TU BETVIL MEEDE<.THURSDAY. SMVEMBER 23. 1920. PII " e entire couniy ' f the bout keejîà 1 in "-pell ils traveling~ W. (* Il ngs and vIte to E W D $25.00, lot 35 Cum- o.'8s Noilh ave add, Wua- 0l and wvUe t0 P. '. Om' e W OD 100 122 aicres 00 1 . AmticL lown- MIAGE UDMU. Walker, Pt. oherMea U. lutait. çbmff.. m otia. Ruamua, i». g Buit Didiit Oml.- 19 Mt la ou a lisai 1 w. came sers» th~e dead RATBSNAP la wôuderfoL. 35#- 65c, - 126 'ýld anmd y Schanck lIardW;e-e Co. i Dmu Store. LAKE COIJNTv T lhe IWith MIINE c m o AM i La Grippg DUS Y for th f ,. 1 ELL I-Not Sales Talk , TT ln't expert opinion that bringa you enjoy' L mnent of your phonograph -it's your opinion, and the -farnlly's. It isn't because "someone who knows" saYs it's the best-that you ail gather around It In the evening, in rapt enjoyment, with the pleasure that cornes when you feel that you've got the best your money can buy. It's only because you're dead sure of -it, yourselt That's the way we feel about s elling Brunswicks. We recognize The Brunswick as a leader among fine phonographs--a leader in artistry -anid build-a leader in purity of -tone production. Th But It~ after exact and close comparison, you don't believe that TeBrunswick is the, finest, then ft isn't thec besltw . Syou, and we th your iLe won't urge you ta buy kt lhe Brunswick n eye& laselle ItseIlf Or rather, 'omnparion sela it. .Beforeyçu choose your phonograph, corne and hear The'Brunswiclk. 'Then make com- out of àdo . parisons. W. leavo the- 4ecision to, youl, «4 dMwma. ruwithhut