kJ û>rtykille'Independent uu- L Âj41n022ft den - Waukegan WWekY Sun Office Telephont Numbei 1 Libertymle Exchange. .eut the Postoffice at Ltbertyville, III, as Second, Class Mail Matter. J. SMTH ...... ...-.-..-. ........ . ...-.--Editor Cj. . MIHL-- -Y ----- ------..... .L.almanager MnUSOU1pTlON PRICE-41.50 PER VEAR. STnicTrLY IN AOVANCE. SNALL WB ENDAKGER FSTERLING A.NDIS I' BRUNNING MATCS BY SCRATCHING TICKET? While it is our belief that there in no more danger of J. SULwis being, elected governor of Illinois that there la that BmU Bryan will eventually be king of Egypt. we- unot help but feel that votera of Illinois in some in- stances ma.y be diverted by, the gush being poured forth *ycrti Chicago papers who, defeated at the prinlary, hab eenuble to remain republicans in faet. In their mialte defeat the republican candidate for governor, those sMne papers seemi to care ,not a whlt if, through their rusade, they might defeat other candidates on the re- publican state ticket. New there is Fred Sterling. nominee for lieutenenjt governor. Mr. Sterling is one of the state's strongeut ,men politically and while treasurer of Illinois he has buit PaUME of elqi~t On each page, the saine fascinating stoiry. And this is t: Every Edison cabinet bas been adapted direct from some Old World furniture masterpiece. Ever Edison cabinet looks every inch t he thing that t s-a true furniture aristocrat. SNEW EDISON4 &>-stop into"Y. Get your copy of «'Edison and Music."" It tells you,iin pjcture and_."e,. ail about the 17 Edsnperxodcabnets-their looks, thefr lineage. -tlueir characteristues. Ili km ofbook that ihakes useful infomaton #joy to obtain. A guid06 to the kind funiturethat bas yien modem tiMesits niait eciow, hirloouus. Ask us. ut theamnie i., about our P3udget PIan--tbe tbrift waýoby 0 k ng a New Edison.- Phone 55 L5L l 5u IN Libertyvfle, Uliis up an acquaintance througb efficient administration andi business-like methods which bas brought tohii- su ppo rtI A merictan Legion News items leaders in all sectionis. It Io *08e friends whoau won- dering just what effect on bis chances the anti-republicaii Aeyuseln hs dance tickets We hopIIta hbave vitfi us St the nexi campaign will have. Whlie they are confident of Mr. A"d"Oie sock i thoe BusikVo- ameeting Mr. Lenine of Lýake Bluf f Po Sterling's ability te help. carry the* ticket through te sur fograph? Don't lot. your frienda, misa wi wâ's ans, of the repre,ntaîIves" of cess because ofhis standing in the state nevertheleus they a gond tione at out dance on#Armi4tice Illinois at the National Convention att cannot help but reali»e tat RI RIENDS muit .boup- Nigbt, or Irevont thein from owning a Clevelatnd. He l& ableoto Sive la anJ and doing for while' the Chicago preus li not opanly op..go noorut o it etb vention and toit un what the Legionsa1 posed Mr. Sterling and others on the state ticket, their-flot selling tickets, planis are for the jimng Yer. Th.ré muai ho a lot of !eltaws In the effor~ts aloiag that Uine li bômfbating the headof the tiok- 'poat 'bnhave flot miade application et, Mr. Small, cannot help but have a deterl- and P086 for their Victory Modale. Anyone who SIBLY semi-disastrous effect on the other nominees...wu In the army, ne rnatter wherehIle . G It seeme apparent that the Chicago press ii so "hlet te entltled to on o! tl:oodlan ap'" that they would be wilU nte sacrifice Sterling, Mc- they are worth havlng. You will a>- iy reclate posbessing one of them 30> tWeir. fe~eling'ngvro.blef among mfany napn that there la . th'efrso e ings Ou oi'ver no t emi. h hngtalot of i'ed tapne and trouble conpectedl S W IN - ~'otes ofIllinis mat no perit suh a 0hing t thOe socuring of the Victary MeS- m happen. FPriends of FPred Sterling' who have watcheà .i, but sucb la rot the case. A certifted, E e matters in Chicago have been -pa4itlng a picture of 'Fred, copy or Part ôftll; Disacarge Certifi- EuaC id In M sittng in Sprinugfield with J. Ham as governor. 'They etarelurd, h. foarav %111- caunot reconcile such a situation, It ij bard for thesdi brswhowis t dosomca b- g Tuesday, Novei form the picture and that ln why they should be bendlng their dischairges to the adJUtant, stgflAtKLL1 their every effotte omake such thlng absolutely impos Lu dothe cat of than a il es iary ed sible. The friends of Mr.. Sterling muet not oit back and get the Medal for tileul. One of Qur 100 HEAD of REGISEREI saytothmslvs:"He won haIndily in the primary-he mombers vboao application vas sent consisting of Tried Sows, Fatl say~~~i to heshort ~ ~whilo aga. r,.ceived bis, will win again now witb even a iarger vote." They bave medai in about a week. This herd bas' been vaccinate zwork to do; they must undo the oubmarine attacks being Neit Thuraday alght 'a meeting doule rmethod. and, also ag imade at- Chicago. for, while aimed merely at BMr. Smali OY. a ahtIngsTr a ta h . Thais: Pitman-Moore -Products. thesepapers are side-swiping Mr. Sterling and others on la ilction nigtit Iobho sure, but the leturros v li e ini mîlîl latp, aud SO Four hundred by. Alfalfa the state ticket-. u corne over tu a meeting wthout (rim Alfalfa and 125 bushels We appelal to every friend of Mr. Sterling in Lake"" '- Seed, grown in Western South Cointy flot to be islead by Chicago papers but to keep B2eak mor esleti, nwthot>e a ly Bmor akl oft, olth itb oi u cleaned and guaranteed. on plug'ging for him and the whole state ticket from top p I to l.lu'C Killrest Farms are located te bottôm. Bfr. Sterling bas made good as treasurer. He acrutinize eaej> issue ofthte canidnat vlseatofHbrnan wilI make good as lieutenant governor but he won't have "îit, a.nciena th- tu n 5iat cu"' Jurction, Wis.; 60 miles nor a chance to be second officiai in the state if his friends Io pw ýiù, nd 0il ù mles1-1hstofalnlerl rerIain toc confident and dc not start out to overcome :uth' votae cat est Wti aý ftî .M t .R..V gas baragç which the Chicago press is sending oout ovi klI.'ýn IMut lI i l l1111"oud UcN .R.a ihnt the state. 'îe leili .ow i II u tf. ' Wjs. and aIl trains oit C. M. è W. want Mr. Sterling to win; we want the whýei re w~nf;~ ' "~" farm-Beldeon Station-oin di puliantike t wn*On Manday niglit a IlaIn t nele Linder canvas, rain or shine. -We personally loat out in the primary on the head of gtato the tte fo~nuoi, l'ot LGOOD LUNCH WLB the4.icket but we're not mug-wumps, we, are republicau caîîed by o. S. t'uqaa. rember of the' Sale Begimi at 1:0 clear through and this idea of Chicago papers trying to ý;.;î'Y :.eUtî e committee l'loin tisi AUCTIGI shové down our throats Presiident Wilson's spokesman liitrii<ge ndoll iinsa an. ltintai Col. M. R. Cark, Brisnfield, à on the league of nations plan and ask us to take hlm foi' this post. Commander Gaviri nais fot. .'o.E1 o I ,overnor, is a littie toc mucb. abe t ed ini A t eeti i'oI. o. .L bal was sartedLuîîng u aaor- Clerks-H. F. Grecley. Rîck Tliey înapug'n our intelligence and oui' memory ini do geanî:, rion te, liionaze the district! Burlingtci ing so-for, who can forget Mr. Lewis' support of Wilson sdeabcfn .' osta okPcrecsJhnL Fs ogileundplr Ml Fiuîa, Nr. i-'îqîa, re. JhiL il policies? And who can fail to aeu bis endeavor to forget byhwy-aa ii anstaîsny ~ Fh>iE URN4LIHEDWln lie ùs the demiocratic nommne, forget hls party entirely an.d of tnitiative and goud iense. andaf JuSI For Catalogut the ierson [o rtpetisnt tilaittrict ca.npaign on the tbeory that he is sometbing out of the an i iýtaite îî Th jieti.Tr î'nits ordinary, a. reincarnation. if you pîsase, of something htote Monda> ngijimeeting wiii haos ari bas cone out of ail parties conbined. Ris efforts to make ing'nI-i î'uesday evenîng. hirrtself appear as a composite hiuman being made up of Republicanisin. Democracy, Socialism, Proh~ibitionec is i ndeed amusing but ihould be discouragiiig te bis"deni __*r...îîr* î. i u III ocratic adinirers who four that if h. were electesi, he might then dessrt them absolutely even in face of the great hon-= ors they have given bim in the paat.- For a Limited Tirne Let's not be fooled-we won't be in Lake County.= We wish we feit as sure that ail counities in the state wffiI lv "ses througb", this situation 1k. Lake County. We wil! = W e- w ll i how on November 2nd that old Lake County was îîct fole, ha i wsnot mislead and hoodwinked, but that $2 t remained loyal ta Inen Smail. Fred Sterling, Lou Em- E OU $ , ruerson. Andrew Russell, and Ed Brundage.= Let's continue to be republicans on November 2nd even thougb a few Chicago papers bave switcbed thir -M o t o CS e <ietv itiacliceviii hb aitheRbr Ch~urcn e'vg ejfouse bOttnwnext Tbursday sat8tin. m. - PIESBYTERIAN METHODIST 'EPISCOPÂL Eari C. Morgan, pastor. Rov. C. F. Kleihauer. Pastor. Sunniaiv Sc'hîo,at 10 a, nm. We arel The firsi annual men's banquet is expecting 10 Meicome Our itUperint ""d. cberished nemory. Tetrt nuient hack ta hig 015 task. The Sund> 5-amans banquet las'a keen anticipaý School e'ists for the old as vlas for« lion. the young; you are velcomo. The iast oS the soîles aS Epa-ortis Preaeihing at il s. m. Topic of fthe League InsUtutes of the Lakeaide suis- sermon, "IlisunderstaUdîng Christ." district viii bie held In Ibis cîjurcis on Christian Endeavor St 6:46_p. m. A Friday ev enin. - One hundred young Bang service and short discussion ofi Leaguers vera prssent lait i1riday. the top F. Antiocb sent tventy-two. The speak- -Prerrcblng at 7:30 p. nM. Tapic of ers for the lent service are the 11ev. the sermon, -Man's Moral aud Spirit- Ciare Hewet. of EvanstolS, and.,tbe ual Çeter af Gravity." inatorai helocl curc.. Monda>, No%,. 1, the o. o, C. Club Saturday evenlng the 4worth viii meet at the mange. A good pro- League yull elebrate Halio*e'en in gram is reîîaîed. the gymnanium. Afine prograns has Tuesday, Nov. 2, the Ladies Aid Ba- been preparod. zaar ai tbe cburch basemeut. Sunday Schaol at 10 a. ms. Every *Neldnesday, Nov. 3, Prayer Meeting. dePartmeut out lu for-ce; ounime aIl Conciuding studios in the Lire ofi he tbe Uime. the Apostie Paul. Morning vorsnîp et Il o'clock. Epvrt i~age dvoionl eetng- Thursday, NOV. 4, the Ladies' Aid ai 6:30 p. m. igubjeet, "Christian Prit- viii erveter nu - henpi cipies lu Pltic.' Leader, B. H. Milel uper, bogiuuing »romply at 5 . . Evening vorahiqi ai 7:30. Rouaing sand continuing until a»l are »rived.- opening sang service. Sermon ilions. Moflday, Nov. &, the Boy Otouts, vIIi "Wby 1 Shouid -Vote. and HaviTl Spe"iileet ta Prepare for the big meeting m cial music ai ail services hy the chorus ai Yhich Second Clis. 'irst CMaïs, LiS choir. Leader, Jack Bradford; organ- Oiar snd Bagle conformeits viii boe Ilii, Addie MIller. mado. Aise a big prograns. Look for Mondhy niglit oie Young Peeple's nazi veek's annou)icment. n Bible tudy clas» at thse parsonage. Wednesday, Noe. 10, VIIIliéh a ment. Tuaaday an ail day meeting eo!t'eing af the Men'u Eroltherbood. This Lades'AidanSMilionry acîti? *«SIII be anapen meeting andthe ladiesM À%, favorite lunch ai noon, vhen the OS tle church vîli ho inviteS. Thore huebnds wyul jola their vives, The viii hie a debate, sud a speaker froin moruing viil o givan over ta the i-- the autalde. Ail are velcome. taraits of the Aid and In'tise afiernnon a missionary program and . stîdy of un-*- Misa Ruth Drury' Ia spending thlis usual Interesi vilbe preented. Every veek vith relatives In Chicago. vomnn ! the church in urgeS ta par- ýnacuto h rwe odto tictoateta the plan. o ur coaunt or the cre ovde codton Wednesday, lrayer and Bible Can- OS uri, un, a*r omodt fereuce at 7:30 p. s. oit the Granimar School notes ihis « Thuraday, choir rehearsal. voek. They vili »apear as usual nexi . week. A bearty veloine avaits you. Bring a friend. This for oui, readars ln California. DJAMOND LAKE lorida and *ther summery places: The consbined Bunday Slisool and The first suow storm of!'tne leaon public vorship service ai 2.30 p. ns.%cama todsy, an dtisa beautiful NU1 for' The uev supplias are on hand and thse îuo or tiaree hours. The mildnasa oS nov gang books vili ho liseS. tise temperature causaS tiha now tu Tbe cottage Weeting aud choral se- 1 soit au fest as It toucheS tis0 ground. new Records. FREE- If you, buy your phono- graph now--and you can suggest your own terms of payment, too! Dimenetensof -a Mlilion. A wny Of reÀlIzlrlu flit, 'neening or *million, nimor 3 ns gnon lau couritins ehustiiut th0llos'. 3 think of wha*- it r.n'nln tiîili', 1ýew Pooplë ent lzé» fhàt there ne iu (, ithan n million dois ln the wiuIc Christian ara; la tact, If we couril ,te(k a Million days fromr 1920 we rouie to a, date well be. fore the, fotndng of Rom, wile à milldn hours would take un bck ai. 1 nost t0 the ttleof Trafalgar. atest falHienry County amber 9, 1920 FTARMS M) DUROC JERSEY SWINE Il nd Spring Boars and Gilts. td against Hog Choiera by iainSt other infections with :a Seeci. icluding 75 bushels sWhite Blossom Sweet Clover ih Dakota. Seed %vilI be re- 2'mIlhles west or Richmond, Z,2 miles southwest of Ceno,î Drthwest of Chicago, and 38,. ý,Wis.-, on the Janesville lune vil! 'arrange to rneet trains Oi Hebron aind Genoa junction, P t.t. Rv., vl stop at the day of sale. Sale will be held 3E SERVED At NOON. :00 o'clock P. M. WEERS. Il.; L. H. Freeman, Hebron, ivues, Chicago, lu. bhmond, il.; John Prasch, >n, Wis. J arwsxille, Wisconsin. MI EVERY- ANIMAL SOLD. ue, address: *Richmond, 111. re m ary- graph: SE i E i i i E Tnsý,2 no string ta thisi offer; no joker in it. $25 worth alPathe or Actuelle records; FREE if you buy a, Pathe Phonograph. (exceptth eniail models 3 auid,6, which are not included). NO mnatter if you psy cash or 'extend the ternu)" on easy payments--the $25 worýth- of records will be delivered with the ib.trumeênt as qicya o make your sele .ction. aqçlasyu G. T. ýLUCE, & SON Phope 27 Llberty ville, IIliu~oIs Coati ho.moid than the ordii Phonoi RMIIUi We, Reci These Bloust priceci eacb Mayer's Mili per pair. $6 Enclicott-Johi Per pair. Men's Ease E fromn $10.0( Men's Work 1 per pair, $3. Boys' Waol 1E Per pair..... LAWREN< E. w Anecessai is ihis ?tirro i ted. Mirro Mur lifetirne, and ience. Note the fe (1 Fanc prevent it fr (2) Tightlyj crev'îce. (3) Inse caver upturrs *(5) Rivethe Mîrra feature (6) Conx when liquid finish. ~(8) Fan tom of every out. Schaii HAVE yO01 Corne in at a charge, anld, if i We bave rece apparatus for t Màagnetos chargi fect service for Libertyv Shop Phsone: -2 4' -ot*P r DECKER P, liFFTAN !Phope 27