CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Oct 1920, p. 14

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j, Tue cuairman appointed au such structed to glve notice that lit the nexi delegatua Supervisons Dilger and regular generai election ta be behi in Webb o! Antloch. sncb C.ounty on the 2nd day o! No- ('harles E. Riiis~it, suprriutetident I venîber, every elector may vote ~For of highwaxs, eut îcd the foiiowing the Levy of a tax for a coUnty tuber- i-erommeaîde!iar.~ ruinais sanitartutu or Againat the levy Wsuke.ran, iii.. Sept. 23. 1920 of a tax for a county tubercuiorîs To (ha floqd of i~uper~, isors: saniiariunt,~ sud it is furiher Waokegan, lii. ORDEI1ED that tbe County CourUof Dean Sfro The undersianed rous Lako Counti be and he la hereby In- mittea re'~oanmend that l.iarUal l'ai- strncted ta take the proper legal atepa menla be îaid to the foot Itrothera Oit ta have the ttaîd abave proposition account ut .the coîtniy nid bridges îîîaced upon the ballots for tise aaid which are nov nearly completed. UpOfl neat regular general elecîlon. la be pnaperly si~nud estimalea theinfor. îîeîd on the 2nd day of November. in Itenpei'îfuiiy subanitted, tise County of Lake and State cf lI- CHAS. E: RUSSELL, linola. Ca. SupI. ot Higbways. Supervisor Webb of Waukegac mov- Recomm..uded. ed that the Resolutlon ha accepted H. B. EGER. RAY PADDOCK. sud adopted. Motion carrled. Beau lied Bridge Cotu. Supervisor Crapo moved that lite mIes be suspended b allow bIlle. Mo. Supervisor Webb of Waukegan iflOV lion carried. td that the recommendallon be ac- cepted sud sdopted. Motion carrîed. The foiiowing bilîs were presented: The foilowlng petitton vas pre- 1066 Fred Welch, haullcg. sented: erecting laid removlng To Ihe Honorable. the County Board booths in Il precincte .... 2300 o! Supel-visori 0f Lake county, ~ 1049 L. O. Brockway. aI- lmnoîs: tendtng convention..........35.04 1047 Chas. H. Crapo. et- We. the uniieraigned legai votera 0f iending convention..........35,00 Lake Cauuty, ilUnois, do bereby peu- 1048 Wm. J. Strafton. ai- tiOn your Honoraiste Body for ihe ievy îeudîng convention..........25.00 of an aunusi tax for the establishment Supervisor Weîsb of Waekegan mav. anOl maint e taure cf a fo~niy tuber- ed thal the above bille lie ailowed. Mo. culosis esnaronîum in Lake County, ~ tion ramnsed. litais. tn acrordance wiîh the provis- Supervisor Murphy moved that the Ions of 'An Act ta authonize rounty blil o! N. Certen for ~work at Deteal- authnnitie~ ta establisit and maintain a coîtniy tuhercutosis esnltnnium sud lion Haine lie allowed and psid wisen branches. dispeusaries and ollier atîx- prnperly Oked. Motion rarrird. lliary institutions connected with tise Suriervisor Hoilateln, cisairinan of saine and ta ie"y aîîd colleet s tax the jury ransmittite. aubuttited lite foi- to pay tise cast afttîeir estaMish;neut iowing repcrt: md maintenance "~ State af lilinola. Signed lîy 138 persans. County of Lake sa. Tise fottowing resotuliau waa prai- Tour Jury ronimtttee ta wiiain the eented: matter of setecitux 300 naines for the WIIEREAS more tItan 100 legal Petit Jury liet froin lite naines euh- îniited lu September 1919. auhinit the vaters o! l.atie (~oîînty have tireseuted foiiowîng îini a? surit nantes: tt.,-ir lîntîtion ta tut5 body asking Ihat an annual tex may be levied for ih~ A. M. Edgertan, Emil Srhleter, 11. estahuisisment and inaintenance of n ~~** Audrews, C. A. Studehaker. Luke rounty tubi rculosis sanitarinut, and Bail. George A. Mitchell. Edw. Sweec- branches. dispeusanies. and other ey. Thonias MiiEwen, William Canner. suxîiiarv tu-titutions ,onuected wlth Mark Whitesiîle. Croser Wise. A. C. Hie saute, n tise County of Lake and Christiansan, A. W. Rabbins. Henry F. Stat' of Ittinois, in acrordaure with Swanson. Ç. A. Sutîle. Citas. West; an Ad entitied "Au Art ta authorize Poster Heath, Cari l{uth, Samuel Far- cauuîy authorities ta estabtt~h sud rar, Jr. niainîsin s county tuberrulosis anni- NEWPORT tannin, sud branches. dispeusaries, Arihur Beshel. Han Crawford. and athen auxiliary institutions cou- Thoutas Edwands. C. A. Heyderker nerted with tise saine, sud ta levy and filmer Mawkins, Cea. A. Jeutison. ralleel a lax ta psy the ceet 0f es~ Walter Luctas. Arîhur Labey, Tom labiashinent sud- maintenance," ap Reardon. pro~-ed June 2tth, 1915. and la farce , AITTOOR Jtatv laI, 1915, sud sutendmenta Cea. Brown. Ramer Pierce. Ed. thereta Turner. C. R. Thorc. Lester Osmoud. ORIaERErI tisai the County Clerk o! George Cash more. WIII Davis, Leslie Laite Countv lie sud he is bereby lu- J Rogers A. Toby John Thayen. ElirI Shrewd Shoppers Say- Our Prices Are Notably LOWER - 9&xx HEnI Go. Northern 1li's, Greatest Store For Women '4 A Forcible Illustration of Those New Pricings Sale of 300 511h ~ WooI Dresses Styles of the moment in satins, crepes, trico- tines, serges and jerseys in -ail sizes 75 Women 's- Wool <& 511h Dresses Values to 522.50 Dresses For Women CI Miss~ Up Vo $35 At the Pre-War Price of H-t e are dozeus o! snsart îîrw dresses ai titis dcridedly loîvered pnlciug nentittiscent of hie dais hefore tise var. Bewltcisiitg att-w atyleu ta tise aitout asked for utaterlals lu the prevalliiaa Faîl colonînga, mauy elahorately headed aud eîîîbruldered lis colora; pleated. plaIn orcnmislued - wtîh ail-over face Innica, etc. s- - Sale Prit~es $29.7~ CI $45 _ Harry o, Henry Race orant COUNTY COMMJTîEE linnounces a Lame dîner ta b. beld ty officers alida te; qtberu bavé, EltacI, ,Fred Caruey. *~ Raymanel Pregnmers hotel becai lnvited It' elpucted tbe ny Schultz. the Lake Couaty Central Commîtîee Metuberu 0f the commlttee, ~ sia~ affafr.. ers, 1-tarry Mason, John R. flouse, Lsxak. Chines I.aycack. Har'ry Mey- Grass Leke, on Tuesday, October 26 event wlli prove quite a pow-waw Chnlît Petersa,,~ Len Wbituey, Hec- Williani 3 Straîtan, ebaîrman ~ ai 1200 o'ciock. for politidians. Tes, lUs ta ha B FRTMONT Bert Chamboniain, Edgar Goilw William Kretchnîer, William KI cg- __________anc man, Geor3e Ladd W. H. Schwer- i 11111 j ____ liii inan, fi. L. Underwobd. Frank Vïckecy, fi. P. Wagner, Robert Il. flouse, 30e f U ,, ~L _ Kerton. GEAIT N. P. Grenier, B. A. WflJey, WaI- ter Juhn~on. John Stanton, Eraiesi Russeli. Charles Mitchell, Ed. Lar- km. E. R. Tweed, Harry Kaping, Rarry Larson, Joe Saupe. Louis Ton- yon. LAIE VftLA Ifarry Miller Beri Wilkinaon. Harry Alveli. Will Witiker, MarI Hucker. AVON C. G. Brainard, HarrIson Gilbent, 17. C. Hendee. Nets Hoigard. A. W. Fox, G. P. Reneban. Gifford Whlte Thomas Wblte. G. B. Roslng, Wm. Brainsteiler. John Brever Fe'and Cromin. Swan Christt~aîson George Drtfce. Fnank Dorfier, n uddles, Sidney Gooding. Evereit Hook. Wm. Lyona. Chas. Pariter. Arîhur Ricb, Onlando Rtchardson. WAUEN W. G. Austin. John Campbeil Fred Clard. (hi. CItitenden. Harry How- aiE. Ft'Uak UcCama. Wm. Swanaon. I... V'-'ce.t, Joha NeII. Ado. ~oge~ s.sf~înona. w. ~. Sauts. 0e.. Gebring. John Merlocit. C. 0. Watrous Geo. Carharl. Frank Yoeni.vte. J. E. Daggett. J. H. Broad. R. K. Filcit. H. C. Patterson. fi. A. Yoga.. Victor A. Mîlîs, Philil' fane- gan. M. H. Rubin. W. H. Wiand. Wal- 'ber Brenton. H. E. Harrînglon. D. A. Webb, W. J. Sachutan. Edward H. Smitb. Nicholas Relier. Chas. Breen, C. B. Tagen. W. H. Bain. il. H. Beach, Fred E. Brown. B. A. Mun- son. Frank E. Sanîpson. Cary Casier- Ian. M. J. Hoff. Jr. H. J. Weber. Walter Spoor, Fred S. Erskine. ~John Rechtenwald. Geo. W. Pritch~d. J. F. Bidinger, James Lamiseri. Alfred Juhoson. Hsrry Oison. N. E. Fînn. A. A. Murrie. C. A. Bidinger. C. F. hiver. Edward Wirf s. Fred Dooliltle. Victor Holtuquisl. John Foeberg. An- dmew Guetataon. Jas. McGuire. Fred Grosse. Denuis Murpbi. Gus Sa an- son. Henry Seigel, Ed. Martîn. Heury Birk C. A. Anderson. Franit Cary. Henry Peterson. Oscar Berg. Wîn. McKiltian. Joe Prsyborskî. J. N. Stupey. John Waters. Frank Jake Bastian, Fred Woodward.' H.îr' ry Norton. SHIELDS J. G. Baker. J. B. Forgerson. G. W Banker. H. P. Manley F. W. B,.'wen. W. G. Kennedy. W. A: Witt. Wm. M. Becs. L. F. King. Edwarii Vail. Wm. Diamond. E. Mead. H. Denntaa. Jas. Bu. H. H. Martin. O. T. Wilson E L. Pollock Robert Paters5 Fraîîk Hardy. J. L Pryt. A. J. Virden. Ai- j fred Fanstead. W. Yoeng. W. C. Dat- ton. Vincent Quarta. LIBEETYVILLE Profit Appiey, Jahai Albreclit. Lui" b 'Juuu JJCIILL~flIy Ut 1 V (L~b You Paid Be fore the War We have now reached the place in our reconstruction period where it is every man's duty to put his shoulder to the wheel and exert his every effort to bring con- ditions to a pr~-war basis. To "do my bit" in this une I will give the people of Waukegan and Lake Count the benefit of my 20 years' experience, together wit? the services of my up-to-the-minute equîpment-a quality of modem high-class dental servîoe, ~iaran- teed for 10 years-at a price you have not been able to obtain for the past f ive or six years Gold and Pwcelain Erîdge Work..................*1.00 GoId Crown, $6.00 Porcelain Crowna (Pivot Teeth> . . . $5.00 Porcolain or Enamel Fillhnga, according te aise *2.00 ~'p Gold Filluiga, aocording te aise *3.00 up Our Fuil Upper or Lower Tr~ibite Plates, guaranteed te fit. With that natural tooth appearauce..........$15 te ~5 PyorrhM Trea.tment............................*1.00 Ex-Ray $100 for firut tooth, for each uucceeding tooth ......50C Gai Extraction. Our Stcraiizing Room is ~îî charge of a traîued aatîstaîit and ail instrît- monts are steralized after cadi patient. Our painiesa metiiod lias cured our patietita of the of the dental chair. Corne in now, before flic c'old ~veatber sets m, it will save you sleeph.ti.i niglits ami days of agolîy. DR. F. E. CQRLJSS WAIJCOUDA Lyle Broughton. E. J. Cook, John Dais7. Isgae Falrweathen, H. 1. Gnanîltuan. Nicit MitIer, Walter Muel- Jer, Arîhur Mocalmu Wm. Nîchols. H. fi. Pnice. Q. C. HoJî*htsling. P. C. Leonard, F. .7. Aiverson, Emu est Feleuhaner. 3. A. McCoy, James Courtney, James McGnaw. H. A. i{awk, A. W. Hobein, Ern8st Wesael. EU Harry W. Wasiser. 0-so. Beecher. Wrn. Tonne W. F. !lsrghorn. W. F. Tonne. W. O. Pciiîîîeacher.. Bec LIa- bitante. Walîen 1Llciuttlt. Fred Kropp, Edwagd OsI. Gearge Thirs, Charles Holtse, George ir' g. Allient Hoctt. Chas. W. Kolti. VERNQN Aler. Buntot,. Wut. F. Edîi~. Ntrk Galater Alva Johîteon, Joe Kelaler. Joe J. Kenedy. Ft'ed Kruegîtr. Prrîulc Nehmei' Fred Priese. A. C. Richards. AIbeni Saner. 1.owell1 Sch-vmeder, B. W. BinaIt. Cen. A. Siotîrlîlif?. F,'snk Tully. WEST DEERPIELD A. H. Muhîke. W. H. Blettes. Jaiesel, Warning. Hecrv Silceslrnuî Pet cr11 LeisI. Fred Honîîbergi'r DE E R F E LO f ,jJ Alexander Hmîtdrldge. K H. Baker. M. A. Bambernucis. Misent J. Cari-. Patnîcit F. Cawie'- G W. Cîtin -- Daniels. fi T flancs. T. H. Docker. Wiiiian ll,~niei. H. H. Daiy. James H. Dii?!'- A. 1îvlu~. S. W. Ranger. M. G Sehoe. O F.. Keller. Wm. Relier. Ge'rn.' il Kîmen. Wan. Ropp. C. H 1.ess s, Witî B. Lewis. W. 3. Luderback. A M t.owrie. L W. Fa'r#nsou. C E Fîtienbee. John J. Gal~pgher A C G.iodtîaw. P. C Har- der. M. C. Har'-atd Gît! C. Haîha- wsy. A. A. iIeuder~u. E. A. fleinîr. Beapec'LtiIy subip.#Ied. COfeRAT) HOt.iSTEIN. A. W VERCOF. C. ~ Bupervt.sor Tbontpson nînved '(bat the Fepont be ae,-en~e.t sud sdopted. Motioa cixrrted Su~r-a-tsor Wet,, -? Waukegen nsoved titat the ("-uni! Clerit lie su- titorized md dîre.oted ta lasue o~- dera on the C-ann'y ?reasurer for vite several sma~'s 'a tha' sevenui e!a:mancs fi~ 1" ~ Sii-'5"d St thîs tneetin~ i>tustft c-art-'-"! 3u3.rv~sar W-~ ~ Wa î'.~,.rau t ~sovd ~. ~ s 'în...t e' îh. "iii t ~e .s î ~' -, t '!s-k. i,~ Waukegan, Illinois 2=~E~E 4Eii. ~v LrL - Fôrdson TRADE MAKK It is a habit of Ileîîry Ford to tlîoroîîghly try out and test auy produet lie nîaîitifaettui't's lac- fitre lic puts it (iii tht' rnarkct, lic pcrsoiiaily îiust kîîow it ~vilI do ail lic w'aiîts it to cli) hit'liui't' liti w-i Iî allow aîîybody cisc to buy it- Fo r thuî'ty-five ycars hc workcd on this Foî'dsoiî Tî'acttar. Il e kejit huyiîîg lami întil lie had suîmctiîing like cight thoiisaîid acres in order that lic îîîight get a gî'î'at vari<'ty of sou etinditiorîs coiîtaiîiiîig the uluawin~~ probicîtîs diat nîeet the farîiîuîs <if th~~ Wot-id, tind tli'n tht' Fordson Tractor w-as put hi w'oî'k and rna(ic to take ail soits of pî'aetieai tt-sts t' 'ai-s bo~or' Mî'. Forci put it on the markr't.' And, tlw'i'cfoi-c wlîen it caine on the market~ it ~vas î'ight, it was icliable, it w'otîid do titi w-ork lic said it wouid do. Peopie have bought il, havc tricd it otît, iîa~c tested it ami it lias prOv- ('Il t(> 1w ail that Mi-. Ford daims it to be, ami thtat whule fàrm Tractora have becît OU thc Arneai- eau rnarket nîore tiîan twenty years and ~vhih' three hundrcd thîousand have hecu soid <tnc hon- dî'cd thousand of that threc hundred thousand are Fordson Tî~actors, and yct tue Fordson lias oîdv heen on the nîarket two years. It lias soid î-apidiy because whcn one fai~nicr bought one, lic practicaily coiîvertcd tue neigit- borhood to the desirahulity and profit of the Fordson Tractoy on tue farm. The Fordson is mad~i srnall. compact, fle'~bie, dependable- It is niade to be mucli noî'o convenient to haudie than a horse. It w'as mad~ 80 that anybody of ordinary common scnsc cou id oper~te and take ('are of it. - We wanted to niake it so that a mchanic wouid not have to lie soId witli cvery Tractor. It was made by a farînc'r for a fa1~merr a~Àd1t has the ondorsement of tho farniers--the hittie farmer and the big farmer. Sonîe farmers have one, sorne farmers have tcîî and fifteen, and one fariner we know bas fifty- six. It works just as w41 in the West as it does in tue East~ It is just as flexible in the North as it is i11 the South. It is just as profitable iii fixe wheat fieids as it is iii sugar and ri~'e ficlds It is just as flexible and usefuîl on tic fruit ranch as it is among the fieids oit oats and barley. It. is just as useful and profitable in the lumleî camp, railroad yard, coal mine, as it is in the ou fieids or any other coniniercial une. But CG peeialiy designed for the fariner, it is cspeciaily his necessity. Because it lacreases the production ot every acre by enablini the tanner te cultivate bis gronnd te better advaute*e thas h. dam with mule or horse-power. It taitea the 4ine aal drndgery eut et tara work. liii a great conserver ot labor mwmss, Oh. it has se mmcv onmmov-oavsne advîwtagcs that the tanner can't dc wzthout it aid h prc<reasrve mmd mate me.,, b w. ast everu farmer te came in 'sud let us tel hlm about this Fordeon Tracter. Let ns inake s demoustiatioa f or hlm oa~ hie own tara. tet us test it ont te hie soit conditions. Let's show hia. ~'t deiay becanse there are ouly se many Fordeon Trac- tiStie oome te titis ternitory. Get your order us now.' ami re I *eîmber that the Forduon atter service H prompt mmd sure. We - j -- are aupplied with everythin: necessaty te beep vour Forduon go- -ut every day in tue vear. Coin. in ami let's talk it over. WILSON & OHM Ruy your 1921 Ford Car now. WAIÎKRCX&, Phono 51 Imonediate delivcrv. LIBERTYVILLE, Phone 35 Liberi Lake County I Lake Villa ting ov~r its fit turc-s a tractor ciers of fine Ste Hundreda c It is to the cred ed off without 1~~ ., advax~tageuint lfeeniy interest~ c.f tractors, and s~e acre of t1i~ Ly peop±e living Villa or a Laki r'~t5pio c~;er th' r~h and its adv rcre acvcrtisix î'ecz.~ved in ai i ca opc'ra~îon ail rtvPity b'pirit a ,~» ~uch a cucce P-FS MUNRO GIVEI TRYING TO AID f0 ion, i ait with Pin a itsy il- 1505 t t lovîti'- S. Mua vis lu a criti Mate Iticîtta r,.~ lioap lis, il il' i,.klîa ttîat t atitîiin t.s~ hi-m sery ai T hi pri-sent lime laintv 7.~ ta sisal the A i ci , 'tmg ta frt5it Park ~lt Munro le fî,îîr î,c fis s' biaod lut stlite' i-tus pcnforr unit t,.,. Two ut (ispie jr, ut 'i i. ~tucî stanîl ci, fui ttier las 1W,, i t isi.c ~îî tuons hat ta m-ar-v bute a parti Raid tii it.. ,mssIsttn <oints hum Ans ont ni- t a ~istd 5t-m. m.\t.i.nin.i mine or 15511Uî, il a i itil i i ltan îîriftneiy tsi y liii. itcIr c fit lu A n n - a g,'-.- ô1~ Businettu men tboom duning thea j sîty of keeping fi headaches on feel frue with a muld h (raid watcn may ~ down; a suflirent a warm glawm Hi Don't lut the î a dose ai castor c occaaionally, suds irîto a tiny sugar 1Picrce's Pieutant md you'II led bei can pasa a LUe i~î If you wishto ta inrrc~se your c soit (ni e) or disti] drug store Dr. PÎ the une aeid out kîdney trouble. AUC The ~ndera seil at public nut cf Wautegan 3 She'idau Read, SATUR] Conuncaicing at J 10' 8H0 Hay ai Fi Hameau, JOHN GEO. PAVL 139 Washington Stree t

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