CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 5

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M LIBUMVjU NIM OË«IJ<. 1MAAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1920. P.A UT 0F IWINEss ou5 cohCiEe lWJt S witt. ;block and bvtek ma- ing in good erdsi; silo 1run one yeur. j. L Ihno l. Pbpm. . 38tfd lodel 90 ove ria". tour- e1919; .aetleai new. Oevea go"i Urss; z .Addreas: xUI are nie t-Ota et hait prie5 liert double jsin. W. le Vjsw, 11L 3"- 1011555 aud kmt ut 111- 0 and e*sY teim Ni RENT-Nou« as" the 1 et Lake Znu"c. Ad- Mner. Baruingis., inI. ambor "dl wiattruaa %couse. Telephmae10 LI-qoum hse utmi- dsbaq ige »1aIahe prumiffl Et vus. Pearcnt Citiens Daak. Are. FO o'r thtes boms for epîng f',r mani and wift2 L.eedY!vt. iu& Ariricati l'lie Jrit')I, Hois I rui IltOff11.51 Da) if .cre. In 1EIF i, ""Et e .- andi A, soUl. -0i -nu0 0, ný1i. et ;9 à-. buildir.k.i, ail tl i i,.Pla;ineti rivér. 100 GIRL FOR CIN. bEWOFSK. Ne L.AUN. WORK LAOV IIIOS. 0. GENiESER STREET, P>IONE M. If in or wfftUefl tu take 1 fTlend,. afnd iieighbork§ lie guaranteed heeler%, kfes derlug. 'Wt a r spart 'liDo or $21 t, xperlene, Unmf lsiy. Mtoral '-ck ià Mill, few mem is the one = u will want M ct and1 the pay- be arrangod as= upreme PhoRo-= quality that youE Mnograpb--&,-. M lion d la Do- = the ofl¶ bissesi lent of ils kwn Terms recQYds. PuyI you hke'bea M Local and Personal Short Items of, Eapecial Interest ta Libertyville People M. W. Parkhurat wus a Chicago vis- Ted -Havis was a Viaukegan visitQr itni, Tusday. Sunday. 1.hlam Fitzgerald wa a Wauke- Ed Bradley apetît Sunday at gdviuitor S4tday ecoing. .the eounty seat. ~ %Mr. ma irMs. Clifford Paust were w .Croltenaîdbens Waulegan viiiora s atutday eveqingi or..Crrl rnatedbSný 1 ln (Chicago Tuesday. The 1(apke family of Waukegan nuit e i Dlhr vqtdreai tored ta Libertyville Tuesduy. Ms ieteto- îîdirilst in WaukcgeSunday. Mr. and Mm. Wm Schiey and dau'h. Si.. n ioer han sotti bis A jutoino- ter. Ufihl4el. sPent the week enld in Chi- bile 10 a taurty tn Area. b cago. Uta. A Akofer of Evansten vus. Mrs. Aana Keliber of Wetik0gau it Hlited 1rhol olirereelasI Tbursday. lted fKirndltii i tItrtl viille * uI utay 3(1*- A4aRittvr or Chioago waz hem pIday evenlng, t.he guest Of t-cIa- ty.. MMs. Charles G. ui -ltf Highland ?&& Osuet Wednesday wit b(Mn. R. «r.AneW. Wilsnon f Hait Day died a ltte McAlistet- hospitalin ta u- kegu at riW-day. Miss Chnliitine Smith attenkded a sur- prise PartY givea la houor of Miss Blaé Schwerman Stnday la lilmer. E. Toas.I Mn. Hart-y Rogers of Chtego menu MJqýEliabet Aluf- spet -un-Tuesday ln Libertyville with ber si3- Nilu ElzalittiAiktf. 41101 unter, Mra. J.-S. GridIéy. da te b vanston with ber si8ler, NI- -tï Au"a Akofer, ias, Walter PoPle and ti lîidrea i The Rerii,,v i fili .tli]li ioo ed ln Aria tone day iast week witth cIa4ý wllrnetFr-1 -t 4 1 -Ms. Hermnau Kuebianif. Mr@. H. E. Hitcks of Wauconda bas been vieîling ber son, Paul Hicks andi het itor. Mrs. J. C. Ittilly. Site re- ltllînrned lier home Wednesday. The Josephi Medîli f'aîîereon.s and their daughttra. Alice, Einor andlfI Phine, ex.»ect 10 sali Sept. 30 on the 4quitanla, 10 attend the- winter iln The many friende of George C. Gre-en will regret to 1.arn that 1e la serioitaly IDi at hie home ln Kaukauna, Wis,, heving recently suffereti e etroke of parays. Sidney Fry, wbo was en>poyed on the Hawrthorn farm for sme time, dled at tise lcAlister hosphial a Wau- kegat laut Friday. foliowitg an opera- Ernest Molfett 1itan -, i Iîi ffs i~s1f-î Jci -11 t2tsI., s fil.- gfief. n Ubiago todiuy. ot lietefsl in Naukegan truday> Mr. andi lra. Pauli' G . 'kre VWalte~r Hagen of inneapolis. Nlini Chicago vsiitors W.fti-iifin,ýftittUul4.y figlit wiîli Mt. and .. C. Goti, fie PoPlalliieo lt-syH. Ateril. M't. Hagen 5mas Pr] mien, iade a illets i p f ilîçic î t,-tif tf taliiOflhnim %V"n. î'day. Tii.- cotndi tion of lu i n .if i FrediiJochhelm.left si f î oi. ( A t sba . lantît City,,New J".n<-> (0 attend a astédtnu.iefi çmie. coneeènîlon of those îlî -ii n 1theSSneteew8omsera p bAking Induary. Ht-tSfi.vtl b, gone about a week. Thbe Sharyl Girl Club met at the- home et Miss Marie Enflt-brecht last Friday eveniiig. Thiâ club le 10 gis-e a dance et 1the Auditorium Friday eve- nlng. Octotier S. Uffl. Re wau welil known and liked lili Mr. andi Mis. J. C. Itýity expeet to Lihertyvilie. Funeral Monday, with ln- icave for LOS Anlgeles,. leur., 1in1the lerment In 1the Haf Day cemet-ry. near future. where the>- witi make Itot. u.,set- arile ettin - thteir home. They bat .clve sýns re- Mise Plor. f, t-Spate anid BenedietaildnSae tht- lrit'.-. sieî, fr e. Edwarda, i Mt. and Mr@. Roger E. Kitby and Chicago SlaI urtiay, Sept. 18. Mra. Root dons, Bruce and Bob. of E% .tnaton. mo. was a lot-mer Libettyvilie girl, a niece! tored to LlÀbertiville Titursday andt of Chiar-les F. Smale. 1 . f sxuent the day vlsiting ett hi tiome or JtiigcE 1. Hbbad lfi ueday P. Evilslbor. nioi-ing for Peoria. wbere he bu sbeenM-. tmaZgeb--itcieta In attendance et the annuai cons-en- !%eek from West Sait, Il., 10 oejoin tino lie tllinois Higbways Commît-1 e ubn aLbtîVt..Ttyd tee. Mr. Hubbartl will relurt-laLiber- ,tarteifrCapinMna.vî-î tyvill l-riia1 jlit-y will maire their hounî. cis y'mp1 - , ep 4 f f i e -- i Tht- ifformîali eitioaiîgis t-n by lte j .-i itffin.or >,Mi-,X .hiMrs. Cis. 1). NichIls anti thittren Parent-Teaclil 'Association aethe12l A number of imembeis fIi ît huttît NIr >ndMr. el ad onofreturned bomta- Monday. afier bavîng , tili t-rhrsl Fiel-ay (s-coing was a vet-y Delta Sotrlty of Noitbwiî,teî-n Uni.- Illghiand Pet-k. 's inita% uuguests ut sPent il weett afth (Chicago frît-nde. sceallafîr .neceln t-o cl>soeenlertaJneti ail. houSe lfart> lin- W E. l>eekcî 1 s' a' Aenl extell-nt b prof-!sIl thue Ulm. J. Dllon htititi ti ti. I .Mlw E. Aoicil itusâreturnet i ont Mon-gia i loed. rfrs- tas oSna ets ît-uui.-î iltesonai gnl,.n-.f~-day atetnoon froîn Chicago, l e e nîMZati-idancing. Other Oitet toge - -latNIe tut 12e. anti otheris astscoon as possible. ite iiti-ti fo u difor st-seraI itays of tht- -soito.are luocdi frie i-i Mi s. 0. M .vttialiuiw aiiii liiii-muit ýA. . arol lqosýlhu e 8t. tt wtthi l-asue by t hoii i rrt t. t iaee ti l -ed 10 tht- ti tîî in itifitnt W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r W(ari&Sos hoe2 2t anti lrs St-phen KeiteT-sait i - tierg Snal atifsniy WrmO faughter, Miqss Mai-sella. tof LoLo; ltt. Ni-rrit, i. rt-presentative of tii- uti. Montana, afler 1i %iiLs -lit-nh1e At-ca MUndaLY visîtîng sith11e home <of Gruve, Vsit tatîrda> with Mir-.uuttmobiiu' department in the offlieI l threwestîl llil h Mi-,. Omalia paretnIr. M-anti Mîrs- M i-> liili'of 1the r--ayof state, e-astLie-Ifmî lIM-.1. George sml t>-.îlete 12< iret of 1the week, cheeking. Reilly. Mr.i- il 'd. is ttîîî UnIt ltt lasI t 1ip on possible -vioation outh11e autom,:. Mr. and Mrs. Wjlliaiiîi lendit uiov ed The Juveilie Mysute Workers witi 'I'ttui>sda% foi- itakîtîs i,-ieY2ewsiliibile tîcense iaws of lte state. gr,-lto their newi> tttrchluset hotme on mccl Salut-day. Sept. 25. aeth11e Mý-t, isi- hi s0n. Gmorg, L iisk, toi-, -Metrîit*ebonne is in Charleston, and 12e 'k I-e bs~eklt.Sariand Rai et2 ocio p ii sus ~ ua ir-t-ts epoits bumper crops for the fenineis family. Wbo have been living in the folwd ya»aI E a.h n tisE i own 112re.,Fendick bouse. have pîtoibsed lbh- toiloeti Y a art>i-:n-t-hCt le vei,-vlî ant isEiaiplace knoWn s-tht-e mteelon 1 Mrs. Et.g!Ia 1llIi,f iirit--io J., Fîiin e-stti.- tî.n i.i bîtutti,> Edwin Ausin .the t-est estate tdealer. t thsi home of h-tr daughî tr Paulifi . uifiet ii, i'!tt ilebid,.-iayv il pays 10 adtei-tiée. Mr. Austin Millwaukee avenue. 0. Étay.Mra il.'rselibergu r t-ctui aft2t- inii i>îîUsit-n telasaifieti columa utf The Inde- Te teachera uf 1i-. Lit. it:.sille iififl 12r Iffllif I ni ti4M -V. %lkoi> 1.îodntp-Iltweek. anti las matie 16 stol aiUcborloidu.în E T lliîgc îîîil> u n-, iî.îîîii 1i i , i t Dulîîtî- ttal, i sîtetiiotuFI;salesince Aprili lt For the rtturns e, u-it-entOttaineti last Tlîuîstiy et- and marguerite %t'sigî) iiti' fii lo- O, il iti w tuli lei i-rtwrt ortenltleasl x ing ai 1the home of Mi andi Nirs. lPaul Etiabceth Ingrani î,f Uliiivgutîil,î , n t u .fti - .laiîit t.tfk ti'"ý 1it ryoi icts -i Ray. A ver> t-njot>abet toue sas to Fm( Tioy, Wis . iueuday tuti îtBI Il i uturn,-i iont- 1 u 1f i-luianfelIai at atr deust li h-b' g.- ici iiio eîiit'li ' t-tnient of 1the schttfl it k fIiiinv lit north of Liberty> s- litustri tli. *iA i- -lit-Ms I l ,i. tn-ir irc t ai.- it-vs iut n jna',I-tulfit fi ha l., e-Nu. 1:12., NI at i- ter hospîtal. Wsukegan if'ftCft 2hu fa ft-'lItI iftii,,NMonda)> en-I; otii f th,- Wfrlîl hl-d lis unnual Foi> Hiurs lIestt un"t%,111 be-.ýii from as et-bus opiralion Tu dit,1.-l 1'.1ttfti ffi itei5. wiil te lollowing fietstSunduiy.'Set. 26, iiai .Joseffli's irtl 1i-an, lI-iitett Frets-pt - Manri- î'thoJîc elîtiieliFaîher Iiîdort-, eii marrall lielliswasj..tiel it Nti ij.ojzý -, ! Vii ci IlliiiV.bit; Set-rttai y. Laura known t1<t, p,-Ieople of St. Jodettit y4, i nliy tu> Arthiur li. -iuli-'of 11it 4uliulay > sa .k ii t i î XiAlisi p i,îuuîtn- st slt i st ietl lt -;rè l4nt.Edîlli Wellsa:MarchaO ilas.H i pçtIla'h as i WaUkee anti Mise MeliitaOh' î hiviia u X. i-f f ii' i Cii, iafs.Atilri Mrha.'.%amss.attasoo 0nanih at forms~ Lberyvil.-- cacer -eîi.ii- tfli-li-ii. iKnotx;,Watlei-, Car-oline Scliînaebelc..Xone>mitght. Il isurgedth lal ail - Sentinpt. Chas. Hart inzîfo. spr-r' i îembt-rs of thet-hurch lbe aresent el tir, laitnes lînke. tht-seservices.i'hepubliç ivpitl t litar Faf 12r Isidoret. - IX NV.E.Ashardti 0ftiw pi tittioi i liee Xleechanthla 14.litn-i %-ci- eti laN*! i lli iiEdgat if o> seîî.thle ,i) -at UUW~WU iit.r tut filIiiftl lIii iisrttniom Gei>. t ,filo-fii-f,ttand Mi-s.lienry -BoN XX. lirnah-m Ftr t i s't ial >as e itîi.ii,-toi\ eabolit toînuit-rile A.-hlil il lia i i ti i .1-îî lfiî.- Aini ii.f i .iilp i I.dîctl Wednt-sde> ra-, t i l t,. . , ute flltt in i - i g 2lil, i ii i < >.itîîî i ail es fît- ri-ti HC VE yin.î0ày U MAGn I Tiîlleîyou-lTaetoF R Ee 1 , 'iI.i 5114 ii1Nlifi t tt'fi uIesTiuellwl ele Comein l an, bne nd 1wJltes 5ou ilagneo fee )f w,, iýI hli . f-i-', tta c(Ii iui iihe nature cili[lie jcharge,. and, if il s ...eak, tu-jlrechiargeI -.t-hile vo ,a.. li ,îîîîfiun\iniion of2 f iîf Iîtu-- irhiti ued iliiitidethti f 'tfi Litit. i- i nci-al wjll be pi XVfînll, hri irstiaîn T.iiitf ,ti We L%îeîîe lr iiîsnan ,t t i otia> and i e-t Webt ecnl> nsîailed a Mlagneto Charger. the very latest 1 close Fita> Tut- rtîi,.ting js bcing 1Lunt iitl-;iarIL1 e ralng ;i -ktl amart-dU fri- his tiasS of woi k. and can gît e sat«isfaction. bn-lut il tht- Et .nLelitii-lcIi corner -iiiift f f i enrivin liono. i iv Ci-f fit Bayt> Flinit uti.utrt-l Asvtnue. miliini-i i NiMiss Elsie .;peck Magnetos dharged bv îhts ntîîchjn ioî îe guai ml Ced t g ve pet- Iir i nPi', T httlis est'ning a goil nnai i'-, ;lie( ktoan home on ittroia feCt Sel-vie for i t.o years. .loratoit.l ffontes5t, ili lie ht-Id tf .fý .X\rîîrîts o!fnIemberl, oii.112e: .Ft-tlinmnent(st-it be pro'uiietifor' Kapfpa D.ella ;(ftiiity of NoitlNsestei,il nN ho dt-,iri) it imain os-tr Thora tUniNsvuy stteIre irtent.Mise, Taylori Libertylville- Garage Re air hopighît. îo itrtil weirîtc10at l f the(ari.- g hrofD.anti CHA. M BENAR, Popretr 01 pg'.ttitýý(e rhs 1isse.wll iebridetit- i sol t'f ttingill of Esatiston, CHAS. M. BERNARD, Propnetor - lfa ful pa-e de t.) i l to vat,e R y 12e urdii t u set t-tiber 25. Theitîe fe lump Phone: 202 Garage Phone: 202 f(1lercvd wybatu gtsan l-ut-îîture antd Paint Store. fealltring l ol vnnzNasaetb i hs _______________________________________________________ lte Brîtnswlc-k 1lionogrfflit.., This aen- sttnsse tan yauIis ________________________________lit__..__.....___j____,._____pi-tsent. Take Ntie DoOmfa t 0"&0W&w D y &r"lî W«"" mat*.muIC sedse&" kat il. J. LkW", ors .. Gmt.' Furiula m h.. smeausY". You can %in success ini your cliosen profession,'as hundreds of thousand of ailiers have-donc. There s a right course for you. Enrol at this Display and get a special 109v discount on any caurse yau select. TALK OVÈR COURSE AND PRICES WITI -J. H. LINDERMAN GEOS Ç DLocal RepresentativesI terpî-îstng tirm bas receittîy addedto île sales fOi-ct. ant iql pusbing the pop. tler Brunswick 10 112e- Irnt. many .aItelieipg mateienibtis t-rrtîoy. The Brunswick cil1ms 10 bave features to 1e found la no other mec-ilne, among tht-m being the ebllity 10 play all rec- Vrde teit t-quel cleaees ahd '311h no change or net-tlt-a or othei- parts. Any one contemplating 1the putchasof a Coinc itent si hthIe annouincenment of Ht-or> Ford of the bigg tut in the- price In îljs sers. A. C. Ree, proprietor o! the Hec Motoi- Co.. anti ome of bis employes, Fr-ankf Wilson, alao broke ioto the- Iimetiglit Wednesdey. hin. Ree camie to lts place of businessi that day wering a suipet-anile announiclng te tact that the. stork bad loft a fine phonogî-apb wildo veli b call at the baby, girl et hie home. Me lound'Mn. Ray slore and tavestigate. -- Wilsonl wotking withuiual vigor, and ter. vas ae general Jolllfication wben Owtag t1 8a misunderstabidng an the latter gave out the Informauion etnbarressing mistake vas made i an that ho waslte father of tho most Item la lait week's issue of Tbe lutte. wonderful te-lt boys In the country, pendent, for whlcb 1the repotet &0. Bot pppes arc atep.9lng 12gb and 069" th ie blâme and offers an apology, wcating bats considerably enlarged. ailo equets th2e paper to pubhhe. toilowlns cottected Item: A pretty George C. Deeket- bas taken a fut-~ home weddlng look place Wedneedaytilon wlîth t-eInternational Cottes- afternoo, September 15, et the home pondence lichoola ai c-reireaentatlve of Uts. Mary Bader on Btainard Court witb J. M,' tdeman of WaUk.iun. when bei daughtsr, Mina Aina Baer for th2e Nortli Shore district,« Tbey was unît0d la marri jage b William have on diaplay et 11e J. B. Morse Zosliter, son or Uns. M. Pagels of Chi. Étore an outline ofth11e work donc by cage, in the presence of a few relatives students of the ecéhool, and have pros- aid tfria The floral decorallons Pects- for a large enrolinent. amoog vers a4tens. Aftet a bounltiful yod- Libet-tys-tte lit tpie. Tbree graduates ding utlpp6r. the Young oduple left for of Ibis lnseliltution are now ocated In Beattle -and otitot western points. Mr. th2e village,. viz: HArvey G. Moss. elec- ZoelIner la 1. the mploy of lte C. M. lrics.l engineer: W. B. Armstrong. t-af- A . aittU..R»&-imisuoellnlwr4* tiremanagement. atieMr Radta=t Ibat of 12e -edetal Rt-serve Ban 1k of, advertieing mnanager. se dlplay..aii Cbc1 o vertisement In anotiier columa. n 112e sofL (lay bt-me ground iUp oisif.,. cloutis of duel. The o>1if ut on tbi.s -iummier lias about lst 'ils usk fuiness. Therisl a mot t-ment on foot to spt'ead .înutler etia i i. im ( if i inthle litsînesu, district, whicli %vil] abate 1the dust for: thin fali, andi willi also tenil 10 keen!l the street in fair- condition ttîjs comingI wintcr Ail fti, business me» aon Ihis aIreit seeni to be In tas or of ýmore oit. vo ail thal leis1acking Is somcène 10 take hlod and pusb 1the matt-r of se- curing 112e.nccesgary 011. The Libertviilndepeaemnt co W"inthe LAT3cowntr Devis. Liberty Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SEPTMBER 24 AND 25 BOSWORTH ini "BEHIND TUE DOOR"ý SUNDAY. SEPT&LBER 26 DOROTHY.-DALTON in iiHIS WIFE'S FRIEND" M I. CH 1,tF-R N,i fît Report of the condition of A' 1( i n ti2f f he iiNias ti f l nt thie rlaffi- îf ii.le..- ptem, . t2( i l.Sîi.f t Droit................................... i I"tat oma.......-...............................Ite7 V.Î'. fiiiemujentaei-u, ie, ,.nmi t, eilgusato eecuru 1-ý M:d.îiwitî(ptar valus) .... ... 5.nOI) il tbeiuselsvoian ralli 'tat,.-)- îthcrriitt hî îltpayable 10000 tIl ti..)sud uptî ... .......u- .. ... V «& a Pieîîlttm ou Cr'OS. ndv .- - -. ............ i itat t. B. lfiterniu,ent ...f...."......4. i. nil ecuiritie'.. etc s e -înis ther thau 1% .4S. unds i t in iiludinutei iwn«ed n.)vlusd. ........................... '91618,16 tf .ftîritrust and ther notesa ift irporatlans isaneilfor fiat leu tian One Vier novuri',"titan Thrffl em tlime.. .'r 'atai (end.e tWnil..etC.. otier than LU, 9............... k2. i. tiiir ttiaii Fi-deraI ti,r 've Bank stuuk ..... .................W ýI -k of Psu-al BasýreBank <59 nec seat aofsubi'.iplion) ....1... . i.t-a, iiak-liig ii ý.... ........ Lawfulra ,w1th Pederal &àawe '..... .. Items vtth Feu-tgra'l eBank tu proiemua ofl eli(fl'ot aVa"ihm a-i reenr.. ....... ..... .. ............ ...............,n. iesýh ,ta nit ata: lt iaffittdue frr ntaatban . .......>..........?5..z ttieuiliiion liaika iiithe s am- ity or ta ama rrunrting haiik.......... ...i ? i ierki onharki s oe fU-fli I.Aty or towa tiftretaiftif baiik anid allier cash Items .......................................... Uleda ition fuie) wlith V STrattrer and due frî.m ti S. Tr"ais.1N5 ~ .i....... ........................ ...... 1-a iit'Udr.-.1 .52v t i2.s.... :f7 ........ ........ îîr..... c il.... . . it, ",.,.ie.i, daî p ' - ittm . . . ... .....1. ti-fuitî t., . -f r.,tî î clusna dui...........2t $73i 0,1 0. b S (, d t . C fit.. ..îî he tt. Be tan e. m k . *.rtIt h & i' trrtî22f, th-ru t ur, if yk.wé ,d . if .( a L V "iOW. .2 i,,.. . nt. , ,r t . t f. si t -Br.-, Ri . Y IIi .S.2 4 t.i.ibiiiii...iil,, hi,, fi, ., ..,i...'i-fiit,-d Di iîtruid R srvr. . 8U .s730=UMM.à# it. à because we want sud appredate -yoor pahomage *M. -we wifl go the lisait to satisfy you here. We w'11 give you one hundred dollars' worth of service où a five dolar purchase as readily as on one runnin mbthe thousaýnds. Ini short we are. here to ter%-e. you. which assures you of, the highest grade of lumber service that bas been devise&. Try us and see. Reacliing over 15,000 readers ecd week-readoes wims bW, m icles adverised and pay for tL.., lThe Indepemieut as w" a rival as, au advertiuig Laite conaty. -ý'1 New lime Gowns and combination baud made Phlippine embroidery! ul 9I f Ieghand gene!rouss *çà ech pJ.50 New Fali Waists, silk stripes, light and dark colore. Crepe de Chine Waists Georgette Walstr, House Dresse Special coverail Ap rons, each - $1.68 W. W. CARROLL & SONS' COMPANY, Where Particular .People Go FRINT GEORGE'S MAJESTIC THIEATRE WAUKEGAN, ILL. SUNDAY ONLY MATINEE - 3.60 P. M. Evening. 7:30 and 9:00 ONLY HIGH CLASS. VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN CHIOLGO AND MIL WAUKEE i i

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