CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 11

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iHUSOA. ,OMTBER 7.1920 , asemnt- aie 6th1 day while the the best bar- s sale are per- a careful in- roval of every uses Goods Mill-End Sale :oods8 Prices se cîrings the bî-lst (,lit in suwtable I i îa Mmde of au ar .111 ends antd remn- i of Remnants kre t 'i t-is 4f waýr. g and iaker flan- « lti buiting. 36-lu. G mncli CitIonnem-'- ........25c nt f urID pt-tale 40-Iii rOi- ton ptlaid 11 ecu l a.i, lrPer rdli j e Goo,"s ton tfmltlng. Inta d l' ",lin; 9 Toweling ast i 'bd andi if-tqictitly, Nlth 27c rkish Towels ai& >5ize Tuibluir .....59c Wear ' Hats ts. madie of apflen- mtli,-mple lin. .... 69C Î nee Pants en matiraIs and 1.49 ork ghirts Made of a ;plen. ie citam- rrk Panta d mnatailis Wilo Omers Bloomers e aiten ln bril.m kie . leng< -b 1. '49 AR b' Pctticoats, xoth to49 49e OI3EAD AT GURNUE; IWAS A PIONEER VetWan ot Civil War Dies et A1poplexy after 74 yeara if residence in Lake -Co. 11 N 'IN NEWPORT TWP. 990IA* iex. Who Wa bornlai %UwWert, iewlaahlp 74 years ago lait M«, Mud fi"beeu i Cotinlfuons res, Meuft 09 Lqke ttOuafty ever since, wth t « "O exetof &"eon months îar- ête in thé army durlng the Cvil Vidied ait Ma home, one mile vnt if urnee. dOa.h bang due to appo- aiMr. Wr-ox had been ln poorlieaîlit ivr auout two yers. fie wax onie of jate couuîirs butown andi eub <mata cilmhaandi was one or lia oldest ploneers. lie servred wth the Union army. feug a inamber of the 163rd lllnolà »MStry, andi wasa a ember of Wau- siff G. A." IL pot. la i (W7 he marrleti, the bride belng Mi"s Isabel (Mti. of Warren town- 1h11. iliera are threp surrlving dau- tilera. aMrM. Arthur Leng. <rayalake, ,ra. Luane aurge, Waukegn, andi ÈMr. Itollanti ilooli. of Gurnpe. i.ueril arran gementî ulîl be an- r jIeu Whe Respect Their Word. 1 ien othlie rigit typa bave>P OP* their wol6., Tiey trount a Veon rduque as blndlng. Contracta te tit seacrerdithitgpot. te be itroA <long sas itlelpoamibla ta kepep <1H -7t' do flt trat litaîr notasi w ruiter. respect thonu they do tit pur pass lu lite. -Tothora every st' à% -ln it aà vew te reallzlnga ««aI. Çouaejiientiy lbey do flt out epýimemaeut» raatly nr make prou"i jgaulscuouail., Lite lna areal som AýMug tirai brjus 3ro IulasIl cc tlites a te agnerai gond. Thismn " i-a 1Utile ton traiglut-Iscet i- ptn iret readtit but you s-il se I tUlhin luil a eu poudar liasmet fOnly Boys Threw leuene. -À atone ibrowu titrough the wlc leI a mottg ralway train n sud our ing the. passatlgr s-it brolten.glw JuoetheUtLaucet (London) In sur wis prmambly titrown by a bot fusIon of the soxes an anflt yet go!t the point et prodtlclng a girlw trii titros-à aitone. Tltros-lng see te ho a btural Impulse Iid beys., l'ater. s-e alould »sY, thte desre bo àcovng body s-it is lela la vensai amouf ltent, but lie luop ahoulti ha geldedIthe mdrector , ts ralliter titan trana." - FerestIamli lu ltiy. Tlà lares cf ltily, Inclutl liwt lnlndi of Sit'ly end Sartil corifl$ttof about Tt.1N1,0W sar s-hIi 15leequialent 1 te heon ares of the satgs nofSes- Yorka Penunsylvanie. Nluitesitusettlo. C nteclcut .and Ne Jersey, says1 Voretry Ilaigitîfeof WamLhlngt Wlln ltis eonprativu-lY snail ar a population of 36.(M.1000O. more ih aqulvalent taotoîî-thlrd of tiis coi try la cougastoti. of the total ai et lîaiy, ouly 17.64 per coutla s eevared -It fureta. Wlceme te the Wattle. Aîîqtrla'si national flower, thie go en watle. bast pluyed Ils part lu valcome la Australien soltile.a. thu moordirs which ru frontm tIrrasporis te thie dlscharglng dé are filled i sltblessora as weli wtlî thaki. Equally happy la1 enfilu iosoue ctba of utillzlflgW le dey as an occaion for a spec appeul on baIfeet c hltrens ec Ites, lila worthoilet tat a cot @pondent lu tho Sydney MornnngE &ld declires <th ibmh word "s-att *tues tmli tae 'wsttle-and-dai lula radeo by- thte oarly ponefl Mie aild of thie ts-lg and branches ettrirango r.. laulOn clOu beaut pollios, bil-hapeti flowpm. "TI *bean le s wcvlng-ttie wattlig auIme t fbrlc as te Nwoî-jas ne before aen, te 'aarp and woof bale bt sn i ftor yeuuat bUe.ehb tcrosa the golte sitneve breaklni trauti-iie fabriecof at gre." &et ,al ken 'ns. aeir ep an ier Lsoi ne con. mal ben' Bel«s tho lndm of Ibo AmertcanLoal ue la hltlIflaSioething: eopplag the fla la sometblug ooa. Trias pOMMetb"p doua both. M a raie plahiag masag6es slump la ther vork on thée dlamoo.d and obeon retira tot ha boesehtedirect the te&zii Il bas wôrked theother way la Speakers mua. fla playng record for 1924 wiIIgo dow» pi Uha but ho bUad uingRUa U8vain la the bg lime. sau- AUDITORWIMIS- EXITRA STRANSFERRED TO ~il.II « THE 3PARK BOARD nuimber no! ate oica ledr te prouant the tata cnvaaillg ocaril t e - seut lino eiion Kt il eoclck ibis mît, Tea Ltbry bheinbettiIts îaontbly mornlflg ta sean te vote cas in te ,, meeing blontiay evening authte civ prlmary electlon. orhall. Governor Frank 0. towtien. Siecr- ii At ibia meeting l-a lbri ry board tary of Stt L. L. lfmineisOn und Itilgned te final pRpers for te trans. St. Treimarer Fred E. Sterling, te un-fer cftlthe Audtur uin blta epuni tImter te reptullicitu nom'.nao for use board andti ala appinted i Commit- lietenant-governor. s ho comtpose theta IOftee wvicitla toaneet irday evenin board.,s-era present.a s-itite lîbrarlan 1tautlec t 50wnrh feu iSmal o! Kanakee. 'Jlîomplu of nos- bocks. tuai lite boardS bason candidate for goverorO sho hait tot. been _nominated on te face of thetef in, A lîght Ilncueare lunte alt lea of officia. vote. as contiffeî ll t ihe Of lon liteslirarian sud assîttant Ras as elcty, ant islaconfident titat hbi ame efictei.will ho cortifleS ty tIhe board. There s-,as nothing on the surface' ItIL s-hen thet ime mer il-e board meet ittd ing arrivet Io1 indicate a legal langie Col) Lame Sîcknema. ai tiIs lime. Titere s-as a ramai, titi Au investigatiloniof tht. Soult AhI. afloat titat an effort migl-t ho inadl ton. rau dloense known slemzekte. or ta enjoin te ecreary o! atato Ir- ires, lame slcknetit. stggetstat i nledue eertifying il-e Dame o!flMr. Stil than ta a ffpeli plant poison thatlsl gen- tite retiphican halet. Lut n Peitioli oufi eratc-d uder abnorntal conditions lu bas been filied. ires grasses or ailer plants tuaI are nor- now- nally itarmIua. li dévelopruent sopente ta ie *ssoeittetl s-it utîjsa s-tater andot PmlIetreflnc f whitlh Cactus Takes LoflflTrip. stimuler drougiti la Important. Titrougli A Imail Cctus. tîhe jotited opuntia, - ucit conditions, wltlng voulti favor inle 5,1 ttrlhutt-d in ariregionhq zli-te formationt of tae poison, ant ibtis froui Nes-Mexico nor-tisarti. Ili ode tii explalmis liteconarnon itlef tut te mysterloitt aay Il t IaMreîtuà« mai13 a le dseae r 1 uit trineatngwlteti dry rocky letieaIluhumîi Minnesota lad planta, anti Wlwonsln. srites . fLange lInte 51101 -Amerîcanroretry Ungauineo0f Washt- as ingtoin. A fes- years axo on a Cellos te - Would Be Mitend.-trlp on Lakto of ltheWoodç I tout s al- Oua day s-ila outInluthe yrd pay.~ freoit joint of tiis cactus amfong te elai* log ws-ht tu new kulfe my li11e bo bosIdera of tae Ontario shtore lu a bar boetcbdent oal eng deneelî s-ooded .reglon. flos-te arn.- badly about îIL 1 toit hlm t s-as aorry, plant rpaced tiis spot has remalncd Her- ton. Bie tlioightt about-lt a li11e s-ilî% a secret ta me. îttîo <feu ha suIt: "My.' but my poklet nvii tub'- ho l1otneun sliboul my ktile.-Ex tvsIesbv trii h. change. U deIesbv agis es-of iver of a 9 1 er i apruee Tie 73 Yeire Old. in maklng a survoî ot!the a e foret, w bra te arpiane cultilîg wae carriei un turing te *or iilte re aHrtor oairue.district, n tree 83yei 0d18 s-e tund, uYs te Amopricen (rlrorY ?MagazIne o u ahî- lugîo. 'Tte îrte s-nq flleS en cleir- tag to mkt hie uiltarY camýpbmt after a 11Mb htl faltti endimenaroti ha roof elthtt oiicert q'.lrters. The tre le coie <o tlie Oyi.lclgluwy, N nl'.ncril th 41tipipil. Tha atnî sas 11.6 le-i Iron thetraIotnd loVel. The tro Ae3ý.t, two l..ia li. ameler %lien C,lutilhu.q dîscovaîcti - Aneilt. Creaive Genlua. iqbntçmspetr 'rt l ilthe skelè-l.'n5et lâ rsuer 1liftht id trlttîe -:tO1 I lua ulton the' Streii-îtti ittlue ad ieu-e Vn51 nt hSels I'A-I l 101q.) f meoet~ Initier. Buît hI. Ao tetitti--flW iti leshi ,d euS hutilnid 1'Itetl-1 na iîelom- trill;a. rltb ey 1Il ' t-i n-I ruote ti l -ame tuitwas ilitl. ctul 1,i 'l-t lftutl ailer lie lt:id -l" lît I <I frouit ii o-c'a 'î.tl0i aliijite. vtailîtyIlle;- - lee-béggara gin? l'iz!l - r iit'-zc'- Ilu -a aIFîropo cotid 1 efcii :Ltî subîcefs for lis îot:tv.l~î TuEUNIp RAL -A Thle Marmon IS A GOOD CAR TOO Wc have one for sale, in wonde rful condi- lioni, 1917, 7-passenger touring, repainted, wire wheela, 5 cord tires, rune silently and rides rough roads with the ease and com- fort <bat is so characteristic of "Marmons.-' *'Aùierica's Comfort Car,'" $2.000,00 WILSON &OHM WAUKEGAN IKNOW WITTHE DAY CONTINUATION SCIIOOL PLN IS? N2w Law and Arrangements for 1%~ Execution Explarh- ed by One Coonvrsant PENALTIES ARE PROVIDED i iiecaiu thel aWankeiauin cliOOi under the env law next year nit augurlte tle day 0iflaln 1801011, te iollowing explalnlng lt-t woralngs tu.or laterotlocaily: *j'ne law provlding for contiluaton senboIs sa a acted by the lt ilem- sineno lte legllature. Under the 18w coadsolliciion seo" m iuat ha es- tabîlsaetiby 12in i l 11CO5flfUflttP5 wnere thoera are mouren autWenty poinmonýsusbjoct to thre la*, ai pon liaeetablishment oft hea choOl al persona beismen te ages or lé tno IN mut be iermttedl te attend orl-c!) i leauit cîghtîhouras-weekly. Thit -4 amendled. flowever, go ihat te pi,> gre:-tuot. *Fe ograduaI <boa. rrorn -wcomelleil to attend I sCflOOlUDii11423. citeRlte axe limt i- estlenadt u 1t. Persona of aiv Cge mnay attend thte sciool but it i-t comPula4orY lor te agea indîcîted. :SchOol.nRurs muit be bet-ween 8 a. M. sad hP . mandi sa a Ile cons;. erpa part of the lIme a minor la ai- las-ed by la- to s-ot. It efterts he emploYeti or flot emploved alida ilafeguardlng the lutorastm of tlue empl by çompelllng tecol- ployer t0 llos- lie person to attend se non. Venatles PrOvided PenaltIes -are Providati for failurp on te pari of Parent, guardan or employer t0 carry out thte proviton., ci the lis-. 'lne local oftlfltiton ecitOOt s-fl, open early lu October. Thora t a wldle range o1 subjacta Grerai and, chOlceOfo!subjecta 1.11 (o the ilupli w-ut reaaouaau 11perVlaloui. Tiere la ho altemPt tÔ Iterfere s-it t rade Union apprentlcoahlpg but atudents s-hi no taughtsueblecta that viia- État tita n l larDug th. rade la 'Illiht tiey are apprenîîcelun seh FALLS OVER SAW* JIORSE IN DARK; MAN BRE&KS RIB John WazraOf Sevoalmoît h an i CamPbell uvenuýe.mat viii a plinnfut acc*deni Monde; evoningtîait aow 1 lokr. Wazri %es reiurnlng îne enS s-bila ho vraae passlag tiough a Iid te eumbleti anti feil ,ver a Dir. ufller ms- Fsmoone-1 anti aonS tit iWlira ita4I-ractutet one Of bis ribs. DIAMOND Tj Announces Reduction in Price on, Entire LUne of IMOTORTRUCK-S Node! Caiaciti Former Price Preeat Price T 1V2 ton -. ... ....... .. .. . . $2.80()0(0O $2,450.00 FS 112 ton-with farmi body .-.......... -3,10000 2,715.00 U 2 ton ...... ................................. 3,485.00 2M83.00 K 3V2 ton ..... ........ ................- 4,825.00 31925.00 EL .5 ton ............... .... ..... «------------- 5,675.00 ".15.00 îS 5 ton Special .........~.... .... .. 5,900.OQ 4»800.00 Sales and Service Arthur E. Flynn Telephone 795 .29 Madison Street - Waukegan "The Nation's Freight Car"',, R EO0 OUR PRICE POLICY To every purchaser of a REO automobile-whether a passenger car or Speed Wagon-we will give assurane that if, betwccn the date of purchase and April 1, 1921, there shall be any reduction ini the price ofi that particular îijdel, wc shall cheerfully refmiîd the amomint of sueh re- duettion. You mray buy a REO automobile 119w, therefore, witli fut] assurance that you wil be paying no more for it than yen. would have to pay next Spring. At the saie tirne you wil have the enjovmeut eofypur, new car during the entire Fail and Winter scason. -,- Todai. morethia erer betore the orospective autemobile purobasor àI oulnsider careullv thre finaoiel stabiiv d probabl per.IuemY e thte oompuavwkmoe rduot ho buyva Weli- vtethet i.mutcrful laveetleation ef tdre record GRIFFIN & WAIT Waukegan, IIL 1 21S rdnRL Phono 215

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