LERTYVILLE '""INDEPENDENT LAKECOI»U UPN'FI Laie County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN 18 RIQII? Ui y«r H. Besiedlot 227 N. Man, ni. 3Mki .cres of land ln Town acres tander cultiva- ire, IliItre afi IL I. Llberty ville. 34«, ie reeldence IoW on .Mm re Gies.. 3-01 ses and lot.. at r-ea- md eaiy tormi. Mi- g otan wans *O>rM&- teneraI or dairy faM iress "Id. C', Cam of 35-k iber rnald waltrms lme. Telephone ISf 7Y- Pive or air rom tyville or Area. Ad- vund Latke.IM. 35-It or women ta take nr lends a"d neigbe nazuteed- bhey. Mn. venea a owl1 me daznlng. W. pay iupee tkme, or 034 fer erlusie. unneceeiay moal Stocking MOIi. Il34 .Gm-n bellev. I bave than a.ny Mai. Dega ) near lb... ame $1 M. luid. of 8 weeki ont. Killed the. by alght. Gioess the reel Y. l'Il neyer be wtth- Threé aises, 25r. Sec. iaateed by Schaaob ]ESI INi'Y! seiling out reductions ids of Tires ss methods. $2.52 3.00 3.40 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.55 5.38 5.60 6.85 SALE PRICE $15.56 21.45 $14.50 .. ..$2.00 CARS VOL. XXVIII, NO. 36. CEN PART TWO. -su OFFICIA[ UGURES. ON CITIES, TOWN$, VILLAGES Ileretith i prebented an exclusive table ehlowlig the population ot 4h. varlou.§ town4, villages, etc., in Lake County ad afticiaiiy recorded ta WahIngton tullowing the recent ceusas., ala citpîrieon witb 1910 and 1900. The figures are of gTeat inter-est arnd importance at this tinieand show, accarding ta thre censuà bureauA explanation It 19 "The Fourt(e. Oui Censu&-Preliîu;nary Announcement ot Population, Subjeet tu Correcti fur Lakte County.Ilîlinoîsi.' Thbe figures tcllow. minor civi divmson LAKE COUNTY............ Antiocb township, lncluding Antioch vil- Avon township, including Graya Laite. lineaviile sud Round iLake vl1g..s.5 32 Bentou townshrp. lricludlug %introp lar- bor village sud Zior i Cty ... .6_6 065 Cubia tuwnship, liîîrudîng part ot Ba.rrhrg- ton village .... ..- .... ....1 1 122 )eefield township, Includiirî- ighlsnd Park and Iligbwud citles and part of L.ake Forest cîty .......vil...-.il....113 Ma township, lnciudbng Laite Zurich vl lage ----.................. ....... _.. 1_ 1 6 Premant township, lncluding part of Area Yillage .........................1 050 Grant townshtip, including Foi Laite vil la ge . . . . ..... ... . .. . ...>. .. .....864 Lakte Villa township, bncluding Laite Villa Llbertyville township, lncluding Liberty-. ville village andi part ot Arca village. .. 3 719 Ne-wport townshiip .................... .... 1 0511 Shieldis towus4hip. inciuding Laite Bluff vil- lige. part of Lake Forest clty and ward J sud part ot nard 2 ut North Chic-aga cty-------------------------1 .... _2 437 Veinon tow>rsip------------------------...........1 168 W aren tawnebip .......... .-........_ .. 1 231 W'aîrouti township, tcluditi;; Wauconda village. 1 027 Wauk.-ian towns-hip, iricluding Waukogan city, andi War-d 1 anti part of gard 2 af North Chilcago City _ 24 52-) West Deerfield t,)wn.stlp. inbudirig D-er- field villag- andi part of Lake- Fore-il City .... _ ..... . ............._ .. 1 6115 lawororated phaoe kntliO(l village ,.- .... . .... - . Aria village ............... Batr Irglon village (part of)t.> ... Ileerfield village --...... ... ..... ... l'ot Lakte .....--.......l....... .. Grava Lake village ............................... lin..ville villaue ............................ ]Rigblarid Park City "-- -----..............6 ]ibglisoati rity -..... ........................... 1 Lakte Bluff village-.......--............ LikA ForetCt ly------------------------. .......3 Lake Villa village ...................... .... .... Lakte Zurich village---------------------.. ...... Liber tyvilie village-----------------------... .......2 Northt Chicago City ....................... - 5 Round Lakte village---------------------.......... Waucouda vIllage-----------------------........... W atdkegan City'. ....- ..... ..........19 Wlî tbrop Hbarbhor village ................ ..... Vlon City ............. ............................5 ' 1920 1910 1900 .7301. 9> 50 34 504 3 076 1 171 13 9q2 1 ois &920 1910 77, 692 4170 3 5 5 5 1) cl') 476 461. 490 426 6Gu 84 66 167 4 2()9 4 46 1 219 819 726 .163 3 341) 4 5ý7 342 316 no 4 125 1 724 83q 33 î)6 251 142 399 369 226'** 16 060 473 339 5s9 4 789 North ChicaRo and Zion Citý b, Wards: North Chicago CtY.........S F Ward 1 ... . ................2 673e Wafd 2 ........................... 2 2i1! Ward 3 ............. .......... 85 Zion City ........................ ...5 531) Ward 1.........................91 Ward2 ............................ 1207 Wafd 3:............................ 1 741 Ward 4..... ........ ...... ...1A652 Inb Cook and Lake counitiea. Combined popu lation: 1920, 1,744; 1910, 1.444; 1900. 1,162. 0. No wardL - **Preyiously announce d a3 19.199-no waîds. ɧAii.Ot AI)MITS PASS- ING WOItTHESS CHECKS L'harles 1. bMcDonald, 18, a Baslar at tlle Great Lakeq naval training sta- lion, but whOse homne is ln Paragauld. ArxK. la under arr-est ln Waukegan because bis tacile pen led him astray. Thne police ssy McDonald lias mnade a confession, admtting the passlng of several worthless checks, two hiving been caahed by Edwin R. Gobrecbl. SbcretarY 0f thie 5%aukegan Y. MA. C. A. it was On AugUst 17, îccording ta MeIouai'a statement ta the police, tliat lie iearoed bow easy Il was ta Pasa f-rged cilecitas. and therelly pro- vide hibself with plenty of spendlng money. oin that date McDonald caelied à $SU checkI aithie Y. M. C.. A.. On Aug- ust 25 lhe caslied a $15 checkt Lt the -1-~. This seemed 5o easr that on Auguat 28 lie cashed a 125 -eecit ai the Sid Heymsn tallar stop. Every- *ne seemed bso nxlous ta oblige that btcDonald went ta the Bon Ton candy store on Atîgust 30 and casbed check for $15. Ail the checks "'ere made out an rbanks at l'aragouid, Ark. In bis glate. n'ent tthe ..Polic2 Mcllonald saye bee knew he had no noney i nîlie batik ta Ilneet the chîecks when they wer-e Prea9errted tor payment. '*Tis sure lis soft' Mcflonaldnusqcd ta hl1mself,, as lie stepped into the Don 'L'on late %Nednesday afternoon and 2Ouglit ta cash a chieck for $25. MiWs Isabelle l'earce star-ied ta cash M1e Check fnd ihien notic..d the nane. -WîY Ithe bank proiesied the î,ay- blent Of the chieck you caslied liere yesterday,- eeaaid. MClJanald left the store but Miss Pearce 'watchied hlmt board a street. car Mle notigld the police and had_ tim arrested. A warrant for the ar- rest or- MIcDonsld nas sworn out ha- rare Police Miagirate Taylor. Tue bablor- nul lie given a irelimiuar-y near-îng tomorrawniuorning, 111iliSCHOOL GIRL ASKS $54),000 FOR RiER LM.C 'l'ie Chicago anti Nrtînestera rail- rosd la made defentiant ln a suit for $isOOdO danages filedin lacircuit court aI Waakegan toila>. $50.500o la the value wthlcI Miss Lillian C. fTaciter, 17, a pretty Deerflmld-Shields towa- stl bigli achool girl, places on bier lett lc-g wibclîwasa cul off belgeen t"e. inee sud hup bn an accident lIat occur-et at Lincoln Park crossbng of ,lMe North Western ralîroati at, 1glb. laid Park fast Aprîl.' *lie suit la filait by George Tucker-. praprietor- of the ilavinia groceb-y. ia lie naime 0f lîls mînar daugîter. AI- torney- George Fiebld, counset for the I acter-s htidmer-el>-thie praecipe. M.r Tucker anti his daugir starled ta drive uver- tle rar-ast tracts on lie day in Question about six oclock. Uisiali'.- tuer-e la a g-'*man ait 111 craselng but lie adli1.1 jlor Itie niglîl. l«uciter dtd 001 seo nie approachirig train until il nas upon hii. 'lie automobile lie ssas trving was completel9- wrackcd. the Ina accu- panta belng Ilir-on oüo. -Mise Tîrcier- tell in te pati af Ithe train and ane Of- fièr lis las niangleti se errily ILb Ua ta bu amPulateti. 'ilk haierabîroati ahoulti have pr- î-ded sate warnbng atice sa that thie occupants of tIre aubamobile would have krrown the train was approacbing Isah 11 hai-go on which Ibm suit la. boIfli broutât. UEBERTyVILLE LINDEPENIENTTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1920. DETA Is; SPEC' lie C oiuz-ri net apeaking termis ilsa been 80 fol lit started witi1. ..s ag', Party dg &C 1Present at th.t th e village or gl t i he pinfg out r, 43 A11:1 eI.,, l'or trie. 725 tages t., 725îîîir- r-i J.den lit ,i. S109 sonte or - Uic leave tlhe roii .. , '. been toward th@ hck (,.f thý ia 4 651 r'usled the stage. Fig leaveî soulti have been hoiliergonie, declar.- gome 1 213 of the women (wlvegî for tiie ticncr, hll dno lime ta pin tIeru on. 1 086 'lue men wbo attended alipped horme cluietiy ln tie amuIl hours of the 631 rnarning and it wam generaliy agreed ?bat nobody Would Bay a word about ....1.... ilat aomebady elîpped. one mnia tala bis wife and mhe tld anothe?. 2 14 3 go liaI settleti lt-anti the report bia j 145 become general. ýsince fie gomen found out about it. they have net been on triendly terira .wth their iftabands and l l 362r, sald tbal there are numernus famil- 1 171 les wPere titere huent heen a word ,Pôkhen between lusband and wite i ,I-tnce tihe news came out. OS3Il't% Msil the ir-faîr was proniotmd 1 03 y the Yoang men% club of FOI Lakte (t <lPrlfed of- lads upwards et 19 bearq 01il 10465 ' T'le report carrent is tlîat it pov-i Pet te rewildc--î affair tizatlbas heen Pullftoff lhere ln >ears. so wlld. 771) n fact. thab iven mrnt ar-e decliaing te £22 COAL DEALERS TO MIKT LOSS 2 DUE TO INCREASE 49-1) I*os[ doal. rîs14 %Sakegsn stand ta 2 215 Parck-t More or leï,3 hcavy lo3ýeq lu ' 1 tîll.ug ord.r.i whid1 th.-> have liai on 364 IlOtir- bouts t or 'tin, lime but whicli 1 150 tflieYhave been unaible ta fil! up ta tiie bresent tune. 397 ie suîîply ot bard coasibcis ycar hia:i een se limited r-at we bave been uolihie tu tilt or-de s, 'une local coaij de.aler salit. -Te Prres Iow have ad- vancetid n wl aance inuch more ilieu rosi finally daes arrive, but ne wîllli e olIlgedtu ta .pply lt ta our- [Patrons at the Prices tbe'Y Coutracted ou psy eurlîer in the season. It Js flot their fault that ne liav-e been un- able ta SUPPlY tiier sud consequeuîiy ne coulti fot expect tIen ta psy the lhcreaseti Price. That la a ls ne will bave t>. pucitet ourseives.- i'or- sari ime te aUPPly bt roaI aI tlie dock was very linited and inaa-. mauch asa the dock suppiied cah ta the lir-st Iliat slowed up ln the mor-ning there nas Quite as crambie on tle part ar dealers tu lave their tearos On lîand esrly. Sone sent tlîeir rien as carl>- as six uclack. NMan>- limes these wagons liai ta watt unthl 8 o- dlock ta becOne loaded. ilivre are a lar-ge nuruber of Wau- kegan people wlio tollaneci the plan tley adoPteti yeas ago andi put la ticir supply Of ceai early. These pea- Pie are the fortunate oDes for not onby are liîey assured Of gethlng' an ad@. Ouate SUPply hut thley gel il et the ower- price tiat prevalleti eariier In the season. DROPS DEAD AT WORK IN TANNERY JIERE ON TUESDAY J. L. Slappy Dies Suddinly; Heart Failure is Blamed for His Death. J. L Siappy. aged 45. of 416 Llberty 'treet, dropped deanulwhle St work la tuie GrieqsaPileger St Wgukegan tues- day. lils rerniaîn3 wene eemovedt thet Wetzel sud Peter-ion undertakbng rooni wlîera an iîîquest, nas held Ia te evening. The verdict of the jury naq that denlt as due tai heart dis. Sa bar as coutld be learneti lappy 115.1 not conipiainedti t fellaw work- nien about nut feeling nelI. Ia tact lie seenied,-ta lie etjoying hi austal gond lîcaitli As a relt fellow workmcn sup- poseilie bail suftered a fabnting apl wlicn tley sanhIbm collapse aid tal ta the fluor. A Physician was sun. nonedl but a cirerai examînatbon sliawed liaitlilfe was egxtinct. death apParentî>' having been alm"t It in taneffl. LA FOUR PAGES $1PE IR YEAIN LA DVÂNCL E Mauoegan »eroeo, art bIoepinq ZiL~1~ -s w e 7N., ~. - TRAVELE 2,000 MILES TO CATCH 2ê-LB. PNCKERE L Charles Quiggle and Caril Muli- er Families Return from Month's Trip. IN AN INDIAN WAR DANCE. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Hein, Wau. kegan, recently vîited thre cern. etery in France wirere, Lieut. Oihringer. Waukegan aviator who fell i.hting tire Hune, liés sleeping; tire>'aiso visited thé grave of prIvate Elmer Bower of Waukegan. The>' teck pictures of the two graves and tire> are irsrewith produced for thre tiret Urne. Tire lrger picture shows the cross-rnarker over Lt. Dairrin- mreà resting plaçaeand on eîther aide are shown otirer graves. On thre cross rrn of tire marker appears the words: "*Horner W. Oahringer. lot Lieut., let Aero Squadron."- The lettering In the picture la net ver>' plain but in the original wiricir r. Hein fuir- nlstied, it wa aver>' distinct. On tire cross markîng Bower's grive appears this: "89.Elrner M. Bower, pvt Co. C., 240th F. A. U. 8. A." Il al noticed thst Mr. and Mrs. Hein have just piaced a bou- quet on tire cross over Bower'5 grave. CIIILIANS AT Fl'. SIIERIDAN, GiREAT LAKES @ET BONUS Civd Service WNorkes in Soli-le instances Get Back Pay for Year. 600 EMPLOYES AFFECTED Car'Mule an Chrls QI99e nd 1Apprqxirately 50 civlIas etirpbnymu CarlMaUr mdCha-lesQuIgle ai t Fort Sheridan and about 550 rmore their familles. Carl Bloanitroman d 'aI Lrait Laites naval lr-ainbuig station, Donald Noya& eturned yesterday coda>- nere inforried that their-bon,"- tram a twe thouaand rmil. automobile? es, se iôag expecteti. bad arriveti, tripte te nothen pat ofMInn-sad ail thase lu the gaver-rment more tr-P t 11e nrîbro artat Iba.,-tfiari six ioritha recebsedetcliekts soia, alter being gone a a onth. dur- aobaîHtng fron $0 o $220. The lng nhlcir lley flot uni>- caught snme employes ln Ilie service 17 niaritliz or tie bigeat fisti ai the season lurt recciveti bonus?, or $20 a nîonth for aisepariciptedla ndie dacesIl montha. T li bnuses liad been lie mIsapîrtciptetilu miiidincaflre congresâ for miany mrrhs. among Ibm Cblçîpewa Indilana. 're proposition lîsti been lianging 'rliey campedait a log cabin 27 miles rire so long min>- ur the eniployes non-lb af Deer river, sud mn equil dia- inad pooled their bterestsansd retalîzeti tance from tce rabîroati. The cibla iawyers tealad thlenl getting titeiif nid jasI been hut andti he owner back pay. whichl i. aclugli aliowed b>- permîttedthe11m ta nane IL. The>- congresq was slow in rearhirig the psy clirbtene Iil Wsukegan'*. envelope. NW 111e ail the riembers ot the party caugit Olg flsh. 1It reriained for M4r. Qarggle ta land s 20 paund piciterel ASSStUME NtuW NAME 1IN TRY-' in 11h55 Laite. Tliey caugît se many I Nti TO SELL STOCK tish tbey ted theuta îhe loge. I bey ise fihed l Big S-antilaite andi lottle Lake. Whou they alartcd out lie>- lad a trailer but found it t00 curplersoie so lof t It at Milwau- item, picking il up on the ns>- hart. Ussoline casha 40 centis a gallon la M Innesota. 1-WARNINQi Andrews anti Coùnipan>-, thea te plione..Iuroiters.lias-e adopled a rica netlîod at seltng stock via 't-leiion.- ln Laite Cotiuty.-1 or a long tinte their- agents liai.. osiied Laite Couat>- peopileb>- tel.. phone anti tried te Inter-est Ilien in stock propositiond. For a long lime a lot a r-lita have "tallen" for- the ally taIt-and ti lerseta once hang up lie recebser- anti woiîbd net tilkta1 tien. Btta i,..enhI hi, eCourse on the par-t of prospective victîie. the saine Culpable Advertising S Andior r~leflws n o. lst e ie bthi ot Uses Copy of Our Paper and have heen calliag up Laite County fo n,,1. te naine af "Mar-shall anti Poses as Our Representative C 1h T bas been th1e saine nan.on When He' a Faker. E tLittnIh calleti last netk for Anti rans nia now calîs for Marshlil. - 'lie concluslon is Iiat Eliiot linows A representative af a Libertyvilîs thieAndre.ws rompant, la "ln bati' paper bas beeu soiicitirig advcrtbsing wlth Lake tCounty toItis sud re.barts ina % il kega11 an a iepresentatcon tht ta tue trickitelagel therîr to listen ho ne la assoclated nîwl ithte Waukegan hlm. Jît hoInn many have beeri îlured 0511>- Sun anti Lake County Iadepeail. by lie lever.rude isnt trown. tint. cnt-tact la lie bas even dlsplayed -a as tcie> ar-eI)oru avers' riinuoe. Ille cap>- af tle Independerit af fast year chances ar-e thie satenlîia. iit illeri sud lias givea staullegan ativertisera entir-els' witîîoat ri'..i'1 ta under-stanti lais orking for THAT puper-. lHabai; alowedts ia bnlarlty tMÏSiSIt 'iOit In looist th e Sans advrtilslng mn ager ta asslat lin lu tle tieception Alinouncmit'-if 'ri Vî atifias secureti a aumber- 0f cria- 'litai SI.LatricbCo chuiicli nîtI tracta for spire as a resaIt. holti a mislion iIefrnti Sept.t2 ta Tbm Sun desires advertisera te an- tie 19111. 'llie speaker alîl le Pallir- lier-tand lIaI il la a case of miarepre- StalnnO. M. .0f Washinîgton, r- sealtan, lIaI the Sun anilaldepeail- garded as ane ofthtIc niosIbrilant mîùt are representet Inl the.&dvertýsiag rien in the chur-cii toilas'. TtIlttir e rieldi oIy by 19r. Jensen ef tle hon yaars sinesa milssion nas iettikiI the or Mr, NaI>-, thm resideat manager- cour-cri. ai Lîbertyville. - 1h litsi-to planuiei ta crecî à a tl Ujaîble ta stand an tbeWr own test on tite grirtinti Irn inie for-l'ih la. the LIbertyville piper in question las' dies ta hlas bazaacInbuOctotîeî' The resorleil te tbm aluit af tr-ying ta gmt lhal nili lie 70 by 35 felet andtillb business on-tire name and prestige oet auaeti for- pur-poses sud uas tlis In the0 Munaand independent. - the fUure. cool ITY 5pecial Premiums To Be Given At Courny Fair Are Announced i ie 1.5ke Ctounty Fair Aisociation quality ta bse osIdered): ColpirO lian anflounced a list of special pre- t ooker. Slianck Hardware Co. mium,4 whlch are ta le given at the îî..,î ane veetble h F a !i r l n a d d it o n I o th e r e g u la r Il" a t . b t c n e e e a l s b prizea announc.-d ln the ;îrerniîur boo. lrmrswie or daughter, variety sud .41l: &i'ea preniimuns la as quaýtty taolie considered.: Pressure 0oil0ws: looker 035.04) value). lawtlîorn WOhWN'S DlJPAltTIWN1T 'lest exttiblt of bakery gooda;,t kinds af cake: 2 kintis cookies, dough- nuts mnd pi-, Table lauîp given hy the Delcca Lagnt Co. (May lbe u.ed gîtli Dvtiaa lîglît or Pubic Sivice. 'lest exîilîbt plain anid faiicy 50w- Ing. . latt:ess ($19.00 value) given by Paul Rasy. liest dispiay uf faury work. uim> clutsiating and E.robroldery. Red apread. by W. W, tarroll andi Sans. leait luat lireadtoelfn woîîîan: 1-2 bol5. fli-ur gi'..n 1b nedlertir-os. . les' I.ust bread. country *w an UcgliIug. Lure and Sor. 'lest lar ranîie4 cherriËs MAlutin- unci COff, e Pot. H. 13. Eger and ta. fliest leDlsY Cookies (bot lees ilan tnree kinat 14 bbl. Fla)ur-. rriggs an-1 Johnson. lest .>%nmgel od iCake: Itoater John l.'-s'eI. lest frake: Silrer Butter knbte and Sugar lijel. AndreW Huas. 'lest eshibit canned vegetabies by Woaaî living la town( variety and rami. Mast nealty made batL5edre.qs: Leather Suitcase. Cale Harnegà Shop. Bei4t exiîîoit ot tancy work-1 pair Pîiiow ca..es. gauI centerpiece 2 tawels arnd dresseracarf. 14 blil., floti- Antiocli f.iliiug Co. 'lest DSrk Fruit Cake: $5.00 b;ar tandy. Waî. Decker. Béstthree boaves twreed: $3,00 0.ish. i.sngworthys store. 1lpst thre pouridî tarin butter: $230 cash, hlm.. Lauin, Hîru. Ca., Boeat liand miade baby dresa: $5 i,) Cali' Round Lake- Bank. ile3t (ulinarv Exhibit based upoq Premilums won: $6 00 Cash.,ILake Coa- ty tudlependlentý Bat Apron made hi ligh sdbool girl: iBoudoIir C-ap. A. W. Llntlirop. Boest dreasâ nade by high seliaol girl of county: Large box of Chloco' 'tates. C. OUAU. LUHILIDRtN-S DEPARTMDIN' 'lest display vegetables by boy under (Continued un Pue8 SIX) AýL.X HEI Go& Save and Redeem Our 0w,,s Blue SI.amps An&INoiv Cornes A Sp -isllingri New È dil Dresses Satins, Series, Tritotines, Crepes, Etc. 16*759 249509 $35 ILi'..arn Iiterally hundredg of wonderful dre.-seî Iri bewteilnb liew 'ý ty1*3 ot satins. taffeta, crepes. .serges, w, toI Jersey-s, tricotinei. tricolc-titec etc.. la black, uavy brown: nîany beirzg trimnied with bladînîg ali-over lace flounce.s, braid, s i.î lc tunicsj cape-calibre ut lace or si1k. Wornen's Srart- AutumnBlouses Values to 5.98 values to 16.50 3979 -"9'98 Mîany liecoin io îdebs are Incladed ai ach price. At $3.79 Ilieze ar-e sit ncroe-de riegcorge the Crepes and tricoîettea.. At $9.99 are liands<uîie rratîorîs lu ýeaded, ernbrolderedad over-bleuso ýjtyIes la the dorer-est colo r'comblitbis*, mahaitig chic triapui »Sahed. -r 1