TO fiVfE UNfORM YIELD EACII YEAR "Off Year" with the Fruit Trees Soon WiII Become Thing cf the Past. WILL IMPROVE SITUATION. That fruit graver, la thte future vill b. able te modify the ocurence et au ott-year iD bearing treos la tic op.nla oe Mr. R., M. Roberis. of the Horticultural departutent ofet fi l. cousin State univeritz lu a, state- ment. just lssued. H. says tbat or- cbsrdi are ln the habit er prôducing a beavy cr09 of fruit eue year airi this la usually foliowed by a year viien they produce very lttie fruit. This alternaise, ff-year lu production ls a double dlaadvantage te grover and consumer fer it causes an .)Ver- erlrlvded market eue yesr and thse neat yeair tlere ie Dot enougli fruit zo sup. lly the demands, wlich .rt-u1ts in bigli prices. lits encouraglpg Piophesy la baséd on experîmeutal vor'i that li@ bas been couductlug vib apple trees- te vhicb certain trees bav e been made te change their year of low produc- t ion be tbat part of the orchard %1111 bave ls 10w yield tii. >sar thse other trees have a beaN-y cr09 and iu this way san euni crep cen e prôduced. ecd year provided trosta do net in- jure the ffoyers. ja these pring. Mr. off-earÇ rui wuchingedfront odd tote acven numuiered yas,-Ap- pie treca have been made te bloom and beur successive yewa by rezuev- lug blossoms befere the fruit aets. Alee by removtng leaves tronmtihe trees durlng aumnmer. blosemutu formaiten bas been prevented wich ha cbanged the Year fer the heavy crop. It is claimeO that nmre or- chards are nov growiug trees titat produce lieas'y crops of fruit eacb ,year. and lir. Robierts belleves thia Is possiblA tu ail cae If grever. see that the. proper growth conditions are provided. Compote With Pyramide. The. only colupetteoa ofthlIe P1T5 laids, mye the. Automobile Blue Blook, ie the. famous painted rocks near Mri. ceps. Cul. Tbese rocks are ishat re- main eftheb. nignificent old fun Wor. ahilp temple viiere thousands ef lu- Aîsus gatliered eneit year.' The rocks Irere difcovered i.y early Spanlsh ex plerers ln tbe seventeentii century. sud It ia belleved tîtat the. group wa$ ine or eleven doren centuries nid viien thé, American Indiens tirt gawIt. Monksy. Numerous acs Brds. Amercan Y. W. C. A. secretarles la ludîs looklngj for'a camp ground for tbelr girl guides, bave been ammd ed t ithe undreds of mohkeys tbat cbase about tbeir week-end hunt- galow. 'înstead ef bîrd-bants vo cari indulge lu aoukey-butits," writes one of tiien. Indien girls, 1k the. Amer- [cou scbnol girls, are fofit< of week. ,otd . vith gwiming. hoatinj FUL IN LÂKE'CO. FOR TRtIS PERIOD E =teeyHot Speillof Great Bnitot. Corn Whioh. Needed iust That. OPPRESÈIVELY HOT 'TUES. AliLke County bas beea bavlssg veatiefor the. past' teD days -or more' It eecmed more l1ke sumnier day lt vau ePpree.ivelY hot and mon season. The. tact that fall oftici&ly arrived Tuesday nmade Do difftrente it vas a perfect ommer'a daY. Wth thec mercury standing at 98 and 98 inl under the avbtng at the Daity Blun oft.ce.,iee as au Ide& of hbeyý wàrm It han been. In fact. un Tue$- day it was opporoumvely he' t and men are knowu te bave even auspended "erte»n work tbey ver. doing becaus, it vas t6o hot to work. The vea tber ban been gréat-far the rlppening ot corn and therefere thse bot spetl hasn nt been without lts ad- vantagel. The varmx season arrived s0 tardlly tis Year that lt now Sp- peara ai if Nature nov inle mkîni uP for its neglect earlier la the yeer. The taet la LUt. Coufty han be baving woliderfuily fine veather for titis Urne of tbe leur and resideutg ivaut thé. verld te kiiow &bout It. T', il, i I ThmILens, inings, tapes that t Schaffnter C Marx vise in their clothes are ail c,)ld water shrunk by a sPecial prwMejs which takes up every bit of the shrink in lentgh .-ad breadth. $42*55O SUII Mnd double-breasted=toats are S Enie» look better in one than the otiier; but -in the new model-s tle lunes of botIi are riueli alike. WE'LL show you bot; and we don't want yo u to decide which is rnost -suited to you, tîntil you sce themn both. Hart Schaffner & Max (10 get a sp<ria1 binait ness of style itîto these suits-single or double-hrca.gtèd; i~ ~~i an ofI e h atisfactiou of variety, with the certainty of quality, if yoit IùUY here. Pî'h'es ywei~o low; we inake&themn as low as wc can. Our values are a- gîbod as cûî. -'ti - --Wr- Grad OemngSale, ewFail Dress Advantigeotusly PIced In, a Speckia Seiing For Thur ýtlii'".e oses are ciiarac teriaei hi umusalir Bue mater"alWhvithel f 0fOrOf eBeUmII. abd by - tidstinctive stYllns Ordlnafll lw il .-'iy the very bitbeat priced Sarments. six banimome styles are tstai siaove. Vkih bc hid glve YOU &anIdea Oethlit 8", 1 ': aUIity et tiie .auortbana. Mere art sergeo.. mie otinea.ool jurmcmyaiffta.satlas. eropi., tricolettes and com. M ijp.uàe a inbos. elaborately beaded, atl-over embroidered, ls4med vtit ai-over lm~ tu»lcp and doloue. Wash Blouses to,250 pretty bog@o volilcuand ergandie. in ail sizes a tiavarlety ot vsntei.styles. Si1k Blouses to.5.98 3.79 Fal Skirts Ia Sale at 9,,7 5 styllis nev akirts for Fli la ntii uitra faihiossable ccordl.a-knite-alde sud box pleated effactainl pretiy plaids anud checks Is wssinted coloringa. Silk Blouses to 16.50 9,098 'Mauy beconini modela are Included M1 .acbprile. At $3.79 ther. are ellk crepe 9 hie. georgette crepes and trieolettes. At 19.98 ther. are iiandaome creations iu dd. embreidored and over-blouae hiela lutbe cleverest combinatlona. msny bav- chcfrnged.msue. ..98 Jlersey Top- Silk Petticoats A very specisval ala offered tla aPet- ticeat et :11k jersy top viii a vide .11k sieta Ilounce. AUildorsansd skzes are Wonen's Sateen Pettlbockers and Petticoats at - omn2.49 adpeilochers lin ay.y. black and green spe2a $49. IrAmm ltaathé touti U~is., lrs. j e~asm Sar uiai wuai t u cf tam117 . flvus011- M' b l uot n$ ee usil atd Pai outadmit WSOtrfu...tà«,bé Md W. ». ti. ftmai &isM xtou mr -1 Mm Pvlld th tau* 'U twartolurne. uma wwre e <lithela iii. 'rti t tfommmii 4 U"luftfl qrpaa ame om »Y a tu ine qouaS lii fur nur "ipd WMsors Whdonil hou iattrvsrmm*e am el t TM * .114 ierlmam lly J tvau.aiMdIo uap yma its s àa LAdI f ate ait ,Mltii*7 nfor i ale.wu le Yva latte ductej la. lmWhe 5r mai< toita_« hlm tight is ffiâter paret Oimanltiibis rs& gaie.iast.i iat t m W the sy ervice tthéUited tatemis <ehers.oerefat. ii « X'm eut on fr, amt ilv"sIl i-lr J90 th hUi. 01 HAT1S For Autumn 6'50 9 9912~ 18s.5025-00 As attracive dispia> of velvet andS duvetyne dresu bats trimmed lu fie pop- niar COpper slnd geld brocades, beautiful estrici and beadsd effectsansd rîcli Au- tumi coelerlngmlas fruit and veivet tiSov. Omp S3hovnuli-eff-tbe-fae e ch china Mdi French sallor brima. Taiiored Hats For Business Wear Tailtrèd trcet bats for -busineéss vtis vide, medium-and narrovi brIma la navY. black and taupe. Al .are offitnt- ters plusix. * -11 Union Suits Wtm.ns Init wuo sls l h* a~ ie.bodie tep-rery 1.50 Union Suit $1 Womiewe extra qeAlity unies suits, lads or tiglit iD.., bodfc top. &I aisea. Womens $5 House Dresses ý 3.48 Porcit sud hoesdresses ef nice-leoklug gîngiama and per. cales. AIl colora. 2.50 H. D. Aprons Women'a houe-dreus or buis galov aprode a l al olora.very speclally priffl. - ----.--__s-___ lM On aid a nô»Y toett etg à geai1 Lho reme"e sp L1eetor Rt mia. Aid il ok .5.4,5 uv, . 1