i r wîua c ,~~lUIe t *5 ~tbâ*%mseas w"" ____ - a h. lpgst 'reSu, ~LLJ7' - MILLION OIP ETATE Rob=.rWay LtE.rUle ySCorar'l se of £* .k Connly 41. a &UMae 9ft4l4SOu. U bua adivis. ý'fo -»mi mtat. lai w »O'bb« Ode by <hoeman owm uwmslt.r Mn. Nellie con- Mt 11y'eM proîueîry utor o', 00(0and daeîmot Inelied ic. hoidaitig-ot over 1,000 arr -s sa cOOttyanti nonc ot th aii,- a, ewosmtqsiî.Kunsa'. anti Miinejot i ", ndhelqd lu the ti-ansfert madle ,Ia-stey luin iote frely Irt-eWatt- Itugel odfasanti show lic-w til. bintbex ant i mter vit togeî,îatr in = fg a diviion, at being on-l-r-. - a, la fl egnin.1 escla 10 .q * Mier liey diti"so J-0 an effort ta 411111111310 ir *bars lia the toaa. 'he recordis do nfa:- -1mW au) lma transfees andt he b"i.1A thus Ai taai -"'tÎy have ntoidis'ided thal poît:an of Ibo milon dollar ctime tbut tiai vi'il ome i lons liter lu bc eeta S la 3on liait Prialî Zerli lléZ sani %hite i ilil a-ana snied ta blmc. The division et tbe propirty, .e tom ttngtuecourt hu"esat.aes s I* ceo!, '*ive sti labo," ithe bibt- oer ana $inter expresmns& pietoren. f« 'cerain pr-oiarty and tm ien k -r lang Acb sd tortbi laithe effart -te î41 one o! lia s taleto ta"traie' iu ratura for.flicnus tbey tisrti. lu tlala vay Il la reorted tBat f inal *9reent vaU made vioeby '«hl vaws asiîflsd. aqd Ibeir dyiiion eas as' !oloav: YKlS CONRAD GETS-' Tva plicesa!fpr9p"ý-yIn lu cAaga. The bomoet -on Sheridait rwqdt. Two homes Iu Nortit Chicago. Valuabie building l!t. Genosus ui w SEVEN REASON&S YOU S1OULD TRAVI THE ROAD 0Fý SE 1. Trains lbave at freque nt int 2. Schedule is convenient. 3. Service is dependable. 4. Trains go direct to the heari 5. No Street Car, eue or Taxi r -6. Cars are comfortable. 7. Service is cieanYLeIo duat, dir I LÀb.rtyvil Ticket Office Phono: -Libertyvile 74 t>tky stor, . titi G: n * ýe soeeralpwae, o!ntlrrti.e,v and h«=is aon 8'ay siret.. Ouiidoî in'i. p.îx.. ain l lit-., -, -otmeet. ôâe piece <"t Ualz steej. ()ne pieeon at(n f. -r;'a ."l NIRI .i>Y i2ICTS . Browning bht.e.as-,-ralil,ît nm on 51 . e o.tlIit, 1uîi. --t' Property at MOAIW-ter anti Puni- mina avenues. Trhe Arituton hott,,Cou nty streel. 1>.leAsitaîti about tbe court li'.m tio lit il'.taine iii,',about 10fl0 arres of land ;a Labta rountv. inelld- Ing the 700 ait f Geeuliay rondi anti Belvidere street, ruxmnîns wr -n i.T'ugtalorrond. Ant absatwritai taday egriniAt- ed tue vaU. Of bhe Praperty -dtvided iv lhe dectiasas réeoreio t kieabeut MIrs. Conrad. wldo-w aofJltncou- rad, anti lFrank Dtdiv voie obiluiren of tlis lais Roberlt )ady. tir. ilati wau sicb - for a 10"4 lime andti is tiaugter Laresu vai linevub ie lits î»Puinlpeirit Hovever. she, wu taken111 wville liu- va îs nkimlu fie dancgtsr d". before the fsther. Tbe latter thon nover ciWoed his viii. andS vbem be ud i vas f(&Md las laidM ftilS tortue. te ils ilqel- ter Loreng. iU*b ivolng moed forWbfnl t l b. M«tab*o $0an bultutan È b. sùih'ivugrotiaur md alitr, m"s. conitandi Frank. Ans ace the5510<. whlch tisi fntii'î planneti fer. bs dangtutar Lorelis l bave nover.Voit tealier becausp of déatla lavlug inlsrvpeot. but sent te bis. otb.r lIsSubeire boniu.'.e of lits flure te provitis a *11l loUve îng tie tiaugliter Leuea's deti. A furtlior lntsrsaitug tact u n a- nection lae. tht wbmn Miss Lor'na wect ta tho bospil i me ieeiitt'd ta bave a presonition ,hal mie rii nDeyer leave il. Andi s, sbte matie a viii in viClaableferail ber )MI> erty ta lier rallier. wlio ai the tiine vaA very slcb ai hnnie. 'Ibi% tî le' s4een liai hecausic sh, d fÙ-3t ani ber preperty. tisurliof sshieli nec tler 1,-d previouply gir<!i .. t,. rese-rtedta ta he pttei'l: ti.ttlit ;11f'i lire tn cit nge ý il!- a I in Vi,-J. 'ý sîta %as naniei biIk â h: the lus, talus iti' . rirs- Isln - l.r<1avay RAl t, .511 ii1112j' bttrs ass liei-.. <a'.,- tit, lis pu), (-i-il' !. r Thà." ra.. r A -leîq ha' - "n.- I Rnglanti by w-bleu fees-er is transmit. ted ilaroughla mpuseaisin a or,.,na vter. For ertî,l,, <'lisi L'-r,.irk SIl l"midta te bv er.,'sr1,l othe trsin'tnl,ýoilo t a i- '.' t--- - li nîadý.-'taon vitt 11m e o ' It a4XIde tô~ h-îokedtia- KMl t EBEflT arndivite MI. 1D. 3140 t tâlt w«w tu so If didt, 11.00 dialRie JosPlag~0lncn an ordin&ry' 28t> acres ln' N. E. part Sec. 28 »ouset, £04 cd atout the' fan on al. tirant '£"ownalp. R 4 ~ eratugcurrnt,.-OctOber 2 1920 Aflotber man .liought a dynamo that A5iffa Bswn et ai ta joseph TO RIAL-EDSON run, "d ne'bod could Hawot W. aD. he.r0t ïO RYm',£lc l9 N If a Wfhie, andi offelle went ai goal! abeth Ct. C. Gieorge W. D. $1.00 ~a 5W 1.ts 7 and 8 Bleck 3 lamie Bluff. A boy h" a 71118ilUe orowheel al.t-icnoenbigen invoselient Co. ta ZicOn City is very Proud of 'Jim- RaeocO ta lis bicycle wh.-1Iand il Sanie Uerardi,,W. D. $10. miel Ising Who DispIays wolaiil't rWu- Theoy ao'discour..- t2E 1 t o !lt6 M .arkel -Geénjus. ln# If waane900d. Jlmnîî. looked iRxwood. tatna tris. St 5Oiit* ~ W. 1), 470Vf ($;y E. W. croit) iweft lle t.mater nasuilck s-, anything Lt 0at 2 ok2Wre' pin1*ybsajno dlgan. andtte ,Ovue# vent away del,,btet l11i. 2 Bok2Warl pionCit has8: unio d- AndOWaukegau. -jaMes 1"li.a 9lad of abut nilas. là tact, Jii o iSilar lectrical8etb. 7120J mriçe eabtlsl genhua - et . b11<L ax nile i ii hduin Austin and wte 1ta ienry Wbn~kco 0s Inventons. JimmIe Mm, ethe vri t UV>. andi watch. Kreutzern lt 7,Ubrle 2,aW-rany 35aàwaYe tunkering wità bai.. W.1le C te'«kW boys are toing dib t À£ryîl; avny îaiîng anti lie aes goqd. Hie can.dtinIlter tUme àvaY -e osn 3elllng thatb deeti; $10., about anl'iiint Wi electricity ex. illly *fw.ra110*Jiniie il; wark. B. Salmon andi wife tu N.S ÇePt tlif la"tiutilie ata selse- Mg Out M»reId*& that Isili revalu. Biwberg et ai.. 'nt lhait uiiril 2(l trlclty andi leu aveu vorklngan ~timiseeo.*li dImchne or ala. feet of! lot 2. hock 32, original Wau- or,1ne osa mg1 Suioer run ait day kellân. werrantY tieed- $10. Jlnmie assiti ta ti hores ooovntiat alnstItet alres, andi R. A. Willein and wlte ta N. S. tue zion himores resttaniant for liea VitiiogItee Zti* st tel tantBlurnberg et ai.. forth 20 teet of eat aboird antd lasgaIt tre roam *ietMis.vit yOU vat-uu( bWl malle it run, hall of lot 2, blocki 32 original Wall. Çaionaa, a ad« wlia bui ieriendda 41WIf lit vent 1« liht awaY ielu kegan; warranty deeti; $10. t ý J ta ad h mny tii. thewoul4 Wrk On l tlt 1< édm-.Henry Segert andti wfe t oterwine Psy out for lioard andi roouila e&'a iMtor, 5WbiaOne-day faite )emand and iwlfe. tr~act afland.i1'n ho uses fori.exp. suenai woik» a"naid vre»dei u5etht motlpea. souîlueasi quarter section 2-t,1, Deer- nea always buying magnats. dyna- pie Vrouhl Vit tO Jffk and hélielxed fieldti ownship; warranhy deed; 31ic. mos, Sengratars ad anich ttblap. éàler up so Uf114 vaalnot aR# P. J. Sextan te W. H. uisn Veli as dttertent bnda f orck tend as nev. Abput the oniv thing iots 1 anti g. Klrk's Gien Fiora adidi- Noria., * :iaI JimmAs <nit <o la tu irculate tion en casi aide Sheridan irýidop. -' irs Calaian laIs a lipre andi tmg- 1the blod Ln ai Ub feiot. Poste (tien Pin mav"nue. Waukegan- 7. but no buggy hii. jimmie â«wlat de,$0 ;;ýu talavnt n ýlecOU Mgif te, UDIES-- W. H. Johnson aj i wfe ta c. E. CA us y noap Usâtiaie ls bGfriand ~~ m-*jf I ECook,sainie as lait above;,wsrlranty coii14 drive onelt Lt ict. lne 501 somd Ji1UL.55GUVtieti; $10..- wiieis andi oller siartusand co. 'lie 5.1.UM 1Ulleli their bonds Leonarti Alderman and i wfe ta Dav- etMdon «ectrie moatefilt*r» And WOUEftldif lt dd be anse io opf nivte i !lo 1 ic iathfut aiày batteries. Chi saturday à .S«*VM l n 1%itng JA MClcerascnd ali, iflt i. hWak SiSit ie 155 ta th Ul o th SlmUg t~I~ bfO t eBhack- lien, iying soiith 0f ýenter oai resek- buggy andi the juics la saupplieti by 9 10010 t0Uë=' Utlon canais bit a boit runnbag Thoa M pln, ta . rcognixeil in warranty deedi; 810. aeua a Pufly attaciedta te lucinide la 8 Viiia..«ffs irnatyaformer R. PR.'Yeoman and vifs tuaj.. C abl or me Of ao buggy,- vkesli VColt Mte gii, i tma, nov Mis. flamba, lot 5, block 2, Roy' Yeonan's> Iblen bi ICI ta vork ta aube àua m19 IL B.Hante Of Mev York, vlao Narth Bide subdivision. Wfukp*gan; bicycle liglî t nt l atteis.and ftsled ti er. tgro«uta<oCalltornia. warranty desti; $1. suceffld wlvth it b oe. -meeààWinih ah s»taatlOUee harmeand ~ Nellie Conrad ta Frank'Dati!. West generate eetriefty Iy driving nalsleiSVae feuhi" ob«e*are afrsady Part lots 1santi 2. biock 6. MeKay's a a %res andi geting -juie" riglit e"s COnletWff boy theirs would SouthlaBide addition, Waulcegan; war.. out or the frris. He cou gel eleetric- look a la blanc. raniy deed; $1. fil out of most anythlg, and give .Geion.ni Perne ai. wiNte t 'ndro àun s year or tva anti bell liehr-- * * e ** o , o PurIn. lots 3 and 4, block 10. Wat-' un1 tatrea andi snlylng Power .. kegan Highlands, North Chicago: and lighta for oooblng anti for bouse E ffA TII1M 0S watranty deeti: $10. nigta from ppaser derivedt- famthe *OSSOS@egib#Oêo., oLizzte Gootita J. a. Kukar, ]lits 27' oui. water, or grount andi 28. bloCk il, W'aukegnHh Nobody cau stick Jimnmy with a sy Ax 0& DOWES, landis. Northa Chîcaga. warrts e uaulXy mater. Bell soan tell you Assistant SOftmpty Sacurity Titie $4,000. wht tIa wroug with If and makeJil Trust Cbwmey. Waukega n. J. J. Neeiy anti uife tn C. W. Crw <un.lie iasheenbnov tamobea .ford. southwest corner Washington mater ron atter aboaut hlli a dozen ept.snbar 28, 1920. sitreet atiti heridan r8ad, Waîîkegaî.; ele'-ricans imd given the jSui noas iC. il. Packard and iW,( -, (, waî ranty deed: ; 5 mposiblc. I..izl anti wife, tract 0fr '<i Ma.'. Cornish to Frank Delt.i, A nl-wàpapre'rman ogft a valuaSte ialf (if section 12, F_"t Ait ,; < souili 29 feet ai north 72 teet lot 1. ilfi;orated éleciric fan anti le only 1 hip; warranty deed;i; iII block 9, Northwest îadidi tintu Watt paiJ fen dollars for it. He thoughit irei K. Oreen and i 411 7 . <4 î.-gan. warra.n'y deeti; $Sitl Weil lilI brtng.fhat eiectric fan homne Grîffis. lot 88 (ex. 1ttll. ý1' et' Mary R. Vincent ta H. K. Boice an>1 current and îfat's viiy las soldIf 8t 0 Gresen.lJay additiot,. L-r 1 0 "eh fe.17acres ini aouthweiit quart,-. 'ie mani vho saldthelb machine oaRd uaaranty deeti; $10.sein 2LkeF-t:vaan- hnat Il wo1ld nOt run on alternating 1P..J. Feklen anti 32,LakeI u-iuk deeti. $10 'orenant alp h a alii oLa- ni ie o . . -e Mater in Chanccry to Michaei ~fIep. bs mahineantidiviia.on ou Crookedili Geler, tract of landi ln cast haif of .îlMnic InSpectedthemchn addeeti; 810.seCon 19, Warren îownslii: deeti: fi lion' 1, hI i nute ta tell . i ller and aife-u, il.,Il.se 'wny titatfan wlu m n a a y c Prench andt i llie, lot 4 :, tiç . varranty deeui; $10. J.S. Gritiley et I ta Ma.ry Guaii. lot 10. bock 2. Eyrbieeze siotili- Mou,. Long Lakte; wa"r.inty demi $Io.i H. F. Keller andtie f ta W.Iiani L III,, lot l?, block 2, Everbreeze sait- division, Long L.ake. wn rranly dIccd; W. J. Pkonéna ta V1aryl ttiy !et 111., XadsW0rth îbdi vision. Wa i- kega n; warranly de.1.; $8.50à. p ~septel imier 2q. 1lm. t Mi. A. Ci-anc ant i aie ta t. J. lle- ,w H- Y 'langer, lot 1, block . - Cranos stdi- l'OU measure the lion tu Aiea. warranty deed; $175. A i power to trave 1,. N. Berube anti viea. J.,Scorri a',aceo, lot 1 anti noihcast part lot to bear up under hart E L V IA 2, block 4, Butrchells iubdtitiOR and keep going. Th Highwood; aarranty de-eti; qu31.0ad.reag ~~YT~~U, ~Editl M 6esa.n ta sWhitceulte n r g ~JU I ~ - eaiher Indian cluib, loi 3, Cetiar Par-k new Nincteen Twent R V C an Croolset Laite. $7-- . Stargai-et T. Pterts(.t ai ta Marco With allthicir streligtl Ventur'. part-lot 11. Evans' mubdil- modelsamar cars of stril vision o! block-kE."Iliglalanti itrk;toi hxmd ssarranty desîl. tQ,bjflj toin herndc- Margaret 'I. Peters et ailea Aageio Authorized Buick -Sel Pasquesi. pal! loi- 1) anti 11, ý:vans * ;ervals. 8ubdilisjaon of "9r . ," Higtlanl dion wherever you gc Park; warant) deed. f3.000. Pricea of the N4 - Margaiet T. Pet.ýr, st al to John BI Nizzi, part lot Il.. 2T-1 suiîvsot uui .,a,, ny et block -E.Ituai.il.îud Par-k; at 1 lo.r.r; ..-atfy1 ranty deeî- d aolT.-,ay O,-Fony5 John LeDzînt w1Snté eLetnard,. -dT 0.n1 part sonli. hall )0 , lt.-,- iO.ft"7 1-iiglwootl; '.ar-, t y tied; 11,1011 Mamb iRuss-el iciCiiia T. L.obtiei'. >~ north 33 fet t 0 lot it, l ock i9, f.rB tof tneloope addition to Nori $i le. Waukegani: warraotty deed - $1Il Lotiise NI. Paýille. 0ohln Ieiling, aeeed,. iota 148 lu 151, tunîlngs & Co$, North As ente uiiioti, Wukpgan; varraniy ibeeti.1.2- September 30 1930 "t5. or Mary W. Poe. dieosisti, te uhrist anti Anna Toieff, Demdi 8.l Lat Il W*QiSvrth Sub. Walksgan. Acn t roas andti l.te Uob=Uu t or cm<ers. vYobotia ant i vie W. D. 8. - ..à aca Lot 6 S" e Ea.Tp Uierte ibtimntiand XibistabM. d. etmontiRe=' vifs, W.!> 800 lu acres la N. E. 1-4 0£o -Laiu. ortus 'e rap. - IL W. Churchhibl landi viM *touet. »utausr and hbire .330* e vparI iliock 7 Lakesde'ObK Grays. Octoher 1,1930 J. 9. Uriloet e ai ta C. W. Aolih- ma vit, W. D. i110 - «1 Ianti 2 Block 1 Vui* Adit. *ei9s.or 1 - g hik> -AMe l, Uoek 4 Washbuoe n. N.. - - C. Lambiert andti boum, taeIL !0 à a ant i vie, W.>-. . 1e' Loii*Grove ifinois -value of your mnotor car by rd usage and its capacity to go ~ les hae aways been Buick J_ LjH' ain dominant features of the _ tY-Onc Buick Series. $ i- :andstamina, thesenew Buick ~ j- ingbeauty. Thereiscomfort, n reineentandroomineq.9. rvice guarantee your satisfac- iew* Nineteen Twenty One jt r Buick Series ~ f... 258ç7 ~. -c p 'u, Ir i6S - -- -- ~i,. ~ags I - à ENBAN '&.5 ;s AN-D $ERVIcE L AKE FOREBT Wet UmnWeIIm moatroarco cou. ducteti i clscuiek, aa ae vumnbrella comng ng contact wi du the phon. > cord wiii shrt-circuit the - vrcand cutoc avkg. A cirelcsly handled «lImmof w"t, aut ovevlowing M.- weflnrnimnopeu'ia. doue, lie <anIm snuppice of ".Qw ou-aytio.o telepbon. uervice, îf Pl«» .pfot.ctb i4uipuaeut, trou cCAGolr=PHONIL COMPANY %e Long Grove Cider M Is Ope Each Day o0f the Week Excepli Saturdy -Sorghum Miii Q Moodays, Tuesdys, Thursdays aid FMrdas of Eacti Week Do flot bring cane until dead ripe J. H. -EISLER ý%boe