CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 30 Sep 1920, p. 12

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Uibertyville Independen t Laite County Independent- Waukegan Weekly Sun A FOUL PLAY. How the idols of fandom havs falen. The men Who have bten worahipped as little goda haveturnbled off théir pedestal and proved to the world that there je nothing on the square in the- world'a greatest sport-baseball1. T1he- prnElIey r WittrecOTeT ron1 fmivr gtwl have confidence ini any igaies in the national ga0.Am tu think that our own idoliued Chicago players aethe oes uho were the offenders- well, it bsickedthe ~ut froin under the great gaine and nothig cmn oterit up at least for rnany years to corne. Provlng the uncertanty of baseball and the in bilety te pa on its aquareneis read titis from Pitcher 10icott confession that hoe wu brlbed to tbrow t.he world'B sertes laut year. Mlotte said: "lIt dld not necessarily look crooked on rny part. It 's oir etl when a gaine le on the square and when it la lioM. Aplayer cau make a crooked error that wll look on the square as easy as lie can inake a square oie. Borne- tù4à;e the square oies look crooked. "I'1ve lived a tbousand years in the lust twelve inontbx Ilieo &%id. "I Would not have done tlitt tbing for a million dollars. I didn't need the money. My sàaa'ry wus $10,000 a year and rny job was sure," VO APUTS À JIALT TO SXERi GAMES IN ZION (KZenosha News) A controvPisy hewesil the Voliva faction and te IndependeiltS Of Zion City vas th1e cause of a canceiied gaine on the Simmoils soccer achedulie oSaturday. Il vas 1,e original UnL- derstsnding tbat the gaine vas to bo Ë layed SaturdaY ateriIon latZVon tlty but thIe dope Vas upset SaturdaY mxordnfg uhen a doiegation froni Zon City called on Manager Anily Smith o1 the Simon and explained that a dit- terence ot opinion over th. fied la zion Cty leftI ie Zionists i vllont a trou"4 to play on. A& league meeting vill be heII mor- fia. ibis week and the controveLP -Ittid. The gamin l expectd te, b. tUlyed Off ai a later date. bovOeel Mud viii afford the soccer fans of Ke- Uosba a rare treat. Oiver C. liirc1à DIetroit. MIi'. 8). Agile. UrOckhaUj Mlwvaukee. la. atichard C Wrege. Saginaw- Xci'. AUcO Marilil. MlvaukeO, 3fi. esse :L t;lmmom, .Mlwaukee, 33. inectis 1.Liteld, sainle. 30. Charles A, Exceli. KenlOBitS 25. Marta k'îscher. Miwaukee, 25. iovard 1). watts, Chicago. 23. ktutti E. lilair, saine. 21. lie" ry. .schauipp. Waurau.'W13. las . s"etdt. sanie. 21. rIset Sctuiz. Milwaukee, 54. utara Heiir . saute. 62. waliace W mnu. Si. Louis, MO. 26. ln'tilel lloyd, saine, 22 uieorge liuchakein. Waukegail, 29. iose Lovequet, saine. 20. Lloyd D. Joncs, Racine, 24. it05e Kin. saine. la. Jolin KeruPel. Chicago, 26 Margaret Boyke. same. 23. Nels Alfred Nelson, Mion, 27. Maggie (label Robison. sainO. 22. liarry 1). i'riinble. Chîcago, 34. MMrycrowe saine 22. Floyd H. Coler, Plslnflid, Wls. 1-axel Trultie. Abbotsford. Wlc. 21. i-irry pullen. F.reepo)rt, Ili. 38. KattiertIne Maxwell, saine, 33. 1turton L. IBlanchard, Mil lwaukee, MarIs % ard sabte. 36. Jotin Allo. Waukegan, 3b. Maria, Ojarien, saine, 47. inOvard J. Murphy, Chicago, 28. iiîrdie E. Yarbrfl. saine, 21. 01111 A.-.Wanig, Mlwaukee, 23. Loulse U. lluczkowskl, sarde, la. Edwin C. Smith, Milwaukee, 22. Mebl. 1Orten, ame, 23. Arsen Metiaeian, Wsukegarx 27. AltOU 8hamOntsn, saine, 18. L.e Atisoole Bennett, Gt. Lakes, 22 Mat MBlle olive, St. Paul, Ml. 21 Alois J. Amann, Ropnd Lake, 111, Ahna >'reund. Ingleside. 27. Lester, E. SwlnehOrt, Chicago, 27. JOmllY t. Eruege, smre, 24. WIIaIIm J. Ueber. Aheboygan, 23. 'Helen Scbieble, same, l. IA UttI* Wit Now and Then is Uftered 13Y the Best of Men Cal ~iann resuil aroun Bat Thf are si effect the C A local voinan-ho, had becomg' greatllYeaperted over a dis"gtoc.. Ment 0! severai Inonthe standing. -de., çlaced the other day: 1vas compeli-. O.,Os. lime lat vinler. tu eay darm and Ira obliged to'my ih again.- STom Gray yeslerday vauted De- Witt Hunier, the buslet Mauis n Waukex&aw to go la Chicago vms biun for the sanie ceason 1the Irish- rue, vent 10 a tuneral-jusi for a ride. DeWitt ljuner le taking is va. cation this week and l la Qute a resi fo the ôtller empioyes. asmo. Sornebouly vth a Uttle spaîe ime can xiake a pull oyt o!the Swift- Ru~adnomination race; we're, golng tîahiisg. Everybody, sonner oW later.,offerii a 11111.bine .ky for sale. Anyliody vie toila us te, be ceason las bg City ie, te .Oaîy pac «W m * awb h 191) GARY MILL AINST RADICALS 'y, 1.4.-A f"lp" 111.1radicale irc ling to blow up steel Miilehero ed today ln doubling the guard .d plants. xbed vire lonces. surrouudong buildings, vii ho relntorced. ie "Utp" whlch steel Mill offietlît, said to have rocelved vas ta Vie 't hat the. radicais bad aelected Gary mille "as Iheir next objec- AlU Stoue Annomcememt Wc arc better prepared tIns ycar to serve your wants in either flOT BLAST, RA.DANT, BASEBURNc-- BER, C0MIINATWN RANGE and, COOK STOVE.( r youglhotild see our sel- ection before buying. fipecial 00Cofl Mtulat iimonstration TUOMoow FFIAY &àBATtYRAT À fsetori deinonstrator viii b. bore to show You vi? bY he Oola' il *0. utost ecnomioni stove te oubrats. Burne Il the gas in your coal, at the Mme lime giving Yeu 11e boeat trous Il. Coles also nsake a Hard Coai Heater, called Ole's Rtadiant, as well as a Col- Sied Range- the begt" cooker and bakçer made. Corne in aid the Dernontrator wil be glad to Show you. ~)Have You Heard the New -Colitibia Records? clothes cost just ehnough to be as *good as you'll find them as good as they cost. can possibly mahe them. ~420-5O they are; Below is an article taken from the' Waukegan DaiIy Sun of-Saturdy,, Sept. 25 th. L NgO The article above tells an~d important and interesting story--------.... Hein's, Prices Aire Down!! -a story of SERVICE -, LEADERSHIP and ALERTNESS of a great store that should interest the entire community. 44 ICES!7-that se e-mingly magie w ord is the basis of more thought and evokes more comment than any other one subject in the country today. Prices were up----away up. some people (among. them flot a fe W re5hants) thought they were going to stay up or go higher. A very few merchants scatter- ed over- the U. S. thought prices had reached their peak and were'ready for a drop, we were one of those very few Naturally we as business men, vitally interested in the business well-being of the country as well asof our* own individual community, bent every effort (actuated by purely business, flot, philantrophic motives),toward the lowerrng of the prices, as for instance witness our slogan of a v igorous advertising carnpaign of the past eight months-"In our drive for lôwer prices," a worth while slogan indeed.t And now, fittingly, we are- The First to Seli at Pre-War Prices The secret of our success--we are admittedly the largcst retailers of %va men's and children's apparel in this coîLamunity-has been our enormnouis volume of business together with our very rapid turn-over of stocks. ]3ecause of the enormity of our or-erations and because we have-figura- tively--our fingers onthe pulse of the uorId's markets eonstantly we know, of ten weeks in advance of forthconiing changes that.tothe ordinary nerchant are only.. ripples on the surface or are entirely uiidiscernable., And so, naturally too --" the FINER and more serviceable thuingi to wear-the CLASSICS ini ready-to,. ,wear gravitate to this store as incvitably as the needie, turnis to the pole. ..- Sig ned, Alex Hein AiixHiN Go Northern'Ill'as. Greatest Store Fer Women'a Readv-to. Wear The Home of Hart, I&hallier & Marx CIlhs LAI VOLUME XXVI.--N( ARREST Of TR M4EN AU SOI SERIES 0F i Two Men Under Arrei Able to Explain ) at Prairie Vie J! 1D0w deelopà4a ittil lut() andOlootlng of Irel k'ralrle V ev L.ake (Cou Gags mgo wau Oul> ne of &inlitier Iheftîsthat have place on th1e Soa lie. for taioigo deteetîves rae for "Meie n 10et a ttitllvO. 1 le a et .9 Win., of a trelgi't conuits 109 close On th. arreet c braeman. fIlai.hoeil h (ficiais. l have a tendezl top thi..aftiar. Wbether thkert of mrelandlse, at p yutl lie rrafed to ibene t flot yet anovu. M1ereis what s dîs-patoit OU a t'cmaas: 1'on du Lac, Ws-Joa amn, soc lige conductor, utesens Point , in uxder 1 charled vlth grand lare '111e detectlvea who alleg 51010 nierchandIse trom i cars, inciudilg aiik drpss siloez and igroceries. Jacouson han beeu und Sace for ,.everal days and ranu a 'rx, isaus.d for-his teettveu ad115, l in cour lfouis. Jacobeennlias hel or the b00 lime for seven vWorcr nil.4wa. tir)froin kie là a nia rried mian wlrh yen. Jacobson's arreit foi,, 1ha1 0f ilyro ('ouvt. Osaxeman. 0on Saturdai. MET1IODISTS Pi SORS ASS16NEIJ THE C0141NE 1ev Kisiheuer is Rel Libertyville, Firat Ministor Appoini 3i11811lh Grime, .daug ftes * %- . HGrimes. pastor C'lt .Nlc»thodlst OChurcht % pas r eot the Surh Blue al the ROck fusver Conti terclaY. Tlîls ils the lirst history 0f the COifsrencf han1 been 1115e psA'or of gallon. Atrtli,. fUk lCt,. v(-t i'ootsford on NIonla ,a', Mttidlsr prii : . an Iltshop hrietot, and nost of al] wlo, lits in, s' preditel R-.N.,M P ai ned'ili Vî.t Wauk,'gan t,,p lian'ýfeîî1,d ' ae intf , I tor a. i,ined j. 1ev c c Grays Lak.-ni' ý, 2 Laku, liluff! A. WNa Lakte Pores t S, t' (rea J Lake Villa - N . Lîbertyvlle-C. F. Klei appointed). 9Vola and Mllenry--Ait rows. NorthClag .C North Prolrig-A. il. '7 -appolnted). Roeecrns-Flred j. pointed). Waucoida- F. C. Pal polnted). Zion Cty-E. E. OBrie Barrngton-J. ES.Bel pointed). 6URNEE IN MI The Young Ladies' Si Gurnee beid a clansa ro day afleriloon at thue hio qWIays Arn... The atte @peut In playing gaines a tion of officers. artec w supe a.s ervîrd (1 ord. Coca Studer,Vîn Baie Vinicent, Margsr, îRadys Aines, Edlh Blanche Hund. Hacriet 1 flood and -Ellen Wlr Blaniche' and Grace lPet bt*Mgerite Thora, Beeclee marguerite lhôi, Aegie You'11 be glad of it TF YOU make it a point to get clothes of best qual- Sity, you'11 be glad of it at the end of six months You'l1 find that it's the quality that saves money for you, more than- a low price. Hart Schaffner & Marx pqpý - 1 . - qu i . . 1 1

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