RUNS ON WÂTER um1 you ever see a large floei of mut-Meaa rw ram the vaber an a »moa appem Md pute tbem te tlight' Utf bs ave Dntet Ilventbe asn14' ueMtas It vas té the uriter Tbeyr %e ie M uelte, that le a floci dgz be ~akItthaian Xtobrnn eak tnc te.ai1an ItàMmuS-heu vaike.on tbe brIn- co ed an alrpiano. She ce tbe othrbohndMs ltahersait trem ithe valt jut suttiietly t iii Il ber ta »aMie- ber teet snd g« nader way -»t 40desnt rmort te o ultyn MM o bs bas gaineS suttici e ltm , USiMSto e slow ber te rihealletr the U~Bdau alrplae. As tabeabr mlg ua aieug tbegounsd te elUV- sPeed, vo does the mutl-hew a aiho thr surfacé ofthlie water paddiltiber teet-at a rapld clip. 'T"ey 'ina lonig the. top ofthtie water f1moa5t lîe a race homse and thon tliey lUit a few, yards tram tufesurdace anid tIy qa great speed. It il e wouder4»l aight tb se. a large fhock oft bui tollow rtis metibod etf getting -jute the air.' il you nappen to b. near a hlock as- P l4ey rise Il soUlids Zâi beavy raja etorm to e ber tblu l ia*lm tbw feet and wlnga sa tbey suIs alet b. Uie lakéied anSobodly esb g Sbey uide anS go et algbt. 1Trebw ioà hot Mlvabeenau sr«- gL» lOrhy a 3ads v i*Oe"ne4 <sî bttê ab 5,.1 oir ev= bur iofeu Vo1is taut- bu . d r luaemoo*à*f1 IeV At lureala dft sere u are, ýafotIlh Y« wË ile lc. hsaldwk alnd! yom . amels quuity sud expert blnd c<cholo. Turkish and choice Dmestlc Tobaoco. make this a m an mlow-mildn.w ss 8a woluionlSmoke hi.niiritb Th. Ile " no unploat ciga- r.tty aftortaste nr unploaaant comUety l 1 iL~/ le" '.5 Give Camra ver tstMMm ompare thom puff.for-puff wtth any cigartti in the world 1 - - - - - - - - - - w w ' w ' wýsý le ..ýG ives Year TRAC 'RoundServic rOWING is ih.fist job 7-M e.xpct àtractpw to Iban4ilh, but JE O tly artof hç or w e k Ï te . i tor aut do alotd tbjàf me boa hrd and juat iiposamtta o rPMiii4the I.obSi@iia .d 1% OMrs'c plows ont only y700wup6i4sd, boyour pt hco "o~s wi ,mue 01 beidw la ,adapte.d to evry c0"erpu .Stpowr is qsfo on 3h. Orse 4 eýcay adapted for sed bed ïvoek wihoue peckiou te »Wol, Àou. Lffl lulrtraction surface. s-ieCletrac wu# dems»trate eu many *um hibýt b.plou*pg ad Speul *u'nu clam., t thse great Plowkwg M4(Ch, Labo Vill#. FRD.H.MEYER . icbln&s lu the. sehobts are CR ef thse tact tbat selaca Le suit' WUo0&Uy tetallUg i le reported paiid SIsi* !decla;ed., as a aleb l9f viens chargeaunad$ by the A if tac tion ladeýph. TIse w the. invetàietlb.v tb%w hui Io anoutsaevln.lfeibxm e ,lrmut.nsa"4 to 0 OtiwUcbes, blIn4 ai -d7 M et the lion! bchweh * itakngtip Iri t. cinmald zoelsma a esltydaealr slitet, y chuAes w ere l'ry 5hieyy 1%led lioJL al . ai a ý the grand Jury wbbr #&SUý .wblcb ho fuftU1s1d. * -)ILMaaod bts second W#04, ubdM OSRESIDENT JýIES IN OAKLAnD Word vas receivpçl tn, Wanlcegsnn Mob4«y «etble death at Oakland, Cal., os tn4y, of Bvrofl ?M. l,ôneelow. an Un«olo f LJ . 3 igeji Mr;. ong- feUlaw *91 be reesII'ed by thle eIder. tfelident, of W'atikeg,.n. He "5rai'a- soctated wiltb Dr. (1e<)ge Wheeher In the. bookgtore busine'ts in Waztiettan. 11R ÇHECKRBOARD 4.od.Mb b Y WILLIAM J. W0006 Ail uti oo *8U mabi b wfiîîw., W 94 lu BoDL oàineNo. 81 11-15 24-20. Pleyed March 17, 1920, at Central Y. M. C. .4, Pittsburgh, P'a. Prom tb<' Pittsburgh Dlspatch. M. ÇIaypool vs. N. W. Banks. Il115 9 14 3 7 1017 6 9 24 20 18 9 22 17 9 6 27 23 l51e a 14 1 5 239 127 23810 22 17 3227 -23123 2011é 121 le 1i11 14 18 1926 Il SO 22,181 174 17 14 312 318 81 Il 912 10 17 12 10 19 23 25 ;2 17 13 21 14 4 2 2419 A 7 Il 6 10 ,.1&019 $7 82 2925-' 328 184 1024 Dtawn ProblemnNe.o. B PM AMen uL Be-1,19, 8ni 'Wite to play sud vin. - Problein No. 91.. By 2,06 AUlem 1*1 J. FiF tAli 10 27 '27 24 4 t14 20 8 lolution te PawWerN Mýos. iiy flac-27; K I..- Wbte-11, :35 ilUt teplay msoi vLu 4 18 6510 8 81 »bW1m to Wrblee.4#Nô.3. D U.jWo. ne*--& xu~- obIe-il. 37. Nuak to paTap j.. y U' 11.tu i 4 151 23 Il tIl l IS21 i .1815 14, 9 s - J""4 KLU That WWI bftcI folsol.. '09 u ~u "e- --"loi. outof pow tbà tho uu M»d u nsp.s b irne etmýll0m,]wbat. tout a phooemgphs nsedb Betsy la".8hpev. uoiia uo la OutuniInbuId. tb. New " - ud tu duI » a ro omwmpu umw e NW me am4m& of vole. madowmaguregsnq more thaa 100,000 poephg"havpus h.od <bis omu Non's tald ditaUfflM botwmo ber livin 1ývdIoenad its Rm-CBATtoN.- 1héi. orne of the phenoumtalrmorda of rulis.. b.N.w dhxm - * holds aulother reois6 of realjm, too, b«MM e ýWe n howar.osp atebtms it i opri&4t-r could oaut"la 1< P ~NEWE1-SOIN A To P ud -I wiy w&»u lacO r mej-the Ruâis., TEStI Tut: lb..w os ~ ~oi th iîe*are .,.koe îmd cmi bd a 1 Wlu Rober 09 dady Es anti vTu i Pr" heordera ot ve " aeu*a Inthe] b3I0.ex ad eter tbla elg'ofov OtOcuthy anS no J 5*10 ail , N $aran- trga leuand Ile the -ýhy bavey lutî,ide a Ibo mlln olar su omme loflg a iison ltht d esi 19 MIel .ratcy did aai t4pM thztllrbr Tshe rivordandofnoh it case f, '*5 and b tb. er*amilliondlr esmi f« ertain plce and à Soti ug te cort hei1 MI caveof "Sire s t rStura for.tii.e ollei ibLi way it ta report agreement Wos made vrads saisled. aq tIli as' folew&: IYtS CONRAD GE Two plicea or proie The humestoad- on Waukegasi. Tata homes ln Nor Valuabie building !t y TI 1.1] 2. E 3. E 4. r 5. 1 6. 1 7. 9 -t DICXU & HELTOJI PUIONS 55 PM FIWýw