CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Sep 1920, p. 8

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THE LIBERTYVILLE MNEPENDENTI HUSAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1920. there rse, mîi iii saw-i' fron t Ile Al~I.censese being issued ln Waukegan, bonIifl on in hr h ed re utrcrsi h iJU TIEiLIEN VISIT FRENCH I owet; Fo nan mns li)JUNE TA dÀc'i ort ella niey:0frn UN IGLC N E tod liere as lesileneastbey g CK SE. i Sfo1rYIl bas h,,, , long time sînce GiRAVES OF WÀU - erhi tl n t 4hougii. r:: îun backl B AMI SE AI AS1for- divorce have been A EIN D M&N ;4 kEfiÂN IIEROES1 de tr z fît Yekedw WEDDING MIONTIIbu eltle l fIe~ h onv ARE SOLD ALREADY aredteitunhdaelWaukegmn l urn u Mr. Kriii for direoîns rrrward th, -luarîlagea. Bliother office ln the saine lhe Heins Tell of Their iourney gra,. of Et mer BDcci ie ollU-Wou- e rni yltele sling ft i din alre rlessea from e arital dut tyler.M reile hi to RestîngPlaces ofkegailte, il m'as found witlowit anywiih reg,îd Io W. ikrl.any.s incredsing deirecire la fIlefrt lis 0fdircs. 8gDmn i on Dai trouble, tlirerecords at tlie cen1etery Popitt a.,-a gretua green ar e l itltîaised:O iBg enn W on ringer and Bower. borug absclutet> frrferi. gleanori frontî a pirusai cof ti- mai-. l<utb Kanale) of Lake Bluff Middle of Month. Place Flowers on Graves. riage itir t-ilkI bei--. 511e Marrled Wilfliam A. Kanaley et By the rturn Io MWaukegan of MIi, l'ey ( rut tel ;)lograve 01 Ni. i bipe u rcrsr.îwcaIlak lff Iitoe 6.11. h itb the comlng of the falbunting tad Mrs. Aiex-llitem r.dson. Stanler, Brîwer t iutt i tlroughts pas-Sed during the month of August,. ihîs yen r. charges he de8erteod heèMay 16, 1918 ireason emPlOYea aithOe clerk'a offici &lter thon three iurûnlhitltripabtoaii *thîougb ieUi iifllr as when fbey a total 'f 321 tuarriage liconsos weesad bas fiel-r reiurned 1 ber,. She ait the -Wafkegan clty hall report a wiclh they spent iu devaétated Eu- lri'reeatt lhegrave of Li-ut. tiahringer. iaauted. This la far In excoas 0 f Ille alais loi Jthe uciody of thelr one rairly largp e uuand lor huntlng Il TMa to *it Mr. lt-j' relatives who The Hrins bad r.îkon w th themii pumber issued in Atiguit lesat >ear 1511111. censea on, the part of Waulcog&q real- aigone tbrough ie terrible expe - vne fr--hfowe-r, and iip' tender]% wbich bad a record of 223. Alugurri. AMtdred Djiekou,.ki of WaukeganRl =çe Of IlleOwai, 1Wauikeganpecple îrIaced 1telle îou it- legraves of the twO thîs year aven exceedoîl Augli. 3 918, aalclng tor advreJrm Wler ilntqs orty lîcenseso ave been taken ane Rb," jtonîght l, road for the tirat lmebWoir s h il i 10112the when the- lacker rushti 10gel mar- Ijilouski Viionitslie married a t OrC tf he v110ot wpk. timne tbh Persona]l ,I\erieflce Of Tau- trt persoarl îi vio rl Io fltera bY riedai .ndl svuid mitîtary service was rlaukega Pele.. 1, 1916. She lived (11f>UL'erk Marseilleao f , thle plto kegan people and sstr:î they bave Belei riybod' i> tilt-t liuiiiont0110 on. A total of 313 liconsos were Is- with Ilm untîl AprilI, 1920. Tbe di- ion the temand willi becoute more t.oen la vieting 1the i -r plate of two Th)e camtiera sshicil Ilh..ieîueniuî tsued in Auglîst Iblat yeai ,vol-ce la asked for- on ground, 0f lAbout fle middle of the nionth. Waulcegan herres îcriflced lu the'- ad Ioanod itieiii caime fuir oo trrud The month uf Jolie siwas slia,. borneerCi ' it rs. Djiikouski asks for the -great war aud w iro are burtod on iti-;cehrue Mr.aud Mitloin took the tillo of thie Montb rit Brides-but cutso0tOf ber ctiîld.1 Mourulng doter, and rails tobe batte filds f n'ller liictii. ;of tfliczro>, - iriai maiked wilf bave f0 relinquisb lu favor 0f KerstilLilJa of. Waukegan. in ber IlilIt finder IhpIlinois Rami- lawrr ho hte felda0f's wrCteO. Wue,ýthe 1. -ing plarce (ut hitir \.rrkeigan August for in June this >ear thpre bill for- divorce, relates ftbat aelle as ..intg Sept. 1, but flie open sesson gan pepe.tivo bosl Ot Y0 in iî o îocithese wr u 6 îess u>teemarried to Neis a. Lîlia ln Sweden. <tOc'K. geese. brante, s8Ipea. md ice to gotri the graves of Lieut. flouiler picti ,hack %Surir theiri. were 278. ln June last year a total MY5 181i8 and lived witbhlm un-j loens and picolera dotsa fot open utîl1. Dgebringer, ison of Mr. and Mrs. H. W , TI...- n ianerowrrlr f1 t-i tiu iclrr.t of 31,11licenses wore issued wbile fil il .tay 1, 1905 wbeu Rite sys ho elliP. t6. The eaaon for pheasants flabringer of WiJukegan and aiso le, lpict i Lieuritrti ~ir grave Jute, 1918. there wrre but 272 . de-erted bher, aids but live days anq does ual hegin the grave of MElir Bower, font of Ni, ud ; Po a lîlcirie shouwiuig Mr. and Anoîter înteresting tact in cone- redJerlck Speechi> of Waukegarfjuutil Oct. 1 Vrairle cbickena ceao te sud Mrs. John A. Bower. MriIt lU- sandglirîatelrriid fie cross lion with the recorda of ruarriage Il- "rlargea untailhfîiness Qn the part nti lp betweeu Oct. 20 and Oct. 31, It toils on Auguat tbe 2nd Ihat NI, tbat îiarked filre h -fîng place -of Mr- censeru lsaued during Auguattiîs year otfDils telle. Anna Speocbly and cotise. 1 Ijal rom Nov.1IcJa 10e. 10henclra sud Mra, Hein and their aon leftinl Bower. is Ihat of the 321 issued. 172 were for iluentiy wauta a divorce. Be sayr bits to o. 0j 1Teco au automobile front Coblenz and wifli- In tlt pii' ei-y-Mi. Ili-luound trtIlul iis lecouples sud 138 for Wisconsin. teNottingam Egad.èaeche r ,ig se eor. gn qurrl. tat la a tw miles hal traversed the routitere were 471fr> Airerirran sofliis Th,- othor 16 taule front other stalles. tilat lils wfe deserted Élir June 1, it Is unlawful f0 kili anjy exepî alog t r bern e bodiesto f eoftbeme a esti t ivifalr.. Ws1~r-liîsc~-onsin for several yeara has been 1899. Un November 1. 1899. at Not- 'le COsk phessamîtsSand file lîmit ts oemte7 beel th bdis f heof hegral15arsending more niarriage-seeking cou- tînlgba flglantt. le' chargea bis IYYO peesantm per day for each hunter. Waukegan beroas Ue. Anit tererting ttîîug swiîch lire Ii- pies tu Wsukegan thon MIinois. It wife w-s intimate with George Musey 1 lieliait for prairieeh cît-k Isl et a On the trip it was necessry ta pals5 covored wleva, s u lt ia t numîror w rte looks as if the tables are turned at He aaYs Other men aîso have entered '11"ly. for qualla at 12 dally, tbrough tlhqiamous city of Metz snd 51 boys. of Jewislr irîilid.t Iner lIte since the separation. lor sliIesa nd (foi%,rlit le lper day.' thora te atsukegaa party apsut the Of the 172 Illinois licenses 58 were The tîmit per day for- teter bîrda Wigt, golng on in the mornîng by Mr. Hein's Experience. for cooptes Ilb Lake County. This la ta elgll ibrants, flfteen coofa. fifteen snto to Thieoourt. Il wua there tilet lu speaking ut litsvi itilta oditsielf fs quite a record. 0f the ce- Ufidlfl *cUcksansd elght ReAets. Several oth- t'yhl h rvlg f co in n rve0f tefrml1taukegan Il maining Mîinoirs couples atoast lii uli MOSUld II r limitations. auch as rgulatlons fr ontact wit an Atericauliellutenanlt Mc Hein satd. "wi I 1 ad oris;toProbabty more, came ber-et rom Chi blng Piae ubetofr sont-t e snd, la the French Ited Cross headquar ducribe tbe situation outd the feeling cago. tt>aoi tle& b JNUIU i reeda and gegetatlon snd tbe kili- tols. This young man, Lieut. I)enny. tfit pasaed through muy lhuart as 1 Wlile the -tr bvtelofheun.9rfIaleuanhIPMis ndafe shoed ithe Waukegan parts eî-ery stood there in absolote silen ce aud tusoatîr large numbler of marriage l- THE_______ ll.nt are lcee onStte oern urg possible oourteay, loaned (hem lt thougbt wbat these young men lied - _________ tae ffce rg camera for their trip f0 the couîetery, gascificed for their country. Nafuraliy BiBll" bas basa a BIG BILL ,tIlsi (try hunite rréac these before *ad directedl thenin their journmoy. ni> tbougbfa drifted back home and 1teCt fCiao liosd intIa . nsbnigtia gi Reach 1h. C.metery tliooght of the dean outis fbat hsd TOM £faAUA * t eeCIyofCîct. floasu dues ic I rane ofunh aw bunt storip ose.g (i was about noon on the '2nd that been Jif eldsn trdOver 'n FA III3 TOMadpetdtvacywthwt ORltIOIia (he HIn'a reached wbst la knownl as Y incmi what badl trsnspireosc fecsttate script., the Tbiecourt cemtery. r ibe voung mon had left iheir bornesOI h po Tmunsnwulde SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE Mir. Hein aays that tbe eii-rr ory litj 01101 the cail ut their country and REtCORDJIN ILLINOI 1omco amsya ol e kept ina sbeautiful condition snd i1. renie hre ftîîaîspot s - lr inalsltîoy the progKre8siaciieved lu inte Pbi otsl eeygvnt tndaltely affer conferrine 'r ntiute ret-ing place teofIlnidungheps10 Amren soîlier iu charge, Mr. M-t %Ii f; i> ictu, omys G fENERAL ASSEM4BLY-1 Yean and leave the commornweaîituefnlisalefo pca sh KrmrOCalifornua. leý i' .raed fori-bltcannot derrciilbrrinwords, white, protrate fur suotuior tIl) s-sanse r j-osme1It No 14. for storni sewiers. la ithe Office for Oie purposi- mf jrcattnl;,lii> iiOst base canle through ,a t Honorable Thoa- u ow due anrd Payable aith11e collectorj. the rlecords wicb wouid j 0W thet hîruglîf hack oser flire atones oufi- u sdfasTima raliamni s Pr« t. officeonnyem hurlai place 0f Lient. Lr..frinlaur anif r 5-taliofiiliat t wîtues-crt rueni> watonldaiiile u h lhîferaAtakoTnmnr lmen Bowen. arr ard the celery. Il was au êxsi os a isti ii ibs uie. Ho nonre- eoiaTratircript Tire llrifrr.on- Thé tiratIinsalaient beais unt(erp,: Just as tey were bout ie tart 1,,rience tht fewlueplesrdob.lyLaki- cidesnay.ngieeiLiiLakelîiîntiiiHelluendhnamchine igI îektifrl'ut f fesia pertc5etifcefterterulyl 1. 1920 .Iua asfbe wer abul atai lerincethaffewtrepie rroabi wii lii 0111..andtiopereis tho farr a lrrtutifia tolbetiet file tuaifyer, îyp.HMRI Stanley Hein. Oie son, threw up hi. b- able fu go ihroughb horausro il vçs nieris funeHfaJjJS bande in exclamation sud rai,"Oh'ail ong mourut-s froin hbonte.Bu onbr Lake, tifoti which ho wss bhum it rlcesli mt trfrwîepc ~i otc faterblare a Dhrigers ýave" ad leVeme,1 wuld't avemised o- He uias boon aefively aud Irromi- 1litb bas licirk e i rrrrds dean iti fthar, h he a caorenaers s te, d r ingt e m e o uidut hres t- issrt-do r,, n ntly- îdeutifiod srith fte affaira of itcirg ie. Coisidera iirr.. f p aln otisam -ln L ke C u ty T N E aura~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~%'uea boyhUe-,cls ?hn irigtoet s my reac-t i h- Lake .rouai-. brîsîness and officual, for fr îi-îiio-y sud gorx1 busîiness cal for rl ii ,Lk Cut-h NE -whre lte Waukegan paît>%% s astaend- 1t1rnetrlWtukegan boys uender an> cii '41 lusvwa tscues wbîch bore the evi- cumatancelr. even thoungb if might bavr ear>tif->as owsaoobrth.' normination uo .rf -lyJohn o PENDENT. danica that there lay the romainsof j 1beet e nieller of greaf itconre@niC-î-, f f fie Count> IBoardl of Supevssors for ,tesir> for goverfior -_________________ t.he former Waukegan y0ung &viatfor r t felt il was m'y patriofic duy itourteen years, sud dtfig two years -*ho feU a vîctoif0hIe fGerman bomh- show filetira lrs'eciieeufifleur t aiîeruod waa chairman of fhe l% est Frankfort Dauiy Americin- 1r 1E jus plnes. close ai bausu tsow "'& hiboard, Ho set-ed tIree >ears as aFor theheonor of Illinois and the lRe- li.r and lira Hintanad thai sli 5 h~ave uade the- ti i, ou cafirot rualizr public-au parry, Mayor Tbompo sd 1uindîately watkad oser 1 tel tewbito Jbow gaeu fsIfatfmîe ltî l ît ikt eddb a ~s- R ~-s vrserof couree canno tdejiii, and galned the distinction of be- of Kankakes, ehp UlI ble Jurled 8su detp R - L C scib Us eeigs Ibat passed Jing 1the fdrst %aukegan mati i) iift ra Is oîinr b surcs their m isasr tbey rtood Jthe rosti iig rlace ofthèse t wa o ;ba pltltecaI. 1 ever lieresurIL"I' ________________He_______ ga fiooos.Any maui wlo could otihy tlnk <f.-i:] fl1E8V8R S>1188 j 1. KewHomr.Chicago as the worîd'a suxtb Isrgellh r A e>intelesting disclosure - ai.--rinneiI tu t sesd 'of 4,nericas sec-r ru ruonneclion wiîh Mr. sud is. Žodlrgsut adnoe îica f i tis reu irip a-bosd -hip. le n lreý itadwoý fiil - artsansdrîfterance-. gave eîhcrl it-r latiun-mradle iiero j>' , l foi ihler sih cln -l-,---------- ia------------------------------------------ort sud oien-ourage.ment to'-the enemy -0f Our coliniii inbtinie of War. te utter- l,ýnnin! hatfil l)0iriiV-Iýdld a0tly- t> iit for recognition as a" leader lu unt-t îjt ho f1~f lîrri - j luti I r f~-ilr griltr.i l)icStae e fu Illinois, as i{otiiioi s fragit dearil.for . i-i&ie lhalleil:r r r)[ ilace tapae na .baid svir inlu i<oîîu next trlirc- tRi i orvlj b halier. %Vrf~,tr-- a5 ou tki iei rau tn ii)I l.,r i u e, lie gct i l a.soi lquai ni d v.i ili ile I lt- -rsud siggoses lf 17 9 l ia rdit'( la irr t t t i.r - i d S ta 1, iin ru i - cr.rrrrr, n Ttt I uwlr c ig c r ils n .x n lll itU "JtIr-'0" 'eti vrril"r'jr. t-,î(fi 'i cn rru r - rîrooi iblieriî n iti- .ycuaelate,.Dntlo r e ilie hadld t iri1f-t, î itîg,-i tri-l rocanc pîrtr i îf )ber-r lun-,oueilf to become a viri nby 1ti rr ri -sfrwing Li-ut i iii ruel"s -ti jr-r111rrf b el'il is i r-~tesd tliife lias'~;ecii pains and aches. Guard it-tlie i-xcfaiiiir-, -f alriie-,o-b eril 1 - l iiIt.ii , rrrt -tiale cuaven-; r il s en-lt.r- t S-ii r> trvrtia fuw i iiwlîciu.r ,r-r - ,r l t .s trouble by taling irafl i -ll fils tu-si con ni o %i l, iliatî1,î I a st-a wuuî.l-rfui icoirr-e- rlit t d inu 0iiuiti.rilont ;ie rGOLDNE A f lirt-youurr "]atîru iril N I r îu I tirai Johnmu 1'. A1tig i. 5%%11,) %a il wr -~ r-- t-mcir Il-r d .. d i l irrîr Lit-,.r i rII-i (-n Irt t ic ele. uirtt h Ltus show y@u the, i f1 trtrrt ii r s- ubîil utiEccuî -unllrii wonderfulphionogmaph rru I"lite criri fot îliihe rtI iîiîh Hri :r~le I E J.A'IEI) eraIl aviat-rrs. Atti dure riw-hnitleu -mi. I i î-iitti I I d lsThe worl a standard remedy for kiduey. e hhat s vau.vill's u-h t- L.reî flairiner ~ld ptalrr-ilf> Iiioseitruti- , lir, -or --itiiItiser, laditer and tieacid troubles. O H il,- ti lis ,dîd ai suritrifil r- C riai AsseiiitîlIli-trrr1r dtrr-l ollsuds natioual remudy lo 1 newcst star. fuld turthor 110w iîîîîîedîaîeiy Ittier ot h. , F Iî1 tý iLltî i tr r Iird lIlîry Ait druggists. Ibre. ises. Guirnie.d two Young men weîe futerred ILu atilliraI Asre-îbliîc -srrrie ' mldui Lob f« ah..Intaille d c ou alo. @,v oit aâtory Modal1eacdlyl ak sPart outhebr-propeltor fom thirar- il candidats forrieitiilfii l îtte j H nrdcdadpse le Si;,Pans ealfaken atd driven in the-tri-huai-y olocîmon lîr be licid Wodueai that used by Sgor &Frilca. grounli ho mark thelr mer,l race, da>. lstlliber f-ljl'Ill¶ ! Heuh tii. Sea n cf b -theawonld's greatest xylo- the namea of each man be-g wriftoen Mr. Gafiam lias aiwas e ieciizd l4l LIILtheIIIII i.oe of I phone player, in hie "lbig- upOn tifnluondentat Ibelr ldentity ln lui therîng thje nîrrelsaohis dis-' IiI mI~ ,.'1. een bille uung nie îast ssin timea" set. igbt be retained. tFtl lscnidrto tigaa IonL EciRUC L an act to repeat the ppretic la C4:..1 ~ -.- -. ltr --ud- Lafer ou these boies weî-e takon f0utrendîng at SP!iegfieWd-lt was due tojwhipti.bnta t file repl eetnAtery ah Thlecourf. ' is efforts tbal tht- bill ostabtishing sja w iC apvides fot h i nd-sou <j .r Ik.I.liitirenwes 'j n- , rman texplalneil turtber fleli liatchot-y at Sninig Gi-ose waas en-t oI1 A JC~ f chi"idi n mde 16 yesrs of aq frrîîî ii. Le hord-lîs rr r.rîrYi, - v as lu bis division arcid-aud igueliby the govennor. Ev-ale -nuisi. Icepi rirIît î~. j-,, iiiif'r11, and (heu Jeter belng or> rosicitnt o filhe ighth districtlis l1~rJ-Jdt. a Matt.~ Oi ?ragc? N-te e i :,:ti l intitIthe Firat. awre0f the value of flis state ltsti-j stand loir «boundu" aboys ammd iidao, oneujaibeîid j Bowec Wanted Oveceai tufion lu mainlainlng an uninjaired - <its and mMuasr' are cul cf date. suppiy of fish in Our ruveme andlakes.1 -the Washing . cran iîirai.- 1ilaur Bower, 618 Madison Anothe rmseasure ini whlch Mr. Gra- He alio itoue n rr t irî adtri iîr ti.attva uof golng ta hbttook su active intlereli,asd con - Vcu lair in h u eaelw O ru trfi fr11uirrre--ive officers train. V cum Cl«nei io, th i eoe alfl i H iîi.rbut fie r,,i t intf . pet Intolaction fihuted mucb (o lis final passage by t V DIO J iî.rfthe senst n o" a ieMte' aýOýeSA ET E PteP Y N W ED S ( 1h- -ni i is a-ri--rt-sj'te. fîand bose, wand oe MatI 'lpa.e.èuu... li oli rrP-rinsiuotin r, ,bill, whlcb evenybody - Fn oacoau-te SA ETO H L ti H ftîbs- i,"li .siirbieirri, 1et- cedles to be the.fluesatexemple 0f bu- SIC LLY HAN ICAtED Heur the vonderfut Offil lié %%l, ;Il liot u( 21 manitarian îeglsatiîon ever enachea lu Cookiiig.a t ., ail of The boy ondie. fim who hll 69b [*borator>' Model for 3Jour 'l'he-n uncir ortîiia.da) fit, :: il. ; Spiigfield. fI suif Com in ud tst ls M toi Ntrr JA Ittuot tri-n Wen the Qood1toada bill was under thii reprellenting highi leam aîio t am h aite .Co i n andm. tes t ie utrîti ani iA. Yîîdumrirîi r '-.t derafiomt and If was pio tused f boy or W ,intema"hn r, Edion' R e ie rîîîtnlw kl halîit ,for a bondi ssue ot $60000.000.1 fficiency and one.'Pr e -o9 a oy aeholueLi Jetetinh, sn !r--,,horîrrrti f~.r n New Courses Forming September l5th Typewriting Gregg Shorthand Elementary Bookkeeping Business English Frenchi Individual Attention Rapid Progress Assured Mrs. George MacDonald 1Phone Î30 Ares, llinoi kWALTER J. WALSHI CANDIDATE FOR- Representative in the General Assembly From the Eighth Senatorial District of Illinois Subjeet to the will of the Republîcan votera of saad district as expnessedi in te general primary élection to be held Tuesday, September 15, 1920 Inauimucli as àt will lie impossible for me ta pcrsonaiy #olicit th.e vote of ec anmd every voter i tus district, 1 take <bismeans of announicimg rMy candidacy and soliciting your vote for the. Repauican nomination for the office of Représentative in the General Assejbly at thse Primauies September 1lSth. Believing that the farin interests, the greatest ,ndustry of thein ail. should bc representcd by ane wholias duat interest at lueart and by anc wluo is an actual fariner, 1 amn inaking this fight.with ttuat idea ini view. 1 bave no quarrel with the. other interests duat desire représentation. but 1 do quarrel with that muari wlo says that 1 wislu to repres.qt the fariner, thue* down-trodden fariner, as thoughu h. were flot capable of repreïenting hie own interests. Saine of the greatest associations of thue country have been forincd by farinera and are meeting witlu success, because they art being conducted by real fariners who have tlueir intereat at heart and flot by iznported talent who may associate with other interests. 'Now -tlen, do we farinera de. ire a voice in the legislat- ive body of our state, or are we willing that other nterests mniglut reprêsent us? If we bel'eve thai we inust have representation,.- then there ià but one thing for us ta do and ttat je ta vote for the mari who has na- other interest at heart and thé only anc who lias a riglht ta, daim that ditinction, . s m WhatTI Dot "liequestiof Il 1*111î Bureau bas d uit4 te oînty fair héeFarrnBut catir-c Of the fat il opptortunity to shoý v(-IopmnIt of bîi-ud r- farn'iproducts. Our' faiîci-s ai tjrîîî of both livesto thjui1 a reasonable lît tîso, Iît the sail k-t at a î'ezisoiablc L~C av e 110b bi-teder is conuî-rtie odLs uscd on the fan' of the Farît J3urea ization of the COUD have been arneudet tlmt wc niay have of the County. Ut fait' is more widc]y a tendent-y b creat l. might also w ho btîvs a season- ber until after the e are registered with this change will in i)eisona. or politie4 t lut unfaVorable p tionts as have takeî The newv boar, of the fair to maki Tlhe -aciflg progra cvc'î' effort is bei: jefritimate shows a: peojîýle a dancing r w) Iliat cveryoîle i danve uîîdeî' prope - hlapkc 's orchestra *ThIe Board of Diri wvoîîcla c a featuri for this purpose. Plcnty of goo <la . w~îam' 1 9 1

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