CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 21 Oct 1920, p. 16

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q j AexanLrI. Mattite. 2 4. Adims, j 1Nis.. and 2bargret Keeler, 26, sanie ,ANS F Iaidess. SPEAKINC DATFS !N COUNTY CAMPAIIN Meetings Planned for Every Town in tha County BetweeQi Now and November 2. The repu blicait county central com- maiice aflounce repuDlIcan rallies for the followittg dtes: October 20- Russell, Wadsworth. Winthrop Harbor. October 21 -Waucoeda, Lta k e Zurich. October 22-Iviflb0e. Long Grove. Ortober 23-LAke Villa. AntiOcL. Oetober 211-tLàele Preat, DOer- field. Otober 26-Nnrth Chicago. October 27-Orsys Lake, Round L te. .Oct ober 28-Hghlafld Park. Liber- tysille. Oclober 29-Waukegan. Octobèr -0-Fox ake. County. state aud national speak- ers will Le in atteudance.- Meetings t be opene& aet 7:30 Ocrlock each ea'ening. Waf ch for announcement of the meeting ln your localty. Ciierle W. Haeit ne, 21. New But- ler, Wis, and G ladys H. Conklil, 21. Diîbîîqu " la. iLam rence H. Aniundsof, l. 1 Mil- -waukee, Wis. and Violet Wýarnkey, 19, ANest Bend; Wis. John Mntaflaro, 25, Keniiwortli. Ill . and Fiorence Lelierry, 20, sanie address. Paul Kargunian. 21, Waukegan. and Warta'w Avankian, 19, same ad- ires. Abert flosken. A, Zion, and Syl- via Anna Petrernan, 29. same id dress. SThe Saving las.Yoursj People who know clothes don't see how We can values say they afford to seli Hart Schaffner -& Marx Fine Suits and Overcoats at $50' -$55-m $60-m$65 - $68.50 $70 It's a fact; clothes like these would cost you more today ini the regýular wholesale market. Copyright 1920 Hari Scbaue & Mmr Onie tlîing that distinguishes this salo frorn the ordiîîary "bargain sale"t is that yeiu take no chanves. Ev~ery purchase yoîu niake is protëeted by otîr guarantee of sat- isfactiot. or îno-nîey )1k m-$75 -$80 "(LO0WER PRICES" - i. XHENCO Northern Ilè's.- Greatest Stoe For Women's o ChildreWi'aSkyiLsh Apparel IA Saving, Opportunity: A Feature of the New York 1 jWomen' s Winter Coats ani Î At Practica lly Haif of Last Year's Pri* i $.375&S4 fi 'Atu eveit of the gircatest mnagniitude is tlîit extra Sîîea ellmng of eoats mînt si 5 mos advantagcously hought, and specially pî'iu'd in ouUUgîeat I ew Yor'k 1>tî1l W tue seasoîî's înost î'emiarkable values. Now, as always, otîr t~eiinul(ous buving pu * %iiehmiîg varieties provide the îîost attraetive eillo" tions of iîîdividîial styles nt the I This is the greatest collection of specially priced apparel *Collars of nutria, raccoon, oppossum, se- I Ail Coats and Suits are richly lined and warmly interlined With thia great reduction there can be no exchanges: thera wil be a small Ià >e aiu m0 m qa»0«' Purchase Sale ýd Suits ýce at- mji'î' fitle l. otfs . in town bai or Plain d, ai sizes' lait eratioll charge LentiA. Ws,22, Sheboygan. aujl ýfaLeîi ..Pelîlîc, 22, sainw ad lt.îrry A. Lu!is. 21. Cictago. and Fr;, ive's itl. L,6, cane addres'i. IEan_ Nulan, 51, Laku Forest. snd Ai:ce Vaizuln. 43, saine addres . Patrick Il. Cobb. 24, Racine. an Uillian A. Neson, 22, sarne addl;.- Walter J. Murray. 51, Milwauke:", and Louise %loran. 35, sainie addrcs5. Ilarrison P. Brayton, et, iwai-1 lie., and iiilî3a Nygard, 32, MInue-1 apoli. ,Arthur C. Haukey. 28, Waukeslta.i and Molly J. Druskin, 23, Twe Rivera. Wm. A. Seefeldt, 23, Plynmouth, 1 wis., and Norma Kraus, 19, sane ad-g droisi.1 Patrick itldcManhmin, 41, LIberty-t ville, and Margaret Mcreal, 27,t sane address.1 , Frank Novalc, 24, North Chicago, and Violet Koraswics. 18 ane ad- dress. Charles Simnis, 38, Alton,, III>., and Emma Rails, 39, Kansas City. MO. Wmo. H. Johuston, 24, Miwauikee, and Elai H. Himmel. 2?, samne ad- dreis. Jus. Plourde. 23, Mlwaukee, and Betty G. Johnson, 19, sane addres. Paul Berchardt. 37, Milwaukee, and Enkmta Maurer, 32, Racine. ILyrban J. MeNally, 24, Nekeesa, Wis.,.and Louise.E. Gerard, 22, Min- neapolis. 'WÀUKI3iÀN MIN APPEARS IN PRINT Waukegafl again bas broken Jin prn-tlis Utie ln a short tory cen- titied "lis Une False Move' appter- ing lu the curreut Issue et Lesies. l'ne plot deais wth the plirchase or $bu,ooo wortlî of rmunicipal bonds of tue C'ity of Waukegon. Universel Duty. %seh of us la honnit f0 make the uitile circle ln wlîlch le lives bette, and appier, ench of us la bound tu sS that out of that amaît cIrcle the videst good may fiow-Dean StanleY. I j i j j i is Ie i j i FEW TU-JRKEYS TO ADO~N TABLE ON * T!&KSGIVINfi DAY' hak g gantI ('brîstimasare gr 1!"l lie tîiless c.-ents for bun- er- ifarn 'es , fligixnut Ille uni- te<; Piai ;, fi. 's-l o-Gdiig 10 del- e gaes a ttendhigtheli National Poultry Buter sud Eg;g Association, wbtcls openctd Morilîr lu (1,chiraietthé kHoîci Shermn. IV a s ot because n. îary cannot af- ord îLe gobllers. but berause front ail reports reachlug the association furkeys willibe scarce. Tbroughout fthe muiddleweit Iurkey raislug dis- tricts ae reported oly týree- fourths as many irds as last year. TLheÊe wilà lie pleuxty of other fowl. Kefip Eggs Freib Ntne Mouthe W beu Il conies to the eggs îtis an- oliler tory. l'rotigb the pmrfecton of sterilizers egg tiealeril aay tiiey are able Io treattfile iproduet la a:fifty that seaIs Up tbie pores and prevents bacteria froin eter enterlig or Ieaviug the egg. Thîs alIows strlctly fres exgs to lie keptita a templerature of 50 de- grees for utlue mintb witbout lu sur, way deteriorating.. The cost af steriliziu g le aboiut 1 cent a dozen. 'lie . price cf eggs. according lu Aton aIC. riggs af Boston,' preaident, 0f the accocIation. wili nt drop much tis winter, l. FP. mytlî of the United Blaie poutry experlineutal service. delared yesterday iliat, eggs muaItfornm tLe bagscof profit for the poultryman. Priçe 4Orop Up f0 Weattîar Man 'Under the most favorable condi- tions," hie said. "pouutry meut produc- tion does not psy. Ton maîîy poultry men try to malle the money on mriat, whereas the mo.>' ls only made lu fair return, on the euge.'Il As a final word te tue public. the egg dealers spid yestcrday Ihat a cold clear speil of weaiher will resultI n a loweriug of egg-- Prices. because 111515 the tlod 0f weathcr that resets most favorably on the lien. The want. ads arc worth while looking over-they hlave somnetbing you need. We couldn't as a regular thing, but this-sale is a "very extraordinary" event, and we're giving you all the profit. Ours will corne frorn the f r i ends we make as a result. Hart Schaffner & Marx bought the woolens way under the market price; tbey gave us the benef it of their purchase and we're 1k passing it on to you. fi s I 4 4 4 4 4 '4 j, j *1<'~' i j. j i j j i j j i* LA > VOLUMEffXll- LAiE CO. FOI TO SAVE Il: LEOISLATI Boone and MëNenr ging' for Vote% Respective Car YLOS£ WEISS 01 il nOw levelopalista m'Henry and Bonne cx ahîead lIbis îprerient 1 paigu andi Dursued ILs factice ihat Lave bec mie tlwo counties f nasmoriai with refera n hort It now devi 1*arxy1 and Boone Çaui piaying lme. game 5111 < e eece ta the Legiali -reneach ouI plugging flisir rewpPelivé cani au? l lifasHFto eh4 f;tounhr> with a itoptia 817- 1.1 th1e fC orU w111 >.-given aiiy rel lbprln gtl. In short leaders 0f nasIe unifediln thse e WIlNilripierce. the '1o00t anid('atididate Hienry lfotiity and h ttni!Ir;,ig ii teffort -In ailt 1 fiii- j i "îg dunr Upo t ,ii.';î ii t i l sul ail üoh! t lalers t fi ilVfeen îIîî . Iiseoîr tha' he> werc' peopie 0"u' t lur' lca i tic tr -lse Of t he, E la i;.t'n ona BUt' O%1-r Ir'ihuine couintie 1 lut-nil- of r dates. %ir.l'ter"-.andu betng urger] 10 put th c ircle AND) THEN DR Put s crossailefore Ihf 05<t 'isrce. theroby ais. 0f thes- men'T-fRFE Y 1vone lm voter! for tii Osf rom reus'Pli lre th ballot as Fi l i 4paper has sMui ..uggetIlng 10ln eke C, folios *TH T P LAN-, sud luyfa freNbI wr itien andit nend.'d t eroisqtheii' ircie af Il fickeî1 au il ruele no fIle e ntire DIolulin 'I' M r. W ets. AMr . p ten- eq nu-s'aiote ea h. IlUT IN VIF7W OF 1UkhtiJ,IS filai liave jieur v sud Foorte C( contcertePd efforts ticir Lake ('011 n ty of'lisri e a iegliatnr we have take anoiher positiosn. Frmnci star file ciftnax camin fliglt candidate Fran, fihe Lake ('ounts i'Pi t0oRalmeeting il Ivanh Iibetore te IietIIn<i. MNr tfrançi., mCl'., Pi t0a ilfrienil a htý hncile scmI lie plat' 'i <n Ili, Itilin trie ni xr ',,riiîîte t t NIcieni sv ou' f0mark their tioîiti <J P.LY. o h ie distrlet andl -rut i nd his frile. 13' hav'e been urgin thi, I tîlhif lleP1ihlii iiY iividing tier Legi'ilature lototh alirîo't InconcPiî'atîlî eîpect Lakie County - i nre to Lake to -The matter iius z Point as fa whetbe - (')tr are gallup T to the legislature o We beliève thaft' Cinty should have rl'inz tlîeir demts' saud a t îLe tintie fh Mr. Frnrt'. aIl aloi diiia juike Iii aîd. lie lm regarde .u'ît"î uf- ar ias oult are roncerned. Qou'McAen'y ('Qt iideitt is ad Bon. unttcii lic heeffort iqunfy hl zi leg f ield. Tiiey clin d cotniy vots coie tr thii"expose.t-oo if lsa afore,-n that Mr. Pierce wi organrizatioli w*hicli hi hln Boone anc fies togeiher svltht l3 a very efficient elecflon. lit lact tions bbcbg made 1 by 10,000 votes Il

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