BOOST LAKE COUNTY Two Battiers for Priniary, .Ruünyard and Smith -Lake county votera are watching with particular interest the prag- tpes being made by two candidates for office bath of wbom will be gnost important go far as tax payersanmd voters generaliy g_" after the votes are counted Up. We h ave reference ta the candidacy of Col. A. V. Smith for state's attorney and Eugene Runyard for state's senator. Bath of these men are seeking Ui .Republican nomination, the one for county office, the other for the district- office. It is ta the credit of bath men that they have waged their cam- paign to date in a very conservative and effective manner. Col. Smnith bas ariked support of tbe votera af the county merciy on thie assurance that 4t will do the Lest he can and he himself bas à«t pointeci ta tbe fact that he was an overseas service man and for that reason, is entitled to any consideration. He bas carefully avoided that but bis friends have advanced it for bim. The colonel.bas been toQ madest of what he did overseas ta argue along that line ta any çx- tent and it bas oniy been when he bas been pressed ta d o so that he bat; toid what he actually did in the war as a lieutenant colonel in the i 49th art ilerry. Col. Smith bas canducted Ie campaign on the mnere promise that if elected Le will enforce the lemw as they are in thc stature books. What m'ore couid Le Le asked to promise) CoL Smnith is a mnan of bld word and in a product af Lake caunty, tiavingç been born near Volo. Hie family bas long beexi identifi.d witb Lake county mattera and therefore if Le 's elected to' office it wil mean that Laie caunty people have elected onie of their own bays, and have given him an Jonor and entrusted big reuponsibilltiea in bim. Nlaturaily because Lake county Las been ish orne al bis life Col. Smith would bave a mare personal ambition*,ta mai e good- in the office than a man wbo might bave been redred in other cammunities, and camne bere merely to maie his living. 'Mis would aýppy ta anybody wbo might aspire ta office. TMe borne boy naturally will try ta maie Zood among those wbo have inown hum ail hie life and we know that this is the ane thing wbich Coi. Smnith hopes ta do if elected state's attorney of Lake county. Mr. Runyard for Senator. Mr. Runyard bas been- conducting a very modest carmpaign throughout Lake county, McHenry and Boone counties. He la seek- ing the Republican nomination in opposition ta Senator Swift of Lih- ertyville who succeeded the late Senator Oison four years ago. Attorney Runyard was assistant state's attol'ney in Lake county under Ralph J. Dady and ham made an enviable record. Raised as a boy on the farin Le bas had experience in farming and therefore, when Le mais the votera of the district ta send him ta Springfield assenator Le la' not trying to go there without a ihoýwleédge of Uic needa which the fariners of bis district bave. As a lawyer practlcing in Laie county Mr. Runyarà huas made an unusual auccess, especially in criminal law cases. He wus an able assistant Io Mr. Dady and beaides bis work as crimnal iaywer bas handled many chancery cases in the local c.ourts. Mr. Runyard en(ered the race for the Republican nomination for sena tor only after a large number of bis friendo' urged him ta do sa. Hýi& was nat a case whcre be went out ta get the support of votera ùntil friends througbaut thc county urged him ta get in the race. After tbat was donc Mr. Runyard of course bas solicitcd the sup- port of the votera througbout the district and it looks now he is not only going ta recelve-the splendid support of the yaung men'of the county and district but also the farmers throughout the district are coming ta the conclusion that their interests wiil be well protected in case he is sent ta Springfield., Me' RUNYARD REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR 'STATE- SENATOR EIGHTH' DISTRICT Lake,- McHenry and Boone, Counties IMRIS:Wedncsday, Seplenibeî15x 1920 A. va S-MITH CANDIDATE FOR STATES -ATTORNEY Subject to Primaries of Republican- Party September l5th, 1920 YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED Va lui AI Rel We The Yale E EIec Rop j ohi Phone'80 E.e -u 'App S' SUhcribe no W-for the Sun and Inctependent