CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 23 Sep 1920, p. 8

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nia $140PER- TURI PER PUT1L IN LOCAL SCî,Oq%Ài jW Eoonornically Operated Re~a Sohool in Coîn'ty is Foud in Dst. 93, Area. I. A. Simipson.roîtiats' uperlu- o~ea f icitola Tmeicîay submitties tise Comislaoner o! Educatbon, eut cf te Inlerion, et Waab- , iggm D. C.. a report of the enroîl- «Oerage allendance nia7>(J Mdtotal coet Of operetion [csolUn Lae putt>and a Im la one school. district 18. Wh. viere lte »anulai ~of laealonper pupil la $99.86. t~~~pl Qhr~r u>ix pupila enroil-1 mi atis s clool and tise total eut, 4< esUton per year la $598.1t. 4»e'of tise méet economtcaily cou- d** tai ra slooleinlutheocounty l AWia. UDitrict 93. This1 school bas angrlinluat o!f fittaM. sud thes a.o coperation le 8#34.6.5.verc = IM-dstpert-pipl belng'-$42.41, 'Ihtt' aIs» ha a long term, beltui 1% *@WtOB 1$0 day. pen Isar. smôm Y> a t Otm.ruuaiug sei 10unv1ma 1, «ya Dbrdjlgtou, District 28. itg *Mreport aboya tue nebd 'of ocImUmbotl of 0f:Ulioldistricts uWereVe possible, As tios.. ucoola mii tise anieat enMimntslare mm« tise 85t expenite te opor- ai, eme r-npupil belai conidère&. Ihispormt,'l5ti4t la anSflex- e i ring a high alaied teacit- eaUuataiung a biglgsy ikprot- a MicaL This uciool he Ms enroîl-à meut cr 11,'end the &saUnAI cot Pt $peiRI 1444.16. an avtrage ecof$445per pupil. j MPP, IIRS IS HURT IN A FALL' RAVE YOU TOURS Vleoy MI-si fboth 'sleîl vhîcî *11e gî-et uIs citing ta ever reti-rai <f IE . 0 IVoatr. Cnfet sam S .h::i it"i(i - 1i-Ai-,$1.tnDQ. 00(b fotr th. rAr~Ti t Ania.. ltý- I l a i-,' t'". io e Vlila te , ii ',!.. i sd on Il ÏA a. bartua tar nuage bm. às'vl De eIder partiel NEW FRIIE MAY -BE IA%ÀDE IN~ LIBERTYVILI 1hi_. ,oductioiuof twIo eusaof C , ne focmerly gi-oas,tse grol i.iitflfltoeron tesanme. vi SÉyracte, N.'Y.-Edward V- (PP) .,.oriiierly xuroduced one are i2ems.of Libertyville, lU,: veleta" .~ for a new fi-i tilizer itwénted baue) river,.uffre&- ,aiflnNtini gobacterioIogist: jaioevieh bvu 'from his .nlhiy i -ý e ehdral s' i the I m orac !the.grand circuit osil , nwrebd elyln go tiseatate fair tracit besYeslerdliy v s.impîy an ýoli process carr 'The vetera drifer drove to finish i tu a new way, sccordlog to tii. geoond place lu the second bei' " Wood, the inventor litvili qf thse lg erot, sud Juat a- his bho, the high cost of living. 1gh crommed the. finish it 6tuTa.bled and I-1 ..tbrèwâgiI Geels beavily to the trec,.. ii work'eind, above ail, it i%. çhe lieumutalued a seyereiy spraine d ù gay a. gbd.t Mind vylt , but troPes to b, Ille new fertiliser la mantifactui - ail te reume hlm drivftw aet the (fib)the Nitro-Bacter Liquid Fortih 40, 'metig' pnn o . corporatiot, -wlth offices at 36 Se t)earhorn treet, Chicago. Dr. Wc i resident. and P'. E. Cociterel. Se, flêII'EC ry and lreasurer of the coin5 M 1 M s inlu ibrtyville Tueaday look tîvei' lhe, i savie* tb establ ~ ~ ing a factory In tuis vicinlty for Dr. Woods@ method consista oft ciuatiui( the. grouud. NitrifYiug Ae pronounced drdr, Inte i ,,î ganimma found la the rmots of ie level OF .vholesale iics .. mnous plantà lise alfalfa, cioreri A1tgust wIL eporl'.-d ldy h., ret'ow peasa.are isolated sud itept ai deiartmenl (f lahor. 1In a liquid solution, tnultipllcd and * Mpasured by echan-ie-. in tl, iPu.\ tqrneil to the soli, where tbey mi n"umihm o f Ils, bmiîe 0', &la î-tmore accessible the nitrogen la tae,gtc. the decrease was 4 1-2 1. c-:i L. grouud. Foodst.jfs sbsor. 'ilthe ît "I think that 1 bave goi.vedt' priee retesiionti. iii' de(re 'lemi in iny liquid solution," said Doc *aging more ibhAn 12 par ia Wood. "ln the liquid solution eloths and clothln.t 5) .-4 > virrns are ke.)t alive, whereas tîhe Fuel and I ghtinz niai. h 'o.1-i nent wsas not very succesisfu' ttnueti theit utvsard lrin; ,au keeping thern alive in dry forni. increnae of more titan fi, 'fi. ptrvitenl nitrates for use on the fi stalle metalit md l,w-e )an'l cusq th te eiglhborbood of $30 gonds asrsbowiiwai n' av, tiintlisrt. c%%bile ni> solution eau JUIF îrodlice l fii25 i'ent s an acre ý lU certainly want to 7,.-e money, anad you v ý,aJ 1loeto have btter bakinga. Tlwra Calumet. It', the L_- ting yo'a catidlu La im- prov-e i quilîîy 0f youc bakîngs -and4i evcrbakîng cousL. Calumet is made in the larg- est, mout aantâry Baking Puwler Factorie la inteé WorkLd No Bah. lng Pawder Io rmade under beter candilcnsw-uoue cati h.bter in quàalt>. H cmny nUca inir a U. &. Pure Food- A aSlue g»Mn. UMET~ ~ 'M - - - It received highestAwards, Worle PureF"oExpoMtt*nCh!- $rrnre-peil*ve prlo0f IkW maper It is used by more house- vies, domsetic ientistand chef3 ti',n anyother brand. That wouild acb h ae.i t voe paisible to secure a lagher quality leavener. It às soldat a moderate price. Ali lu bave toe (t.> leto compere cost t determire ltnw miieh yiou çMeaumte by buing Calumet. PudeuoCalumet e 103îafulit n I~Po n C1-4 C. r. »,, 3.i avei tei 9"P.îiiitPowd.,r.5 eue isiter litc'.p cuit; wnil te-mpco=oSrang eztnut. Ibm 10 in W evnir wi THE LIBETYVNLL sFFnEmB 23. 1920. BOYS STEAM RIDE ON TRUCK, LANDS TIIEM IN LAI(E CO. GRAND JURORS FOR PRIMARY DO]PEJ'PRIIARY RESULTS1 COUNTY FOR TItRE tlow are soi nteresting dodue- W SINDIB TERMS ARE NAMED maryof Wedue:daYdducions toOl wa E EALD I Grandl jurors for the October, Deson utaimt dovn sud dope kt ouC : 0 cèituer andl March term,. are nnid1 O In whNTAîVEprove' dtu> bc0one of liae T as. follows: O tPÈETTV otn prlmaries ever beîd, Coi. A. Henry O. Sbaw. Hugb MiIl, Benton., Weiss catTlBd the district over V Smiltb avept ait bttt tour procinots Ociober terni. 1Pierce. second blit man hy &ania- o! I4ke eouaty la bis colt tialut James., J. Biril, Win . .dwards. JorIY 01 1208, lte vote belua 16,295 Wm.-iL..Deoae for thse Rep.uhièan enon. hc' e u. for'Weinss ad 15,087 for Pierce. uomination tor i tes attorney. J. H. DePew, Jno tD. Thomas. Weiss carriefi Lakte couuty by 6i.43? Win. F. Weiss Of Wàukegaa-va. ' Menton. March. avec bis next closest contender. lbigema = tho-Igis Uc ii.R14ii Thomas Straug, Newport, Oct. Francis. lieuanmiaton for the lover bonme. Grant Murrle Newport, December. Weiss lu Laike cdunlv got vtin lie svept Lakte conty b> a voader-1 Michael Lux,. Newport, Marcit. 4.762 Votes o!riaaviug as~ many As the fui vote sud receivedl a vote of rec- Robert Setter, George Hacktney, An- other fouir cOMblna. Hia total vote ogiitiou ln tb. other tva coquils til-,, ct.lài Laie couuty vas 13.811 vbermes vere It vas apparent the votera foi- JamieMcveagh, Ira M. Simuons, Deq- bis oppontioIt rolled up 1&,573 iu Laie.. iowed the.mane policy tuat I4ke couD- cember. . 1Pierce csrrîed bis home comzty. Bonne tY Peopie bldaiuelyof Casting three M. Burk, . EH-awkins, Antioch, sud Vckers carrled hlm, Mceury. ývote. for.thelr owu home M»n. Marcit. Pierce,, with 6,278 in Boone Mot The statev attorney fight vauthe . Geo. Koetia, Grant. Oct., Wilhlu 2.689 vote. of havhi ap many . lg â gbt lu aite COU ty sud nine out N. P. Grueter. Grant. Dec. as bis four oppc.ueuts comblaed, thoîr Of ton cella titat cons fron tthe Daily John Stratton. Grant, Msrcb. total bol" &3U64. .1Sun outie voe.ou the etates attor- LooBanoabeLaite Villa, Oct. Viciera lu BcHenry coualy. viti ney. The. mecnitlu interest seened etGaa B areVll, . 7457 tu bie crédtlî as itasORclose ob 'hte enatorlàl flght sud 'that Fred Hamî-lu, Lake Villa. Marcb. tuh eqtlalliaig the combined vote0f bis I as the second question usuali> asked liViliam Wilmiugton. Avon, Oct. OPPltll ls nasvere Weiss inMu n _Un-b hIelers. Sidney Carfleld, Dec. . t> anid. Pierce lu bis. Tii. tour op-I Keen lnteremz vas centered lu Wau- William Pester. Avon, Marcit POtiei±t.i f Viciera roied.iap a lat it egan ou the législative *igbt viere J. J. McCaughey, Warr-en, Oct, of 15.197 lualicHenr> 50o11lseen tlasy Mr- Weiss thse couI>Laieeacufttyman -Iu H. Klug, Warren. Dec. otaled 7740 more tian Viciers 1lut Plat 5etrenusoum battie vitb amie H. A. Taylor Warren March. Mcuenrv c60ont.. of the leadias pUticant bein& egainsi Arthtur, Stripe, Win. Melodyr L. A. It -as. the big vote Francis got j t hlm. Hovever, hoe evet Wauiesea - foolittle. Wauiegui, Oct. Laite COucty that crrieS him tu in a nit an otuer plirts ofthe cotuti r C. H. Holiptelu, .W'.. Ward. Chat, tory ir ho béat ViclKars ouly 423 in and-"i a reemit of tise splendid en- S Armes. Watk . gan. .Dee. 1 liýtse dlstriçt-I.akc gave 1-im a total or dorsemeut iven lien by Lake countl it Joe Porgysit>. Emaiuel Schwartz, C. 6,34.Br. Welesa vasthse hih mi n ath.e 9. E. Bairtov, Wauitegau. Berch. Weime got1#8811 lu Ue cotant>, ý 'viiole district. à- Thom. Huonsu. d Kelly. Shields, Oct. helng ,frontWauitean. leavia8796 vot u t la at !tieeoug James Mitchell, Harey Hyde, lu basance of tue cotnty. tc theos rn an r o tisoenSu - ar KraftiDe. W .Shmn béd Pierceot 4»8lan vboie cout>, Office as "vraitountil the. trainOmme CMarl ra W . Shua' SIe .22*belng from Waukegen. balance la front Bouton aud mme vhat he Sots. Sam. L. Pope, Llhertyville, Oct, l -t - 123.31 Truetutaprédictivonn Sthe. Zion Mueé H. Car-roll, Lîhertyville. Dec. Frabcla total va. 6,371 lu cotant>, vote came la Il vaa inamn thet Il va. Roer L. Proctor. Liherlyrille, Mar. 1171 bolug froni Waukeffan. «ing a solld vote for tir. Weiss o h ~Con'erd. ng.Wirz a4 Rob- balance of 1.208 trom n t>. legimitute. sfrts ert . Tebté ofPremntOct, De. Voltele otalorn 4,lu itse total 111' Laite cotant>BTM. criH. uebIé o!Frenou, ct. De. Vcirm ota va 4709 lu Coulty. Doeaneooncent 0! col. Smith 'car- an d March terme respectively; Peter 1,697 belng rt Waaaiegan. leevtug ried trom four preclacts. Br. Dom*e LEJ. Meyer,-Floyd BowveB sud ermas 3,112 troma balance of eomty. - -crtedWauiegan8, 13, 14 sud Grat Broflis of Wauconfla. tires respective Walmbm total Ivme 2,687 in .couuIY. No.3. k u oi terme; John Welch. Jr.. Heury G. Ilsa 5975 bein«. fro'. weuiegan, .leaving N.&natuibn2.igv.thtCl a)ra and Frank Kelsey, Cube, respective 1.662 fro'. couanty., An it urredGnst iNo.vas Tu cla ewth terme; Brziest D; -Braudiug. Lutle oSSEAO m i-a. revditrt No!F1. i e ies Dixonand. . HTlue o! Bs Ae.C. sd il vas tbought by Br. Deane's th îetrs .J ecthergrA.C. l Laite county. Ronyard recclved friýeude liat h. vould sveep tue tovu- 1 yRichards aud Walter Gouuilier, Ver- 4,806 votes; o! ibim 3,108 ver, froi'. s'W COmPletely. Hovever. it vas I non, respective terme; Fre# htryitsr. Waukegan tovniscip. Thus, excludjug i earned that Slaperviaor Stratton did Nicholais Lambt sud R. M. sunt. West Wauiegan, Ruuyard received 3,6981 somte finie vorkilaIiis tov tp.A- Lew, Deerfleld, respective terme; Fredericlt votes in thé balaéco!o coufity. other ourpriaiug Lblng about ilu a 'ted Watkins snd R. E. Wlnter J. A. Raabe Swift recelveil total o! 5.021 la couu- that Col, Smith caaried Veuo atou and George Merryveather. Jr.. Eari ty, or this 1,920 came froua Wauite- ahip. Hait-Day la bocated lu Vernon ï,r Sedgvicit sud L. R. Rlgdon o! Deer- gsn tovuship. Thons - excluding Wan- sud s bard flght vws put-upon the' iie. field. titree respective erme. kegan, S3vitt Sol 4,001 rotaq ln the colonel luntaàt tovnship. iten coian*Y or 303 more in the ca)unty thon etrSvIsuBrRuarin usAgr rui tunyrd,".* as very close in soins Preoincla but l BOS ilU R Wr.K IJI$W la the vitale county, Ruuyard iteat vas about a toms up ln the number Swift 1,605. vblch escit cariod. Plrut one vouâtd Z~TT' WASPA T 0$TltS Sutti CrrY a Procnt and totien n 'od toPIi E P N E wnship, learina ,401 ptcited Up uinalâ*Yis even hefore the Ziou vote ore- C IP QN X NS lt oame ou r Bit lu.Litunt yad a ia any' Deane got 8,113 lu thVto oe conu-Mvt. Swit itCorLtetZionavoie a,10 kig kerei a eo f tite campalgu ex. ty. Smithi hup heal hlm 6.42, u int-tes M.ORucursteonbt voe ai d1mb. poelturee .o o. H. Foree. a defeated total coot>. ia to M.e vyas tal bfuteaov t te BMisouriau Congreslonal aspirant, Doua. Sot 10~2 lnWaukegan sud lu athos onî ento Siuit vac- icb hle Ilited nudor oatit lu bis pi. 1,441 lu the CotitY. Thus Sz'ltli beat vse reported., orc- Pense secount. flitl recently viti W. Dganq 1,461 lu tise tovu of Wauite- WTo Wauiegahn ppiuct No. 7, goise > Ou- I'Yer age clrk f te huteof ep-Sonand 4,960 lua te cooutry distrIcta. te honor of bsving heen the tiral pro - ~ TlerPag. on ! lt. oue o T55- WITH ZION ELIMINATEl?. Cinct iunltse cotanty ta send lu a psr- and reentstive. Because lte Voita vote ai Zion LiaI return. At 6: 40, P. M. Coral H y - lire . "Aug. I-Postags for tvsntyflvo City alvays pleutrselthe va> Votîra deciter eaJUed lte Sun tratue ec - ro' letters tu influential men lu > dis. vaut, il, poiticlans and othe aeIunprccîllgnereusvt astrîct tel itat 1 vas îrusttgtu ssl igtnggm to odr boyfor lte state senator candidates asethls ut othe iifgresits vauid have been bail thé 'Vol- vas te tret count made in ibis pre- tutekindesas of te people and thte ,tva or ZMon City vote been excluded. ciuct. ýrb mercy of (Jod tu stoct me (bath fait- Accordingly the Sun bas tolaled ltse FakT olrcaisfrLk ctred)t -601 cents. tio, ot adsublcacled it'from lthe Fai .Fve lmsfrL tor 'Aug. 2-For profes8lonal secvices cania vote ne ond bo-Vlt the bonor o! heing te bannier niv 0 a tonisorlal achast, in sbaping up *lg hîliebaac vud t.Af cU-Publlctin tova u inte United States J lath son dy whiëkers o! an Dlu.etaî er doing h ttIesaltnce ouud lie.tat i.bec:use oui Of 318 votes cat otaty At sn O Ern, 3 cets.or dingthi, itla oun tha thi treewere democratlc.j FArt rlu 35 nents.fae ree victors vouil still remain lte saine. Everything wenî aîong smoothly ln fr snAtig bone for face cremouta Weiss. Smit., Swift and Francis oiu i t, sit precinct in Wukegan We- i eAtg. 3-Anotiter Jar 'face cremell- For comariîison*F, saite herevitit la lime foc (lie Piostu close. Thoen s to ciarming brunette for pasin given lte total vote lantte county wittu manti taîked ln and asked fer a su- out more of my dards, 36 cents. liýtse Zon vote subtracted: aisbllt twalteolan 'Ag -For lber work aud lnflu.,,. Tnt. in Co. Zion VI - Bal. casi. ence among bier many friendsansd ad-,nSit .... 9514 2033 7501 If the DeMocrate do not mie a intrers, a pair OPen-wonit base foi lDeani- ...3113 77 2036 snfgrstvn uNvme ia wdw,-lt lsamallie e- Runyard ..... 6806 1488 5 318 thüYluid yesterday tbey von'i bave ., ter, special, $1. I Swift ...5021 652 '4369 Ibah-m 8n far ais Lake county il; con- July 27-For sîceet car fare ta Weîms, ..... 13811 4334 9477 cerieil. snmer grasin vitceony Stteue- Fani.,. 6374 1537 4887 Zion City pol!ed an enormous vote. lctoU COngessionta Ofltee held 'Pierce......... 4853 142 4711 mucit larger titan exPected. Late lu iect iaYone nlght a et e op-ta Elimluatlng tite Zion vote on lte the afternoon a caîl vas received for egporttrlmr nd noinate Temy 0Plegialative ,matter wvss eevote ln' more ballots and tbey vere rished to dstrectfor cngral" Lt Tnitte district scoulit place Frauda lunte ZIon ha' Depuly Sherif (Charles I 'leail andl -put WilsJu second place. Thayer. MWltt Zion elimînateil. the legîsta- Judging by the big majocity pieit up PU S OU SEON.tive vote in te district vas: bY Col. Sanit bis trienda vito bel as PU SC U S NFranis-12,15.antacla as ton t oeon bshlIecti Piece-7,15.thalttere vas otas muci bettnx Z1u1N MAN WHIO IS iecae r7ituela Runyacils iead lunte county ovor_______ DER ANT~ TO ZIO N Swifti utisie o! Zion City vas P48- be von the coaty vitlout Mlon by E A II C T that maJority; bowever, it vas Zions FRANC>eIS ULAIJ At an open-aic eîlV~e ote which made'Ruuyard's total ilu i rIe T aberéiMnale stritolote dmito îhita ZinM aight lu front O! Erauci Tabra le dititacli10vIV.Rs- IC RSiu IU No. 8. Orerseer V à _I ssued a tait eilalnaàtodtas9,n7th udiabevifl io vas F RNOR vBrn.n yu moe smdFers10705. Titus, viti the Iis rotae um *ie theel dnasrta nd If a ty 102. lalfyr l b l INATION FOR IOUSE said ta ite eren titreateued Overseer Ddctasvî Zo elritd VoIlva.DéutoswS mne l»d "GodAimgbtywil stike ou esdavait notiîg lu Lhe état' lttorRe> The surprlatug thing la the legiseia- 'itO Jd Arngit!" siarit the u eisra p becauste Mr. Deane Sot but 77 tar Im gt wv atis tisre umluea in. viti udCn 0ie'" saldaeovree.votes there sud therefore thoere vUolu de Charles H. Francis of BcHenry vT au u bi vr>d>If >01bave becu no chtange eren If ZIOIR bâdiconnu ltstead of 3. M. Viciera of thie vat 0.but Yosi have golt rtTIuan rte vairuilat. If yau doa'l repeut, you _Dot__________»MaeComun viii die!- Tie tire. igh mmn d thèrefore S "OrneO1thIbe ot terrible ludi-ssaisa aa tise nominees are. iât. tIsaI have avreaueeperoretatad OLÀ14ESâ) IILJIIIA WW. P. Welercie. o stuce creatiou'a davu yltbeomettd .aV V uu ic. LH.ierc.Dm. fa cut te s oo!Zions eutites tu liii. w *aq u~il, Fra . ra nchiuremre a cil>." -sgald thte orermeer. ',' jade -- R:3arcug ana e g arteb asa fpendeut la amans vio bas soI l isaelmu l-l u.lev ,hIrtitrugIt to lhe deili sud la ging - l oe n n luMCHODu cota a I-, I-la..nl0as. . canon__ s -r---sed ..'5 -.Louise (3sber of Watakegftti Joie aud min ibeard 10 50, 50 W5- Robert Welton, chianteur for scott Duraud. vas arremted Satunday aigis vian ho adegsI ta pava cielisas- stolo front Mr. Durand'à Craitres Fan. t Laits iiluD. betectivems tarctey abd caniuody of the Deeplinles street station. Ciii. cage, encouutercd Walton vIls ea srattore o! ctothInin auepavnsiop Iu Haleant!d sîreet near Cougrei. _ Me coutemsed (bat tie bad Laiton Mr. Dunand sud nmnefrieuda (oelite On' venUlia Club early in tue eoveulug sud (heu ralurued, @litale oclotblug sud drovo dovutava la dispose o! it. Wallon. Il la charged stolen eilit isf !clothes, having sold one ofthem lantIbo pava shop. Mns. Seutt Ducandaye Wallon *was bireil about six wvoego,50. aylIkg ishe a Perved 17 mentheta the A. E Fý Site saidlie sme rel îlshle. :-lein! Green wî'lit lu Chicago Sunt- day atiernoon sud itrougitt Wallon to Wauiogan lie vas girea a ho-anlng before Police Magistrale Walter Tay lor Lodsy and teas bound ta tIc- grand jury la bonds o! $2,000. Commander Weds Typist In Great Lakes Romance Commande, E. C. Edvards. U1. S. N.. comualasany office ai Great Laies Na-val station, Ieft a tev laysaego lu tais up is nev duties as assistant sUDplY off icer aitLits naviP yard at Puget Sound, MWash, Hl , t«uoerapser, M6îib, .'-trgare-t Müà'îchrQn, siieapuîeaed Il vas Iearned Yesterday@sie had mc- companied ber "commander" lu Puget Sund as hle bride. OBITUARY SYDNEY GEORGE FRY sitncy George Fry vas born sept. 12, 1876, in Sonlitcrseîablre Enrgaad, and came tu the 'United SLates luatce year 1893. le ie Aasunited in itarniaga Lu Elizabeth Lnaatk of Libertyvilie, JUls .11, 191>6. Tu titis union two ciii ciron were itoin-lGeot'ge Sydney, aged li, and Lîlliau Chrcistine, agel 6. Ho dieU Fnti>, cieçat.17. 1920 la Wauke-; gas.n liI liýtthe tge of 44 years sad' 6a' Ua>s. lie leavesti lntîoura bis ass a wife sud two clailîcen. aisé a siater, Faunyhilffen, wa cla seides in Englanl, aul one itrotiaer, Ernst John Fry of l'rairI'eView. sand a but of tiends and other relatives. Burtal Moaday Sept. 20, at thte RaI! Day Csmeteny. Lte funeral services beiug lu charge of tho Rer. G. A. Mec. Wbonlr. tts*ster of St. Lavrences Episcopal cituncito! Libertyuîke. A quarteI cônuposel of Miss Dorothy Seyen, lira. E. S. Whyte, Rer. C. C. Hill sud Rer. G. A. MacWbortar, sang Lbe hyuns. ANNA MBDLUND WILSON Mrà, AnaaMedlusd Wlim vas bor la Borni. Svedon, Oëtour 34- 1888. -Obe carne ta Anueric a uOc;;e. 1910. Ile0eiug, togetuer vith ber brother eMd ulslar. thae.liberty, sud opportunittle etfered bere. Her -tirat vorimlugpoe tion vuai ahie MBlUtery-Acaensy at Hiah"auSPark; Jeter she vorked et the. home of!litr. Nul. 0f tlaeyerm elle beibeau employed lana teilor sisop lu Chicago, viere m$ho vU Omed tan .faitufuluen sud goad vorkman- ship. 8h. vas ubîteS lu marniage te Crici Wilson, cn Cliiats EviDe- cember 24 1919. Tb.yvrue maiua their homteeat Hall Day, viien on Jl> 8ah buluainae" carne. 'Bbc eimed avray on, Sept. 17, 1920. ilkng bier e"a 31 ye"r. 10 mout, sund 84 dam. Sie in survived by a tather, motiier sudi tvo ulster&sil vdeu sund one hroîiimr sud ulster lu Amena. CAiD 0F THANI<S We desine tu 'Ilani ou neigibora and frionds for tueur sympathy sud aid durlng tbe ilneas sd death if aur lb- lored aliter,.lMr%. Anns Wlsoan. Mr. sud Mrs. G. H. 'Peiterson. Hatl Day. III. - MRSe FICkE, SIR*9 DIES AT LAKE ZURICh SUNDAI ile E. Ficke. njoUier, of supera laur fniil IMMae of Lake Zurich, townPhlp, died ai her borne. Suaday, aged 82 yearg. She wag the wldow of Louis Fickp who died matfl years UnO. Shc bad l iled ut lAite Zurich for 48 yemr. -M iFike wae born lu GmunanY t. am this colintry wben a young womnan. Bhile iaves 1titese Emil. AI Mrs Ifninid Meyers ut Lahe Zurich: Sophia Pagels, ChiesMo. MrS Bertha Kerr, Miiw'aukee; Otto, Clailcago. and ott of raria, frrtnce. MIS Ficke Iud been afing for the P1iq 18ilmonl~t anditberefore her passing was flot tifllxpected Funeral ThUrsday (today) from Lake Zurich to Oreeuwood cemetery. Want. for all., etc. ad& ni4b IN . DEPENDIENT reach over IMU ruM.- *ft ehoiiwek. LyseIL .M i. tau' ADjupidATioiwNOTIC PUBLIC NOTICE in bereliq given tbat tii Subocriber Exectit of the. lat Wii and Tetameut of Jo.e511a. Beshei, d.cesaed, wil attend tihe Ceoetyý Court of iake Oounty. at atm t *M e.. oftto beboldmet tii. Court Hom inl Wmnk.gmau udnd County, on thse agi Mondcar of November net. I, lSwhes mml where a&H perém aneving dua agaluat nid. setête ame notila md requSed to prauat thi re m ta M Coeut for adjudiction. HUMA BMUH, Executrls. Waukegan, Septamsber 1% ~l»I. sept 1"6440 Two Youngsters, aged 10 and 12 respectively, Found Near Grayslake. I 'i'o $ail boys. one ton anul lta'- stier twelve. pomsseid o! te van- ierlust, 'sel Ou t f coin Clilca-go ScsturdsY maorning 'fo Pse -whaît liey coulit set," lThee>bd tout al] d4-,tne for tiares rien lthey vecre p(cked ttp aturday nIgbt between Orsyslake and WVguite- gan. and we«'ves'ontent te retlaa0 hhelr parentsa. they gare tltelr natnes as foliove: Lo Wlî*oltiel, a,! lie or :152,1 Beach avenue. "Chîcaga. Rocco De Rosa, aged 12. o! 35 Htia 'Istreet, Ch'cago. The youngsterà ssid lhey liaIditreit ut. play ,andi lcdel teoase sout, thing o!fte varldoulsqide o! Cica- FPinally ihey decided lthej voutd betcJtinp andI Catchh aiter truck that woulti talle (beau Dcai their home. Then It lvas taIt îtquiries showeil (hem titey veary miles f romt Chicago. About (bis lime Al MoMdilan , vil- &ge marchait o! Grilyalaite came alouî on bis va> 10 Wauitegan. lie plckidlthe boys up sud gave Lte., a ride t0 Waukegan. fie 10k te'. o the Waukiegan police etit on -and trotl, thora calledl up the fratit parenats lu Chicago. Te latter care lu W-au- isianli on the next train sud tfLot ts youngslters home vlLb Ibe'. COAUFFEUR IIELD ON ClIREf F Olk .BINfiEEMPLOYER Conte ia sud vs vit show You the End of All Tour lug Trouble. rTe correct place te lre. DIETZ MOTOR CO. Libertyville Te1epoene 89 -the WhugMachia Fi^ T<iMte dothor e(ficiuiy sado» or more of thuuà to b fonnd i n 'st lioms.. w. sa im ' Publie SenkiceCo. O OF P4fl llItett ois V'OLUME XXV-11 II3LD FOR ALI' CAR TIEFTq SAYS HIE BOl Car Stolen from Fre cf Wauoonda at Dance, Remov GIRL'S CAPE WAS, Clarence lMetcsif s In ur luue higi tellet Into cuaf5ody 1'uemse Sborit! Elmer Green tan fenned iny Fred Jacoiu Young lazai, trsa i: mlolen ftrou& Guru..Don August 13.,vIrile hea vworfn tfri( nait vesattet his compaions' Freacit at $45. Se-ing lu the me vas stolen. sud vah ai * vion cereivedl. NI-l tcalf lires nean Ct corditIDu l heriff Cic veioitnof lauv ho eft' $ion of!,hie car, vlalciu eu rcl1î.-.îd frons a yun, lTaret, Airguat 14. M--timat: ceClaredIrlo inan htr rnwitunhe hi siiOsîd ini te macl;; a a li',' at Lie Fores! b. tr.Ittece and hi cars. ttaeieforc liait no one. lie ray% Lb. tel a'anî, «- ceci Joithot veU a 1, ',ot.baLe tran , et o skîgian as jirat- averr i,îug iocîlud al no lie aî.aabased te $366 amuigui * receipt Nie ie'hadidn't g mats. JacuIimmn atatel tlia the perbon aIbho niole tit sud a flailiCtgbL naate t sitell. 'êîulcai loebroual oversoawithe orett W61,1i%% 'c , lie yl lac bloc-k o.1i me t ail lait s t-'a payallu' o thi' e retsia takeu ir.'o ciatol> ,ai lied iltanded tsend fig for aiahtttl. 'llice mais vcked or-enuntti tiicciui Y 2 DAME SUI FILEDi Pi-te, iino ySeln lunt'ii- crcilit court, t j înne,.- . ÀA Miller. Otulvi. Of Notte li ici vhen lie 'as stuck automut-ltbe s ute rn Ing à tractuce o! four Tha.' 'vt sas fil bl bîller mil,,)also tiîed ils» Ctiîc.go 'socth. S vauk.'e dtrIe mria $7.i>ttii aniages. 'luia IIas Kosail cimmi lieaii jeed ailetta sNortht SI' bii nîotoriîr.!e a' 161 ut-iLIIiION SAY: 5500 l's fie moi-tt and Ùt,.itgi-ott2Od i anilri Il, on,',: ;ie reconr 1Ii, t l i Mok I A un ilot tinh.t lie L ut mi i a 1 lî'ay i %(rthing %ynot'," 101.timam i Il * S fiat g iv trom ]lits qîtîred l)a s. e enily, liordv IL e to slurae et tretha. t I..thîe cnsiy cmiîreJrt>-v coiIavumnmp ptate. Hit t'ae clert - 5051>a and e ci baig ami .mt-ctacaL,ii eicait uIriIr a net-voua lthe s8.tem, lna canteni 110te tu a tscluti nover yvfrr mng 'loul tend Lu Malte thte i sd I1I at ca~ 'I Bers snt atic: counv vIWhohau a he suce taini Mr.--Mormc. rue Sun i-eponetr, l a Itiiry, salit ho v% waasi, g«- a tair-cut, "Ituar uîife shounta tunnel downrerpîted refuse to gie 40jýu n:13 tItte rî,oine ta lte kloonl-d. Inti sx mon feel andiîl il, !H.ep a dl ,Do You OPECIAL .^8SESSNNT NOTICE Public notice la hero>y glin that the tlyiret liahmt on Speew "A. Meaniant No. 14, for n ov due aud wpayai et b.c.ilcto,'â office. The fnit inataiinaest hem iat.rev et 5 per cent after lau 1, 108. SPARK FPLUGS Ame Gamline Bavers and OUt Vibten. The. New and Provesi Ides for Gu En- Sine&. Heat and 001 Ca. l flot Affect tuas Plus. Price IveB150 1 -

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