THE LIBERTYVILL eE H N1T. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7, 1920. 0ePIi ite-el andth lough lire wuid re- he MUD3 LYA .ate line with toads of olyz M 'ETRIES TO wl ire c-arv e a<entt bd>n ri a leep. 'is. r: slat- fl 'l slrorily aller bi. loiti nn1-ng. STOP dis 5 U IL M il r t o lir r111al' anit iliorok lim ta tr-y andi wrke hint II. Luti a l lier' siaiatg Lc? ri- ci omg Walker, Employed by f ]-~Id e norin ed bn Fuel Dept., DaJAfter " e mn an iua ew wn!ý Hard Day's Work. ha bxtnfct.tu Mr, Walker hdbe ,fihu Wrge WalWei. j ,î(* amploye of the fuel tiopartment and t uel depar-mlnti, p ai emued ito be in goodt pirlîr' îîPd le borne, Horeb aeu.Tuesday 1risrok-. H-e was planning ýý Hie camne hone tram hitwori< on attn ddlion to lbis harn snl had juer stipper Ijoli 1I, * wifa ;blIt lie !'i lArh rone lurnbe-i for thar pur- t- a _ muai -.addto bkn castaIt bs tobe paid forc. Calumet Baldng Poywder wil sve ouai oftht.Be ing la eetmaiPl aftbki-snr ata~ misi, tndstidellcleai to Tat's a b ,aig-u = mtisnt l uaewe itiszorm bleWncostaud =~seniore eti.or- lam anti ue lmu Ton et the meut la purity. depmesdabIi1y marivirle In every way -'it is the, besi way to keep downbak- Ing comt&ae. i'evht b"pmarie k théwe gtia lt eing baklng aM-do -kmas ept Ifavorite of miu oiae euseves las me tbm Ibiey ry-& Reerpe ofcu a butter, cl,'eupe granu- sued suger, 24z ,ups iSaur, 1 cup Waier. 2 level saposCalu. etBa k in g 'awtier, i tea- spaon lemon. = k o 19 e .W.n i. tIn m01sv ay. pose, %Ir. Detieonne, imanager -'of tire À c ~ fuel depaîrgment,. spote highly of AU TI N SA tVallier -as a Uworknan.le «vare- lIaLIe and e ficlent and iabitd iervuti ifle diejariielri tlthflîlly lot rît, LAWR NOS AMANN SALE imont lis. Ravina muId my far», I willI sei ai Public Auctib, 4 miles nortb af Liber- A. J. La MAGDEL-EINE SALE~ tyville, 3 mils suth af Gurnee. an Havlng decldad te fanmlng, the flalvidana Rfini, ane-balf mile west of underslgned will soi at public auction MilwaukeeAaenue, on on~ the premises known as the Robert FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 120 Nlckoley Part». 3U tmiles southwestl of Lbertyville, near Leitlrtan Station, Cerntmong lAt 12-30 p. m., sharp, FRIDY, OTOBE 15,9ZO 85 Head Livestock-5 beati hanses,- FRIDA, OCOBER ~<> 1 bay team, welI nratcbed, 5 and 6 Commenc in at 1I elk p. m., slarf, year-s aid, weilbt 2800; 1 gray bonset the feîiowlng *reperty, towît: 9,Years o01, welgbt 1600; 1 bey herae, litdyas driver or saddier, 5 years nid,1 4 IHead of H-oes-1 bay tearn, wt. wight 900; 1 sarret horse, 4 ysars aId, 2800; 1 bladk borse, welgbt 1300. 1 saddle borse.or driver. welglri 1,000. chestaut driving mare, welght 1100; 20 Headi Holstein Grade Cattle-7 13 Headi of Cattle-3 new militera, 1 militera, 2 tregh witb calves by thuir with cali by aida; 6 miliers and spning- aide; .6 ipingers; 2 twoyear aid boli- ers, 1 Holstein buit, 18 anonths aid; 1ièes, 5yearllng heifers. 1 twa and one. Hostein beitor, 5 months bld: 1 helfer bal year aid Holastein bull, 5 Chester twa yaarit aid; 1 braod soWwlth 7 White bfiîod eows, 13 Chester Whitet pigs 4 weeks aid; 100 cbickens, Il shoats, average about 100 pouads tons tit»otby bey in barn, 1 stock af each; 40 Chester White pigs. 6 weeks, straw, 180 bushels uarly seed eat». 200 nid; 36 Rhade Islandi Red Hens, 24 R. I. buebels Swedlsb oats, 176 bushals bar- Red 1'uleto, 12 White Legbarn cack- te3, 100 buabels Marquis wheat, 10 erîs. 12 "iode Iland Rad cockerels acres coi-n cut wtb binder, 9 truck anti roosters, approxinraîely 8 tons ai wagons, 1 bay rack, new; 1 wagon taire bay, 2 stacks oat straw, 200 bales box, set af gi-val-planks. 1 mlilk wag- ryt- straw, appraxlnrately 500 sha0cks on, buggy. 1 800-lb. locae, 1 land goodri rLe corn, 1300 buahels Wbitte x) jnk. 1 MeCrmicit grain binder, 1 coats, 700 bushels Cluster iseed nas PcCorm ick carn binder. 2 McCrt»lck pWarnî.eed free of fout seeri; 100 bush- nrawers, 1 Hacking Valley bey leader, dB lrye. 100 bushels barley. 2 Deerlng !,Osborneaida delivan>-, 1 Van 4runt grain binders, one ncarly new; à man- eeder, l'hay raite, 1 Jantestville corn ure spreaders. one nearly naw; 2c planter. 1 suikay plow, 2 walking truck wagons, ana noarly new; 1 bey, plows, 2 sulky cultivators. 1 disc tootb loader, 1 MeCarimtck corn bindan, 1 Icultivetar, 1 Sprlngtootb drag, 1 three- champion mowar. 1 Johnson gang *section drag, 1 pulvenizer, 1 New Ides. plow, 1 elgbt-iuot disc drill, 1 Janes- manure epreaear, I. manuira carrier, villa cultîvator. 1 McCormick borsa 1 hay fark, pulîsys and nope. 1 twelve- reke. 1 tbree-sectlan steel drag, 1 put- barrai stock tank, 1 conler tank, 1 voriler, 1 walking plow. 1 sUrsy, near, jtank lissier, 2 sets single harnets. 2 Iy saw; 2 single buggies. 1 breaklng sets double hernase, 19 milk cana, 1 cari. 2 road carts. 1 milk wagon. 1 bob extension ladder, 28-t; z canvas 14 by slalgh. 1 cutter, 1 gravaI bax. 1 faed 24. 1 grindstone. 60 Ilb. vice, 1 set bob grinder. 1 faur-roll Keyetona corn sisigbs. 1 cuiter, 1 gasoline engine 1345 bueker. i steel.tractor. L ten-borse gas-1 borms paverl;, ilpote jack, 1 angine oline angine, 1 ane and ana-half boras rooni. 20 grain baga, 1 kitchen save, pumping engine, I pumplng jack, 1 1 bard coal beater. 1 irprlghi Piano fenning milli,1 plattarrn 800-lb. wegbt and many aiber articles tou numarous scale. 1 corn sheller. 200 oakt ocata, 50 tg mention. feet 4-inchbebale, more or bass. 50 grain secks. 100 teet rope. with borna fork TERMS OF SALE: and pulisys; 1 double work barneas.i Ail sunms ai $10.00 and under, cash; une-half set work barnes. 1i sngle1 over thai amount a credit of ô monibia coller and haina harnesa, 1- heavy sin-1 viii bu given on goQd bankeble notes gle bar'ness. ji lgbt single herness. 11 bearlng 6 per cent Itaresi. Ail pp: -bnr lgllnIankti1ar2 erty ta bu settled for before bing re- i-el vînegar. 2 twenty-incb colane nîoedtro» reniss.twenty-twvo inch collera., 1 galvanized1 nioveelebi cenrcaaling tank, 8 eight-gebloi A. J. LaMAGELEINE, Prop. oilk cana, 1 tour-humner kerasene t Fred Grabbe, Auctiorleer. stor,.i wood ar coal beater. 1 waab- ____________ing machine. 1 kîtcheli cabinet anti six kitchen chairs, 2 woaden buristeada- LakeForet Ahastatshovels. he, lam»pa, and other artl- a Hoochified aeet. ueostmnin 5-reli %Nomlet i i.iftr 4 'tnt» TERMS OF SAL-E -.hüaitted andi six horrr-'s an away, ai Ail sunra aif $10 andiiuider,; tire Lake Foi-est station of tL l.e -" ver that emount a credit af 6 months cago & Nohîwestern. Mondsy %hiiî vîll be given. on gooti bankable notes adaper .tianger- tîsereweti -b-- il' bearlng 6 pur cent interest. Na gooda ver top of ist cane andt torj a tiiini,. te bu ruinoved until ternius ai sale are Lake Fovest police restionde in otire campleri witb. riot ratil, but the' siranger bal Cean- L-AWRENCE AMANN, Prop. isbed. Fred Onabbe, Auclieneer. Lionel Bulil, Clark. Pfay, for the first few1 records and- we. wtll,.. dteliver this genuin e Six (6) Excluive Adviantages in A JEWELLED - PATHE 1 Ne seedlesta Chageon a jav- ellei Pathe. The BMhire BeIllnover wuo t 3 urateeri longer III.etfRecorda. 5plans ailmakam az muords, undt *lays -k botter. 4 mwlays readyti'ta is>' aseon a, you l oa record. 5suprame la tonte bcate ai t àhe tamarisPethe Sap- pblro. Bali. *The Patine Cou- troll& esables y«i 10, incresa or - - creas tire tonal vel- um. ai viii. and yet the ,l'otie costs no more thon the ordinary phonograph T HATS Just how confident we ,are thatth Pathe isthon real phonograph that you will want to keep. Pay for the recotds you select and the pay- ments fer the phonograph "Il be arranged as best suits your own coavenience. There ia no other as good as Pate-the Supreine Phono- graph-Surme kn every good quality that you ever Iâoked for ina modem Phonograph,-Su- preste in deign and in construction and ini mu- sical range. above ail supremne in the one bigieat tbs.gthat =cowitsSpreme iniTone--withou douk thti. #est musical instrument of ýits kind made today. On -Your Own Terms (vîthin reasen) Caine in. make youn selection of records. Play -theni firsi on the Paihe model you 1k beat and convisce yourself tut the. Pathe is the onlyPhonogriehto*buy. G. . LCE &SON. 27 Liberiy viRe, Illinols JAMES PIERCE AUCTION SALE Saturtiay. Octoban 16. ai 9 a. ni. stan- dard tînra, the folavwing prrapenty vill oei et public auctian an John Stryker fLr n, os Dundiee road. noan NorthiieuÀ c urches. 1 mile east of Wheling: 50 Head ot Livstock. 3heari of et-. tle-6 af thase -trueiegliberati, balance hkib grade Hoistains, 8 vitb calves bir aide, 4 apingurs. balance millieons, pure breti stock buill ith pa!era, balance bigb grade Holsreins, 7tvo yser. olti haifera i» caît, 4 ane yaare aId helfans. 7 heati af irrses-gray teet», 8 yaens oid. 3000 Ibs; ba>y teta, 8 yns.. veigbt 2400 Ibo.; rosan mare, 10 yeans 1300 Ib.,, ha> c-al., 1 year. 2 blackt colt.s vaît miatcheti, conring 3 yeers. Brooti sow witb 7 lrigý. 75 chicitens. 20 tons haledti tntatti> lray, Io tons uplanti ha> beleti. 4 tons baleti dorer bey. 1000) bu, oass 16 actes bill corn in irbocit. 20 acres drlîli corn In thre stiock, PaamItaîlenrents anti Tools-ýCbani pion ainder. lioti~rse ku; Daerlng cota binti; Ift'rtrriîonal lray loadier. aeu; MeCormie-k riover; aide delivry raite, Sltii,,, îulrrizen; hondi culii ratai:-3 .uk ultivatets; 2-sut. bar raw; sprlng-tootti rrow;sulky îriow; gang plow; 2 ianti ploya; Victon mlii- ing mraclrîrtt- - unit;:11/2 b. p. gasolitre engine; corn planter; griaidstonu; 8 niilt ens, a iiliu anti strafIn@r; 3-la, truck wagon; iran vbeel tnuck; 3- sjiting ti:wagon; bey rata:. sitt teck; 2 sets double barns»; driving hernt-ss, torkis anti hebvls; barraI ut goot idter %une-gar; bey fort, nopas ari pulisys; masy other articles. A gWd ilunch servet i et oan. TERMS: Suma of $10 ari under. cash; aura aven 810, 6 nrOnths et 71 prcn.James Pierce, Proglietor. - John j. WIst, Anotioneer. J. A. schmlnke. Clark. AlR ~Â1 To b. gS t m bai S bIishn Ur- Mm ,Geo eg.UDiWf«r the bommlo ROSARkY COLLEGE Seore C"atr5as, Fve Humd mdu &du RATES-l0 ceMt& W vUe, Eaeklatioa. 20 Cemt.àhaimm Chats. in A-i condition, sew barn far 18 bead cattie andi 6 bornes, goori toul house, graneny, bog bouse. poiýtry balie, s -rew silo, 2 good Weola;. fine orchard, casaistinig of applca, peans, pluma, cherries, raspberrlcs, gffleberrien, curranîs, grapu., andi travberrien. This excettonally fine fart», Wltb ail dark sali under high state of cultivetion, anri can ha punchar on the sîast roasaneable terme. T. J. Stahl anti Company. DO YO DREI) OU AGE NO. 13-70 4CRES OId Age bolda no horrors for! tocater i et unnee, witb lO-root» tbose Who own a piece of FARM bouse 34x48. tool boue 24.24, poultry bouse andi 2 goori vele, 50 acres undsr LAND, because, they know that thei plav. $6,004) cash, termanis e ara- rangeri. Thîis n iaIa location asti proclucts of the soil assure a coin-j la posltîvel>' beint secrifictd. T._ J. fortable living> with very ittie el-'ShlatCmpr. fort. MOREAMD Mon E opLEi .1 4-0AC1 reraizi.. te iso of ths ,Located InlaNewport townshlip. Just ~re eaîilngtne îmam UIS~ ff Greenbay road; practicelly aIl un- BEST OU)AGE insrance1a d edr cultivation and Weilitileri tient B E S T O L D A G E i ns ra nc a n ar 1sou. G o d 8-tout» bouse ,; goot ba e- starting early in lhfe to put a few 41-t, fine well anti wind iii, new2 barn3Ox4. aditioai cw ban fo dollars a year mb to theownerSbjp bead of aicttie, wotltry bout#e.mutki bouse, garage, granary anti lina or- of a real FARM. charti. Ovner wimbus ta, retire and Prices vary according t o3ize and yul seII on terme.T. J. Stabl & Co. location, but alnost any far in you. NO. 15-120 ACRES pick out ca» be purchabed for a!. small payment; with several years1 ta pay the balance, so you wil neyer miss the rnoney. Unuvsual bargains are offered thuough these advertaaements. NO. 1-1 ACRE. Locatoul au North Sheridan Raad; bas practicelly new 7-poani bouge, tut- Oece, bath, stnictiy modern andi une of tbe niast up-to-date country homes ani North Sheriden Roati, Can be pur- chaseti for $200000 cash, balance manthly ýaymnuni. T. J. Stabi anti Company.- NO. 2-2 ACRES. Parta lacateti la close rangs ai Wau- kegan. 'Has gooti 4-raom hous, new barn. gooti veil, cdater». poultry houa., 12 applo, 2 pear anti cherry trees. Alil black soit1. 2 ACRES lacateti an Electric lise. 10 minutes fot» Waukegan; four-raom bonne, gouti barn, goond veli, poultry bouse, lange stravberry 'bed. young orchanti. These are boîb choice litile bornes, and can ha irurchaseti on very easy terms. T. J. Stiabi anti Conmpany. 90. 3-S ACRES Vacant. located et Beach stlation. ail under culîivation and s ver> e-oite tract for truckt tarming purposes, 0w- - lng tu its Iteia location, T. J. Stabl anti Comanse». NO 4-71/a ACRES Vacant. locaiti don Glati Flots ave., Waukegans nev lrosirurous subdi- vision district. $l.uOO000 casb, balance ternis. T. J. Stahi anti Comipany. NO. -la ZACRES Vacant. iocaîed et BeactirStationa very eboice building site anti yery fine -sai; being sacrîticeti by non residunt' aI j130 per at-ru T, J. Siabianti Can- pany. NO. 6-20 ACRES Lorateti an West Waîhin;o'on tre- heavily timbereti anti joiniag tbe cl hntais Also bing sacnitîcei by nE tesident and ti v ery neastruabie tera T. J. Stabi anti Compieny. NO. 7-20 ACRES Locarel la Warren eownshrip, a- goodi -toti ose, ,tone foundati, cernent bastruent, gooti velI, pnac cally nuv bar-n, silo anti pouitny houi large orcliard andi dat-k soiT, veli ft ed- One-haIt cash, balance ternis. J. Si-.til antI Cotatany NO. 8-24 ACRES Locatetl near IRussell, %a nb gond noot» house, harnsanti other outhul ings, lange oncharti. gond soit, inclut ail equjpment, censlatlng af une go caw. ose hanse, aber 200 chickez 4 turkeys.ari ducks, ailtioulsas crapa 8$6.000.00: Termes cen bu rangeti. T. J. Stai andi CompanY. NO. 9-36 AIRES Lecatari la cleo range et Wu ad ta school andI churcir. Gooeri bouma. naw bars, silo, garage. houmeari pond veil. This lte the bout small faims wa bave o' us offer. $,00.csh.r bia rani Hoce, cattle, orag and ma>' bu hati if purchuear diter Stahl ari Company'. Localeit ut GUMSnaa.witb gond1 bouse, good barn. ample roani cava andi 4 berses, 90-tan sle,1 anti croes fenceti ari mil&Il m 291gh oftaaicultivatiosi. mari pirchaei onreasanable terme. la a bargain, andi if yetr vnt i se. us et once. T. J. Stahi and ý*nY. NO. 11-50 ACRE Lacateri at Oraslake. , Ail bis unehieh 1i" ô ai uiUi 7-roat» baume, cow bain, horst pouir>' houa",gra-Y. -11, 0 ari feceri ari cross taeati. es e ofeethe bst taras in the tIr. Toqe cm oa haarraged-. Stahl ari COmpas> NO. 12-46'/ ACME Locatedi Wbnkaga main gravai raot& gad #-rm. 6-res Douî ýlty en- Loateri et Milihur». wlth nov S- rout» bouse. goati large barn. nev silo, poartry baume ànd gooti buildings; sali under blgb miaesof cultivatian; awner retiring. Pnice $165 pat acre. Ternis cen be arrangeti. T. J. Stebl & Ca. NO. 1 6-130 ACRES > %Y KEG I5 PHON mm W Locateti ai Watisvarth. (Une ai the meNTW-kmn or wVoinnta tait. sr ficesi farrns la tb1q lacalfty. Gooti 8- dors amomg tnientis abtr neigbbon rouni bouse, nev barn., silo, new toul ior th. genuite guamateeti boslery. bouse, ane ai the hast valula inthea ui n es for mon, vomronand ! cli caunty, vitb ample supply oaip r n vator, Good vinri mill, fie orclatd'd En lîminate a raring. W. -iray soil unier hlgh a»iai fcuitivation. 50C an heur fon eparotim.,or 824 for Ths tant» neyer ban bes rented Inlathe 1fui 1 .. Ep ineunnecessery- last iifiy yeere. and ia poitivelY btnH ~ itrational Stockting Mill. sacniiiceti by owner et $160 par acre; Noristova, Pa. 11-24t reasanable paymenitiownandaribalance as nent. T. 3. Stebi and Conrluany. -__ U'ANTEiJ,-Wltnesses ta accident La NO. 17-140 ACRES vnrnaiigtng f rat»sautir bount l..cetti a coserane I Wuksen lecnlccaretLake B luff ttunday att- wit od Snacoue rane ofd akenternoan. Sept. 19. Patul MacOuffin. other outbuildings; ibis t' tbe choicesi __________4tt feat in thia ,loceilly ari can b. soldi NOTICE. on very easy tons ta a real fariner. Stale oaI llinois, T. J. Stal anti Company. (ousiy ai Laite,s: NO. 18-175 ACRES In the Circuit Court of seri Lakei C7uuity. One ai the heat knovn dtiry ternis IN116THE MATTEIt OF THE APPLI- in ibis vlcinity, anrd la being sacrificed ta close an asiate. Ha a gooti 8-root» CATION 0F MORRIS JOSEPH bouse, good barn, cament silo. godi KALOWSKV *I'O CHANGE HS weli. mallt bouse. granary. poultryl NAME. bouse, fine orchai-t anti la being sacni-1 PUBLIC NOTICE ia haraby sivon lice4at $124 per aune. T. J. Stabl andti at Marris Joseph Kalovsky haa.ihia Cqt»psni day fiied thi the Circuit Court of the NO. 19-200 ACRES! County of Lakte, in the State af i-i Locateti in close range of Elucînir - nuis, bis petitian ta change biâ sanie rondi andi Sheridian Roand. New 8-tournt» andt t assume tbe naine of Morris bouse., nov hernfat 50 beati of cetile. Joseph Kayu hy whIcb ta hoe hereairer 'i' cement silos, nov pouitry bouse, cle andi knovn, wbich peiltian te nov tool bouse, 2 gôond elîs arindbas callerial oadwl lehada ail black ssali, ail tîleri. ari ail unrier rtmbet nivi ebat itr btgb state af cultivatiair. and bas 0Decemban Tant». 1920. of laid court, aefes or vIrgIn tituber.TVis positivaty hic tact» ..ues an the tirai M on. la one of the hast ferina in thia ricin- day ai December. 1920. ity.. Small paynent clown; balance ss DATED Sepiember 28, 1920. rentai MORRIS JOSEPH KAWSKY, NO. 20-35 ACRES Petitio'ner. ,Weil locateti. with stock, trope anti EI . RCWY ioula. RLHClark of Saiti Court ALHJ. DADY, 40 ACRES Attorneayfon Petitianer. Wlîh crops anti iool- sept 3Ô oct 7 Il li130 ACRES NVith stock, tra'eandl tous, irtaif ii ic ' i . Sinaîl Iayfrnls e n bc matie an' fI-ios4ww eaclirtritiresee arnis anti are aIlin S S 'inril te c iii * ttuL 4 -ai-I closerang of aukegn, ad t.Ltke Ueunt)y clos rane a Wausga, ani os-1Irite mîîartet ofili ýatipî;r:ti.n f 7itb Ilibely threre of as tins ternis as vu I1ý l5pl ,loVk [on' irave qn aur-lia;i: immudiete poissesîton hsnaie e lr-îi-l itIy neIîl 01%, ta ha gir-en. - :Nnrer r-lg~, u iti Ise. We wili lban maney or lirlp purcîras- 'a-otircelovty as itilla Con-t -nc te on tIre aimoe frnnîs, In othen v"s op aottia. - -- ndi fltn 7" W Wit liel) Ile frmerWho el n tIlit- titre Ccourt et i'lie. -, Ctey Thiniî leln s tiue r ir blp rf Lakte. ini tireSt ate oi1: ir hs trîniseif, )i r ion Ila irnge l - trari- Tr ain T. J. STAHL & COMPAY liayebho'"ef %rti ls" Ail5 lt-Crr-. b>ulîclr tabu lit-eafii- <alîst 1 6 anti knotrn, wvic th jr-e lion t retein- id. 226Waaington Street able ta and i ali bu tiesrd i e t- ,flg * Ceurbet leriti, 1920, tri said catîtr, loti WAUICECAII; ILLINOIS. wviiîrterni canvenes an th ir--i,- Plie.. 27 md 68. ionday of Deceniher 1920. and h«e 237Md 93. Daieti September 28. 1920. Fr OR SALE-Poony bua. John Clark MORRIS JOSEPHI KALO%%.SKY, Miliauke ae. Genvew,111. 39-t .Pet tio.rer. Milauea ve GlnvewlU 393t LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, mitRSaiE OR ""-A l09*01re Clark ai saiti Court, gala fr»tiraflseteatt be- RALPH J. I)ADY. Attorney ton Fa- I... tyrvîlle. Charlea F. Stolgn=s, Gurnea. titiailer. one etf 4tWeekly. Sept. 30-Oct. 741. irat hait nca sa, FOR SALE -Sturiebaker, 17 "res, six LIST OF NEW BOOK&SIN THlE Id tools cyfintiar. seVen papsegor Gond LIBERTYVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY s. T J. ondtIon rgan. f t5fl -5 1 Mary Marie" by Elcanor H. Porter. C.F. ~ '~tr ~ - "The Pontygea" by op-icl "Mime MilUosrs Mairi' by flotta Rucr. POIL SALU--Che ioai" Onom "The Trail Horde" by Charles 5a1t for 15 » M " Am-e.MmaGrimes. -tf zen. -Bai Ion1F"The Tbread oaIM&lmêW' by 14i undera I ORPUBl MU or "Xiarrre fthte BDurIby Peter B. cmnba faim vtbH .D I Molt 227 M.K . Tis CtipaSt,. Wopbegaa.iII. -lt 'me.l I.Io M~~ ai fartnt. "Prairie Mother" by Arthur Stringer riCt~WANTED TO BUT-A large monti "aiya uetMn yae bandi hctlng steve. Cali orr phone Oliver Cur'weod. Indopendant Office. 40-lt "ger idaalards. bdFis ack mil '«A Pligriu Maiti" (Juvanile) by Mu-ý i -gool WAN=TD "-TO ,-Narir tlL&ko- Tot-Tagrt. ie barn, caunl>, abou 80 acres. Ard"Oa P. "Book ai Susan" b>' Lee Wilson otehard O. Box 821. Libertyville IM. 4"-t Ddpt. Knawn Mare Notrum'l bl Ibanci,- - At 1- P O R S A L E-lsltein and Grade - "Suat» COURT Polly" by Grue, T. J. GiIernia> Springars; aisose srvicea- Miller White. hie registared Duroos, etrong-In the, "Redi Rock" b>' Thomas Nelson Page. faliowlng bloor i nes: Taxpayer, Pro- "lLetterfag fer DraMim'si"b>'ReIn- tact th1e cols., Patimider, Datendetbarrit. -- oh th Md0 n Orion CheryKing. Wmu. C. Dilln 1-,"aupaurtssyt' Beak eof ltqrtafa. rL houas Round Laita. iboue l8-W-1. 41-lt 1 eu"by(lvr T. J. STAJIL & GO. SPECIAL FARM LIST Lake Counity's Faim Land Drokera SUGAR IS DOI 12 CENT nret lreikîOf ul Iraità laiinctiedsgar ray el.,1al itgar ttelinlng noutitrd a tedeittiatEl fineamTrîlateît. -1!.repl>eets thelî thet seunruan thus fat. cenotît -.der tIre bhIlI vai1lrî carly in te sai'. . zn I enia ou tre jIl"" i!te indîrttry -e-aaun' of! the govclitfleft us RAD JURY' END WOII Tna grand jn-ub tigitions moatiur moi ~- plaie lis vont hy Fri FOR SALE-Large bard coal self teeti lng beater. Phone 158-R. 41-2t FOR SALE-Trees, van ouq sises, to transplant, I ram Dr. R. D. Kittoe's wood, on4 mile north or Hal Dy. FOR iSALE- Small stackofaI alla bey, about 7 tans; alun 8 tonu af mrangle. A bergain If taken at once. R. e. Curtis, Libortyvîlle. 41-lt FOR SALE-A ner -rooan. thoroughly ihoderabouise ln Aret. Possession 30 days atter sale. F1. M. Hardlng, Ares. Illinois. Pbone 184.. 6-tf GOING OUT OF IUSINEUS FOR SALE-Bos concret. mixer, with power loader; block ad brick a- chines;everything In goodorder; silo utave itachine, run ane yesr. J. L. Irving, Arès, Illinais. Phone 98. 38tf FOR SALE - Peonie route Bt haif price! ane af the largert double pnks. W. Edwards, Prairie View, 111. 38-4 FOR SALE--ffou«ea end lots ai roe onable jirices, ad easy tardu. EM- vin Austin. la-tf FARM FOR RENT-Known as the Spunner faria t Laite Zurich. Ad- drésa Geo. Spunnor, Barrington, 111. FOR hou»e. stem- beateri, turidshod, or unfurnlsbd. Inquine on the promises of Mr&. Pearce aS John Rouse, Citizen. Bank, Aiea. 334!f WANTÉD-400 GIRL FOR GIN. ENAL I4OPSEWORK. NO LAUN. DRY WORK. WORK EASY. MP SMITH, U3, NO. GENIESSE STRE?. VOLUME XXVII, POLICE PLAN j DRIVE TO CITY Of 1 Action la Spured -1 Fred Watts, Now County Ja OTHER COMPLAIN Tlh. arrest of Fred 1 second ilme on a cb41 takea libertles ,.ith 70 galbcer wltb the canvi l «0 a« fa Maui Whoi te the chasse or bay-lT cbiid, andri ase aillarg ceIved ri mtre te t! vlIncad tire Waukegrsn la inie te nrake at moruns ln the comm nmre toiribla crime i surir as tiret for wbicb Fitzgerad vas execute a lw montili seg. Ileads oi the police "Yt Aey a wsîh ylbac kel towarri wbum the le; pointa. and they wyul Le- Il strict accourât ft 1 There are a 1ev mn Il beau unler esuspicion fA Unlossa tuey waîk pneul Osfuture the police yln carnlontable for thet» I be gladlo change loca lWe dont Intend te latu latie",'Assistanit sald it.'fftlera ln an> do nov va intenri ta du pie af the city <anI mankeri estent by report wbicb carne te their eti viiI ba penlormiiug a Io ths e ,muity by it The case et Watts ira the March grand juryl s0 ho vill havea sever ait la the county jail ab bis situation. &PAN 0F FOX LAKE 1 CRACKS AS FIL-L If tihe veather holtsis gicross the r-ire-ret Foi -compieted and put mInt Work la being rusch£ teanirs wrth dut»p car markâ are bauling g: short distance West ai t Ie long stretcb that Ici Trhe biridges ihemselrti but tire west attrictura à aseriouns conditton, ldt tbat the sjraL ru2nu& troumtbetr'-trai» siran Is tire whotae rspant faciflg Luon of!the watt-r la nu- Tihe ryason for tii lte)- itied Int» illing t,çtan (lr welgbt et th tire long supit-it Cttfl glýe uMay andti lotrilte plrowr tu ira r. r tt i For .iiiaitel>it lias be-i-t Iy rather lira» outwai woýed 'ouitlire» il wau ta bu retruii. As i îii esal~iait5 rîtr-it-Vr and 1, Ca» Contraire. Tire siietCh tiratiml aIa ot a ille, long 'int yards or gravei lras froq, it,! icOLaittelc tire olîrsoie Bide. N%-1len cite, bridge Is j tarist go ng ta Lakte G; Io%% tire route tor-Foi chran going caownr-ia - tire nelw route wiii se- 16 Dilies. it a-Il! put the mapia Weilias Ia road througb Round I ineluded iIn tbe propos tîrrougir that section a bard i oad i rl i let!it te the new bridge.,- 1The job bas Le» i wbilu niucb trouble Ira tereri getting the cour place hecause ai sinit sapts, tire b.ggest ProI bue» averltolîiaanti ionging tor the tune 1 yl be opened for uit sa orsurir a charactf macon pack along the.., ta the bridge andti iet lllng in vork 1le-1o1 long Irgiore tht- pulic plaune ebelng ma elaboratA deilication r. * ture la tlrrown open f