CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Sep 1920, p. 10

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- IJBERTrYVILLEINDEU A WomanIs OId As Sie LooI&'- to look old. Many in their effort to look youthful re- sort to the "heauty Îyeé doctor." Thcxr aistakestbtthey visit the wrong de- partmlent in tho drug store. Beauty depends -À (fWorry, leeplesa nret, hewh plookn , diroopîn uhoeuldren andi fater in sort To rtai thoapparane o youhy Unmuie rtin headlb !rstcd f oton, pwdrsa.4ein., sit ou drsadther r Pieroe's Favorite Prescription. Ibis fanious medicine strikes at thie very root of thesie enemica e! your youthful appeurame It maltes youn fot only look younger, but fed younger. It overôomes the weaknàs snd builde you up. Your druWgst ean supply you wlth liquid or tablea; or uend ton, one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce'n Iiivalido' Hotel and Surgical Ini8titute4 -uil~ .Y., aud rilpkg. of the tablesa will be mailed to you. *Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri on bhm been in use 50 years. if you wish ta know al abut yourself, drop a Uine to Dr. Pierce frir free pamphlet on Diseases of Women. Should you desire to con*ult hs medical staff of physiciana or ask for information, the ramne vilii ho heerfiffly furnialzed you wholly without coet and .voaa kteLr vii be treated as sacrediy confidential. - Sheli Rimmed Spectacles Or Nose Glasses fitted with Toric, Lenses in case . . . . . . . .Ip$4.50. SEE OUR WJNDOW DASPLAY Glasses Jnsured Against Rvi~ Breakoge 111 N. Ge nosee st. 109 S. Ge n.see St. Wauk. jan, 111. IIUNDRUD TONS 0f 6RAPES BROU6IT IIFRE: FOR IlWINE Amount Bein, Made This Year Is Said To Be Larger Than Ever Before. MORE -PEOPLE MAKE--WIN E Estimates, bad on statements frrnt those who are in a position to know, 'would indicates that at least one hunt- dred tons o1 graves bave beinpur- cbaeed ln Wauke 1gan titis >-ar for wlge-maklng purposes. lnquiry brings- Trt the admission tbat the number of families wbich wuill manufacture wine tIs year la larg'-r titan ever ber are. When onec. aye that one hundred tonà or gcapes lave been purcbaaed in Wauhegau jar vine there are many Nvho will consîder Il a rather braad staenieat, but wlzen one stops ta con- hider that several batatlo!o graves have been brought hure in addition ta the tons and tons which have heen hrought hare, by matar truck and the ratlircada, it le flot sa bard te realigo,' Abouit the Emallegt quiustlty of vine titat le being made lnaDay homo la fl'.e gallons, la many homes the amout is eften or tventy galîcns and in any nuniber of hornes the wln- tcr'a auply la made la barrels. 1Many WaukegatImon are making wine tbis year out of wild grapes.and eldurberrios wbich 'are Quite Pleut!- fui. It le said that manY men who nover tboughttof making.wino for home conburitioI are dong no ttcs vear. #.Nor&hGleo Ilîr and 'trs. Karl 0. Nelson cote- Dcatect their 281h aeddlng sont- vursary >eoterday. Cammunlty Service le holding an Important meeting tonlght at-te chapter Hiue. Mr. Albert Johnson of Itenosha la vlitlng friende la Northt Chicago. Mir. Malpit Hoerghtaling was a Chi- cBSO vster iesterdoy. 1 Te llbrarY hoard did neot meut lu av-clai sesion lut night but 'wili rfdlU ff rgular mieeting nui-t Màonday evenlng. Mc. HaltIeWestern vialted la chi- cage lest evenilig. Mtr. R.. tVhltney of Washington, D. U. spent Yestecday In Non Chicago. Ill ho akîng cOmumitteof elevun on bouslag muets tonight In the city Da11 ta arganire for busines. - Sre. L. B. Jolly and daugbter Cer- aclne vere Cblcago visitera iast een ttitg. r itce Diiigencs. Lut os cry man that bath à anefn ho diligent ln pursuhnce ofaiets mploy. ment, so as net lightiy or wltbont rom- flonable occaion ta negleet It lnauny of *lt>oe Urnmes wblcit are tusuatlj and fY tht' dustêm et Prudent persouys and gued ),"e 'ands, empoye-Inla i-J.g. ciii'ie TFIURSDÀY, TF 3~PTEMBER 29 1920 Ford.son TRADE MAKK Theare mmny Tractors clamoring for the pat ronage of tL. fumer. Tii. very air l6 charged ith, tenoise ofd aims. One would dhi*i lthel i fa rmer Lade was te bu7 a Tractor and h. would enerino he Millennium. W.U1, cosisider ibis fac-diere are a. great man y different maks of Tracters. Tractors have on the Amâerican market for twenty yearu. In that lime sorne uhree hundred thousand Tractors have been solM to the <amers in the United States. The. Fordson Tractar bas only been on the market two years, manitait lime- more thamnon. Lundred thou &&Md Fordson Tracter, have been soid t. the <aimers. of the. United States. Two and two maise four. Two and two always wilI mais. four. If the Fordson Traétor had not de- livered more good work, more satisfactory work, more economical woek, thon amy other fami Tractor,'it would net have sold in the ratio of anywheeromin f ve ad more b o ne. "Ihe proof of th. pudding mi in the. eatiag." Tiie proof of the. superior meruts 'of the. Fordson Tracter us in ls lasger sale anidtise. The Fordsbn.Tractor dmen asis you to buy it becaus. of wbst iLas don. for your neighhors. It as you te buy il on ils M". h. &&a you te buy il, Mr. Faim.., hecause. you have use for il every day in the year. Ail ti. uses for dhe Fordoon Trater have not yet been uncovered because new places where machine power tan takç the place of human power, where machine power can supplant Lors. and mule-power, are being found every we.i, and where ver sucl discovery occurs, ithe Fordion Tracter wifl ilIl the bigi more satisfactorîly than any other fotan of power. -Tihe Fordson is simple in design, and it is very strongly made of the i.hiest quality of iron-&M steel. hI s the product of the greatest mechanical gejajus dm. world hau ever known, and it us Most ece- nomical in firet ost snd sf1.. exp.iase. -TIle Fordson Tracter on your <am wif increase the velue of ev- ery foot of ground in that faim. It wilI put more do Hm .and cents lite every heur you put intoe a<rn. Now why moi Lave a Fordson right away? Taise up the subect with us. Comin an md tlan d al lidm paitictalars. bi s ouly a matter of-A lime unlil you buy a fari Tractor-diat is sure. So don' tW it off irben it meansu money - t you te act promptdy. IWIL SON & OHM 'ty our 1921 Ford Car nov. WAUKEGAN, Pheno 61 Jniediate deliveryr.' LIBERTYVILLE. Phone 38 Read the Lake County Independent TO EMPLOY Ti TIMES AS MAI AS TUE WIRE Johns4V"anv ille Plan Force of 7,500 M, Plant is al TO. SPEND 13 1 An the sun bac saili cr pu;bl c generally do"lagilcd I( t cijIllaPti, a1cP lansa-ai z-led oui ou tiie flats ni l»-gan. Theo con4any esonie ci-a;ýd 2.22ace and Lc'-u 1n P roce mm o! Pi i,î'ldiing foi. sOitiP ilutl A t',IitgO <itrs.4Lor c,,ttract for lî,l:ng in il d.Vtlopa aDow111,1 il pI.tie f0: ,building hRai. ti andlsu, riu hei tg 'd l'a w . It thfe l'nil i-ih d as r.ow îlâtin.î pany Il--y uvcer il as o i r grîurd. As ,, ,Il#, iwn to ,u 11.0 Planlt uscntitaily !t gnM 1autho ity thtl plane raiiille eiA,ml lirulee suMryfl on as poyc.d in ib.- .Ntioauk.e L, 10 be Iminantioîd and Wliutean 11e. il is ni Iee r"of U,(0 men. of thc Arnrican btllmI liCe fbal, nie, or bad ai m rierallion. The i mî'in, t li .-u h q ,thâ t ê --i 4.1 osuti i oni 0! ic l'ut stactCd. 0f coue, tL ni enfire lantt wilI1flot bf prnbably for a Co"'gC will tako tbat long a the many bti:dings, slip i l e uçd-rstood tVI rail for I L 114rltIiii unuî.any's PPetY 5fln bor in front of the plar In- p aipe tn enter tL lo)a4 lielr caigoCea"i' e,y 1-Euhnia the Grei iYfrfltJiAIlY ibthe lr.-de es lama'local Trhe cost o! filllug il th ro-mpany in salt lan ix laie Creamn, Saved Ii tte ear old AugUi ý I4 e 1 o -e t x u S I to o ~ r.:ti L.tay nd dciii Il, or iOn 0f uguý' i ail &?i., iJtiQSitulîr ut br jtjrge. li. t5 i-ar 01î t)iny. adicili-Tcred lýi Reductio'n The war is over and Iln Prices of Ford war prices must.go. Effective at once, Ford Cars, Trucks and f. o.,b. Detroit at the following prices. Products Tractors will be sold Type Touring Car With Electric Starter Touring Car, Regular Runabout With Electric Starter Runabout, Regular Sedan, Electrie Starter and Demountable Rims Coupe, Electric Starter and Demotintable Rims Model T.Chassis, Regular, One-Ton Truck, Pneumatic Tires Ford son Tractor 1 List Priée $510.00 $440.00 $465.00 $395.00 $795.00 $745.00- $360.00 $545.00' $790.00 world, a $200.0( Buy Y( *p1ices- ---The Ford Nolor niaise thi- e mon ini the face Of the tact that they have on hand immedslae orders for on@ hirndred forty-six thousand siity-fie. (146,006)' caiad trcku't The comp&n i ii U mWr a temporaaylu hl M4 pti aell ogta ihpnie. ud r ing te make tha sacrifice i-n order to brg busines back t. a going cMtoia qulkiyauouublvsu tmy t l om we no ii. uyithe poercf b outry.ig ndae i quicly epidti ad t "té Ih moentm O th buyng owe ofthecoutry llênry Ford says: "The vu inl ovor and It la time war prices were over. There la no mmusoor wisdom lu trying te inintain an artiticial anad a im._g'4e « pw o it is Lige a rjai prc*los effort wau »made to, bring the. busines of the, country and the life of the country down te regular pre-war standards.' 9! 0 We are at your command iWth regula.r Ford efficiency In service and eageniesa te fMI1YOur orderu. WILSON. e OHM WAUKEGAN and LIBERTYVILLE PlaeY -orOdrN - Thr Is A. Big Rush and There WiII Be A Long Waing List Dy Sprig .Achi -1a7 N. G H_ - I I î à. I a. S.'l. I I m m

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