CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Sep 1920, p. 12

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im DE 0'VIE iHAu 1 1 . ïC. i à LEI. U- tt1; l i It.t .~ a , 1:,.. ii li ii i ii tie tat. ,twillt.. b ouvîLy --lt .i . tY.i lp Ct 0-u . 2.:qfi 1.t sit--lle cli-1t. lu' wî l u sY. --q. b; eypcrts ça fleit bbjeî ai Isotai -i- The lee:it couc,ýuet i, iid ,,tot Lt'e it~~tîi-ilr titi -luc cilprLinint a ci,ta tu o.cJùiA ý.Tis, becLion proirautis i r ite Ci-S tlt ofai k Joint eotnuuîueaîn u liito -tîî i-- ke, nd uduize.3 litaittiiliýîoîtu UM L e inilouti utt sail; the 1Usa e VIttita the achine witî b îLttrs 'Phe C.tiîqi,îis Lci;,fi (o oauplciy ai.y îtîdivduails orottiir tioiss vrI- a i-îc:îiaie,01 4.îî' X- k,;,î ndhi i aoil ic itYi*tti * The jOl i,î a lai gî -.j te' 5,1sIC- . iî alu I. 't ihe a ic ,ili4 a Nt . 'l'lie nih l',i.i;i! 10 lui lit lis the b Uit ii a i;l'. tif, t cit-r nia i ..dý i,*îî a lai- a..,fiii war. 1%à, i(- pa! twteOft w-.i .lau, Sfitt,1, i' î-,, st. l'îi lic' olicir de- bined b l Ut.tqt 170,00tl. lt lii the big- gelât svr-pi'eseolt tait aif gut erolltmt. People Writ. Mort Letteri. I>rinz te paat decade tllheebas been a boom n the use ofthfli inaius. Peuple write mure lettecsand mc radl mor'e paPees than Lb,>- usA ta. Thle gresteat increans lias corne by way of liercel post. Concessions sn;nd- Lig packages flirouglu the ie ailî have beln made until naw 72 piiudi ot merchandiee cao lie niailld 10 atsy Ilouifin te nation. 111e fiai ni Iscar- rIed tiroagli the mails hatve Uuutipiied raasnyfold is thé pLt tiicadln. The bulk cf nma cari ted bas grawu faster titan the faiîIi.n lite tgreat renutera ulié&..!N.-w il ý!d Iicato, for InCisice, lte la .,iw;uIy tic;iplace ta do te iorit. 1 RIFIATE Proninant Officiis to Make Presentatior to Wauke gan's New Ctizzns. AID TO AMERICArIzATION N ext Taiesday weiî,.Sept 21. wlii mai-k an tînusali> Impiortait, <vent is the hiilortof utLake taulity sud 'Vîtultegan. It Mil lie lite jub- Ili presentat un ut cizen6hîp ccci tîficates ta sonie oint> '-titti 'Phoasandia of!%*Wrukegan rît i7ens of foieign is trîilistere7tivedtier Pa- pers i hat have givent tenithte rightt et citizens duitg the asat yeacs and fer People bave known outituisln- partant tvent in tbc.r expettence. A 12tw spirit is-abroid In tihe land lut tis yesr 1920 and th iece la nu greater prize tban flic rigit <f e-ttc- ceahip Is the Vniied States of~ Auuérica. On nî'xt Tîîcsday et oing* in tbe Y. 'M. C'. A. Gym, te tire- tentation af cit.zensblp papers wili be macle an important publie event - Nend tho it î,tns of iliis c,,ttui tut sboald be present ta welcotiîe the Rer cItîzens. TPhe l-onarablq C., C. Edward-,,; lKonorable J.-F. Mldliger. illyar of eut city. sod M. Freýd lchioifeldl et lb. Unitedi StateashBureaua of Labor * riS b. atsteil by the Womnena Re- flet Corps of te G.A. R., apeciaf aunslc and alter fesit tes ýn naiintt thsa memorable,,e' nt. Tbe public la invJted. "CC~Z~lG"C!1',IN CARS. 13 1s ti -2ro:ts Busines E7îi- lis fia Carq. cf lIa Owii vtcuiary Adagsl!d to Tits Srvize-. Cii s iiOuI(1 Le îîeaiclfor grais Inu aoi>1 is îy il,(,îahuit îtas itttlt flilts "e as s ti autd tu pret-etit an nor sicnoîîiv eair the b.grain. 'flucre îîre thri-cau:rsîi- for tse leu- agi' or grtainulitu trantsit: k Dlelee i te cr itqiiulliitcttt. 2. Ilttiigi liiittff tltull Iy rajilrced#. -4. Caresai-sa oi3unthfeiCpart of lte loader. A grit steal eoftrotuble5arises tram Olhori it9 lotief0Ieibtîge !n transît. Tîhe sailper. l5fSli n'y, raiiroad sand erlitill aigllitiartisurfer direct- ly or irtdirectly. 'rirrrî b arin iii-tureauad flici r iitrtetiiisgcommit- f ec" Shlîîîîîgît in ffi-l itit ail 0f fIhese partie., tattdîle aL itole t [Wtrk, eneli egr-i-iîig lu eininate as tîticî eof MIS froGte upi Le eau lnishi Iowitî deputrltitett. . t-tîy gooci eli-valoyr tttn knoiveliow te "cooflier" a etor bttlit tel eît leb aamiss ta geltftuii <ireclimaostroa 5u3 grain -exchaenge shliciat ho th Ie dit- teretît parts of Lhe car mhèiId be saae- guarded. CORN-STOlRAGE INSECT& How ta Prôtect Grain Fram te .Motit and Weevll by Treatmesît With Gsrhon-Blulphde O&s 'Ple netvl.v plaisfed seoil, the young plants, the growiîug snlIt, te develqp- ing cRrarndtîlte sprouted grain aie nil zul)jLct tlu iîict etuenises. Ttlel geieý-a1lli fou late ti-ietu tIscovered f0 Comtbat niny Oa hv tlîcm Ilasnoe years one pealt 1t111Y lie te a-lln andi la otîier i-trs aitt cttireiy differeut bacg.- At Ibis litîte ut year IL 19 welf te protide agîtinat the dlamage byite grain molli nuit the grain weeî-il., Thle aduft'molliilas, sl, of liglit gray caitir, w-thl a wiîig expanseomealin lch. Thle estes are of a pate retl colon. Thle molloît ep'titsthie eggs usually Iste grstiary. Thle eggg tire laid betweeui flic rouis of ccoos. Ybforor fit-a. <aya Ih lItrva liatfihes itiisflIlVifs upot thie gerniands! tnlrchuy pat of athie kernel. lulive utceI ttct ilts attutteis l grotîtit. Tft lieti buruows jta ite gerni etg keriiel, tttkes tutu opeiuLg, seuls Il cicr antd pulbntit'.. for a tew da,%s. 'Pie udtit cones out Ilrougît Ibis epetung itu lteIlite cycle In cînîplele, "resti- fng lcsit titan six weelca. 1h may le donnatntt dturinth@ lie old wInter but wtarm spr1ig days brlug Ilien out tel-y rapidly. Preventton and fRemedy. Reunove ail refuse nnd oldd caris eeeb yaar dtritîg te auttumor, leaving isotit- Iinlute Mtuitputi th ie moibs Cao deposîtthloer eggs. Carban- bsulpilde lIolte miont effective means to kiiilite«ntTitis gas abatîul nover lis bireathied by titn or of5er animal@ and a match aiteti neyer lie ligIilcd wble te cas la lieing used.. Isa t odernttely lîglt tua, aone puund carisbo-bigtaîliîile W-i] hunigate 100 busliela ut gralir Wlere seed la racka'd or itutîgnit,thie --«s omt he appl!ed above te grain berause Il la heavier thliai. t. L baves nueI1i1et- fecis lte grfain. STbe grain weevll lias a bard body atbouît ti-sevenlt ut on lnch long. 'Ple temale pîntuftres te grain witb- >1. anouttand 1intis cavlty placestliii egg. 'lie lire cycle requires about forty dnyu. 'Ple treatnuent la Lb. saine ois for molli. fle nsuce thuaI hes iensectu ore ual In. te grain yau Intend te sfip. ý ,'LARD, PORK AND RB. PRACTICE HELD;, S30) MEN REPORT Twve that Numbar are Ex- peced to- Report for Frac- t 1ýý2; Sýrong Teim Sure. SEVE';rf VEïE1AM<S ARE BACK (Ly fptrnrer Jiare;iîen) 1,V11î fq l wonl fîfbi i'ltts] ixîqi iraitaI piie ice 1ftJo-r Co;.(-I ri Ct-,i : . riay on the rat.iîu.3. luor1e bty iiicii i t-ifor au il i i îtd doutble UiC uiîL -aie- ex-csed by houit rrcw tu:gtIt. Thue coactti.3 t sonrut C* iill ii5i d binte tnui ber of :x.piatiLuftaiilicd til Uic- watt hey tlîIom'edu., Secîui ' ,t art tie t.a! and une or two with lîret jou.4 i ecl fooi- Lait expeiitruce aie euiltuho isath Ue t oaitiis Mo:«is. Caaiia l ofJiutatI! yoie"t(rafq ii h bacit as pilot ilong with Moore antd tneitz, taait yvar'.q bal and fulli bico, wâile Potetr and Drew are-te ve:erans-about wbom the ncw 1Iiuv %Y'111uidoubtedly b. buitt. Dougla~s., a backfi,.-Idi Oan in '18, and Oison, a substitute bsot in ]ast yeara sqùad, the two moat ltromising can- didattes for-t cthe pn ht teied f10t- tion. Si-veral st-eonîl tu'tnc-enofohla-,it year bat-e y( poited. sioa'gliaun li- ing: F-rit z hirstow, l-kerte, Bradtbury, andl Edudîi<Ps Pus. i' n wan etidunt tlrouglî-ut prartice ati iiny off itr. emten ar ifkn-ty tecaris a liert.b uniit'fie iret teatti. aViilîsnrtd, -adi ti ~i ne- man it fiihg the scale at 210 Ptound&, la oui tor a place on the flle. A-ie lias bail preyious football experience and tonka as if lie niglî int eiop itt a ttîwer eo ftngih ct batli otteise and defense, fie Mwer and beef will soinewhat affsçt te absence af the Pat-ntslty b1 otileui on une aide utte lino but anotlier Hercules le ueeded for te renuainlng. aide. Pje&t, an- other newconuer w"ti experience, ap- pstared at the Intial work outL and made a goed impresion tbe men- tor. He leflot lu Lhe plruk aut oudtioa 1»' anY mens but a loew fiays Practîce ouklut to deterutine bie abilîty. 1He now welghe around 160 but ItoîteÉ ta ba dovra t 150 before the upeulng gante. Coachi Crait titated asat nigbt f bat 5>'teuiatc training rould begus lns a day or Bc', and that a tackling dam- nty aud lie eqtitPment bâtd been pur- chased ta laurther it. Oak Park et bak Park on October 16 wjli b. t opeuin.g came as fear à« le uow kuiowg for the acitedule ta sf111 Incomplets. liY FridaY ha eeiodalie wili be ut a Position ta refaize the abiliîy fy tis material and tilt then refuses lu make aoy tatement concerning the teain. Ch4IM THfFY'RElip ENTITLED TO À BETTER -SERVICE Lake Villa Folks Deplore Soo Une Doesn't Recognize Needs of Community. BOARD ADOPTS RESOLUTION ALthlie iupervsisor.s meeting Tous- daY, supel vîjor Idaeîher lntroduced a resofo-lion NWhich la dealgned' tu trge ftue Sou railrosd ta gîve L.aite, Villa bctter train service. Tike board uhanlntotisly voted for Lbe resoitution rhich l of's: Wbereas.since wnen it was the Chfi- Cfgo9 and Wisconsin J-aiioad Jater the Witconain Ceftirai and 00W the Sec Lins no ur ady torning train serv'ce tram Chit-ago alter 1:30 A. M. and nou aternoon or- errly evening service owards Chic-ugo ha. beena given frtrmOrtr in May each year. And Wliereas, flic Sooutine rane flir<tUgfi te Tawnsliips of Vernon, Ltbertyville. Fritnont. Avon.,ýlke Villa, and Aftioeh. And Wbereas. during t lb!.tblrty- fîve yeara the section lbruugh Whlch f his road rune haît greatly lnereaaed lis papulàitr4.,ad Inmpoirtance yet tbe saine Sunday service existeaosfit did Is the begluulug. Beletv.nlg tbq bat interesasof lte Co¶usty, JuUQ4' Leui-o.l Juace. f Nst>on.l Ou-p tsprovi-unau-î 5.vire. I continuation of tse Sommer -t-ii !.entîn jnlce wîqillevblten tih e Neanly everyh-ody f thks Ibat isuri service 'on Bundsys. Saitranie stuins'Fom Lise lusa. represetfs îotly tment haut la aold lu fiierefure lie il ceaulved; Lbat e.n e uice .f i tîl y Ite aInd<s ite butelter aboisor ut te mairket. w. reeet and urg'e the Sua Uue Leins-i-r bIt ler. pain5uls, but, al avery large lpropoîrtion of titis R. IR. Company ua smUtLet ut Inus. In-hireutitîe s.tlot aîad rai adaits utatmut ieaneaed l Lwill hte ocommuunllîe1 efected a cas- trom white giacia. iisititIfl s quulitfyfor moitti telu-Lnuance of ti NO j. g sjD< 14 Tite Geat tt.t~sn P~,Tiese pork paletstepopu:trughout thieyear, and! that the Theharor f d'e", n out RI11 .4it f irat-cltsq lard, didas t-by directedte torward etonce, t illa rfier ofknst, 10 Soe iero -ba. d jie snd mess pklnt lt arcel, ai lb.hePreeldeut and.t Genet-al Super- aux, i. lorgtites tiyier and felepiec t r wich tei.caret utfy Inspeeted bLe.fore Inférident outhLb.Sait SuLInO a car- einsU s Io i rrseti n si lpe ct ILlalealloredlu ie stores! or sld. tified Copy out LiiaRe.olnttlOs 51 .4 ii eerydîrotiou I lisfl Theny goYi.em tsL îî geisetal super- cieldelivery mail, ptrt tosoutilleralitusisaa aere altifus -o vrth nmi i ucbr drawitig 30fe ret con cosue drejtte~ uSa vrlt îitul tbt-tnn tieadocks, aud thte docks are latrffer itae. the qualtty -of,(lie nienttgla rr- Apparent Mental LaPes amibèter quipe thn toe f-" lly luspeclei lsy the boatrds of rîîde Nta great Whlle mgos voûtes m mnsi effIler saitlppodt. IPo ýhfîiitgtf '-Al afuercini exeliangea ln illes todiil iat lie at-sa titing seiolia - oimr Iiait OLpol. Pip saithla..11 -bere tilseiParkinug ta done. Wtliuu of gtliltg marris-c. Stiortilyalter- foetonciaollide sait 13 w10 1 ect en issystein luchers wot1d [aet üis eber. lwrlii a as-ns!li- dIf. t!. isie iPeople lbave no ;' svery mus-b lîr rire 1)lte eciîtircptiilî ltfail af wt lserions Lon~ ~4 Tîme.iqwr fur ther prtiiuît 'Titere la itithi - eully ix.-K. 5. A. C. lu Lo1 o ise.lImmense qunifty of li-s ettf Brui t1. lfary. azeil 4. wa e î,ulilng lber bacbl n- la uorage taucit of wticlritvas or.- -rloitr In aa -sut.î 4ilt-,i Ilie liuily 'ted sbrond Isut aaticlu littntt tipd over tsttiegriata crv. Wltei u'ed ont acs)orIllet tiirte oi for-. - Exprai f¶ca catchera. abl - eook h ifaoisr -r tut ac ni!t 'id mlehae. Tho lisIftris aitI. 't lietie ~'ha uis Oit ,aërabout IL fiter uituulu-r ait if: 'lbr--iu_____________lc aa iîîîîae 10 bsr nuitat tS v: « l yen do ahi- i tti12 mtnuesttA» cr 1-qVi"ç- - Eac Marks of buctatra L . , cy 2Illt tif ci As Ing- Us ataI -ureplied: -1 gt fscircd t u tb -Aluifiyi-sintiIiîcqihie i'ig ant tintvo ; Jst ns QuIck as I cut. AIîise isSoi iii """,i-ira v idl iâ ,l.tfb ntufe aloiqf--tte tlfit 40 alfar bufttnsi lulier etr4for ils. - ic t- i; #la4t a -Oni;-t -Truaô »uor outil Ill- rst baby h Lbors the - t Pt il, -- t - ru Ti courage bts u jitle Is<aati - i- Ow"o itMee tilisIis lise i L'n;,. reir4t4i-g cf Penni .e-- - esaloin aiat lit wiae- tIis 1141: If yOnt tcctW-if la-.t'. lsa aOU enn-afL-îala - tcJ il"se Ire.courage- loiyo Il rr-jiv t-ana ii :-r frein afi-iiîa i etireu 1. --.îîîîL ii tLiiiieis - t- t tesat <iaîtt a vlWiti-t ~ i-nitîtn den st tirctitteaied fho ~Tcrcliixhît nob jLdeCiie 'lttls lW ieholis- prq tu roter Lu lber feuîi* Who e tre l*p- MIOVE COW, CWIx FARMING OUTFIT VIA 816 TRUCN Load of UnanuaI Varý,,ty Soeý passing 4Èe Daily Sun Cf-" fice ïir..-day Evenincj. a Ituel .î I .ý i.1l 1 y iiiioi- tas 4- 1) , i 'ii ;t.. . ,,q l t , I .t : ,icl I l I lîî n , î l î d n i a bti iltlu i 'ît lis i f te LtU k k.i:i 1 i . I , u i l- lui ia-Diii ,.0 le iùîa rd ai tulr s UIltti lîil)i.> rniîi11u0 estiet cci o],met. A !id et,;'i-tî y tho hîsWv o.' IîviJ, ctitaillin î a tI a Vtgi.ttyt ictrg'î. (>liurrîr, ( uid'i hI li but i t if. donia t . Lt t tey rtîîîve tii î*c dity t Via tru ck? »gPNVn£R, Col-Whou Lhe Denver Tramway attempted te rua cars durinthe lbrecent car atrike, al mob jromjutly attacke.d the non-union mnotormen and conductors, drove them tu rover and turned aui cars over. Thtis pictara ras f alto-.Ig the fauhioziable Capitol Hil district, ln front of the lui. ,na,, "ate Conception Cburch. Four cmrswert top pied et th. plact, wlule thoir crews tuak refuge là lte churoit. - TIiiç4Is I -e'tiliýst Store Fiî- Larfioitîîar Me-n. J[1W A en lînî iîIL Itsthe Big News of the Day Our sale of Men' Two PansSuits At $3750 _________Town Talking î and no wonder for such ccýthing news is nothing less than sensationgl. Its the biggest money-saving event for men in years and years. 1, We hardly need tell any of you men what it means to havç 2 pairs of pants with your suit. It won't take you long to realize that that extra pair of pants saves you the price of another suit-practically cuts thé cost right in two and when you consider that in addition you are getting as stylish and dependable a -suit as you could wish for you'I1 know why it's the most important clothing sae in Waukegan's history. New shipments are arriving every day and -for Saturday we have s really larger and more varied assortment than on thqopenm*gday of the sale. The suits are in the cleverest new styles from one o! America's leading makers and are ini the best of the new shades for au<im1n wear. Corne ana see. Mark . Crosa We diaplat a apleadld f511 lino et te Imamous Mark Cross impont- est Glu.fer men. AIt mot-_ erateîy pric.d.l and " -ystfi- lait. - Iigbt at toite-aarI t or t. easm5 ra greseut lte uer Mauliattt afor The usual initiative of the ïnakers is again evident in the uniart effects which stamp Manhattan Shhrtsasa, a superior roduct. The prices range up froni NEW IqEOKWEAR j MNS BATH ROBSES- New Silk Four-in-lland Neckties in aI Splenidid materials i various colors.-- gi-cat variety of patterns and $1 Finished with cords, pockets, etc. $8# colors at..- .. ......... -I At up from Sweater Coats la plain coi. organ th le amarteet ola* blnstlon ,et- fecté. Tbayre ln both buttua and- 8ip-?er .tyeb spo- cially prlced. The Famîous Knox Hats For, - Fail Are Ifere Every man whowcears a bat knows the Knox. -The naine stanlds for ail th«tis ssmart and good ini the hat world. Wo'Ire - howing a wonderful lino for Fall in both astiff and sort ~ ~ ù bôkine y o sApè: - - 1-I Ab4h&de. Y uf 1'ind a shape for every face. The prices are ILOB E Y1<Wp;'--~ su SI Motau $30,00 Sellinî $20.0C for 100 u cil-liv 25(0 1 50 Pl o tily 50 AI AXrniy 100 A Only Rock Ilaxrn état, the Ner weavea. uer patters, lmmac- Slate tsiloag. Perrection tbroagit. out. - a-

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