ktu a farmer et Westea" y tlhere never hag been of ccý as âi4eliC gaîîî- liat every kernel on eeey 'y ctaik ini e.very l1id h, s titrer itefore, go jar mq lember. '1 bus i '. e, y hat a bwnpe, Crop ual! rvested and 'Lake ryîinîy Il realî-ae front ti>m. pa, a&Ir teer beinre Ihey are ail wacing rii- rfl, but thbyy eau be ctat- bhe knowledge ib&î ttc>' oie biushc-ki ci beîî.-r vî,in e fore.- r te w.tit referene. te fdi~ 1 to have been the taer o)unty in the malter utf oats, The kerneit. have out before as tuR Y.-ar*, re the.wlole aitiitmifs loche as tbongli k.abe prs thls'Weaaoo are FLAii' nom. Ines, udr i,,cidtitfs great maay yeaî-s Pa>i. 1az.-Pur"s. vitig t.ren lte,, ti. .hu-. p inter li:an nenai amd nu- 1. Aunty COUIJVI mal' decep; cite haù hear.) Lbeir 1 tbemn Aittes andl they atasis titan eve,. "lThe SOU t0 go to, seepp shah ge." aie rt.ny ego. f24 )Wed. fireimently Tottis juliy, dive me iny oranlge: unie at'ietp. Me des, 'iruke itch ;er ield i idcai fur alI ýwilîg 6-otittitt ut- mo>< i to; 1 idvoning f<r ] undih q Bain) r19~ ents next day D BIJYERS ars an gar* -it- I lig tIletO?. ki' ad e eoîTc ill be hem aý.nft ýTED ud iûrcanddatc-i onl fi-'e of 25e~ king c]iotict, * idcl asi wîiI )e litions. -à 0110 rungithe taili4 le. For othcr i CLOSE ESCAPE Joe Erhart and Eugene Davi- son dl Stagger Shimmy on Belvjder and Glen Rock. BOTH ARRESTED AND FINED .1 Dia Waukegan pollie Icte Satur- §&Y, afttraeon 5rreged Joe Eriai- Mt wa*ugtn street and Eugtne AiAviu 1e 0oorIis City, afer ite two me4 had crIve,. te Davidsn car- Into &aMé dte n the VlCIntY of (tie Rtockt M'Peand itelvIdere atreet, foi- 1IWin ane3clflng drive wiilite t'wuir ltab uan lntoxicatedj candi- <1ion. adbMing ho te police.. I*n, POI$Ca hdaY Ieceived inforrn. mn strnt aadarowy Mis. 804 MUà(t Atm e t eidren Ait..'00hsmac'i1ne tinalY landed in à dtlchMétjr doffis acompet. gmrer- @sit, nACrhan merted, apectators de. clore, Witbout aveu having lbat bys pipe. Whe the Dulleos brougiti thein to the Police station Enitart and David- son vere apparentîr so drunk they coude't wa.ik witout belng braced Dy the. officers. 'ho Men vere eccl, tled,$740 and Costa. Liiiitningls Fat A flash of igittnlntg itta up the Eroîînd fôr one-ifilenît or àseCond, Yet It sema tt aut much leeger. iViat hucypeng la that **eImpression remnains lu te M O e b.retins, for about ee.s elghth Of a secood, or V4,0S0. hnu Iotàf, a iantei lsh ata. rP to01M0 hun,iig pxrtrI . ;0OI of I' '!Adeiphus. ntlIR vua1 Pl, iliat fi,.- (.If RAVE NOPES TO START WORK ON MfOUSES TPIS FAJJ. 'lite houslng commihite aving le btand ts@ Matter of erecan cnumber or homes in NortItitcg met last eveilng and dJiqcUssed inattera le de- tait.' It -as decIded ho bave the commit. tee luvestigate titis week and deter- mine the prie.. for lots I certain iOctIU«, report back Dext wsek and Mnen PosublY a detinihe Riel) wiliibe Iaen ta ppurchase the Iotg. Il la Pla.nned ta erect six houaes ln the fàrgt Unit and titen If te coin- munty moVeinent In rfele"d jwith resPonsîiveneiie by lte public; more wMi De erected ai onceý.. tianguune hopea vere <xpressed arter the meeting la8t nigitiltat If the lite can lie secured Immediately, work on te fIrg: unit may be atart- ed thlS 1faitlfltead o1 beng delayil untaî sprieg as was feared mlgitt ti necessary PIERE SORES C 214 N. Genesee Street Waukegân, Illinois r Back to old-time prices. - Yes we have been back to thes,3 rriclzs cf old days for quit., a while, why; because of aur chain store organization operating 14 succesaful stores buying large quantities of mercliandise for cash and se1ling for cash with one low price to everyone ie. our auccess. Our buyers in New York are on the job picking Up merchandise of ail kinds at lowest prices which gvàe mddeman'is profit to you. Beautiful Fur Trimmed SUITS AT OLD TM PRICES 32.5i Ad il 1k Lint.d 37.50 Ail Silk Lined Never lia,e voit been able to btu> suits of this grade for leess than thcse prices our chaiu store buying gves vou it Iý,s v-aue gi-ing event.- Regular Values fruiu $40.00 to $55.00 A collection of djstinctiý-c tailored sutits awaits vour car- ]y choosing he'e. Every gai- m~ent silk ined; a wonderfitl value; splcndidIv imade ani strictiy hand-tailorcd. A ùel- Icction that represents cvcry- thing that ionew in style; ini color and trimrmng. Colora Nateriala Navy. Gray Bîo".Iotb. Veloux Brow'n. Cetten YSIAm. erm - L -leildeer TvicoeUne. Silverteas MeW FaIl Sweaters Specvally Priced New tie back sweaters ithat ColinO to th6 waist lunei links and Ilitki kut.inciiudhrg aIL the.fall shadies. - eavy, brown, gî'eetî,' . bru1,ff, tan. beadh and lose. Ail sizes 36 to 44 4.90ad5 0 4 y oat sweaters o cavknit or sud links. huit witit i eUs ini .11 SfltC( colt i' 590 to 9"85 Bouses Speial Sale of Crepe de Chine bions- -3l e. ll teilored and rnany, hand- smr.5ly cunhroidered. Colors 34 wiîhte, ficsh and navy ... ..........14 Georgette over-blouse trinuncd neat- Iv with beads iin ail the wantcd fal .ýhadec,4 Ah sizevs 15.90 3tj to -4U............. ............. 4tiicomgt'tte blouses for stout wonc'î: piciti' uvîth their eînbroidery and bead trimm&iings. 490 Sizeq 4(;to 54 .......... ......... -v w 'v -v -v -v 'v [ J (N i ô '<k v Telepi I i. )IAMIOND T Announ.ces Reduction in, Price on Entire Line of LOTOR TRUCKS model Capiy- -. ormer Price T ]!/'2 ton.....................~................-$2.800.00 FS IV?. ton-with farm body ...... . -3,10000 U- 2 ton .............. ...... -... .... 3,485.00 X 3!/2 ton -.......-.-4830 EL 1, 5ton -..................... ..... 5,675.00 S--5 ton Special .- - -.5,900.00 SALES AI-D SERVICE Present Prie $2.4W.00* 2.715.00 2m85.00 3.925.0') 4.615.00 4 80.00 'ARTHUR E. FLYNN hove 795 t 209 Madison Street -:- Waukegan- "4The Nation 's Freight Car"' a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. a. 'a. a.a.s a a a a a .aaa a Fordson TRADE MAKK 17There la every reason in the world why everY fariner should buY a Fordson Tractor, while the-e is not asfi raoin thei world why a former should nlot buy a Fordson Trac-tr. In the clama we make for the Fordson Tractor as being the superior farin Tractor, there la nothing of boaating. Our clai3ns are based upon dernonstrated tacto. In every sensible test that lias been made (and we don't believe ini any jockeying or teclinical tests) but in the real common -seuse work on the farm - the work the Tractor was intended to accompliali - vo say, in ail sucli tests the Fordson has stood head anld ahoulders above ail competlng Tractors. And this is best provenin the fact that while there are about three hundred thousand farmi Tractors li use in the United States today, and while Tractors have been sold to fariners for tventy years, and vhile the Fordzon Tracter has only been. on the rnarket tvo years, more than one-third of ail the Tracors in use in the United States are Fordsoin Tractors. Now you can't upset a fact., Yo4; can't back away tromn an establiuhed truth, and there It Is-out of three hundred thousand Tractera. one hundred thousand are Fordsono, and there are probably nmre fifty différent iý"aes of Tractors on the market. Just let your commin sense considor these tacto. "Fig. are not plucked tromi thistie bushes, nor pluma front thoru- trees." The Fordson Tracter lhan the necesaary power. It le ecçnomica1lu operation..It in flexible in control andl operatien. It la simple ln design, and lt la aturdily bufit of the beat iron and steel. ht la the proido1e the gemius of Henry Ford, and it waan't placed on the mnarket unLtil.mpy Ford had testod It, and tested- it, snd tested it. before lie aaked the farmers te buy lit. - ht la na ldle faith th&t In the Fordaoni Tracter Henry Ford lian gi ven te maniknd onle of the greateSt benefits which bas ever corne to civilized man. Nov ve oliocit overy fermner te buy one or moreý Fordsoii. Corne in nd,,duee. thom. Corne in and leo.t un thl yjou more than vo tan lu an advertliment. Lot un demontrte to you. Lot us put it to. every test that y ou ask. The Tractor in just as necesaary for tbe f..aimer sa vater, .ls in thlines. Corne'li Leek over the Ford- son. Test it. Don't take any-eliauces. Don't experiment. Supply your tarm with the Tracter' of established value. ÀO WILSON,& OHM Immedliate deliverv.' LIBERTYVILLE; Phone 38 Buy .vour 1921 Perd Car now. WAU3KMGAN, Phone Si À" I& À" "Il, À" À" "Il À"