CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 7 Oct 1920, p. 15

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~n' e v ~ I8ht .&Cataog No38D5U51M m Pr%$2.69 LO W P ICES t 0 9 c rm Wamletm ute Ee.p ut Ctalo No. £ Noth.r :15b... c m 0.rl w31»» I ha cjna et t un it sd lub te ases; u th... g.............1098 0 0 avatiabie.. "0 eta UII i ehiosa &u good coloriaesi aal lets r" PU ur ouPimfor suie lmes are oly 9>8 a........ .....97c61.19ll* Grt. SoeF rWo enadC id. Alex Hein Co. Underselis Chicago CA TALOG'- Iouses and Proves Ik With Tis Sensationa<d Mail-Oder Price CoprsnSale CalIe No. 311759 Caltai Price.83495 Ou.r Price la A Great SelIing or- Fail and Winter Suits CùatlcePrice.8W.50 Our Price.Io Other Suits Cýompared Ne. Catalog Sut linder $40.50. Like qur Pur Tràmued« $29.75. Calait No. 31D7535. Price $63.50. Ou Priet is $55.00. ('ertainly no one tbing 1llust rates more forcetully thse enterprîse and pro.. ge.'lsvetss of ihis great store than thse toregolag comparative prices. For intal.ncu. do you know of any other store ln thse community showlng a hand- anme ne.' Fait Suitr, fur trirnged ai $2975? And tissa tiere are hundreds upon hundreds of other stylisis Suits la Velours. Tricottaca. etc., many of them ehborately emboidered and fur trimmed. Comparing Our Waiat Pricea With Thoae ai the Mail-Order Houa. "Calitf No. 271>2095 Price $4.98 SILK WAISTS Our Price Is 3.79 Her. la au tem for the visole coun- trystde to enthua. aver. Pretty new slk Çrepe de Chiné asud silk Georgette Crepe walata ia dozeas o! wanted styles. oopprgette Crepo, Silk Ciepo de Chine and Tricolette Blouses Calait No. 272030. Price.$8.96 1 Our5i91 Frice We are creatng a sensation viltiseh blouses offered at Ibis price, wlîlcl coaspare wth tise Mail Order blousez, at $8.98 and tisey bave no troiel tes viltch we sisow tuthebisantai l usieian..... blouse styles. Voile Waists $1 Tiies prtty blouses af voles lnaua? mumber o! vanted styles'anC ail sîzes compare vils .catalog num1ber 2 lA&GS 511dk Weits$1 Women'.s J.50- SiI Corset Covers ~79c Tua Prlice.Under 82.89 it suade rediculous aaly we have tisent isere on dtsplay et this very loy price. Silk Corset Covers at $1 - 1.49 - 1.9à lIer. &re sllk corset covers ta leab. aavy and otiser aew coloriage, beautl- fully trlmmed ta aIt Bîzes. Diak Chemise Nearet oua in the Calalor's liq. 351>908. Pricd uecia t SU.8 Our New price la M.9M Thisa another wonderful Item- -& .11ik crepe de chine ciseMise aI $1-98, -Dot la yeta bas socis a thig becS heard of. other Chemise 2.98 to $5 gowna Women'sMuslin -chemise --bloomera Caalot, No. 38SD9278 Price.$169 j, ot ai ood. Tfhese undermuglilsofa ours 81 81.37 are aîcely flnîised, ln pret- 17 styles anC gond qnality andt constderably-below tise mait-order bouge puice. Greatest Women 's anti Children's Ready-to- Wear Stores In the Country Children's- Wash Dresses Cswalce Pris a81-M & Our Price la Tii... pretty 11111e gingham dreso forfor childrnaof 2 10 4 ut 83.19 are grest, bargala. Ail colora sud many styles. $3 to $4 Wash Dresses 1.98 & 2.98 la tissa. assorînienis thure are hua'. dreds 0f styles la dresses for girls up là 14. prettlest coloriage af course. Thert Are NO Ctalor NO om.t.CblMpra vils ThemeChJJdrW$' Serge Dresses at 5.98, 7798Y $10 We don't need tu tell Fou liaI the"e serge dies prices are senuitonaUyr low. tbat la plain ta, be »een, . inchecia plaidsf and navy. Children's Warm- COATS Caalor No. 171700. Pricel at 18.98 b Nearet t.ou odel at Other Coats Special Our chtldren's departmaent la tise largeat la thîs section of tise country. Mer. are handsome new coata of vel- ours, broadclotiss. meltons4, for fabrîcs and plushes. Miany fur trimmed. Children's $9- Beaver Hats an avad then thtre aro a great mayohrstyles and kinds from $2.50 Women 'a Fibre SILK HOSE- 69C Cataiot Price. je79P Womenas a d igrs, boot fibre s11k bose la black, white and brown ta ail sîzes. 1 50 and 1.75 SiIk Hose -at $1 A really wonderfui evielît iiid2ed -woien's siik isuse in black, anavy, white, grey, cordovan, sky and brown ln ail sizes. A Great Under-Priclng o>' Women's- Wool and S&l Dresse cataioor eS 813.75 Our Price Caalai rioe0. 81 Our Price 1On98~ 19.15 Our Prke. $35 At $10.98 tisere le a collection of brokea lots and odds and ends but la gond style&. At $19,75 and $35 you'il flatI iltteraily dozens of cisarmlng dresse* lantaffetas, tri- cotînes, satlas, serges, vool Jerâeys, wool velours. .11k crepesanad tricoiettea dais.- orately iseaded and embroîdered ta colore. Women's 8.98 Sweaters A Q A speciai asormment of sllp-over and button styles ia women'a and Misses' wool sweaters tisat are listed Intise mai ordêr cala' e98 log ai $750 and 88.98-are prtced for Ibis sale .t $498. Great Sale CaaleceNo. à-7DS170 Catlor RecuceïPriei 817.95 OrPrice, a- 15.15 k Compared To many people the test of a merchant the standard by whieh his store and merchanidise Is jud. ged-ls by hie abillty te underseil. lSo w. lbve taken on. of thse greateat matil garder boumse ta the. world and bY ac. curate comparisou proven ouf prices te b. lower la .very Instance. Ini a tev Came oftcourse only a tew cents dltfereace but its la our favor, saur have w. added anything for poistage adt ahi pptng. Agso the. mont importanti anit valisab1ss part of our service la lb. opportusktty elfordeit for pelasontal sel- ectila frontthé. cotmunttes largesaI ad ever neweat stocks, Ire. alteratlossi by expert »sarnatremse and our veri liberal polkcy, wblcl pormlts ot a qulnk a"d pleasant adjustmnt of ail Cialmà. Corsets!! Catlo No. 10D118 CatalotPre $ 2.19 Price la 1.8 Oood styles Ira front lace mad- elis ouly in most ail uizes. $5 Corsets 3.29 Front and back laced Htyles tu tise beat modela and la ail g1tî t hib very low price. Winter Coats Calait No. 171>8284 Calait Rduced 8C3.95 Our Price la 295 Calait No, 17D>824 Calat Red uoed Pie 852-95 Our Pric. s It la a long step tram a mail order catal1. tise. great coul.kstok f1tise Aiea Hlein eo.. tisat are almoat constantly ans- meated hy a never-endla atteasa o dally arrivais froin Amerîca Ps foremoat style orîginators. Here you a iII flaC note tisa one ht.adred and tweaty-fiie astited modela ia long coate, short coals. sports conte ta dloth, plusis and for tisat are esseatialiy and typically Hein modela. Tise intimate atsocIation wlth the 'm',yle maater-pteces here rovided affords adeantagea blghly Informative and sattsfytag ta dîscernlng womea. Other Coais Compared Tise lndtvtdualtty o! tise hBndsome coalts aI go 10 axakc up> Ibis collection la a dlstlace feature tisat la impossible ta 55- ~cre ta mail order garments. Tissa a coat la tise catalog No. 17D824. prIa. $33.95, we are selling at $27.50. Anotiser short coat eI seal plues., No. 17DS86 prte 152.95, we aie selling et $45. A long coat of seai plomb ta prlced et $63., anC our price le, Ç47.50. Hundrede ol Styles to. Chooae PFrom- Many Beind Handaipmely iPur Trirnmed No CalaIogRate CenCompare With Them se ne New Fali Hats Priced Special at I 5,989, 7501.$10 Tise origtaalitY. style touchses andt sacluslvtnesa of our -bat4 I are feaiures catalog bouses eas. t -poslbly compele, *ltb vitis 10 Y LaaO- thistg «f ar lover prtces Again Oui hale are aat made Dg la tisousAad-lotase» aatalog bats ame. mly 11105e bile 0 aseured gaver are maq tLm w. à. & aé L - ... . 1 A Recognized as One of the z F-77, sVOLM: XMV-4 Swift' -isfte et" ln whleis Att raît af WaUkqgau In C Wwltt of Libertyvtlié, toc tonm Wednesday wisen It ble tisatthe. naMe of Det, ors«ie senator front yUl epper on thse elect yveptier 2. *tAttooeyep' «»»asl for Mr. Swift 01 iflliJerte trick oasth trot"s <or Mr.£baya#d ausé«ol~ te Mtrou A eco D S g te th e cli Unie, r. 8ard a 5al lue fmi t cm nieuime là" maie "' a oto s t e*rd thea cete 050k Dort satusi tue nains' 0« thei.c deSt.plafed on the bangu may5 aceoriing tw Mr. lai day for getu"Ilgt 09c« as IIt i uitledm t.isiLds prier te eluet a conteit pmudtag tise ate wouid Mot kww toule to cemtly oas lb.i if tt$le cthmcr s misaI ble aecessry 10 Bmresor the casidae WJtECI(1MÀRI SgrWevdOver Tr Booze, Crap Gan On a prelease that tt ovetcissrged for near-bi reia6y large. ail 1 * fot tberwlse ben ire teouër as 'gueta*' patrg: "Jont- Ouzht 10 betil youag mna said to lia Wauiegan made a 'i de.1:3 'loek Sakurday famous. or rather no known as ilarle»s.*» i flourtis laite, and ciei place coinpleteiy. viey smagihed up t li rla 'and oderturt tbey broke al The wi place and, whea tbey their nicbt raid the iooked as thougb It ha a torna«o. *Tise naturae îhougt Testa wüuid follow tu, senoatilonal test ures, or <epredation. but il ports marie aad ber fh itate long before âwý1s plaints for the. aIres nigistraiders. Tisaii le thee tact tisaitanca loséit ail tise inner no happenInge thathtie' joint had had would cý couse of lîtigation "u.Wili Not Tske Acordingly. l le _n Marte PDuiy. ne tise kaiwfl, viiimerely ait -- tenth m»d ln future 1 010»ed 'ta thse ouag lîca. whwbo wt tisergO purpoise la m"d id« es iOhber omle mA", tolie P049 wbe bave a bard %me o010 1has lIoedsie 41d d1ue tb e *tant it 01 tbowb ho Joad toýoe >ne ho -.àam"«à h. vouil hoeprepare ver ar"tvd; lad sable' to Cots. P in .àhOoOBg w»en huy' *er dêveli«ma f! Df ise botk, partSi armml. 0teie 11011 ate eOllg tise a havre torifatedmi etruattmof 0<progerty. la tact. weae I r«bed lthe place OMapparent wbat lnP?*My Rid bis b and -alniost In ted tbem ta go aRhea dWtyvonS."

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