[AK CONTY PENENTLak County's Big Weekly WAUKEGAN WFEEKY SUN VOQLUME XXVII, No. 42 UBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENTIOCTOBER 14,1920 *1.5'J PER YEAU IN AM)VA.N(jlm. Iuu.,17 eron, 1Mti M: pamsener. Good t14 .if tukbs- ïo. Ns rsMee Ita os te liar. mi bo. 8-tf- w r. yl. 1. 4-3tt » brdh ofi self Xe- 'os40 151R 41-ti OP 1. R.dt D..rto i meuh of Raeck Mdsy "A lerm bt, eeds;l lu~ t borne sud pg ar Pousette 40s"; LoNIse. Rau beau rode urnes A too.. etruh F hand". Velght 1,100 ulatio. cu A. a. RI- i Phbime 298J4Z. -t USTATJU bas for sale h0de, brosn »d vaod abe chaits. bora. 8"#IE failu Oct. 14 1 dark. Cbris 3080mi. 42-lt atUon by youag ir-ý arm, wh@ bau followed if.. Addmes P. O o Pboue 145-R .. 411lt aud coUlected lu like S gmr&l taxes lu satd al b. bnoss ae th* kud the Promit Mmd an of n*14 village shali dtiomal jlbrary taU lu m mmd Tax Levy Ordi- villagu, to b. pased 1921 aad suboeueàt %ta ordimacce &hall be sud &(ter lIt a»ent me requlred hy law. JAY B. MOUSE. Presldent. 1OW, [&ge Clerk. em 13, 1920. ,cber 13. 1920. ober 14. 1920. OTICE. si:. Court 0f said Labe 'ER 0WP THE APPLE- MORRIS JOSEPH TO CHÀANGE RIS >ICE là hereby givea îh Kalowsky bai tili Circuit Court ef the La the slute of un- a to change his a m. ma tht. came of Morris vlslch to S herealer cM. %!hwb petitlom la d wili b. heard et the eason tihe ffrst Igon- .1#20. W.ltioer. OCéaui Court for P4*smer. Çoms oct 7 14o m'ax Cout 'Of "Mi e the. ap$hléor c oaIs4rsk te eosas de hion" te a" le c Morris 1Joeq b. hueard et thb Ms,- of al "Pr ke~ ou -thb Im br iUO.O NEW- COMME IEE-IS RECOIiNIZED: rMEUT ING CALLED SATe 0W Republicaf ComMittee has Given Way to New Commit- tee Which Issues Cail. TO HAVE BANQUET AT NOON Tiha laie county republcan corn- rittee han. beu callnd to muet at the court house Satucîlay, the lOl.h, rt 10:30 Doclock. wlîen prelimnary * itEip% i.wll be takulu (o open ais ibi drills for thbu ciiublrâtl candidate-a 1linnfer in Inte buerved at 1.1 'ciç>sk et tue hîCaLmber cf toilc C tononUi and every unonilier of Ithe commnite lil"'îbeon rged lia attend. The cali in signeil ly W. 0. Samson, serre tas-y.and t la endî'retood (bat (hum rilaafis th o ld andnew coimmlttcc-e '-go)t ogetîmer in lbar-miny and tii t tbhe (di cm iniil tee hbag ai owed I c-- n-w rimmîtliaseunîs Ile in- vm nd sd u tt .,i acilisign in I .-cii etty. Thlicfait (bat theu rail lat ut in u.gn-ii by Mr. Sameson bring3 the f r, -.'hiaR hit ttlie o CliiîitteiiCi l,,.e. aucabiy aclileil niat!ers, fuir 1h or * W33moine feelingtht t tere n îgxhlte ýa eont-dt u sct-e whfi wag lI') n tbe inattur îf legal ex- lm t-n- Thim la due te the fact that th'î.~ suprele coeurt r(ct-ntiy dellf-d tîii*ne omscmn.îtt-e-m were flot legally lun-Xtence. *llowamer. tbe aitust 'i,-ias observ i-inliLaki' uaty henat ave been followeei gifler. * Bll broughotat the stae-the new omnanittl-ebaà biion gîven tight of way and tiius larnircy la Iii prevail duanîng the caunoaign and ail will work ioward a repculiC ia sîttfirY. I'l li reliorted thal recentiy Ubadu-- Inan W. B. Snith. et tbe ohd corn Ileu. conlerrcd wlîh Chairunal glît1iýn of the n-a' eoinuttée, tha( Ih',Y îr-ii-imalt'rî ve.nia'md fin a]]ly Mr Sniiiiei tiihi-t u ai- * est a îy octut of the ';t'- r a-asfor thie new c iiuliitlie !oi icRuul- charge otf Malttr8 and d<îtCthe0e (onitiaqgu An m n >the l ,£F'iloc rint ir rsv I bat- xi g ý uei inir-on sm-as ,ii <c-Ia, Foxi Lake an-d everyl-,'Iy roîr ili lba lila FALL INST. OF EPWOP7k4 LEAGUE AT LIBEuFTYVIL.LE lune "ut tie bg(l I-m t , 'Woerth I)av s-cric iltouglieut th(., cotnty will bu tIi. faitl lmti(utu c4 the Lai-e Shoe M.Idof cîi iâlar ct. Whilhî aiib. hsld lit Y.e ,lllsrlyvilhe chuu'cfi on thice mue-- "date ry evPTI¶I5Tn o0"~uer 22 and 29. I*lue L S'hore district TOOJf ,onmprisess ail tue lapwerli Leaguei lie, 7100 City.,N ouk i'us5e, Wauke- L N gars, Norths Clu r.go . ke Bluff. Hilghlandf Pirk. Ant os'. Iake Villa. --ss aketnd 1itaei les lltî T ilecesuI-tt ii.froui lb--se EP- w- î l h,-auîvea elt aprelmunt OU On.e 0 i-uuiu.,sc-m n =d ai 11k<5part n lb.- mente rct luit i eîcu Cîîistai8 oclIoi-huuy wst vIl i 5 tniiuute Sogs; ccuce ru Cartby. --i--cfor the eveniun aiLi bu Mr t %rot, A Ilili.,ohi Sheridanu ltoad proseceliO -lii, i. aI 05, :AdChu-a,nortb Co , of -un l i îtl r ilo.weho aiilspîuuk %Vù ilk og ar :i iject, *<)-g;iniziticn and ucae I-u ILeogue ' les -ollnw prhae lîc llîus i il 1,u a 20 "Sout -ciai MIcL.a. b -cOne.-ilniit or t he fîludy Of (lue uaue I-t -cleaty Jee orenga' il'f-i c" C tyuioierîy an-I i oiii, !1. brtyî ttc. Followlig cut i-i i l;~c Vaily, of l Ita onln I'ec riuteli I-tiît.euditri,,t fîî it iic(ud on uIt-rh. i'l 41 kn tll@ eub and aIso -hi Mm chli iti gaine. a .-ituiî stI.rgt- nuiib--î Atiuflie- 'tl ti i .tll i l mc i t'efd. Ti- (liat retti - - iutIng\Vnueie- i It (,5î C Lee. W. ui iii rntuiitiicastMOI)Il sltent) lî-gudIo '- l-a -tii- _________________ittopiglit ng for1 e u los s i, Marnag LI~.ie * lona stat wlich. au clans, lia The lu, Ieaa Water E. Kuiger, 26, Chicagn, and Johneon. Linde 0. tRussell, 27, Mlwauke West hai Andra A. Deatrlok. 24, Fort Wayne, kuowiedl tInd. and Carolyn 1B. Vroon, 21, raya WeO il-e addrese. as a far Itîtin P. Johissouu 22, iescanatua,'gtbi - licli , and Elaîne E. Koee>. 22, Marsît Sault Ste. Marie,. Mtieh ef$on. Who Eiiward Page. 1.4, Milwaukee, and ment and Lula BHarris, 42. saune addrese. ployez of Louot La Muche. 2, Seattle. Wash., Tfey a anod Atitielia C. Axeleon, 29, Necedat. lectad fi Wi. then ke Walter Allttp. .5, Chuicagia d Mae Josephu A. Bunker. 27, Greenl Bay, \Vie, for rallie Malen U. Hall. 21, Great La«keiansd uarshal G race. Waiker, 19. Zion. . womucn h CatI Jensen. 45, St. Loufe, Mo.. sud iII prol 13ii-tha Itarzig 35, Omhkoah, Wis. Raid. Robîert A Jonces 1, \X'100peg, Robert Qen.. and Marie Lacule, 28, M1-ltu- omibazdi. e, Wis Shunt? h John R. Geu-old, 21. Chilcago, anml recenly. Miargaeot Fuchs. 19. saune audrees. .Sanmuel ltalkus' 24, Chicago, aud CutIisatfe 21, saune address.De Laio H.Stapietord. 21,. Milwauktee. suiMarie Du Mont. 19, saine Rd- Th lita but tae tîniesi A. Card. 21. Great Laktes, Oun hour tnd Nilona Kîrt. 21, Waukegan. could we ,Ge orge V. Meyr. ý5, Oakfild, Jut s Il Wis - aud hla A. Klebs, 20, Le- Anoihur mlira,.%Vis. jubfilant Andrew Kleiîn, . 32, 0-ononiiowne sitei.boer Wili., and MagdasetiaGrobtYls 34, and thie sanie addtcss- Pnë wViliami Gaspor. 24, Northb Chca-go, p and pEli Fitiih. 22, saume addreee. Frank R. puucell, 28, Chicago, and- Betly,!Berke -12, t-anse addre5e,. Stanley' Silklisi.kl,2.. 1Mulwae3k-ee, ville. Mi - fdMînnie Baruch, 23. saine ad-: Mitige. dreesRober rEverett Fi. Lafond 21, '("tO Bisets , dm4 M Wi-.. 'r-1 Tbclnîa Koiger, 19, lam Rober as 1ad O EMMERSON LEADS REPUBLICAN TICKET J IN THE STATE1 PRIMARIES BY A MAZ JORITI 0f 11271945; RUSSELL SECOND Springfield, MI., October li-There is a wide range in the pluralities or inajorities by wvhich tthe RcpublidftiL cardidates for state offices wcrecehosen at the primaqr Iast month, according to the officiai figures given out by the state canvassing board. The pluralities range froni 7,902, the vote by wvhich Len Srnali is shown to have been nolîiinated for governor, to 127,945, the mnajority receivcdl by Louis L. Fîmnerson for the omoination for secretary of state. The figure4, as anîiounced by the state canvassing- boa:rd are as fîoos: UNITED STATES SENATOR Dow8t.ate Cook Co. Total Plurality Clîipcrfield ....... 52914 12828 65742 .... McKinley........ 235919 136611 372530 11400 Srith........146290 214840) 3IM -14 ...0 Carlstroni M'oodiîuff M iller ..... Sterling- En e i s j i Kcv M i 'ic. -i lu - -GOVERNOR - 20620 97f <6 .212400 126703 36910.3 -116276 22()729 377c035 --26472 8033 :145015 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR -...137216a 21419-t 351710> - 5604 1"4468 ;!)OS72 SECRETARY 0F STATE --28683~7 150f)77 43ilOI1 S 113813 195156 30W#9 AUDITOR 0F PUBLIC ACCOUN-i2S ..... 130575 194862 325 V, 7 1252619 139302 391921 STATE TREASURER' ...216790 123742 340,532 161564 212438 374002 7902 391 G 1 275r) 3347o) ATTORNEY GENERAL Bw-r _ - - 163798 196987 30) i.5 Bt îd1îge ..-.22,53 149214 374.5.5 13-483 CLERK 0F-THE SUPREME COURT B _ ----- 48;7174 19676 68250 Seliiier----10I61 187802 2962(;3 --- Vail 290 133435 342939 56616 REPRFSENTÂTIVE INi CONGRESS STATE AT LARGE Brown - 163386 68726 232112 ...... 1 1 ,;1A17ic , . .....- -..-165554 201280r 54~5 103071 211565 -- 233262 1198816 .- UIER MUST i0 1TO JAIL FOR IS VOLIVA AND ZION RESTRAINED FROM FAILURU TOOBEYI BLOCKINGiA SEWERI Contractor Who Defied Sherif f Green Finds Appellate Court Favors Sentence. CANNOT ESCAPE SERVING THE COURT'S VERDIC -. The Appellate Court, lni ou;i-g o-t the Unger Case, aPOkO dtl1-ccY about it as folldwil: "The judgmerit was the stserest which the statuts authior'zed i hAt fact alone doe not author ze t-ea te interfere and Subttut. ouK judg. ment for that of îthe trial judge. Ws find nio reversible errer in Ute rex. ord nusd the ,Judgment 'i3'îbervta-e a>' firrmed" John t'nger, well-knneinoa-r tocrs-ho. duriug tha wii iutitl ii. rut usc-d to act sm deputy stiti ttm i- Siiecif? Green choae lilun i..ili- other 3<0 iepi tiee iiil-t;.: - ant Puopeuty, muet g o tejallforit-.u lia comspi.ance wilflthe vmi. ftli- clii uit court. 'j'L appllate rouit hila, -t the decision of the circi-t-mt i Lake ccent>' arrd Statet- A- o-n \(Ach titils uuorning cre - i - opinion showing (he. roriij - ý hoilding ef tbe local cou-t- sînu 1 Mr. %Welcb atatud tîtat it t ri ttîat Loger muet go to jai I b- iii t tbu chances are very reunof-- i1,i, 'ot supreme court would hoar C,., c c e aflur tbe appellatu coutt h, t -1 d as If lias. There ije bahit- ics thtat(tie upreme court U1it:. - i a supersedes, but lawyc-i, waq qulte improbable. t'nger weut- (o triali n Ji ii y ut[ thus ear on the charge of %ti aing the toms- whlch sgays a man ltecait as a deuty in case the cl-u if iI- hlm (o du o. Th're jury f' Di c ilin guilîy and on January 6 of titis4i Car be stas eentenced (o (broc uin li v n jaut. Judge 9!2dwau-iis lu- 0t1L ien islimuent. Points ln Appeal Ovc- -ý In hua appeal from the eLiu -içîert tri fte appellate court, In- i.3t tr- nuy coutended the ro-ru Cas de fectise as fo the impaùllii-n' if i-'e grand jury whlcb relurnofil rit-ii dîctirient. The court heIl titif the lmpanlnîent oft(he grand jryliaitîs ne effect on the aunerai stti; sof tii- casu-i. Tire s.ipeal trther tilurd tibal thic indîictuent was losuttuceunt. The TONSUt ANF "u * fi melulct (bu ludicttneni e-as hased l11,ciu ri ff o? tbu counti>'mueut 1, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hv CAMFA S BENiSNEbaedetermined (batlunlbas juiig- à CLAI : FA LS EINf SEI Eruent the presers-alo ofrthe peace TUR I OV R N L KECOU TY anii goodcorder oclet r t resmaM numbur et seucial deluiec and lie 0 TU N ITOVE , INLAK CDU T rnuet terra juiigment as te (ho eaila- the, mast nIPreU g lu. f let- The work of eining catap fruin I- lier ha deire aniS uay tlien sern- urned b>'thb Oztuber glan f lakecf Lakue county slarted ou en mon tiie person to act a. auch dep-M bhat agmînet Firancie C. ic- day. o? Cils e accu A- soon as the Ut>. Antd If euîcb persen se Bmue - sor k bas been conpleîed et Fox moniý.. shahl refutse tn ct lie shiîl Vaise La a caReweeathie Lake,. ehre il %vs s îtartud. the fman (ben be geitly cf a unideneauoc." oni le broug'it lîy Satmuel e-ho bha charge of li@ seinuee- wla Ilt ase urtiier at-guud (bat the or-« Mlwaukee t--l, mist <ormoe on t e -i cher lahea-hure ficilfcharacter of (lie sherif e-as ýn ol l're' ha oca"rp are kin e 0 luud. not 5ufficient te dise, îîbe tais ludîct- n. cted'cgei tatha Ahîhtouglea(hile wok of fminîng La ment, huitaie cour, aise held (bat d a tract o? Lici Ibreuga carrîu-d on esouy yetir it doe not (bat w"a cf ltt1e sîcleu , payiug hM $11,'475 fou- epuiî te base the etect of d.c reas Thm point alIto msusriade regardins I e. He Pay-s liat 2.c-tarthy Ing te number of (arpa te sny ap- a cei-dm m in i -sstrton i:îei b>' JudgeE -e talra a dued te (bu prop- preciable exti-ut. Attîcughthie sin- EdYardo. Iut t1iuî uett tlso heu (bhat reusce te make an>'se- ing ls don. b>' hr.vate lndi';Idtiaîelte instîiui Cma.;eu fecti>' prolier te hum Mu (Catrly %vas il- here are dcliii> :aneo wauîteneon andiinoe i-r etct luîîtod 1a chai-ct- il unîtc. '5-lrint the ground bt lc te I (bat ai gaine - Unger La dut Worry. of operalini s contudetta tjIh ire (brosn lai k Into (lue mater t cnge-i tioti hýil-ietnce lu Janu- The tale c-ieui ~a tee il ean- mîhu tî rîsug te xpression. At r indicteetLn of n!m ic as rurdtince with tife uîuiiibec of coup the ci Iu titvihp te-coucha rc- îîined ,ig-in--t' 1),." K. A. la. troue île tale, for nontunry tle mails lue a-Pi-It-e n te sa>' à st hasL.inciîin sre ai, aII te nvalhy cr tidopiniton, the fusi miiifi Wii.e îu mmcc grantedM lasve î la - :ced îai,ici., cl laie netiaItruîmn ses>' beI-are ll uto eh e-t' i,,,- i f i.i dinunciation= a lcen'e. Lne camO'ne ie heuseuffor food lt-tie.Thîe compa- f vuv îi t il c a toe- nontli-u ago c iton On ie sm hiirli contrat te hodo (bu seiu- hrrî-. outents ie Lad bhi-n trua( uIng pîî-aue the -caita lu an alpetta- At tuie - iheiinaisltni itor f hbu er, nanur and dist c-e of thîcun îîI-bte shetuf ta eu' t - u aspen aI iSuhi- rie patient inrd bhein iacerl lins te peope eho<(Iaflot tuspoct uty shîriff tie s sl,eai e heave irvatiCui ouel e oon jîlîr,ýe u retiorcftie fit;i. Se fac aasnmade te staieltir-it thit "you can- rcodig 0 viu(bl pîytlthat le concerned, ttiere ara mauy shoet mu If you e tnt to, but 1 aen t- Lsened hiseaerîl. pecope we-beunaal that If a carp eerse as a de put>.' Thîe heritf tee- idiment cf Jamneh'est fol- L preparud proper?>' it le qulte taaly. tified (bat ie u.rved ridlce ont Unger- das(ardly attaitt on Pteur The seine witb mslicb (h.e cari.- tbree diffuxunt limes hefore hie eto Gurnue, wth au axe-. are taken are Immense affaire and piacuii hal n uler aireet. i steadfaiiîl>' iieli any thura are (eues and ton& of tait ln At tbe trial Ungur Uhd net duny- e et the ustaîr. Jobnson uacb bcdl Man> ofth(le carpa takten (bat lh aila rettised to serve, but- et formurly %worked for llun ara cuverai fuet lu iergtiî aud IStle teok (ha position ihiat hae as justi- ni band sud iade a I-buest to al (bat a mai an ude te land ona fledin litsf position, n f (tai,, ithulsughulthey Co e nt male-e ln izpeslng thie maxîiumipenalty i Jobnson snd Lloyd Tlionsp s very siirited iigbf. Toue aniS tous Judga Ede-andse rgruttud that the 3 were lndicteid for enehezznle utgaine fieb are cseght 1n tha seine$ 1mw woula nflt peunait bhum te seu- i laucen>'. eiee forfiierl>' eue but are tbrowu hock jtoe atIae. tenca tise iefendantI te jaîl for a ie- if the local expîrees compaay, An effort le helng mode te get a riod mvrai l imes as long a. that ae chargeai withî lav1ng col- large number et black base tu-cm 00w providud for. or '«C. 0. D" packages aud-h Ie state fisis batcbery e-lUhe iih Judga Edwardsii remarks In impos piug (be mquay. Io resttck Fox Lake ibis yeau-. Thie% Ing sentence weee unet denutflttatory i Garrîson, Rbo we-se iudcted e-I niaI le done@util atter the work of an AnericauRtaille to respoild ele (haeen of (ha vîiage of miuuuîg bas beun compluled. te the mandate cf (bu faw, In i'Ict. IlÏ cf Fox Lakeu. The youg t a eaïd that nes er bas a mean been le afluged te have attacked HOCS DIE 0F AN scorad more aurorely li ha iocl cir- )secute hlm vigoroiull>, It le UNKNOWN MALADY IN CO. Cuit Court. -Ise tact thaltti Ilertoan Behu- Stateas Attorney WVetch, e-li promu- -t B. Mitel.i, ndicted for unacter. a we-etIkuorus fariner atWi- cuted (ha case, mets nituraliy elated « meutýin l t m nan for whorn sou lest e-est cf Waukpgan. ham lczt te tink (bat I-be circuit courÉ%Vve-- Green ruade a (r-p te Canada R score ou- more of lioge duringi the dict baiS beun eiitatned b>' the bigha lut two or (bree weuks ubrougla soinsa au court. mysternus alimsent, bas caused cenu- sîderahie alies-nte ether farmerefIra tha ueiglberhood. In tact ceunis of ilaYed for Rofiresitment. theun are mailng plans te meil thefr AUTOI ST RUNS A our. vaa set for tb, weddfng. loge no)w railher (han take a chance RG D W N D R bridedid erppene. After Oni holdinga (heu, longer. R OD W ND R e' e-oiît(hoefergyman sait! ho A reort becarne curreut tha( the voit no loger.it1iiaciiav- fogs lbmd dhed cf the -aIt ~ ~ «b nelne. O.Pleace ,nalera. The Scb-umacheu-e do net Atamro lAurodd-sa ((la longer,»filue mo(ter naal. nluee sucb le the case ae choerA fre nMAe od rv hebur eof-af tlng aund tison à uusl> takes (hune lu a hurry e-ut!.thie ýfiorse home on Grand avenue s olceca culedciui: "O11. SUsY, un the Case cf hibau-hoge cerneof paving wnt ofrtow-n.e-a. biuxpei has coule, thlaheur buas coml"tIleim were fil amc long as two weeke b>' an auto whiich e-as goîflg tise I bidlîai porc>' fmeîliuIeIy ap. latore Ibey' huaI!y dled.1 saune way. The waugonl wu demel -eou-atht-e ér>' mifîlsti'u. It seemed ne If tue>' wecru suffer- liailbut nol>ody mea hurt. Tha lng e-th R Ruser. cold., Mrs. Scisu- fermer salaiS hacarried a lighted Ian- maciser eaîd today. "Soasn of (hem (ern and the cîîîolsl. declare haedild liraelck now but e-e are. hoeuful that Dt. But II, e anothe case weue a (hey e-i get btter." eail ilgiteiS rlg rnght hase- prevenat- icis.. sud Marie L. Prîika, 21, t wae ueporie4 that Insu-c>'Flood.* ed aunaoccident, fer es statesl oftan- Wis. a nuru'hbor cf ibu Sebumas-hers, aise (lutres befere. anl uteet e-be dîme rt C. Saffu-o. 25, Mlwaukee, lnad lest csercl inhge thrpig t(eha islilgh( canet suiec i tit lighted uig Inu a Schmnidt, 22, sane ad-S-sa-e mysterieus ailment. -MH' Flood on tha rondS. du'nleli tbe statemant. Moral -Carry a îglut on yoer rt Wooiery. 27, Irvine. Ky'. :We lest about $700 wor(h of boste iorse-drawn rit If you don7t iWait te nnala Wlihrnreth.28 Rgo two yem 88mgo.but DnO f OMr ge int burnped. -. -- have been altk titIs year," mlite »W Independents get, Injunetion to Prevent Private Sewer Being Shut Off. %Ilibilr uleun Voluva and the ciy or zion vere made defenduenta lu a petituon lliled lu Cirent couct at Wau. Icgant laie Tueeday afternoon by sus- rrau nuembe so? the lndepeuudeus fac- ton,.nsl<lflg tilat an iujuction be usi cccii restrailuina(bthe -alilu 6.prt- ment of Zion fuom shiutling Off tlirir sewur Colinectuons., Judge EdîIvards granetir teniVor tu-y Inutlic ton wliiflii v.s ilrs ii *t lG p. ii. by Sîlut fi Gi e-n.ul'lpaîn- tit.s In tie action are: V. E, Wlt, '-harles F. ('i-turs, Mrs MNitîivA. lice Ni. aiBMs .A. tuudge- i lie pitition ri-iatte4 that tli- t- tI-o pie fae-use leçtit tanksi- titi r yard;; c, iii h connî-ct e tIi a si-w-r îî ii h leun4Islrlugli a thirty foc aiti>' ;,i.iih or lwenly - everuth sîreel Tht- <ýi i t toneus ichfarge thaI t Vol ii a hli tausud lire cîty ceuni-il Io> coiducin tais, sewer and teplks (o coii.tîiii i i% ne piiv mli- ci-mm-r wiih liei- ot»i 10i alinw tIlmt-n ui ciinect prc-riitir tIiuy wilt psy thuir pro raie chate ci tSi. CoSt- t. liy maintatul thit tîli 5OWcvr ta-y are uijen îw r.i alrigit and there -ras no re-.ison ehy Ih snoîllilhave bei-n cindecnild Un i eesday the Diîpsîilat(, Celveil lliieateuiitig I t In svhiril lis e ' 10Io10dscontinuîeth 11ie î ou tie llemer 'rîîey ierri.d t,) a liegan aud 100k lt- uîî.îttr ne, wtî tnier iaw3-ers. l'le reAult a as t hî,îl (le Injonction petolinwas trac n op ana resiied unto cort beliîre any set- lOti coula ce tahuen in Ziori tomarî ilockung Ihe Rt-arr 'hb-he.cîing on thlit i niiuctun mmill I il splace inlDe- Coloner. I! ~ LITTLE GIIRL IS GIORED BY A BULL O I -GIl],cd iî y - vii)scww li! slî.ting wilb the baneof lier.andMtr, il Ca1'r éAccuser in Bigamy Charge Ad- oid igl ter vcfitsrpandeM rionCbarie-o M lier, proniinent farmera wîîo I e ml rscto igso tise mnile.s weast or Gibert3.ý was rp_ $65,000 Settement. ported Io 0be recoveýriflg ai-idly nt qleriman ioapitaI laet nugl.bl S ur The Lalie rotfnty grand jurys fait- f(leed a se.vern laceration on lier Uil rs tID indurl liarry R MeLain. thligli Loiq of blood left lber ID a iiealthiy £xn-lslr Springs. bMo.reli- weal<enrl crnhlion. y dealer, on bgamy charges pre-. The litlle girl wam ssoî king witi ferled blé li,,i wife, Jessie Karnes ber fatiier and lirî-d man .n Ille bbain MC.ain. waaj haed on thuat oy. wlien chu wai i tt,;t<ed hîY Uiccnw. -i.rifhat it was b"ing used as l'i eh torla ere brouigli t lo t iin Itlia îisuliett o ffert a mutI le- dilmn thoim ai t s-yv Dr.A. P1' mut f t 01P' -e.tate oft<Lin fat,- ofii W-. ;uni -S- ll d ndur, r. in i i hi!inhrlil dand wticiI ord--r'id h.,uhed tto i c iwi l,,% ivýti ini î,t 'ed in t Ile ttlement of pitl 0:î *$ ,i)î Mt. n nmade u pîn istirs t %,if- wti-n slie obtalned a divorce ________________ i tim. wagIslle statement maie CORI û ',,by S laAtrîyJa:mris G. CO N CROP MAY' M11ain %eu ini îrî ut ta oiý Sh tl" M. o ('110aga.-if Wý'ý i a b .V ldaic, w hile 111 BE TOO 600DL trt- re-4lîiir.g ai xrding «Y Mr.i M(L.ain - tri r. uîîî ititinitteI wtýil lc.iti i tlcao lî oîtaç-xeeI-itl' f4r fý ing tyfýi,!Ii t Ogrand tjury L it 4, mnçils oi a go id CC.icitluiive licou luortiQoofth-$1 10)se!*t -it ci a ol ut by a biipiîiir cîep asudipari-tuilueil cir ti1-- ,r lta ti.ans i i-- liidy urice renilions, B, W. Snow-, ter. NMr.;.i ittM.iutchalsouu, as ,% ,grain c rîip expelt sauf i-re loîla7 potrtioin oet fe i-is lîire lun thi Sinîw pri-lîrcte'Ilheamy. finanrial los $00 (m -tatý- lî*t by tue eider 'lIe- rfeq t r corn griîweis Tnee rop IhisLi.adIa,ýIeol rPfi coar, Snîîw .î îî, ma s an exception- la ngml ï if ue q ivruit irof thle ailv laîgn one anîd e? fiin uiîity itiagon oif aii w îe uil dcfts it iI it -i liii tr tli- armier, t nse tl() i.ccurtoaio asie ~~grand juî îrs eioi ______________Tfe grand jurys stand was tliat if ilclî negot1atins we fi euafiît Frie- Jerk. betwoeil lîi atîoncy, Eugeile M.- "Intili you leuriî (hlit worl I taYOOI ltunlyaril. nlid Il laili li f )re5cfta- best trit'uî-riot your morst > e1 s-teve, Atoîney tUa-ncecW. Dus r, 5îîii milit neyer get very -far- i\i'-lit Mrs. Metain iwîîetd drop thie liargeii. dowt' cf11i'-Fort)(--s Mîaz and geue,leng a ,1,isurtUlresideult. couil nfot lie htnuglit hure to teiitltY. Price 1s Are Down Youý dont need to wait any longer. We're selling stylish, all-wool, guaranteed ~clothes d ir e ct from Hart Schaff ner & Marx at the pre-war price of $50 Sp11ecial- Boys' siîits, twvo pair paits. Special- huml of încni'-u silk sox, BroNvîî, wlite anîd xnahoganîy Ail sliades- Special- Vecitir llîtts $24.50 75e $10.00 The-. Home of I-art Schaftner &t Marx C lothes, ATTEMPT TO USE GiRAND JURY AS "TOOL" IN CASE?