PAGE Two, !SAR J llîrly before iigtsewh §1611AND P RK lcr escort lefI rthe dance to laite 1Mis Alidred. Nichols and Arthur uuru'e'aa ~ Tberrian ironme ta S<hermeraille. LAD WI1111 IRJES- fit *ase 2:31) befoite Miss Behrens anld ber escort started back alone. Therrian was forced ta drive slow- CAPES 4 BANDITS n:cause of:h o n mk rr b)UPfflg pi-at beds. Sensational Incident When the e""'.11111eH'1111gctmnaieand~ Couple Returns tramn Point tîaurîstrîng tlir revolver *st. West of Deerfield. -i feared Edward was 0oing ta -top _____ and subrait Io the nien. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-e hev elo o n mle me drive, 1 whir'pered to Ed- A ungavy er l So ie marndesmoeary ard, tltgging a5 lis afin. He sOved hungOve th Skkie narýjjs erlyover and 1 slipped Into the drlver's 7e terday norruug. An automobile la wlrIcb a member of the younger tjleïIcoe social s-et was being talcen en oU~aosd yteepr- bomne fromia dance byher escort, "fet 100e oredengor ule. hes N e Ils Way" 1iong 1the Wheellng road. isat nîght ta r izd the ostl esa Four m el, uddenly appeared attheb. ivfnstOn. Wilmette and Glencoe af s1alie. One shouted: "Sttop fiat car or we'll kil! yau!" automobile banditq. The men in 1the '111 Carslowd ad thn-Ib gilYelov racer are said. ta have robbed Yanked her egcort ouf af the drivers a dozen Persoa during the pasî veelc. seat and look 1the vhoeeland tbrev MOtorcYcle policemen, deputy sber- the ar ntoIllg rped.IffL4aand vigilantes taured the roads rThree bandits lcaped out of ira way atng sei hebdlý t Th1e faurth tried ta spring upon 1the£ runnang boardi, but m rissed 'and sprawied ln the road. 'lhe bandits jumped intû their own car, a low Yellow racer, snd gave Chrase for four miles over the lonely swm.Eludes Bandit Car- At the tiencae cty limite the girl switched off the Ilgits of the car andi liiPPed Inta a side -slreet. The pur- suers roared pat. Thre ieroin of 1the wild ride wes Mis lezel Behrens, 23, a daughter Of Henry Betiei 667 Blufft st. ,, Pso lerecort was Edward ITherrian.utfttigla nd Park. Mis letrpns, Irôkninent ln North 8hfe ore oiety, had bei-n 10 a dance ar tue Wrorîetk-a community house. lite singer: Min Betuy Lans Shepherd, The test: tIvoma ber vioadiaRît- Cauavse by New Bd"so. Th~e Jury: 186 public auenem, sggrm- gsUing over 1 V,000 people. M everdt No differnca I Ln m 1abo m andI tel usnvw"c Wmus or instrunuX l" yeu met quickly. aW.'11 give yen the. 'perseal fa- voite" EselismaTert. This tut vil show yon vbat the1 Newv Eisons perfect roal- Im. doe, oy il bringe the keame,bf, * u ier >oys OKF HLION, S PHONE 55 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. i 00000ér0 osoos s o e MAIRIACE LCFES o 0000000900*0900004 Walter P. Kruger, 26 Chicago, anôi Linde 0, Russell, 27, Milwaukee. Àndra A. Deabricit. 24, Fort Wayne, bnd., and Carolyn 13. \'îooman. 21. Rame addneae. Justin P. Johnson, -12, Escanalta. Mit-h., and Etaino E. Koakey, .22, rSautt Ste. Marie, Nlich. . Edward Page, :14, Milwauîkee, and 1Lutalilar-ris, 4:1, saine address. Louis L.a .tltcits, .2,Seattle, \5asti.. iand Anr-lia C Axielsun, 28, Necedab, \Vle len, 25. Chicago. and Mc A i fl' , "'27 ,rienlRay, Wis. MIal-n V. tisi, .21, Guet >Laks ~and Graci- Walker, 19, Zion. C'ar-t Jensen. J5. St. loui, Mv< - an1 Btertha ttarzig 3--. Oetîl;.<tt i. Rob<ert1 A Jotne-s :t', inî' Can.. and Marie LaÀà-ls-. 28,Mis.î kee, Wis. John R. Giraid, ~1,(Chicago, and Maigar-t Fut.chs, 18, samie a<dres,.. Sanîuel MNlakus, 24, ('hicago. auni Celia, Jatte 21. sanie address. Leo H. Stapieford, 21, \lllwtttki-r-. and Marie Du Mont, 18, saine ad- dri-sa. James A. Card, 21, rat Irikeg, and Itona Kîrst, 21, \Xaukegao. George V. Mtyers, 25, Oakfl-ld, Wis., and tlirda A. Klebs. 20,. La- mîira,.%%1' sanie addi' and Ethltinr-h. 22, sainie ,ddrfs-s Frank MR. Purce-ll, 2S, (Chicago. anti l'ActiltvBrike22, t-.uie tddress. Stanley Silkiinski. 23 Milwaukee,. and Minois- Baruchl. 2,, staime ail- dri-as, Eterct -P L.afuat. 21, Twu Rivers, <i..andl Ttîs-lmaKolas-r. 19, sanie address. Chiarlesf0. 'ÇVrd4tn, tltà-rrian-' tilts-. Mii.. arnd Mairie L. Pruka, 21, Robert t'. Saffrrîn. 25, 3litau,(>- and 31 toua Schidrt, 22, saine ad- <res., Rober-t Woolery, 27, frvine. Ky., and Hannait Wilimei-oth. 211, Rugers Park, 111. L4lwar4 Cattrn Jr,83,'iiwauhe,-e an Nativa E. Fie-drich, t, sanie ad- dri-sa. Mike Cera, 24, Higthland Park, ait] Matry loffman, 20. sani'- ddre-s Illwatl E. Ryuier. 1 , lîustisfot d. \V'îuis dFiota E. R-,-4er -ami' ad- dries. James Pa-kil4, ttlca<t<, <nd iteots ('tark>. 2.sant,-addr-ss. Clarence A Pider-sen.2liep-s- field, and Elsie Mý Wolff, 20, (3hirago. Wiilard J. Pond., Milwaunkee-, and Xerna Hill, Rame addres. Clarence 13PKyle. 21, Gret tLal<ee, anti Eleanore Coff6én. 18, Esanmton. Jouhn Roasgltn, 29, Milwaukee, and L.aierth-s Long. 21. (Iraflon, 'Wis Alired Spieis :,If),1iiicago, and Ilaxel Price., 27, Ilanville, Ill. Oto G. Weber, 27, Nlarshfield. Wis., and lisns A.Stanget. 21,saine- address. R l~.4,W~laoa LouisR.Pic,4,Wnae, Vls., and Nellie Bur-ke, 30, Nit- w4iii-ie Michael Johnson, 244 Waukegan. and Eniîmp Pearson, 22. saine ad- dri-as. J. Alien <erden,. lit efiHenrY, anti (orla 1-rancieco. 26, Waucooda. Warren Il. l.ove, 21, Springfi-ld. Ill. an<dlut-z NM. fi-bai-y. 20. sainie s4irpts. %Nat-r S. Smoneneki. 36, Racine. a<nd I len C. Katafiasz, 27, samie ad- dri-as. Wro. A. liower-, 21, Oreat Laites, snd Ber-thla ('ases. 19, Chicago. lier-ian Busse. 24. Miwaukee, and Frances Bolen. 21. saine addreso, Long Grave i Cider Mii Il s Open Each Day of the Week Exoepq Saturday Sorghum .Mill Open Mondys1 Tuesdas, lursdy. nd Fridys of Each Week Do flot bring cane until dead ripe je He'-EILSSLER c lilbsois NE W lAS FROM, WIIEAT STRAW TO ,BE MOTOR FUEL Gasoline tobe Supplanted by New Discovery, says Agri- cultural Board Seoretary. Kansas, nov 1the greatest vbeei produdfng state, inay beconie tao greffle9t manufacturer- of moÔtor mulf tram wbeat sli-ew, thus adding 10 111. tarnier's income and utillzing a pro- ducel0ff1the soit vbich, nov la virtu- al» wasted, according to J. C. Mohler secretary of the stote board of agri- culture. kiased on estimales 0f 111e United SitSes departmnent of agriculture tbet one ton of vheat strav viti produce th1e equivalent of, fort>' galions of gas- ointe, IÇansas in 1919-with an acre- age of 11,,40,004-cud bave produ- ,ced th1e equivalent af 46,560,000 gal- ions,' according Ira aecretury Mobler. l6xperiments mande by t11e federai deportment shov, Mr. Mohier saàd, 11151 a combustible gas can ge obtain- ed from t11e destructive distillation of wheat strav. This nev product bas been, used for operating an autome Mie, for titumlnatlng purpases onu tor caaking, and tests are in progrMU tn determine ils exact value and cotua of prolduction. 'Ir these experimenîs turn out Fsatlslactority,' i-aid Mr. Mohler. " it May Dlot ne man»ycyars befare tire farmer wili throw th1e straw froim bis lriresflrag machine lOto a still. tramn whlch hi- tan draw ait 1the fuel 11e wrli reqoîjre to aperate hie farn ma- chlinerv' COrnstal<s May Be Uai-d ar-m experts have eRlinîated Ibat enougl wberat straw le going Ia vaste w'ist of tire lMississippi river atone to protture in ni-w fuel 1the ertovalent of ane-,fiflir tbe drivIug power uf ait emmolinhl nov manufactured. IItpeflimetasa ofar bave eitntid rinly 10 *heat atraw. Cornstaîke are, Pald to lac richer ln carbon Ihan auheat etraw, and If 111ey caui 1e used. tii-t mare thon e<iual t ail] thc gaso- M11e rtowproduced Cao 11e manuttie- tured, Il la believed. "Sothe.geatogi.ýsshave predicted a si-nous siiortage of gasoline lin111e next 1ev ycarshi-cause of lncreaslag clemand for mOtir vehlicles and ma- chinei-y," said Mr. MohIer. «"Tis nev ,ag mttv '-att-r he-froblenof hav î4oweifr ittng andi îanr'îtation tire to go on If lte ehortage berome a reallty ý%t1eter or not tbis uev uroduct will be commerciaily vanabe dppends. ofr 4'ur-e on whether tire C081 of production t-an hi- matie ow enohigh. Thre valtrue o? tire producl st pMecnt gaaline prit-es would ire about $12 an acre. IIEÀRT DISEASE IN CJIJLDJIOOD Physician at Hygiene Meet Urges Watching for De! ects. Close supervision aven eilidren dUr- mng thim iart» years te aliov prompt appilCablan ot corrective measures where Pltysical defecîs exist, vas stressed ats an impirative need by speake>rs, nI the. annuat conventon of tle, Amer-ltan <hild Hygiene assoit- lotion ru sesson ai St. Louis. li. n.harles lzendee Srmith of Nev lork in an addnese s ai-lied tirat tienrt iliseae stands firt among 111e causes Of dsath la aduit lufe. and tbat n large Proportion Of Il develops dur, mng sfthoî Re. Ijarefut observation shauld bhi- mIn talued to cdiacaver victimes aithia ds lae. hi- erted, and vhenever tondcari>' and acourate diagnosin, and classiicat ion should lie' mode ta allaw proper treatmnent. Ucdlupattona aianing sbould lie PrOvIded for chttdren vitb cardiat- trouble, Dr. smith ffatd, te, fit tien for 1the wonk 111e> tre sabIe ta do. Dr. Thom-s B.Met.rum aif Kansas 'Uit>, Mo, anlother sPýiakA-, declaread that th1e dePtor-able dental condi- tIons" tu the ichoals ut Ibis country' "mont serlous ttOnideratain, A tieneflal change would resuIt if mare attention vas pald tocblldren beween the ages Of 2 aud 6 yearî. 11e cald, stating tbat '-durlng the Pre- alcbôol oge, lîllie thoughî IR giron ta dental treatment. Dir. c. Edgcrtwn Carter a? Los An- gses advocated a systent o! cbarlînt th1e lcalth statua Of eidren, Tils ai- lova tiefects and dlseaaed conaditionas t0 lie vigualîzedlie expDiinedad afords e read>' mens orcomperlion for correction. The convention ends lomaorro-w RADIO SCIIOL TO BEREMO0VE T0 THE MAIN STATIONI T1he vireless acbaol et Great Lakes Ira ehich 1the curolînient liq approxi.j maI51' 1900 mes, vilI 1e remaved tram tlampP rryta tb. 121h rug,- MentaIl heàdQuartors, Main StatIon, il vaS learjied fi'iday, The changeviii 'tale Placo prob: 1 0111» nert veel or about Oct. 28, itl iq onnouinccd. White the enrolîmont Is about Otffi, approllmatel>' 160 mca On tire valtlng l151 and flot activel>' taking th1e course are Includod inthie nUmnber, l'o. radio aseboilag1the oni>' oct- ivy it» Iamp PerrY. 1nov and when thre remoral 10 tihe Main station tale. Place UIiS camp wyul b. isolaiedi lire radioanad aviation bronchesj ar the most important on the stotton at pl'csent as training centers. INJRSAY. OMÎBER 21 1920.. IFive Minute Chats 1 on Our Presidents By JAMES MORAN (Copyright. 11». by Jamse Nana.> AN Ut4APPY PRESIDENT 1705-John Adamo .i.ot.dvis 1presIdent. 17fl--Re..Icted 'vies peudeont. 17W8-Eiected pr"edent. 17P7-inauguraffld Snd prui . dent,.uai 0. 1800-Concluded psswlth France. D.foutsd fer ses., end ternihy .jefflremw 1030-Member ef Masaseumtta eontltutional Cee vmtnO. 18@S-UIY 4, died, ege 0& P ROBAMLY John Adamu vas the unhaplt a nn vhoe er Mat la the preildential chair. One of e does Ullwated presidenta.ý who vers tale Sly beause 1the mes that were vent- ed couid flot be eleeted, this humble roisennblittercd anl the remaudun day. of the proudeet man la the line of our Cblet magItrales. Itl vas bard cnough for Adams te be the understudy even of George Woahington, while servIng as vice Preoldent. When 1e become, preuldent Il vas maddening 10 1115 ego Ibat b. ahould 1e expected ta piey second Bd- dl. to Alexander IHamilton. 1the mas- ter spWrt of the aid goyerning cl Ms left over from colontlitimes and whicb controlled 111e Federallst Voit>'. The presien t nade the fatal mis- take of keeptng Nahingtonq cabinet. TWO lOCAL MEN * ARE <iRANTED PAT. N. S. Harter Patents Beit Con- veyor; Assigns it To the CYclone Fence Co. Aoecordinluta yrd tram Washing. ton t Bla ukegen men have lut bee - gantdPatenta Qn devies vnicb lte>' have Inlvente&. 5UILr1@ t.ih ibas recelved a patent on nà1 two.legged reibroad spike. Itlai clo*med for titis spike that it la su- Perlor 10 the Srdinary rallroad apike 111 teferaI Use. Juil what Mr. fr1511 Inte»CIS to do vith bis invention I. mot Inova. à* 'leCOher Patent vas Iisued ta (1iab 8. lMarter, being for a bell con-1 veyor. lJe bas asglgned Il toth 1e L'YClône Ilence COmpea>." The devinse 14 "aId tô contain ManY features ah. sent la the majorty o f con;,eyors. j URr. 14arter lias shown his Inventive goulus befOre. AÀsîea-Cooker vbicb t né iflvsfted severai yeas ga, be- caMe ver>' populer. M.r Harter at ou. lima. ad o amatI 1îaclory hors In whIc h 1e'manuactured iebiscoo- Ors. T1here are hundreda of thelq7.ln use tn Waukegan. Accident Resulted from 1 gnor- anoe That Street Ended on Brink of the Ravine. Wbile Herhert Nystrani and sis- ter, of Tetil triet, 'Çorth Chtrt<go, wcre arlendiniz a t.ictrre >how in %'au- kegan Thursday oight of tast week twa marines frein tt'e Or-car 1akea naval ,training b6tation sale ti-leirstjide- baker car and drove a est on Va.,h- ingron arr-et. intent on Namv 44<,,, They droeie ktWlr«onJ.(S buIDO$s district turtrsd S uit in WVesr 4trL--t, east ln Watrt 0* -uu<h 12 ITtCa Street- At tttiE po.rt i 11 y kIlled their casinê and had onsijl- erobl- difficuity in isterling ilt.iýen Schlosser. of Wauks-gan, canme aiorg about Ibis tiare and nolicing 1115, th- men vere haa'ing trouble started out mbt th1e road te affer -bts tsssiatan-ce. Befare 11e reached tbem. bowever' lire>' ad start-dth 1e car and <oritin- iled soulh 1inLtita strept. Mr. scirînsser theW suspe4tr-d flIt the mrarines mielit have stooou<-î car and waled for lOi-m t10 hl around. as 11e knew ti-;- roul<i -'o but a short distance tnSe. 'If<~, th1e ravine. wh-res-tii-. sa ,tt. t ,;: .s la an enid audderily. The marine-s, ir. attt.â<î.-O: did nol know 01f uder langr. ttr'i ,st44orbur4t a r a,-t)<t,t t .- e> ir în- 'l'- il, ui-ir ,r., l w i).t io ». i-.î . btoutl 4.<e <4 1,4nt-al4u4 t.v ,ti Kili That Cofd With C ASCARA QUININE Celdu suh *'M ' La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dtingeroua Te no chances. l<eep this etandard rniedy bandy for the ftisn ees.. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours - Reliive Grippe in 3 day- Excellenrt for Headache Quinine in this forrm does nfot affect the bead-Cacare t, lacetTonc Laxative-No Opiate in Hill*& ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT il ~b rç~ T aafua~ (9 ce G. WI2NBAN & soi, SALIES AND SER~VICE 12,5 Washingtpn Street ios Deerpath Avenue WAI4<EGAN LAKE FOREST Phone 728 Phonoe 22 fuil apeed. A muni1t arer they had inr c,' A E Pluuged over the briîk ofthtie ravin"e iIIEVES TIIAYLL and were tumbling towaid the bot tain. The car coninded zt, ,I -a for-5 fet.Tu-n IN CAR; BREAK 1N brought la a stoP by crastîing lonto a ST R Thetre e"a amati one, but TO LOCALST R Il was Sufficient, tu c:eck te mad pltunge of the car and saved te tive of the thieves. The ni-inca crawled ouIt of tîte Rolb the Wenban & Son Auto machine and msade thetr way up the. Sales Co. of- Ten Valu- 11111. They tld Mr. Schlo8ser tirat 11ey were atrangers In Ille city andI able ioru Tires. did flot know that th1e street ended aI thre ravine. They asked If ire coutd ohtain a car ta pull iheir mahlne Iflieves who drove an automo. back ( t 1e top of th1e bluff. and apparenîl» knev their buaino .r. Schlosser wentla 1the J. D. tilaroughly broke Int the Buick Jonc res1dence. 211 'Comsty street. tiaJes '(o. 126 Washington etreet, wbere 11e livea. Iflstead af teteph o-n. eao-e YC .Wna Ing for an automobile he gsrmîtîoed eeana-edb'CB. eba th1e police. When he relurned ta thre nd Bon of Lake Forest, soume tine street, however, th1e marmes baild is. lefore mIgight Thursda>' night, anti ePPeared. When the police patol 90 gt ava» vth J ol vatued etihu"- arrivedl an Investigation abowed that grecs or dollars. According ta 1the th(.ca bal ben m1adle ta 1the police th1e thieves A ~ ~ U PPUAD ER ts. yvt e APPLE ND 1 E -l'e Police aire of 1the opinion thet entrance tu ýhe place vas gaifedl gbUsqtweàlOugh on elevatar shaft. la evn iTREESIN BLOOM the Place the Iteves renaoved four screws frrOmulcherear door, thereby rtlIaîng 1the bar 111mb hetd i l n place. aifornia lapers trease copy. ArIlle1O crew adiver wvos bnd on 1the th(, home of Mr. amiNi ~rs. Sain. f l* flnveatlgauon revealed autamobile Bradbîur-y, 619 Washington streel . tracks in the rear aof111e store, it 1 there ta an oVule rree in bloom, and m aprntIat11 mcin ,o Dr. Normian 3. fRoberts bas a bloom baclied op ta 1the Place. These lracks mut piar tre which la algo raîsine ee alve a Shrd1 ot a lot of cuiosity. ee 0i0rdt Shian od Tht <rtetrir-lia. <-trt b wnere 11ey turuëd forth. T'ritrait fhr -,riid ate- .î ht- 1<14 trtu in Iasthen lot c tecause Ihere were Ct fonr"'ý i .444 - t> In4)1 4<> top b<4 n'- arr 010cr tracks. The Pawde coot. Gousih Pound Loii Grove r- id a- ie iy e. id John Adams.- wbich reali>' md pssased unrer tue contratol of amilton, who presumed tu direct thirew ravdmlinistration, ver>' ach as s Tammsan>' boss putesa oTm- mony inayor tbrougli bis puces. A@ Adamsna iver had succeeded ln rullng hiroSi-if Il vas Impossible for another 10 rule hlm. Like aristocracles everyvirere, the Federaliats vers tbrown itoona te of paole by the French retolulion and b>' the rise of the Jeff'rsýoulai democ- rat-y ln our- yet*arimtocraitlcrepublic. tn atarrn they frantit-nlly rusbed Ihrough bcoiigrss t1he ralleu nd su di- blumnetts, slileh be-ù-trn*-ont>' miti- itrunis abîout Iheir necits, sinking Ibeir part» tari-ver. Notsantiafieul wtth shutting 111e revolutton ouI afthie New World, niany of theni ver- foer JoIn. 1n191the moarchîcal coalition against it ln titi-(>1.1 Wor-ld. >n an uproarna <tuanret witb the absurd Ftrench dtrec- tory, 111e tilitia vas calted out and Washitngton summoned 10 commiand 1t. after as llch th1e preaident astorîlshed th1e Jingoes lu» snddenly tlîrowtng theni over and returning ta a pacific pottcy. As hi- hsd bei-n thre lIrsI minlal-r ta Englttnd, John Atdans was alro 1the first preaident la take Up hfic resldence ln Washiungton. As Mra. Adams hod beeuithievIfe oftIhe fOrst Amerltan envoY lu London ah. von alo111e final muisr-as o!f1the White Bouse, If for o11>' a fi-w nonIjîs. on thre vay froma 1'tliailpi4liî eeand 1the president lost 111cm trait lu thie vtderacss until st "straggtng blacItk" came te thelr as- sistan-e. The capîttul vos yet unflnisbed. and Out of a desolate bog. for off, th1e un- fleîbed White Ilouse.rose te viev. T'here was neither a fese or a Irge about the structure, and the prest- dent's neare m eiglabor dvrelt haIt e Mile ave>'. MM. Adams bed a bard liais tu gelt vood enaugb 10 keep ber fomll>r varm lntah1e big, bleak u4an- stat, sad sages n t unsit1ili as ber ietters teUln uet boy 81e bung ber vasblng te *hy ln lths great emut mcm After att t et bis del untillmid- nlght hastll> iigniag appointinonts, te forestalie bs uccenser. Adams drove ont ot Wasbmgon et the dawmlmg of th1e da>' cf ffewn' irIaiagratlon. Be bad mc amiles 10 bestov dûa tbè triumph of big rival, and fev enougla tg Ilght bis cvii petbva>' tbrougb li rcmointng jeaF&s. Afler hie brave, good helpmeet bad been talon tront hlm, 11e tIved l eîgbt yeari more,litved tu0o-eWbat no 0111cr ex-preldent bas seen, a son la the Whitie Rous. At last>',tas 11 la» dyluig.inthe anuel; of tb. fleth tFourtb of Jul>', vs are toid tint bs thoughts turned tae1the OrsI and mant gisrriaus ltourth aad that bis lips mxUý MUrid-noThmes Jefferson 81111 sur- vires," IThe auther of 1the Deciaratlota real'. had died a e tevhurs before, and ln Ibeir fOlgIsI ram eafltia the spirits of 1the Ivo aid pitrloti cf 'TO wers stranget>' ualted. egpiu. wà instead ut lîîrîng-aouad-_-î<--«t $1004000 BOZI ROBBERY CASI END; COST I Nolle Prossed Indictr Alleged Wine Cellai bers Atter Three 'T k Wi Wernis ta te'là Attorney cicb ýh tonday sppeared1 cuitcourt before Judge v a duddismi>esed 5t-a crImninal dock er1. the ela "lîour'e leaninz..' as Wo year terml dawiog 1,4 freed 1 att a 4144, n, 1. indii*te<t lailt uts-t in ailb the $00>»h-irise il, th1e hunîe or? . Il ' %,k Kutîpenliinis-r anti .l<,- Laki-.}Forest r-nt<1r-uts. 'u i cged i i4r4ltaI..' booe rIobbrs s -,l '4 soi> helfis witt.14i-cases MW re n<u are 'El! t ard Att(g, t iteP-a ais. Wiliam i 4dttn snd Bae ,-nutsari i lan ed Stiols in the litetIf<1A "<uk <>1 ,sil ,St-ie lia luitiltit «to!Fatn l11<140v1(i whêe-hi- diaruogedlof vt> l lkceper. NMayor its-.sry l Lake l'>it. testified St-e beridre vtsieIie, 1Chficago admltrs-'i1 tey bad hcIpeÊ Ackert homie, eaylng they make 11 e lstatement Ca i Le&ke Foret booze rabbi-r nul l'e laid eat their door. ber-v ut I>11 etirt humeI hile menibfr< of 1h- fai T'Ci' Jury dlsagrà'd in l and Ju>IJgeEdwards r'-fus- lion lit "-- laWýti--toint-> an;ott;<-rat et> îu.g ut-as' lb' il j w1aIa xi')-."-- ra a atdIn,.3Jtâme% Wat L.aki- l-<>ts-'>luolian. w 1 di't'-<i b'-cauil 'wa', att-g tippe>j vit 1îth la< à-,wIlerr va» kecr. als'>%a , nfl>I- 1) TIî- r- e itl.- r> i- coe th 1e oUnt:a aI lealf .1 HIARDING, -SMAL AND M'KINLEY MEMORABLE Next President, Next and Next Governor ft Party in So. Illlînc A rout'-iug r-i-mtua-t,'é a*or X%"arr-en îtlt.îinz, t ¶ '-<n--l>r 1rve-ttt fl> <tn 'tgtSIitîht-rn i> B. NicK uity âtint I.-' <t 'Il» carry 111t1 n.i- Ps-<'ti'- 'irnel ;< t r i CT att alrtn, ' hi ln.- b.-, liaute .and Fa,,t St lu.- t thle r tu r aii :n sania t Il 1,' 1 e v.-xp t- l ,r I.1 <tl ej Sens'«)r tariini tma> i tuep -'r c <fliItfl4 1ien>î.t ntnt -t. ;i n ;1 clinib< 'i Io a v it ' r <'? Mr. UocKitoh,- :,11,; !,,n si aor ilar-i^t s hi>d t.-- -à minute ;.it -- <t* .aM.