TRnI LBERTVýVlLL NMmRi, DTiERSAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1920 i .ertyvi'lle Independent ý;JI hulependnt - Waukegan Weeky Sun office Telopliene )luober1, Libertyville Exchange. -fu"à Qtre I Poaloffice ut Ubertyvfiim, Ill, as Second Ciliai Mailater. w. J. au-ST HEdtor à?. &.SMITH .. - - -~---..Manager CHAS........EY. ...- - Local Manager UjSSotlpTlON PRIC".-4.50 ER YEAR, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. A JURY (y0F 01M., - The verdict whfrein the man Wanderer in Chicago wu sueutenced to 26 years for illng his vite aud oau n- kaovn m,inl a vonderful "tributs" te the juries of to- day-that jury boldo a palm vith thos. iu Lake Oounty whicb refues to convict bliudplggers ater they cominu- *0 court aud admnit theïr gult. HRe ws the. Wand.rer "mo viiere -he had- admitted kifllng the. pair; admitted it in front of 25 persona; gave details vhich could nover bave beeiil"foreed" from auy innocent man, an ho later claiméd. .ÂAd the. jury gave hlm 25 years. Such an im- Possible verdict. The m inuether vas gullty or innocent or insane. -If te vas innocent, the. jury had no right to give hlm 25 lu r ifho vas insane they had no right to hold hlm in Meaccountable. If h. vas gufity, if anyminu ever paid the. penalty by death, his atrocloug act justified the rope. .Along this hune, J. H. D. Everett, Waukeganite Who bas vrltten a number of verses of late in thie Sun vhich have attracted keen intereat, subinits the foilowing which bits the. Wanderer jury a bull'a-eye crack: -AN INVOCATION. Oh! leli uls Gr'eat Father wvhere 'tis werîe goxe -ioug- What causes this weakness when îve should be stro ii, Why- is it our systeun of trial for crimies, - .lias proved itself rotten, such miinbeî's of tinies? Why it is the jury as niodeled today,- . Io fashioned '80 crirainals so oft' get away î Oh, Lord! tellllis truly, where can we find hope, When crirninals are boasting they've cheated the rope? When Watidcrer>fiends, confessing tl3eï' guilt,- Confessing such crimes as are "dainmed to the hlt-it And a jîrjy oft telve, a ~rritîeîîîel That knocks ail respect and regard for the'1aw~,- A Deinpsoniaîî blow, on the point of the jaw- Oh! Lord telll ns true, will our good Unele Sam Not rise in his wratb, and resent stuch a shanil When a jiury that's sworn. to decide by the tacts,- By "the criminal 'intent and responsible acts"- iTùgsn sdmII- ýa verdict -as Wanderer got, It shows that the system is dying of rot. Then Lord, iii thy niercy, deiver our ]and, Frorn this worihless device, that's "Iosing its sand," Or yet, better stili, make our juries lese dense, So they wvon 't act the fool, I a superlative sense. J. H. D. EVERETT, Waukegan, Nov. 1, 1920. RIED WOMAN;OEETS 6 MONTES IN JAIL Jess Smiftt- and Mrs. Dora 3m!th< Both of Waukegan, hreted at Aurora, 111. OPeeilY PUnIshment vanu Meed out tb tee 'Vaukegan negroos vIse were I'uccd Under atmest lu Aurora last Salueday. Jegse SithIs atichargeti vkhI Isaviug eiaped te Aurons vitIs «»r. Dora Smith e! Waukegan. Th'is Pliht not have bee o se slous bad Il mat heen for the fat-t tIsaI Mrs. Smîîith a anarried voman. The po- lice >ay she left lber hugband bere to clope vitIs Smith. Tise similIaity 0f nans causeed cansiderahie cou- fu.. tan. Bath the coiored people vore sr- raignod lu police court at Aurora hie- fare Justice Cortez Dulton. They were charged viîh disordoriy con- duct. Smith e-as senlenced to serve six moutha Intu>tise coîînty jail vhile Mia. Smith van iven a fine o!f8$U and itlai reortod that bier frieud@ amoug lue colore-I People o! Wauke- gan wl make su effort ta taise the mono>' wilh vhicIs 10 pay ber fine lu ordor tIsaI Ise can returu bore. Wrhetlier or not tIerr vîli ho a recon- cilaîlon sitli er huabaud romains in ho seen. Siret In Lake Counly -TlIse INDE. PENDENT. JOINOR RENM YToilaNEUMER» PDURNGTHE RED CROSS FOURTH .ROLL!jCALL NOVEMER 11-25, 1920 Et~M FW UMBLAnR HAMMICM M aMCRSS 16luepoSe to yalirappW ifor moeibm at amaryon tb huatarian work of the REI) CROSS.1I enlose iny moe- boeslucve of$.. .ad dere to be eroiedaua mmer W r1921. LAKE COUNTY CHAPTER, Addess ... ... ._..._.. lmm i e, $5C;blbutimg $10S.a.u9$0 i Tii. sdvert.iesnent is eotrihute.d hy frieuds of tbe Red Cross) cIllttes. ?n thse sireugth o!fIMa 0efo seeka a legal separation. 'l'wo otiter people, aise bout upon obtaiuinr divorce dot-mee,. <lied bis lu ciruit court ai Waukegan today. Amlia Maki cas se vas marrled ga Hiiniair Maki aI Waukegau, Sep- lembor 18, 1914. SIeseasys Is de- ccrted her July 9, 1917. Eliza Zwabien says se vs mar- ried ta John Zvablen utZion City tiarch 14. 1918. She says ho de- soited ber Juiy 1, 1912, Cà4urch Jertcees METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rsv. C. F. Klalheuer,' Thse Northern District Epworth Lague RaliY ii ho ai Sheridan Road cburcb Ou Friday nighl o! Ibis veok. ibertY'ville Chapler viii ho represeul- cd by elgbt of ils members. The rehearsal for the. peant relâze- sentlng the Ma Movement ln India. to hob given on Sunday mornlng ai 10*30 0oclock. viii be. t à p. M. Salur- day. On. M.-E. Osborne ulli ho lise dramalic character. The ceut numhem-s U. Thse coetuimet are mostiî alilf romt India. The singlng lsan important fealure. The Suuday ScIsool wiii meet ai 10 a. mi.. an usuni. At 10:30 the scbool viii b. merged imb- the congregation for tIse pageant. 19Pverth, Longue devolional meeting ai Ç:30 ,. im. The,- evening worshlp at 7:30. villi a message by the pastor. POMEBYTEItIAN Esrl C. Morgan, Patar. Sahbath Scheel 10 jL. m. Roy FP. Wrigbt, Supt. A Iseah'y veicpme te Our rapidly growlug schoël. Preaching aI il a. mu. Topie of thse sermon, "110v Do i Knov 1 Amn a Christian?" Good munie. An heur ot devotionai vormbip. .Christian Endoavor et 6: 45 p. mn. Our Endeavor la heoomiug very effi. udmat. Toplo. "Peacemakes."l Preachiug aI 7:30 p. m. Adiscusion of timeiy tooles. This sermon, *Mod- crm Tact." NMmxSabbatb @venin& viii ho. "Mon snd'Religion." on are vel- oomet0a aiservies. I Wéenday. Nov. 10, te Meus Ero Iherhood wili bave an open meeting te wbich al are veicome. Ladies' nlht. Thore vill he a speaker aud dis- cussion by local members. Aise ganles and a general gond lime. There yl be no Prayer Meeting on tbis nigbt. Camp Pire Girls vîli meet -aI the maune on Tueaday nigIsI asusuai. On Tueeday, Nov. 9. there viii ho a gatherlng of men of tIse village et the church-f or tIse purpome of orgauizing a Local Council, Second Clans, Boy Scouts of America, vboseeJurlsdficllo. vîll be te bouisdaries of Libqrtviie township. Buppor yl ho served ut 6:15 p. n., s»d vIlli ho free 10 ment- bers of LiberUvili.Troo No. 1. and te prospective memberu of Ibm local bouucl, Who vii b. tbm gueula of tbe evening. jAmerican"LegiovNews Items j Wye have finally found the ahode 0f11oo Music. We halte een ezîreniely our former adjutant, Ernest MoifeL fortunte ingetting one of these good He lîbes in Chicago and is employeu orchestras on account of tbe greiet de- wîth Armour & Co., ait he Union Stociimand for music in the clty on tbis Yards. 1tight 1 The congenial counitenance of iFrank Comnmander an continues tu wot k Kennedy may again be seen about our ard and long t.bese days, Bo that hi. streets. He inform the crowd that bel neher gela out tu Libertîlsille excier is vrobably hfire for thee vnter, and' ror a short lime on week ends, and we hope ht, is riglît. We wouldn't be then we know w-hat occupies ost of1 surprised tu cee "Chic" Boyd blow ln his lime. He manages, hoivever. tu at- front the forth somte of these fine tend tu some of the Leglon business' dnyp. The signa of winter certainiy is froni the Chicago end, and was instru- driving the fellows towards home agaiMental in vuttlng ober the deal for thse and for this reabon none of us are very 1nMusic on Armistice night. soîrr that winter la coming. 1 You wbo were not ai the meeting One ofthtIe thinga which the National1 Tuesday nliht shouid habe been there. Conbenîton didin lis session at Clebe- 1 t say thse least. Nov ta the lIme t0 land vas to deçiarç- the national dues 1 take an -inteFest in the Post sctlbilies' fer next year 10 be $1.60, lihe samne ai and flot continually "pans the bock" this year. Libertybille Post so far buI Lu a few who are anxnouto1 see Ibis held 10, the minimum fee or $1 Tor~ Post come out on top as the otheri membership. But Il ia a question whý- Pfoàsthe whole country ober are do-1 ther tbis ls a sut fichent aDjouflI 1 run lcg. It is impossible to have an organ-1 a Post on, and it m"y ho a good plan ized Legion Post run hy one man or1 for un bo think ýon ibis a littiesuad see just s few, any more than il la posti if Ibere la any necessity for rean itbe Ioo Ie a football team willi one the tee. Many Ponts whicbhbave bail man, and the sooner thse members uf thse minimum tee for the past year are, this Pont realize this and gel ouI snd planning on an increase Ibis comtng gel under, the faster' w eare going tu January. Many other Poste about the probe oui-selves tobe hoHe lihe bunch' country habe liait feea bhighe'r tIsa tIse we used 10 be and ahould ho nov. An. minimum durîng the current year. An other meeting vili gihe you a chance opinion on Ibis question may be asked 10 cornteouI and report for duty. and for at some of our meetings in the itle sincerely boped Ibat ail vili rec- future. ognize thelr obligation 10 the organiza- One o! Bensonsa Orchestras han ceen tiqn and crawl out of their Isoles. procured for tIse dance on ArmisticE' Some have alroady made application ulghl. This is amongt ho bout of thse for Victory M.edais. Bring around Chiiiago orgànizaUons snd vo are ait- your discbarges if you vaut one, aud sured of glblng those vho attend our the Adjutant vwlll be glad ta f ix you dance an excellent lime t to ilueeOfUp vi tb the myplication. AMISTICE NIGH-uTý M-AR-DIGRAS LIBERTYVILLE AUDITORIUM L THURSD"jAY,,NOVEMBER 11. FEATURING BENSON'S ORCHESTRA, 0OF CHICAGO Schi HAVE 1 Corne'in charge, and, We havei apparatus fi 'Magnetos cl fect service Libeit SAYS VIOLATORS, 0F UAANTNEDE MAROON AND WHiTE CfAPM'iRTI OFQU NINOD OROTHY SAYERO, 1dl10r-in.Chlef DISMISSEI> FROM TilE SERVE TO BE SftOI 1>D1rot1y Pelerson, Social Iditor. Dorothy 1Suydsm, 1NAVY AT 6T.tor Our bigIs scool st.àents are show- 800IETY Né-TES8 LAA 6 . À ES lng a keen lnterest lu affaire oulalde On Wednmsday, Octoher 27, v.liiad City Physician Foley Make8 a lthe achool. Lest veek a generai dia- QUr finst dance ufter achool. sud il va, Assistant trapn- scrrath of the Strong -Statement in comec - cusaicnu sconducted, vithlMr. Ray' cnjoired linlnensely h yevery one. t àt 1kem n aval tralsngsation au cbalrman, on thie questiof0f puW - DIuing Weduceday's aSsSInhly, teen.atîmmarily d= m lasd fromn tion with Smallpox Cases, lUe îîbrary foi- Libertyvîlle. itany question of proper dancing vas bro'I the uavy hi order et President aouud arguments worm advanced on up. A motion va, made te adopt a ras- Wilson. amaiipoa vici broke out lu Ivo bot aides, but te generai sentiment olullon vbicb read tug: Southb.1i.e fafiilles lu Waukegeauban amoug the studonts aeensed tl e .tIsaI Reaolved tisaI v. a, a student body ----. broken outinh a Norths Chicago taun- tihe Ubrnry va, id1eatirahie, iudeed nec- vish te promote Denan and respectable iy aiso, aocording fa Informal.lôu r.- essaily, for lbe velterso0fthie commun- dancing. sud lpt thie lulerpretatIon ceiveti hy the Waukegau board of Ity. Tbe fscuiîy le strongly in tavor of Ibis saoibeuftute aTacuty. hesith today. Cty Phtysicisn J- C. et. s public llbrary. The smali tar Tihis résolustion va, voled upou by Foiey -la of thse opinion ebat the latent vhicb viiilhe uecesary te support standing vole, on Frlday, sud .carried L case ln Nertb Clelago In dreily sucb a library vwu roudered aimost la- by a large majority. M en 's 4 traceable t thie Waukegan casas. slgalfleaut by comperîson vit te Im- Thse disnge vas broughtleo Wau- menu.beaetils to, b. derived fromi i. T EIC kogan rom Mississippi hytse John- Tbe atisieuts snd facuity of tce Liber- l'i aTesay etICS L _. son taiify, coiored people living on tyvinq To rnaIip igii 8cisooi iie. *Th an usa uîeu .H Keunard Stree't amurdlng ho lBr. 102ly howeeiae is of etbertyvillle Win ig uian emd ebv ci. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~t TIeIocido l i taiîd e et utHier te Internats lost Ils grip. sud Deertieid'a men play- baid the dîsease vbeu they caeboîre. o! a publie library for the community. oU an exceptioually gond gamne. Tbcy The parents e j!t>tracied lbe dis- eMai lie Liberlyville Township1 scemod bout on revenging teir de- AlR be eau,. but Il va, one lime befor a Hiib "«k feat ýreceIved on our field October 11,Al ubro report vas nmade to lthe health sutbor- W. am later.eeed nomou lu inaffairaesud Ihey accomplished tir purgions. Idées. lu the meautime Mr. sud lires ef aur ovust oeal commuity, but, ve The score vas 36 to 0. Taylor. parents o! Mrs. Jobnsoni. cou- &lac a ur part lu national affaire. Dn nc.I olegtt n traclod thse disesse. They live only Mach itaft tbas beeu disp1sared in otkek.I ov glI s afew doors awvan sd bail visited thete iustoran sd r o cassviir-hammer, builldaslieu»e. Johnson homo repeaiediy vIsile tel d 1 t Uti eeioi i s OuSaturday aftet-noon, Nov. 6, aI8e$t~, people thons vero eha-Illi.I gj lection.10 UIesn,'eoek. L. T. H. S. foot balilteain viii$ 4 Dr. loey obtaiuea f romn the amanl- moet wvorqbJ ofth,,Is office, sud nanY play thse Oak Park ligbt velgist leam.* pox vîctinis the nansesof ail mIseon f < t.em U 1e esitofcae lco-Tis is vîI h Ie iraI gaine played on Per1 vbo -issd vistl them sud ns a resuit r ~oîO Mne>ts cvccasLiberty iField ou Saturday afternoon. ablage Tustberofthe acchaveion tir opeined the, e P4~-r thepurpose of A largo number o! Lihertyville fans la We were fruaein plcig a lage ontuboloftoaccaveio n, rtin iexeàýz hesuet pectod to attend thisgaine. This otnte Pafl Faicy han warned thse paiients nor - tskitd s sot.' an-on . ritestmurents or- %,i I h tirflaihome gaine ine the .aoW tothe last advance in ru to permit anycone ta visil theni :-- d-cae dbsueNIubovere wor-f gnti àe uithiDcrfilid. The tes5n vill u xep . ibagi att septitousiy but is 'îuc1ied o C i r.i , o> Neci ir>suetstart os vinnlng ,streak vltb Ibis' necpinlbrana h tIsaI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oë th olI hçhopope boIn T v.à-M'n' x,èeas foilows: itaeThe Athilic eAssociation treaa-ý ta e N oorhd. mna baseoes Ps-ti eiv isîng, 1591; Cox.'ane arHo ooed. in tiav n e i -i~~ury lia.- be-i iie fairlý * xhausted ble-,~WIT Hednune n h"muibt*rcfasge ai the exlense-o e U ouI Or 1 MN YM ternîc anvysne wSicwouid osade the I For e - ~. -ri 16. Le W 1is. wi es.'This ganît viii heip Iiiern ml i tis manner andnsake il pucI~ 5~ - out. Lts ail be tIse-te sîie to cpm-edthie disea*c ee %F%~l,-".- k ~i We-ina. 223 i5: 1 > A ,KOIIOIT, '21.j~ going &0 fir as -le -ay tbal ,bôolnc lrc,1t't.: -, mrbii 2 -R o .T H. S. R A Y N would Dot ho roo s. te're l'.:- ' -, 1 Hais.f Tise (ity phy sician adds :05 e i '-zc :,5ii1 5> .&e conduclînga athorough js :gti- -c T,>'st l . -~.% renîiaign bas been iatarte'd in and promis(-' speedy punn s'ersto.Ler's tiltb.wei-d Lý T. H. S. s eciliol b)thie guidient counchl, the lui- any v iolatorr found, le ,ce"- 'lia- if SOME -S*EAPPN'SCHOOL pose heing to *pep-up"thie studentsi. there is aenv firther outbceai, rh.,: COR111DO10R GOSSIP 'i ie tiire pîep a student. thse more ».o>' lie viii seepo ts' e-ia ui To pz,% e iî <vmmunt> of %%hirli ular he is. and the more valuahl ie - - antime piace is estabisisscd and viii ve are a pAMai-w s o unI Ourseiv-e4 tiese nliool. Thuraday during generai1 have tIse patients plat-oU in jr snd in Ou local eawterP-aes«. w,, are goïngi assemby, several memberps ofthlIe pop -'- ker-! uuder guard 10 dismi»aseciool ari 1 30 Thumsday aft- cmniitteo made speeches on school .' ernoo suddo o:- htvo boost lIse spirit. Mr. Waiker, witbie unexcolcd cary nd pxii.ardor, cappeid the climax by leadingf The memnbers of tise English i sud 111 us in out hlgh st-bool song. The Song, CHIJLDLESS WIFE ilb3rsu pare a better Englînb îîbowe-dthie elfects ofthtIe preccdin IS EF ND NTcamniu.IN TIs Current Eyents Magazines bave Yeurs for a BIOGER, STE IS- EFEN ANT N ,heenesnhscribed tor'snd thse members L. t. H. S. of thse history classes are keeooing fui BILL FO DIVORC touch ith theworid rhrough Ihem] h oha h lm BTLFOhIV R e magazinessubacribeti for are tIse jA 1) rfli ifi wai it L-riis Olimger Ioday ftlied suit for O irdy0 ii k iefcly l '- s , ln't ri htla divorce front hi- ivie lirs Mary is 10 have a vsiting day, sud tIse stu- I5iî' .-ntii itl-'k l Oliger whoi i e 'gays he married ut dents vii Ihave a. vacation. We feel Ilîghîr Sut (the r r ru ist ai P ,iý Milwaukee. June 8, 1909. Soon aftas- eiy bailabout t. te vi.--" smarliîl resuit.r T,,ard lte-y were married. accord'Iug lu The girls of thie cooking clasa viltia <ele gisrestIs- Inspm mo mn el "s- Olingeî hciedlscovered flbis veltie's Serve aasuppertu0thie Oak Park foot Urci>'. but lD tIse case O o!stan en, Physîcal cotndit ion was sucis Ihat bal players 1Saturda>'. rate-Ilght Iras-pis vit is reat m-sp. aIs s'îti aisay hae t reaîn Let'& go! Ysy.-ah-LibertyvilIe. lid11> in lis% desth. Chaphln* MeGIet*r-vos Plaed un- der arrest ln June, when he returnéd Io the station port afler taking in the "briklit lighti," wîîfl a àcaholt. He was trled by rourtina iaij k11 fofund gullty on thse charge of intoal- cal Ion. 4 ber 'lj 'd, hlm, lorosctu. lot., I, 'young.-Bom)toa wn!- I-Buckle or Cloth Top, uailty, 9our orckr for tbis stock pre- rubber, and offer dur patrons lese pnces. 'R S1JPPLY NOW. SMITH Anet-e 11s thIs mir de-niui col wlihoc! N- cieaned. Mirro / lifetimne, i famous a! tence. Note thi (1) H- prevent il (2> Tight crevice. (3) 1 cover upt *(5) RINI Mirro feai (6) C, when liqu finish. * (8) tom of eV, out. Re( 0f These Bic priced ec Maycr'a M per pair. Per pair Men's Eaâ froun $10 Men's Woî pet pair. 1 Beys, Woc Per pair.- LAWRI