CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Sep 1920, p. 3

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~~«wuJ~ fvIJ~DI RFMIIWAY, -SEPTEMBER 9. 1920. accompn Ratd bY aiIn tht. tuimne, Who ou btm- Ing for 11cm fuamr -ai jiber- , a stawtmg loomehcîmg ad! le titruck a te-lephonie, reck tut bis machin-t and Lbtal.ning a bail «aat. i, i. Roborison entertala..J of the meunhema of ihe iaetety of lte ilenview, rcb ai a lava pari> it amnd cblidren art éi - ad itt Mi s. H.enry K. nît ut aI Tuescla> witb ý full er Mili REACHINCOUT 0*lM,OOO surplus ln Ias tressury! $611,0111In hard rend bonds, and SW,00,OW iln waterway bondai CHICAGO 1- lssuing Script Pmenie te 86,OOSOO rupt bsssury. BRALL TEK THOMPSON TANNANT, vicb bas eulptiai Chicîge's treisury and pilad op this bhuge dpficit. ha parmittsi te contlroit1he state's .milions? BÂLT IYUCH A l'OSSIBILITY ,hy votlng for LEM, 4. O INa. 00LK55t, asoblusa uSda. tee0O..."r f .1 > John G. Oglesby REPU CLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR -H4e Stsnd@ Againet à Tsmfntny For lflhuela.' VTFOR RICHARD Je BARR FOR ATTORNEY GEN ERÂL -Thse Candidate of No Faction or Clique-His Noumimtion WilI Adi Stre7 thtie Republi- Richard . Barr la ideslly flted - by experence snd trsining - tô as- sume Md faithftdly disçhargethie duties of thse important offie tf AttonlqGencuMh. He bus bcan cngagad lu the ngaspractice oflaw for twcnty-five ycsre and bus beau a memibe snd licder of ta bMinois &StlaSenatiefor the past - htam*as Wtbtquesio1bi record and ability as a law mokar giebt iaquaiuainsncsayf r a isw efrcer. why the Waý m AeSuppeetings v ha omi oe eaorEr.o se"« @me . iw nt atir tt fBSvts Ttp cf DaoleAs a MRust cfinveifftteslna hoeveer. ii ldm ~* Was 5roo e effat1 --stoMKE SURE th.t hi,. !lll r Ms O uoamu 0 . ft~~IR~ImMIZ1tI Smateq -ser lsaCmaa ofeit te s thir pprmlsteflcRepu5fS.1l*iik:540fban~di- hi ther vots 10VdaW Sebatoe aiBia lai" tasay: CeUor *n s 8re i I .,t rn Rbiasi ltoithe officeh. i edtestht officetibut e aMe Do a racieds3 l l. th 'ilires-Me at bsoppte MeMent j , the vote a in Csaty Moapitas a. ioetieea <~w.dumppntn vs l ou .B m spreaiied hv Bue Ceutioa.* youR VOTE FOR SENATOR BAR 1 A BOOST FOR REPISUCAN 5LICCESS IN NOVEmitE DmrrWfl iîCom!Ite Jis Down State Triumph of4Yers>~ whicliîhits Dow becoine a generai "PERFECTLY SILLY Hndl ue i4anle ulabeulir Cicte Ew Our Institution bas ben conijce undei ses ere handicap because we SAYS BROWN ON NE W ur: rtheinid to us INSTITUE PLAN Lae n tyTbruoit nttt bercular £olony Outspoken o .n.sfnd ai n0 ime have bailcomn- tbe Lake County Tuberculosis associa- the probable cuit of building a new = io. aMetig el h e It evioustubercular institute. That vas doue rsdy nicht decidet! to iubrit tuandtetative plans have aiready been Lh- votera,Ùf Lake Couny the propo- madle for I. altioti of ettabtthlfit aa.îub,ûuloqssi Tbese plans are now avaiting con- aatoriuz !,ît ... Ginkin îsw 8iititon pending the change in the whîc Il provijde,thue iesying of a Ht.cot of building. Thon the tubercular Bull tas for the cutsîîucîion and main pavillon nu doubt wil b oempeted tenuceuf $Uha iutittin, r. .,andlt wlll thereby Place Lake couflty B. Buwi. euut Phtiiianand u- I the tiret tank In caflng for tuber pe.iirun. cntth a onl, cular Patienta. as ve already are ini leril os0pital anti -tuberculoiluu Bani-th idraknougerl 8pa. tar.wup i fLake county decl;r-es thai 0* So fer as 1 cati conceis e t la en. th- suggestion is flot ofliy iîîy but tirely out of the question to consider la &)r ;,utèrou8 antd Presuimpitious in this new movement and certainly i vew i- ý res,-nt statué ut .Lakte vs-kw of the facit tai >e already -bave mity.ïýnas-or tu alte cart »ofi ts a coiflolely eqIipP.D"it vhich aia. .Pour, tuberculai- patients, etc.- tnereiY neads addinjô to embody Ur . rovats expîaaoua la extreme- treatment of any sort of dseaa. that ly n presting i view uft Ie declîton the COuftY might wrste, equl» itailf of the metetng tu question to actually for. ln fact, the proeut buildings can Putp tO the voteras iqi question. I)r act as thébb a bout wblcb afl oihe flrown â ssuueiica z"so c n At vas several yeaus ago that the sbould centar. lit Id an isconceivable 4oaty ut Lakte bougbt out theý olti thing boy the voter% of Lake county tubercular coloy in wauksgaa town .'uId conider for a mintute thes su». si» and by dolng so Lake couaty be- pZrtusi«0f io imtitquons whb came the piosear couaty i minoij.vOlid he vorkins abat the Mmrebine. ot«e ot Cook couaty tuassume the -,"Bore at the cSOfty bogpitl W@v bave I'tlaléaà.sevacrias for the tubercular, à1Main oRbe, vs bave the mnho.- pauflâtPial. ve have the u&Pes' and super- "A&' a direct resut of 1,"e county Intendant home sud ve bave groundi ààvlng doue tht. very tuilas the logis. ample for aillte iaslltutions vhicb atu tih-aPaesd àlaw vbicb »r,6-Lake Couty vould aver reqUire snd vide, thut aaY cOuat7 in the ilate ca the suggetion to acquits a nev ite, oubmit to votera the qu.-atîon of cm contruct ev buildings tota Isbacare a"L" su intitution for the care of Of tubercular patients welusiveiy thp tubrcular patients. wheu vo aiready bave iucb su mtii >Tbui. Labe county not oly ireadl tution la beyond comprehengion.', fId '-ce the tory thini that la nvà,,______ b.,-4 ,uggegted te ha dons but it vas a 'il runconcevtng the plan Advert.acin Thse independent. w Vote for 1W. F. WEISS LaeCounty Republican LaeCandidate forée House of Representatives 86D~ SEPTEMM RIS11leu. John Mom-ie' - t alI o mignanu P141arr. ii Prklit2. Xti1)r$i0.d00ov0 are lit 27uji.ed to n miF. Sh-ii nci ai. tu Highland I laik Eai l'ai k Ili ilit, '\V. 1i. $50090, B. M . RTJ - D 25 actes in ,i-( 23 ,-e,ýrfi-,id îowu ahîp. F. %\. Stueuien K 'ai. to Highlandl CANDIDATE FOR Park . Eavi iflrk Ii i i ict \W IL)24,- ST T ~ M T D Q00.00; 20 acres n N E quarter sec. S A ESE TO 27. Deeriieldt ow îîshiiii. *May Meieih,,ff iii Imrdinand H-umner GHTH DISTRICT and vife W Du$,0 0W ihird. lot 3, block 12, lighland Park. ýPrimary, Sept. 15, 1920 Assistant State's Attorney William A. Deane announces' hi candidacy county, subject to the ac- tion of the Rep>ican party. et the priary tabe held on Seteber 5. 1920, and' repectfuly re- queuýts the consideration and support of the votera for thi* position. Thne Lawyers Cive FnieSwa Les in Politioe ONE CHJD IN TfREE ~ îîCloeg:?veaukeganSTR E racCH L I HR Ee eer. wvauconda. COAL S O-G ilBern 1ce 'lucker. Waukegali IS SUFFERINGi FROM kiazel Loomer. Waiikegmn CAUSES A Co REMEDIAI. DISEASE Kmpr. aimlIITO -BOOST COKE1 Alle 1i,iiuingdale. Waî ev" - tomae \\Éite. Wsubegau. I.î villh ngtier, Fnx L hPieofCk asAvne iSays Teachers' listitute Lec- oernice Hess, mion. Pieo oeWsAvne ture, wo i Auhorty n IMurle, itolinson Round laite $2 a Ton on Sept. 1 ; AI- - -Health of Children. I .tlia)tbBo, it most Equals Coal Price. -1I Ruth A. poliocit. AntWoh. oigdrcl nteWIeO h Mra. Featheratout. ai Elizabeth »4M&Mart Stephenson, Antioehlmnilaei nts yk !ts McCormick Memorlal association, Chi- edna McKinley, ZMoni annouancemant fihat Wankegan'asnuit- cago, in an atidress li he Lakte Colin- Alice UOldh; AtttiOcb. ply of bard cilai witb tho exceptuotn ty teacis-ers' institute Thurstiay, at the' ituby A. Frlach, Oakt Villa of a solail amounet o!piea, coal.hoa. Central School, Wa ukegin, macle the Mable K. Yalch. baaeVilla ean cxlausted. snd with the practical arlataeet uion rldI om. M. 13. NeilOf. Z1012. certatnity tisaitithe price of future ..7lngitteetflef oe c ilainre tW. Conson, Lake Buff nlipmO ta tisial may arrive vili bae con- tbree jA suffermng frotedfcst r Marie Keliey. [N. Chicago sderably hîgiser. ta the anuouncementt ljmeiaae aeola su onli * ie Klason. Zin. by the North Shorteias Comxpany Of Veasdmai-ntitIondaretns chie! L.oulg uerîîy. Lake Villa an lu crease of 12 ter ton iu the price Weii sAda-nutitioearetheahbofZurich of coke. lisii Product. causes. the la~tter bisbn ua trha Btaatoli Antiautis The new prIce ai coke, effective larger percenitage amatie use bether Mldred LaPlalut, Ailh c¶ Septembea' 1. is as fallioa: casse .4tOm the Poor, atraîuge as t rene Kuelmiui. AUtloch- gg Uolie-11b per ton. may . em. Thisa l due toibte tait steter u. ariand. Aottidi ut obire-414.10 par ton. tiatimituer, titpatatati andm mtn berthe -Llbartyville . Goal dealers lu Waikegau vero 7do ruaIt enter so iargely lu the d0ot of ieauor ltandolpb. N. ('hucogo, uumfounided when they received no-, ithe btter classes sud their food la rsiel tiing. Waukegari lare roui the gas cornpùuny of the Ini- ttisererore flot no veil balanced as lu Leiab Wabb. Laire Bluff. crease lu coke price. There vs,, home. w tiere more plain fonds are li~zabeh R. Anderson, Deerfiehl nathing leit for thein la do hovover .11b 8. Jeasie Hanaay. (Chicago but ho paso the boost on ho their pat- Aie saie proportion of defe<taaan o Uadya Nasold. GUOraoros. existe, among adulte. titis belug shovu uKaherine Bll.- Wsukegau one mn iun speaking of tihe mattor clring the recent diraft. onethird of Mbe Berghorn. Barrington id414mot hoellalte to expresos the opin- the registrants for nultary service ha- vwîlma P. i>unhom, Antiocit. ton ltai lite aus mpany simply has Ia reJected because ai physical de- 1esile Haines. RU. . takou advantage of lte condition sud factu. î.eorgla Ward, Waakogan. nosa ralsed the price because of the Thet eaclsors atandiug the tuait- ,.iay .NcCacby. Wankegan, ibortage in bard coal. He said the toto ail lest waek ame: ________ a opy bas reeeived its supply Lîllian Augoautem. thnnel aie.gRI.z adfrthtrisnsoe Auna Uerbert, Prairie Viav. REAL EbTATE TUA^NrFERS or gacalsud for ecu that eirc- I eîycsf ofer lte exusa tal thy a1 EntiiorHils, îl. conda JonGrfit d leto Johauna nbliged to psY a higiter rate, lu th. Ataih ilge. Wtioiia.VanerDusen W D 110.00; lot 3. Pont.*lhe pointeidout, the gaa com»suny Ethel biaies. Gurnea.e'b re. 1 fies w hnen o N dlis "e iblîdrat! WInn. Hlghwood [rosle Terrace sub. Lake oret. abu wdolrunethbadcl 3 Marlon liarrel, Waucoud. B. E. Snydar nd vife ta F. A. bout.ivo dollars ncolder th e rcait à marie itlebom Ares. Yonts and vfe W D $600; lot 17 and compsny nov holdly lucreasea lis puice 1 Mrs. Ruth t Bman, Mllburn. 18 Aivaîls aub la N E quarter sec. 3.1. Io vlttiîn a ev cents or Ithe cosl priee.. i, Esther Moriocb, Wadvortb. E Antiocit. ________ LI AltCe SWeenoy. Wadgwortm A"&fin MêDonougb het ai. to E. G. WeîaPorsl Y bristanv J. Smith, Llbertyviile. kienW D.$1000. N 1it.S100 fIlW« rorsin i'2t'me liraef!. Lîberlyville. lot 3. lilocIt fa, rignal Waukegan Tuaeiss of thp whetgo@& beek le msrgaret Wlytep> palri'- IHenry Mnoubaàs"d ile in 1 SL. the n'~gps. Th ir r t 1li îweM Florence Cerclais. DetrfieId Pederse udvj W1>$1 .lot un S hil ~ r'al fo Mary Snedden. Prairie "iV sillage a Fox Lake..h -nt.- Ma .ge teres IDawson, Deerfurlul I John spencet snd vmhe ,i Alfred i.use.- . ii i Kistlieîr ocheiibi<l. Pririe Vies I North Wl1) 31.00. lot Villgeo Margaret (;.Filiserl. NorthsChicago. jWaucanda Annie iic'redie. Wadsworthh Ahîet North tu George Beýnei W MarcarPl Vi5g. Illtlf-1, Illi<00, lot in village ai Wauri-uda ciara Ms i Neon. Arr-a B. F. Somma et aI. ta N Il1' . s %Irs.Lucile GrtnNos<uiOii~u~dve W D l$45ii loii1Iiletih Ameta 55hile.. Norti (hicago. iii uf blockt 9. reyeî. i ' Niii Vote for .Maichret Hiuier. Nourth Chicago. e,hic4go. rîIîî- iuati. t ii K . R. Kuudseeuand sui. i,. AN I.m> rorcl, irairie ViEw. Lu-tuner ant i ve W Dt),011,ILi tIt j ýa1I te lîl 'îî Iî<illlwgrd îîeights ai Fo Lake iu~ ALSH RNI ut, t. miagg. lBouilli laite. fi.C. Burn simad v.i ýil, R ISni Iý .N ýý,iitWaui.uida. V'.chrismanWI 1)-fýlt7 3) Mary SseellauiAutioch. I nêtta North ide suis. %t';,iîikFgan.Woodstock, Uhnois uioroirl) Nle,-iiiliaiiis. Northu i hicti go G.E. Hueker et ai. lu 1~,11a Bhi ai «MoloOmn. St\îiiConld. stable W L) $10-00,.lat é; il1 tlart lot isnh Îa.i d. staucoucla 'FSfiord- a dulloAni' Candiate for Office of Huaricu- PeanCe, S'ukegafl Margaret tj. Horuuzl ti 1; 1: Iliis .mssl il iri. . uke !al> aud vife W D $10.00) E 37.1- il Lot 4, M3ruati u. Kanhcil iti. 'ut iuuuegaii ,blockt 21. LaIte Bluff. AýI, 90 SaeR p m ttv LutteM. LeCh.7iOnA. F. Wlrthsasd vite tIn ; .. Scileu- joseplune ut iiaye N Chicago , ger snd vile deed $1270. i.îl li to 22 (Fo th tDirc) .51a1.'miesrie 111 fie ihik 16. reerfieîd Park. mu Oi tedti- imiiimd lenry Kreutzer aud wuie hao 0.E.i Suaru Neflaiih, Ares Bariscis WVD1) illot ' Blockt 24. e iiem Bck ith. ilurnei Wrights addt Libertyvîlie. S.bjet to Republicas Pri mary iiieckwiithî Wsîîl gaei T. J. Stabi and wifi. to 11nr) Freundl %e-m , 'ai. i.raNl ,imk Isi!su ie W 1)t h iTiaci cet and inl îSept. 15, 1920. 510'.5515, %'nîîî'otîda. S(1,-E quahii'h -.ionu : lIion iown- iNaiN u a Ifheîii i Lîii - t\ -v hip. .StiitripI(;-. ittî îeTioma -i le andtlesle tu James uitîlas lîrîl niAnt i Neely W P $12l#ei: lut 2 lumiigs liklîh.iKîmettet. Ni i< o aidCaâsoNrth au.-uue ailt.. Wauke- jo-,I.thiie ltSirîhs 4ray'.l.ik'e I ii . J.,fflli.-I r ie >r"-a Ignacy Grýi. iz iesd site ta JO- iii.1 ile rm"im i:rtfl' -ph t.F iiiecý id nuwsil' \%'1) $109,. ti'ir fin.f7ýliaringi îiloi 7, block 12 ' ashbiai.pi ng-1. Nnii. miiai.untioch, 1 taukegun. 111.i' q iît SI iii;, rin,iAng l19 192,1 i.,.1 lii ut ii iFrauk anîd i l1,' iF, L-,vain 10 %% a' pn îei ii ilWdis'iih HMoore 'ut 1)i i5ooi. l1-n ..Robin t- rienl;. Knlox \55 s ti n îson', sutu. Gra:l s i., lie [Mis teNtloiGri hi Frauk Souk'lik and wSe te, J. L- '-i te NIlîr i. im..I kvDonaItVW t) $1 iloii>- 3 sud 4 aku- Siareherîi S' iiI rîî.~l i as- l ik ui's ..ubin se ci1il, Cuba towunship. M r 4(101 iîit l i'N. W hl aN ial Siadein> Metî xieî', t sîîîîîl ~ i i 1)t i h.lot 7, h.'.iiiirî. t-(5~e h t*h~i; D> Lea JanowîT/ iîîl iîuhan i o Mary mii I it Iftke tilla - A. Dî'1avisîdl 011 iîd 'utLu$si -iepart .I i "t'i-niI EUnFes lotsand 1, 1.h' NcKams addn 1 .' na I. rrN, 'i W uVlîkegamO t l Oi, T 5 vt clpB. F. S'.fbiin E,-. J Joîce alid i1, 1'1 1 i 'h 10 N '-1, lhwagv. Sie wtP'.', 45"61 1/3 acres.-il'oh C l11'ig[i vi l'art Foi, limier il, a .nd 4, W.Antia. h t'.17,ii. ' Il. 011SoiîlîChiceago. 1tawfsbip, Frank l. Smith ~ Constructive Candidate for thq Republican Nomination for United States Senator 'nDc1Mlicans of Illinois: o uaartyisoiigta need ta be harmonized jgduthed *ary electioru, isn't it? There's ndoubt aWut that. This must be dome to insure success in November. But who is going todo it? Think it over and you wiil agree that it cari h. done beat b ysaine nomrnee for a pretty big office. Look over 5he candidates for al Mminations and you will also agree that ome Ieds in availability for this special service. T'hat one is Frank L. Smith of Dwight. He habas eesoaiyndhpltigklreur For thia reason alone Smith ought tg h. nominated for U. S. Senator.- But there are many others:. publican sin e bbeScmO a vote. Rie standsauareyotheRe- ~~csplatformi with Ml"arding sma Win hua, aspresueait, tersaiettamamentouamdti loaloser tisa ay of bis givahs anthe setes mm l- potaul interest and lh- at Wsblgtou. - He ina "down-geata mms ln lmam vl masby vemdmma. By hbis ervces wtha parti for s quarter f a. «am" -in the ranks. ln poms of leaderailu d ln public ofice- hhie falrly a0-ed the nomination for V. 9. Sndor. To insure Illinois, for Harding and Coolidge and the election of your state and local tickets, go to the poilis on Wrednesday Sept. 15, and vote f« teh nomination of Fiani. L. Smiath for U. S. S.otior. JOHN C. AMES, Chairman Frank L. Smith Capnpaign CommUdt PAGE iW Overseer Voliva and Ai$ 1500 Zion vote is believed to l'e for any candidaete for senator o##osedl to Senator Swv (t hence the politiciauis gaine to have but one senatorial candidate opposed to Swift. Attorney Pierce of Bijone County wanted to.b. a candidate as did Attorney CaseNy ol McHeury County and the Waukegan political crowd had Attorney Runyard. Post baste the Waukegan experts rush to McHenry County and brush Jim, Casey aside and then on to Boone County, where Pierce is promised Lake County support il he witl quit for-senator and start for represent- ative.- This hie did, with the further promise that the Waukegan gang *ould allow nocandi- date for representative from Lake Countv and bis nomination would bie certain. Why hold elections costmng millions, when the politicians will pick the candidates for nothing? Then the horrible gail of it ail was wben this gang sent word to Senator Swift that it would beat him if be tried to be renominated. But Swift liad a record for servi*ce and believed the people had the right of a chance to vote for him and a Waukegan man filed for representative despite the protests of the gang and so the first 1olt for the gang is here and the second is due, September 15, Primia" Day. The people will rescrit such high-handed niethodr. as taking candidates away fromn thein. McHenry County will give Swift 2,'000 majority and Boone will do lier best for 1,500 and Lake County will reluse to be delivered and this fixing, trading, gang will get the drubbing of their lives when the votes are counted,-five te six thousand Swift majority will niake this pro. test s. emphatic that this political fixing wom't ever b. tried &gain in the 8th. District. DO YOUR PART!1 Go to the Poils and take a Neighbor irsdys md ?ad ripe 1Do tablehod 1111M attentios ZIvs u la 0< Druaie Basa. rmi. Poultry. 1114.5. Bohter aUj Ilg. rmmttod. Tl le lb. e on lb. eir*eL. Tsa lîsîs fumnabsi ms au- Cold Etoraéa DV tlle 1 snd 3, st Wh.Iesale- market 41CACO. ILL. cellence. what bis i ms sUpeiîtur matou s'.mîh chned ctom- strongest Y cI te cul asnd ng in a con- ing bearinri sing dernand tg for the 'ny that thil )ml1to 1 stand. >ANY 01 8 w-]

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