t -'c-- I mwnTvvn i s- n 1 11. . ; ,ý -- . 1W, -.5 K A, -A 1flURWUATg VU IOBER 28.,1920 iw~.w , siiV ~ -- DAI~s- r rices >nstrt4ction is shoulder brins con- in thîs lne. ke County, ether with iipflent-a ~,aran- ben able $2.00 uip $3.00 up fit. 15 W $2 * ..$.O anîd ail instr- 1l of the 'dental -e youi sIC<rpltszi àkegan, Miinois ,duced pric'e is electricity for ndant eiectric the machines )hio - live, there is a iu, enjoyinq the t and labor-saving LIGHT. Over [y usage are your inued satisfactory of ail DELCO- There is a -siz meet yo¶rr needi. Watikutgaui. Libertyville Independen t Lake Cou«y Independent - Waukegan Weekly SWIg When you stop ta think that McHenry County has had two men inithe. legisiature for 16 year past (Mr. Shurtleff amd Mr. Vickers) and one of tiie two, Mr. ShuwtleffbasheW office TWENTY years, &Wd duing that time lake County ba. Lad a represent.tive but now and dieu and Boone las Lad none, it isn't pres * «n to thi" thaï Lake County feels it should have a swe.ping vict.ry 310w for Mr. Weiss. And it i't presumlng for Boone ais. to want ta land Wr Pierce. Yes, it look& that becaus. McHemry bas Wa alznost ail the. lgislators fora long tim sudm the. sonator aIl, Most of the. ime, tint it u ii time- that Lake County demand its Juat dues and have the. legis- lator instead of giving'it ail ta, McHenry. The. way ta do il is to put a cros before Weiss' name as wdH as in the circle at thi. head of the rppublican ficket-tiiat gives Weiss three votes &Md elimiinates Francis of Mcftenv. LEST WE FORGET 11 You republicans who are listening with aiiy degree of intereat t th suggestions of demrters of the Repub- lican party,,the party of achievemints and the party of progreusivenea, hearken ye lest' you fQrret THAT IF J. HANM LEWIS SHOULD be elected governor of Illinois and if YOU bave any hand i i, it will mean such efficient and capable men on the republican state ticket as WN. B. McKINLEY, U. S. SENATOR FRED STERLING, MIEUT. GOVERNOR LOU EmESON, SECRETARY 0F STATE ANDREW RIBS8ELL. AUDITOR EDWARD J. B RUNDAGE, ÂTTY. GENERAL And others on the state ticket will probably b. dc-. feated. And sol, would you sacrifice ail those capable men just to satisfy a wblm that a few Chicago papers bave just because THEY want to "Get it back at" Mayor Thompson of Chicago who happens to b. for Mr. Sipil for governor? Because those papers are willing Wo defeat the whole blamed state ticket just to try and wallop the mayor, wil you lend a band to TEIR battie? THEY and many of US tried W defeat Mr. Small in the primary but a majority of the. voters were FOR him and he won. WE IN THE STATE, have no flt on Thompson which should cause us. W cast aside our admiration for the stabe ticket just because ve miglit b. at "outs" with the mayor whose greatest faflt .secxns ta be that lie trima the big papers whenever lie goes out after them and there- fore they're sore about ft. W. muât flot forget that every ballot scratched. ev- 1oDaiards lie earrwd, w hich r eiwr-d a riwaîiee addies.Il nrw devt- SUSPECTS @ONE; iop i'0" r ilroltthredr o ~~ A turIll. (Il r i lt, r rut <rrreia MÏY ILI<Ï S T AYÀ tr.reet nlirrrand il i îhne n;ImLt rO 1tho lýn4 n ri,rI ia , e inr r , w , i 1 Cil I i . a-r i t 1 ri inn 4ý F roirm j3A rnNttIn ta e v . 1ere wIl in I 'rr ri. :.iirîk Il i i .e haolrt rr -- . e4 o1* I ' «oIý,, Ile ie ît iin Nil fîoon Kr-nrsha Lit Le niut ],aie liiro îirei n dr- "rk rri.. rîa i ail rr.r rir&eiv tYr I1r-i.nKan . Wrîh rha:ib1 'ew asO ha' lie Li d b'tir aIn 14iiie andI 1 beir reIW) neru- rnîîe ve! I eidav. Ù[ <o s IobtrIy i,lr dr dr i ýdir l.n 'l ie ýun : 1kii<arw, ! h'e plil v.,raor WLniher ; in % irr irt 1r. 'nu lît'; , I tis o!' ,in t'ua:l., watt yriat 'ie icir. il..r JIe1 e ri i11,' rlook Nirrle , ir11l.-1 r'-re! Ill T!', , rit fot i l Jîrorttrî o rt nd b , e blroiarrd a train -rb r I rt ...Yis Si it., fi 1, i' t iage 10 tire a train la!( tfor <r.e. r---i1h in, au r ro! t', Ka I.rr 9itr i,- iao i.r- l., i îe sake'i 'ArdIl wal; Da, i.> v-iro roii n cri i, I' If. r 10Sgo ..rri ' îclIf u:r ',On te fleie l ain 1.hre arSt as lre 1)0(t!"P ltrrrr in qî( - r :-v Ilr-x1 er iI hrin,rti <ult lia I L fi flr114 ]Il ,i.,!I: .Ftr,iiS a. r s!r lit- ie Mw a hrrg iaI ai olf ri -ddefl their -ubsti<i nra rAr-. 5irerirî or irr wr l*,I r in7 d fi tri g Ig 1- ,.tir n-i Niri. ii, n, il t ii: rrr 110, ' ire i lrhha -10 Pe-kin. Kan. Sire thinks policeliîeîe Inid nrtf l-r- pt1i.'rit It iuntrorir r, quiea iS n r f~er- warîher. filtre r rt md nerer gan aur tint! ira,. .! bl-q fr'imrt~iî-.t. nFr1;JI l1 u 11 O -t i t I i rtîta1i Fiin - fr-r lt . ,hci rz! f r te mian 'til . . t5 r.i, Se e cIrinerlfor Ic,: I CI re i n a '«,i,.uaXee . Ii ar- n r ivr e i l i is iffar i htrf selit a Wr t r a n (, i 1:- 'e t lIrrri i l, on. T !e ittrFri mtrttit ta y n Tic Up TIpioesanal li-. <i ilp iand ri0 tir resIl r Aller Ile Iranrirlo irad tiale illi ii, r lty iiy thtitîzn ain lin. Tir:' cie %lN, w il0r tiaIt ri ed II w d ,r. tIl ati direct lite tir î.i- i n l lie in i L1Cr10 tl s.f(tir Wi r i,tr ' .. l or foiifusl'ttni- wriiii alclr i lli ne trIo n-l f i "ir or 0<1' '10 be s if1, as; ne of lire three Ci of re F "i , ayý flinatirhe r 'lt 0 f ilie i! anveri s anti n,'rî i.ýn,-p and tiii crîrrrsianrr-' Sire en- Nir. irir n or arrytody cie. Sp ,n k- t tjini i(Iîrleua' r' 1 s-uei ti ir de- Ing, of iti it r 1 M tr Pucin 1toriri: lfittin o!i e irI. arr itiilrfl 00on er. n til.l iitt erjin 0 gi Il, rua (nint v Cle rk Itr-isa mluiytiînny Iing ilii ldr"ri! or $15(1 agiecri ta ray th alt iis feiow 'turuled la the phtiOt bai kitat Smasahoit altIieYv art- te cail Zion. Kefloshr a a tier iplarces 1b- voul i awjîfî tirnt Ir-ing to get word ro police ta 81- Eut, peoplte are, athing:rIf Iîe-ee prrelln-tiré bandts. But il la fur- tirret' lts-f did nont inow a îhltg ftin ,lier Much Itratiger Ilîat 'te was tire ioirup malter. twyw5 0one 'if unate ta Cet ary Of thOsec rlatrmwlln asrrender the 55 bat trevertheesi ire 'aas able ta hoiri ta Counly Cierk jlenrice after he 'tari up tire une and nobedry ,rise touiri uie persted tat lie lirîr NOT tickeri tiP Il tintil finaiiy 1 werrt over in 'tintand the roi! off lire flac' * ir e wa, en toM huimaire bai ta surrender tire tlreiy Innocent antd If tire money lire iroore for 1 wanteri ta uis@ Il. Tirat carrier was aliis own. wi'y wotîlrî vetY act crsetl me ¶0e toget aulipicloatirq e rougir up surir a sum t ut toaure- brrailse If seemed mlghly funny liraI vent furtirer trouble? bld re ire- ir <oulda't get anybody on the pione ite're Il wtran an easy waY la gel olll iIr aa cuai tryin,-. Tire tiroUght of tiete rkîi' nciurred ito Me' lItIie was Ijuet lr-, ing i ta ll andle up the Phonte 90 stoitoriy -le rOuliri ue tle wîre. île AIways Unpoputar Nuimbr gave tp rite plirofe la me ralirer re- Wirecli: tîiuckiy or iiot, otiir l liteltantir 5-%fir fila t 1wilaable to0 lraoüugiriy unpopuiir. If 13 ait îi'e it. bilt of courme ton midi urlie dorvtn amca!, theoErrât ta rise WIU 'tatll îiCdandi If tirai w'amiiq purr-die 'aliIbla àîcar, egays auperatitloe î .ele htn A(ni roxul I dinlani"'T e Tr fcr-n barn on thre thlrteenthî et No Check in Miwa ukee. ire; s 0rone shoWlil unUrk bo a JOWN Aiîoieri ting ittrirtirtire Prifi iC10Ou io! mtako or fo i ilrier ignilleatilt irainEey or alart tIna nterprise on tire thIri ti Otrias lrawrrrainr i!01 itro temii;whie the tht,'- itnrrir mii lo e Ftl. frotai ilied l ne t4'l'rt" rie iarot s lanenrir' nllçaga Frs f roirrt-n W'farO inincrrrrrfl 1"ý 11 er'y ballot hot cast for Ommill wyul b. a ballot which endan- gers thc succes s of McKinley, Sterling, Emnierson, Rus- sel and Brundage. If lie big papers are willing ta do this ho satisfy their aniniosity toward Thompson why should We? Why should staunch republican alaim become deserters and traitors? W. d9pt'b bieve tier. in a chance bhey wil Wo any citent but let's flot.give them haif a chance to niake it posible. TIlLE IPL[T FIXED ON MARKING BALLOTS. A very strong argument i connection with the feat that s-orne of the. new women votera may endeavor ta scratch 1h. ballot in order to satlsfy a personal feeling, local pohitical leaders point out a feature of the law which restricts the amount of time a voter lias a right ta spend in a booth. Here in the. way the law reada bearing cn, tuis point: "No voter shail b. allowed W occupy a voting bootl± ahead y occupired bty another, nor romain within said ent cloged apace mibre than ten minutes, nor Wo occupy a vol-,, ing booth more than five minutes in case ail of said bogths are in use and other votera wailing Wo occupy the same." I It isathuas men that with the cumbersome ballot which people must handle on November 2nd if many of them go in vilt th intention of making a number of scratches in orcler Wt vote for tbis, tiat and the. other candidate. they- vill consume more time than la allowed by the law and vili interfère with the other votera wlio desire ta, cash their; ballot. Thus the way la avercome t" situation is fer stauncli republicanâ. men and women, 10 go into the booth and mark a cross and a circle aI the head oif the republi- can ticket. This also applies to thos who de8ire ta vote the straigit democratic ticket. Beaides lie regular main ballot bliere are two other ballots which votera will have ta handle on election day; also in lie limited spac* of five minutes as prescribed by the Iaw. One of lies. special ballots la the. amendment Wo the banking Iaw and the otie r la 'viether or flot a spe- cial tax shall be raised for a tuberculosis sanitarium in Lake County. ' Thus wilh voing bics. liree ballots il. l seen votera vil have to "get a move on" in order Wo do il ail within f ive minutes unleus they fallitobthe general practice of marking the circle with a cross at thc head of one ticket or the otiler. VOTE FOR Thos. E. Graham Democratic Candidate for Re-Election to the, LEGISLATUREn He bas sç'îved flic distr ict sioei- (tIlîîs 'tith entire salis taet on and integrity. Iliý record at Sprinîgfield lias bnIjiri inîuî'aîle and i ji linsi fostercu no>vicirus hiegslitioîî. The enný î 'oîu inn wuîV.iiibe-inîportit tiiigl bis know'- . ofi ri faftaius Ithîre 'Nvill givû to t1i k d irinjt IIONI-ST AND)FIIÇinN REPLR ESENTA'1 O-N. Mar 11 % l'T'L Lk-tiht Ulin i.î V ru WC -Rubbed the Profit Out of Cloth- ing Prices Many Mon ths Ago and we have saved a lot of money for hun&ed of you men of the N" orea.. We're keeping everlastingly on ti,. job too, snd for Sahurday we f e a t u r 0 Men's Smartest SUITS wih 2* pairs of pants, at M ~ a~ut mnh erd ol glad t d upate at that pirce ,whlue 'IF lthe. ae wonderful suits--enits that wguld b. surprising values even with one pair of pants, amd wbm You conuider that with every suit you set an extra pair, you'Il know titis sale is a real sensation. You wiII realize in an instant what it ineans ta bave two pairn of pants with a suit-you'll know it means double wear-cuts the cost rigbt in hatif. The suits are as classy as you can wisah for. They're perfectly taikcrd frons th.- very best of the new fabrics in pattarus and styles ini giXatest demnand right ruow. The savinga are sensational. Other 2 Pants Suits 3 7 5 F'9 6 9- These are classy suits for the high school meut and ail you feilows who can wear these swagger styles and smailer izes shouli grasp tibis oppor- tunity in a hurry. The nuits are in fancy mixtures and are welI taîiored at 29.75 1% GET THAT NEW OVERCOAT NOW Wetr oYe-twIttg Ri rrnarkabîe amcmblage of te r ursP,~rit Or ercoula ouse aeen in many a day.r Tirryie jitt the kiîîd yoiu particutar men are looking fer. Tîte urodurî ofrte besî icnowra nni kei* In tise land anrd tireyre the iaat word lu tiriir, alie andi raiioring. Were featurlng srgindid i1111cut double and I.agle bjrea.rleri 29.7se 3 7.50, 49-75, More -of Those Famýous, Knox Hat& are here for Saturday-you ail know the Knox. No better a can b. found. In tihis sale you 'il find a wonclerful line af Fail and Winter Hats in both soft and sti« blocks in every-,kw shape ai-d shde, priced at $5.00 to $ 15.00 MEN'S DRE.SS SHIRTS %~ (.%r5 ur ..n.. r.. t..$2.50 I MEN'S PAJAMAS i ut i-arn cr . intd $1.95 itry sirlu l 'tu Ot $.9 MEN'S BATH ROBES lna tarlanacolora. FInlr.ied wîth cortlr UV traQm.. CMN.S KELLAR SWEATER COATS iplai lîrticolors anri rom - .1 hitinritil-,i rcei, up fron$l. MANHATTAN SHIRTS Thre new fmaniallan Shirts are in eucepttlonaiuy pretty .pattle. Tbey're perfectionu tirougirout, amdare la tir, VOfy aut- est afe ta. lip fr9m .., MEN'S.NECKWEAR ln n2cwee.t wrIlterwcaves, htirr ~ ~ u in imi rnugfrom f MENS UNION SUITS Skbr and lonrg siteve style-s a! ............$1 9 1 1