CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 10

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REPORT IS OUT; CORN 15SSHORT Corn. Estimated at 72 percent of Normal; Total YWil( 281 A86,000. OTHER CROPS ARE SHO1>'IN. Spr:ngf!eld. lIL..-COnditlOnOf the aura crop IlaIllinisreon Sept. 1 i ss estinratesi at 75 pet cent nomal,, indicating a trof) Of about 281056,000 bushels as cmircOMUM ith3'"lt ,OOt bur, hein pioduwed licit year antd 847,5*37,000, thre avel-age cIetht f'Ie ri'arki, 1914-1918. Tho' crois deterloratCed 3 Pet cent durng Augut, and pregreges wr.s 9 *koW ia nome tlitice tuai il ISl mot mature, according te - Iii esti. uate. 'The Luik et theO ropviino Ille afeleram IrOat u»itll Oi1,iand mnuetsoit coc w.11 bitbarvested, It la saiti. MTle cr09 vas planted ]aie andibau mol le;eil irougliOllt tceeson'frote ,Rn-. of $eficenlt heat aid rmolature,' àb juinstihe repaît. "Chintits bug damnage Strie ieen exeigYC. a ceTri andi mcotUlerlar-eus. Condit.ti o ofhe sprlug -wheat erOP in tte stalle aithtu ie of lrrvest vas placed! ItIl Per cent of tihe Potini, l oretastiil a yielei of about 6,922,0M iructiels as eomtared with 7.875,000 huchets in 1919 and a Ilirfe yesr avoae 0f 5,731COI boshele. OUsherelrmatCu un cf sept. 1 ver-e: Oats-4,Coldut on. 8 per £ceai. prob- able yld. l151M74,000; last Year'Oj Trop, 123.060,6000 cierage for rive years, 186,214,000. Baciey--ýC0fdif cu et iaicrî.89 et cent; esttnated yicld, 5,972,I50OOO liat year, 5,7124,000; ise yc'ea er- agç 3,SK0,600. Wlute. potatSsoCi~ofld;tio", 58 pet cent. eatljnated yield. 9,094,00u; last year. 8,060.000. Appien-Couditi<5i 52 Per cent; es- tisated trop. 6ê»,&000; la-t year, 4,913,00. peeg__ogQuaitY 8C pet cent of A bigli ,ed.tim gradle; «tîmat*d pro- duction 1,149.000. p0s1.gjýQuaity. 79 pet' cent; 0"il- snaied cru, 603,000. WAUKEGAN LOCAL ematêstrri auter 'teft today for- Washlingtoni, il C. laattend George- 'tot3 niverFtty. 1,. j. Crrigan, of Ottavwa, Ii.i, bus arrieitla nW'arIkegatetotaixe charge as loeal manager oeth# CWetern tjntonnOfice. eurceeediri w. L. n'a- ter 'ï a lse teen uaflter hrce fer a year u or ua'. pm: rtlia re Ira,nr'erredtrite ock Islandr "rk jeiairsof lis, ftcng a,-ofg Ircely aI ctre Lakie criucty general bomprtal. It 'vil be atout erglIt wEctce pelviS l,'itwii ie abl te lta ie thre 17(l Ir.'l. HçtoCît r eni' eult.(Y tnm 1il " a I1,.nOlie r,. !i're aller th1e c Dûb.t tI iar.t »ith i rEli mne 1eke Fore. t Police bÜrl ru! lD aire ~a'ý'er It Latue F11,f" eT, y , .ýn a 1 c Pc Tt 1 e1'; 'îF alterI .1~ ti .rc'r"(,' ibir gars rg in u ut ( i:,e 01 r 111. ~ .11e-i r t b f I l'! ci!, '.l I ui r t.. ý1'ê' e- J. i, i ..CtiU &g, an,,41. 0 'j b" 'i u' !4eing('. aeNc pat, î ron, et thFend' largel -t.l aiïtiee orrivai util'.'1 <r rtle jatri r.r ilorce wa lt ft l'l' <iy t1.1 0.ay Ly JInut th.e JrLn NEt tin.tild Pet trdogsiotn '*'rthle omil ec 'viire , s t raitrsltie uperrS. ' ika7rorner. loIr cnd are MeniedIn ut tri cotth ue tire mg tie cleiteiras tebud ete rt in cing tmrcnine at tire riuar n eatid tcoI uming thebaeske t o ire itte- Qucts troliratio lateetlrît e. roady frceilte anceasy gmatciet or-eidoan nd e ghaalaPai, upper rrit hrmîndconer.nIfouver' fre CWsna, ere nbunies, il Ise pose.- men tr hegaad r-un btrogtan e c o ,-orinmaisins asd they are treud>' tro tire dirtrutjg -teckio. iteMoar jt isoa Inadte oftrahet iotie IOce Coiescago pclamutio15i1Dugthe var se Anar.Z. Mlet, fome the iol lot ofhehomensaviceigsection'rof viii aitocaor, eAfricancRudorofsr hen, ulier me la under aHpoint, aent hti alfre PreyterîmO o.dyo 'foew g n d beliss tecety trcurdc _cdte tar.doa t flreir uiiriy nCb:c. aan o! 1513te, Dusram te 'sa re waeererb tey tautie dîe toc 0f chinlo ith (se vce erctil-o Ion ttee critilof H.,King. 'IDnte r ai bis foranrl> 'cutîl r Paln, a dta vStireporera came savinga U"eh, if ta"s à atwo wR vacation. The Waukeffn polio. stoappe the navailttiton pimil motos truck luit night because It was ruaaing wtbout liglits The driver wa. warned toget hia l'able flxed imnedatcly. The truck laq the one that tiige the mail foulte navel itation to the deput lnwukegan. The Standard Accident Insurance Coma»ny was made defendait nt aa mail fer 84,000 damages flied ln ci r- cuit court at Waukegan t9oy b? JOoeih P. Cottes Oly the praeclpe Of the suit vas flied Twenty thouaaad circlas. urglag1 cO-cperation in lire prevention and ila Beurng appmfflilaeobservation Oft *f** P evenion dar," Ct. 0, are lbs.1 lng sent bY the star@ tire marabMa 1 office te Mayors, couty supeti.ea. dents Of education, teachers and sec- relarlea 0 chainhers Of commerce thrOugjiout the. tate A marriage license*Vas lesued bars today to Wayne Voici or Zion and B-11Yly Mackey of Peoria A shower usaglveu Tuezday ave- niez t the. Pmriab leuse il ionor 0f Uns. John Conaeil, a recet bride. fOrmmly isa PhYlils Beade, a scor Of meniber* of the 'Amici coln at- tendlug. mms Conseil recelved a large aumber of gilsteaanong Ibeen bebg1 au eletrlc leaculator. Refreenmeuta Were served. Water KU$aygal.jsad Juisa Zut- fllewahl. botb Of North Chicago. bavef talieu Out a marelage licefse bore. T h e " a I e tl ad e s i d c e t y w l lI bave aaldymetig et the churcli ThuIwsay hlhaIlradies iere urged to attend. "lse fClary isepoenîendenie round tale and Wemky luncheon will b. helet toniorrow noat eCaie ofCommuercee.TIhemanufacturera of WakeMAn sud fforti Cbcàgo arei Planning sirus0h»ng bigfor Monday,1 Septemb..r n. îr:A. Jongen of 'do. "n lin iIb the aspeaker and ho sut-1 lect vijiib.a oiatIon vork snd the1 buflns emn are ISvited te thii Luther Kenniston ef Antherst, )Ée., who has acceptei a position ntthfe Enivorsty sclaool of Milukui »a teaciser of bisgher algebra and ancient lrltorY, and hie cousin, Percy Laugb- lin, of Bangor, Me but recently di». Cbftrged trom Great lakee titatlon. Were week-end vi,'llorer wth thé Fia PR Burke fanr'liy dai4 N. West Street. I.ý.. L In oannection wicli the article lbut week zeferring to the Phil goleberg canseAnd fallure te brins Il to re. trial thse Sun said iIt bail been trled In Circuit Court. it wua la oaunty Court liad. Nothlng bai beca heard relative to the possibilties of tryiag thse case la coiliance vIIh thse mandate, et hie aupreme cOori. Thse Peolea Banak tOday starteqa suit la thse circuit court igaisat Fred H. and Olite Huntinton, for aleged failnrc to Day a note for 8,000, for a joan made8 April 15, 1916. laAluminom ns tV0Kitchen. an erea outeteaof aluainuni ooklug utesils to mec bour'arlolli foods, affect thetu, Prof. John Giis. ter ofýGlaqo University, lbu fouri tisaIt te only substances whlch Atincis aiuainum surface are oranges, lemoni, 1Brussele iproutsand ltoanatoes. But aven la lie. cases the ii«uty* of &lunlum dlaaoved wovnalglst tthat sit cosld have no effert wbatever on the. oisu f thse foî'1. Souths Americ- - diAny Cro>. ila cîlamesl for South sAelec tiat fitba Smgeter uadeveioed re. goureas tItan any other êoetlnut. Ite soil an produce smai c rowen on the earth and lin Minei of geM ad st1,cr aud cool bave, been neameit tourbe&. We Kmw-f«oR iRas. Sm Prven Dr. Barber's ZCZEMA OI1<TMENT lasthe -Bet on eartb for relieving EOZEMA, ACNE, ITCH, BARBER 'S ITCHE, RING WORM, CHILELAINS, POISON IVY, BURNS, SCALDS,' SUN-BURES, CUTS) BORES, and OLD BORES of long utanding. Try a Tube Today at A. J. JEWEL DRUG STORE PECARCE DRUG STORE, HOLLSEIN'S DRUG STORE SANKIEWICZ DEUG STORE, No. Chicago Mumfactured umais htibuteil by GEORGE A. BUSSE, Lake Villa, Illinois SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLÂY ROYSP Glasses Insured-Against Breakage Il1' N. GenOOee St- 109 S. Genoee St. Waukoean, M.L LAKIE 00. TITiS AND TRUST 00. Mamle mtql d&. P...e4 Sept. 1, 1820. E. J. Countryma anfd vife to F. X. Newconer W D ;1.00, 275 acres ln sec.s, 21knd 3, Waucocrda township. Çhrltaph Wlechmann and vile ta H. P. Heppner ant i vie W D $500, lot 4 sub of Lot 7, Npperink Club euh. foi Lake. H.,&. Knopf andi vite to John Kelle and "INQ W D $40.00, lot 11, block 1, Spragueï! suis. Prairie 1(ev. A. L. Robertson and wife to Cora R.Leonard W D 8130000, idts 2 and 12, block 4, Robertsc' euh, Lae Zurich. C. I. Wheelock and vif. to Fred Nordmuer W D 110.00, 108% gcr(a 1ln sec. 16, Wauconda township. C. J. Dean andI wrfe to D. N. Lewris and vile W D $10,590, part lot' 323, Iiake ForesJ. Sarah J. Hackef tto Jamses Mur an aud wlfe W, D $2300, lot i' block 16, McKayes nd-add. Warrkegan. SH. S. Gardiner 10 B. J. Wtfener W 1) 14600, E 10 acre,,s 8 nec 4, Viau., couda township. Sept. 8, 1#30. Anna Fuerabammer lt, John ?osing and liîil Spaetir W D 110.00, lot 6, Posinugsuis., North Chicago. Myrtle 6i. Hewltt andI hushand to C. EC. Moore W .D $10.00, iots 80, al "nd 32, bock 4, Oakland guis, Wrru- kt ga. Mariy MeGrain andi huaait et aI. to Wendel Boit W D 14940, tract o! bî,ýnti la sec«. à and 16, Warren tovshlp, Ana Cawiey, 10 Mary l4oan W 83»0,. lot 18, block 13, Highlarnd Park. Mgargaret A. Str.üup et ai. te Vira Ajmour W D) $10.000 00, N4 80 acres NW *Quarter sec. 29, ilcuOrt township. Boiresty lan... hbot p..Ty t lant any klnd of poliey. Tt'% a !irte practiceti forlits owa cae vlthoat iv. gqd for profita. Thoae whp refsala front etealing becs u se thlevea end ln mail are not honest. Tlser ara merelly dlaret-ltobert Qullien la Baturday EvTening Poat. Claim by i'e1 lya Istanley lin01onetfa large fsmlly. "eedem-numerous smtera andI broth- mi there are monts ansimNclsa galore and many cousins. The unie yoone peopie. however, ire thunse la bis lim- medIste nelghisorhood. At Tlsanksglv- 1115 dianer Stanley gazed oemnil tround tise table for a wbîle andtheiio anaounced oracularly: "My mother and the eat geetuto ire the onli Peoffle ln tbla vhole family fiat bave aakv Annoncement Dr. F. E. Corliss wishes to announce that bis- office'are now openfrom 9. A. M. to 9 P. M. - Dental offies are located at'130 Waàhin'gton St., and are- open to the >public for business aàd inspection. 1 herein extend to you a, Cordial invitation to --alf. 1 would like tü meet everyone in pur commùunity.-personally wh-ether you have tooth trouble .or not. Trustinïg that 1 may have the'pleasureof meéet- Mg a large number of Wàukegan and Lake 'County people in. the near future, I beg to remain, F. L - ,CORLISS . ý - 1 . D. S. irlllite." jyîOi B I130 Washington Street icayîe la i gisen tI a pro.I JT U EG N 1Y a.die Jectluz spout, S, j:i±4:hat itira n*a . I A ,ILrLINO.IS tiéroo ru!gutter. '«tc modernrotai Dlpes havae uperseer- Irle useocf gar-- _ _ _ _ goylei ta a grerri ,'utenî. In geiliI archritecure te-',-Iu. andig-r tua ly-corvec.1 pors havre h4mits ut îr,-rr, birsts or tirdinlpropoareroueus- a -- à hination vitir pari-.pws troU ein.3 of morrtera. T'ire rrgoyteof ir cathedral of Notre Dame ore par--Ueo ladly frmous. IIl r, v F ordson TRADE MAKK- F- There are many Tractor. clanoring for thePatronage of the fariner. The verY air i. ciiarged with the. noise ofcdams. On. would think that ail thie fariner Lad to do was to huy a Trac'ter'and h. urioud enter mnto the. Millennun Well, consicler di fact-there are a great nan y different maltes of -Tracters. Tractors have been on the Anerican market for twenty yeaus. Intdat time some three hundred thousand Tractors 'have Çeen sold to, the f armer. ini the Unitd States. The'fordson Tracter bas only heen on the' inathet two, and i that tins. more than one hundreai thou &and Fordson Tracter. bave been sold to, the fariner.- of the. United States. Tw o and two malte four. Two and two always wili nmake four. If the. F»rosn Tracter had net de. liv«ed more good woek, more satisfactory work, More economical work, than any other.faim Tractor, it would net bave sold in the. ratio of anywhere frein fi ve and more teo oe. - The proof of the pudding * ip the. eating.".ý The proof of the auperior merits of the. Fordson Tracter is in its larger sale and use. The. Fordson Tracte then &u you te buy it b ecausle cf what it has don. for your neighers. It aila yeu to buy it on its merits. h aslts you te buy it, Mr. Farmer, becase you bave use for it every day' i the year. Ail the. uses for the. Fordson Tract or have net yet been uncovered because new place. -where macin. power ç=n take du place of human power, wre. machine powrer can supplant herse and nul-poirer, are being found every wéek, and wuere ver sucis dlscovery occur, the Fordson Tracter Winl filI the.bill more satisfactorily than any other fonn cf power. Tii. Fordson ia simple in <design, and it i. very strongly made cf' the highsest quality uf irosx and steel it i. the. product cf thse greatest mechanical genius the. world has ever Imown, and it -ia most ccc- aso$ical i first cost and after expense.-l e For n Tactor on yen. farmmi il increas e value of. ev- ery foot of <round in thal f arn. It wiii put more dollars and cents into'every heur you-put inte tth. farin. New why not have a Fordson rigit away? Take pp the, aubject mith us. Cons. in ansd <et tiie de- tails, and ail tiie particulars. It is eniy a natter of time until yen buy a farm TiattWr-tsatia -sur.. Se dedt put it off mien it inlans money te you te set SWILSON & OHM euy Tour 1921 Fordil- Var nov. WAUKEGÀN. Phone 51 - inediate dceiverv. LIBElitYVîLLE, Phone 38 Il¶seCouffl hi Here '0 start dorien from Pari rulod that a wor lni order to quai relief will go up ,wbicbli as press' They!re bet ïng wllbe the i diate there bas 1 thé flood, of Ha wagers.. . This 1 jsuccess of the. x that Wal Ste the "wid 18 blq Further ari en to them Îath of inaking it'. cc f ormer Waukq~ tende nt of .a bIý -A'uto Company workîng-Just h body berei.niT of the tlxneR an 'tightis BOOK ON HIE IfROM FOR IDAN lIb 'Memorial Editior the Trainir Associe PICTURES DEA Toc ommenierate 1 $(,.0 traduaten o1 tih ic C.i1vk! a, Fur,.9 e!-i, r iar CtO ilru tri rjk (ntaSii I2gte m in w a;h retory wri. rt , n(jad acol arnA Vb, 1.r.0 tare 0. r. 'it. . I ,I. ifl ' * fi 0 î'.- ki AI;< ro, ' :d fi.' -I By r thePogBvubr ll.t maetayP tireourrae ol t the cuge egu Tire ose mecrrt lu't the igi :ZE Clutb fer tharvia 1F ber.-hlp. It la 'Wei live!y fr!tried t bolve. l5haSperiglit sow. The flaIncial side CUdle ctalion Ci. lJ<lmt si!l Lave seoi Ing tha pe-it tmn tvr viii il rrbablIY 1 got .0.r n4 IrSe I tire uhicer't cffIth, <hlaistotj re1m,. nicr- sas a ceai

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