CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Nov 1920, p. 11

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tfON TO RBE cm CULATED IN COUNTY Wechants Responding Very ýSatisfactorîly in ia lNove te Boost Waukegan.Next Wk. lsa awjaWWA>UWWa s~ merce et WabDS, lad.. Wini arrive on jflf~~~q ni. orber. lithé'firs t f .cembei-. In t4aypre e h in ci f Town AR!f W N HaIS EIR thé meantime the. local chamber wflà cony ion1 ti frt a lI o A AI U L L)L L A L be witbout a îecretary. lîetae tu peu 1302487 rnglit o'mer Th o i l iDEitnt x 15. Thers viliie b.aearais mnader R1E VER ONE OF TONIGIIT; DEPÂRi tEIPnd I 1 oN ll trIsbal e rndy for thil editiaiL Tii. Booster Egauain o h osreiepo ~ln o:th e gu P.edtin f:reEln .BAIRSTOW S CARS REiRET'IED KXE13NLY gram 'hlmban cally a ucchereand Cr Wedne"&.w nlght, November 17. Sales Lleçhmoeuayscesf ar la the varions stores wil îtart on - Prl n Caslinirnia. Thuradgy morning. November 18. Frank Morgan under arrest at fias Been'an Unusually Cap* Preductive Denizena of thce aea. Window oigne, prîce tickets and WUe banea I nior ~Wîî . 15 Moline; Machine Was one of al eceayetteGa - TIIP i-i of ilii,' scirk s'-Il rra&1 tributed. to ail mendiantâ partiel- two StojIen Here Ot 31. ber of Commerce Here i:ît r ti-nllvtai0-tr patlng. in;; jeieelrrs in einnments icf one Waukegan men andi vomen vitb kîd or enotiier. Eron thie lorîl of winter sieeclu te boy are eaggrly lok MAN TO RE BROUGHT- HERE MAS BEEN RESULT-GETTER. Il11- -n mouxeisweni g-t the Ing forward tu the special fferings Ul-sii7 ubettanre for a -vel-y uperlor of T-owa Dfl rtlng Week. Witut of waterprof glue. wclii Frankt Morgan ia under errent at Hec>'. iolller of the Chainher aituaed In lihe preparat!ioci of laminatedl Mouen, Ili., on a charge of belflg one Commerce finisheshia work witi these orbiilt-up tvu(ili-: stock fruui %viwhî af thse robbiers whoaillols twa Devis loalchabr.tugt FINS JOIIN PALO automobiles tram the. CalesSoir-. icabr aîltand goeis teail,(,rroppeis-rs nt ,tthérpart-i ofair- ýFID J HN AWslow Auto Rales cocnpany lu Wauke- Chicago ini the evenillgbilt plans lie- cr,ýft are toîLîr f.. lî.i-ned. gan on the nîglt of October31 One mIngtu leave tomorrow nigit for theý of the. stolon cars linsbbien recoveneil we3t coait vierf e f o l become :"".. DE ut C TE a oe ecetary af a charnier of commenie If C: 'I. , le Jo ne-i' tC DIU F LCTE Policeman Thomas IBoothl was sent Vr. Hollister today bade bis friendfi litlIi~îî¶stfre. ileint tuTi ITC Mlin. usa fennt brlfl g obeadte ibdhim sueccç"ît.teglqhiij'uI PERru,ÂIahJ Morgan bac it wtb hm. Assistant tn tit new location, for lit If;an id. - al"tl,,. ieo littiinrry Chie! Tyrrell eceived a long-distance mnitteil tact luat Mr. liollister learesitn-l 'e -cîllht iuU eaU tfrou Policeman Boot thislamorn- nobricb but fr-cnd. ,N h-ni i" ]le:.,. The cause of the. very audden death ing la *hlch hie aidt!saIt the Chicago guhi 9 -oecI i of John Pala, 73 yearas old, who fre. police are anilous ta take Morgan te lJii.ig flitclinie 7:.ltl.ii . alded at 1007 Helmhsoltz avenue. vas the. ldentllfcation bureau ' WChicago Dccci lers lie lhasis ilowli uch excic What Oreama Meanc. fourni ta h. aeue p.rltoiiltis at the ini order that the. officers may rheck utive abilit>'. He bias been ~Inst - d Ii cf i-arIs *h ciren iift laquent lId laIe Tueaday atternoon up and ses Il they have any record of mental ini bringîng ile.chamujer Ia at lhe Wetuel & Peterson undertait- hlm. This wiiili te about two deys, the lcghest point of f tlelef(lc n lis ,'i Yi:i iii5ciih-nr ing rots ly Coroner John L. Taylor. ater whtch the Chicago officerevii li istiry. When lie cart~t lti~ -rie, ïg-pn ' -' i wii cii iji:rnid . Mir. Pal's death occurred at 2 a. cm.I tarn the. ellow over to the. local aifi- he Fs-t aIo luplace lus u-, cjyi ît1 %i eli m'cir li-r fcub,, upii-,- id Tuesday mornlng after a very briet cers. Policeman Booth wyul returfi te torermust ranks of iicijihismliar tîfi ': .o! Mcill i-iit Mlnas, betor, a dactar could escli Wguegaa tonigtit. sîze in the country. lite a s uceed- Lîan.%s- lrsiîh 1p tg ui n bis bedolde. . - Pul details of bow the. Mline po edt o a remaritable degree. anhas ac-_________ ,Hi a ba een a resldent af Wauke- lie tappeneil to ecover one o! N r cîiînîlishedi many tlîingIII vh*rellec gan inany years. He vas borniln Balnslava cars and place Nior6an c re-dit not only ta hlmi but ta thit-cl '/c t was Mr. Pola'& daughter Hlda learned by the. local police, but hie>' e he-i c hamber ln a praros uitIf-- trîîuii c-ii pt lt-l. inFlulnd. nderan-et hae flt y conei ion f adkewauaadVnile. leril-- - u I iîî r-si nwresiding lu Michigan. wv ag exiJeet ta- know more about It vieil et a.I:ivitleF. In his departure for a Ai î-u d.i*ît eai tu -- i. nov frtI aman p egerturie:Policeman Itoolli ceturns.coiionsdwtadene rrat iuî-lIsi---o er'cr--i t1 r.d uCw fieId th,, cilS las-e týfr' of fT; ms t 4 ail arpiane In Waukegan. ge.a-l-'-:glieh tels. 1'1il t llu companied Max 1.111e an a flightt 09cr Weillî&7.,rmty -.e a- uei- tWilloa .. Cal, -101 AE ailwS nfn la the clty a number oa! parsa ga dur- 3t$itnma," c id --Vî~' -o. *lie lias accepled a po-1 ion as 1f~A..CfiicS ufiesae lng a Foîîrth of July celebi-ation. rcns okcr pfenîî - -ary cftLthe clinber of c,,n cI, biatîi ift Goodyean tires. 82. Charlesitîcout saopng. Men o! tl:irnoi- lihland Park 328. Wlcly-I Liile later s-as klled in an airlilane , 1ht aeIISST'y. in- ,,pT oresaie t y a en ofrV~>SIi ouggr a tltvt crash. I ra-rntntýr l1N'\Nr -Yon ilt sitwt The funpral or Mr. Polo aIm-e111 agrntgrbcziîh"8- t Il -r'ce-they are placif-d. I iosekeepiilg snd hetp-tal;e bld Satunday-afternoon. LIel nlmtîir reatV' 7..-liolliiter'a sccceasonr, F c-1-tfuti- "f i, araold child. J. Sapiro. r , c-d i fc orfut iie cliaicitcr "O - -~ p.n 94W.Y $375.00' iamnond ph nie Ia lhave the. fan ctlers - $95M 1 aukegan, III. ci 4. 4. ices War struction shoulder ring con- this line SCounty her with )ment-a guaran- )een, -able 1.00 21) - .$1.00 id ail iyistrît- of the dental .14 7M1 Carnéy's Adjoûstment Sal e inFul-Swing S UI1TS AND, OVERCOATS At Less Than Wholesa .le Loti1 Suits and Overc oats Lot 2 Suits and Overc oats Lot 3 0 -a n d Suits Overcoat s Caps Shirts ) SPECIAL SAVINOS IN IHats Beits Hosiery Swecaters -Neckwear UnderWear, C egan, Illinois Gloves Garters Motor Suits, Wome's i4osiery AR.NýEY 13N. Gernesee Street Ch amber of Commerce Ihsilding -- - -- ----- Extraordinary, 0Of fer' 'A new car shouid carry full tire equiponent by h-aving a spnre tire on it- ait the lime ofpurchase. In arder to get the Dort Car esta blisheci in every township in Lake, County, we wiil make an extra- ordinary inducement ta, the first buyer in each town- aship during the mnonth of November onIy. We wiII equip hi. car with a Non-Skid spore casing and tube at aur expense. Lake County Prices: --$1,875 -$!1875- TOURING - -- -- - $,185 You Cas Own a Dort Car by Msking a Cash Pay- ment of $395 As you k now the Dort lu- evoked no incon- s*o table comment tLroughout the country bcause cf its bardy endurmnce and its Iow operative cont. It has corne to bc known cv-M e- ' e that continuity of pedrmman d d- it nai and gasoline am oau~r~tc f t-c Dort that ca bic couated UPon uýih tcrantY. Ycî m ILccrc.iy belicve thazteSc ugaging case wîth which tue Dort driv-4, thq readY alertues widi which it handies, and Le smoo"hca with which it rides, arc fully as worthy of your attention es i1w inexrPenuilo maintenance and infrequent aecd-cf sevice Tibbetts Auto C'ompany 205. S. Sheridan Roadm: Phone 270 Waukegan S00STER WEEK NEXT WEEKj On. othlettfactorsa t la %*u"ing tii. iterest of WauWegan Iaqrcbaltlt i Town Boostlng We, which le pianned tu bbaiaon TlurF.t, day, Novelmber 18 la the tact tht tle big Townl Botiflg Edlifon of The. 3un te pins5 te bave au extensive dr Culation throtighgut Lake couaty. AS a resiit mrcliants expect et »". a grat Influx et people front ou; pf town, ln WankugLii during Townj Dooting Week, attract.d ere ythe' apecial affeaitt tht ti. stores re going tu tffer dus lng Ma soccasion. Arrangecments bave been male to baivecthe. apeclai Town Boaeing Week editian ofTtue Sun crculated la ZMon C'ty. Lbetyvillci. crrab Lakte. Au- *tiorb, Lake Forcitt, Lake, Bluff. Itunc Lakte, Area and thier surrouading points. >cerchants ..e la this fciwn Huait- logEditicu i ~th Is larg, extra dîr- *culatJon a eîiecud dopportuflty for * eaching (out loto the renote lparts af ILaie countjr and îttracting lundreds et-people who -areTy cone l Wau itegan tu clu0leFrtriopplflg. It wIll be .an cdion disîUeC rnt the. regulur( litic n of The Sun and ",ll"113 :'I,lthie sds of th,,se mer- -hAn ., ime Pter lihe Town Iloltin4r iioc . aopc andI wliq are Identi. .id îh big Town iIoosting LWeek nc'îîuo*î' t LIn o.der iOnt Itle 1,i- al [moiti-r ntdlo f 'Th- Stn v-l rech Ilis 'I il FOURISEASON COUPE- FOUR-SEÂSON SEDAN- ROADSTER------ v -ivC Keep Fit For Success In Life BY DR A. B.BABOCK --v-'ou can take yaTîr boy and out of hini make anything you like i! iyou can get hine under gaad i'elf-dincipline. Ail roiAds are'open to the man Who je îtrong and fit.- Uncic Sain took "our boys' '-those slab- sided, stoaped. hollow-chested i-otths-and n-ade oi theni vigaroun. well-dev-eloped, vvell art-up and courageous men. Take the rT7/u! tony! -. Train your-self and your eidren te take proper exerrise, drink plenty of watc'r ani kecp the svrtem dcean. Your doctor wiii tell you that anything fromn a comman cold or hecarlachc ta the moat sericus iiiiens saay resuit froni the absorption cf poiàons in the intestines. The first prinriplc is to kerp thr ovstem dlean. Occasianaiiy se thattýhe boy on girl, a. -, wi a s yoîr-elf, ha8 an internaI bath. It miy be with castor ùiii or a inv pili of M\ay,-appie, aloin antd jaiap, whuch îs sold by druggists am Dr. Piercc's Pica8ant Pellets. If a cold ucarts with a cough aind it persista, theti some local tesatinent for tiiii condition shouid Lie taken. A weil-knawu alter- ative extrart wbh:cli as been on lte market for a greit many yeoars, C d whiüli as 1,-n highly rec-rctmended bv thousands of users, is r. Picrcc's (,,,den Meical Di-'c'verc-. This tonic compound ta composcd of an cxtract of roul, .sd hrls, withoîît alcohiol, and hua soothing eFeet upcnn the rtîcus membrane, QIiay- fIle irritation and at the same timeno ccrks in 0wîr'propc-r arld rçcî:îoabic a at tte sa .ci the troîîhle-kàe 5tuguate.d or IJuIhOIIJlP- Il

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