THE LIBERTYVILLE1 'iFT1 0F7 grs erein lat nii g T M #R. IIALÈ STANI ~TOGUE" SCT T ? s ; l to 11611IN lIS 09 iii Lord!" and oflier e>aeculrliiins. Weuîiî- njwe-e ioaning or -holtering PItfùI Plight of Over-Enthus- a, ilie-iRfi ut thueiii ucis .d tihe pu- 5eighbors Éndorse his Ci .~~ ~ LoppeU lie frufut a regular p:înlen iitii. ayfrb lastic. Relifionsts Stp id even nmen and a coloredl wom- c fo Governor b by the Zion Police, an wre arresteil, but Chiel iBecker Two to Onie in Prima ialtj was impossible toeniovc the- The zMon police matie a gen-. 1t -ual ww hnaht iexprensas Votr o lloice fo r oe friday nîglit ou tlii' Chlistian Iing si id the eyewitnessea. m exprhess ilicî chlce for got l O reti-l oy chnihtil ion Ti' ,P h Aft ,e police saion the cigbf en ae ma n her baston iIl a= btitfa reto-l tc ett ere lirragned. before Justice Blsh-a inan Who bra t ad ili flegkttou. witl i arry Long, 2S00 op shç.rfly after mitiniglit. Tbeyweetsba'er at bily ýA@ohavenue. as the bei. i)Urlnngecu(treiwlbdsrirycic If yoîî sîoulti start ouf te10 _t*pêet te nîglitsithfe elias t1 eer a andth ie bonds fixet i at$100 eacb.caace ramnYOW - glg ot'0 I siti ftrney Forbymatie a tira-g 0aneoaltweri ïven a specitil impetus by aNr.tiiî,îîîcspeech liefore tetiefentianta known. Most apil>' you woul ,,JCMeIIa Roberico(n. a Iie-iitl man àwere Iowed te go bomne. He salu:t fhé communlty wbere lie 1I LsAugetes. "vo- nt fe telil>'ou right nnwil if wbcre lie bas spent flic grea "Itn a isocat i"ei Iît-esiîiî)- ou c;1il flat religion the cîty wîl ofis lite. fn legai pincei -an c noa glbet tttht,' tio-iîîy t Iit UP wtii amy ucicandti!,fore a witness cantit cstify1 eM ego wltî te iirithe - l i - aý: OPie are tunder'a seitniaman's character iliemit havE atekwiih longuie" *nrthavi sope,- 1ii'- n. lt' nfot ot IliHly Gost. ithe man intiniateiy for a P, f besigstat other religions peo 1W I.l You (t yuhv azabtiioe. The saine policy le, fot vu bave-netts. . i,.3.ini 1, accortiing f0 knowledge. In. large industries wlio wsnf f â1y maus f lod praerssho - 'a'ili f tihe religion o! the Lorbd jesua r n-t ttent men tef0 f11 h1'noru ~> easChrist if's nathlng but animal emo- i tions. The beat sott ýce o nf m U&. rollfug on fte ftooî ai i dl,ýi , ân tcue il og 1 jý1 mn lm si tu'artinary ineasures. the loly 1tiost florenhkc us gi To n it' î-î a tA mnfg amn à@ supposedtietadescend ipîîoîu henu lo aikc v hi ips h'.n iqiitnti juit as He titi on tht' titv xof Penii - go f fixe Lord Jeans Chislt la tn ' tue fi!erits!. en Snal tML Portions Who wittueqFeiIltle LtierIy Ibing. Protuicng bypnotýi i;în nîîniinee fer governor. ...eae8 enoactet iIn tIis assenîbi ilur- c' girls Isaflot Cbrsniaaiy -in,_ aitenin 1te(lie necanîn trg the #Ut tew ntgbts 'iay tlitIt îira o!flicetievil' I1tdirect f ia4 t- -.êtteniiven Io bîni by Ut wias extremielv Intierent. The i(,tu- Police Offîcers be 'put l inxe rt-n~r lot too. caus,,d a iisturbance in the I rt w:tcb the conduct o! lit., e p" 1 ,,-n Sîutaît vaq hein ant i »Ilghborbooti anti Mayor Cienlinen Ie, andi if fhey dont beii,%i lth touî-lth îreclict o! K tpeett. Ciy Attorney' Fanby ctose lle place up, anti close ptrtnnuijs ste i l toCk the maitter ttp andthie raid was groti. The Holy Ghost doiint iO5.r'of the city o! Kankakee. Hte pianned I'nlday niglit b>' ChIe! Becker. fools o it of people. There are ti'ngs niantuoct on tbe tarin whîere The nomes o!f the pensonsai-.esîed laklug place tberé fixat are not l 1,cr lioinAtil-i lie was niaiaueti1>' decent. The ritîzens bave a ed hlis own resitience a st blar>' Long, leader. t !ght Id peace!îîi alumber. [ast rig,îî lance flrei the olti homest Mi4.l Cornelila fortson, Lon An- ftle mayor watt calteil np s>' peoplt tbé as speni bis ci gsli., revîvaluat.- comptainiug o! thue noise. Thaf Isafthe place whs.re1 Jease.Griewold, 3010 EnoCh. "Ive invesîlîsîcti tIis." sali! Mr. today. Fiankt Markwell, 2821 (IntnusForby, "anti t fUel l isttua'vptlc lu flie recent primat-y.Se avenue*. affair. f saw seuloe women Ilisu are Carl Emnbocher, 3116 Gi'boa avenue- on fhe vergi-(,-' an i le ic ay'uîn. Jamnes JohnsOn (colored), 2413 Old. The pejIle r't tiis ly !lave pîî' î'p __ _ ton avenue. 1 . wilb i.l, usi .-- h 'le is ~g lng N. A. linyt. 3204 Escliol avenue. f0. This kinti of rei-loit ast-a- the John Ml. Short, Twenty.nlnth and Insane asyvte". S: tf ftem -r flachol avenue. it EIgli lenig!it -riMtftI <la enterine Ilie churcli tle police siî'i.ytiije titi l il" rOu. er t'-nti.a k tounti yaung women oif about 18 f For ilie mO-t :-l-, li,, me. w f20 veanas .tretchp liet t ou the floor quiet, t lit once in -. hle-t, wu andtime wtb thelr clobes risar- ai ont, 'Praise lli.týi!" Pl c. " l'n oi g00 f r l'e legsio 11uteil- t 'e guise f rP-l ioii" ili t F u-îi- fier the -ci'owd laidsest SLOW Congrrssman Mason Is Threatened With "6FJU" D E A T H tilla-n F.flasoits caîuufaingn for- - .9:.- man lit large lhalletiaesler. AC110l, ilm. difiU f il.C a> wIueln Ilie was laken tînt ithe Re - cufty'iii urinating. often mea u lba eaeýlitrain tif Gatesburg nusdimordema.The world'e iurldfoli o t 3314 W.. Wasingnnt3td.Hie temlierafure atlandwirdriamedy for kdwy, liver, 'as , wlfb Indications o! influ- ~44 .> ~g~ cidtrobla--euiz. . Maonis resting easy, but may be côntined t 1 hie bcd for tel, tia. 'wa, thîe hblîtin stîniai-. (CongrýessuconR îsý1son fOriis'uly liveti in %Naiukegan anti is wideiliy known P here. le lsflue latier of Lewis IF. àiasen of Sheindan Roati, 161 çqai MW faisud océen yaridon0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 deatli dlssasesKnavn utas aioa apaîty of Hollanti for more than 200 0 MILLBURN 0> Rach f dige G.ld N.d M .-yh..6« Mr. anti MrnsHan-c- Lawson anti son sud oe.s m imîado nloOreti oui f rom Chbicago Tiestisv. _______________________________~ t' ua rs.L isn steli flue week *'tttilier! D. r. - VAYLOR Mrs, Fred 4clien andi sr,4s of Offce n B&k Eildýtnoia sirjrel afew ttac s wv1,tilt-ersis-. Offic la ipaiNatinal anIsSu Pr 1r.Mrs. E. A. Martin-I aoce:l iitti- tait 7 t M p. ni Fi-et! MeYer ut il son of Deerfietut iniilr! ir ist, rs. Ete Clevandtn A;t'acr i Ili. itsc inltFriday-. 2. -I. iînoisNfiss 1-ene Cîtiti spetut sec eral îtays 1)?. O, V PIITTP.RFIEFLt. Wikgn * , Ti.f.t sIf il -ui -M Pettus Of Deecifietd- titent Fi i jhv 11 -et Mlil- n tiA INC, E tienîtuaný Mr n rIs ti.Edwnin E. titnrrin tînt, i.., ~ c~w- -k enduiw-t h homeit t iitks - i tii - -ii i- i s x LIUgRTYVILLIE, ILLIN'OsS Iiiltt u litgIsîîeîîî the w-cik * _________('11 1 __ îul wit, E N. Caution. I A coljuaiunhîiti (ectiitg will hi- belli -I LYEL IL MORRIS Fiiutrî C' corn,otr. 29. ai Masonie Ai'TOURT*AT-LAW Hl'Agooti Prograitti i lanuetianti.6 Libetyvlle ii'i,1i s iroluilitat irîrtakurs aiSo wilhue L ubrwc Bi ltiai îitheeanti heir stur the îowiî. PC za.Pm Lak s B OUdne lon é Henny Wtsdge etf Waukegau islaier- Usa. heae 5.M. Oms. honl otslylit ii tPrelleuf wrîîing. Mrs. C. E. liennian sPent a ew tays PAUL MAC GUFM. Wît ltbf ientis in Chicago, t. AMOIUTAàLAW. *O6o00o00o o~ L&mewyvupIucoîa s LAKE VILLA e A auouuSS000000000000000000 - Mr». Chas. La Meer to! Bristol spentL - ,tie veek endi wif b ber,slsltr, Mis. H. L ', rD.R. C . 0OLiVW ? S.>on. M.anti Mrsi. R. D. Mauzer are on- Veteummw -U tentalning relatives tram the esat. A 'rELEHONESSe AN 34 rsl. Ual> inuple la Viiflng Mllbura- TELEPIONE M AS M ritis i bis Week. Offie wlh Fas, iweau MrS. IVIIl Pester ls ent ertaining Chi- * .ISEWIY111rVILLE ILLINOIS jsg, iientis tlis week. _______________________ H-_ ;-I.S.II)xon wa'sa, MWaukegan huai- tue'-% isit- Fnlulay> - ýg! dIM,-M M . adMs.ftry tieacliawu are ne- i t3 - a Dr - cI lilita t-iîgralulitiuîns on the bintb of !t a ?4ANUFAG-TU#qgm OF o tIl'i.11i Thr-day. ofi. 2L M o ý eI and G a iorsgdr» urch'.ttî ax i itritLîlx ut il h à t i iitii ant iM s. (;i-o. I l itritl. N1in tG". 'il lanit. it .Butod i-si, t C etery Work of Ever' I1i l-t-.ri BelFlel S ici-wîd sd Nrs.iuH DnaI o..crptîo ' ~tir~t tidnlins~xeded te Sndav E. . îDs WN àKEE Can'did- 1over iary. about to 'eruor at 1demanil tai quat t- iearn the 'ould net he la neot )id go te lives anal eaIer part thine, b,- ,as to -a ie known perlod of )iowpti ty oe emptloy rant posi- ifonit"t','n nelelibori Irepublit are ciît- t encItio Kan1iakee, ity limits 1 grew 1f0 e. hp was 1lie erect- short dis- teati anti itîre life. léie i; es September 16,. theru votes ifag iCankakee Suiîtîligai got 70. 1, tintesa a enta. No any place voies lnp in bis 0Wý Tnt th dat ion far for bis ch cotiltiany M 4votem ouly 101 Huntire and woît Smntl for eti wlth awnne ai life la It ness andi ai igbfest lus nel.t Close f0 (liere ls why ten hlm whil poflOnt. Thronit ouf Kanit I'nown fi clean, Mo agootie5 Ttu pp able. If a mainw senre ofm v-ote !or v-li. for sa ae. County 'Guernsey Breeders' Ass'n. I SECOND AP4NUAL at the Fair Ground, Libertyville, Illinois dnesday, N'ovembr3,2 at .12 o'clock nmon, sharp [Y FEMALÉS AND TEN BULLS, ncluding a 5-year-old son of Don Diavolo of Linda Vista, whose dain bas 12 pounds fat at 3 years, and whese three nearest dama average 692 counds fat. Biieral of bis daughters and a large number of cows in caif to him. daughter of'Selxna's Glenwood. .ady Ellen Bush (40,136) witb tbree records: 441 G, 511 Bp 591 A. A. S400-pound 2.y.arold daughter of Marina of RBound Brook. Sdaugbtér of Golden Chilmarïk. yReteat GCuaranteed Breeders, CONSIGNORS ley, Fgy Fam. . ...... ... -ioetyville, IDPaul Gilbert, -Pine Oak Fam ............. .. ....Wa..... .............. uà tFaim . .... k.Via, lu. josephi Noet . .............oe ...................... ................. . ...iéin G ros,. i 1 ..................................... ao..t, L D11[Kelgg, Grove Farm .............D.. . i d, IM. wu. C. Dilon, LaIrRâle Faim .. .... ....... . Lake,1. s:Love, Bnai dGrabbe. E. Fox i the- Box. Catloge, ddrss:W.L. ATKINS, Secretary, Libertyville ILos JRSDAY. OCTOBER28,1920. - 3were 774 men nd wmnmoviiment la under way, as l hisbs1À H Ri DW ai ln fie Fouri hp rneo BANKERS ft0ULD been tfoofftnued a.qamasr f M N JA & II 4 0 oe ndbsopn 'must be dlseovered t», Iowe ring flic LAIIrLT~Ainf Len~~ ba and ý ASIST FARMERS cost 0f linanctng hlmi." 3A JIIV U .man>' votes as lit.iJloiio Tho tenidency of fie co-opIeî,ative ao candidate for state ofi0TAV 1 fffl rganization 0< prociluce-rs la toward ;r n jl Baisgo a n«!i.C. MA N Ri aIi.IIAjI0 r; WOMÀTN tETS STAY hat enougli of a r'econimien- C-prtie Mmetn y fegarlng cur-cnt practîces iin the' Case of James Montgoinéry is )r a mari? foesn'it tat speak W igR niovement of grain andi cottoilSir.) 9. rnd t character? What moreproof rauUcer- Robinson sald: 5ofliIfued;GrndJury t y person demand (hanl Co get duce the H. C. . "For i iany 3'ears il has tieen ti- Hear the Evidence. s white lls opponient gct -ceptetd as a part Ofthie Obligation 0f Wahngton-Flnaneing' the farmý- tle liinks of the country ta finance James Montgomery, %gegro, charg- ds of thiese voerswere me-n ers of the country ln the marketing, tbe movement andi storage o'f grain. eoi wltb assaultlng Mrs Mary Rintz, tien wbo) have known Len.of thelr crops demandas new inethada uitr1, comrnodity, considering Is lm-; aged W6, l4th and Dugdale roati. who Ir yearg. They were acquaint- of extendlng credif goa s fn prevent bott e as shareti «as 11111e lni the waSs PIritedti t the couny jai by the bis clean habils. They were uniiiet price depreciation. Henry y.. financiat re8ources of the country as Northi Chicago Police wba Leareti an Ifthe tact that Len Sm1all'sl Robinson, a banker of Log Angeles. lins coitin-this prlncipnhly due to file attgmpt to lYncbhlm mîghli e rmade, eyonti repi'nach, for cleanl- wbo was chairman of the United lack of adequaf e warebougee ystem wu aîrrîlgfled before Justice John 1 oneaty. If thlere was the States hituinus earos acmmisàon, in tie production area anti lack o! NelsOn late Saturday afîernoan anti 1suspicion to the contrary. declared today ln addresolng the con- an open mnarket for, paps'r Issied i bs cuse cantlnued umai1 faday. ghbos ad tosewhoIlv veUonof he merean13aker' a- aaint te podut. l'he Confinuance was deeldèti ulon, bbors ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I anlm ewi ievnin !teAirenIakr' 5 gîe i ~c.~~deciared. ln order Io give state's hlmi would know il. But saclation. A change in flie 'iskers'! ,'ln:iifficlenl effort has been madie atorney James, G. Welcb an opportun- no sueb suspicionl andti lUt lg point of view andi the etitabillhment in 0plnce coL ion and Ils storage on a îty to present tue evideuce before the people furnea itt ont1 vote for by producers of co-perative market- basts of credît lu a tarinfliat wouid speclal grand jury, whlcb wvent lnto le only one vol etifor- bis OP- lng agencies we-e suggested as nieans ho e rcaUly marketable on 'lq own Slintda a a cheib for lmproving preseut condiltous. nmeni.Ialint ' dH. . andsbof ackfrll ast gholiif ie teniclh andi hieailthli There are many evitienrea" d- ' "TliIr dlffleriîties of inanetng fevefn weésfor the PurPose of luvestlgatlng Kakee county L.en Strat is clared '.%I. Robinson, "of grnig diz lpgtin.ate ldI(icgi of sncbh commni.l charges of crîminai libel agaîn;t for bis bortssi3-and for bis satisfaction on the part Of tht Pro- iîtes or finannlng even léziiilmaf liol-]- WIhl*ur Glenn Volîva. overseer of analI habits. Il' tifp ha% heen ducers of many coînmodtite.s r.ho leigs of cocon comrniodtils as grain Zion. broughi bY the Rev. Thomas H. xatnpIe for th' yolinger il am b-ftbeo' a re belng disci i -ii- i cottion. for the purpôste o! con- NCibofl 'leader of the Intiepentient and litg con.-ience ir as 1 -w Ated against hv tisnk-'ri or thOsc n o, îng a natvemeant ln an aeltIve ait(] faction, ant i@bI followens, al. coul rol o! credit facillittes iandti le di wav. are becenming lncrr'aq Montgomîery ifl 18cbarged, acast- )roof les Fbsoltile ant il_,refut- is constant agitation by ttuch pro jiV «î tser antimore coniptcx and! 551 inas. Sinton the sireet in front Ifilie people of Itlinis waui ducers for an exten.sion offleic pr-i "Ar?' t use their "et fbought Of ber home and after startlng an who is hiniseîf the t'Prv es rîple o! cooperatîte marketing sec thai cash produrlng iuulistry argument canipelieti ber 10 go luto 1clsanlin(ss andî apriclil'eh tr- renr.edy oir atl l-a"t icileve hIe sit- r "elvps a fair share o! the iivailahle lier bouse and filen drew a butcber tev ncedt look no fariber. A tiatin',lt an,! b-ara Ifs fair stiaroff ilie "Ire. Accord ng tiltte North li h- . LenSrstlfoi, I.îOrl. a "fISanke(rs milst mi-et flis proilem. Z. *,n anti proeure wîîen a irpdjt cago Police thI i.'cîearance of Mri. 7one o! the hesi rien ln fic 'rI-ore nitisi he a nioilifh ti iiOf flic al tg@m exIsts. lptz' dsugbi.r "Port the scons, old achetiote. Wliitheîi- t; -shoulti "ln the preoieut enuergency. requIn' eauBe5 MOnutgomenrY Ln retreat and ___________ Ilsappear ta tbe nesrby woad%. _______hob donc tbrough banklng nî.eblnery iag flie rationing of credilts. a Ineas- Whien arrested by the police, Mro. or ihrough proper ecýo-rafivetmar- tire of financlal support proportion- itzws Positive thaf Montgomery "tatrp"' neS Sl, ktig 0 be to o ipeld,-'..How- aiete 1rottons contribtiion 1n the t.hePronm wadler h plc a ' 19.* 10 éesome mithod nînsi hi- devîseticref rfsourcen of the cointry. i'ni dlafefronmlledbr.hePlc ho' 1t %Il. of 1ft for retaicng the pressure on the pin- wlth ftbe prfaer couaidenation for thie _____ ',. o!f . l TI cni.. %)ri,"tiîcen which -forceg hînt 10 dispose of tilays Lu inoving exportable snrptoIu: a Lie i 'tt ,, si-e th@ bis cror. effiber at the m nîut il)(. becauxe o! fie Iow ebix of Europpsn Irt n LkCoutyt k INDe- -lxlii~. .harveat la compietet, i. rwbie lia credif sliouid bie gîven," PEN.DENT. DIETZ M01 là.bertyville - CIINDBLOfi LEA6UE 0 Congré siman fi Makes Known no Uncerta tongresamvan caîi Ibis, the Teuth dl cen>' oppose ti tuons. A Chticago n soundfag oui the caligresfsmen unu 0 lt. FaiIwng la Cetter whicli Caugr gubmltted: »'lu reply 1 wlsh dorse fulI>' tht FP0141 icagile af nations platIornm o!flie Re] b' 1(6 Canditse foi Or Warrepa G. fianti sistemfents he mnai jecf.'_ 1 -akàoppospet s filons prapOacti an covenant luInlteti Germany, anti I vo au>' Other teague. suce Wtiicb woufti 1?>' 0f lii'. lemer so0vpreignty or of fh action ln Internaflo Wve inuaf lne fr emelrgeneàcy utuwe t termine Wibout un agu-emieni wltlî oîh Il hope Ibis ai aRtu)P-.anti purporre 0 0 0 a tsIo00 1 0 ANTI Mfr.antI fms La-e 's on-t Sunilay wili parntiein <Cuicago, EtI Turnîr -anti n lIte iiov as Ttî Murs. Alitea ant i d R. WN GROCERY AN UEALEI General Me STAPLE AND fAN DRY 6003S. BOOTS ANI MATS AN~[ Country Produce E Phone..1 LAKE VILLA P.- E. lHLDE DRLIG( REXALI GO COUGH ME Standard Books Fe Crinfectio, aryTc Pemfumnesy M PIIYSICIANs' PRI Carefully Con THE REXAL GRAYSLAKE, F-I-R- SPARK 1 Are Gasoline Saversi The New anti Proven gines. H#at ant i 01 nof Affect flua Plug. 1