CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 9 Sep 1920, p. 9

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r Up lard conditions conceru ta ne business. )rrm calls for nce on the karge of the Sorder that Llftained. ing the tele- storm often 9. One sieet ige ini the in division' 4 to repair. in addition mnd to those linary wear .quate rates EPHONE Iy rming th SpcilFair EditionFo The Septem ber 6- 7 -8 -9-109 1920- P UB L 1S Mess Assured Ares, IIino" -t ýLSH kssembly 4 Illinois 'oters of said nary election ,1920 ta pesouaily til district, 1 &Bsd solicifing r the office of the Primer... matest industry who has that 1 fariner, I amn ave no quarrel station. but 1 à to represet iougb he Wcre Sts. Some of ý been forrned« cause tbey art ltei.r, nterest at assciate with in the legislat-I other interessi ve must have r us to dlo andi ier interest atm to dlaim that Waukegan'Daily Sun and The Libertyville Independent LAKE COUNTY PUBLISHING "AND PRINTING CO. What The Farm Bureau Has Done For The Fair By W. E. Watkins, Secy. 'l'le question lias bcen asked what hie -Lke Counity; 1*111i Bureau bas donc or is planning to do to a id in pLac. uîg tlhe county fair on a better working basis. Thé Farni Bureau is inttere:st'ed in a modern fair bc- cau(IIc of the fact thiat a g *ojd fair giv es local farmiers an (orýý)itunity to show others w hat thev arc doing in the de. vclopment of breeds of lii estoek ani production of otlicîr, farnit products. Our' farmncrs are intercsted la the cecoiieal produ- ti-ii of both livestock and farîn crops that flot onily gixo thIeni a 1-casonable profit for thcir labor and inivestuicnt. buît also, at the sanie tie, places their produet on the ma:i17. ket at a rea.sonable co4 Ùto the coînstuner. We Lav e f better inciliodl as far as the pur~e bred l)1'eder is eonecrned for the eoîiparih.ou of types or miîth- otis uscd on the tarin than at our eanvfait'. The officers., ofthte Farînî Bureau hàve aided iii the coxuplete reorgan- ization of the county fair. The constitution and hv-law.i have been amieuded to increaso the board of direetors so that we niay have a representative froîi every township or the county. Under this plan the management of the fair is more widc]y distributed and at the saine timie bas a fendeiney t create more wide-spread interest iu its suE- It~ might also bc of iuiterc-st to kuow that cveryorw w ho bavs a season ticket for the fair is considered a men±- ber until after the election follow-ig, providcd their names are registered with the Secretary. Some may think that- this change will invite controý of thec fair association for 1ersona1 or political purposes. The present board feelî that unfavorable publicity niay hlp to prevent sucli ac- tions as have taken place iin the past. The uew board is not iieglecting auy other features of the fair to make it entcrtaining as well as instructive. The raeing program is as good or better than usual and veyeffort i s being made to fi the iidwywt en legritimate shows and concessions. To intercst the young ridlýe a dancing platforrn willic crectcd on the grou.nds so) that evcryone who desires miay have an opportunity to dance undcî' proper supervision and at a reasonable eost. Ilipke 's orchestra has becn i exploycd to furnish the mus;id The Board of Directors felt that dailv acroplane flights would bce a featurc and Larry Brown lias been eniploycd for this purpose. Plenty of good band music will be furnishcd every, 7! - ' --- ------ -- 0000 000000 ------ ----- -- 0000 U00000 8oS:8e Speed Progra m qe soo o . a - ----- ------- ------- ------ ------ 188s :s Monday, Sept. 6. 2:241 Trot ............ .....-. .$30....0........ 2:15 Pace ......... 7 «* *- ..-* -- 500 Wedne8day, Sept 8 2:14 Trot ..-...................... ....... .. $304) Fre foýr-All Pace .... ......... Thursday, Sept. 9. 2:30 Trot ........ .. -.-........... $500 2:18 Trot . .......-.. ......30 Friday, Sept 10. 2:19 Pace ........ .. 2:20 Trot -............ .$300..... Aeroplane illghts daily by Curtis planes. Bathing girls in fancy diving and. swimming The Fun 0f a Country Fair Just a Hint For The Touring Motorist By Frank Farrington in Motor Life.' The nîotorist who is alwvays looking for ,somte goü< ... rip ougit'not to miss taking a day in the countY fair ýseu. t3cn to go to OIic of these fairs. ,With the last of Aîugulst theý fair sea-soa opens and ~ conltinlues tîntil late in Octoher, thce(dates xuoving forthici soufli ail th e w ,ire. Ihere ara few xntorists wlo do not live withiu a short haïf day 's tnpl of sonie fair'. The fair is no high-browv at, traction. nor is it a âoeiaI funetion. It is essentially a 1n1uixing of ail classes on a conunon grounid of 'A good tfit< or 1iî %v' ith no excuse foi' huIstingl. The xx av to go to Hlie fair is to throw aside conven- tionui nt iii> a lunehlu a hamupet' or one of these miodern mttniohîle kitchîenette,.,aîid w car clothes voit \ on't )b< afr:îil of spoiliîîg, and ol rget your t roubles. Roil 4aîito tJlie grounids about noon and find- a piaci WîiiCue ý-oii eau park your car and cat our lunch and 1( 3o,0111. îseoîsît. j ust mix up with thie cîowd nl ii> e a part of the sloNw. 4 ce t itee î~ oîotiland try it a %whirl. Throiý tlie halls atthinge'lcd' and give aNvay the cigar: VOL it rj<>55 t'iiigs at the (caines. (et yoir' for. tune todd 1w the Crypsy Qucen. Tî'im your pal on tlîc liorsýe race îuless he is able to tiiî oi. Listeu to ti4 bandl. Flirt as uitucli as vour vvife will ket voit wvtth sonif of the couîntry sehool teaèeîs aînong those p' ienet. Bu> vRto hip -vith a baloon on the tip of it. Gct a siljuawkctü toplay on the w'ay home. If yon get righit ilîto tîte faii like that von vill have a good'timîe and it wiljil be an event Stlîat xvill standl out ini yotur neinory. If ivoui go as a supYrior sort otf pcî'son Nwht pI'OP0e to sit in a Baby Grand Twin-six, off tao one side in apré- fer'ied position, atîd 'Observe the iroletariat, witlt yoitt nuiit. vî xill att îaet moite attenîtion. People wiil look you , ver and pcî'haps think yuare s4>Incl)dy of imfpoi't4 bu, pit x oti i le louesomte anîd you will nOt have aul, funu. If' voil are too (iigtified uo' if youl thuîtk yVoîr posîtiufl I if lit oo aniportatt ti peritoit lte 1w a i'cgiilai' gt> ail have thîe kiîîd of a good tiîiieo that other folks have, 1'l'1 liiglit betet go toa a ine ut tox I nduJlet .'sotiedY. c1sc take inilte couit vfair.1 If' voitare too olà Iou uîibeîîd and ur aî,udwith. t iie 'L'ON (1,tiike your oîîtini"'i in a iîfîUew ith the win- dows shît and a caretaker ini front xvitlt the dr'iver. If vou ari-noif g~oûit- ta 1 a part ut' the faitr, the faîir da(s liot mtccd you and yoii do 1 tiot (dthie fair. Thie fuîn of a fair' is ini being a part of the showaud it is fun Nwoî'th havig. I hope yon vill not mnis.s it'tlhîs season., E D BY TUHE TAIKE THIS, HOME. AND RA T

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