nting Cýonditions-Of Tod'ay Bymm--f PRi-CE. AOiQJST E TS - '. z.'., 4 4 .4 4 * 4 4 t 4 '- 4 4 4 A .4 mewer Forum, 1,Y20 teue, Ducks àk Corn, 10 mck Straw, 3~p. (ÔN, Clerk SNuits and Overcoats $65 and $75 Values N6w $ Sounds good, doesn't it? These are new Fali clothes, in ail the latest models-quality clothes at prices you have not seen advertised in a long time. We cannot seli at these extraordinary prices without a toss in most cases, but quick sales to a large number of satisfied customers is our object. Are you with us? Thesýe Shirts are mnade in pretty Percales, Bedford Cords and Striped Madras Formerly sold' from- $3.50 to $5.00. Our1 stock of these Shirts is liited, soyuwilUsave ta $2079 Silk Shirts,$15,$18 Values! d$9050 Madeof rep deChene, S& tJerceys, Broadclodi sud 'ni- ported lian Silice. Regular $15 and $18 $95 values. Special - -50' 20%o Reduction on AilU JJfI~U Glovjes Right now, as coid weather i. ere, we ' have placed a 20ci reduction on every pair of GWova i the store. So <et your. Winter Gloves naw. il Price Al Adjustments on Hats and Caps Just think i Yig the pick of aur regular $ ict and Scotch Feits in brown, i . ind gray colons. Alil- $800 Hats-tms sale 2- $6 $5 and $6 Hats, 3.98 Men's 1lats in Black, Gray, Green and Brown. Special $6 values at.................... $ 3 .9 8 Price Adjustments, on Underwear A big purchase of these 500' Waol Union Suits, makes it possible ta of- fer these at this speciai pric.e of $2.98 lliree Suits fbr $825 N u $350 Men's $4 and $5S Caps, $2.98'i ..... $4.00 and $5.00 Caps in Brown, Green and Mix.. turcs, ms alal imparted caps, special price 1$101 $2998 e' ular3 pt ---- Every Tic in the store cansîsting af Knits, Plain and Fancy Silits, Four-in-Handsa sud Bows, are. reduccd as foiiows: $.oorMs at ............$250 $&00Tm s t ..... .......... ...... $1.45 $140 Tms t 10 $1.00 Tm ............... - - .69j ....... . ........39 I 1'I DUNION SUITS $2.69' .s fine Cotton Union 1.Heavy f leeced, in e ad ecru. Regular values $2.69 UNION SUITS $7.98 ýs AUl-Wool and Sik WooI Union Suits. Regr- $10 values $7098 $7 WOOL SUITS $5.98 Men's Union Suits"of gaod heavy wooi, in gray rnix- ture. Regular $5.98 $7 suits, naw $6 UNION SUITS $498 Made in gray waal mixiure, in heavy and iight weights. Regular $6 values 4.98 for anly ......... $ 12.50 Sweaters, $8 Men's Wool Sweaters and Jerseys in Stripes and pretty mitur-$ Tke yaur chaice af an- Sweat- er iu the store at Lisle Hose Mhens35 and 40C Lisle Hoe in Black m1,Wie100 dozn ."ai' las't.9 Men's Beits L.eaher ]BpIIT in Back and Tan. R::illar 50an 5c aie Soft Collars Tae~~29e Taeyu choice of s.ny 85e Soft Col- lar in the store. Speclal 2c 2 5c Stif Collars 20c. Lion Brand, Taundered CoDaist offered at special price el ...VC $1.50 Silk Hose $1 Mens Silk FHoue.Blue. Ormes. Br.wa sud Black. Regular 8SOII raines. Specal et ....... V $1 Hose, 69c iles-t 811k Plaited Base la srettylx- wues. Retclar,1l OO velum st.. .. .. . .. . ... 6 9 CARNEY'S ?2hamber ot Commerce Building, Waukegan, Illinois Suifs a'nd Overcoats s45 ami $50 Values Now R ECENT REDUCTIONS in the cotton'and wooien markets have convinced us that we can replace our present stocks for much less than we'paid for them, and there isn't a clothing store that cannot do the same thing. Other clothiers may continue their "pussyfoofing" methods relative to the lowering of clothing prices as long as- they like. We're red-blooded enough to take the iiitive ý and ioss in this,- great- sacrific-een tailing readjustment movement, because w e feel it to be good business jud gerent todo so. The. Greatest -Suit and Overcoat Values in America Today- Suifs and Overcoats $ 55 and $60 Values Now I Price Adjustments on Shirts 6 I I I I i 4 4 4 H $1,875. $1,875 $1,1854 Wornen's 811k IlSe We are coming out our stock of Wû- men'a SiII H ose, an we are oferlng theâc exception8l bargainm. $2.OOHose for .. .. ........... 250Iloefr.... - 13 Men's Garters Regular 3 5c snd 50 Gr23c trinai11 collors. Pca m -------------