an !detery. IHe rep!ipd ~I flAR "i.w. were re-%,.ly ta :a, t tw !la iago ,îV:ethat1v ot- Pen TOWfoi, ft, mone: and reSolui T RG S I T - uhiogh te citi', apipiield 40 .ae _ïe* Won ýOttcpil It Plainl ernun te change tte J;o..afIce (Coatinued froma Page On.> ~ SêPelrnd Diiolpies Zou it te ZIL *Thisithe îovera- gli ntlttiyiiltgtl !IMM , o*dDnilS nient!d il. Tii.Nor-th 8 ore let.tric ai0ncasen teilngeged leat u li wwmt FN Street. ie &ao emade, thlechange. Wb nex( i a ie tm -a ked tii. Nobw"eru. The North,- ,anj ai", IlW l e «r: lice le. 4J*b Wilbur (Glenn Vofiia and, wetetr eawered anbiguuly -'F.ev oey~ <w cf ôg oJiffes arc clou4*tcd la talfledgoutfor silyerai teeks. Tbon fo.rge t m Ptll oumair h t mbe e u talnteW rythle tiai uotcecarte out te s500 us. sea-bome wlilch ild ieen sol te tii Cicae nd IH Bnid that tihe Notbwe4sterla wautthon m TIi.y lo kicked on 'tiierake- ý« hemc*oan or cd --'àte chakile the nine, inle at. wtIuldhiof $10 nitimae. '"ra"Wdl M Iv..Te igu reade ewmore ths plaaa.d la chafige ILs»d An ç amuintrtht foltowed cIifr Ue wuPs et OeermsioeVol. 8uit ttai they couidiV*t. owinig 1tethé, ani al ht ontai le les tartutma outile the qc hato. ocerta wth buinéea WM cone bariau ea u h OU U* kitla ee rahlptIO,.ard nteres lier. woüldi't let tihae ThéePlace. * tu ther tii 7o- ofIClai tbld ua aithtbe lunch We b>l4 Maaies ahaand tnen resslonded tg ý t«UWMM P a OWjfer hf. t tai 'h cooceru blhiai .tat twa tei tan tba t tey ever luis 411b orget tucl In iibnn-s, wh'ch amountel te a hait and*outil111 thewp ful of boiei. Ae- wIun ttying10 o goiate the t million dollr a year,: If t lie rmail or4"liy lthe mrid oet Saturd-y nmarit __tail a muiiorbalaih biatbopa ýehiigedtti.nMe. Sowe bav. , &,de Wae taged-te a fiune e a! *l air XMli= âtr t , St o yen40 yOO ilY u t.r m neda fo e do aytblng <>5 f lec.bablg. WM l~a àthmauagu ts3e. pr abu th= .rodntil -the Nortliîweat. nI>e otolous .$laccetf 3arie" la b am u ftt ib_ of Wrd ta tii. gosel rugie miii. aimt anlnhabtabl mas a ret.ult e1 0~~ unit t e hicage ýQ» t TisLtle. tay&en te tri riaroatt of- the depredatlonsrlr-ed os, by the. MONWutàu hne a u te affe Irfelal mentlenad'by 3fr. '-Cendeuln. gang train Waukegaln. r W.a' ,tiloqta putpleinZiom caused the. officiai -A "bit dia oel- Miyle' Piao li ilong been. ane 5Cbi W eMaIrnais ticeut. W 'a&, 'tit liai ttrwtel attention ti~f 1 dm Ul sotaet cfet hoffmm» ý 1'otilfg et the etr Wa s aad." b. ielasud neighbors 'fet pti. eurtit Eb J lUY*tbevoiiwonotoblb auerod viwthI ndignation. *'Ilot it ae regei. So lucevi u i bve 1lake di foibd si tkeoiib It lu pot « ibis.peupe gnotig et the so't. lhO Villa peope le cek river thesca- Suithetfans Q o iw n o,#esXpmantton le a delierate dalous tllgstint, havie progreseed W!V W h m utlds et automcluie' lle. The. concera ne mentiecena b as :%lree Place chaat the Lake Villa. gigr> ieneyer tbrateu.ed te w.tbdraw te pat- Ciumbef et Coummerce rr.&-etly A repaler. v.ader# ireri onge froua thi. madin lcas5e wu adopted a resolution directed tu the tbe hifloved PMOIet of Mr. VoiivP'aà change thé cana.ofethte station ut &"aatîtorney et l.gke contY. sait- *WtaI im runde. dscoverOd the. ZIou City. I waa onttUier. snd to.nd n tutute uppresa the place. Te enace la Prayer. Tii. mgority of ne objection agiliat chantlne tthe date, accordlng te Lake Villa mol- tbhu e- r.llkewWt exisageSll la Igu, but doggeue If ve'll de t nlsWdents, no steba bave b.dh takdii t@- WeiiStmted. apilttuni attack i'p.)n siter tift kknd of lylel." . ard tilai sur and ne remiiefl, hsi. *0to *aMItm ai1 itier te lt'mk 1. teuneti. couje frontthe tatee attorney-, or t. ML Volva, hbins dressâdin hië drector et the departinent of puib- -aberafrs office. -Like Villa- realdenti, VilEs robe. sent eut Word timlie lc vorke, 10verscer Voliva devlai'Sd laina that the joint hma long bae ediif mot bW seen. The. repiorter «as lie wrouid net only- oppose ai' r9ad~ rua Saunss open bll'1plg. thar wUld Ptfmed Wt lir, .Vol!îa'u inyor. W, mprovement. -but would continue te. omen have baenbrougiai ont troraî ILGadnn Mya Citenlu v',ias cever the main herngittfare wlitb Chicen» dlutiSt as a w9ole the Itte'vilv-ed. oe puÎg u"and te lrevet tôuria tront an>.d- place ia tii. Mot notorlous oret ay lu "Omplaiîas have hte et-'nI. i;g untll the Chcago ilNoriwaterf the.conaty. *04 thea reporter. "hy the.trillions substtitue" thie Ume 'Zon" fûtr "Zion So bter lhan bicone thei. enmity *blt the e taetcb aior od îhroil-ri Cty- ou ita depot. lFurtlier oblection wblcb I.ds Villa peope 4lrerfpd te. xktu; tbeJmpmVM*ru t *ad baaed tnthe *ara titis plat-e that. for some ime «gon.- errecteid tue Mayor. ground tbat pioes vare to te h gaad -pus t lasait! thé, nneers vould bot 'ý4Ud the outaîde «<,'-id Li p~enivie- lsterset excessive on slecl ai4asi- pertait aay resident eftLake Villa il Oie:,gwy thoit ea wAi'îre- i mebt bonde - tewnsllp ta eteriubs-r virmI0s. lit ____________________________________________________ le saad ihey hâve doeeibis ai n slap at thé Lake Villa Peupile for oproalngr r' ~ . ~ ~ r.~i~ ~ *.~ ~the. eperation oeulr Place. fr. W. Churchill. Sertiry and Manager. -CARS0FrTWANKS. THIFIINE i W. wish Ioletlanl the frpnds anld *nelahborit for their k'ndneaa bin o SECURTY TILE &TRUST C.grat Joas.HNX MRS. ROLAND HOOX. tael Waft Aie. la The. limipeadmet LakeVilla, Illinois 0f fer at the Pùre-Bred Bull sale Fair round, Lertyviile,. Illinois SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16,1920. 'TwoYouu,-g Jre ui So.ns of Faary BOY'S Gaaboglad isir, ]p.iryBoyleGiq.ld 477 ~i ]4gWes Ohi.fs ?iry 4W8122. The. - xof this bu» 1 tteNtoa'ar show lu 1949 st Sgoo44ir.. O$tiÔi's Raleigh m8~9 - Quwie. Lad 141747; DS1 amitup2 4PS1 -Tizi dam eùteed flegistere of Xerli t m mOfeeuyeAr «and àvu niothapwdUolug« SffO.7 1be. nzflk; 536 ba8%bt ýýyU ove 1.tiieseyoumg bull s uip. R&Ut«vWe ~ Boy0095 whohA~dt enty AUCTIONS":ALES IAWUENCE AMN SALE Fuililq ustida, 4 miles nortil et Liber- tpylIni a e««south 6f Gurue.on .EiîÎL;-Rial, ona.Iuamil.-lie WetO sIw~~enuMe, ou FBI""V. OÇTOIUR 38 e98lm Ceenpuçmmi n t lItS P. ni, ahim 1 bar UN Wt&eE U& & ad,5. mi4 geisNW-M iI2t809- igrM boe'ae y gai ilim elt i0,l i bey boxs% ady. *W-or uaddl.r, 5 yeflc- cli, corgel herse. 4 Yeaa8ol, sa4~ or «ier. velgbtlt 1Oot lop thé oitaictin erg"e Ciwes-I maiun, à<«",b vitb calvea iiY, their aide; 5&bpg t two-year *qil NUi- ers, S1 u*iUmo#blter.t.» tva id isS biai yesi aPdifelielmi bull,, à Chact« W1xits , -ib »o l u, b 18bu abeats, sveqg«oabout 2W Pouah$ eueh, tô cst-er Whhte pit eeks cli; IS MkoM a ueuReti em, 2IR.LL Bel Palleul. 1 Whlite Leshomac,gii- eias, là thede Ialad fledoo*RU&M Mad aoo"WIs. approgimstaiy 8 tona e9 tase bay. SW9iaciia earvM 30 Nes ,# 5éw, Wproxlmately 5MI almook qirsours, 800 bualea via ciata, M ebuphela Cluster »eel caf o*Uol i;r.eoffoui .ael; 100 -bab- doe,10b uaheis arleY. 2 Déé-a Ç"blq ne aly mv; 3a truck aps.oaesarlne; Iilay ioidw, illéCoimnck cor. binder, 1 ehOaump$M os ucyc. 1Jeohsn ff pIg .1 iltoot ddrlIl, i 1Jikea- villeauy*tor, i Mecoriuick tGri raiate. cton steel lrag 1 Pu" Trimr, yvhiI plev. 1 muftt.. - Ir met; -lgl bagglec. 1 breukla caltjItai"ltsu, 1tallitvsgcui 1bois alelgil.- 1 cuiter. 1 gravel box. 1_ teed griader, 1 four-moil lteyme :ce0M huakm '3ateel tracter. 1 teS-bOr 0 ga- atigg eOui, 1loue and cè.-b&lf hers baaig caSh.i pisti" oru80-l. vegi sosie, i m l ieler, M00"akOeit. lm feet 4-150kbelta. more or lae. 50 grain 's*its * t rope, vlth berne fort ua io ;hi double vork hurmu Mué&alt matrerk bara& e i il collser amibatiniarsa.1 iNavy aIM giela bMs4.. lia ingle barnesi, 1 tvo-lmuiredSUi gion eettie, i1lbar Me vfla. à tventy-luch collis-. J t5EttWO " Iacilcollars, 1 galvanlaif elgu tcem ceolg tank. 8 elghtgaIp> miii cana, 1i tour-borner Iherosmmi atove. i Wood or coal beaterl. iwaIh lu; munle, 1 kitchen cabinet sâd 8OU kitchen Cisifs. 2 vooden bedateada 1iglovea. hou, lampe.' and other ari c lea toe numereui te mention. TERMS 0F SALE Ail nue et 10 asumnder, ceuh! over ibat amouat a credit et 6 Montai vili be glvuaon good bankable mnote bnriai 6 peur centitereet. No gnd Wo N gew%îvelnttil terme orfse ean ouplled viiL. LAWRIENCE At$INI4, Pmp. Pred Oribêe, Auonaer. Liefel @ull, clati NOTICE 0F SFECiAt. VILLAQEK ELUCTIN. NOTICE 18 REREY GIVEN* tus on. Friday, the P5tmdai of Novambex A. D. 1920, at the. VILLAGE* HALL,lh .the Village et LlNertyville. hi the Ceum tyi-ot Laiie and State of Illinois, j ISPECIAL - ELECTION, WILL Bt HRLD for the purpoecet rotin; upea »tte proposAtiQn te lewy an annuai ta; of one and ene-third milîs on the dol lar on ail taxable property within tla Village of Llbertyvlleli addition t taxes Ievied, as llmitéd by Sertie, Onue ef Article Eiait et "Au Act Ie the Incorporation.- of Citiez sud Vii lagea." aptproved April jbib. 1872, asu Acta amendatory thereto, fer the et tablalanent and mnantenance of a tree Public. llbrary ilacfid Village, hla1mw eMasce ef the provisions of aAct e thae Legielatuire ofthe St4te of Illioiu te authoýrite citiesansd ilcerperate, to.wns, and townshipe te establah ni malutain tree, public lîbrartea &nl teadlag routais. approved-and An fora Miarcla ý. 1872,% sud tue. amendateai Act$ there te. wimicli eçetIen *11 b tlumeed ai. sevea o1clock lh the - morDi hI; and wiii continue oupà until thti o'clock ilu th. atternoon e iaamt day. 1At sald election. evety. elecior ns: vote "Pur a oeelsud eni4trd mill tai for a f ree, publié librar" or "ýAgain a onu and one.third mlUtaxfor a trot Publiclihbrary". 1 Tk- b AliD BECTION àUýCALLEI .IN PURSUAXCE OF thsAct abovi Maetimed. andte lapwraumee t a 'dtnance pasnadan approvel by ti ýP«Isee nsd Slb«etTrateq co sai Village, onu te ltiday et Oct ber, A. D. leu-) . 441wU ERMV AND, aitlb ertfflne' linuqs. Ibis littiday et orût O!m -À.Di J». A tete, of te tue1 euoal il 0 vati, 'propomi et te e: T ti]fothe 81, d ct a.naîrytere 1l0 Parka la eald Village; TRIBU-ý BE'IT ORIAINED by tfii.Prealde*t s"urd oar tTrusteesiofthîe village et section On.. Tlast the pettIcp hbrs- hIabeve mentAo"ed. i lagedby dia sectilat uie t W flegal "votra mai VillAge., la -tu due foims, ection Tva», TlMbmatiebe « ai1 bouibylaIhi, Aa pechi, eo- "aI Village of LUbityvllle, un tile liii 41wr of November, A. D. 1920, for the cail village eh*' propoilumteo tleuy n au ai al.uxof set tO uduul tre millem otila ibvla, c.ail iauabis r. erty l ali Vilflge, lu sâitiueibe fINe 14le,&Iel olmtel by Setion o ot Aatwce lIattf*,Ab* 40% for i umopeaiicn ofCitl*eduI Vl 8e"~ avpo-fled *AluI10hlOIR, sud Acta sumelidortherete. ,for the prpi et lsantgpoulicpatio ta nié Ville. > . - 1 Bots. lase. A I.mOticu etsai aiW - aloi, elitonaMaëËit N Îglen by the.Vil. 'aO CNt t fsaid Vage, bW péasl 1 op notioneï ofÏIo 0' ie, yt ly 1prier te MaM elec*tiun. l e monder prêvIled for the, posotir otic" efr gemeral eMcIos a h- mil Village. *bd saMi apeclal eletimo sah bbee llamil méoudîctaila the. aume maner, »d tii polS of »Mal tti lo hb N pen t' iemnaflime a rvllb for ~heoiialilmg et $ur&al eceeiee 1 L aid Village. amd the rMeui-m a nd eetu bsi Nmades taprovled by lint fer il. retorsetebN made in gan- e, ral .&ieti«s a.hi nd Village. Section Pour. 1. H.- mnu, Otto Boehu mI ÏG. G. Sobsaite aerely r PPluted Islms et mail sasel aec. Ucn, "a m luboti. Sebsuci.Augast = - »deI u Rai Butotheam. hereby s4ii elutderba of MMealdsecal.e- tic 9sectilearive. The bailota for il t spectai elciNm ton l lsla the 1=m tas profflel by law..sud If a uajorltY eto the electors vdfing uqalm 030. à altion. vote la fageorthibreot, htie i É mil tas osal INo 10usd sud ucllectei lu i addItIo otier taxe.. asd tic b Freéllent mm Boaidof TwUUM«ef« L sai Village chah l"uIole ia«d- .I oahnlietm-itAPNWOOUil.ti msd 'Ta evyOr onfa tmm iVillage, to N a oiate year 1921 sud à subeequeut y4ara. L Section Six. This oruilusuce »hal t Ne in ettect tren sud atter ilAu aae v sud oublîcation'as reqord'by la«. J. B. 39ORSE, Fresideut. - bain; b .e i ae bIbi U r Iou SAM BAEoRnUTA1ar 1rvbe iser*o JI&Phome& istf ?e. - esue.Gool -~~ ,~ ~ t W. »-. î 'Y. lehhcqsr, lbertyvil. ItM ~wia Autla. 145 {PO Luou. sieucelotiso POR *. - l qcm hou"e. ate l' MK113.A rale. i. rin., 0' . puox321. Ulmetvl, . 403 WANTEO-400 99L FOU lIN- RUAI. M@US*W~U8<. * l.AWS. SUui~ WOnh<. W~ ~V. MSS. ShîTti. US SU. OVhUflE S!UUU?, WAUUESAN. - PIIONE SOS. If ÀNI'ft-4Mm or vone ï. i, 1 ý dmleva aaiottiMtMi la 5berg1 tor tm alse mwmmtisim. bui limasteorU16 m~ m »àehl- dr. ue iuMlaSfrd.am1m&s w. pa 80, mr he«ufr tom . m*ý4r 84.4w Write lavut loaal ; to*f g m l. Norri-stova, s. , t1mit lOUND-A - pair et apectile. la. i.AJWI-iu hile liais 0f Gaga'c Lake s ilceton lieUt tlog, muaI sud whiSts 14mai51 to-ara fog lufomuailon lied- an; te lie reeereryPbeue 94-R Gaupi. Lake. Wkl~ t a Mit 3&LE-15 acres oet shocil ern.1 Ple,108-4. Calvin]MIS. 42t #OR ALlb-1,00$bcs lor et geel ud gcoin; U8toua ef No. 1 chier bar, ,Aroert GooId. TelegMipil Ii&. Lii ilrset. Teleliiose Lke Forest 701. j 43Mit FOR SALE-Oui iétra, ub&l.;ale 1 bay tesan age 10 and il years; prices reaeoaable. Orne mile aof e Atteît: HlaI Day. Sr. R. D. MittePlie J. AX TREPTOW. tetvle2-J1422 Village Clerk.Ltetvle2-Ji4-t Passae October 18, 1920._________________ Approved October 13, 1920. publisbed October 14. 1920. OROINANCE NUMBE 3"0 NOTICE 0F spÉCIAL VILLAGE AN ORINANCE PROVIDING FOR à ELECTION SPECCIAL ELECTION lut110 vil LAGE oF LIZURTYVIL.XLAb NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT DER NTY, i1990,Mît IMM UR- ON FRIDAY. the Stu dsy.*t NevOmber - POS 0F rSUBMI¶PING OTI A. D. 1980, at the VILLAGE URAI.L. luVOTIEBTUh1UMOF TREI MPRO, the Vill% et Lbertyville, lu the SITION .3LM"»ANADDITION, Ceunty etLke sud State qoJinosl. AR.L %s0F ONU A" ONE-THI A SPECIAL ELECTIO14 *IL£. BE SAILLIW ON THE DOLLAR, ANNU HELD) for sii pur)e.. et voting mimeS ALLY, FOR THEE ETABLISI4 tIti' propesition te levy aut anamial tsi MENT- ANI) MAINTENANCE 0IF A oMiot te exceed two mille on tIi dol- ]PRME. PUBLI4C LXBRIARY IN< SAID lar, on Il aitxble prOperty ta3-id Vil- VLAE Jage, lai addition te the taxse levm'ed. WHEREAiS. ther. bauben pres au limtte4 bL Section Onaet Article entrd te \the Preident sud Board o1 ligilioet*'AU Act for tue Incorrtio sl rut...fteVilg fLtétvle et Ctie' sud Villages", agprO'Ved Aprilad e teb Village et Lf it!'Vll lOtil. 1872. and Acte ameadatory tuiere- lsud te titiilagemoere t saLd ii te, for tue purpese et maintahifmi;Publea,. ter f aeid Villatemorf tierltY tic, parks la sai Village, in pursuee vile, asioterat and Villaetl oferue of te -peilime f a Actte utho*sad one-third nilia on the dollar lie lase. Citea and villages bavina -a popu- levied on ailt taxtwable proheri? u'lth- latiea of leus tbaa tlfty tboaand. te in the sasid village, fer the eaubtUah matutin le' txstlu pulic s m uent sud maintenance et g trea. pill anoedsdi force June 89th. 1*u5 lic librry thereli, sud recuestiag tht teamendatory Acta tlieretO, ctrsadhligo v"as 1iit eiecton .111 ke epened ut moeu tielngor dhholding efvt aeuthae e'clock lu the mern an sd wIti co tinur-i.POpsi0 J tn ie h iuaue open untl trie e'clock in the Preposition etraithor z1na the ievy o0 afteuieoi ~fthe ainedayssid specited _tsIfer a tree uiul ttmogrtheEAi e iOn y.8 CALLED librnry tu a sid Vllage, according tb SlE USANELC t tueAc h e Provision& of an Act of the Le;im- INeUtloedANd luortheAc t m or- leturs of the State et Illinali, approve< blse. psed and nprne of An Or*tuedsud -notrce Maroti 7, 1872, tegether ainacepased nd aProed tet with tue amendeaenta thereto, THERf, t'resldént and Board et Trustees FORIE, aaid Village on tliq lth day et Octo- BEI RAS byteP1rgdn ber. A. ï) 1930.. adB IT ofrusNeDesy of. eevilae OIVEN mnder my baud. st Liberty- osud btyirdoluetese 4 Va ville.,lIllnois. thle 14th day, ot Octobel'. e irlvl A. 1). 190. N 1 Section Onl.. That the petition here- J. A.TREPOW. nabeve menttoued, Je signod by the XA- VilaePTClark.- uitaeàber ottegal votera ineatc 'Villge. lerl Village. mndi . hi due ferai. Section Tvo. Tiîsithere bN sud in NOTNic FOR-811 iiereb. called a speciti villaqe eiectiqa 'The Village et Lake ZM'ch. Laier te be ll la the Vill ageHal lu malt Ceumty. IMinola, .511 receive bide W911liVllgetfLibertyvilI.. On the 5th lay the t»tu ay of Novemabe A. D.;183, of NeremaNt, A. a. 193, for tue Pur- PO «of t abuItng tishevote M ef tr thte coutructio et a tes inoi vel»MOVlaiSethe Proposition tue1la7, an In "Id Village, sp"cticatitncfor iunai taI et eue»ilauloe-tilrd smm iclt are oa il 1e la ,hile- ffiee et the _« ttidou&ai nu aa mble uroprti Village Cheik, Bide i 11l ee i sI à wmla tIie.v1115 et Libertrve M.. in elM F . M. et «U lp ~ii n ttefl e 5*111GBt axras levisI. au Ilu(ei ilî hieiteaOUe of Artilee hWt et "Aa Butl.Aul bis aiit ' N o*uisâO A«t«orthe Imcrprn atlo. t u«d me 'b? &OSetif4"l dUsle m 0%Na EW 5S - YVItiBseappreul ApnItl 111111i egomalliabsaklg bousaor tmoi Deraàd cta momistory tbleeto, 1e- ibme ci t S &mcau,ot 5e bilto the slblsmutetiialummo ac -~~frea publicelbay aï ai-,lae orutil tased.«Mmd aM i ai b iade t.aaINiu l Vl tuù - o&àoS.à FI"ne, ueCake a iVi y, i4te VU Village Claen tbéi m l ogeet UaVnoticesof thle ame, weBuuy ar Lai. Zunlil..blIlolS. - ta q»bk inS5 *4-44 __ PI"lItd for s*Iag 0et moUss tor 9«"rai >inua m lage A dW*dulmng Arangement.. A"lad%Ïsietila the «»aA mser, yOUg prete~et fplvoeat tce. Md Po .Il of Mileetini ba 1191 Mopus' tee' Se m'ts tlueanda prleuit issuuaaeriede -lesotfel ntit etteb le. botie i.1ilag et generalUeo- suplil ot Mi leabe sobu-bae o rrt&-ie. tIlin A &id VUllgeas thfersua Tb*le tnpife apgered to-e e.the nl? e gldablisisl e al n p or la tennis. costiue, snd otte i te idi 4 a. iat t"MI»rba easé,t. No emmmoti" the vedalni Party est douam als dla ge"erasiecticuela sai Vil- ta. breakfast on ltae bardeetof»lie. . Scia,. Rsrdly Wsa the cote. finlMil i Section]Four . T. 1H. KeaitOtto tia@ en a gveo ,lgnai. the viole Boeelibiau G. G. Saci eare bush Party ret nd m eappesred in -ath. apponted jugge.IsiiW peclalete-> taig. cotwe. Luaiti. ît'13e tart. tien., amI RassI En ý tie.DsWbeib mdi on nbicycle lotir , r a A t*ioSohanek sud Augusa sLeveit ais*Ibere- by >ipoinied deIorf ea id apicla NlpgeWni. ofcf Iel. ,Peetil)iea. The ballet fer saiI i bas b.eau tinated Saf the amies speieetio n il N t t oma hI «Sot touboa f '--'i al al je Mabea-n e vl06 1 Ilelty, due te o re .--ri o i a orlets ue-t )1ga andisadadabm ~ bay S .bciioeasih .$keter, Piolous.8-BL.414it FOR ALUsee,- vrloatcha. te tasaplau. fom r.t. 1). i itleos WoOtisemlle m»" ofRail hay. 4wgy t t.B tKtol. 4 POIL SALE-A ev 8-rom othoregill ~aAre& 1 PcisgWm tOR àAL-40 acre. of cheoaisu drlileilcoma. chas houa bi o«a; g-oed b«17 tvy rop, at 126amd up, per acre. Vt-mak'Rlb'ufim. 1% Mlle to"iit ot tfraiSé Vie. i3-t, »OR IAE- v-erodsorre aille masi ftngbSrc. &lad geutie dlapoMloa pemgseW g seus; fearlecofatutamobtile. Bai Nomrode and drives by vomua. A gee&. atylia looer.a~adu h an". vighi 1,100 l'or futier SuOutlnoelA. E. RI- sel, Llbertyyfie phome238J-2.4-t TEE CLIEN? ESTATJE baifer sale a amber of biAttabrasa a»I voed <loz spultaga>. table. ociac. ua. amd other benaetraAhla oda Ne seen at CelIpr"s FruOct, il trou i P. U.twl au-k. chrie Jeum. mloue 2se9--. 42-lt WANTED-8ituatuon by youug ma- rled mmn0o0faa. v'he buitOllo.ed hisU bslt.Addrmi P. Do 434, L4berty-viile. Plione 145-R .. 41-1t @h11 b. e leid sud CoUected hlaUke manner as Otier gemeral taxes tueatd à Village anmai h11 Nkmon im the IrUbrary Fe, nd. mithe Preilisan sd B hBourd ef Triat...of aal4 village ahi 9 luoe as adiioal 5hbrary tax lu Rthe Appropriation ami Tax Levy Ordi- L. napceeoet nid Villge W N bepaaed 0- dinthe ii year 1921 and subeeot yeas. - > Section Six. Tis ordlnane &alil N Il la effect trou aud atteriun pasage F-and aublcation me requlred by la,. AI JAY B. MOUSE. ID President. Atteet* J. A. TItEPTOW, of Volage Clerk. e, passed Otober 13, 1920. i- ApproyedOctober 13. 1920. ty Publabed October 14,.1920. le NOTICE- h-state of timise ,-Couty et Laite,s: 'lu the Circuit *Court oet ndId Le Conty., jIN TE ATTER 0F THE APPLI- le CATION 0F MORRis jOSEPi[ ICALOWSKY TO CHANGE iSl -NAME. r PUBLIC NOTICE la bereby Siven that. Morris Josepht Kalowsky bui ti day tlled la the Circuit Court cf the tCoonty eofJLake, l hi tti.s etof Un. tenoie. lii petitiela te change hie@ na -te and te alune thi. name ef Morris le Joseph Kaye by vlich te Ne hereatter Id caMai and ksh&u, %!hWbilpetiticulh iretuarnable te snd wiltl e beird at the ~ rDeceÀuber Teru. 120ef salài ôrt- Irbwielr term couvenes ou the ffrst Iton- W daY oLDecember. 1#20. - DATEI>Sept4ffler 38, 1nu. e lmeRR0. JOEPEKÂLO SR à . club eofdaM court AUMueY for pfflIc.r. tii.. l Cué ireait couri t ofaM bs lie~r of ItheapplicatIOe or 8 v m it c g a K a ieehp ta eobBiA ametg> ami viil b àamn ast teio Datel Saptemubea28, 18*0. momietRico'101FKAJLOWSKT, B.ALNI , tIA»Y. Aàuoey for l.e titiener. Weuky, Spt.80-Ot.7-14. Th~ U~yv0*MW ~.1:::1J::-----------Ùs -p :2 - WANT ADS - màTEp-io Cmi. p Usa, Eaé3hsostls.. - U#CU~SI~ Chaspe %àý ." 1 -- il: .11 MI- -!i VOQLUME XXVII NEW- COMMIl RÉCOGNIZE1 ING CRLI 0W RepublicafiCe Given Way to Ne tee Which Iss TrO HAVE BANQUI Theli leecounty tnitteliai bo-ta cal! the court boeuse Satt ct 10:30 o'clock. wl a tEops wlll be ta-ken drille for the reî,ubli Itiiner in to be servii it thie lîcu.maber ot t and evcry lumnîr ol li"', ita-fl rge-d tr ai ,a signeti iY W. t>. taw' and Lt je unit' rixîa, ( h e uid and ii 1,. - got tugeth-r i til t le ciii commiliit lii d 'l t' IIifavt that thle Fîigtt-îA by Mr. iSame f r-', ni-a bthet th sît, ilicabiy Ett tht- 733 Bonne fae ri. h! h . a conte-st w I.' n the matt lmti-ne-. ThA,, la due t h-t iprtfle court. li'-it wcomrýiite in ~-xitence. * Ilow, tu'aus obittrvî-i 0eliSt have been afly broughout thae commiiîtî-haà liran way andti Aus harmr) dortîng thie canlaig wnrk toward a uc-poli 1It lt repoutedti ta iman W. B. Smith, ariee. conlerred 13lit tr of the O, th'-y tiîre-aiiid malt" ai]ly Mr .'niii i atiec est lx îy out of Çth- the e -w "i.nîîtlP of mntitrSandd tj-c Andi a i 1 -lie-ib- Iii th' i ,i e t (- A FoiALak e aîl iec- FALL IN'ST. OF EP LEAGUE AT >nre "ft l e b ý 'l i rk thiluuglitîit th( ili" lait lnstit'-ilic4 Ku,idItr oU whlcl IllbertyviLle claurcli r-sxlve V-day e-veIl tt)mlrtseb amiitAieE Iil the cosunty. indu- 1îe. Zimta City. Yioik gýnNorth Ch rag HimghalndiiP-tri;. At jiti j*apj hien oivi' wt-li A I rinutp <o 'iiefor theievot n i J, iît p ,j i ,-t . < :-~î u. I-e '0l leix-cOletiuti hankur, of Li.botty M- rtiuti ý, V. i n M a" Walter E. Kuiget Linde 0. iRussell, Andra A. Deatrio) te'l - and Carolyn 8-mit]e atidrese. .ttisttita P. Johins< bidi - and iElaine .,autt Ste. Marie,. MI Ede-ard Page. 14 Luia Harris, 42. sa: Louis La Muche. and Auielia C. Axe Walter Ailep. 15, A. Bunker. 27, Gruse Haleta U. Hall. 21 Griace. Walker, 19. Cati1 Jenase., 45, 13,-ttlia Ilarzig 35, Rlobe~rt A. Jonce C,,and Marie t. wl" Johna R. Gerold. Margaret Ftichs,. i .Samtuel i Makus' cellattafe 21.Sin Leo H. Stapletoi an-' Marie Du MI ke -mmoui