Redl cockerels tteiy S tons of Lraw, 200 biles ly 500 shocks buabels white ter secil data, ed; 100 bush- ley. 2 Deertng y new; 2 man- early new; 2 [y ne;i 1bay »om binder. 1 Jobnson gang drill, 1 Janea- 'orick homse tmi drag, 1 put- 1 surei iear- es. 1 breaking ' wagon, 1 bob el box, 1 feeti Coyatone corn ten-borse gai one'baf horme ruPlng jack, 1 i 800-lb. wetght t) oak pota5t, 50 r lesa, 50 grain '11h horse fork Work harmesa, Dessl, 1 single Sai 1boavy stfl igie hamnea, 1 i ksile 1 bar- lnchs collais 2 t1 gaie 8 elgbt'gallon mer korosene iester, 1 wsrah cabinet and six den' boatit Ludi Other trti isation. 1ALE 1 under, cusi; dit of 6 montha bankable notes rest. No gootiu rIna of sale are MANN, Prop. or.1 bel Bull, CI.rk. 9a. M. Sharp, p îublie auctio. p tairn, at Dut inortliwezt ut à Stock 's by thecir aide, lance milliers, ,Id, blacki teain, iy tetsm. 10 yra. torse, Il year» i-s 15 yrs.. WL yrs., wt. 1300; cou 2-ton tr-uck, .75 bu. harley, bocks, 20 acres shoclis, 5 acres ci-es sweet coi-n titnotby hay, 15 i-n grain blider, ai, McCori-mck hay rake, Rock auone saie delîv , new; Hoosier Ct rizers 12 and i 80-bu. manure [y ilitW, 2 bandi 3-sec. harrow, sulky cultirat- polato dlgger, I. ahovit plow, mner box. 3-mn. ilk wagoun. bob- top buggy, 100 nine tutui, coi-n taruess, driving (-a barnesai, lu inch; 2 sets fiy milli cana, palta ictta, bay tope. gallon gasoline tii iip wood- abrioea etc. i'. 7 îîet' cent. G, Propruetor. SALE I st'il ut Public known as the,- at Are-a, Ili., on -OBER 28, 1 P. M., silo stav"e mna- l tioltow blocki 'ta, 8 andt 9 lu.; cîth 20) oallets le. s'. lth 100 pal- di ' steel wheel tuanders, water ty of pipe andl nuids, about 500 i feet of rubber [mner andl qtuai- mnd cap moulda, Paris. sbovels. 5maI! tools; 1 kins Inotor; 1 lectrlc laitp, 1 r. Allio lots 1 8 la 'Block 6 ln mt front 80 iL. provsd vitis ns- Il dwelling ad barn ltxiS, oe- block garaige. Mo., -Toms of te wiUl b. au- aaoqat a tIll ho givez on beatln Il per i te b. reoavei LJI5L NDUT VILLakfot Big eel>LIINI LAKE CONYIDPNETLk oN ...W kyAUKEC5AN WEEKLY- SUN iVOLUME XXVII, No. 43 .1ORERS Action of Recent Grand Jury IIV4oous" Declared Judge R. K. Welsh. PRECIPITATED A SENSATION (Blulletn» litige R. K .Welih Iis atternoon, aflter qucalloning Sher tffeLmer J. Green and lbe thrce Voilate grand jerora, Slîmaltussi Harwood and .Dishop, ordcereil a epecial grand jury te investigate '%'Oltsa on charges of libel preterreti hy EIder Thomas Il. Neleson and chier Indepenent fol' Iowers, the jury belng called for nevi ?lorday moîning at 10 o'clock. Two of the giantd Jurorit, Hai-wool andi Schmalf.ifss.leifieul that Voiva lad ment t hic-m 10 aukegan te i-e mnainelihe cosrtroom and sec whait tiey cosli see anti bear witSt tltty cotilti hear, but tltey empitlîtall9i ti niiedt at nolhing shat-ver bittt.î.çn salut about à grand Jury.Justicu- Iltshop testiedtat holileto10the - c,îurtrOOM hecsU il iWasbig rcîttln to do go on teo openitng ot court ses- siens le ualso tïtftes tat no ti ,u lîtutiiiin t e îre. ,'ln ritqsPl by Jutige Welsh le later titali-.ial 4 lie' h att ilIuîdtu' tuoo. sbeiotIf! Gru'n t-st ifi(At-t he diO not know 'ahen liesera'eO the. muni nions iat N'ulvaw'a-asnto beinvesti gated.-.,Ulealto slatedth iat il waa îurely accidentai tat ipho'slectedl thie menibers etr"oliva's chureli, andt Ibt h.liedino merelY because they, were in te courtroom. ai tlieO Juilge Wt'ah ln a tatemF-nl Ierlar- eo mtail set-mis sîrange (bat llîese fmen shouidnoct base made noetalae nmercit l0the foreman utfte jury ie- gevitng thi-r qualîfîrotIong le art as gi-antijuohrs. being partsan. Judge Welsiltdeclareti ho was i- lua.'ant to cal? a speclal grand jury ho Cause ofthIe tact that another jury' WOuld lnecatal In i'eenhr but ho also elateti ihal the court sîlinl aI jaeeIt Pomsile for anyone to ritt- cite Ibheic-ay tn ls action tanO Ihere- foi-e. alter more matre onsideraton f5o ecided uPoh elllng the speciai ventre ror neit iîonulay. 1- 'rest E. farwaood tetilficdilItai vtile hoe tnew lucre 'acre civil suite Penalng againat 'oliva ho diti mot lisse any Icles, uben ho wcnt to tbe ceu rroni "Ilît tl'o -, i 1- alled Ra a Jiot' Wiite V',1uii itutrt ejsheriff tii-en as to bis dîtîtes hereufuer with 1.-eau lui uOunn0Dit'K anti' 'eniuîcle of tuel-cgrand jurî M'ltefiliiils uis.t luletp . RK Welulto!flo Mrt 1.isli et'h'rges ni ail e b, i i 'îi 't'.ý (I, tif dëecîdnnt far1tin ' utt ui vi thtut ti' 0rtoh- r ru anul jury '5't"iaCeu LLBERTYVILLE ThDEPENDFENTOCTOBER.21, i92i1 SýPECIIALý These charges i-e made la a petthon C OUNTYS LAND SALES AV. fited ln court hers. Jrnlge WelsIl set $145.K0 PER AC. IN F IV E VEARS$ the case for bearlng titis afteî'aoon TA and il was expecteti tha( ail details T.A. olleya. ltaicommi&ssoner of wtt! be threshed ot. ,the, Northweslerc, railtrosil, lurnialtes Zion. Independents. thi-ougi tber nome Jntei-eâtinz' data on landi males, attorneys, charge that thse falure If~ values. etc.. in Lake county tailler tho giand Jury- to indict Volis'a o date o! Ottber 4, 1920. chargea of criminal libet was due ta The comploe report whlch la on tte' tact that there were five ment.lise esttmated true value of land per bers of Voiva'. owit faction on thé acre by gos errnnent townships fol- jury. There wci-e two Voliva men 1o14s: on (ho jury oigignally-three wçre Itased on landl sales during the pe- appointed wben vacant-tes developed. riait January 1215 ho September, 1920, States attorney Welrh a"merts inclusive. Total sales in cotuty dut' that the charge of "JurY Pack- îng per.od, 201. Total acreaige acre- Jn- s too prePOiterous taolbe Con- age covereil by said sales, 14,979. stdered,le contenis (tttere Is Average t'ounty sale îtrîce per acre not te llghest evidence on whlctt during period, 1. 0 Average esti- ta lise surh a charge. inatedtiut. value pet- acre,. tnclnuititg Stîerltf Gi-cen tndignatiy denlesi; mptoventents, of eoice county c'a tatitet liai an cteitor motive ln ap Alîrîl 1, 1920, by couipli te ausesî pitting thetOrce zion uen ta f iment rati rocess, $27;.71).Average file vacanctes on (he grand jury. f4e asses-d full value oif lantd îer acre says the three me nnquestion were for the year 1919, $78 22. Ratio ofl tîte only bieu n nthe court rtiont. oit- 1919 asses.4'd fuil value liter acre ide ofthlIe wlrtnes', whtoml lie rer lu 192() eîtttttale t tn"%'allite, 24.r.0 ognlzc-d. le -tstIL twait flot tatliercu two or tlores. days taler Ilia~l lie knew h' t -nto fdi, blwsor V'olisa sias lu hi inaelotl(af-I'. f'or ntt o ut O t',hownshitwt Attorney., reltesenttng hetIt'nde fwr teuliae tur oVtly;Nuibrtotto'attlip pîntlents ai; 'eek-,ing lu havi' ,Itdge Wiîîan,] ane;UfYn niofcivilto w WelIttcouler a spe'cial grand jury î tu sil ourane onane o!civltown- tnstiiîaie tihe ulîat-ea against Vol stilî ung bero ra ' arclrew i a. IL ttt cons dîl i r tcthbl tht a ttitp dring le-i tr; acýre the court sAil r"niir a di-cio 1103titi sale fonce prdti by i titi tiri;at' - atti'rnoen. uiip iuri'ng pe'ii iintinedl town- FIRE ORIGIN IS A MYSTERY betng iato of townshîip average saale Ml. Moysen of Fox Lake jumpedIo ta i-ie per acre durtng period men- thes 'aheCl of bis inotor boat at is îit.ned ta couroty avecage sale pri-cé summetborne on Tuesiay, and, witb durlng saine perloti, lownàhip esîl hits famtly mtarted for lowry'g pler maleti truc valuie per acre April 1. nulat' the lake ashore opposite Busse's 192r), dtiveti by tîtuit!Ptying town1 taritn wlenii thtethorse show and ptow- stilî ratio by rounty average truc tng match., vaiue Aliril 1. 1920 ($273.50). lie spent te day et te show and 4r6 , Anttoclî. 1 iransfer, 40 acres. sboot six oclouli returned Io the pier, 46-10, Antlocb, 16 transfers. 1.207 iMiftdtng to go home the waay ho acres, $13573 33 per cent S254.25. caint' ta 'aster. li' cocldrit soe its 46-11, Newport, 23 ti-ansf'egs, 1931 boat, ite iooked alOng te shoi-e t acresï. $123.09, 84 per cent. 3229.75_. se if ILtfbad dffted away. It wasn't mt,-12 P'enlon, 4 transfers 110 ac res ta be seen. 4.9. Glatt,1. tranafers, 649 acres t' nîtiy omshod sa' iîe ii wa $9 23. 67 per cent. $183.25. slîgftly tburniei and tîey ltot.edtl 1prcetb8ý2ý tthe wâter. Sure enougb îhert' hilow ies 17,o, 116 pelàt' cset, $12135 Il,, surface coutd hoie meitthe engn .It**' r o,1 rOtt,11 orf ie boat soif clouer Investîgation 45-14. ANOtIi, transfeta , 1s ehOws Pleces of burneil wood sîtuîug acres, $113 46. 78 per cent. $211.27. te shore. ,4;-12, Il tranaiers 'i24 'llte boat hbiItrneti durîng Mr. acres. S3238.40, 177 potr cent. $494. ito>sen's absence. ilow IL catigtt ii-e 419. 'v.acoutia, 4 tratinfera. 865ý aohoqi rcoulil determine. It waa wortit acres, a bout $3100. 14-10. Fremoant. 24 tranaterp. 2,673 sucte. 812h îul, St, î-'cent, J35.215. - 44-Il1. 'ytli. tuIr, soanfel-ti. 1.073 u"r. tî' t12 titr-cent,1 I12 li ds. 2 trtnfes. 2) actes. 'tHEtS hil tu f' S, cre 20% o00-V 1 utic5 irln' N._51! 10"6 09» mO"4310 Eta, loi ttan.tî'l- i. 1. aci-is lei 7 i, j.r cet,f $ . 4:t. ti.nsau.sliîrtt iu,'c lati tao s~oUSG~.Lt.- 4f i:~,i )t'n-- acre'. $11 t . l'i l'.r ceni.t. $2~7", l *1.50 PER îL bAR N ADVANGA GRA o JURY acres $2ý7.34, 163 per " i!'. $'i:. MIS$ MOOUGALL IN CALI. letter." declared ber brother. Su l I/n Values ln Waukegan. FORNIA; WR ITES DROTHER had ne thought of edopIng wlth any aue lstbsd ~ h'ls Misq Magaret Mcl>ougallthe one. Ai! h.cnjcueaasoctatini., R 0U T A a.sesmnedurflg té13 rA 911axtpeared Wednesday morning underPark ife giard. liq erroneous . i N AT L LU G 1920incIsIve an areconiiur ,ltin IYstetousciruinsancewridtese w tles atatsilola vry hppyy ver IN F TALoLUM accordance witb thse ae'ini r ea o nee,(a.retumtirtg te tIti' ittty Pacifiec<oale IlHartfor'd, Mi S-Tony- Thotmpgct. lie uroces eed by taa "tll' ~'~oh- n 1> l es gal, leCa ul. ea wh,'re Éite a l netinte ivedt,andtI .v,7 t. ot f ltighiattiPark,1III, Thrs oable sosa M nn. -waltby board of trade operatu-, lai,! are sure It will Irnptrove ber healli nidltslt tRgb ocI Tits tbleshws aiie.z.nwitti laIt Et ght that she la "well and hîîv ".%Irs. Mcttoîgail and I are greatît near Si'isnevlaie, l.îtSnday fran pul a o r iv9ad1 i ofand atone and bas reached lier desti relteved te kniw ltat Nargaiet is , moînnp nt il cii early heur, when ho fer, nd ru vaueof es tudt ~natlion on the Pacifie coast. atie and happy in her new honte', and Ilires I ilItif eneatît the. wbeels Of $17205018, or a per capita ifr<0l.i{e-reretsed a tpeclal d.'lls-ry Ici. we repeat. our dti'istattîn tif th,, le itt,.ýcner traintiNo. t14 0f th" S"o 'ihq ratio.of 19189asessed fuit %alitie tr from ber earller in tht' On>. it ginning Ihat v.e neyer believiîl h" tint' nTuelitmotive for lita rasth at, te estimated true value i ~iî." xîi eil haliccei "a~orî ldrîîn away williîaitycuie.*' kno la lîa~ o e 675j,îr i 19wittlout mibap and woulti remtaîi Gffin Hunting, Belief. Mr.'lthoii'on was tstningf it assessed fu value 0fu a "iri ht or uretban îcir Giln.bohe t Plalforni wli'n te train staried le Ieisonal property pe-r ciiî tie.frsuetni«,ihr rfi.brte ftoinitive out of thé. sttion. He ptung4' notation id appeniled wi, lsl : .Trait Va n Clews 1-ere. gîtrild, týaid W','ncday niiglif:l: ;tIý bell'atiitht.e, î ! n M'hile the îsioe le. i !i hi ea&:tuî' :,tili cont intel tii- i n Iti ll liliwtt!fte as Reali estais, value' lierilî, it<t ' 'ountincaio I1 fuitud htng nlit', a5t'iir iiili ain paseil ou r him hi.-t lintlîr $1,000-four place.,: tI' ,Ka , l!scm ui tn otihieNcI oti,.tt nei n nrilit-tii aie' , bol 1aN, watt aIt y t il ated anti Dixon, Streator and Satî- i)wpotoies of police anî ciizn ,'t 1it10hotolîlnme InÈt w'avili Le1"ii ast tepearclitng the woots ,tiitttjjpýie, utut ' 1ne'.'i t, 'lt eiiîltic, wtta ______________________ Rl i ate asseeiOiit i ii îîli,'îi tif norihern lilinotit.extiecfýifi 1 lnp l 'is N IUi on ocfr f ierntiurt] ' ' ' m it cI " . l'ie ttn LIradios oft1-titis iî'l 'lite 'tir. ,Iweiti'g i titi", cottaini,. Wl ISURE GLASSES 'AOAINST on. ~ ~ ~ ,, btt~o'.Srnfe 'iW' î"lote. s9rt iý f Mia ls.t,;lu i'ui lBREAKAGE- lt.';att. At Ç' o'litck at nîgb 'ii iittor uts eit ptairiy re:'i, iit, i in lt'e iît ii i'a tteassessricnlt' :ii Iýw1 i- ii'i tl o, tt iOt s," lit Gii:i î1I i o x 'i initer 40> percent-foui'î lit i'nse iiit ing n hu t j11 il- T"yaaalle.i Salle. %aywood. Ottawa anI .1 r q lilaplcee uittui 't u&. <" ai. c e e : Ase"ssed fui! value of fet .' -"" ' 'u daclMriivu sens[ pi'oierty per caîits IU,', it 1 Edw1'rkTti' fritte"of i esa s3,7 -7 tii lces: Elgin ii'l I 'C ou'liiri' wTii Inut vi l " of i iiy ' I fo "d )Ord t't as fl îtt t ia, îfi îiî l .s. I i uil 011, . fn, i lurili ,e fuît value on g. ii ;it, 111y w sta p ia o irro o Al,- nitoi r -itl li iii .tni .tii ,ult 5t'fl;Ii lioîierty fier calwa 1ii 'I S Io. i q h ' itt,;o j-fr,,ý ov ,l iet4o tu i le N Gen- e cosee t. w anButer. i. t ii îîî"e l,.cs:til> '~.,.~.~ ' "Eiopemuert" Ais0 Mstake. " olite litforty hle sIitiul il Iro otr Tomr evc l', atiWaaiegn."My 'is'ter Is to lne, sfio sautil t l >ouflg lt'ii. I lrîizile111>N ene e ee 86' Exclusive Merchandise For the Home Specially Featured In This Announcement This Store A Gif t Store as îrigltfuilvie 01k iternfi iiit. lTî take the %w ords of a diserùîîinatiiîg woli lýho t'ev-lit 1v said ,die ahvaPs ViOIliei'we to s-lt--t it-t- gi1ts as gifi- blitieî'-iseel tît tt îk-vitabîs,'vt111î-11 u> uI is sù',Foi. Iie!'c thev kîîtow trou. afîeex1îeîiene...the <ti'(itt,.-if elii osiflg e tltS\' 1't-iaiî it' liî th li t "- o-<îipete and wxeltl I;î-sortrii sti.î-ks a;îtîîl îwa~s aitt--illlY CEDAR AND WALNUT CHEST3 AND UTILJTY BOXES Uan ii'fufli--'«' chests are iil-itî andt 4btiii lu'igîîs of înarkvd ldis-tille- lion 1u itiatdi tothe leiiut v tof' lit otf Ille îiI -îlt w "îtaîtllt iNttiItti ttiiv boxes pii-c l i'îuî $24 "' $7950 BED ROOM SCREENS Madc îimi 11lap and ct.t.tttttliiî.ul lîltlIi t2a tvi alîtioak finisht fr';iiits.Au 1 ii-> l; i rge assortieuit is o1 is- plav alI Ili ill iie andt tihe pt1it'îs aie $3.25 to $13.50 Seeý the new Studebaker Sedan now on display at our Show Roomns Just the car you have pictured for yourself to enjoy winter driving in comfort. ;et Achen & Wells Motor Co. Ç; N GneseeSt Waukegan, 111. Phone 568 TABLE AND FLOOR LAMPS j"huuuî' tîtt1ts* 't'ttli silk hth't t îat i-ti .i~pgied andi îiaiga i. base,. portables for libî-ary, desk ;tîîîl lboudoir- witl Sik ai i;îss slhade's, bt';îutifu'ly fitsisiîttd anîd ar t st eaul il ctd w îtll a 'aieutyof' b ases. $3.50to$39715 The Kenilworth Gift Shop A Specialized Gift Section I'îciiltitis sîet 1)tiolt' r e s bled iii cîîdJesýs s'.îictv thetiti - Ilital, t lî<" <lit t.'reîî t, Illet'a lit jîjlO iil ti s'îî f' oi.the he . l. i'-mti la iis f1).a lii de l worl'J 0o îer-thIe k'îjwi'stîlîios halve eîule'tîîit lt-e ~'niîl'îtîî i itt1's gîî thîig's iloi<) iîl p'eselitatwl.l KÇENILWORTH- ART GLASS .2'~~ 111 dd lîlsa pes ;îîîd siecs, thetM'ColliîC 'ui îî, Saî lîî' ille aîîit ah, Cod< n ( aîîaî v Y ' fao alifl suts. Pr id roi 1ilUi~,lItLst Io$1 'ww -! Decorative Lamps iu A Varioty of Finishes I) nt I I i 5.00 tut 6.25 Desk Sets in Brushed Brass and Solid Maliogany. Atu uii- tihtio ast 'tutittpatît'j fiutiuc's.intut ttui'tl îli]u . E:tuIt 'ot cui' ):iî'i%' ittît Itutk pi, lut' huit,. Foitîllu Lui uit' tutt . . sett $5 tii $12 Smoking Stands for the Man who -. Enjoys to Smoke. 11 l' ct iltaiasn tt-l as it ttSuiil I il t uti'citu iiti utii.î ai', cf tid t îiali,-g.tiu>' andti tit- fioctîuîy antd 1'tlyt'hirne-fit i t. Soutte h i-i ticlt uipIaleudtay as tht ihuidm lttitd 2.7511,$10 Bowls. Fruit Comipote and Bread Boards. A vcty tIiiii' vut-ct ,1i lu u iltIio;,;.iy finih lut-i utti'i îti u an'icakmsusei.ý b"%,. 1îui 1,i i i' mttti t" a'. It li 'tçu i tand uit lu-t. Encrusted GoId Decorations oit ELiched Pattern Glass'ware. ' hi., lt*tttttii' uit t i i cdtsiapeti AI- ,,",îiîd uit It:-ctts'ut t-Oput" rve; coi u's'tiboat- bo s cl t f vi gai ; sutre but 1a n ud i y $4 In$8 Reproduction of Antique Dutch Silver. I-tnt ht îi"u cm imalt',sil>' Suti l .ît'late h 'M i Try vit i t tjî lult'.r. tigaicti' 11ev, IIt'.lîlit-Iti t tt ii'.tiki attui o er l't i't' l t i s la at talililtt t i:ýt 9 iîîu' - r $2 tut $12 - Fancy Candie-s. Shades. and Paî-chment Shields. g.îtt (loii ti lt i ti i. i Ntuti i ti t i Carved Wood Candlesticks in a Polychrome Finish. Thùe latsttt lii tsiit c re vud aîi eut t' t puilythitutttl 'tute i ii iicirt t' i.tity co'îîh andtît diiit guul çitiiit Ttuii "iî le $4 t i $9 Humidors foi- Cigars and Cigarettes. nt.uhoiotsty. 'iît alet'ini thte 50 cigar andl 100tu citetttccapaiy ,izes. Prît --,tul ic-tut ig - te, tltu qitaltty. $8,013.50 Book Ends in Carved.Wood, Gold and> Polychrome Finish Artistlrsily icatgttcilisoliàliitltog'tny, Aituciirait WÇ%aittuil. Art Btronze, Glt and Polycîti'onfut ia. A wsondcrfu! spetclopn fi ont ' mhîcis luchoosie. Pair $5 te $9 Solid Mahogany ,Library andi Mantle Cle*naicof . i, Itutit ituti t'îthî'dfiniii. h M ilor'êtt Id %Iallti,ygrtil iyt"e luttai-y sud Maniile* dlock"' aie mtadle as tIlt igIut day uille~- $5 te $9 l'cali Japlj>tese I otteî',Ari sd lol-i i'isforth te honte,. lî;îtit ta ilît 'dil ul Meoi's ; .li gli cystal cettglass; Iridescenet tabewa'e;Amîeriuit art glass in1 'lste Blile (rvstal, Mous.seiene purplc crYstal andl Ctold Aurnc '<lors. And on aud On we niaY Men- lion oi 01e group a;ftéan tothiier fjï'ally intercsting.