CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 13

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,TODIUI A Tires of Incessant Gun Fights Wlth Bandits; ,"Safeir in Mexico," He Says. PIZE FIORTINO 15 EASIER. Bandits have ended Kid Howard'a earoer as OUI1 kepr Howard Carr. as bh-vai chi sf eid, vroterai oi tise equared cincle aid a veli anown f)git promaoter. bis ebeen * fatced ta Claie up Lis lHouue That J"X fBilt."1 aloîg tise Milwaukte te&&. ean Deapîines. Howard la weIl kîown In Wauke- gin. viera ho used ta pt-amat prira figiti hors hlf the "palmy days." Hc "Ibruglit ait" maiy a ecrapper Inflie Waukegai erena Prise figlting living gaie ILy thte boit-d e t a large e-xtelt, Howard vent lt theichotel bamiesa 'usteail and located iea.r Weeliig in "The Houite Tisai Jack Dult." thse houas that li a id a checkered crt-et- ever ince Jack gai tlirougl il itIL. ne eloaed thse bullel-scat-redi doar «MrY yesterday.- ia bride oi elght saillis.fatced ta pack an curonati, In iser beaded liaidbag. vaite in la îi automobile. ,«Mexico la aer."I "Tbaik God. ve're through vîtis that." breathéd thec "Ki.." lc rath- r et-Int-elaexco--aiet.' As they Ici t persistent bandits wet-e waifiig ta gay fareweil. Ive mninl a tourng car tan up closP rthrew thse spoti&tt on ."Kid Hovard." Mechinically, Mr. mnd ire. "Kid Howard" dug for tisir canions, andi apattered lead ail aven tébandit car. Thon he stepped ai the grai. Tisci artived Inflic luc.p vtbotit f un- ther Incident. -"Tiseremany théeUtisa 've bcd- my featurcis auaagad plenty.*' ighed "h. Kd!' "But prizze figltng la a parler pactte cospiued taoi living out latisat joint. "Tise iret yack 1 gel tis* place lmi bah up. 1 iigured. 'al riglt-thse bae wo't be baiSaI-liS me again for avhile.' "*But., ahi vhat gluttona tisey are. Tbey cama back four or ft-ae tises la a moenti. "«Sa I buy me a Young arsenaI. I put twa rifles neart- ie doot-. fao rovalvero la the chclen, aid aras .i'erybady ta tise place. lncudig Mie. Cari. Unesahed Lead. 'A eloir ghttalcge I answet-ed a kiacit at tise door andl tiereas five of 'cm vaittiig ta getl. 1 pipe tise butges ou tisait- is. Thea 1 unleasti lota or Iead. Tisey iciu. ---"TSars at't a copper wutilà miles. One racket f ley a-k at- Hte Put a tocv tire an tise roati, iitis a str-i, an I. When a motoriat camles along h. figure comebody bac dtopPed a tire. le stop& Ia ge h. aid bing! Tisey pull tiesetring aid their guis cf thes amteUime.. --Al tise vel heeleil patrons cons. tng iras 'Thse Bridge' ta my p!àce ta est get reieved of tjit-moule:'. "t dont mind a nie, socable 'ilgis. but swcet baby! I'm ibrougis wth ver." Eaereti W. Carter, 24, unilet, 111. lair Maie Eggers, liq, Pee-yIl. Ray 0. Wtker. 24. 3Milwaukee "Wt'a.- and Merle Hawthorne, 25, camie d- dress. AlbetcRlsesAllainan u9, ChIeago. sud Couataitea La--et-.29, camie cd- -'tesP. Lat-aci. 1. Kenoslia, 'cuand hare soren on, 4à, camne cwfres.= Josephs J. rKiet, 25, Chilcago, aid M Ltlydele R. Greenle, 25, came addresa. relegrino Loyl. 36, Higisaood, and Pacquite Zagnoul, 25. came cîdrees. Roy -R. Graham. 1.Chicago. audE Beair-ice Dîyvenpott 21. sanie ad- ibls. Pt-cil A. Broan, 21. Chicago. aid Betty . Prtersofl, 21, came addt-eec- Ed at-d W. Nicean, 28.<Chicago. aissi Aarçavtt- EI. liher, 21, saieacd- Chai les E. Faulknet-. 29, Eilîn.aid Laurisp. Fox, 26, Chicago. VW.l-.. Bliek. 21, Cîcera. aid BeIle 1e-uC.18, sanas addfess. Mari>' . Huit. 27, Mle$ Cit' Mont.. aliii Mary» Illitf, 2), Fart -Vstl. 'Texa. VT18,dat- Swaibe,.. 27, flesplaluesl,M cuitIVers Rudaîphi . same a ddt-ess. Sidney p. Jacoba, M,. KeUcaba, and Fraqilj i. etar. 2 1. M at-iette. %Vs. Wliittn Soibherg. 23. Kenomusa. esn'. I'ratuct-a Bazynskt. Z2. ame addrces. pA,.bri J. Kuedertg, 28 Iilwiulke. andii ilatie Johnson, 5.Gt-ei'fl faY. Charles SPr.Il<i... iî.:'ak Mid 11% tayornle. -24,raime asi..ea.M ilIslniiauhmat- . 5. WLIteuiiti.t aid 2ise M'laitii.2CI. samne atdreca- Ed.,-'4 .OellEi'. 24, CiscetIO. and Clretine RelIe>'. 22, ZIon. john Dliio. . iifilltîl'. and jur.ephne' Firitlb 11 it:tland Park. Etri . Padil:11,St, S.Loui. MO.. -ai lrterie]aMote-t".11, auke- Clirîi Cu se 4,Zttaa-and StWlîle lzoh, 27, ameadee ceorï,ge A. Wiluuîne-. -.C.iai - ad Tbete 1. Cr51!, l'9, carne ail drese 1 Chartes Zjinù,-1, lnsilaàe Ili.. sdiltItunor Johttîu'fl. b, OInte agi- !- Eltiret T. Spertz, 21, -Nit i-t WII. afud Zelda L. Kenient, 21. N- aa-i.kee. Wls. Itourard A. LandaU. 21. NIii.'ru %%"W. and4 liidreM ..Garake, lV. sud Mary Vlîaraky, 20. cause addrefs.0 HatyP. Vaaderburg. 0.cis4gs .4ndMa.sle Taylor. 21,Exli.W. Peter De Braki, 89. SbliVt, Win.. and Mary Zdroewski, 27, ipe addrena. Floyd E. Firman. !2. Oak Park, and C harlotte M. Ortman, 20, Chi- cago. Alfred-J. Wort, 25, Mlwaukee, and EttaffHall. 20. coae addreaa. Alvin T. Champagne, 21 Milwau- iee, and Gladys Vahe, 18, saime ad- dresa. Frank Krall, 58 llwaukea. Mnd Betty Herbert, 38, gane addreas.' Peter P. Kailer. 27, Asblord. Wi. and àelia .. Malilen. z, ame at- Arthsur W. Steaisr, sa, Eau Claire. Wis., and tella Dodmead, 23, samiei addreu.. William P. W«gisr, 21, Manltowor, Wie.. and UmnIe A. Koliwey. 21. a"me addiesa. Rocktoî A. flowker, 29, Chicago and Ethel Suadberg. 23 gara aa dreea. Menmau flarwlck. 2.1, Grat Lakea, and Lot-aI Smith, 80. Chicago. Hart-y W. Walker, 2. Milwaukée. àad Mao Young, 19. samne addreaa. 1Et-ei'. Stone, 16, New York, and Florence Jehnaen, 23. Milwaukee. Ednnînd P. Coonan, 22, Milwaukee. and Cenevieve V. Lindeu, 21, samnei addrecu. Ivan Beatrice. 22. Norths Chicago. and Rose Modick, 24, Waukegan. Hat-di W. Maters. 21, Chicago, and Thelma KenyoaidM Los Anîgeles. Cal., George Speare, 21, Chicagjo, ail Mary Brooka. 30, samne addret-s. John Cepon. 21, Waukegan. aid Mary Savaglo, 17, caine addresa. Simo A. Larsoi. 27, Great Lake&, aid Anna NM. Smith, 26. Cicago. Arthur Casterton. 22, Chicau. aid Margaret Raoaey, 20, camne addreas. Jack B. Narris, 26. Waukegan. aid ,0ladys Anderson. 23, Chcago. tlanede L«, Knapp, 30, Clakcago, aid Blanche Hudglac, 27, caie ad- dreps. Jamea L. Monaghan. 23, Milwau- kee, and Roae Oison. 21, came ad- irées. Magus Boaitther. 23 Mlwaukee, ud iAlice Wallechleger. 19, scama ad- dlass. Eidui, W. Grant. 2. Fort Sheridan, a"d Gertruade Hopuan, 24, Hlgland Park. William Markey. 21. San Franciaco. Cal.. and Anna Slavata. 18. MiU- wauiree. Herman T. Wittlirff 22 Chcago, aid Irai. M. Myahak. 19. came ad- dresa. Edward J. Riedeu. 21, Wect Bond, Win.. aid Mainla C. Laidwatter, 21, camne addrecc. Tîmothy P. O'Caînell, 34, Chilcago, and Elizabeth B. Duuglas. 13, came addreaa. John H. Walker. 21, Waulkegan. and '.%fude Shattswell, 1% camne cd- dreca. .àa orée Birt-taya. 'Y y son.» "M'Ht at-e the 'middle cge'"' "WhIy, thee mîddle cgee, my boy, arc tise-anas vhîcis vîea the wamen t-cr tiscy Stop cauutîng."-Yonket's State.ý man. TOWNSIPS BHan BAD STAÀTE ROADS Highway Officiais Issue Bulle- tin Ptaging Responsibility and Showing 1(sason. WI.L DIVIDE UP THlE COST mtats oflcialî lrritt$d over tise costait airesni aicomiplainte vhlcb «ohue ta pour lita the oafca ai tise tate dvisiniofaihaya hava isauad a buietti pohtlag out visa te eh«auy reeponsibia for thse poor con- dMton of certain iSgwaya. More tisén 93.800 inlea ettise roada Of tis alte are ulidar tisa direct Jar- Iadctinoatavnisip iighvay 5om- miasionera. If la »tated. Lis buletn t-adi ln part, -Tise roui'-aid brlge law pravidea tisat' tbe sate shil! maimtain such roaide as are lmpravcd cfi the point expense af tiese cate aid Couity, or aithtie Joint e«panse ai tiesate aid tise ts<leral go Dtt-nent. -Q provIdes furtiser that tise coul or mâatainlng sertit roade an tise crate aid cyces, viai n ipro'.cd ai tic Joint cupeise of tBiaiatnad tise county. $hal1 be peld by tisa coin- ty; ciao gravel aid macadam visci imPy-aved by tiese tate and cuity JOMnty sal ta paid one-'half by fise sate aid onehali by the couity." N.CIJCenO BRIEFS Mra. George Bteau retut-ued y.aý leniay f rom Ohio, visera sc aspent seertal vekavtitIng t-chUt-ou. Dr. Enacis attende I c meeting of tisa Northl Shore Dental association et tise Edgevcter Beach liotel la Cistogo rcterday. Tise little daughter ai Mr. ct- Mn%.. Ferry. af Tventy-second and Stew- art-avrenue, la itl wvus diphthet-ha À iccellaneona aiaver iras isoId Ia Sonar 49airet-. Retrice MeLecri Niutat ci tise home n ber parents, Yr. and lMa-.J. E. licearn, Monday .ventlg. Tisefit-et gaina inflic Rugby foot- ball sacon vIll b. played 'iday atternoois betveen tise Northl and Commonwealth acisoola at thlp Noth acisool grounds. Tva boyc visa bave JuRt t riee. iras BSwedeî ciantas i clooi at tise Nor-ths iciool yoterdav. etlier af tise boys spcak aij> Englilb, 1&0 tlsey vill b. tarted-ta fisetirai, gradenu-. tiI they learu aur lan.-uage. Tise llbrat-y vili now b. open ail tise tise iras 8 ta 8:30 p. m. evory day excepi Wedieaduy. Ou Bturday tise lhanrsa ilI ta frot-Oi2 ta8:3-0 P. s. Louis F. Gabella; or Troy, lnd.. tm vitiiting litebrother. Frank Gabella, this a-eek. Tise f ao itlbthecbav-e no eeu eanis other itise lest ishie yeat-e. Tise presbyte-rian choir yull meet thie evcniag citer pt-oyer meeting et I8:30 c'cïock la the chut-ch. -I LET'S GO! Great Plowing- Match -(USING TRACTOR AND HORSES) ITUESDAY, OCT. l9th 9:30 a. m.-alI day (if bad weather,, wiil be held next day) Busse's Farm Field 1West of Lake Villa Horme Show, Saddlc Charnpi6ns, Higli .Tump- crs, Steeple Cihase, GENECRAL AUCTION WiIl Seli Anything. - Two Auetioncers. AEROPLANE Lieut Dwight Morrow, Pilot. - Take a Ride and Sec Our Wondcrful Section for $10,00. EXHIBITION BY Two Chîampion Plowmen from Wleatland and Big Rock. (111.) Plowing Assiis. One a',16-veai'- old boy. -Ample Field -Grov e - iPariig Space Good, Food - Gar'age Supplies. NORTHERN ILINOIS BIGGEST DAY FM-ii' Fitl Paî'ticuhtrs W'atch The Sun or Commîuiii- <att witlt Fraîîkz T. Fowler, Lake Villa, 11l, Phione 62.- OTFTOO W.,LEIIMNqNres. ALUtttlWit New and TheblIi tteied By the Best of Men .'~Iybua i rlht to be biue, but If coins Waukegan men wouid hcve thoir ,acea amashed Il voultI ImPrOve theru. -TlW re a. A85a afew peope Who irrolibouli rt-cir ta a ralîlope asac ?iflqO $iMtWtrment. e &j Vraga mai bas a beid tie trylii ta look gaceful ih M hatn- moek. DoWit4Hunter liaw aecided ta ba- cin. ma ctas' wlieîthse prica of ag becometa prohibitive. 'rue avatm-ayouth hza, a h,îvs. trna tiTinstu, allck up a !Iead aof stubborts ablai sd 80 -ear later ha à"i & waria tue trying ta malta tse ly' tisat'a loft look preacitable. Th" ara raicrriig un "greeiÎbacks" a« "ii-obqklii.1. aid we'l ay la ici low isasta ba a "siner" ta lay away a iev aiof bem. .If you muet have a bobby dont pIck out a iaiay aie. A recant operationils about ai goad a tapic as tise veatiser. à!'rom Doaw ai fatlior ull look evelà more ababîy tIsai heretofare ai fur- bac, time' bas arrived again. Sisorty pley, visa livedcmauig tise praîstarlat for many years aid uaed ta get a rida to vit-kin comae oi hic îclgibaa'a ilivycre; every morning. re- Ceiitiy ruavcd tu an erlatocrétic nelgisarlsod anti la ent-ely out' of lucs. lHc la too pour to buy au auto- mobile and bis neighbor.s pRashlm Up in their LIMOUSInes. dent la: *Atter reading your edl- toriai about "ILoodles" Kelly I hava deCIOed ha alaould realgi' as preaideit 0f tihe totary Club and tny for à isigis position Intise lîdependent Orden of Pl@e lcatg Knoekerq.-.1. H. A. The abaataa i candaI Is canaui" lieai delluht amooig flic race horia tanu vbe bave been thse tariet fai' 'cOrooaed raclâg," whlch the adser. cita or thepetat (?) national ganse bsav. eligited ta tarai tie turf dîvar- a100. '1'ie.oId ised vbo aaid tisa chic- icana oine home ta rocet knew a lot &bout fowi habita. Expel Fifty Peoria High Sohoo Students Beouse of 'Frats' Peorla, Ili., Oct. 5.--Nlure tisai 10 higi s chool atuda,4te werc eîpelled lodly bcca"aa tlîey were afleged ta belong la,. fraternitîes, cororities aid other secret organizaf lois. Parenut wers liormcd tisat tise St'jdcîlttc would nat b. allowed ta ratura ta achool unti tisey haît reslgied frat the aocletiea. A niece of tiesa uper. inteideit of acheoli wn«cmng thsa sucpended. Thle want a&i are worth twhile Iooking over-theY have s - - From out- ofthe. Dark Ages came an aýppreciation of GOOD, TEETH and~~ ~ ou fta ppreciation came botch dentistry of the 'loiik ago" and from botch denttstry grew the, product of the present day. NOW somes t"i up4to-the-miauî. Dental Of4ice, With its specializrd branches of practice. It is the "laat Word" in Dental Science. Surely .you cannot afford to overlook the value of a service like this. Lady assista nt always ini attendancet. 1 wshto prove to the publie that we can perYorm Ai Dental operaft"ons abselutely w*ithout pain. Our, method is inedicine first, then the filling. In order that we may prove to you (we è o eïactly as We advertise), we are mak- - ing the follorwing substantial reductions on our regular prices until October 15th. Our Searniess, One-Piece Gold Crowns 'At. ...... . ...... ......... Porcelain Crowns (Pivot Teeth) A perfect match in color and shape . . .............. .. . ... .. ..... Gold Inlay and Gold Flings' Price aceording to size', from .. ........ ...... ..- Solid (bld Bridge Work Porcelain Bridge Work, Like the natural teeth, per tooth . . . .-...-......-..... Nerve Kill1ed and Roots Filled Fo .... .. .......~....... Abcess*cured and Roots filed For . Extraction with local injection; abs;olu.tely wtthout pain $2,00 .Without local injection .------..---- Oua admiistert-d, $3.00;, Extracting $2.00 for 1 tooth; For each aucceedixig tooth. Plates that you can eat with From _______.1 -.--,-'- w to $8 $7 to$8 3 to $12 $8.0 $10.00 $3.00 $4.00 $1000 $1.OQ ,te $40 ALL WORK GUARAWfEED. F. E. CORLISS-, De De S. Hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m., week days. Phone 1923 ' L30tWa!shington St' aucgaI i Over Thonmas Market Co. Fordson TRADE MAK -A Fordsoai Tractor on tihe fana meana more prosperity for the. (armet. It doesn't make any dit- ferece*bow you spàthatprospar -wlbhe it i lain msdproduction; whether it,.in the'- '-g that cornas frein a machine over a hors. or a mule; whether il tomes li a relesfromnt th. drudgcuy andi al-day andialI-nW*h labor on the. faim for both mmondmui fe-hecause the F o r d s o a nawers a those probleana te satisfaction of the (armer. .1 can't be otherwise These are dia days of pro grasé, and power on the faim is the. mecesaty. It is only a question' of what kind of power the.(arme r us gOing to bave, but no (armer with the. facto now bafore hlm can question the monetary adantage of machine power over herseanui mule-power. Ilh ' Tractor is the fermer'* nécessity juat as much sa tsutinURlathe.ecessity for growig crops. Ail that is necessary for a farmer la to know bit Foruison Tractor as (amiDarly as ho undaratanuis bmh.nga teaof.houas. Ha want te uae the saie amount of reammdemmonmmns. In tii.Ford- son Tractor la the. concentrated power of delghborss,. andi » flexible as the movamment of Tqur anui -much more flexible tha hors. eontrol-and boyond ail comparison mmmdi more economical botL in service.and inl keap. Then it wufl do se manY thing s that horées andi mules Cannet do, snd it doa't ceat whenidle - W. dom't beieve tiiere la any question li tii mimd of amy (armser as te tii. necesaity (or a Tracter, but h. may bae nome doubtl a te wtmof Tractor, go that la the reason va are piatting I"isad- veitisurnant lits paar te diaw us attention te dieCFordson Tracter. Tis la why we put dia above argumenta bef ara hini, and -wiiy va ow invite him to came inte eut place of business amnd iew the. Ford- son Tracter. Let us show hlm wiiat it bus dope Let us prove t. hlm tu s uperuority over amy othir Trter *as more te hlm thon it oas to us. When wa seil a Tractor, we make a umail profit, but mg for hlm every day m the year; diat la, if he buys a Fordson-ire t'an't *Peak'f or 1h. other lands. Corne k WILSON &OHM Bay vour 1921 Fjord Car nov., WMMIEGAN, Phone il LIBEIITY VILLE. PIsane 38 - 4 FUROPEÂN t. ELECT i -t.- t lu % .ui rt--t several itu ai' in crct t Ottu n'e i ottri~f S tI.- î:rtl(2 arni 1r -. Iuestla'a pitay ite secondl tet atan titiuiuiiip ilit-uit achat-k on5 a CIlilé- autai.niblie 35 mtie a-ucut- îme waca Il pclice c t tIhis inc Mis. l-,tZ-y Made stîoved 0o fOc Pres: chient-O. 50 lias 1 l)rIt-I. K. Davis t tir rip ta 1 Fctbt partridges fat- sejys lte iuing W andl ne gt the 1! it ,(e . 1fla t- n0,-i ttdtedatit'Car rer'hncoigy atter i tiact w-l<h the XEIen, a0.1tl;0'lrg. Mnr. ai-rn'; atiir, bas e pkin uttdut'ng tht eiiitioiittaid Ca tint- a at-w roofO lIttCn' îtofM'A.Maî ;,13 N 1l'tii FiI-E itttttty. i ]1.tîr.gtilîtt'.jut Q Ca ai1artietit On C q itthi'tl'itt(l Itavîit- NolIn. alto -îh:id ererting a . sde A -Itou-e. :a~ldb n'pp'-hbitu fvitinII b)ropeC',ieter hio a-ct-c ourid lhn' e t- -tf saTÀîetedev. - .-~ LIéF~~1WILLE ______________________________________ I M- C. T. Heydecker ter trom Cousi Relating Ci BIG STRIKES 1. l'ealjlc of Eun- *,gerty towStd the rite tinited States fil e -w cilmictrt tuentin the re-opi rias relations and b ter conditions ln til Adolph iSturni. Sr- à.arvaria. Iobis rci clecler. of Waukgi lias just tl'. iéd. Olur-laitine, s get pay frin ,11Itl to41) 4-9111 iîttr W rites &lhi, ()tr taborers at- b-i-anse 1 1wi-vmulitI lit percent. 'lhie lio)(t im IodeduCi ano aelcii'r oýtje t i rai a tri te isttiliret am the g reat Bosc gart, te LUinIer I nterkuclhelin Wer SI-ly 0v the gaVer atirâmren declare tI pItlle iet. %%'li the placide IQeie-bring afi Cition' -Our Iiperiai gel cied bhave ruade nm silei un pite ofr tier-c la as Etest ti ff ai alliera only It more. i)urIng the 1 indlividtliaie have est tue pt-etent goveroz <osilragu -1incolet- Ile ca'- and re'.îlii tieruianti Ate 'tet-iany basi bt-- leriie act As 1!f'0*. r-onpy. iliîey dar iltrcs ahin thry Ili led anud any pre la riiti Et-lt tuch 1i uuentiy the' rniîloyî ter argue- ThrI.he n .o trie gove-îtm(nf lite Weil, irl tOtp rellUit Alla-ýt'hut thle -t-flr itti' andt'l t-t tta e plitn oflte l*'-c i. ý a r'a' ttilli'. pxlr -rtiIt'tnir Iro't In 111r- taidi ta-r.' n th,> ptinrhouri- i 1:- te-t forf'od at T :,- 't ;P ! r I t? a.- J., ! ttc I uI', a id V. tt ' l r' nt (W th, lit'- m in'.t in -' tar t--'t-,end Hi r' 0 "Nly wate a t] Lt Vv i h ýrI i rret-t r v, At-.-Uy t'E. CA someuung you uccu. 1 1

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