and Mr. Oumi la btmgdteti nit Wus tihe Idai ti. na *yen Ford =6. te c L thse regular eh& fJlhe tigitt vas go us »aSval training ay. Two atrpiasi "etia 4t 'Great a Htarbor anti wl 04. in the sir' tir b, uews. and the arm flight. reaci about thre "aue à refelved by,, a tight *ftgre« Covt. taxes . Illinois' Fair Name in Danger? A Waukegan girl bas just -returneti from a few 'r' e-ks' Efay in New York. When ber new acquaintances there beard the wtus fromi near Chicago they saii: '"Oh, tell us of that ter- rýb1e place; teil us about thal mah they hate for mayor thee.' TBey lield Chicago in utmosî contempt and horror. TBey admutteci îhey feit Mayor Thompson was the cause o! the viciousness that attaches ta Chicago. And te Waukegan girl. apoiogizing, ide-stepping and ahemming îried to square things. But; she thoughîta herself: "If they feel that way to- ward Chicago -tlîey'd feed the same way about my beloved tate, ILLINOIS, in case Thompson, ai the coming election, ahoulti gain contri ofaitis administration by the election. o! Smail, et a." We don't believe the votera wiil permit Illinois' fair name ta be piaced in the same caîegory in the opinion of easterpiers as Chicago's now is. The way ta insure Ibis NOT being the case is ta elect the O0glesby ticket from top ta bottom. Take noa chances OPPOSES THOMPSON TICKET. *Former n;epresetative Sirurtief f o! McHenry carrnes a message to île frlends in tic district lu a personal lèttot, sent oit tins veek, an extract from vinch says: 1 &$Some people'are using my runansd saying,,tirat I bave gono over, ote c ThompsonTicket.' This la not truc. lTire 4Thomnpson Platform' ie fundamentaly 'un- sound and no one sirduld lie lected Governor or Senator on tliat-piat!orm. " i amfrn ii John Oglesby for Governor, froin long sc- quaintance and beHieve ire vould make Uic liest oxecu- tire, o! tirose, for virent vo may voe. Rc ln young, bon- est aid bas many of tire traits o!firisf4tliei'aid vould give the state a good administration. No Tammmay in Ilinois. Thle fact that the lIste bas a'surplus and Chicago is brake in ane which Thompson. assaila witb a dozen exKplAnations .which leave il unexplainecl. The tate taxi rate bas becneý. duced -and the state has money. The city tax rate bas been increaseti and the à-ty is trying to pay bis 'witb acrir,. ~Tborpson as put hew burdens on the texpayer. Debts are being piled up. Money is approprieted- millions beyond revenue., The debt is being increaged., The taxes Wilbe. Confidence in'the city .government lsata sucb a low ebb thet whep the city hall asks for autbority ta issue bonds the votera sra~fàete iwe t. ibiertyville Independenti * rcke Couniy Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun One îhing.about thes tate's attor ney campaign, the-can- didates are flot tbrowing mud at each other. Col. Smith is meeyseekirg votes -on the promise tbat he will fIÏl-the office to the beat gf bis ability and incidentalîy tells voters that four years ago he MIGHT.bave won,)ud it not been that he was doinë military service on the Mexkcan border whîle the cana- paîgn was on.* Well, the colonel made a'0fine, run then and i. entiîled ta the courtesy fromn votera be now. isasking. lu connertion with the state"s attorney campaign, il is a knlown facîtha4t Mr. Welch did not-aîep out of the race be- cause b. did flot want the office igain-.-he did iÀ in deference to Col. Smith and Be diji à because hie feit that Col. Smiih would be -the ;îrong mati for the office for tbe -reabon thaf be bad-macle such a fine run four year a1ag, 'l ad ervcd with credîtoverseas during the war and therefore wateoi a whomî the.voters would wish ta bonor. And ao .Jist4ped psde. For that Mr.' Welch should be given credit bat ot igesta leave the way open ta Lake county*,'aforemost mil-i itary mn One of the arguments advabced lu thre otiner couirtios' o! tire district When di cuMsonhv«o rebeingWirad latlve to Lake county "lkeeping out o! tir e0palativo cooitent we cause Boone aid 'Mcflearry would ýconce4o 'tire senator- ahin to Lake Couty" v as thnt tiOesWva a fear tirat Lake county maigbt get to muc inlutire way o! legislatîvo con- trol.- In short, tirey meant oiat Lake mniglit bave, a. son- * ator, a republican bouse meinber aigd a domocrtic hoffl hember-aîd tire expianation vas that that vas t.oo rinuch to Concede;te Lake County. B3ùt, tiroy didntî on *h tintcfacttirat McHenrY had Éno irostancy In koeping TWO REPRESENTATIVE13 AN» TUE SEATOR for *years and -years-until as one mai bas rightly sid: "'An act o! Qed intervened" vien Senatcir Oisoný 'pasaed away. 'rfus, if tieybad no iresltancy thon lu keeping the majority of tic jolie theniselves, they're quit. concern- ced novwlihen it appears that Lake 0" tm4nngit, viti its 25 000 population more tlran tire o*herpart o! the. 41- trict etep inuand asscrt its just clima. But vo beve thé other part fthtie district nov co ncedes tirat Mrï. Weis eliouid lie nomlnated aid elected aid Lake Couaty tQue have a senator and represcîtative because it deservés it. * Cbaracteristic o! Congresmnan Carl Cindblom vbieh in arguing strongly for bis renomination lu tis district inethre readines aidWvhlgessbe bas.sirowi at aU i Ure virei people bave liadt occasion to ask bim te attend to' corne personal matter or a pu blic ting, at Washington. he bas always respouded instanl aid bas exertod hun- seff to attain tic c vd nd ;o riter knows this be tire fact in connection witi a number o! matturs tiat came up vitli familles of boys in tic service vierein we. iiere appealed to tor assistance aid in turu asked Mr. -Chindbiom to investigate for us-in evcry cam ie v as Fon tire job 'without iostacy aidis influence at Wash- Fington became apparent in bis district viren speedy ire cuits were ,obtained. «The votersa appreciate baving a man at Washungton wbom tiey fegl free to-ask to liandie mitters o!, tisa iracter and that is wliy Mr'. ChindblonI, ailough. congresman but one terni, iras solidified iim- seif vitir the one viro have ask ed him for courtesies. When you go te tire polso next Wedinday, do not for. get tirat unlesa Bill Wejes of Lake County le given staunch sapport by Lake County voters there le a chance thatA Lake County vili not have a representative in Sprinug- field. There are tbree candidates running from tire otlier tvo counnUes lu thre district and Mr. Weiss je the oniyL candidate in Lake' County. Nov Làake Ceunty vith aF population of 25.000 more than Boone aid McHenryc Counties combincd certainiy ought to have à representa.- tive.a Wbetirer you like Bill Weiss or not at a time like t thns la a matter of, littie importance. Personai likes or Î dislikes mean nothing wlien tire velfare of our county as rciated te tire district ns concerned. We SURELY OUGHT to have a represeutative at Springfield. 0f course vo are going te have in tlie state senatorsirip because the two candidates runnung are from Lake County but can you figure out vhy Lake County sliould.permit McHenry and Boone to walk out vitir both - o! tire representatives? Ire oîly way to make certain that Lake County viii have a representative at tis Urne je to vote for Mr'. Weiss.-MMr. Weiss' acquaintance in threC state vill be o! value te him wiren ire goes- down te, Sprhng- field as representative. He lihas been at Springfield on variaus occasions in the intereats of public mnatters and therefore iras an ac- quaintance amoug tire Legislators of ail parts of tire state. TIiere is no question about it, but tbêt if Mr. Weiss ns sent te Springfield -ho viii répresent oui' district Witir credit and best of ail Lake County surely will get some recogni- tien which it iras not haïd in tire past and or. if net. Bill Weiss vi» kfow tire reason wýhy. As ve have stated before tire Sun and Mr'. Weiss have not agreed on. rany tirings in tire past, oui'-limes have diverged meet alvays in politicai mattel's, but here ie a timewvieri ve beieve ve shouid be with hlm and oui' earnest appeal te voters ia tirat ire le giveil support go tirat Lake County Wini notble lef t witirout a representa- tive at sprigfleld. -akt oiaeM.Wisw l If Lake County fist. ninaeM'.Wns oa Booe Cunt: f'Hee'sbigLak Conty*it -2)»more1 votera tirai yôpr counties combined. Take it sud do With it as you cee fit.- We are not st ail interested as te virat becomes o! us, we don't care a snap for patronage, take t i aU 7oursoives, ve are a lot of boolis over irere. We do't mean anytilg."P - ihiiuto w e It la atm' firm bliefe!tirat t sstuto 8ino e rv elop lu Lake>Couîty, but that iistead Mr'. Weiss vii lie given a splendid and entiruiiastlcç support. Lest W. Forget. 'Wbile tihe campaign for the nomination of state's attor- ney which cnds wiîb the-'pimaries in September is not lneing~ waged with as mucb vigor as il was four years aga nevertbe- leis the two candidates, Col. A. V. Smith and. Wm. Deane, bave been conducting a very quiet bu t effective campaign. Neither bas been Jeaving any stane unîurned in bis effort ta -Une up votera for primary day. F7 It is recalled-that Coi. A. V. 'Smith was a candidate in the primaries four years aga and aithaugh he was then in service on the Mexican border and pai' liiîîe attention - tobis cam- paign lie made a. remarkabie sbowi'ng and Iost ouI oniy by a smaii vote. Andi then as time went on and the Unite&States exteredt he war Col. Smith Again reseonded ta the cail o! bis country anti brougbt on distinction ta' Lake county by. beine placeti second in. comniand of, the 1 49th arîiilery whichwas, orfas and4whic-h fihicci an portant part in Une cam-i Loy~ity Not a Carne in Ilinois. Lcrrtinng editorial appearing in Tire Ciricago' Iaily Nerwsot Modyj. August 16- 1920: ht is, of course, entirely gratuitous for the Thompson- Ludin spoils machine to.drag the late war int the présent pre- primary campaign in Cook county and Illinois. Doubtles8 that cynical and unscrupulous organization imagines, that anti- American and -anti-national sentiments of the reds, andi the arguments of the pacifisîs. sincere or pretended'. can be capi- talized for its own profit. There is wàr weariness in the worlcl and there is a great volume of legitimate opposition to need- Iess meddbing witb foreign affairs. But the Thompson-Lundin machine will find itself gravely mistaken if it assumes that Americans are ashamed of their record in the worid war or r7egret' the part they pIayed in defeating the. menace of mil- The candidates supported by Gov. Lowden certainly sbould rejoice when Mayor Thompson reminds Illinois citi- zens of the fact that-during the war their governor visited the mîlitary camps of the state, made patriot.ic appeals t0 the sol- dhers, expounded American-ideals and interested himself in the weifare of the boys summnond ta the colors. Représentative William B. McKinley, -candidate. of the anti-Thompson forces for the Republican non inajtion for United States senator, ought 10 be glad that Mayor Thomp- son recalls to the mindis of patriotic men and women of the state that McK.inley, ta assist in winning the war, voted for thé seléctive service act, under which the great national -army was brought intoexistence. , If it was -a crime 10 vote fo'r that act, then the Republican candidate for president of the United States and a majority of the Republican and democratic sen- ators and congressmen are -as guilty as Representative Mc- Kinley. The men who failed to support the United States govern- ment in ils war measures, who showed them stves indifferent to American rights on ]and and sea, who wère shifty and cow- ardly, are not faring weil aItbe hands of the vot ers in any part of becountry. Illinois is-as patriotic and as thoroughly Amer- ican as any other state in the union. h eries in the achieve- mnents of the American soldiers, sailors, marine& and civilian worekrs in the war for liberty and civilization. It will repu- diate and rebuke demogogical assaults on candidates Dor their supporters because of loyal and courageous service to the country during the confiict. The people of Illinois -should deem it an insuh t tàthern when Mayor Thompson publicly undertakes to makeé votes in this state for bis own cpntrolled candidates by accuring Gov. Lowden, Representative McKinley and others of bis oppon- ents of having performed important patriotic tasks in a lime of great national peril. WASINfiTON ST -- TROLLEY WIRE DOWNj M RS. àANDALL PASSES AWAY HUE Service on lire WasliiaÉngt reet ire jennie' T. Ra ndall, ascii 46, lune of tire Northn Siore ralioaS vas pâe9ý way, Sunday mrnrllg at four lnterrrnited for, a inie Sunday mornnng0,lokutbrhm 13 HiOY at one o'ciock, wmen tire trolley wIre nlcca rrhm,13 lk~ troke betweern St. annaes street and stret.t !olioviung a ratier lqànni ltesa. El.,inon court. Tire police werefloui- Ieatlî la accreditet i owevertoaceute tirai anal sate itire end., of tire Nepinrntt. Sire, lae urvi'ied iry ahuit- brolinn wire 1IoIresenit a fataliry until blind Et. Q. liandal _ Mrg. Raindal tire mtreet car conntrany*nr wreclanng wias irorn ln Iowea but irat lived ln I rew arrIved en ne ccte andi reparr- %Vi aukegan conneUtine. tanriMn ei tire damnage. i nay at, :.:30 'JO oerk uttire noManea- - -Ir r irin ltire rennaj»is were 2hlpîued , r leWcst Unioan, Loea, for internent. her'F . n 'ir ta)anr l llterdidlirabu 4rVle n..-2 u lv Ie '[l e DelllwysKes, vQý i:lot 5114Wi i uis POInt tne vn'rror may drnue to thre noi,, acrostire exps of ni1r- tile-ll3ktd mesdow thst gave ~e te thre village. Fi,...... Tline 'àre nr r '-nds i ,r!elu tire tGostel iters -. r 'iii dig tirs vlere of neney ira r' liigninntr Si. Benne, bimhpiof tMeisairinn Bay- ony, en Jnne,0. 1(a), ltfiirss eç ai went to Rome te nvoidth ie parqecn- tien arf Enrrpernr- ttrnry IV -nnaor- dered liat thrie 1:- f hi r',rinedral sinoulti rb hr.r F', thie '-r, us Ien Bernry rIa earc .,.. atn.%%liée ie retrnmnei Ie fùwnn, r;ïe ey ýinn a dib.- Si. Egis; in. irrnmarîofe!Worcestner, on Jrrrnnrary 11, 720, iannier te pirrins imi u. selffer bis woridly litee iu a yôuth an nt î'rt tera or. ?,ir fea. 'r'-rVing, 1112r .er lito fline -.ratOn hi ,-,tnueir troira 1iier tire . r. r rn r ri rluge I%,lnn sinre rrr;rrt.a 's y whc irr'i ire -ain m ni o'-rerr. a t iris plurrce M'n riri rnt; zi tiere. fore Iertiadlin'ef Don't @arne Mosquito. - We have lutety bîren taugint tint tire nnosuîanîto wunv linoonty dissemihatO? Of maltarria, andt rt %se, -iOuld ha gaie If we sîroutti get rid of mnsaiuitoes. But Doctor Rtox, farnneriY chie! Phyirytll of lire iSt. L rnlis lnu'îrirm nt Jerrisaleu4i assena ra the reïuit ou' ils awn exPert- ence of 20 ypars anrd tht ot many colorlnl pfriy.qirinniS .tlinni malrla ftofen exists ilaure arr'ner> mosquiltee. Ho polirtsoutthiat eNverywiner li- rinju~rii lcouttries tlire diacave brealks ,ut instuet tire tilnr seinen theeoeili la trroken fer H airg e daine lt deDu tiret tire an. >elea nuoquto sprell-%L maie 'airbut je anYs tins le evidently neot tbe crnty nme'nsnaof!nfectIQu>. Tire oidtheirory tÈat maaria wan caus.étd by tne hbat!air o! swowlnty dis- trict or hi, certain emahationi froui tire oit m9& re correct ater ail Reliefs ^bourt Worid'à End. Thre lolianirmdans believe tire tn of tire end io! threworlnl te be> pMr iect secret t ai save Godaielnt; Une angel Gabriel irlmsli' ack-nuoledgetl iris Ignorance on UIe point Wbe « aMO hanmmed aked fhlm about If. Clr4tianity of ail 18 Une leat cer.'- tain about tre precise Urne 1th event. Jeasl, teliî la i t çpet thse preçurS0rY Bilats e!tirhe 2rt çk. tastropirer eald r "VerllY, tit esra lion yl fdot Pan befgre My VërdÇ $irall ire actoibith[ed.' 'Tihe raf Chrristian$O ccordillglY, 1lOokeji tte a mediate fulnllimEnto ieidel topl iieve t tueend flitb o sear at bapd. Aitiougir tise 'ail fabld eS «0 c i tPass. tirey claimel to beieve-16* feai resiizatloll. 8111, e.stunrtes iollowed ceituirles aalUn ,wortd coptnued to lv7 Autria'a Sait MenoliolY. qie Austrian 'uJuflpy OsDu £un MINIulatl tise sait liniustrien for 'i pfflod ci '146 yearv.Tiser. are.5O data qp to tihe timue ef tse partîllea. il 'of PolaSd, but il ceu safelr ké eniad tint tire. sait nilneh cofgalicIn su>ip . plled about 100,000totansfai lt Yeauy,, 1,Wîeecazka' about 24,000 teins ai4, porlrr- ':r i7,ISD Oton %s. - Trts-were .5 etlrr'rrtt inas in. Polsafidla dise 1ffl t Policewon£q iiSEuroBpe. Tire Sweilsircitier Oetc,5tOU&ie1 i »dtiqG1tisesbut -g trea* th ÊLLàý ~LIBETYNqLX1NDg~P4D t 4t. 1 tRRWM -ïSEPTEMBER 9% 1929. city governiment bas run on the rocks. Tbe state government Paign abroad. It was during Col. Smiths -service i n Francepil ' is sound. It will remain sound if il is kept out from undr the that, his frienda here put him forth as candidate for state Is nt-PBI SCIJOOLS contrai of Chicago'. Tammany. torney tis year and the word spread quickly that the WOFe- 1EW.&UIIEÇu&M <OPEN' gan man should be ucorded the honor this year. IY1VLj1 4df CONCEDE SMITH RAS, NOqMINATION; CINCREJ). For a long time after people began taotal about the tate's' FML TEDM TODAV attorneYship it was felt lhat Col. Smithwod be unopposed '"' "' À ignificant fact that hae beeni apparent ail over, for the nomination. especially when State's Attorney Weich I Lake County during thre past several days ie that people'annaunced that he would not be a candidate for re-election and Total Enroliment was 2570; generallY are conceding that Col. Smith hIas the state's'so matters went on for a short lime with the generai assump- North Sellool as te Largest, attorneyeblp nomination cinclied beyônd doubt. 1 ion tIuat Col. Smith would have a clear. field. However, a Attendance. You wonder. why thus ie significant? Well, here~s little bit later Assistant State's Attorney Wmn. A. Deane an- tihe reason: There are a lot o.f folks who aiwa.ys lilfe to be, n'ounçed that he- bad thrown his Bat into the race and from KIDOIES IN A HAPPY MOO. vith thre vinner and tJiat is why in -sore cases they have 'then on he bas conducted a campaign to land the nomination. been waiting to cee which way the wind blows ini the, The general- fee ng Bas been that Col. Smifh sbsould b e Itr0dies et. Wanrr.ri are ait -'i a apy rrood ti,(a>, the occasion ftate's attorneyhip-and then niake their decision. accarded the honortin year partly as a tribute to bis serv- nieng thr.o,,,cnlng day. or ýchooI et That in vliy Col. Sinith"s iead in thre present race. ices during the war and also because he is a Lake county prod- the fa!;!., reachlng thre point whýere it has brougit to bis standard uct, baving been born in Western Lake counity and having 'i.C trt i roilrert at thre varions many from al parts 'of thre county who recognize him &;I ived bere al bis life. The earnestness with wbich he appl:ed Dr!ý' !yIre s asi.- year, thre mure winner. Weii' Iie'lI. make good-li-e'il keep his bimseif in tnilitary service by organizing Battery C in Wauke- riu,r;ncdtn :J.. Si. ,-L -nounceri promises. Xe viii make just as good a record in that of - gan bas resulted in bis being the foremost military man of the Lb~LCO fice as liêdid as lieutenant colonel in the oversea s ýrvice. county so fair as the'Lake county products -are concernied ttnd i rieNo ch Soi !lnd ho largest iL the r r.. ., ýesâion, Be bolds the distinction of having received the bighest* com- ltreLe .%L puprisin L,ýCirrtance DON'T FORGET STrERLING, mission accorded tç anybody during the wai, period. Dr. Arnnew 'Moie»siol saa s b Ox& moe raso wy vter oftin detrct hold arkr and Dr. Besley were the oniy other Lake çounty prod- n'n' witii an atlflr-dar.c.e of 432. cast, tieir ballots for thre so-calied Lowden eiate is Fred ut b eeaad e.rîn iletnn ooe. As an attorney practicing at the Lake county bar Col. sn î~ .rrsrerî ii rierizerulti Sterling of Eockford, weli known editor of the Rockford Smith bas made an enviable record and the campaign that was the Vu eu Regigter-Gazelot. Mr. rte'ing'is candidate foraIàous eGioer-aon te tie r t erling isJcndidatgesbfo ret. conducted inbis bebaîf wben be was absent four years ago iortil schrol......................... 461 Govrnr n te ickethede byJon . Oleby, . placed bim in the foregrounid as the logical candidate f or 1920 - - ----------- --..3812 terling in wvo» kuovu througirout tis district and'W in- An ruetavne yfinsofCl Sihi-ht.. ......... .. 3 nebago Couity lu vblch Rockford isj oated, ina a'part o bs1nagmn ai cdb ed of ol Sih s h t ilewcooku...... ............... 4a2 ti sthe lime when somle of the boys wbo*risked their lives MeAi trro......1 tble thre i7th Judicil District, Lakce Oounty therefore byging overseas ougbîta be givensome recogninion-t and I O 0h----....................- --- 2570. tate b go Sr. Clark ieporra tirat ait of thre bas a pronal interest lu r. Sterling's succens.- As sta s ome reward therefor. It la argued that it is iittde -erough for taheawere Iacis on tire job rodoy. treasurer, Mr. Sterling has made an enviable record, and those who remained behind ta do ta give tbem a ew of the Mai friends in Lake Counity declares lie is one of thre strong- honore tbey migbt aspire ta., With personal qualifications as icf lrie. est men on thre so-called dtate ticket TeEvanrgeline lisrdict îii« Mi' Strlng e met ikebiefelow heisa mri-good as those wbo may oppose tbem il is arguecl that the over- Sç,i orna lat t een lry drlving dut .seas service men are entitled to a little consideration over those froeintIre toirn of Woifviile, whle!a' viro nover- forgets bis friends, lias badl extensive expert wbo did not do their part during the war in stich a personal sti.'iand on Ahe<irisernf fronlete eilie lu 11inon politicu and lias been charman of the Re -tMn c eies in!A drve o ftire îte publcan Etat-,Comitte.That is why aI this time the candidacy of Col. Smith j isfair 1Idea of 'tie Wirole countryplde. We urge our friends, in Lake County not tei forget Mr'. looked upon witb such general favor tbroughout Lake coanty. tSh iii e oVCra- oh( e ser e un Sterling when tbey go te the polie on thre iSti. As Liieut. Lake counîty wants ta show its appreciation of the valiant Valley aurd tire laite that gives theVal-ý Governor be viii ràko just 'as good a record as ire has in service be irendered during tbe war and in doing soi is not im- ley -ls rnane. (laspereuz I the thre officeo! sdate troasurer. psig the trust of a vely important<off ic n -heshoulders I'rng ch m o s In es , abld you are taking no chances witli Fred Sterling. He's of aman who is not emninently qualified from the standpoint ters. On &Il aides are orchards ati on thre square, ire le efficient and hirn a resident of our cif personal abiity. Hie qualifications go band in band with off 1to th left at the foot of a- suai! own judicial district. Therefore, vo all te a certain et - bis merited reward for military activities. li is our-.irmn be- rtdge liq the hainlet of Grand I're. Thre tent ove a direct ailegiance to hmn. ief that the votera of Lake county wiIl give Col. Smith a splen.. te the raîîway station. la marketi try did endorsement in bis race for, staîes attorney an~d that as a lump of willowi, an old well, and ~flA.T AV~ 'flTWPVUP tITTP fP TTrnF as l souldbe.three Mlunrao! a few cottages From 14R a d 55ALL * A IIUT RI lnC A T 01P 5/T.rCI si hudb.dh.--h -_- leeta of o. Thre conoM- retàiler. tractor, ie Ford xesory ze. And rU8C you eys. LITTLE- 7,ith 2 pair- wQd Hs osier3 ~i1