tes 'ut for aebool ýh 1teý w lth 1 <ies. ks ce price- <ens, grass- :nU-embrol- Lufl trtniued i, blue. tan, resses sIs 6. >resses 3e 4.98 Aiecrion o! gilia i 1-laids, check4 ablnations. SueOS Bs to 14 1, 9.98 19.75 yie coU reason. isese dresses ai or ln com bina- b ets and pleated. Frams 1.98, s 81.25 and cosse 43 tisere are ail s3.48 ýr Hats large tritmoi. blacb, sas' mmi Hose e for scisool la in sites up to y c Hose W* isou la linS t 49o 'i :er3 tŽ' i a' s sé a '- 2:2-92 :,-oieiiab*é soc. l "tis a",iste <.LIBERTYVI-LLE LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT VOU5E XXVIUI.-NO. 38.. ïNDEPENDENT- La"c County'Ps Big' Weekly LIBERTYVaILL. RLE CO<MY, RINIS, THRSAY, SFPTEMBE 16, 1920. te chai" e isaine te Z e.voi -pçpj t 4.d, 1%,te bM Andrews ofMIL NDO ~iiai~CA TO~A t mritutsiei~cago te a bot placef TAX uutyviU Witlihaberhnbadd &heoLA tbatIworc bg ecns rmoved te Chicage. Sb@ becamne a VOI gy Iothe.géneral public tiaI member5of ,ASIDEChristi»church at TOUT% li g of hhSEdan i I Es Urban at lthe âge eofelghteen; she was RECRIATION E thoer. Ulîlsettlie onq fontoNherCEN roaidbuilt.- Baya Voliva. 1.1S1 "YtO j uoAu 1 ioamîbro Bé e. Hur Lodge RR S E tii. automobile clubs of Chicago and BOARD OieF RL VILI a (hauzjbnrg.Det oCurred -Sept. TER MOR LA&Re CO. 'Wtaukegan tiai not ousç foot of t he __9, 1920, at bur bone tu Oak Park.site; t---le o &,wnourn ber Jlu ber huaband. toyof Companions Dimbe- ne- cobgfret- rond viiigo tbrough uRe Regard Penalty as Unlusi t i 'rea ohr.lr.I,:1SeA. aon Lare Tat f ptond #ewed UntgI od Uteov- these NOrhbv boutel chnges 1 Ir Andews;mat TaKMxpaye is;lMValidateue o30 oP, daotoofMUrbTana;apaorne Vlbroth30errsJofUnbane;vsetion ArmJonyoTaaresTrOptifLa n j te Rmeon isir epe t Zin.Tis>' Percent Increase. Digit of Oakwood, Mi; a haif &inter,on adLae ered in Diamond Lake. bave terespet th igs a of ther 00- ii ai! woh!fbohe. ard.dtTeSaaon Sad yLacie, l Wben tise>approprlatei tise 4 09I ma ti Ot'.ad u fou;, lVersfoehaU of Urina.. Renrth ueboUi faetrager at lanosilAiso r.poubilitl cos, fr. Eddy, e Mt'if polng of a few amor mat, John Diga..<ied goba Mewasfu ln e i aalamn ats dindy afteeue" I Set a I»MgUtor gb&n FIot& Compay,.AMd thea'end m thîsmonh adluorned ine gîte. -beautiful lutte region of Lake Couat7 an &muhiaeefor tihe reeovery et the viii rematte ai If la. i mayto Mnimbli Théecitrlm;Isa iibekepi buggy fer abutyears of age. of a gimtc récréation center, ta ceet boit et Thffon Silvai, .a «R- Field & Cqe.peay. vr>'quiy; teIo"Go tflrCe eets e., naklng out reporta. pras ilo oiaso oe lm " "tl: tofaru-I bliw. ultisoît tci!" Thetre uring ls existence tie 1920 board CARDO I TATheViadelaibas progreased in the. point bmne""gu Mai. a Md de nabinlg but à lot o t Utthiaw. rm U«transacteda alarge amount of bual To tise frim nd- miriativea wha visereauanoption ila, een 18505 on wmal. aui0(cIsieSo a»d about SRSg Is a b Dttouttki>'!"unusand lib a &es op aid disposé Ùa ttew mn »ditenedaid Propfrt>' wbicb vii b. Us.d athée me_____ gr ludtth apamo aukegan. idMW "patby «M il" Ossiesn ofthe mite for the prospective center. mi« r" et are* viez, lb«>vent tAN D ÇI VUvtns totise tactftint "me gque.- deatiiof aUlm UtiAnrews. 1 i si o The land laiton làa a118%jacre' tau, a bfam ete n a teopcee.lm - tract ou Sand lAkeowoned b>' Frank elwml-'--C.F tien exisatm stp the legallt>' f the. return mypm« IOM *&Megbik. T. rowler and formeri>' ovned b>' the ft~ eun di<be ecisIe&«C.o.n Ot f luat Yes rda eu- IDralag I Andrews. Sexton famil>'. Thse tract adjoiua u.mvi dÈimç.i. la t.. ma- ERFEL VILLAIIE 1s eietleailsrvunl ~ ______"Lin denhurt" the Erneat Lebina >'e~ - drive vav la tue in- amaudau= ue.in aubegan, theo Ue lke ideoandabaisfeunit 0 d e w lU ithonte Art. The tl qetonu ae.ai yTH O 11110F1111SONA.'FISHER, entate. It bua afrontagiso e f 30t an>' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » eféep.h a.mtSiee. jin ~ eat 6v veeb i. * uing asiother notice and tsavng an. _____ngs laits la lthe rear. I la kuevis as ~~~~.e~~~~~~ or> faetl'vr ne:tel-u remoe aet Deorlsd and vi. OthierIl'artn uf taltpailera, il haa -The cemmunity %sisehocêced, Snl'- adWlefrn li au ismmrnof Mgrnr, visci th«idemi > ber >' ydléehied tIsaI Degorfi Aid111d the b.raies.of 30 Ver cent miaej.eodWietrn fl aua bai pueb.mei réla atruekioir vIr t @ « eti SOOM.a leur a go snd plîsc e nwcvval u.- ywhen the. newm ~dtisaIGarri- golf courae. am Dâmond a"; it ilbou is- »Hverad et tbu a« mois me.affljatiti on a f iruý 1l8 abil. son A. Fisher vag iea*d..He lhatbeen While the Susvation Armin>' itTV uneed thse irvning sae>'>' a. aOutil.a "M iler?> ra. osaber of the Hilgis- lanonaectien vils ltse makilg a1 serlousi>' indlpeeed fer eevorai days ian Option on fisetract it in under- te"i verk 'ruuî and SaViiga liaS, ta jtilaraie theiWord ha. talen up and and Saturdey nit gefeund i'ce. 1 stood that it la dickerIng for a 0S acre atrumPelani MoLaugisilwovre fl la orgahhalng a béatk. The netastltd mass>Individus] comlplaDîcin eusi i.yr its oea Itract 'on Lise West ovned b>' Den. 0. Uan t. te bert>'vi l b>'MaabDs.eau" vO7 ermt vaa mecued and thie f lslaPPcared liai a mreo scoii teut Sutthehoe f i e. abs lmbusM mdgva vea gring bW-o"MstWBock wi u becried vitbli Per cent was unjusi and inéquitable. >mother In thia it>. A physician was No doflite plana bave beien glven 19Mg jUetice *E D Rubag<dMonda>' a dhectoAbl noat ater tisaItlook a conpid summoned and he Wae taken te thse out an ta juil viat the Salvation, WhMe h. hertes a. l I. .l.loSS. Georg~e .tWkeR5uc5. Iboard vas tise oaicement of gaiîtal kegan, whe.. h. pasat say >Suna ut land but l la reported tiaItishe Wb b eoDgvsl rorise.. igueogreJ. Kasak, William Bubert. #tocs 0, corporations dong business ian tnvr llnoOC0 he t*e boiy0of Sulivansa vearecovered. j <"ph Loaur, Jas. OConnor and In Lge (_tousty. A new 18w place, momang.--Me wliam festy-tVdo y>'rs of fhnirecion conet nt l isene obmgaa tue attitude of tise court and u7 l anL tise dut>' of nsking thl aau nes n a d'wam a native of Libertyville.ti nsý,j .t eaets A enite nhntince Eumuvlckvho agroale0 dmp t'h Ve Ur*Cterselected officers: t the sous asesearand Board of 1Re jHMle, bia.lseartedGary w <iii be miss,' ment s aio10Juat visamay be expeei- obrges. ltrempel'a &o-atier. C.1Fr«eluet, Harry Pal; vîce-pregl- .vie, a4-1 Place af hein&gi"made hy ibe'mae n afe IM. Oraaaov viso a la IDbusinsseaOn ent. IL L. Iteseffer; tise eaiier Ine1csage 1s(al iland In lu gratng Ibis dnLbryiiM v3gna ic sbbl iib aeI e * NMmou troet. oppoSlte tise Chicago 1ho01.8dO i Btthe neut meeting. cshgemesexplanation amsa> eeno n a .ii odfra>'-_____ «à -Noriisvo.tern d.pot. Chicago. 15The . mangmnt o? thse Dettl l conférences wre neceasar>. Hov' one. Hia.futcrai won, hold Monda>' if. _____ aeite vay $200 damages te- tue tietn Mnis vie h.under tise dlrft-ever tMl e, iiimetil<d 0f tazlng tliiiternoo, hie remaine beltsg laid te rest LOO RIIf I À ET O Z Mr 0fogs0f IMr. Paul, vio viii reX lMniisciaaa of property mOetsgeéneral &P..iF4tAîiILEBO Z T1%e body of Sullivan wo a p.entpIo Oi.ployraI, ami lietisaI il la estalsaise in Lalsiede oesneery, a brief but moq$ lbert>'tUe viser, tise inqu.at vwu 'thie bmkisVUI ho- located là tise cuece.uikg hourda viiibave fme di. lipreeve mrvie. belng condscted at I'5AY DUU~ bed , ai oclietol drovalai heing uidig n hémain corer>f th iult' Instiut tila lacomeat. the.grave bit the.os-,erend #Ar. Johnson# SELLEKR A1ÀND IIIIN theVedc, iliaacon vlMereessU>' -Parcisaed b>' Wr. uinthi. per 19ZO tise ameasi or n- v au- O1te)ffreimfcuhO te.M*ei b.o vas stadng ln tise bost a______________ l a a rma __lisdde fuiiibi i havi es ct isbal- Iniher Oft"MYpaern fer tier fatifurepAret&r BUSILY "EAT lT" Se ceca'10 te M"eucrniproport>' cebeimols. un e FIXES lAI i lu Cotai amgount- ie.poau HEL ONOitCHARI 0>'r ow a'PPmxllmited $1»3.000. and lalmhlvid One Man hy Name ai Bloom APPEAL TAEN IN NATI (jITADU aI oa.o n- i incr5 Bei ID or George Va..>', a yonmi rn Put it Over Fox Lake ALlixpa OR N>'LtK ermla Waukegaà stere thu. Orayalake. 'vaiappr'ciended il>'Mat.-eotr iey PPuaAsme; and vilehiet eathe r bmiaiD. S. Umbers'>'juat betore nms___ TAX RAISE CASE ADDED INDIJCM14rf h or,&irMeWCnl«to oat hre ihP"n Ogd Aame fmnwornht -OL. tie matter, d.cld.d te remove cekoe fcihli &» t h n teRrMlgaa mLk r ok Vo-it) rewrerHýeyW Bacler atial hait On &tthéin oaitrellontiy si ad rdseninetor f ~d L i< 1'.lirs ler Waahington, sept. a-CE>' Universel tiem. In tise Judgemeuî af thse board Lais. CouyNv cii ai, s tc tise re a feiov visa aeent tod, i. -l n aiprlit nthe Suprême 9.rvIce.-ýTe var, departnet ~lits 8ttaCllDgof tileu. Ileaites Sm-store of E. W. ParkbistiMad ome t i. BioODi.-vWho lasaidt!etubave gUne fl055ý spi;ngf:eid ftm idtcmcnt. compieting tue organisation for a vati P0oe1M an UnJumi baModsb lp is nc. iesoeo a oiur u an it alocpae ii'Iqo a ta tile eodttty court in thp 'i) lper emergenciarmy,the grecterpori- on csetios anmd uflcompilnng Zrpo ayr.t'he er eol vssiti orsne ax algne fliniiiDamie nt i. ioensid aces In li urasf r-os' tax raise ln whicb Jîdge P. L'ofwviîciseau o b.mOihied and . payera. gos l'bgefr 'cre vpeopl t hlgH&acousi eg ie tearn Cbo"r J.kg runn sgatfn Ian e cas o ltoger Od ttN i n d n b -i. t Of. e i fouragl l ng f ooze ould tender c isecks usuali>' fls Highlansd Park(. Ts ta n hi oaa ftsBeas tiom Intisenianiier h. tlsongilî_____ rmts an irsd"oGo"at Tetrtln iicntto thfair 10 ail, and te Impose ia pestai>'nt te mansmaed *oonhaidapdr -The appeal con-s 'ns the '9)4>r- reguas'ar rn>' ef300,000. Tise Na- upon sucis people vltuouî neynthc V e arrnt vae Jlo s dsa pais ç-iUL ralftr made la 19lio bv te 'aL inchoai Guard. viii 435,000 officera os os . or eb n julstc. a. EIDuE da oxLk oony ôl~ r jv w wiis~ aidgmes. vilii tomthse secoedise. &A àisorefore tieset sole. BSE VE IIRL toda>'but no traceabisibeen seclirot ima Oftglhandi Fà ____________ wofocefo wWbq7.MowtaTopte mn wotut verth chck tbredwsisegad in theaxpssyerdsa re.rv baforce, for v isic il oarnd- a!slb.hemas viof ut vslecc. cin'gPtedbosard tiscene s cars120Wamre ariae bee 'ponteidéraion éwhENIi..mu as 1I gel seuantilty f omeh. case besng -inilar ta tise ose con- viii foin tise lirai and maonl numpr- OPEN N îBÀîY 08 A au,11.If Bloom la arreated. accordlng oeTinIabut 50'Cakean ax u@slcio.liste reportabout Fox Lakeolievilii pain q whic visceeas Tise 12,000Wmre re ubdof rS onalethen.M ESBAYPRESIDEN liseSittola vercheks utu b. oernlnym g o.15 As uklegaOsi 1 réuasev cetion. ru1clygie, BRD E E NSDY fora prchn'<f*li'orandthu BRID<iE VIcq f%.sèartac heakleo oransaiomwlliet e aets iscisa ting ri tns wpieeniee. 1< Opra c Ibo sIflean o anto viiie E tise -'Points to the Great Shqrtage of aniI.teclc a sbtte ihavier tIn-' Wesif edsbe isi lcm b. tiait a de d tOnTairY tuEthe&r dorei"-'sS br dge siz. is oiylut 'i! s is nss '1' h J ont.în lahes TCouhtryo admîtoisaPeole id aoid hlboe The strengi of tise national guard. se il,s tr5,ý.. -eea iv cod WIIT'S IN NAIME? la oIeno rftaa "dSSIe,!(t. v s'JTd-teCOft'V e lslitin nt o 436,000 la prracticali> tise saine nuit- 'vssIktk l '<- OmiSeted 'doii ow. Lait waaington--Pretldent Wilion bas Oven Ibougi tise>' do findiisîni nobody I ber of national- Suard oficers and i.ir'thf.- '-t*' "f fi'-i.4týand QSli). or sssuod a proclamation urglng sta-te jW5IJI eslire to pis lbe aise ver>' EVENÀ R ÀD I IN men vWho vero sari ing un tise United Jittsws%'Rl Charlp t_ Rtiuell, and gevernbors 10 set spart Saturda>'. Oct ,strongi>' States army 'on June 30. 1918. '. 't- lýi is-Ihwl< offîcth- haîSl l, as tire prévention' day anddfte re-______- â TIIE NAME 0F ZION - bas been expresedtat auch acn.1 nc îI 1h Qn .fues.,ta general observance by the$LA' 'i~~due nt in tsait direction, tise roi- 'as.' r the. * ls' T he, i liseébd for brlnglng .'betore tli YiLLIiII lewing annulsU5d 1<ofpay, ta ncsue e i ss peoploe sa.erlou s anti siniap>' et- Voliva and Lace *orks Stijlia least foty>-nine drille and fifteê'n. - _______- oIt f the liresent unnsscan> tire "atIt"on att cf das ied service, bas boas fIxed. ALIfll1 al nd tise need o! tisoin tudivei 11tIl nMtwo ati,$794.818. PraI Lieutenant. uai -nu collective effort lanaeUrvlg - hanging Name. $462.72; second lieutenant, $376.96; th~FeILAIU E 3 le naturei and -created neeouiiem of - ' ' . cergoants rsI cas. $223.36; aerg- c,,,," nerîca,"' wuaiaid by lise precient (D>' EL W. Craft> ost. second cicia, $168.96; îergeaai.s DIES aJVV5ENLiu ant risfolatin eamOna:&U SherUmdais& Mai, H . f lnt la a tiid clm.. 1149.12; cergeanta fout hIIhIIUV tapro at olown tarou e»e:sl be" silpe ami lioe.seessi te be ne ca. S1J corporal. $94.72: pi- "'Tie destr~uction' b>' tIrela lie relief la sgbL Get rata la tise road vote frl cliii $74.8S.; privaI. $64.00. -United teates Involvea ansanaial tethatoobles____t oah Locai relatives and friondi vre enu ofe f f15.000 mes,"Mv-ainad w»m lijustomobe.he llaS s uIiiis ati>' sbocbed te Secs of the ver>' iMllren and over 1250.00,000 lni 'occm tua ie temisota.Boua L DR ILst udden doali et Ms.. lara E. Andrews, Ibuildins, oodatuffs and aolier "oee inuvéllera se, 4Otisers laugi s ce i ite of Iri Andrews, of Oak Park, fln., euf Se ove: tise buis».. but ai lise bm A"( ha D' ,~ ~ esas u cv llcivrlif 'mae u.a rougis ride lincugiste tWO I1amw13 L StVJA vicundb' cieni'Amorîcan préluda te reopacée e %- mile .trlp tirougis 2Mcn. At cithen eMd w aod BUcdnl ihlu u es l 0 f lie greetrlas seo.uelia et lie roed liereuta am ia tint greeta 'f -l IIUIVrfi'oina au aten-heater ln lie buse- greatet titis lMe. Mue ts'svollen. la a va>' ii ojti4otie Cg. MAR FRIPAI ment o e homore. Being alêne et thse, -l'ho procent si'onasiortige et Md egfiiOUa5g. hut nmen.foik&lake lime, ah. vas nat dicoverad until . he . eaid business structures a ml. i saw stressm as i tI Ilsis of theile h ris tm hicg uemid-Oturaof ber hsiabcnd at eaght o'cloek the dcii>' destruction et huii4mma b>' Chpicago Cusbe sietAtdes lsIesI dovplepmoats ai 21c. This Ma fo nt t thelbaidetflise Llhert>'vlela itise evenlas. stiAeageperc ers ita ftueier. rensu: "DRIVE SLOW, EUT KEEP baseibail nine PIiday aftermoom, Itu a Au laquent vWubeld an frida, &bcid cauaing tliesonnuai Ain0emflir. «JRING, NEW CONCRZITE ROLJgfas e5lied $t tise LaS Ceuni>' Pair. tise remanie brotigi her o t h.at.na'b ai> rvmîib MON?' y- n*i score won 6 te I. frbra uemyb ul rvne , h vlivaàannounced Buaday tlit be5 UC51> tvo Îrus ers made la tue Punerc@i asvico.vre held in Liber-ty.- Coeeitars and vigilance cM lthe dose nt laten! te bull ome fte tet gaineOU'e b>' lie Cuis. and one b>' vile on Saturda>', September 11, art of et liens. tii. pnopoued monren ad ItigsUbsLA Il* le t'b.» pitced ftheiOSM80p. ma et tise homeaofMr. Andrews' Zoz- outili tue Notilvotern 1a=7v>' I fnIl Ci ics team-md 'ta osdparonSa, Mr. and lira. M. E. Andreift "11m C, e "10H" cale duChb epo r Ii i agt Sc.0ïel.a ie eb vns.N W FIRE TRUCK ehan ity,tiene d IOb eiOt aitrou b>' HoisO gaeiS. os lcist tea eb9r veu.Intanment t- à" thlie Nartiswe.ten isisals o t' Qb PitcOsr id tise but ofthtie aigu- Diamnosdteeetery. Tboseeprosent SMarshsall Fied & Compan>' ment 71r. at tii. ttsnerali r-osisout qf tovn ver-e: FOR LÀ" Fi~OEST kiawate taise ave>' hait s millon tLocl peco ie oattendedthéue rame M.cdMs .H oian n m tamelga iecuai ILb Edellikg 'rti a! busnss If lie>' mais. 1lelare thai tise ottlclatilag vassis!>M.adM&.LH'oisnM" n ta ýtn fte onf i *ecagsado h u!t taranis vo fLbertyville mon omlat- lira. Douigas Cooper; Alice Peter-ns; Forest ai appropriation saboum Ml I h laies ad aptiserom S51Ang a.J. P. Cbmmbrlin; A. G. Kingsm, ail 5mode for $1.700 vitis vlci hte pur- 04thll--ise overpome s .te iUg et Cicago ant Ok Park. Chse a nov lire truck. ei ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D liena.e-i otfl.t i. 0 BUL DIEU IN FIRE -Tise truck isvli be hielatent lis lb tleepisou Campai>' aid lie Mll-j .âs;10oonoIs e teredll olnin M lara iaDigp Andrevs,,wvia a ina re fighing apparahuus beluai -w k M-rieiccePen> have do" tï John, r. J o, weJly ciiegbut. dauigbter of John and Miiie Diggà. Bise eqipped vltS a pump. Chaointa, ani lthe MuMelins, but the NaofteiS-ýtiïn ohrMWnue urevi ltIn awovasbom aiatOgden, HL, Februisi>'34, everyiing ela. neceasam te Sgbllm eISe01la mremais. obtuuiate. arly mimisfne vii e.nyi1891. Aft« rliving at Ogtn for- sigist ire cm a large scei.. 1"0 be riietofMrhalteJee4w anye b rmvdsibý Wisesthse mevtruck arrfve, lie fiaGShdi »rahen <t M5biT b rirte, dir> erasta1.nElgisto' gur1is4"moe vii erpe-ml b ~deatmflmt viuha eu ci th buteu p ou' theWort ~hefea 15bo'eo, tonIf ise' auSm&euui*ta lbe « j nuibr etf>'era. aIbe vga mr--en soe.. CAUSE DEATH 0F IIARLEY STILES Details of Head-on Collision in Which Wife of Gurnee Wo- man Was Vlctim. Concerusing lie treglo deatu ot Har- lo>' Uitiles of Raclas, vlse vite for- mon>' vas May' McClusre. daugiter o tise lot aie 35mMcClure, a Message trans Racine givea dotails as follovs: As a rassit of Injuries uuataied Monda>' evonins amIl:5 enlihe Lakes. shiore' rond nastise Gliiette saoer vises a automoable laD viicitisey ver. ridlag craiisd isead on lotoma M. IL. & K. -eiectrte--car. Lea!sgd B. Yerke. idoitled vjth lie National Thseatre comn>'diedti tsmornimi ai 4 . oclocb aiet, LMary'&iseSpitl suad H. G. tilles, alta connecied vils uise campai>', auccumhed te ile inJurles abouttiteshouri lnter. ' Tie men ver. driving t10 aine treni Konosaala a Cisovroiteu arnd ,isesnonar tise bond sithtie-point of -the accident came upon lb. approacli' ing .lectric car golng isouts. Alsotiso i utomsobil. va. alto being drive tovard Kesosisa and, Il la belleved, Yorise and Billes ver. isîrmied the i j igisis oi bat thlie electilo 'rehlWay car 1and tise automobile. The>' attempted 1to pase betveen thse sppreacsing car and auto. but evlng to thse briginino of bots liglâs s t la tiloughitle>' mis bJudgod the distance boive.. tisé lv' b "d -mealu".thei leetiaeaMr. Auto la overturned. Tise foreo et tis mpact va. cuc WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN .$1.50 PR YEAR IN ADV» th tiItie bvroet vWu overturned and caua vroced. August Mioche vaas te I~lK1I U D issolormano! tise eiectrc car ond! he ro 0re tise compas>' tisaIthse automsobile cresied dlrectiy isead on F II4 Irp lut» lie street car and vas overturs- cd.uigu*m It vas son Immediatl',tisaI Vorke$50O Ou n vas feu>l njured, but sitisdid not sénet go bad>' burt. He converaod vush Deput>' Heeter.' viso va.of tisePtinoOeti teF tgs Opinion tise Mau vouid recoivor. FOi. u noOeato h at ioving tise deatu of Vorise, It vas re- Electric Train Thursday; al- portât! that Stilea isad aie ustainod so Start West Side Locâls a fracturedsk luli. SotsAAre Marrled Mon. Tise taatesl train isetveen Cicent» 1 Boli Yorko and Stles vere m a id Mllvahuke and ose et lie op"ei ried mon. Yorke bai a vite living laU@ Pressant Nes. Stles -reside,.ai 1701 test olectrlc trains a J liehéUnl Wls4cosl street. -Ho e e. u - vifà Otte.08ii ha Put line'OPerailea and t*in cildren loves y.ars aid. Tt Tiurada>' ou the Chicago, Narths Bies. v as reportod tisat'aItishe tlpe of tise & Milvaukise eieèti ralfroad. OR& iaccident a isevy tog prevalled wviisone stop, tisai aiKincaate ho smie prevented seelng pa>' voit distance fli ilb. issovn ai tise Beiger Ilnilmi aisd. Laet Seen efthtie Mon. leuvmg Cisiegs at 9:30 a. mn. givt- Siert>' sfeIo l o1locs Monda>' ove- 111g la Milvauksee 11:45 a. Mn. SMM ning Stiloc drave Duacamomote s ouai, il loev.Mlwvausee ai 4:30pe officel is.theBaiser isicisand lion m. arrlvintlaislhcago 6:40, lime Ivo teck bis vite hoe. He tien retuimed 10te i rinces* tiiestre' vhori.Yerbeiseuirs sud ton minute. - enterai! lie car aid tise heu vent Out Openou, 00A.Dopet. for a ride befere gelng home, Thot Tise North Shore vil aeferil>' va. tisetaI en of tho me. la thsé deae mmd opego is nmev 850.000de- City. pot WedDe.da>'afiegmoce. AUlu North Shiore City' mayora, ebamuet 'J'jRy ommnerce olidalo, and e*laaet thse WME N FEAR J RY mai, iiscing Brlitten . . denât; Samuel ipauui. haimaa et lb PA S exeutive eomimtt. R. Bu o o i. SERVIE 14À PÂSS vice pr'egdeut,,and W.1i.<Grlfbý* SE VIE AIr ,wl edmak i"gt he tripa j UP TliUI V t' Milwaukee b>'tise ehaluber et cmu- Mec iiaiad Noyer D&UMIe W. - i Hauoan imiborc et tlie Ot>' connaît Tise oqual suffrage act ia>' yet b. Of 11551.0>' defeated Inlaifs purpose liSugl the Tiese péicial train vHiigare Was- tact tisat vomen visa lnalot upos tise began et 1:45 p. ni.. daylgist sevim ballot., viii sereafler aise ihaveothoe tiuse. Luuscieon i iie. erved on Mb. piviiege (! ! fdaing service on tise- dlaag Oit. 0on lie reluirge tnýp lb varion jutice, count>', circuit aid Aa] itrai vili arrive at Wanbe- gand J wrea iîcisla oaa of tisé ca- gainai 4:54 P. ni. tures tisé>' ilts.. If lie tais a dua ma ye 'Convenu..... reporter tanisearingcin ail saidea s.s Tise , =dt eincversa a&lie 4»1160 5m3'htsag. A large ntihar ef vomea fout 'd lalocted it 13Uxtudmi yea- hsave ciated tise>' vill maivote aitishe mor atCIYour ay9vnue. ilism Nevember élections fer tisatreno. capacit>' of lirsee5-car trainailas "We vouidnt vont toe o ocked up train So5e4. it la ouaupped viti even> ail Wght la a jury. racm." tise' de. r55i0d55 Onveauce. ciaro&-& .d Ruby ' lislie veuli Mayor J. P. Bidf»Msan ad Beorelan' i*elke te gel a teléphsoné, rail, about Maniager W-. C frouilter ofthe Wao- 7 p.. in. ater b. bcd boum vaiting ou Megan-North Cicao chamsber of 4. isour fer aupper: "1 veult fin home. lieron aid thse editer ar the Sumegse dean. thenea a iserid, tuhborn vans- lvitd let5~te. an os the case vis. ha. iu"agthe jury DeffiaB5 gSept. 1. Waim& vla andi ve'il probably ho, out anli gst'aise bieaerred vitu turemupeuni. Whoua tisevemep." eoM- tseir Oral traishour>' b>'lie Nofthb"--wm'"e. Prealdential vote in.N'ovémbor thoir TWO eSPrl'e-a rha viii rua teami aimjhes *fil go os tise poil books aid tramS Washigton #tre ention aid thein nables viiltisus b. avallallo for 1Chsicag. la additloi1tiste s ounly Mm- Jury service visosever tie supervisor lied nOv la Opération, te Edlcon court. gaes hoeniaise UDhI$ 10 pier centi laI Locl service on tise veat aide fine be- ai votera for jury service. jtWS<05Nerths Chicago Juscion aMd 'len Flore avenue vii ni ig egapose éb.at date. FEW TEAClIERS IN LIBERTYVILLE MfoRSES ATTRACT ATTENTION LÀIE CO. MISS IN Ansocitoti pou. IiaatèiseeM BnfrPENSION FUND tclrl ePopei adaondlb gofraiuLke caunty lIacocoýrsed PekIOs'Manmning, .the Us.e.yearoMd regiator before, Septembez 1, and doit, bred, raisaedand îrasned b>' SOTs> rlisere are fev teacisers vis aüied ta Putnam, o! tha Clity. won tue g-umt thcrefore bave mlsîed aut on tise -Charter.- Oak" aie of 810,0W lait leaes pension fund. a report from, TisuraID sntraJgtit hoca, trqttllm, Sprinifleld being t0etise effeet tiat eh Hartiord, Coss., making boUs ihem* througsout tise shat,, 7,000 teachierlu 2:05%. Tisa cOIF was put la lia, falled to meet tise !und requirensent. prAime ai condiion b>' r. IaÉnarn 0"i Ceun>' Superintendent T. Arthsur "Ince ils s4le fOr ..1UUita TcmMe Ssmpson stated Ioda>' tiat about 200 Mur»isy a yens ago bas von suw" teacisere In tise rural and village bandaonse pursos fur is a wnor,_ scisols o! the ceun>' bave regîstered Tishe mdc>'. t the. iMDM and ire nu, 'iIiser electîvo or coin- Bltti fais, l)Ack -Mctalsoa 10tvnoe pulsas>' contributore iii lise BIte peu- Orsand one sourtiainonea th lerace..4 sion fund. ILi the 2:11 trot. Mise Perfeotie vo.. Thse 7,000 teaciserm luIninois vere Boit, tisse, 2:09%. Peter Leoo, tue Iplaced beyond the provisions of tbe. l'elcher borne, tiriyça b> Mclimioui. 'etate teacisers' pension and retirenienî won tise 2: 1-1 pace. ]leit time. 2:0416£. fond A vseswhieh lsteof valuntan>' TisImish- emode a mtark et 3:0ý36 la contributora voie closed et SpIIISS- 1918. McMalson &log teck fourth, fedAug. 81 viths hein applications ssona> in tise 2:06 pace. n tll isîsng. .R.The alrlnt of borses Harry Putn! ITissestimaise lamuid. b>' R. 0.las- ltw hbItr saining did =sria Lîda, secrolar ofethtiserand. Ho ciao r.- wellu Itishe Labo county taî-fat h iS iParted liaI botveen 0,800 ant 7OW He tooksliraI meney la tise S3:3Do totachera bcad taises advantalle of tise vilsThe Alia. H l&e0 mai om000 IPesion Offer. Seven isuntred oft liila Ite 2:14 trot vits Mar>' CKme0Wii .-aumsiered d.la>'ed tiseir applAcations and wttisJacks Gratteock" &M Ou- il ta -tiselait moment, crovdlng the @y In bots lise 2: 15 Pace aieb 26 fpèèèe. le iseadquaries's. aid scoreo of tisen de- ledsillonger and vere tutaed >_ Boside. tise 7.000 t:ach'ers viteP A A D ,EE relectet te c, trFUué, tiortaTe 17,0 vise ilbave starteil teaoiagminces ul>' IR O f m @(EV1'¶ I$ LaS, 1915, visa are cmpellid is>' iavta coistnibute. Oldor teacisera ver. gl7es O uSS Rtse riv.ears upstit Sept. 1. 1920,' te STABIM Foi U nI et make ssiituein inda. idi Adition# le tise fond Ibis pear ona- i 818t Of 811211,892-89 coaulbuted b>' lie Two Men Engal. in 'Fi I&ih, go clate andi about isaif tint amionat cou- trlbute b>' tise teacsmra TThe appro-- Gamne'. Have VW= nsSet-W tprialon vit i i this hindivae - in a SaICOI idtsunded in 1915 vai 1$&0000M. <JisarleaBummaanisudTan>' TOug 00 0f X pla>'ed CardaThad>afeme 'BSELL $20,OOOARM F . Tvil eait «p1 m M~ient.. Thmer vent ont of te avetb> ari«ter asbos bOcktand sfon&tisauevua ldt ee .unlia îgae Ol vCOO MA a s ao hfim lII -r 1~ J.1as m esan'blg u oter t e ued, 3alhhe. n>rI t rMr ie aets ei US vais lusec Usy t purcBisil ffs'ceisn i t .Sowsle ml M Mli il1 sI, lie tarin MarltiagBefl, hasoie..Lh-n s ila Ts. JumOeilbi ound oem lom èNov. 1. bt or bu SdiY 10W -ý p