CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Sep 1920, p. 22

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'w i- âIORE FISIHER RE.- TURNS FROM SCOUT JAMBOREE OVERSEAS Represented Waukegan Boy Souts at Interpatioflal Scout Meetings. 1ESCORTED THROUGH TOWN. Scout Qerge Fiasher arrive& lu waukegat- Mloday evening ait 10 0-ct-oet, ret-urn!t-tg nom bis t-vo11ont11u triin suEnglaud. France sud Blgtim. viierit bc .prese-nt-ed theWaukegsn bol scout-s at- t-be Internttiona-tl Scout- jamnboree le vas lookiog fiue vit-h &,big scout- grin on htis face, drossed La t-e scout- unît-orin vit-h a sboulder designl similit-othbe division iusign!a of t-be acniy vhtch bail a represent-- flon of th Auerican sield in colore wlth bt-be vordt-, "Bo3y Scout-e Of Amer- Ici. This destgn dist-inguished th. Aniericau boys 'irom t-houe oftthe Ot- er.34 nations reýpiese-teil. He carried a oauck ,bat- rernindel oee ery uiuch of tho packî> t-at- our soldiors carried InluFranlce. George la bandy a tiettrtngand iehohiedin- Ecribedt-i-n a neat otrderiy ariýtt-zgOiflft- ail over oese ,îoft the pack, t-le nanes of- ail t-be towus and cit-tes wher lte t-tad aîopped, inclndiug t-be Uantes of -qt- ou which ho crosaedl thle Atlat-ittc., tuget-lteFt--vth the dates oun vbtct-t ',te itîedt iese pluac1tes. This List- of naine-t'of-cilles vas aise ln- qcribe t-t-t- li-nrologIcal oerOtround Illie rt-li- ' blis bt. Tweity-t,,Ui-tte-tbera of- Troep 15 to vhict-t- <;etrgc heiogs, inluding t-be t-le trainInil-ett hlm andi formeti a body> guarîil t- ecctt ht-lu totis home. The-y nt'le a fine- scht as t-ey march -ed in pclt--e-t ordî,r, dcii t-be stree-t. Wlîen 'lt-c>arritîti ai George's home uCat-natioen ('t,, it' parents, Mr. and ýMc. John. Fishlter. e-tertaned t-be boys-. it-ttat-t-thbe ice-creaum andi cake t-bey roulti est. Georgé waas etlîusiasiC ut r t-be vonderfut- expereuces be hati while on flis t-np. 'Id go back tout-gît-I" ho saili "if, 1« Lai t-t-clance"le hellied t-be Amerîcan scouts to vin th. pl'n- ciple hionos at th.t-nteruati-ot-al meet at- London.t-te %ît-e-d Part-s, Chaeau Thierry, Sos-eus and th tler places as a guetotht-te- Frencht govrentansd paw the Oy-mpt-cgaît-es lit- Ant-verp. as a guest et-t-le " elgian goveru- ,ment, [lte says t-ltat- alI-oeft-he 3t0scouts frn Ait-ert-ca vere splendid, htgb grade grouli ot- ho> aud t-ltat the flfiy- bye- me-n who accemîtaule- tthem as leaders wero vondert-ulnie-n.le kepi a diat- e-sery da> ant it-as thlie signa - t-t-re sud t-ddress of att-cast oeescout- fions eve-rt-nat-on re-irese-nie-t ilihn- dre-ds oft- î.îuie- anat--anuitt-ec t-f ctipt-ings trott-- -tgtlh -apt-e-s, andi souve-ntrs-' ii1taiitou-' kiuds. lits e-t-ey et bis ext- IIci _,e- is ab--riuglyin l- terestiug tas' tieltasa ivtd way ut- tet-ing t-lte-tu AI; tte scout-tàl inte ît-y wtll have a chance t-t-- e-tiitGeorge-j st-ry et a big ltt-as meeting of ait- scout t-bat- wîlIlt-e-blidThueCtday e-cet--m.Se-tt 10. tt-t hie- -trtioi y ,S p Thlal-isct-tut aut-boritiŽs are plan-ý ning a ic denionstt-ttiCJu of -cout-an verk sont-et-ib;ng ut-le order of tho Jlamtboree- ai Londont, t-t-i e kuevu as t-be Boy Scout Ct-rua. Thti viii be t-tage-d tate in Oct-ober andti vîtt-Il- elude many re-utarkabt-e eXhibition-s. vith ove-c 3tjO bo ' ytaking p-tart. Fisher- vît-h lits saluait-e expertiefi a t- Lon- don, viii be s great lhet-p lumaking I tbis ciccus a succeýsa. Thero vit-t-be nmots about-th-bitg -scout- meet- at-London tn a lat-er issue o t-e Sun COPLE ROBBEI) ON THEIR WAY hIOME WItit-e Mss lut-as Burgo. employet- at- tue Attert-ery drugstore, sud a Younfg min treutiver. 'ggto el borne at 1t-t-0 lelsidere street-. Sunda: MM-gtLt,. tho'Yountg man, vitose nain Miéss iurge retused t- divulge, ,wa fiet-dUp anti rob-teil etsoins smal Change litt-ber rout-paulon t--anaged t- at-de *l-U lieh ta iaaPÔrke-tbook. ani tus deteat-eat -le xurt-ose ef t-ht Ditgivayrnan. %L'iein t-he yeuug coupe cornler Of Washtingtonu sud Jacks* treet, tho Younîg tman notîced t-bat- min vas tot-towing t-Le-r. He ga' J4Bttilturge bis pocke-t-Jook contait-t-t -f40 8'u00'snd et-te hîi t'il ber dret Att-Oc tey tuibed sont-h tho htgît-s utau cauglit-np vit-bthem and 'd ua-ceOrd "1-loy, bave yen sot- ai mouDe-y" addressing Nits8 Iurgescol paillon. Ile. Youhg man eMrptied I port-tet-. wtt-tch cont-atneti only a arn anieunt ot- change. The hold- up mg toek t-le ct-tange and departed. l'bnecent-t-te di pot- report- t-be M- t-r -to file pot-tce.. CAVE 0f WINDS SLIDE KILLS ITIRE Buffat-o, Sept-, 7.-Dr)oppt-ug 180 teet- troam t-be briuk ut- flor8shoe FaIls on ta a bridge eat-iug t-othe Caveet-ftho Wtnds ise t-nsous et-as!crushod tbroe petIsonis t-o deat-h and tieriousIy lojuroti t-v oet-hrd, ho *e-e croestnq t-be bridge. A suxth occutpan t-ft-be Vidge escapeil uuburt-. Ve;ara of aV'tsa Usfuinea. Tie- c iter je w --e t so voa -ri- l akes oeery day 4U8.000 Impacts agalnst- t-be tarit, or 157,M80,t)Ot-) hows dring t-le eoureeo! -a yt-'fr, mi i Igures ont 8,t-58,OWO.r)0biova turing the-ltsoe et 3tify yers, t-be perlot fer -wble-h aà e-st-ch la usunll.v t-armut-eod IU-ýee9 A site Platie. prehajJthe, bot way for a ma tebd lthtlis «Moey ftram hlbitelal ARRESED O A FNEIJ $31.40 FOR SPEEDING CHARGE CALLINQ MAN "6FAT., JohnGriith agd 2, sn o H ADED VO JVAIT13" Forest,. vas arrested at- 2:15 à. m. - Suuday mionalEsby the Waukregau tp- -Etemely PeculiarCase Tried lice. ne vas clarged vitltapeeditis. Griffith put up-t a 8 10 cash bond aud inl Police Court at vag- ta bavel appeareil for tra tà Zion Today. moraiug but did Dot show up. THREAt TO SHOOT CHARQED O. F. BIARN DANCE #(y .W. Croft - I Bli S CCE S ZonSet. 3.-A very pecular cma IN 816 UCCESScamie 09et Zion t-is mornlng., à Young niannanaed ord Wilson. resta. lng et Shiloh Cottage, veut to t-li The l aia-oned barn dance. given nmbouleOfMr. and Mr&.Keuma». 300 at- Third lake a8turday nlght by Dr. i-laba avenue on t-b niglit of Aguit- and Mns. C. B. Danlels. Mr. and lIrs. 319t- aud secused Davidd Kemnnet CP.eckmar, Mr. aud lIra. Charles PrOwlilEg round bis boune according N~ ,lr u .H . urnt --o the evideuce. Mr. Koumain prompt- et Mi. ean sd Mrs. sud C. wiî. ly denleil the chargea and .prolalmed lam Grele tCiago. vas a bigit- as utteriy taine. Ford Wlson per- sue s d prdv-d t. b. oneet -'t. sîsteil. its le charged, lu hie mcuateul fth . -uad t-reateued t-n à loud* vole.t-at' bu.s.u coff. v. srse. The.-j leu~ dance vas beld aet-bhe Goldsmithbharn. -. le l*ud valce of Ford Wilson aud FOR SAL-Ford coupe, 1920 )model. ft-etItreaut-t-at- vas made -voke up tully.equippeil vit-h ail èxtrae. Frst t-he bOutsehOld. and Davi Kenau' ct-as condition. Caîl 1384-W. 211-6t+. mot-ler rUSlied out of. beil aud came To the R EPUBLICANS of the Tenth Congressional District In Noveînbcr, 1918, 1 was eleeted to succeed thc Honorable George EdJ-uuud Foss as Represenl- tative in Congrcss for the Tcuthk District in Ili-i nois, Mr. Vioss niot being a candidate. My tenua of office began on Mardi 4tth of last year and 1 have spent fourteen of the eighteen nonths whichi have expired of tny tel-n at the National'Capital. The 66th Congress convenied in extra session on May 19, 1919, and the finit regular session ad- journed on June 5, 1920. -Only two-weeks inter- vened between the extra a-nd the regular session. Si nce nîy election in 1918, T have tried to discliarge my duties faithfully and promptly not oxly onthe floor of the flouse and in the co=xnit- tees to whieh I have been assigned, but also in handling miatters for mny constituents with the various departments in Washit-gton. In conqe- quence, many voters have voluntarily endorsed me for re-election. I amn therefore a candidate for re-nomination on the Republican ticket in the Priînary to be hcld on Wedilesday, September l5th next. Ours is a * Iepubliean district anîd the Republican nomine '.will douhtless hc elected in Novemnber. 'It is,4wel kilown tht-tt iinif'ience and.cffieiency in the Na- tional Cong1'ess depend v'ery largely upon lcngth of ser-4ce. If lccted to another terrn, I feel con- fident of being t-abe to ren-der greate~r service to xuy constitueîtis and to the eomitry than has.becu possible- diring, the past eighiteen months, but ei'cn for that short perit-id I respectfully submnit my work an-d record forthe approval of the good people of theTenth District. To the now wboll.y cxfranchised Nworen of the district, 1 extend ny congx'atulàtioxis and ex- press rny personal picasure by reason of the fact that the first legisiative vote I cast as Congress- mn.i was ini favor of thie Nineteeiith Amiendment to the Constitution granting full right of suffrage t9 the wonen of the C01untry. . 'Respectfully, Carl R.- Chindblom 'Representative ig-ougre Tenth Mlinois -District. - il' à are wondering vhat cauld maitUr. Mrs. Keuiman va vey l ected when she beard threta brd Wilson t-len retrd bts ent bis youuger brot-ber yelled *'You corne down t-he vaUt. you feasl Vollvalte and l'Il tix you!"' it'lie witnes stand.. David Ken- stated t-bat ho had always haît hlbtst regard for Fard Wilson, lbe aUu bhailno bacd feeflugs Ut hlm. B however, gave Ford Wl Wedfled*y uighttô apologis. fureiming Igaandho G l Qt sur, taat nie accusation and for threatening is tue (défeudenit vas gulity because bo lte. 'ibe timie'explred and Mr. Ken. refused t-o make aasy explanationu min thereupon got out a warrant for ilubtêvOr. hi& arreiit._____ 'riThe detendant refusie to testify at- ail on hi&so ubehaff ani be brougbtNoUnL l.m forward no win sses. H. waa fit-te f25-00 and costs. amounting to $41 40) ~lnlu tE, Ln- -miU up the casq, Justiée ii p:en 14<ômtion lnctude" la lUsC':'0 àt-at-ed tilat b, could allov no misutd 0 mc'a ehemical whleh'v S t.? £ go to & usîglbors bouse snd rais. aflume-uenchingggs eould h .1 t- gitturlsanebyupliig sncb s thbea, liUild. AUTO CRAS INTO A BU66Y iyin-Nyst-rom, <0 Teth street-. North Chicago, drove bt-s auto Into a bora. and buggy occuPled bY Jo. àhart of Qraud avenue. Saturday nlght et 10; 80 oleloek. The accident happeedat Elghth street. Litt-te dam- âge vas doue.________ Grahamn Democratc Candidate for the LEGllA TURE Prmaries, Septs 15, 1920 Your vote and support wiil b. appreciated - ONLY RELU O F LOST RACE N.tor o!Ca"Ail Thit Romain@ Networky11, of iU lu th.e et t-be lost people af Ariolia are t-bel uet-îork ofet cala vbich prevali throngh thbe valleyl. Ths e etlaw t-lt- oï' t-ppe-iIeî- rl'a . sud wilît-t- mppUed*fi' aýt-er t ibtt,5tcent! rî- no auked'eJt t-h ondtin Iug buit-dlit. Tt-elte a naud about tsht-ch 8omueWb as been vittteD j andl t--hlch bas gco @-Ege imue-b Intée - est- oîiong arcbeoWtB8ln thoetast teu lears. Tite volume of t er t-hen out- hi tht- iteit-l must 9 '~been l--îà-t t-or Itt- uported l ýi-ttt-oîiiortt----lus mnost pinces t-be _. o$ i t-a li-'"id -U%ýit-lttlrftugs btlt-s coursu 1. ('osiiy trt-tced. Mt s!Oi h letd t-le it-artc i e'd " t' tf tb oitild te dthl1t-jusîat-irrtina cee-r is pet-tbt-y b-J êt t a t -dtt id 2,M) 0or S3-,MO YéÏrji'OgO Fitr mlles sud Wmiles arOunti îunnds i telt- t-be tat-eo! bouses t-lte- ravages af time. Phoenix vas ht-tlitt ttn t-be ratus cfthis t-eintctt-yZ eut-ttet-e relies ft1!i5ntIY ore t-st-tnd of hs sue-lent- civîl;"ttou. «I- trust si r t-bat- Y'iu bave net- been lndtt'creet eBeugli tO Ipeak t-o uMY d tu li r a b o t m a r in g e " s a -d t he st-î-lset t-ohe youth who t-t-d mit ha- ot-eil for bs dughter's au. "I ba-e-t, sIc"repUg)i t-be youth, ."but- 1 ivas qtrongly tànstpted te do'se last « ettltg vie a-ek -Sdme od and - -'st-d wa-at -bî-te le et-tî-.e !I lmtl-t-r, lteaiiy seakin4 il a "gre-et VoteFor Carl'R, ChindbloM _____________ For R e-nomination as Republican Candidate For Representa tive in Congress Tenth Illinois Dsrc Prim9rýy,,Wed,eSPe.5 -Now -Serving His First Term Capable, Industrious, G'ourteous ÇCeL R. CHINDBLOM'CAM.PAIGN COMMITTZE: Thos. E. dova thle 1 mucli t-o six how out. t-st ni u mdu the, h -------------- i .......... m TRC Max Rut MACHIN uLOt-cge, lis Ila lt-mitead rIsOrt-h -t-ist-t Utt-otrucs the0 :tout-h 8et-ernoon truck sas lorly 1-. ileloreil-t-e vas 1ut-ilmts t-lie trcc avenueIltIl- 'harely t-tt- vithnt-he g it-g t-u Vlti tils bt-eatkis ut-i-utur.t- ii tiat l - ttty N- t-rat-i t mE st-as Onry l--e. lie lu-ais net a ia r'eia rk trin ecre-w Ltie eit-e-t' It e, - t h,t- i t-lat a t-rt--- t-tad et-t-ct ta lei ra-k. KIDNÂI NAM AUT Sensatior Lake' Ai STOLEN titart-ling idonday uti vont -te dat ay utt lng lu n ' t- lu.t-be cari t-evs canl trom t-be qu, li..eIboysa h gr,i.drose- Lat-ed' 0e-y gtil lu P ai tlt-k ftup, - t- ne- t-p Ci t-h. day s- le- e-led t- lt-tatton l(,f t tLt t-i t-ît l t-e-t "aid Ut %iti-ge- lut-St Atrt-- eo t- a m!nur pis s'ot-O nl-tid at-t-' "Flu" to Warm Hesît-liCt ertno ofG: t-a epidem- fait. Inlaa ho sid: "Ilow se know. Hou vit-h it-,oe ,Stat-lat-le Intervals ( -tour sucres IPROUD. C Bitit-h Nut We.fh!tin jai'ent l't- daéte-.s boc Richard Il pret- gît 1397, badi the id ns - rptentry jndile-s pi ber, ln 1I2I Prtîbsitly vitrît-Iunita torîcat- ais hall, are 1t t-be tairs hall imark and t-he ce

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