CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Sep 1920, p. 14

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REFUItSANATORIUM I - PROPOSITION TO IJOSPITAL COMOh »r. C. S. Ambrose Presents Petitions.for Tubercular Hos- pital to the County Board. iHE RED CROSS TO7 HELP tir.C.S. Ambrs,, repreaenting thse L',ke cotinty medjeai ass;ocation and W. T'. Hardie, presidcnt of tise Lake County Red 'Cross Society, tppearbd hefore thehoard of reviea Tuesday in bebaîf ef thse establishmsnnîd niajntenances -ai a counîy ttrbercutoois sanatarluin. Petittans callng for an etection to put use ProPogltion 10 -a, 'ie woro proo"lnîed and tise matter wao re- ferred to tise iospitril rousstire to' report bacit Dr. Ambrose stateti that Iu about 10 countiea in th ise te suris sana- toitoms have' beeis onmtnsced andl &.,e being maintined andic"ee In oiesaion theisecd Ilapatrunt. 'Lako caunty bas liat 253 dealis cRuseti by tuberculoste un t:ve aeai'a, and there have btn more tths la 100 (flacs"thse doctor stateil. "'lIo ais law requirei l tint tatr(ixiar patients ho couplc:ed troin ole eiifatorisms or l:osPtatt. A lber- cuInais ear.ator:îsm Is charge of an r.pert a-id nurses.experienced Inhojuît iart hîne of treat'sient woud se- conuilii hl uch more than tossibly conîti be auýcomtlib1ed lu a generat lc.pitsl." N Dr Amrbrose aIea statûti thal through thse sale of lRed Cross seahs tise LaIke courty socletY bas obtaineil aqurffîcent funda b say tise alary or a seciatiy trained. nurse, ortissa blud 6 wttîk. 'tfise tuhercutar boitai woutd no; oîsty ho avaihle ta clarity pa4tentt' but thous wiose means warrant coutl psat for their treataseùt and tf tisey deF.iied coutd bhive tiseir family pisy- sician if tisry do not rare t» ho coins- pete charge of tise tîîberculosts ex- peitL," Dr. Ambrose tuldthOe bLrd. IACK JOINSON'S YEAR ANDAÀDAY .aek Johntson, ne;ro ieavvwdlg-t puetîat,waus akiii heforeFerdî rat Juilge Ujaip-nterr p ClicagoTîîesdazy for re-aentence on a chairge of violat- Isgte li an iet. lie was fineil $1000 and ordereti contined ait Leavenworlis for ane year ansd one day. Exactty thse saine tiunsliment %vias fixeti by Judge Carpenter seven years ago. visen Jothnson was finI trici on tise c'barge of transporttng Dertiai Schrieh- er, sawhite wnmsn, troim Ptsburghs ta Chicago. Johnsson jumpeti a $15,000 bond pendItig appeai of tise case andi -ed [rom tise United States. HO re- luineti voluntarily Iaat July. .l'l,' inquest of Ireland îy flic î:îîg. 1h ires a graduat]toî .The tiret steli was taeer ly llenry 11, wa lta sSt fta have ottailled n bll fioi l'ore, Iliil'u:ïn IV ntihorizii -lt tn te t ake >,'.suqsIon 'of thse couîtry. Tise Tu- ils i 5tena'tly Itursueit Ili@ povIl!of tiil;l g land fromt!.I lristi c) ',fo cati tivlng if ta F 'ii reh ftt:"rq. l'fitnal ec,: of Il"s uion ii " t 'edi-and çpro. V a-...a ns Freertnting Patt. ùl'Iv one :'t'-Sf' 'tt p' ' . tt-ir'.. tirs of Z1il l'O.u t- ýlg t-t ttl, ii"' nl. ('e f P i Il,11 or".-' 4tIr Cul' iltif ûuc..ess.- *Babyo'a FP_ -Prua Milliont. tt f it lY I * iti tapopulation et 1.000,0100. al ajiltieie rock se Peek Before Arsworng. At thse tii».e o tests la ties ciooti #41P snînll fry wvere r'cry busy discuis-i In£ low "iful iard" tise questions erts and wrsnklIixi their broin i t siiiety as t, abether theyd pci. "J'iero le a burncîrous aide 10 tise mat- ter, hovever. O'ne simlli grl reltortrd thet Bt.. knew aibail b er first qttes- tlon tana-red correctly. lionstle yon so sure?" Inquireti motter. "<'<iii, IlwaBs to came 25 brs nd it, as file teccerlof théb brd ca rt open "lut * hn tiaplace, l i a esy," aas 11.4 Salve îpt.-pe-cev. le. e Why Do W. roami W. otten dreanabolit wt ss as or- cupled eus- tiougihsaduring tde iity; If w. thtk tieeply Just before fiiIllîig ilsiep, our tisouglts are bouc.] 10 tooraur dreans. Eut ManY POOPIO dreainset ttlnzs ftlest tisey hanve cetr- tslnî.y lt' lires hisiîklngab'out, sW tbouiilts are [tt al'tî.ys tise-cause. * 'iare 10 sclia tîlng as nott.e. e- ed thered" Opartwrong dlm g.- * DAYTON, Oiio---A section o etbihg Ccxdu totram Republicia XjA e' harring'a L bomi@ town---'urtois. Bt tise Denocratc Niti.I.atoi a lea Uvàtie& They canu nids bnannera andi j'Cazeure" balanmd brougist alans,"Marding'a goa L% A~xHin~Go. Northorn Ill'@. Grea test Store For Women anmd Childr.n Beginning husday, Sep.2 Is Our Greatest- FALL OPENING. of the Newest Coats, .Dresses mu DAVIS4ROWN TO MEUT FANSTEEL ON SATURDAY P. M. This Gamie WHI be the Decjd- ing Contest ln the Indus- trial League. A FAST GAME 15 PREDICTED Davis-t3rown Will 'D'et Paus Steel Saturday aternoon eBt lisAssoia- tic Bal Park. Admission ai be free »id Jud-.'ng tramntitha two rame. la IYeti Prier ta thla tins. Il wib ha a ry anappy affair. Tisis game wtt, provo e tob. the de- cidtg amne tu the Induastal Lepgue. n Steel bas a perfect score for thse oeaton snd Davls-firtwn h,9aaty fef fo né doenet and tbist one ai the bands eft the Pan Steel out- l. Davta-Brown are soins inta tht. content confident cf atnning, there- for, tht, la really thse crucial content fgr If this gaine In aon notlstng tuis aide of thse big leagtîea w il ho able te stop tison. Manager Nence bas ardcred à work out aeà, e ven4ag Mbisweek and both M'ait and Ocisuenamann are tri tID-toP shape 'andi ready te huri thse very beet braisd of bail. '<Viste Bonnet ha. bren pitchirç RGod balaIl soason It là reanonabie té boiekie that Buckloy ahI. 114. ba "Ace," tltreo., aio busabeen working out. ails thse Chicago 'White Son dwrlng tise Osat week. Witb Streed Mad Kingsley aorklag for Pan Steel anti '<t'it or'Ocisuene- mausisand floewu- ter Davis-tirown the, fans ai . eeo omtlsJng for, botS- lns wo rtbson; celles te witness. A CIncis. It laesesete lagueséa t the mn aise poks . fint a woman for alîop- pilns ail day and not buylsg lîîythins lan't mrrried.-Boston Transi-rtt Suits -Skirts Waists - Miliery- Children' s Wear'. A nd Women'sDress A ccessories. \k s"'. - Thse V/eeera ~eanNOALLIiI Tise Pacifi e.aiulot od ce « muet, frettai by trame, adds lis curi'- nus note et aloofisesa. It sends furtis toe.bu Smeowthy ary o lit NTRUCK; Pi 81%1Bt. .,And iu das os unslbile wiîn _____ It Parkles- -PPisire biue It ceeus, GFMi aIcsdr' he s e tehe e asbrothe.Atlau.resteian McÀlter avenu ti'*vergesud, ltise s esnbtieln- n ijisîun a c!isîge of drivih tic, vrge an, tseub 711 ellkn W alîout a tait ttght.lea that rotng faeed gîves forth ttiit police court ibis nouriis odor, you misa fil on tibs western plained tisaI hli ad kuock abume.Tishea. OiDS rubave inown ilgis$off is an accident fi -éein Piaptul ehîdren, by tutus gay Tueatiay night., lie proist and Irrtable, by colnpariso<s wlth'this' it 'repaîreil at once snd IflOflato, iovely, linumnn se- mnsed. lals. lib]Rodes ln Harpera Ilega- ane, _____ Are Y'eu r etofHi". We.a-. ld lIst utierQ 14ta ..Oud GZreMclendti tat ieclide.. everal centuries 'before tise lime of C'rt la Attica, estubllaiseda prîtetîrlt record that Sas uevor sinie been beisten. Eclide* was a uteosenger whe1 being sent f rom Athenas r brlng sorni. bly fire 'froinDeiphos, matie lse jeamel Ihere ard back-125 miles la za tise aamé dey. INClIUD or. allar. te Tueéday ig hieo trucks appearedti a ianti ex. led tho tait la Cisicag* sed ta have WBs dia- OPERATION FATAL TO iIULDA KOSKI MlIMèHulda Koskî. as-cil St ears,> a niece of John Narva. 102 31011 ave. dIedl Tuesday n:ghl Btl&IeAliaer ltCi- itat falloir lng an opersîlon. Tise funorai wîIl be Isetti t'iday aflernoon t ram ber laIe res.decce aIlS Interment in Oakwood ceinetary. .<i Pcior mollie, , as baeka'he. dizzy apells, f. hesasche and te nervou, w h elî i nsymp- toms of woman's trouble. Mont women neglect their health, -ansd for tbis negiect Usey puy the penalty. Any woman who suffer, tus wii flnd that site lases flSh lester than Nature ean put it on. She wil find that neglect does not psy. A littie more attention ta health would brihtn up her life and make ber worries few.r. If she aska ber neighbors she fiusds that-Dr. Plcrce's Favorite Prencription benefits a woman's wbole systern. It flot orly acta upon the troubles and weak- nases pculiar te women, but is an aIl-arotind Vegetarie toule that braces the entire body, relievirig nervou.«rieff, sleepiesness, head- aches, dizziness and à run-down condition. Dr. Plere. put biâ Favorite Prescription in the drug stores in 1870. For fifty years it bas t3tood the teet and thousands upon thousand of women ail over the United %testea ua testify that this non- aicobolie tonie madie themn healtlsy and welL 8erld 10 oente te Dr'. Pierce's Invalids' Hatl, Buts lio, N. Y. for trial pack- ap of Favorite Prescription tableki. AUGTIIION SALE, Thursday, $Gtewbeî 23, 1920 -Ou taîli kiîo\%ti as the'Old lahad1 u,8 'lniics c'-tof M W>uî'n 11alid on1e inule tî-st of M'ais- JvOrtilo\\ iiig deseribed l%~(" vill i e (111 n1v.s -1t 'it o nc 1). 1:1. 20o M 18 hcad of Cattie; 12 Milzers; ô lieifers, 2 years çld; cne 2V year oid Bull; one Bay Gelding 12 years aid, weighit 1400 Ibs.; One Sorrel Gelding il years aid, weight 1300 ibs; One Black Mare 12 vears aid. weicht 1100 ibm: One Colt continu3 vears; One vêar aid Gent: 20 1(11k Cana; One Johnson Ora Binder..On. Johnson Mowr; One Johnson Ra .; e:One Little Wily ulky Cuitivator; One Prairie City Seeler:* 4 Walkine Piowa: One Two-section Drac. One Gale Corn Planter. One Set cf Bob 81.48: On. Top Bürgy. One Truck Wagon; One Hay Rack; One Silage Wagon'; One Mik Wakon; One Set cf Wagon Springs. Two Galvanized Tanks: 3 Sets of Double Harness, One Single Har nes. 12 Acres of Oood Corn, standing: 12 Tous Hay in Barns: 5 Toi. lJ»isnd gay in stick, 500 Bushels. Oats:; 3 Bushels Seed Corn: 100 l b,. cf Bder, Twine. 25 Gsàà Sacks; Aise Soule Honsehold Goods, includi On. Hart! Coai Heater. 1 Pulverizer TERMS OF SALE - $20 and under, (':1i; over that almounit onae yca-'s timo Lun good hanklz able nfots bearing 6/---wiii bc giveii HENRY' PETERSENOner FRED-. OJRrABBE, Auctiorteer' JAMES WELCIIýn, Clerk AS S.oaabo"alFi SeNat rCe Vuanne i Wîis omeiwaIret ,eqllMi etoftiseil' songtor Uwilt ba'l lies hi 124 votei lhume Runyard t a récecun cf lbe clai aon I"isprivi sa May vaited r, meary cesiat, mwy tisaI ho b abeuleit o aie. the district te: Su . 14 0 1 asayaud Dat a*j £or- U» Modie na ai thre .1 aculid Mai foe,- a.. Bgrei ure ta îhere vs ha thi- district ai dlffelce of but on rot Iras up !ta t dala nl l ffai , ..lsisLaku estingl note the officiel fa.iur. i 4MTise Ilidip"ia nâaishd Iipalî' ae cc nals'1 SWITCMINQ La Mcllenry eut bidai ended Fnl Colat Clork Stit assit bube h g tisaIthse cavasa c li- 100 votes; bc th" in800o e s Malie StiI leaer Mame tise cotoayiis. adi Beese Md MeHoi lise 124 majoi'l GRAHAM % Tisat Reprelot b7 the demécrata came afflsrent Sa ret&rDa w re -j Rel ,colstyand takse coutyi big tue Domination by Un thse district, tise lut% Hayes 142 Thora bai been entame s, ItlBp rra large vote tu Wmabeail ut tili Bt. t ht int. Bc very 1ev dessier barl -n'ugli t EON~E BU' AT li16i Tise tIlttaîd1 émis purchIl edths building i'n Laure I lihe buiing[1( (e wok.-s1' work bahldirî4wîll begi eapoected tisai th- fer ocrupane> ln Tis e sttre stjri el Inside anti di à Il] homa' 5- Idiy. la d lio baUltises-e à kîtchen andi au VeatoItise nea Il tbe todge coil Maqwg.c temple. IAtiDCAL bis handitn5aOc sel n es, uqhi sevsrtly. Dr. H ed and amputat a# tise second etS il tisé r SUIT CHARGES *C. t)ewîtt Ta3 Ma 185.board cf bers oflis, baS 'are ciargeti a easatise ania: .arers' snoney oecÊ circuit cout A. Phohianof bée fuisar gxh Mfoled.8600, vw leu vvlvTiý

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