CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 11

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lounce rom 9 :eés are tan d isiness end to en pur er you an and e near, çà i cisrged with and he would ors have been Trators have tmnaiket two to the fariner.- r had not de. Sm Tractor, it the pudding is de. and use. neghbors. It e for it every ne new places dant herse and ,n Tractai ih r tif iran and it -ia Most c- ie value of. ev- t inta the fami. mxd get the de- Libertyv Ille IM ep dent, Lke Couffl% Independnt - Waukegon Weekhd Son Here 's startling e nd interesting newu for womenj.t dcrien from Partland, Ne. The supreme court there bae rulod that a woman should flot be required to tell ber age ln order to quallfy as a voter. Aknd therefore, a sigli of relief will go up amoflg the new votera and the heavy loacl wbicli bas pressed tbem down for months is lifted. They!re betting four to one in New York that Bard- 4gwxII b. the next president.. Brokers declare that to date there bas not been over $5000 Cox money to cover thé flood of Harding money tbat has been tendered for wagers... Thisa word froni Wall Street-argues weIl for the succeis of the. republicàn ticket nert fali for the reason that Wa S treet in uialIy a good barometer as to, how the Ilwind la bawig.". Further argwna nt that men who bave job btter hoIu on to them rather than making a change just for tie alte of inaking it, coweu from- Toledo XLu a letter written by a former Waukegan young man wbo la assistant superin- tendent cf a big tactory there,.'Ne ays "thî-Overland Auto Comàpany on Thurmday lid off 2WO mo'n. 1 ani workintgJust bal!t lb. unualforce. No orders. Every- body beri'niToledo, la tightenhig up." #in laindicative of the tijueo and sows a tb&ý Poopleeally botter "ait, tiglit- BOOK ON IIEROES IlROM FORT SBER. IDAN IS PRINTED Memorial Edition is, lssued by - the Training Camp Association. PICTURES DEAD OFFICERS Tce ommemorat te L. 411hof the 3igiadiialeaof the oticýre' trlp- inL c.tmpt i Ft I itri<lan, the Port i-iti, dait 2t-O bas(t hePrepared a b(.uk contaiii the record» Of tiie uwntit. îtha hitd or fthec wo rampa, 8t. ii. Utîlsnd a cOer te 'tOctlOn lI uitb. rem, gr iesçfte d Men an.l tu ]fiJi0-it-ratlei., 11j,e-tîi t canp. were oîgafliaed e!,t'r vrai4 dca n I More -til î1' - , . t'irecev'd 5:t;ly COra- 1' la us-.a.sU!forwad with til' it,.a o! -.' tctgetlis.n1hV- ut arA i 1 iv 0'zi t, d5ed ex le-ý nrt'mi. thi-i l tic ,l (A ILit, c :t-o c tl i .-) t ' o' f SIRIN PO~ST CIIAPTER HIiOSEi Ncçotiatioils [low. Jnder Way tO Buy Prngress Club USED FOR 'CLUB ROOMS- 'l' haritn En. i No, 297 of ib(- t lté pticiaqecof te Cbr- ter iloume o f the rrogneiio club wàa the announce-t aient male today hy AdiitntFrank Tie bousie wouid he uett as club .u-a.m iy the iegion rien. illmh ccn- tnailv Iocate-d sud catilly r.ache« '-by ait !he men..bni cf the pont. It lm l't the itlui t Èze'o .maile an Ideai- c lub fur rharviin POvi't preilent ruera ber.-bipl. itlaI 'eili uli and sttrac- live!y frtnîuhled !or oie s, sclub- Shar.Çin EcaI, fuancea art lu fin, lhatte lglit fîow. Mr. Opek"a imitted. Ti'he fIloancial umile of the ItansactIon c..le hc talion rare cf hndiiy. The pot i!l i-ave iérai meetluslq dur- lug the pe-it 1<0 dia and, theo met- tvr viii trobibiy btcJiedthen. Ne- go: I lentltiitc ait-o beeii opeueli with tLec ofice-H, of tie PrOýgrEss elub. f'laiilstte -liniy ; lizy , Ili> 1 cacr-iv-saa reltairisodesctaiiing bh> Manlina for itsfnes.. ?TIhrlnt les topa'iirttttrniUt1 ic Ï M !. raieneet i .tienis 5by n Freich plo i. ciii w Nf!0 )i.-.,..g'-.thsir tara aitti rttt t, isvrotu,.mn ut:tîtigr/t~iR %-taet'-of>relt.-'rtv-, lTe wzan'- ads are hmmvater of th. Income TWI. T'ho geaintventor et - eutmoderg brcome tar uWa oe*cf tac..unbual- secouke dOnuý ef Oriel cologe .,Rt wbom It bas long been the edaton to scof for Seing 'cbidren" ln fan. elI affalre.Ths unpopular lmpti was uuggeutd lte Pitt by Dr. Henry Miske.a tBiIow on Orielsed protes- or of modern bitr et Oxford. wbo afterward eonatnty emstedVan. sittait Wfth the budget ýdurlug 4ht 0tatemmula long teu"r. e ti.cccw ceelorthli et the excequer.-LUndon GOSIACK TO PRE-WAR PRICES Deroit, Mich, Seit. 21.-The Ford Motor compvany toda~y annoiunced a roction ini the tite of R3s cars I'to thie Pre- war te In niaking flic annoinecment, stat jng tuaI omonte ebas in utart the meveunttom higliprices down- ward, Htary Ford sayBa ..The war h5 otter and it ln tane uar prlces wee eOver. There le ne mensc tir wtsdctm iu tryiug to malatatu an arliileal stanidardl of value. For the haut interebta of ail it la Umne that, a reai, practicai move wur made te brlng the bumifle.. of the Country and the lire of the country de'vn to normal. Infiated pricesalwaYe retard Prog- reau. We had te stand Jt during the wajr;although It wasn't rlght. atu t IWord Mgolor Companytis li mmke the. prive. cffle producis the safne a8 they were before lte war. "Thts in face 0f -the tact that we bave, unfiled ordere forimméusdiate de- liveryof 146,M 6cm nandi tractora. ..We jougt, or courMe.laies a tempo- rat-y louai because Oft>flb stock ut ma- ttriars on hand, bOuglit at ilnflated prives, andi until Uc use that stock UVi w., will hàve te aubmivto tO l ous, but ve take il willilgl lia Order te brlug about IÇgoing aitate et business througbout th* CountrY. rhe Aftr Y.are. The early moutha of marrlag brtnjr q*i thtlem sa ew expérience of lire. ln whlch titere are excitement snd change of outiook, wooderfui ambi. Slons,- and new codes aud habite for tbe man asd women. lTh. emotibua lif@ res alte extreuce o etidng- bapples and desasr, uog.antidi4W appolutment. mingle ln contuatôo Costly*bbng A et John chocolats manaltrnW w-ho tbld. lie 4Cinadàiàn dîsi tle- lattons rmmlnslpa tuet bis eniýIoyee@' lai»t 7sr ulblued no $18,000 Worth of goode, employa 190 persona, no th* *O Os4 f bun-bolp eliosen - by lieu Souted tq almnat $100 paeh. ,:-pepatOOl1 Becaa'se etokthat lated remedial daocyôf D- Pierce's. Urie acid bak i uto thte vtem, cauing rheuaitirn nrag" dropsy and en=otereriotj.idâ.t'irbanee. Driro dvrec_-ýtL-îtha vey one çhou d xr in tath, tàj(tdo air gulfirient.b a~d irom time ta trne timaut.e thekiduey action von ytih-3,ve baekache, dizzy pelscr rbt'meim, 1 v'ed natu'a' w -r'g.It M'eaià.tbht you &îe a iC aC1drpo.-nng. Then ak ycIîr .rugglst or "nr "and wilU verv s'xi bemmre one of 17,n1"ordi wbo dý0yjly ~their thar.kfui nc~un to thii pover- If you bave' tia'.t irmet!, woc-cut ruior if your siJepi isct.tbd b! trio fr 'let urin.%tiom, Cet Dr. F'erc's Anario TabUott' itt'dru '-/ e tore, f uU ltre4tment S81W , or ce V» fortripckse to Dr.Pi*rce DCICGO, IL.I haruad Dr, Pleroe's Anurie Tabets for rny bwne ud for kidney troubleand1.ta toda maaboy of -20, Amn over 75 year of aaek. 1 -eeoirned thse Anurie Tableta tu-m&H who sufer frosn tisa mm sickacu. I amn nomerwthout the=,,- Hav eYouSeen These Shoes? Wcmean theénew ones rfeeived. Tbey are full of snap and style yet of, a quality that wilI -give enture satisfa<tion foi: wvînter wear. Your choice' of le atbers in sce cial shapes. Corii pletc hue of Ilanan and Nettt on shocs for mnt xvorn and chldien. CHAS. JACOBS 1 04 N. Gen E see St.' Phcr'e 760 It pays to Sh p at For Mien Tlry 1It. N r0fe0f Ouir Unalterablo 1Poliey of onc I>îiec To Al Money For Saturdgay We Anno.unce TFhe Season's Opening Exposition of -Men' s Swagger- Apparel In the Authorative Styles For Autumn.Wear This is a complete exp osition of the smartest apparel for men. A dis- play designed to show our'supremacy in the proper outfitting of the well dressed. man and represented in the splendid showing you will finid the newest fashions from the wôrld's famous designers of The House of Kuppenheimer, The Campus Togs, Fashion Art Clothes, Patrick Co-qts and Mackinaws, Manhattan Shirts, Kingly Shirts, Stearns Neckwvear, Knox Hats, Kellar'Sweaters Mark Cross Gloves ýAXI practicaiy every well-known mraker of men'sa Pparel in Aniorica. Everne on the list tstands for all that is best i the reaini of nn tcothles. Eytery naine is a guarantee of style and quahity- For Saturday We Feature Metn's 2 Pants Suits' $, 1-This i-s tfli 'tLiiig nt'cms that has bet ail Lake Colînty talkitîg. W'e li:'î lIv nd telIl you m'hat it mi':. s to have twçî 1î:'iî's 4,f pallî' v'11,11 yoîîr sit-oîl caii i iin nistait ti'at it IlI' )Ol'ltI iI' \lAII 1îî,îtit :îdY eîîts fît' t-st î'iolititlit Au;liaif wti ben i onitsider tliat ini addition ft Iluextra littlis, yoli re Le i a i~ts sx' îvandti tepenidlble la suit as myeiiv0 eaum wisîi foi- VOî Il it'a cli îtsiitie aS we aIIe. Tlet.s u it a1it' ini theiýC. e-Y best of fie liewNVstyles -prodiie-t hi i picoles tlsiguteus anti talloi-t'd jîi'cetly. THt' fabîi'es, 1t;îtt'i'îîs amid slhsaie fli.4, huost popular for -Aiituîîiîweî' ii cmtii\fbr-that extra pair of papts asa ehyu'îflicepiveu of a;other suit- Yo'l Find Otier Wonder ui Suits ai '050- $6O Men's Smartest. Fait Toôp Coats We'ee shuowinig a Iiie of Fail Top Coats th t à pîcsksive values.. Thiey'i-e iîaade iiithlic lev'erest cf ýAutmrSo styles of the rnost popular fabries and'in the rnost desi table patterlis. Ail are riglut from the work- sholis of tlhe best Overcoat Makers ini the land and arc beauitifuilly tailored ani silk f 'ilîilnedl. -Mcn whu kniow siyle and qîiality will firid just what thiey're looking Nfi 'Iy .vprit'od. A Matchless Array'of Men's Furnishings Manhattan FaIl Shirts iThe neëw Monhattan Sit s slhoW théidi- iduiality and elass foi. vhivItli v ai ae noted.- 'W They 're liere iii al flic nm.w wcaves and pw4t tcrns. Tbey'i'c perfect ion tlîrýouiglotît aroi arc he sin.u4rt t*crec-s to lie liod. $4 tr Knox Hats E'.eîîiman kitows tiei Knlox liai. Tiîî- y'ue tlii, <ta: t- e4tIo î h fouritît la the land. We're i3huwing a trt'.':t lille ln btlh uliff antd sot iii In taery nc stiV'îe andu uhnade ai $ 510Io $15 Sweaters (tr il e v 1< ird ti t' vh-o.Th.y'te h.i lIt.-S LO E tho e cti P!lo cciors andi '7h. Ma-k Ccoss importati la ct-mlIia tors ue Th.'re l9. aite ietitquîly. Wa p:leu -h et:rlJ~ ful i l hae 0and îheyrée ait IeI frclrtr$10. $75 1 ý 1

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