1 1 UZU5~U L 1131-N'S REUNION IN BEIRLIN ASPOST WAR EXPERIENCE .Waukegan Merchant sees Hîs M*t$er for First' Time Since ,thé War Came On. Kil Hein of Warikegau, W-ha Wit bi. vrife sund son, Stanley. ha$ JUsI nce- turmed tron bis Europ"an trip. fon the gw'pose of etaahling iiruiii l it bis Mot'er vitom bch adt Dtseen for issen yeans and vhom lie haitl es reit bal been aacriflced d ing the var, ti" of inlerettul expeienes ecif lqggia& tl.nough- Belgînrn s-ic s-asl t» fflter of 1the Ennopean acîlvities. leaa>'s te count-ry iooked beauti- 1.. te crojîsvere vondenfuland lte vwok la reconstruction in the deva'tat- *d am asead vell under s-ay. Tilli aout bis expéilence Mfr. "W@ pasaod titroughi St. Quenlfin, t» IMamIity ilw hich witlhstood thte aHacita for so long s period but va. «Mali',taken b>'te Germans. %We tried t figure out hos- the fots could le tak et Liege, vhene s-e spent Oive bali,' lookiag over the vanderful fart- U&cbtiona litI bd been capluied tan ap la te mountains. 1 "ffm toere s- eut on 1u Cologue 1whlrch la nov Mthîe occnpied lernitor>' IlNe .ext day v. went on aur jour..; le Berlin whene my- rother la noue;v tmg and viiere site s-as dui ng h ,Of course [he eider Mrs. hein hait been lookîug ionsardtîo the t lalt oI ber son ad lamily but ihe itunion thttCame lipon [heu arrivai courJ i-' dbacibed only by those ws- lat, »assied through qimiiar expeiriences 'Molher's Heallh Good. Mlsna Hein ia 72 yearn,. ofi0.1. md 1a In excePtionallY fine heaîît h e of course auffereti a terrible xe-t rience duîtng the s-ar sud accsoîIiîng tu161 iHein she declares Ihai ihe trials ',âe encounletred dutîîne lii,, neýt dmiiuti.s luailrmany 5-c n-fai, Orsi' th" whaat s5he iad uxlala iri. nne the- aldtual van A reguion bâti bren hianned uhan! tt' occasion f Mr e1ý1c , i ît ,tiil s out a -;.fjrl lie !rom fluefinie- «dt Jklt mi tai bu,. te,,, hums,- aa.t.-a1 Io- ih<.ceI.brâîioni T...f' ia... -el5Stn'-i thi- it.forn Itii et"*., diaY n d al the nt'ilîes Ofil. ,He.mn Wb.tâ,lktt- "boîutstiv le0 ti'.. i rtu cure .di î .o 1, :.lvo kei 1- ite~' D ti. TIt; er 'il M- s Tu. - . eh rip &Mp l'nI. t fe I-A ;h,~:o. li adin s T, ' kes.., -i. .1 t' uair ai'out Brwioutie andirai l> aîtai,- ,,- eln laled uter %-bat lise") au 'or*"i n ab«toftnd (lithe dci .-ia ci 1- r-ton>'las eut n iaîf as l ail contii. ùuà ad lte>' expecteit to tfiti!it. &1147Hein'6 telbcnpuiuu ai the [bing,. in Gerusa>- snd Berlinutoday ta real> ia4eresttng ant in ua dgî ei Zaoh o0liaulegan people .Peuple hie nl des wîta , 1ite Berlin î-aident.0 bave gani. liti-îugit lie .t> - tisat everybOsi ok.unî îiiiItii "stt liedo not Ilisetelit,- iou i,- itelpir lu butld tilit',Up anti are a ttîghtLui ecaonîte u(il sîluai'cd.Iîl clothed ,ufere , tIb> ise, la li conatantly alnaîd [batl is,- alu, ilt Germûan mark viii agaliii- chaug11e oi i[ t îtie [bey bat-,'a ca tt,.lu i>pend toi i ttwhoelitete i t- a chlancie tu shînt ILThenefone Ille) tpend la% isibl Mn. *Hein exiliainei thUilîsite asd bis rani-. l&d naio trouble get4tng plenty of Jîid sud uLit'r aihîceý ie.,y iii>lbut (a l),rcba-te betause theY carted Anetn- tasu moue>'. Peuple wiilAmnerican moo> Dy au als-ys getlvisatever the>' lwIub hecau,e te Germans are onîy 100 gati t u mire excuses. to gel Amen- àcas moue> mtuttein bauds. Thinga are lourishlnig andi booming rigbtt and lo'ft in parla. Peuple sean t0 bave prsclîcally recovereit fnom the --An extrerince. te>' eem tb bave *enytb tmg lite>' ant, te>'seem tu havéeimoue>'clotlîlag, iood,. etc. The on:> thing thàt tîci are shtort o! la eai whitetabread. Visite Style Shops. V'î. i arî,. Mn.6 hein dîd not Lii.the Vibiu.ultirg fle lýa '11ime-i ,isre the. s[>hes aretc lïurkeîur %Vti]îbis sîe hesien *evers¶ da), ai Ihesie CstablihmenCa -4o'"ag ven tlt- inetbOd 0I apenation a"d leârng niucîî inbîie niaçjusion - .bmt te ne* creatius thai Sare coin- 'tng Out,fton lite islantd sinter traite aut vitîci vi 1,!OOII"hune ne&ahetd .A*etica. Ht' Iln. 9 te Onst-view Of the eï).s['it ndinaturaîlly val 3111di ateroett lu ibis teture ,o PafrBdUsitrial Il e. Xr in woaw vas'turali>% il- n hil SÎa«Ule ogente vonderfui roada in 4"d about Paris. ailtbrough France L s dl ailtIlinougli German> The rosit ii the"e oouatrte. tîougîî viîcb MI. H-la Pasaci are llngd vwitbh uit re OlbanM a tereStlug ieture about ihi, i zamtal tese trees and tise fruit titleeulros lu soidtu te lhe-t bldý 4o.the, moue>' thus deivrt being NO alte m>ùiatenance Oft he îoade î1 M. el. thl ittis >voult be tOnt ,- -L« Lake couat>' tu emulate. et'pe ,,,,'4W Ila Mou. Northt Sheridanfoit * otier laces la Waukegau s-berq z e: -: I ,ýr.iut N , ilvl.itj iWood i -4 iltit 3, 6. 8. 10i,15, Ki 5, 24. \Wiiî-Il 1. 2-1, Ks 17. 19, 25, 26. 2x Btlack t icilaya> nît n. Soluti(tî la Piobi,-îîî Ni.75 Il> Wi D. Kirkwuad. Blacki- 13, K 2, A Time and Labor Saver 1 'DlfurLigit sas-as us 4 hours a week on oui, aashing. 2 houri, on Oun churning. 1 heur onaur crî'ain-selîià-ittà. i Iloir4 ini oi having io epan lanîps and 4 bitura aae in doing choi es"- Write fo,- Catalog NORTH SHIORE ELECTRIC -COMPANY 232 N. Cousît> St. Pie 60" 124 N. West St. Phone ¶658-M WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS 't THE UIBETYV1UN D)EP4fR4T. 1UJWAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1920. WlîtIe 1.1. 32. %lit' lu vîîla> andi dratv 32 27 . 131-d 27 23 17 22 12 8 Solution to Piobliîr No. 76.11Dy liugh mcKean. Black-Ka 3. 18. White-12. K Il. White to play and drav. Ji1 16 16 20 20,16 16 Il Il 15 18 15 15 19 19 24 24 2- Sotuqion [o Problei No. 77 il> Jas. Wyllie. Black-1. K 3. White-21, 29. White t10 play and draw. 2117 29 25 14 10 7 3 2 3 7 Il 7 2 6 .10 14 6 10 17 14 25 22 10 -. 3 7 2 7 7 Il 2 6 10 1 6 lu 15 SUES WIIEN SUtE - cring te roant viere Il'" Peace ,Ili s-s a fie trip. voudenful in istet," sait Mn. Hein lut he -wouid up wilh: -But. 1 vas migit>'glad ta gel bOck Io dear aId Waukegan. t ite place for us. THE CHECKER BOARD Conducted by WILLIAM J. WOOD. Ail oommualoatim lleifteded St tis departmlet .hoild be .410..- ed'to Willam 3. Wood. 118 Beoui. dr e S t, W u kega . I. ii-n No. 27- 11-18,216 S T'.. ollosing gaine vas îlaed In Ille Nyacs . NY., Y. K 1' A The Y eniertained NewelI Banka. tIlleAitic-r- icatn checiten champion, bttOlMayed 164 sinultaneoul gaunles. osing Orle to John Murphy. On lits second t'isit he piayed 71 gaules. and tbis gane shows hîav neal>' e disposed of' aur local chîamption: NewcîltBankts vs. John Murpîb> il'5 12 16 le1.918 1! il 15 221 124 M J16 -217 26 ;22 j I IL1 12 19 7IIl7 8 21G 23 21 19 1". 13 2922. 16 8 " i 15 1 6 15 18 1 Il lm 19t 19 m 25 21 32 2. 16 7 i., ô4 6 9 14 19 24 2 il ,>72 21 17 18 9 70L)26 2.-20 And Blankts neati> vins- 1obeno Nu. &S1)Arthur Hanon. Back- 4. 6. 18. 21. 1-Ca5. 27 %%'bite .. Il. 31.- Ka 1. 2o..124 Whitie t) playan.! min lntible-n No 79 Bt> Wiî .1 Wottýd. 'tba 514. 26, 29,. 32. K7 j41-î mK10 pIs> and 'atn A neaI endt gaine ironi --,boaird CounltY Seat News j' Take from lte farmer every dcdlar by which hi. land in- creased in value since the Worid War started? Confiscate property of every business man and farmer? Increame the rent of every City and Farm tenant in the atate? Strike ateeyhm buyer and To prove this read the Thomp- son platform. S&op End Th"n of Chicago'%, pitiful plight under Thompaon's Tammany domination: j he City Treaswry bankrupt. Tare. increased and the. pro- ceeds dissipate. Enormous f... paid t. favor- iteL Undue privileges accorded heel- Wen Contracta awarded at fat pricem to henchmen. Te prove titi rea4 the. Chicago Cemptrols '"rpoMt PatRiotie R.publicana: Dury Thoaipsui.Tammam iai taideran avalanche .ofbal loft Ptlmnry Day, Beptember 16, by voting for For Govemr He WillK.p T&zNIVMaY Out of Ulnois BAR'GAINS in TIRES PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK -FAIR WEEK ONLY! Note the Startling Reductions in the ist below. Me are not selling out and have no intention of' discontinuing business. These reductions are made to imore thoroughly introduce these Standard Brands of Tires and Tubes and to get people better acquainted with OUI business methods. GREYHOUND TIRES LESS 25% (.1 RAt TJ Il) 7..500 tI> It > I t: 30x3 30x3' 2 32x3' ,2 3 lx4 32x4 33x4 34x4 32x4' 2à 35x5 NON.SKID IST PRICE $25.95 29.00 36.50 42.10 47.05 49.35 51.15 55.70 59.65 76.40 $19A46 21.75 27.38 31.58 35.29 38.36 41.78- 44.74 57.30. 3Ox3 30X 31 32x3l 3 1x4 32x4 33x4 34 x4 32x4V2 -34x4/ 35x5 UýiAY TUBES $3.15 3.75 4.25 5.05 5.25 5.45 5.70 6.65 7.00 8.55 SALE PRllCE $2.52 3.00 3.40 4.05 4.20 4.35 4.55 5.30 5.60e 6.85 LINCOLN HIGHWAY TIRES LIST PRICE SALE PRICE 30x3VZ là imob igë y Tire, Fabric ......-.. --........... ...........$2830 $15.56 3Ox3V LWIse.hHi Way TU«,CorC . ................. . ............ 39.30 21.45 Several Other Makes for the Ford, $ 10.00 to $14.50 SPECIAL ON TUBES 30x3 . . . . . . . . . . ... $1.75 30x3i . . . . . .. . . . . $2.00 - . Whîle they lmt. AGENT FOR CHEVROLET -AND. BIRCOE CARS VISIT OUR DISPLAY -ÀT THEFAIR- DIETZ MOTOR CO Office 226 Renidea,. luqi DR. V. C. HOEFNER OsteopliMî lYada 215 Madison Street., Plana Motel WAUI(EIAN, ILL.- At Genlake. DI.. en ueslOdays and aya, from 2 1o0,01o00ok, BT APPOINTXIINT QNT.Y. Office at Grayalait. Motel. Phone 25 ALEX FEIDMAN TELEPI4ONE 307-J 1 Pay the IIigeuÊ Plces MAN WHO BUILT speed, hopfltg to siake off th:,, un- U SO 1A~ Tiprved [o ite of no use' i' WAfUKEAN IARDOR a ...ns.tbig huik of thewbaieLOAE DCEET DIES IN RACINEýý',lu hurwehS.P.lM 11 $1400 'WORTHI - ' pie pistoi ftin. Edvard Glîlen. 77. vell known ifli1- Mn. iBroch, who. wvîli bis wjf ife , Jei oe Michalczyk says Ignats ii.cotractor et-en mince thlivii lIl been vlsiting nelalîseà; lu Genntany and SoasiUe hm 1 war, dled Fnlday at acic Wi .. * f- Ausîria writing front Karlsruhte,(Ger- SoasiUe hm1 ter a long ilines. -Mr. Gillen Installait man>i. Mr. Blecit @raies he reçentlyDi-entT es Min babnpLake reupts.a aievste itschool ite attended there as mot' su ath e reprs a boy. He ment a plecure of lte achool Lard St. Valentino's day. down ln Am %i ievont Mr.Ilîleit did on t. a Waukegan f riend. vbicb vas re- 'rt h cg. Joe Micbalcz>k lte Westi shore, wax te original bulld -Nr Ciao ingo! auegs brbo. -il ~ ceived yestenday ite Blecti's beatlng dropped into lb'. drink emporiumn 0f, ftl orke gb nt anit he Iliesontheir ovn mail itafle Staties.. Tire) an11 son ecaih me and thes-n n Wu-arriveit home >eiitenday. * Ignalasltolarsti. Tenth at t, and kegan dunlrng ltat fine Off man~dnnong s l aew,.lgdm lu years mince. Ihey have* tone ô'ocyyg pss aorvasumparaed f om )87, i cIafottal wonk ait he Waukt ran bar-tbIlh pt-Jmig m*Y..J(tlrk non. DOVBLE WEDIN6 titan 'ior e. again sought Ignasz' comParnionship) PROVE ILLE AL, ndt ugon tiat occasion the turtilitg .OCEAN U N R HITS 1ivon>' separated 10e front $113 .y n The next day belng the blÉtbdil n- l'fuirMR. tRS.:::es-l8aukai cupls vre nivergaay of the father of orcuty WH--LE; 1R. AR . itrietLitn i8ou[b Milwaukee. Wis. on Michalczyit hoped for a change of T.H LC BADtrolnl]Ulicago î8pthe unumual aigle of the chernyvtreeandhbatchet tr marnîage license' were rettumnod to, Mlcbaiczyk liait even vonse luck »ont the office air tie cauniy dient in Wall- Feit 29,.Illeeloas being $78. 8evtu Ilinglug sabne of a alan>'. the liogaîn o filet the>' could be filéd e Philadelphia. of the Ameican linel. j lotIt lîcenses vere taken ont.at Wau- firtes the nollowlng montbh i tried bis arrlved la ZKew Yarit. Monda>' vllh iegan Augutat30. b>' Barkas Raraam itlui ec lm b assarated Mn. and lins. Tho. H. Blecit, of Wau- tan anmd Aryne l'assilian, und by Ka- j front $97 to $230. Titen linsU>' on itegau. and 871 otiter pasrrng.ra frnt bourd iJodainn and Annitz Echmaj I[ April 3 lie left $120 vitb Stolarsiti Southampston and Cherbourg. Officers t an. 11ev. ElTace Kalchjian. a priet Hle started Aguring. He discovored of tbe ahtp report an naoal collision ftU icago performed the double1 fie itmd sustained a total loge of J$407. viic occurred 800 mu3es West of te. marriage In South Mlwaukee. The IL He began vondérîng wvit bose dIco Irih oestlae te peviusTueda 1local Ilount>' cleik ha. 10mmunicated ied never tnm'bled in bis falloir. afterttoon. 1 '1it the Primai, lnfonlnlag bil a lt olbething rotten in Denuant mut- The liner vas Jogging mlong at a trip nirrirae vas llegla. tered Mlcbalczyk as hoe ..oujbt a sixteen-knot clip vien a alight shocit-k-- --awyer. Wlten b. bad fOnisbed vîfli vas fait Yrontlthe bridge titene vers Re.ad What U. S. Dept. o! Agriculture tbe attorney, J. A. Miller, the latter no signa 0of vrckage snd fmaIl>'au Say& About Whal Two Rate Cal oo.. iad filed! a declaration là lte circuit officer. seunt10 liteboys o! thebbal., Accondinq ta gos enninent figures, court cbarging Stolarsi i itit iaving looked oven and avsa mammot fit tai io rats breeding continurougly for'unlavfully boaten Michalczyk t o0f tipping bacit and forfth mat below va- îbnee >-ars praduce .359.709,482 imdi- varions sumo and Lunlte mannen.above t1er on te starboard aide.î vidusi rata. Act vben you une te final menUioned. The- complaînant asti IY B>' Iime lb. sbip hld gong be- rat. don'( vait, RAT.SNAP la te sur $13.000 daas.... tWeen ttirs. and four miles, and, viten -'est. cleanent, mont convenlent ezîerm- i, llasdecided thatfiîvsaisgWbale jilnator, No iîtxiagvwitb otitenfooda. 5x xoxx0 05 Xa 00x* 05 fulI>' fOrtY-live foot long titat hsd Drys up mter itilling-leaves no soleil. O THE INDEPENDRINT la e i 1.* beom etruelg and vitich vas impalod 'Cala or doga von*t toucd If. Sold and' a mout wid.iy rend new.paper la 21 on te harp stme ftbe liner. Cap- guaranteed by Scbaack Hardware Co. 0 Lake count>'. Il tain Herbert Canrdi' vent abead et top and. Decker'a l>rug Store. Xz xosx0. a9 a o x 0 x. a x . l R. 'WENDLAND. GROCERY AND.MUKET Gentral Merchandise STAPLE "0 D PaNcY GWCiI MATS AmS cAm COU" ry O&duoe D &WgomidS Ph... 1O-J 1 oM VUA kJJNOU IP. E. HILDEBRANDT REXALI GOODS AND COUGH MEDICINES S<aadard Books Faner Stts»er CowI.etie.m odai Ar""l. P.,fumy 00%.am" Tors PIIYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS CàreIufy COMFounded THE REXALI STORE GRA YSLAKE. ILUNOIS DR. . L r AYLOR )ff.t. a Fîrst Natiomal au B" uilding 4.- ' I i 3:30 fil l7[b'4P. 0 .sl'. .trgiaîb. UPPUOOt4 Paur DR. 0. F. BUTTERRIELD. V.ETfILIN.iRY 11 itîKîl 611517% a5TiTalrTS gKI. ELHANAN W. COLBY etSI- st aioeCook Ai 1,h-e 13qjJ - BE RTYVILLE. . ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORSY -AT-i1kW Luce auiIdit,< TIIRUE DIVI FILE»; -C Margaret Henni Claima Mai Kioket Mls. Margaret H loday Bled suit for cuit court. againrt chargIng that ho n ber md alan kicked vaiOhIioccasions. dmt Ihal on Mar, hli t ber, and ti lie linocked bler do Yhe HenningN hi ter, 6 and Albert lte motlier uas. Otlter Su William lloydI Great Laies. Liled trom Mildred Aliet desertion. Ilb.the claies lte>' ere m alla Nov. 4, 1914, seilod bim May 5. Mas7 E. Tlacit o suit for divorce f re cbérglmg deeortioî Bled 8tates they v h. 1902, anod Ibat ho 9, Ili». Tita>' avi ageoi 17, 'ho re.ii '0 LAKE ,111 0esse0e0o 0o Johtn Lund bas hl Ilurneit coiT.t0e oal In extenmiVely. boit oc-cul.>'il uril il. Mr andt Mis 1. l.usgliîteî.and NMis liorman. aili ai t'Iii labor i>ay, lihe gi- niau nd wite Ernplit ;iaiz anti nweeg tu 0 a own wbs-eehe litasM' F d..ly tarin IHP ha,. o>' J. K.t)c-ering>iii Doios- Jaînisonc lie-t w' i-k tfiltai lh-Angli 4C,îm 1'rida>î..îîn' i. :irtsIuplîl'r il,,- lor sotle p'ai b, and elig.' ýrite Iiîýs iI INI il I'lr t.ý o la 1i1>1t 1 ol 1 lor. anti Mrs.M(, th.ie lisiî a )i e d id -a god »b PAUL MAC GUFFIN. %TT1' T('SA . "nouasa8 1)R. C. 0OLME.T TELPION a SANS M OffIce wuthFerm Sureau LIBERTYVILLIE t ILLINOIS f. BAIRSTOW MANU rACTUftgi Oir Marble and Granite Monumenis Cemretery W.rk of Every eorrespoddence '5.liclts 116 Genesee st MArTIN C. Dum 307 Wmbllon ia SAiumenAN , - . - ILLINOIS OUc. Phom "Il 1.02 Phm. 1800-a Pirut la Lakte Oeqnty -Tue INMU PENSENT. F 's lUNE AND> 0W AuTOS. AutoamlMe Pub sfer8.. li- LEARNS 5SUE lAS. TWO UIUSBANDS 2Mrs. Violet Purpiero Relates Strage Tale to Judge Edwalds To have -been: married to a man 1year or more and then to ftnd that C -be ne"yer bad been divorced f rom1 ber first busband. vas the perplexineg situation. that presented itieli to Viola Purpero of Milwaukee. She fouot the oni> course Iefttopen 10 ber-left ber secondl husband and started proceed- ings to have ber divorce aiinulled. Mrs. PurPero vent 10 WaUkegan Frn- day and laid ber case before AIl>'. Williami A. Deane. The latter re- quested Judge Edwards 10 grant an inimedlate bearing and tbis was dune with the reitult ihat the annulment wa" granted, Mrs. Purpero iestilled, thal site camne to Waukegan f rom Milwaukee Aug. 26. 1916 and married Jack Kriedei. The'> separaied belore long and she i.tard thai hp had'obtsîned a divorce andi h d iarrieq anoth.-r voman witli wioloilîe says h, vas living. 1-Fier knowledge o a%%Isas liiinted and elit -npposed the' proceeding vw" legal As, a resuit sht- camne to Wau' kegau lune 19, 1918. and mairried l'i rpero Rtr'î-tnily 5h, lt'aînt-d, -lit . a s. ibat live wonian with vbom ber former î:Usband was t îng a.out bis vife and that h.' net rliad ulîvorced ber î\iiaiurpeioî .MNr. 1,urpero ai ne' l*'11 ber secondi husband. She li. due- loi kiim ~ ibelie hu.bands ar ,Do You Realize that the Thompson-Tammany platform commîit. Thomnpson's candidates for state offices to