0% -NOLBERE M, LU OS, OY, OCTOBER 28,.1920. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE IAKE CO. FORCED Francis Bringsoarneetste iertrso Double Cross! * i 0d--.-, s .""'.' Cook Park to be Dedicated AmNSa i TOSAE TSLFIN Frm McHe nry Count Next Thursday, Nov. t LEGISLATIVE SCRAP *e WHEREAS, The Vilage of à- !.-~~~~~~~oNo. 1, and alt the latest Ielection a .P"ans for the big celebration ta oit Lbrdede a enmd A fact which every voter in Lake Countyj in.sBoone o newslwilhobe teshed. ointeth nselB. Paok an Emily rtvie asthbe nifehnt Dr. J. L. Taylor is Attending Boone and MëMenry Are 'Plug. County and McHenryCounty must, and will admit, is e0 0 •0o0 o 0 •0•i • o o0 0 o0b"0 0roso0a0age atloaf ane One Se of Vicims Whe ging' for Votes,for their this: Tha Wm._F. Weiss candidate for the Legislature L, arepa nalcompItesar ben eart of h illg ihte Another Piles Up On Him. Respective Candidates. from Lake County all during the present campaign per- iG SENSATION IN a work arranging for 1 lis eent and .ss ofa.fr.e.opbli lbraWhXainamobl accidentrs happea --go) p.11" -or irwhlic 1M se has appealed to votersat have secured, the co-operation of the, and a park, to be known as "The tre is notinnzlike having then,;e LOSE WEISS OR FRANCIS vote the straight Republican tickiet suggesting that they . SPEGA Lmen "t'eflageo- tha :s•' B.ook n. blyBary ulcostothoe andnat a a oie mnerly put a cross in a circle at the head of the column and business houses wiliiai close Thur" and ParookMesaida nL be.ry ail d c arpen l ;l bcndms a hnc Inote e"pi tiai plitansIrlet it go at thatGR NDJUR HRE af enoo". Je B' oirairsi -o-·-yd-•.eNypr n btti ho aha hr rsn eisaiecm He. did this KNOWING that voters who followeda procjamnaton. de igThursol suance of the voishes of Mr. and ryvle when to auromuobile acei tacr ithatpursuedbéea f slotInTHATFILAN would be casting ONE vote for him, ONE When .l udge R. K. Welsh "f iRock sin rsienifribryvll.nd M CookHEREASsThe Pre perin ehirabout a da baose two counties from tinie lm.frPEC n N oefrFacs the two latter, brd on wednesday of ast week o e nityjun he dedIcation ofthis dn n o, fTue e u nu o et h Ç0111IWYSrIgbtin tho-e ece Lakebeing the nominees front Boone and McHenry Counties. 'ariteancaélabraton i la inaegesothlat swlh Vi lmçtees re eresaehig tlie tu rdotun ii izitig maki jnshrtitno evlós ha x- But. when Mr. Francis camne itoLae Conyat o"adan ecommunity Club and the n, appr oel inz tr-oadI bridg us1J iayng andre ,a"nes.uare w . ref-week and dis;tri*buted little circulare continiing an ed'- dependen t a inein, agains Wahu a;ed becomie acqualiledw th the o o nis lbof tdard Village, n efracdethpee b arence ahn'*elatidstudationtoial from a McHenry County paper in which votera were .0. e"nVlva gist we peop e Liberty tee shos fintthy ittf;Wro, Iwhen ic4 le piassenfie neir r~wp-ti%,éca-ndidlates wlrout ,urged. to put- one mark before his. (Francis ),, name. grand jury thewerek before, and which it Comtes to a vote at th. election tou by appropriate ceremones tobe 'd0lorsecretary andt treasure of Dil athoughtas o wethr bgLkeould mean that Ewould be g'ven THREEvtSatoncue lerNll s ie betldthe following day% Friday, No- held on Thursday afternonon titClM o4.o 'iao a conywith a population twie the mId:tonal Charges thatth gan r a eber 5th, to authrz h ilg driving with is family to Round riz. the two enuri n nmMtned INSTEAD OF ONE it is easily seen that Mr.. Weiss hadw -ix.\-fhroughi thée summinoning board or levy an additional tax of two Nove e " o Lae. Lake count will ie given aby representatIon In tc a g i rlcya dg u n a ehimgglfof ithree leaders in \oilias I.,hl, i mills on Ilhe dollar for, park puruose PrkWhen lhe turned down the hilllie bpringfiel och ng ' p ic ho seried on the grand juiryilm.I and one and oný-third mills.on the dol- Pr.failil into know th, conditions and In short leader% of Boonile County It hag been the purpose of this paper also, in fact, wo ia., two oither Volivaite, he lar for a free, public library. NOW T HER EFORE, 1, J'ay 8. ile ai unrid fMrtle and went rollling náve ujinitPerin the neffortsftoneet poi Mr. Francis that we would merely urgeVoterg 'area one of the biggest sn n Petitions have been circulated n P dctev ever two nir three times. W1Uam Pirc, he nomne fom pr nenr staged In this commu ji-ý notices of this election posted and pub- Lindelof yustainedna revere injury 'Üooneý andi 'andidate Francis of me- to, rast the straight Republican ballot by crossing the cir- Judge welsh grilléedir th- in hed I. Sentiment seemis to lbe strong. he peop'e of 'ibertyvi"• a" op. o issousied he asstner uninry -iountyeand his'ufriendsHare CHANGEOF POLICY in the endeavor itir*as Who were substitutf-l'rin l eIa1 nfàvor of thre leying of thisoadi- portunity to properly celebrate Iohaiscut. ts wer aieovahe smn,& uitinrhi r effigortoelect him. And y of ithree oihers who coul nioonal tax. People are beginning to said occasion and to dedicate wo n wih h r. Te tp fth al tw s eigdoe itou ayto get voters to plump for himi, it nécessitates a change 11adseifEmrGenlz h elvlet h ilg f said Cook Memorfal Lib ewu the t.ie tftheet c On 'fn o f cmldat bs f em in the courtroom for),. jinepak ad ibay, and thr-, Park, rei m a ha ae fl e Co nt L ak e ou n y v t r . i h è a t M . W e s s t e r es FE.sch malfu n luin; ofax w hich fthe> re sked.ito DO H EREBY PRllLeM o eti ais i a b i gser ouply "l e.e! aprs n a e r Lk outvtrs fteywn r.Wis ster .Hawo.the latt e or is so smnall in coiffparison the afternoon of Thursday, the -Purd.ioeeaci a ett ando_ al-oh F e ri augerpeett in LakeeisatuCounty inOR RTGeýiýnCtcal sr petyoil,,f thIle great benrefits lo b-derived, fourth cdayreof November, in the Dr. Taylor If Libe-rly.idoand lhe hur- n a v e b e nA VEr a o nHo n e g g y g g t a e a n t I e s fa t u e r ge t in ia n C ath lic post lle e1n b l't a t it d o s n o t lse e mt ,p o s sib le th a t Y e a r o f O u r L o rd , O n e T h o u sa n d rie d t or th e sc e e . 'neopi l )hiiiu!zacross AEHMtk datg ftelrevt tI couni- Iwhich Voliva 3 overl re ican be serious opposition to thil Nine Hundred and Twenty, Jutatriad finish11 iMkin theai ere a teizead h onRepub ad p}gmp for Mr. Weiss. Friends of Mr. Pierce AandIDaYm th"ieaer h nig a aNe' O'fa IleJ'niitvr l ipe one oe.Mr. Francis are urging THAT SORT OF A COURSE in lround- Both denie.l 1 . detlm thecvillage for nark and at whichuiness1 reques t aitthe 1h iltrnd r. n u w othe "tn o' ""0 " et"gMcHnry County and Boone County in THEIR inteirests a sae le wolh $o5,000.t)n. sten said vPi*etocose other catu nl. lTheny dates. Mrl. Pterre and Mr. Francis are and therefore it is up to Lake County to take care of it-. witness, derlated IiusiiT,,-to is ca. . enoy ods alid ait people in srand Village ta one and l l'p. n o.s ar berna urged to Put the cross In the Iisacae heeMr Wis EE FR- . pwas ""e of ""u.le o w111nlt) ieiaire"°• t'h*edia avecato,"s ,and igans eahscs pucet N HE P ONanEd IT HIsOIIOe • hn esr fhi el whom Voliva sent fto find (Ii!wlithelwesterly end of Cook ave. which ji'i h eiino he A- amo a Is Ithe oa- lpdovrthe top, ut aie crossbore the nme acisE NOTI OSTO hog o eieooi wn ggon il chpiret.ule pr-oposes ta self or turn over Io the slB okadEiyBros saved thie occupants from serious la- URl Pfreteeb ssrn ec oehth ar u M.FaniladM. ,on ileinsv"n' he 19 hop wa11.1ftrustees, and use the eroceeds thiereof .Cook Memorial Library and r di,,>hawnh Dr. Tavlor hur of hes men THRFEEVOTES in casl 'e ewned oiplay tegm arbtBf rni n . cae om th'le Jstnihcestf tefrtebnfto h irr.Tee Pr vrt h cn efudta Fiely n svoted for Pierce's friends made i mosil yopenly advocating jno one en hm.butht «s hi, fortire beet ie tobe wr.th frm GvENUNDRrM.HAD noe 1hadbeseros lye hru t -i ~~pa naeoouseeimnae Cndd- - u sto end thervalfuf e u$12.00o toa 1500.anI teset rmeg lgeof . It deveois lvethths Fard was driv- aren oesfh ér reregany pr ep mpngos -osshafn-oe akThe adiditional tax for park and Il- Lbryil, t hos twenty-eighth | ing north InterMichigan Iin Company tion of thealoters' Frcs sion who Lake County with 73.000 residents certainly MUST andrinéthle pres.-nce of, uýIice nishi bray purposes to each property owner day of October, in the Year of -iwt nte .y and theA driver 0! mark' terbaotasFntudssggst.hoaa 8 ' el I i p E a*t uywill be very smnali. For the Person Our Lord, One Thousand Nine the car which zmet wit.h the accident hs opapg ereas suiousl p, n" hen ,b lo -on failfy" tll %hu wns a homte in thle village on Hundred and Twenty.wa hurig nisedao cae sugesng o .e Cou tlin1yvtrs to16now iidiscovered that THE O N L Y WAY THA Tdr wi oh sesdwauto saou .B OS, as uh the otis nder c a:w c agone follow THAT P AN by putig . . •n the eaedhehs me ses sed vlatontgauto (E l ..sdetOfRtE, v i t)-- ona erCý- ar or cross lmerely before Mr. Weis9s' nam is lpossible is for votera to put a cross in te circle at te t ndi-, -IIft1$69(1. whirifleh 10me tedtax for both E Lag..Pesieof LibetVil-e., o case h d wr al andt ldintwenhad an igvtrin al gd ofthe Rgpgb}ican .ticket AND THEN DROP DOWN o.,u c dnhave misunder.s!oi lar " upsswi mu a n h cuat fcu cro e tT Ì i Ÿ " n ut a cross before the nam e of W . F. W eiss . i "l:" r" oandut ibrr -lo itr ouai mitedatndeto c eup antso haor" cieeF Oln n oili V"i IF THEY DO NOT follow this plan generally M.sil"I -n :. i id that " ,ý o ay bat thtis Park and library will cain vote at the election on Fridayl. NI- theircars repaired. Iris ner %'ore Pach. W eiss will anyeknowlfeathd. l iii onll1h'e i ln I ch more than $2 pet*ile ber othl, and il is hoped thalfthe P en as MrFran Weis will be.defeate .ald he-monl i3 " he enhanced value propositions to) lev y tiâ adtionai tax ouT NVE FTEDVI Mr. Francis is coming into Lake County trying to j S !w adlr*ad c uc iepaki h eato o tepr n library wil carry by ra PM ' hlhvecneu ny deeI- l l l .r!,: ueihm yheP e li ilag sl ie to each persion 1 an overwhelmuing vote, and in tii.,way edr vnd Bnea'or.le"s an," d testep into Mr. Weiss' own territory and lhas been ask ng Ii.w i1wý%ýcadenta copielf LiberN TICeKanTsho conerted efforts beingi made to rob 9,oters to plug three votes for him (Francis). 'The, qonuh rentIroo raprcitonoftisbluitE TRC bego"?" hi'"e;",' rcé" "ta Lake County vters who gave Mr. Weiss, such a wIh11l lTh, " ereil ho noa sfaxrwal.Eeyn s cordiall Iland u fltae another position. plendid support at the primaries MUST BE UP AND Îe l e l io e eie ,.a pr n Liberryillie, lre quesT u ond mi cléra4 V0T- , L FrncsPSartedit 1 ri;lDOING and rea-lize that it'lis up to them to follow the a a -ans o oiir -notbel o" rn oi I ad an te iest ay Y0TERSCLI nth canidaate Fan'ree"n åsamne tactices in Lake County that Francis and Mr. Pierce's 'b istTikt-n alo-i Ra tea LaeCungtir ICnt i akeCo tee friendstlVhave1 been urgingnttheir countie u c u électin next %votingorthe evy ng of the additional G. 0. P.. 'Harding-Coolidge' °t'or"the" aejnho ket e cil It is found that Mr. Graham. democratic nomi nee, is lr n h %le*cn M e ila e n Ticket a Birind. a,.i" "Pga"safe, that the democrats concentrating on him will surely u c ", "ii- r i mp hc irco epensa on i ,ia n " lwil t heb'lifrth eetonnx Ilih e lai e wjýhed mJhave elect him. It is also conceded that Mr. Pierce, because wTzooma Club, whiiclh has taken e"b a week c il'edl jinvtl h, botifaording-lctoolnig pl 1 ronthriikennThof fIanrliof his alignmrents. IS ABSOLUTELY SURE of election. Rbrmco eliiblican Patrt,- icket which-Win (ine ni. te l xt morn i i el Tho handbn,(cont nu inPage Eight) n,-now o about 2111g I1Io dun a ns lin 11b ' ause conilribe confuision and wil ed ailnv"" c ", l "ron The fight therefore sifts down to between Weiss and ur1i or ree oi carge "IIIn n o ovote forbot ntlli ;iIý Ili vlesFRANCIS, Do Lake County voters want Bill Weiss Iof IEM AT N ""AterhltF FAC Lke County in the legislature OR DO THEY WANT marOATED- ýile li Ia n c i' Ie ok'N..IIoi ;-i.ps cle.oi a a 1i_ nd Coldge v ern oi NihIl it*r.Fani ni Mr. Francis of McHenry County. SESSIONle I! i_ ,j,,i HFTY a;t aquitac ovr heditic ad esoaly k So far as the abilities of the two men go there.iîs no1n0 ad voe a i and idasfo coparison and residents of Lake County will be assured RS AG0> PRESENT TIlil th rugn n i rinsi aecnthat if Mr. Weiss goes to Springfield their interests wiJ'- ram for thecele,,atoHardlng tY have been. urging voters to eais. 1 .n_ [ viursdIay afternoon ils as folo % aasy th' trihteubiabaltlr.be -,roperly conserved because nobody doubts but whatnd o m Paradiof igh , schoo and vrm ý.TO by 1-lturfirag thevoesparothe sBill" will know what.is going on and will se to it that sn o oani ani(zI"aou " l l lt ;o)idge 'the Lal atur In o tre prti si ti, dloes. if von want to be happy Cook Park Square, led b> brend r n1 11 first ticket nia alotinocivable andunart Lake County gets fair recognition at Springfield. the(, m n aeCony uaencnb newoldIe expetiLk ont ocntne Surely we could not expect Mr. Francis to pay very, Living- proiiof Ithat was given Fri- Cooil Park byMaorJ niaml erely e nee - • day i the, fifIioth annual convention I ,inlton yit h lu ýMoraln avvtr li to Lake to Save Self much attention to Lake County's imterests in case hie IS arftheý'Jakp omnIIy suaday school 9 T;N ICNE lnmarks by . Na>or. Vmeothera ad The matter thus sifts down to the elected rather than Mr. WeiÈs. Aoinnin esiniat the.Highl- Remnarks by Judg en but dreo! hbenefiteilte Hardin adPrPrvranCucwhen nher ofLak Fores chairman of General Commlir tet, poit ato rL e uny We urge voters therfore to put a cross in the circ ie oitnldeleatrs who attended ed befoi-r> Police a amoIltiýni"ýq , \11 ta the legislature or, DIll Weiss. at the head of Republican column and then put one cross theechar'tel r- ~mn of the convention w i e TUiMaukeLýan, Monda nig lwalker We beymhle hatvte rotes ofLaeefore Mr. Weiss' name in order to insure his victory o ver a," ha ohi iis an'edIspet1 n i l h flunting witlhe "CWS IK IL ruknz"their déecision,. ARsr"te ss " Mr. Francis. WE MUfST NOT LE T LAKE COUNTYicheery I-li. h 1pesntdarratglne rn a 1îýh ,ý ýt.*s e l cair- said] a t the trime the primary-enried. LOSE OUT in this Legislative fight. gateerig w $losbel hi eryKr ldeTalrah ld 700 IN N'HENRY* M .F an it llalong hadhbeen Con-i-, l'o A. B1) Thair a ine o!y fr n Jdgcosts, whi-h (l Ile derdajoke IinMcHenryecounty! Mr. Francis cannot represent Lake Coulnty like a yarswr lt, A'. in ia ine P Hlldandcosa t- an.h srgre sapltclLake County man IS BOU-ND to do. And so, put a cross 1 iilwaukdoee: 'Mrfi- Gizabeth Suther- - Ama 7wh1acopanlied \ enIs b,,,Grmmar schoo0l., Ilare rncerrned.th rmyr in the circle at the head of the republican ticket and then d""Y ar r on huno p n "asle a uar te(j s'o McrHe(nry catury with its 33-000 a cross before Weiss' name and we're safe. and Mr a n Huii2lhe,ý all of thre three h !mn i n license He, u aemIP uF4xe riei - et ndBoone with fits 14.000 - - - - - --j- - -- - - - - latter re.sidjing in Lake County. time ' lita e NIr, a lIlse b .nlngig. nre cou y lias a her P uite intthe effort to prevent Lake w'*lit ws al onc timie ago that Wen Ieltoake It with i hai Iýi ýi"t ic i(ni v evKleihauer rdIolenco sh .vr ocounty having a illegislator at Spring- 1Francia dr Wellss at Spriingfieldý. for'himi to do that In Lake countyheldl,our - irst convention st'Milhurn. Iit ilin ;anoth-r ee p, Tocke-t. VIW-fi"!of and the reoord they are' m field. They cain rdo sounlssLake' Lake Couty with Its'big population o si of his home territory, If hela thriving Sioteh -ommunity on the jj apeaedtoi- iiilri \ta iitu:.b ndPakpuis themin in the creditah e © c o ut n t y v o t r s c o mt e t h r o u g h n o w f - ' c e t a i n l y c a n n o t a f f o r d ta p e r m i t a i s s el p e s u m p t u o u s a s t o C o n i t e o r o d t o L a kI e ý V i l n s a i d M s. Y o u n g 1 I . ( i s p l ylt h a l i c n s e a ni n s p e c t i o n o f L ib r a r y a n d O nPo woah eTre r h r ter th is expose of Mr. Franeis' pol- condition to arise whereby the ,lc- ,Mr. W is terrItory and makl this one of huInll e of laod timers," r1.g st im wa dimu'1 usc,:iLbetyvllo e inv an eat1hrevtes fo'r Mlr. IHenrly county "man will- be senit f) to stmishing rqes.It cer-tainly1iel anmi hines hia% chiangedi a lut on, inna ruderstand whýy mumofmIi!lk pfoduced and Wes.-- the legislature and Lake couinty-s becoming Mr. Weiss ta ask hl is the North Shr4ince then, but hevre wn e hance on gein ,11, r1p;r01nhe ordn ,inant ait Aidant It is a foregne' conclusion niow nomatinee, NIr. Wellss, left at home. ' friends- in Lake County to do the we. are h;mppy beýIcause we've blnippndune orn hliito aa · uN she h Ivrought in oaver tthat Mr. Pierce twill be electedi. The If Francis had played thec slilati samie thing for h.im. good huchoe - ver sinre. d we cis,;,mue r noh ndhsante mnhtorn orgarrization which lhe has back of gamte and gone over the district and Now then, after analyzing the ait- "i1hs dy epe sdt cm ok olra n iAd lr 'Ci IliCh a m wigt are madle unde d him In Boone and MctHenry counil asked people to vote the straight iuiation and seeing how the fight haîs )f onot tand in, bjuggles and in wagon-%Jiiv M n er.a numb r Ir mn Il uillionaires. cosd or thee win . tn o me rydivisin.( 1 e ties together withthe factthrat heIRepublican ticket as Mr. Weiss lhas sifted dwnto between Weiss and from allthtie cotryside to Mi1burn ln vri uprts orfith, county Il- ib h -m hml of loïl l'-I ll(wh Ih etails RI al isvery efficient man Insrures his done up to the present time, thtis Francis we cannot refrain from Iurg- land, ait of them came to church o alret aealee .- a me adHr 1By t wreranl '0 t o ethe inivestigauaontw e el ection. lin- fact there are predic- article would never" be printd B t in otr o u acos n h i ay thre autos, whizz by, airplanes heconstan· Wat tchfulness on 01 th ied lby 1n-I r oflheband earyiv n Mi' TupIlercarrying Itrem tions being made that he will win Mr. Facshsboeàat adcea h ed fte Repubtlcan tly by theo church, but fentpeople go rto9t e ame warden during 'lthe 1v esiP.trda iv oiing. lmt'each iinstanre balancéof mnhanii by 10,000 votes in the'"district. peersonally has distributed an ei- ·ticket, then drop down and put one into It. 'If they only knew the good lo w y'I rst h asrded.h'u - 9rac en btje hogh a adw gtsbigsbitted te SAccordingly voters will pecalledltoriail uring peoplIIIII, et atthree Cross before Mr. Weiss'namne in or- you do yourelf by ,being just goodi aterlly howevue e co 'r'zn<soywno.'irst ofcas upnlodeidhehe a nt votes-for him. Now then, Ir it ls fair der to tinsure HIs election. they'd do differently.11 er matral. hwvr eet k 0 iossible prives. rplaie ion charge INDE'PENDENT IBRT&.> FLE O0 Lpparel Lake County 's B *' Weekly CAM&" çdedu " 0" wSues in tounty Con*ind WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN LAnŒ COUNTY INDEPENDENT 1880 Sale Suits