CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 16 Sep 1920, p. 7

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IN, Oft.. LMAN, L DLAND !D MAm! wchandine ici aMoM 0 CAPS xm A >11111 MsT" tu.'-' V400"N .T U STOR )OdBAtuN8P.M L. SORE let. Ave. phone 148-J ILLINOIS. NMIS k1-LAW Illinois Ar LAW. mon >tuo #ww ave quartera on the collin. Lié Fat ivers.ity dopQather tomtiet WOU UNDER WAY eauaisoi siutiosl Chicag oudd S1O.000 UOIItU tYIWIII me MaMaa 0f tte LaL Mali'& la tinteookdrngil the mothe ON .Si hs Plans. bcdvietwa aadthon ic ched, aitbgh WeekAs ov Aer a' nT Ag- m u g U. May's a taked for sa iMitaldu~.~î aauutîe-~.a gne UInstitutnt leu Labo Cthet.r Mg bock te lte oara remouseoLa . t - ?U puotelle ol; deatAuCd to tuai. e PAthe tint -eaatrteçtoIcodctioaal lebeo O u'bne t1 JUtbW . U ity arlie t Mar"lro air te foie ,.gdpat 18 U UlV Alt3, l t b Failet lir br wofeek a bis rcltyl.Cs- l 0ftow t pwsl*.cael18.fifoIRs ltum mou. dm a themise t t civê l authe speuday tho *«IL jeMWi 1 ilnderwaon ttai àoit 8'.Welsoa, bnd ccmaed rthem tam: WM It mi a1,0 tarenmi- to the9.»f alr tburlndakeCuty nhu am tisMaytiof gheLaker Suiwe Ibm AtAt w luws. Uai0909lt9fObicao. r i ia .M o viledou TM avueerualvto; eti.ordt aite 011rSuda u Gayla olsiaorIthe mid luet a cbkra ir. dlr.Klsetraudcu te hlho Geor4g W. Mueict of ay fro. LiMaebetijlse t tforher uts ir mo avm itylaw tecIlle0f tedoi t hewe l h etY ,la «M.rivte oz Yh. wocnevd1 mou" mmuodigf the mtleCafthoe ix-ThM"AaSemihsent and as atzte- umiituih ur Obleuiwlà knvudisPelsalbuleftand aki paaeirimantldu beit lb mn- ai ul srsl tu Cath 4oai t Protaovu u h lte 011e M«z iba t a al act ties Into o. la iM *é Unoveprsityn oia Lo. Mr. . ndurr. wLî a eeu carldng mia Archîten aîaid fo breer sr uda iter a i'ate. rir 50COttln iaie lne Ch.icag.y omels e débelta l it. iMleoalo . . lr.andW Lochbeadlenra lobsiuuugai Ants» Oe~orchbiimW. Mdldea tIoavee Hf i)ay achoovvllforat hL'me. the glaiand nIal bocof rhbisuredIt uwa plh rojtick a hoWholîelne thea @OWd» b lamsr and ta ble aharold llilerîî.lef t eaill ortunat.- *sc ou du CeO'li ois g rOPi f t RI' th$.Cat'1 e t Puly aa Oiltuwnl the eiorsAt Km% a finit And a1 ate a cambspuds . una ahoi'lstatHefr oneI ough e re orig t bi fture l>rhîC.> Ftrytook 'hha» hlm- ribb n o iyi Arlfty o a unduri h ad lIpr is-ifrber physîcai a( oPaletine. tuci as e5eUyhintcure.a n a vey 1hiast ii yMao. e rbuo @*uet&nla il. Il bipiumrocei..aIl.u- zastlusW.Edwin han s hubaituting i lot rs I a pet lo o Poiia tore. o-l>o nBbeIlra.Ani Il vas ti. Acbào sev ete ave ou. th orall byle mu o for bokLime. r tdbÉ8 o loni al tY),of aif t ec î!ng ua d. utl:eij evc i7 'P' liaititVoe %vs drirnavasuo - yn uidaentOMbavu ebt bmll edWa U .Dp.cfArchîf 'Ous ta ooat a.OOOOO or tupAreg lang iSa-y waoutet Ta t Cno.f âïo vsh a e. l de all omtrto orbv a PU ie1udaynit olu Moyeru i eut firs 01eamt,-rPPte en te -org e ou,, iiFwn r yats ok !-eding couUuoa for 'AoU p niîetasVil'hae au tîsîraîîun Wood gi lie -c i l n fou se lrat Phuît. coursuate 'andarfwy )aîi at. dofli ali JLMaTsonAP la buhesr SICtOn bduIli. ililmliISiUiu simd miOdi u ant-Edin am. onoralenen-r el. frt be sîit4be ismoy.iîi nfor boko ibleiu vîixterfuAodli v1làliesra bedn teulVlîy la t-oi' lrsutairklîu-evaf tlPl illte ABC ala r dog wîî'toruch I. Sod ni dEVCtI la now Baller ay ntheu-fuantdhyShnkHrae Q mie ..,Jeulnid Olhbe.ulg te sul d ee&d rL . Dug tofr iclr StMy n orerb ughe Mm- wo i iU e 11atPin AtiÎ011 or COMMll' Act ATlie00 A Msec 116 fIrs 9-l &O ieOLLte diinertoW n -PR PER ,%I -MO5 pars mi Motn anîtd oys' i-' 110 pairs tt ) mlmeandilmti-m 60 pairs ot MI(n',. Bonté. 1»0 pairs oi Ladic< and lien' Rubbers. 15 doz. Mena sund Boys O0vejtltisý 10 dot. Mens OsterjaSkeia. 75 dot. Siockilgya: 10 dot. childiens lîreases. Vt) dut. Romper.. 3iimI Ibo. Tes. M. dlot. Hais 3i) duz. Collai.. tiI dot. Tien. 5 Cases Shoe Politi lit dot. Work ShIrts V) dlozt.itrmemts of IVudrvear. 20 dot. Sp&cîs o! Ttiread, ail kinîls .m w ca-esutAuto Pullth. A tstrge assommtent ut Needie.s, Butions, Situe Lares snd ail kisia of Notli. TERMS: CASH. iFREl RUGEN, Audiomeer. LOUIS ARONSON, Proprieoor IEVERYTIIIN.G MUST ANO W L L B E SOLD j 'Long Grove Cide'*,Miii hs Open Each Day o the Week Open ModaysTiusdys, Tfls Md FddalYs -of£Euh W.ek: Do n&t brng catie until dead ripe Jar H.'EISSLER Grove t ---- - -- - 1M UMTYILE FMMMIT, IUJAY.SETMBER16,1I920. thiieo w ,reonyavm t r n tn .BarfO o .000 o o o o o 0 @ 00 <aill i th,. tutel tOhear iloiii0forI09O90000 0.60... ARE I leeu s pa ents. Thefr 9ay i> ll lbe i%! DEERFIELD 0' mal addres, front the platoiuof ho IsI I 0 9000000aIEA0 0e$0 0te.0000o0000 0000 0,0 -nandI.h l'iards ibhhé:an 'Iii 600 00609 006660 Q ~ ~ ~ ~ J O ê @ 9Oo- os *B. Buruett, of Antîî., b'ii las umu h4Ilul i athat toit Mm nd isJmea lee lir. W. 1. William.s ad daugbter week wlîh bis daugimté-î Mia. E. A. dremtaîng in tuwlb. put on our néi con- liMr. ndt 2dm Lztt Fbritsch anîdM sdAI Mteho er. eChicago visitera uTburadasy. Wltou, and famiuly. croe*-state iîoad. beginniu.g Thursda)y 'Kritu-tI Su nday witia Mr. tandtMis Via nd-is ithle ai3ended rhurch be-e, Subdayl George 5.11h wuaaleine»s visiter Marvin Dillon I oitote witlt his pal- l'et us boe lta i hl Infmore titan a.t odf i e -hicago.Ji-ltBtshmbn fK t lu Chicago on Moaday. lits for a vacation andl'i, asst-ieing in! mincir, Ft' fi Mî-ý - r and family *vi i ln11w Cir-i Bates. i ged 79 yeare M..anid Mmr. E. Wllex anid fami the store. f it-t. Anita Mulîl.kit, lii ltsg-im.u, i.tieits of 1) L. l iltmi, -it Waucîîondf, delitember 7 as.The fusea apeut Sundsy at thie H. A. SS44th borne, Mr.anid , ra. Anderion. son sud Idfaho, who bas been --iittg hé n, sonýudAy ed nTu d0uet~brS nearPraiie Vew.daughteranid other relative ainmKen..Mrs. E. iB. Jordan, and other relaives Rst 1h IL, *nher.ger enîutai dbis bis tlehomne at Beirwyn, Copi Deuia W"ib, OfChicago, Niuthe1h.<O a llant 8ma» atFrank Nadre. foi- fle past mouih.detariefli-urher f riendtàd slia vin.g, Cbmpiteilaià, Mr. Bies sas a brotber-Ilaw te. vee utbi hUle 0 IlS ' ir sid homie, l--iday>x. -:. Erlckeou, u Chtcago, who camle ou I. Stewart, of ibis placeHeieelau- Glenn Knjge. of Cbls, apent teb vei latives fitra Eianson. 7_un, Miss Eleanor Meye-r_ ëIî Har eylé)Highland Park lu their lsunch-,ré,-! ived by a widow. Ihre cbidremi, me- Week-end lt te o f ieparents: dy spent the week-snd viii lier parent_. tmniF- nl Ie aveDnng ifit a If r ~adhudeaadsix great-rad*- lir. anid lire.W. Y. Kalgge. - Bmst Hoi, wbo vas taken Vil'y lMr. and lira. F. H. Meyer. oi saven. dren. Tbe Botes fally farti là*yii- M.»nd lir. D. B., Dolph spent te MDLbo a ~tbaueaiPldc- lra. J. lW. EliiotI. sud Nliu-tDoroîby lMr.anid liflis. F. ileiittîaei an.îd ii d in tilis Vtiuiy. week-end u4 Stary.d Rock. tha Md r»iiteUb5dth o d. OIty bosital laAffeY. ut Oak Park and '(eorge Me- ansd lir. Lincoln Pettis rftumned, mor.- A. H. Stewart acco Roi rtAvu8l.y, of Highland Pu for anunilMate Operation, ta dolug Combo, -ut Marquette. Miii.. were the "ay frnl% weei's auto îrij, îhîro,îgi d.iogbier, TaYIut11ý Vus the gucet of bhW grsndparents, lr., n ieeï --- guesta of Mrs. J. H. RuihehIt, Sunday. Noriharu Wisconsiu. home ai Lily Laie, Thursday,' nuls'. aud 1 ru. 3. U. Alinaiyonvuaturday. Mr. man liMs. Corson are keeping - Misà Angtls S.-smaOeuri Mt le ieas Ii eRockeubacu l res Ti- ing ibere unitîl onda>'. Misa Cora Gotwtller, ot Llbertyville. bos uapr !teIio it eu home elt Cross Plainst, Nis..acmpn day for Boi:t n, Mass.. where she willi toSreepa1fasio was w Areavigl«.Sunay. liabl tesoeure, a boud.led by Miss Laura Karcb. etrar-I- Igntascedbsns i w'4 vas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r niArsvIiMill.dy iual Da i, lra. Blue, litn lra. William Kent abd c d enteros.-1i foi- Suhol a fthrefkgn rnace uiis i M -Fred Gowerillor%%s a LaIug isi-ov. r. m ia u birnmr efcebyfrSn s chool. cintity Saborda>. ivisiter, Sunda'lanid )ira. .C.,B. liaulin and ooapent were tibe gueta ofber niother. lia. J. wri. ,1i lr.anidMlra Ed Loi,o! WadgIr* Mr. sand lir. A. R. -Raer iand li. Se 1 l icb et adaatLinc on Pak. J. Murr ainChicago, lgiiday. M. .and lirs. Joseph Mholittn 'and lra Gore aye adoklb andbMm. B.gan Rideruaville, Minda>l.eMIQs Laum Mli k eht scierai W eO Miliburu vloltora, -Sondait. viier.Saualy ~w i ais eri.te gustaof Ai- nd l Rigts î;ere A 1reception for the nov uinlo ter t -N. J. Kaîro> and family ver. esaýoWls., u teseber. inLbertyvillelasit VOOS. Ptt1Tesaybis taini 'wtlilbi. e iàlu tbbcaneuf Plaines visitera. lunday. Tii. bu Dlý viii mcci witb iiD.- sud Mrs. Becker opent Sunday Pt>orAtiT ed otDerol tcb ureO Mm ab hs ,ofWdedyaf It finsI Ciao eog peA fDtoi, e. H. . tewart -la visinSwit b bil Mir, and lire, St&WuDiad baby lr.Dab oi of.W 1 a ! lhfred l hcao peut tefasat vectk vith his daugI Chitago. speut Sodi>'tBtihe borne of eno.Cos n udteabr Rev.lMr. nid Mis. Bouecher attende,' ter, lira. I.MNilole. rfturnine hotu-'"0 - hiturdicit. itolteahoeMndy.mission feast ut the Evangelteal un riay. accoîpmîiedb, ht-.,izrani . E AMartin, sfevifi . 4iib lira. Lai, of Waukegau. la cariug atl'a u utheran church ai Miwaukee overl daughier. Niarian Warm;tl, who hait h.-c-n buitt the mat o! ihîs veci aI WA*k*' for lira. A> re.whitle ira. Lattirop laisod ed â mi ec ontM-flie week-end. higetoVrsFnefrtwgan un .ter vacation, tai-sou ha& charge of thisti-it n2nu Charles Chapin. ut Harvard, li -, mit- g tu otsfoe o a- s. a Mir. and liraE. E.,Roder and sous , -rb sioi:h-sSaiqt ng his neice. lirs Ceorge Peliieao. A L T andl ttbgrades; Miss Cl<tiiti, . ,fit Th.- iOrcas society ofthewPreab o oo o o -o oo o oo 70,UJl and Mir sud Ili-i. A. R. Rouder apeut sdSi rds i m- aeitt'tra hrt itsrespira h O Sunday as the [IlTowne tarta ai Long lad6 - a(h le. ra hurli,- tér ut Tlî aistei0 oo o o L o oooooo 00 N3D D10 -A( At tecoimmunion-servicle, Sunday Atupui agte a t ii t ng, Se-ptembei tlé; .Miss.Xa i Nt>s-i-->tiof tinmwtI. Imoringi. tsv..nty.aix united wiih th Mi-. anid li. Frank N;i. XMntt ilisses soaie.-t i andi ioroih>s,îtew-ket iiit.ti nC .4R1IIA . churi A very imaptesîve 5Cri-5le RPýutmber - - litti lKIt ttn '?tlnd4ty for- lieKiihblMiss ît.-ne ltz~.i s t-iti i hi vas tii-Id Mrrsabra, wbo lias heën in lhcis-',.. .here. ttc> ait n-sont, [ti.l.. itiime ian titis vmrnntit-. Seeri aI ts li sanitlra. E. Daitms, Mis& Viola business witbH, . S. 1l'iuttn fi sn flw".-onyCe L A 1e Wells teud Clarence Knigge dsaienthiMr abt Pteýh"be"ad iEB ý ganuée The reverenu Mr.-('ar*tner, <lis' resThat NUMber for week-end nt Straved Rifiiexpece tetgo tethe ci',> foi-r ,vne h itt ms agme nWdeda.lî ~l aii teNooME Offcii s Spt 1 Mi-. anâ lira. George Sualt ad foin ' dînte te H. Ptters loi tgltFrida> ettmîb- , 91.tlle i Sunayait-oon..Eptetober Use- e . 5 ily weî4. guesitaIihe George Smithî for the dbCia"l Suppeir tsel b>' ti Reverend Air. -and Ms.Thomoasof 19, ai 2. rl. If youuwish ili hear a' îmsa an'blot i home on Sunday. - lad ie1y the eAno teyee oi ar. dtim-djuet e aneon Tueti-real gond sermon. donit fait lu hiartrquireti fuirte .primat->'80tis h Twen 1ty-aix meuirs ere recciveuib el u heop- mso icca- day. Rev lMr. Tiimnas wyl bcg-in hlt-tbina. -ils as upon formere eetiue»0ý, Ato the Congregational cburcb ut Ares vurk in thie Ptcabyteriau bcli chnessi Mis ses Alice sud lMabel lyer re a- coutylt'cerk Lew A. HernieSbas fA"I t onnection vuth te reception aud cere- o DIAMNO ND L A KE o ira. An uherussi vatblidsug tutti!si-bofliaielbryv . vt b ai>'sunin dSe tr Pi ou~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sudy armn a e-e aoooOn 0 0 0 0 0 ii5i h isbeithia year. 1$ampoleIcallotsl diio 080 Moay. I was a aver>' impressive ser- 0&00000 0000000000 quite ill aithL, home 0f ber son, Boa. isLrn edn fRlngwood iTe ballots wvil h.a mi $11r 4* vice. Reî. H. 0. Johnson je pestor Of The trate«s ot DiamîttittLake ceme- Sher-man, it mocb impîroved sud , .~td erîoile ve- ona>. iver>'b> Cierk iRendes liaoe>'y. wl% tii churcit. tery are écontemplating constructing a relu- i io tiet home flic It of tti i f n Mi.LeHma i uI endee has ordered for .ach et t1< atoneed ooladrfr este-w)a y I e tie> sdîse re nn s jited in uLibeetýville, Sunda>'. lt-- mon, and a lilkenuaber forW%> Reevdtolefrhateki ctting down t e presonit steep grade Ladt Tu-ada,-wasurllet> a red-jette i, 1 whih Sna >co l cn i é.200 ) sud WOUuD, *W t M. and lira.-Hery>Tonne of Long vhicb beadittuthe grounds from the da> for Deerlield, wbeu Sm natur Hart.-'-1democraiahthei itc.kE.t. sud qui.0adorné. ffrlth Grové. spent Sunday with Mr-. and Msi igbway. lTé chanee of traffic from igu spent a couple 0f hours among us. 1tai îut a VolaME. m.huî-26 . S n ad tioneu o b al hors. drv hieief- auombI a.Sîinbr2ji diesn le the =offcai __ 1E.. E. Roder and fumiy. Hs~ , uon e w. as greeteti b> aluiosi ite.entir. ___ ltore are beiuS piinted 40 aMple Seieal rona Ares atteiided the Ml. bothinju berom and icarnagmtes bhs.j illatFe. as sehilas by Imop e Iro*rn îhrf>- l Lk.ltsfo"eci #Wceitl waukee fair lant veek. rendered the present grams coî-ereq amîudngtss diitnr. t. P mEt.tiLaeCounty -The INO D zE atf or es ou oacb 0f Ib Mise Aima Tegtmneyer was s Chicago sappruach difficoit to aitceud. Iu wet pA- -e vi;itor Sâaurda>' uftetnoon. weatitor the driveways are sippery and - --- R. F. Rouie wbu h bacon out ou a coi op badi>' and as they are not eleari>' atsmck boying trip, returned to his home marked automobiles are fi-equeuti>' here on Satairday. driven onte, the lots. dsmagiug the sud. M. ansd rs. 4. R. Roder motored Thte reduction of tie grade leadiug lunto toi Elgin on Labo.- day where tbey the cemetci'y snd the construction s! atiîended an aunual faznily reunion. atone drivewa>. wi Il remedi. tiese dondi - lit-,anid ra. E. E. Roder and sous ioés and at thiesasie timie add mach and Mrt.sud Mra. H. Tonne of Long ta thie beautY ot the gromaie The' Gi-ove, motored 10 .Waàkegan Sunda>' iberaity of the lot owuera nid otiterafen>nsbcîes ihh peldt lyN3.W SHDL Mt. anid Mis. Haipts Roua.anid sonu the expeuse. A consderable sum basn__________ ________________________ Stanley' vere guesis ai the home of 1 gienpedein advance by somne who - M lr. antd lra. R. F. itouse on Suuday. h ave been tipecialli. interested bu set E. C. Nickoley sud souns uf L gthe iinPro'.ement iompleted. Gruv:, calld ut reai e e,-on 0 O OO00O ,ON THE Morris Wiicua, of Chicago. spent Lief0 - H IC K OR Y'- o' week-end with his, parentso, Mr. sud 0O000oo0OOO<000 Miss Allen Fi-yuf Chicago, a-ho bas daltelc w -r-. -etoosIa viaiors on bien elpendingaseveral daye witit Mildt-ed -Tttuisrt.. Porteous returncd tei ler honi. Munday Mr. tint ýiliC. BiahUl> and clîl- evening. tien,i- tm Miss (;îsce Ttilteon caled Mr-. andlira. Lard litichell sud lai tilu, isoît home, Suri>511fi eff eetiv e Septem ber -16, 1920 femil>' of Zion City, sited et tte R. Mi, ..Siiil. 0of Keuosbaî. iled A. and G. B.' mitb homes ou Monday. 0%er .Stilîda> a( 1). L. Holleubeik's-i Nir sud Miia Williain Tbompbon caît lSecure new tine card from your local j O0000ý00000'00000OO m-il0on Mr. spd Ars. hllp Giîll, ai' le L K IL oodo,th.Inrîte lISonda>'. agent LA K E VILLA O Ses ctI frontIbiis vicWnty auiended t*0000000000000000 mite Ejihotu ant i Lbertyvithe iaimitcp i -gi.'Mm, mLet,tei-d, uf Eanion: tiai wa-i 1 ..pen1tast a it h lie ;-sister, AMias 1 M lite i-i Artiîasd lilas Loim. hunIer' Mary Kerr.ait. apteuding thii, wvek i th rî-cttm'rs IMrs0 KerI- us ttnedte l nciicag liraO. ai-aTale aîened b,-Eh- The ladies' aid socIeL>' yl hold s boi-n fait- lad t rida>. - lawn and Jt e ream social autihe home lira. ..- Polter anti littie grand- uofl-Mn ad lMra. Eairett King, Thora- 'day. SePtosuber 23. Cornesud spend -1-o ucion Mlra. Frank Edworde and chîldi-en MIL WAUK{EE TERMINAL lire.lMari-tn, of Allendah eai. s suent lsb week a-lth ber psarcula, Mri. . pending to eeksv.lth bernbe in sud lira. Jake iCaluf. a . o 55 C hicago. Pire. P. IL.Avery anad cbitdren suent Thurada- snd Fiday o! lai vei wth lisas 1-llda Tweed, wbos.suffered ani attaci Of appendieltis early hast weei. te usuchi rproved. The cIDLI-aat for painting andrvar. nlhîag bbe itteilor ot the chut-chbas beon let tiu FraniDaubeanidvwe hope to bave ,everythlug done dut-lng this maath, no an to bîve services ain as 0oo -7 itDv iator ie appolnted at bdIaèbItAe. Xeasihile. ud scbool vill b. beld as usual tirs Mai01 Crtbb bas been eleeted recorder of 1the Royal Nelgihora, 10 take the alace otflira. Waldanid ail RWuabera vito have not paid thelr Au- guat duesvlll kladly do no ai once, -Utrs. Surah- Fric. le vleting ber eca t Roheeter, Mia. Mut-e liKenaie entertaild everi 'h er friensofi-ou Chicago over the ,wek-end. - lra. Walter Aivell, vbio ba# bera tii. Is impruvol ir. adlru. Atdar BartUettî Wh>o jitý;e-Iîed lu Alabamua toi- the pat The eetng f te lills- .îsvs ott ae- ty at Irs. IFranik leusiaiy's en Tues- day vas veilialtended.- Frauk King atteüded the Liberty'- ville fir on Wedaedday and took a trip un the flylng machine. 1MrIs. Cbt-iabopberao, o! Chicago, Ie vleltlug ber daugfitei, lira. Dort Ed- varda. Out- seboul began lIsat onda>'. vîit Uia..Auna Drout as L«emr againu is 000 000000000000000 0 LAKE ZURICH e TieEvungelical BC effes Oburcit wiii celebrate lise Ott analvermary anid lis mission festival, Atuda>', boiteu- ber 19-* F ollowing s.thie order of specil iser- vices: 0-80 a. m.--Suuday sehooi. -10:80 a. m.-German services. Speak- eir, Rev. J. HulTminlter. LAM&, 111. 2:30 e. .-Afternoon serrAea. Ger- man Apoler. Rev. J. lilbernam, Bloue- xiqo. IL ECngilâhaipeîîkei-.'Rev. Tih. Biei-bauu, Palutlne, . 1. 8:00 ». m-Engilli servîcha, Ad- dm@. b>'Rev. 7. lâU.rbra., Arliaem Holgbta, 111. NMveryoùe la ciie>'iavlted. iNew terminaisda tion im Miwaukeoe, îocatea- at- Sixth and Sycamore Streets, open "sep. CDJCA64> NORTI SHIORE t'!ILWAUKFE R., R Libertyville Ticket Office Phone: Libertyville 74.

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