews taremd ain ee the ef-n~ ot Bo a ti,' been in Dug or. fect that they have purchased a beau- ___ f Itir uitî'atdoflabIF ir' ltmr'nt OS tie Les Anigeles. and wii retura t Wau- Lalc GeevaHike ' 'r~wancailti 0 tsa uai'bccusekegan lt Pack. up tiseir houseboiti af- Iîiee lsflunar ut theluconutnir, O Diean tvr r'oiaagie arretaeaturday fects and ship theus ta their new borne tr erey ear ot tse oucîîiOr Itir hut iSun 'ill i. îrm attfernoon of two amen lise Waulcegan in thse land of sunisine. freOuently appeaisng in mir n-ws col niaisa "Ion trous Iteccoi lit)ilîrdE. Pe ice todlay express thse belloft tiat oras. namely trial stcqti-tilv eusGaii: .. of chrî',t episcopatr tli lsy bave ciestret up thse soo At.& rsKngia oInein ployri re u pevie J, en,)rlor :tier asscouillsie oftrop !bonze and "dope" robbery et the Lib. Wbatever of remaining in Californila "U la t e are spe tr e ix.ciiienýmt r ir.ite, t u Ititr: t o toop env dru".store. Tenuhstreet. on thse wheî tbey left bore but stsply coulrint disadrantage o! thoir etitloyet" on ikrt to Lakie (Cnrea NI r. Gan. niglit of Augusat 18, These renlanthse rertirt tise etiasate. Nc doubt in tise case of tise jBrrde" i uter und'. t.tri(81 o A ,2th dirugstore, accordlag te the ,poltce. A(ty. King has been prsctiring iaw Co. ey ave rue whch rtý%nt - "lstas adostitted hbis conaPiîclt> in tise in Waukegan rar 20 years andi bas gemerai saie of milii.fronut hiijitac SInith, Augu!st 2jlil issu, st! aour 1 ,narndn fii iyfrao) tory. At tise time tise Sun prinied tht irliu- n Paper Suire appearted sus acr l'lietvIo en arresteti are: 40 Ys>'ers.He §rat forned a iaw mttMIIOtt reatie to tise Boy Scout «)'ma( 0f thse refusai of an empioyee Edward H-. Schweitzer. 709 May St.. partnerab*p la Chilcago but bie Wall- tetwent at thse fassett plant. the- !oftlhe Mrten Farte Produrs.. Co. at 1dert in tise store. kegan Prtce becaute go large it re- writer persoal opiion isaI.5thé1 tt, W~iqIseli mirj le< the il%*"am Barsies, Hickory street. near Quired bisehi4tire LIme go be dlsolvod thse emploYe In- qisession isad i(airely ' Soutnsa,4ei ot Troop 6. fBoy Scouts G'tn ise cav !ts e nbveb.os tonnty.i at t. aobosvr Ome. gwliing t tie lha proint', et.nîrica. t'hile enroule ta Lake. seo hear gsOfetomn'aebe tY "bu ignv envr ta graatth ie boys te isenllireeded 4t , nta O Ion i undrç'd mnie hike. tor a r gSp. 8. 8015hbave active la tise ommunity and their de- for tisir breaikfast. We caîtcetela I'Jn. sttlltter bihs .bnen brulitglssIo0 t e relessed in bonds of 8.00 escis. panture wili ho generaliy regretteti as Co. wuld iiaitoill A o thewesthweitezer.ii accradîns taefihe police, thse> are' enter priAins. congeustal and tho t ft g sore C aul nîtntsir , i nirf !st es useatsra a, atimlttedte ta tisnat 1w tipped 1 epriteti. Mu rvsgslePMrnsshirtis' th- i 'tortSt-FairntirouscteCa. inoff toetHarnes stiere tise liquir nwas 1publ),ic mOt wo aime fet that tise iead otf the' t tirago. eni thir keptin tahie store go tisaI lie woutd ameitBorde. Co. wouldn't expttUt, iMr- A MN, uinabas istieti uton 'tuc1tait' no ditficulty findlng J i eane itslriteU«ent of s factory ta refuise r. expIress tise regret rof his conspauty b a is lae He Baya Banie BOY 8Scus1tea afew quarts of tik evenir ua unis Seainients sîoulti have beten ines rarrîrd tie psae.s rsstf oeu-.unS. MAY ACTIIN tilo«ogi bnosdoing the supitrinterrlen;r d. I Teraoop 6.andtissiure me. 1tDe narIed b esevn Hicry s os- t et>ieii> il 111b1811 any.sieosli cn,'r !;* 1f l os bi forn.tisai s denies having taken any of tise I>RU5,EC. UI 0 rla shorti snit (r'T-<1 %'E dope reparteti stoten. aa srtobig coni-eru rlike thr, t~ItMILK as.a'rrrrrretation o!et »ordft Goý, no doubslist il ]h( veî a ruw ounte part t,! an emplovee Arrorfliag ta tise police their sus- Md1 to accomodase s a 0:tri D B, uitnirn no wav écxpressth ie aittitd u iosacedîrectetiag'sinst Schwiset- E> elaY.I I1L SbOOtssin orsler to ir lcouravutt,. 'ne ',-i. ln ir t rmPsodurt'r. whichs zer wto n tieft a lvstiaten ut -uut-wtde movemetti je)ili,'futl,> sulagts Su lu every possible waySIr 4 o edr n netgto u of tise land. , r'Stiab.t, anti pbllansisnopic in ,tiss tIsev h.tino-evdeurre stgsnst hiinsSe ' n e o actc Invat-galofl er tou., andI argantizatsols. tiseir baiteti s trop and according taeLisappealac fNactc OnCe of tise a it t .. ls,.tîî h(n - Lest tht're nsght art.e an tt ire 1saeen efu aa1.and vv.îSkeY uSaS inves- lhat tise Bordet c 'i . p,.. Mle. ' ressan ftât the refusât ttOBell miii. 'fi>' enlisted thetserivices of a1s ,,,t1 "0P 6 Wan tîteart of thse Borden ai-i kîsostresidetoth ie r-outil tigation vu u&eu. generous in il, pl i U5 f loiSrr t idea ail Pomien i andIni' ithioputj o instesl rf erti art c rdeasealprmet atllIeu lodge - lnt(rmaioislios ia* ilej, c s hrarinaie i1rmiù'tht.. 'a platp rtrcia'.Tr'iis mnwn Schweitzer. ln tise arreat of Edwarti H.Schweit tibfrusîlonte slle l0, . a n.'ir,. ia,tr indîttgenre ta priatil it tsaid, antisu"eed rt icrosai - tnbuet t tc 10 st %No:, ' r itila t' S': Trop6 taocae of ise stolen linstar for $150 ses '71,9May atreet. drus cler. ani N(ithago $.rti s10lasir vi ~r , u-..'a CorlbonstiotsIt appeat* thai Schaettzer looak juitnformer menuier of tise Sia uoftise campj RI iAtgonqutt anrti ii , c (el'tti b> tPr uaauthiaiizedte 0tht- Harne.s mand tiobtainedth ie Liberty dtmg store, and %William n r it r'rou.nan ttquoi i h'police sav Schweitzer * arnes, Hickory stret, tise Sauegan c1e for tie boyîsîî,r illt h îr. n l rdr-n ' xi,~hr t tdlsigsolti anosser rage -palace Tuesda net oni> expressed tise Cat frontiCiseoys."-r t-trr. t K' latdlrrakc Publie 'îtiti, lquir ta a sec-ond raniy for 8$100 bolief tisat they bave cteared upthie laIe tirrr n Csicge :, the. wt:skcv haes been recot- robbery of $.000 rortis of drugs. nar- J'bus it a seeiu ritatl ilt ttr i ar.'rtir'c-Torps t"snrted "(i Ott'polir, arc nclichripelie b4-coticsand liqsor ai th- store Augusrt Cerng foUrr(' ii -n soi itrIphi;î'r t he, «are a ordl -vPai] Of it ha,. beent soird 18. but in addition t tise cisarge of dOl Srdi tlt5ex itiiit risfin 'nliesrotr.ttiof hittr'h ik, rs i: u ticurer ut n,î3 a"Iock larceny. tise Internat retenue tiepart O 4ild lard n(5t i a -:r ir ait md' tt ii Sîcrntng ofutim I4 R-4 a PeaPi1usent Siseafternoon stretianies- bi 5 0! ' a aus:at trt ietaa% ,)f ct rrcie~sur,. ru ',5w unisu. eatd ,amotrrr trr-uko 1tîgation tisai may resuit tantise arrerI lPIIi duois a itOzerifotSi ru~ rr F ,t -r icopn eethe ide utr th, drugstrnr.aitlof otiser persons and tiie briflging of Vn Pisiî i n r' !,nîtI. 1is--*,iaItrieuir Thé-' Iran bars OS:trle sic:' additionaaicharges againstishe mon ai. '5 a ist]tdrcr Stiie , ltike our.o!f 'a'ik.. * .wi.. ~ tinitO (id tisetdruigstor'e et. t- i- , rr'adr taken. relative ta tise alleged gan te 'a , ~ r.i. etDV- fo sal-etc.d. e In500CtheI. 3 mnw4 st 5 .aa na iption on part of thse Uquor. andi tttg ut twtrve anrd one hait rn-ce ,o! Accordang ta tise police Schsweitzer ___________________________________________________________ 24 frtslute'. Settri. Watt eoi, 1NE4iRO IN AUTOv MA RUNSDOWNAÀBOY' VýO IOU WALTER J. WALSH McHýNRY, IL LIN.OlS iasmuch as it wiil bie impossible for me ta personaily jolicit the vote cf each and ever>' voter in titis distrct, 1 take tisis means cf announcing my candidacy and soliciting your vote for the Republican nomination for thse office of Representative in thse euserai Assembly at the Pimaries - -Septemiher iStis. Having spent rny entine lit e upon the farnu wilichi1 now own, exceptIo1 attend the countr'y school., the McHenr> t' Hîgh School and two termis aI the Agricultural Cailege at UcUnvtersity aff ilMrous, 1 feel that 1 arn fuiiy acquajnted wil'h rondit ons tbl Iconfront thiAmerican (armer. I have Itirîs di,..iv conn- irdl wim}s ail tlî.n farier organizatuons "ht have been formed in oui' ioui y, Ibertlocal1 Presiclent of die MîIk Producers Association. Pnrsidnnt at one tinie of our Federai FarnsLutin Boaid and Locail .djuster for Use Co-Opersatave Marketing Co. - Therefot"e. 1 (ccl that were 1 nominated ai lite Primar- ica September I 5th and elected in -Novemher, 1 would be ni a positions f0 be of t<eaer assistance to the great Agra - ailturai Industry tr+ich I 'reps esênt. Ettablthe'ad 1858 s PS: lAI rîtentio)n giren ta tisa Stla o!f iesepd flts. Wujta, 'test Ploitry, Rides, 't'. A!- Bitter andi %Cg%. r i a r e d a or ceesigament Pt'utsptIY teut'P L This la tise QU'n y1lr5'r' o ie Street, Tage- .5' ru'rmi5h,ýd e a. P '- Coiti toraégut FRE. StOtîs 1 and 1. Ftito 'tr Seetf Wbeleeate Market, CHICA40, ILL. ADSPEEDS AWAYD.J7 n I ia fr s! a 'id lu eaiz r î, , - k t.'et .i Sii 55 îutlrdn1 Eri tgltb> CEdrnsi the ...ompson-.arnuany F tri 'ur.Si a rnîtmrnlrrng asiîsp»îîmcocrnits Thcmpscns ris, .ti-eepit, u-,d tr>I opiug to 'candidates ion saite offices te hou~ lrrrt t t hii, sor haati ben iniu- q'i, Peeit-d tir hî car andi Taire fi-cm the lîrmer every ta.- l 00in Mark, t srte. dollar by whicb his land in- A' Saurs rvenjjýsrr"'.trpped h- t creaied in value since thse t 1 tii lI 's itu wart'ug to Slît:s rIlbis, ~ oi - ,.a f-ttit t 1aP5 ietif ht-machine anti oi arsatd dt1lsaî narn Tirs cri,-st-'es ti Cofca IPtior rtf tisîn rasean(ati lsd t ,* as ' ae pi-opery cf ove?>' r o5u ti.;ý t, ý the it-t tat co bsines man andi fariner? Kirît nrî.-ar'inM'tndusîiururu..toi Increase thse renit of ever>' City' vittiii.rar ils-rttt e tisai stanit and Fa-m tenant in the st*1.? 1, t 1 tit. '. I ieP sas dtin g hs r51rI tttt al'landtitý iti>tles un Stiruke aitevecy borne buyer and rOii ntht a(cidtiu t irstrttns t ie -chome awucr in Ililinois? taia h1sl'ri rinatitre ur,- nrf ise"d To prove titis cead tise Thomp- acrinlent St.- roin I'-tn t i s ontpiatffaim. tour. "'ss's> ististsuutirtnd a Ir 0'rî bmrrttr KI i ng.t'"t f 1a ai l Sr ten haktiere 'i roulti have .d ra tnlck knnrkr-si off Dont r'ou thuti o Chicagos pjejfig plight iMutisas bun-ru!(f PsO-Plc stars atter ulnder Tisompson'a Tamsumny l i:. abs 'ton as tise aocidenitlappened,,domination: 'ThesPoilicefounti fu]Il ara ihsa- T tireti anga-i friende of the Spospta Tit City irery bUI>' rt fý&MIlJY ahre ntiesepict anti eek.t Taxeî increas" Mfd te r* drier ihn hyarriveti on tise accu, 'ose&ddissipated. Tise, anvinceti that tisere lg con. Enormioug f*MepadWfos Bieît'î-blétruthIns la isiKing uaid . ta teiaol s fr(ielcal attention tu tise boy- Udue priviîegeg acceded heel- T'ht- l'or tfieing attendeti by Dr. roi. e> i1ho atasertpd soday tisur tisetl. juite, sto ise rtilgster art- noirt sertl. contataawarded aet fat prioe te henchmen. FRE160IT DITCDED TEARS UP 100 FEET 0F N. W. TRACKS cîrir;sx and Narilwestern frelgh ,ati deraliedTuesday flîorning a elacis luit norts of tihe Mdi- Iroot crosolng and tise engînep and al cars tefst the track. til,,. a lise iîLý spreading of rails r i.wrecking c rew w oîkr-rl tiii il i 'eolock getting the 'ngtsîe and *i' iCi on tise tracits and repairing nage. Thse tender of the engine iý I. rjinto tihe earth. and taie up I i i 'es. About 100 fees il tracha ée af the train creir aer isjured. .ýýz.v crwda of sPeCtators fiocked ta 1 ne semble of the accident tbrougisaut tELe rnrningt t. atcb the work osf the wreckf Dg erew.w T. prove thii remd the Chkcag Puriotic Repuabmean: Bur>' Ttieepm.-Tmu- asm under mi«vm MI,~W lots Prismît'DY.SWo 14, by voeig for Il.Wil K..p TaMnIUany 0%« -Of'Uini than a mec ie case maes a man a cloctor. Je is 16rwjer use, nte #àssewson, of thse tremenlous resources of IN.i no 1is, tisat wil make this State a current of 1fruit fui co-o#eration. -RE-NOMINATE- 0~ RODNEY B. SWIFT. PROPERUSE OF HIS LECISAT1MEOFFCE Hie diti sot accept even a page or steno- grapher as senate pat- ronage, hence was ai- ways ready to vote oe * the ment of measures. He did flot accept any cheap positions for constituent$ in any department, hence couWd cuiticize and slice when opportunity offered. He did not piedge jobs fùr votes bel are election i., obiaîn which he niust shut hi> eyes. He has not pala- SENATOR R. B. SWIFT vcred, f iattered or cajoied the home polaîicians, henci- somre are agaanst him. But b. bas h.Iped pas. a Iaw, establishing a State Court of Claînis to be ruied by abie judges which has saved the 5w.t thousandsanmd will countinue te, save and the Govainor howeoz< Lake Coumty by appointing. Honorable Benjamin H. Mileu as one of the. judges. Boone County wus boeoed and tie 8th District is proud of Honorable Omra H. Wiht as member of the Govemnors Cabinet aad Directir cf Fumce. McH-I.y Cousity lias er noted : We mvant in Hoporable Mickiael Waish, memLer of the, 5iA.seme C MM~OU. A" hodid awtforgettewek. J. D. Fagem of DeéU& old M md feeble now. guuaded the. roada 26 das duriq te.hW amd mouth discene, si yearm mge. Claun ot bis wmes was thrown out on a tecluucahty four years mgo. SemaoSwift inosted he be paidend bad a special appro- priatio passed, for buts. Ansd h. had moyen major bil sadth senate and ail pssed the semate. Andl h. kopt the District infonuqd w.oly byea lettes oiling of d»i happenings in thie Legisiature, which, was 'pub- bhld b à iemding paper in the. East End of the District *nd by iÏoehe one in thie West End and thse people advised DO YOU CARE FOR SE~RVICE? YOUR VOTES WILL SHOW PIMARIES SEPT. 159,1920 m W OD&S NO1ION, BOOTS ANDS 5*10 MIATS AND CAPS CoomNyPr.uoe DBought nd SoM Pheme 107-J LAKE VmW - iLLINOIS P. E. HILDEBRANDT DRtiGclisT REXALL GOODS ANDI COUGH MEDICINES Standm'd Books F ancqStatiom.ry CosiesOomry Toe" AfteIo Pesfýumary Doito avid Toys PIIYSICIANs' PRESRIPTIONS CarefuIIy Comprounded TH1E REXALI STORE GRAYSLAJCE ILLiIOIS DP. i. L T AYLCP ilfice in Fin et tonal Bank. Builidime Hr'1 tt'9 , S-?rl at, q, up site Pa'rt DR. 0. F. BUTTERFIELD. \ ifràOTIN l?1F9I Rr i - ELHANAN V. COLBY 1IDE RTYVILLE. ILLIN4OIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATT4<5MLY AT 5 W Libertyrtrile . ti iî PAIUL MAC GUFFIN, D R. C. OLNET Vttçpwy sug.. TELEPHOURS M ^NO Se Off le. wilth Parm Bmum LIBERTYVOLLE ILLMINW f:. BI RSTFOW MANUFACTURER O0F Niarbie and Granite temetery Work of Every Description Sorresp.ed.nce 5olicfted 16GenueeSt WR.iak«au mArTE C. DbCOR s.qommv.M.LAW 3« WWgton stS VAVEMGLý P-u-@"ILLINQI$ Ileg la Lake Ceunty - Tie INmE Philip Jaeger General« Comiuiission Mechant I a dmitlted bav4ag dtePoeed of one ce jof wiskyi. foc $160, the buyer belng a aide o! thse Police employedto ta trop R CETELPO ES: Schsweitzer. Tise aumber of thisrsRptîi Office 220 Realdence 1058 tise police daim tcorrespoandu witb h t S TF R .C O F tbe Lube[ity store pruprietor. MuI'tAs' Svete, andtihie police aiga stgteI BJGFi LUET COMIlNi Ostreopaths Iuya<aa Schwreitzer admittedti t tisstisabc 215 Madison Street, Pisa Motel titaiet off Darnes' sa risere tie WAUKEAN, ILI. liquon waa kept la tise store. tchrei- Chicago Yacht Club Sailors Atrytke IomTsds zer âÏaYs Bartses took several cases o! ttGrylk, io Tedy boaze tu h homse. Darneesdetieier a- Hope for Calmer Seas anti Fridays, irons 2 ta 6 o'clock, Iag taken any of tise narcoUcs ne-i When Jaunt is Startef. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Pouited staien. Thé robisery occurret àt riyclske.motel. at 3 oclock on tise martsing ot Attgut t Tise annuai Waukegan yacht race,.vion. 25 eF. tseigisbons hearlng a meon truck w'rsîristhse Chsicago Yacht club au leave tise aide o!flise.trug store af that r eusiîte<d Io bolt a rek aga Soturday, ________________ Saur.'bt wilcb ras calleti off aitar ailt!_________________ According L0 information furnisebeulIbue yacisr iestcsarteti bat put back thse inhernai revenue department. into part on accoua t aifisesvy reatiser, AL X F f M I Schweitz r at rtoffereti a case or f nu be heisi Sept. 11, isen lit 13 bopeti E F La Of 'IO5 wisk> for $175 but whea tld the tbore nl be fainer skie. anti s smoath11 pnixe was to bigis fnaiiy agreent toec se&. TELEPIrONE 307.j soul for $160, admitting ho hiait the.ITu tise credît af' sèv,-n o! the cràtfi liquor ln iis possession at th- timte tisai starte inlatise coriteet ln tbe hait LBETVM L thie deat VOs madie. gai:: Vaa blowlng, tisey diti not aura Naieotics Law@ Strict. taitiuntil fisero watt eaosgistom ,anti .IPay the. High.g Price. Scihweitzer anti Ssete went intt iplit esivai; tu keep tise creVa busy partneresip la the operaîlon ofthei.-fougais goin cyng taheat mb s asfo Liberty tirug store about a year agotisat ras g rying Il JIJNK AND OUtheUTOS but rilcenty i> tilived tbe îîartuern..ts Hati ts nini iseen fa vorableit i M N ODATS rOne nsics tss 8cswetze nrked wouît not base been so bai, as thse Il .tsobl. Parts fer Sale. on a saiary. Tise cases o! Bannes andibagcut aemt xeln Is Schweitzer rere continuot ta Sept. 8. hise Vld aveta makeelea n t tasit -. bobb iseing releaseti under $1.004> as tise> noutt have heurt ouitlisero bonds each, battllng ail atgbt, witb tbe prospect uf If tise reporteti actaon o! the Inter- iosing tbeir sticks as weli as risat R.W~EN DLAND nil revenue officiaasbisuabout canivas tbey bati. Prosecution for illegeti violaton of tiihe______ Prohibition anti narcotica h GROCERY AND MARKET coies agaist tise tfr0 mon wnu be- IN came more complicotad becaume theise t- ieeDAE i gvrietluq very strict espiclaly air,'- G entrai Merchands in roses of violation cf tise rules gov- Otri ' - . y,îrînî ir ,> c eralng 'tifs theftianti sais- o!' i a- STAPI.EAMS FANCY GROCIeMS 0 PRAIRE 0000000000 Il and Mcc. L. Wmrukctstst vialitorâsiS Roy Koten je spet home. Myrtie Kruieger "i Tisursday. Muis. i. E. Knedie brother Ifottile ci' 1 il'galet andi Guet bftn lu (Ilenvilew fis lni;fiîeir grassaa'er lire. W. Locisiea ,Miss Abbtt fro wtti Vre;i anti Wiiiiain tse i-est race af Elil itev. ttînback mati Its bore Saturtiay 7'. Stahi enterfaiji anod tanill <of Anus Ptriday. Mn.. W. Hutchingfi llutcbîngs. andi fan anti atta'nrtcrl(Irsa day nigt, tifis b> Society. Miss Ahisott. a îlet nil lecture ai Gig4ci day eveniuf at 7:34 monet cordiaiiy Invite ent.ed young lady. risîle. Tisa concirt as r Sunday evealag. Tii cjely wistîeSth ian Port. ts V Al asr tua for nhiher kintiners an Nexi Sunda> t beri 1Scistaul ai 10 a t Il a. n. andi 7,3o , Bloni rsi tuMcand I r lbgu t li.. taýn, At-t I YT, Ste'aart ritittl w ti hlit s roi rtutrieddr'ietstta% r'y lias trait r. Mii. taki' Vitl. Mr ad Aim.sî Lîhi neturiscilSuntiav i, nieti b> Mt'rrilt 'l'a : 1 Ilinois. Mecciii. ut Liii> La oser Frida) ta sîrent th,- a-k renil t,on. minae« Watson, ât ýw itt i isjj 54r nrý 1 l 'i t I Afin St ranir r rir 'r ris nrtNi' r,5 - Voit tsil t Siund-il ( iilit- Suitai "tu 1),- ir aliat Sun frr orlugal NIiirnttr'iMrs. E A RI-,:>-phn WtFt-t, ti, r,'in itChwrag',,1 Mis.,. Mary Mr*Pt 'ian, Anna, tdajun n irîn lIr'-tri n in %Vri tit'aiig.,asitr ct' i il t ari,anti Mi.t rait tamtil) Sas urri,, Ttic Lardies' Aîd Sir, r aTîsucriay an A rcepjtio a '..îhel rand itMastînîr tHo. %Ir, W.tlrt' ,tart rir1heic ri, 0000009000 0 LAKE V 0000000000 x-srk- at Sti Paul a:tt k-f t r 'rliil. rriir inr i wur' Dir k AI i i as pii Waldthti:tiand s'a tir 'us nrattcrty. a'short p-r t.-'tt o-atsoii. ar--k rr s:,o ililier rsrljasslir'Il- triUtr' Misustar nsuai' te'r2 !hi. 'tIiri 15:5 5. t ifl, r t> litai1, fir t' i is) 1',I itNt tr 'ru-ai: ir s1ti14.SMoi ftr or >- tireits, slo E t- T, rSuielar 1- rtt itt s tuSI tltti %%I il sts.ids liti-lte. Btertha St'boia, tirent in Chsicago. Mc su ad hIrt n alohn Mca. Fred HanilîîS(Ir grove Satunday, ce Tisey vîsifet relative.. .Mc .ant irMa.tsix, nuîstberfrelatitOs sunda>ý .Mr, ansd Mca. E W ýMaqss are vjsiling tise ,> trýiilt'-'mr ers' snd .MIS Wii l'estrrsi la Lise City hast week r iiili::d aitîs lie]. t u 1,i'tritatsig Sutaiay. W. J- Seboi'5 of Wi Srain,i.iy nitis istdamt5