CMPLD Local History Collection

Libertyville Independent, 11 Nov 1920, p. 12

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WAS WAn ROMANCE IN WAUKE4AN IN '18, Cook Co. Coroner Hears of Daughter's wedding- I Sees IJpset of Double Wedding. ALL IS FORÙIVEN NOW.' luOrofle leiirai ionniàn. of Cook c iuni),his out .dîa Comnplexion e.- s ag .rüQa:aa iuliti . i icil tuda.l a ia. iead for tueic'teleplitofe. &et Illae E1'aiier 9 e~ ay, lint U .aCi!ti-l,>Oiing mua,1 liigoilag ta tiie- a stufied club* n ou1. %h ian ajikes IIla. MViltnlit* lý *Icîîunul itýL 1Hrailtplace .1 lai *Lonok hie! lis a liaap -lIejr ruiYOa. nîy boy,. huit ,>ou ai.- on (ie ud ci it i 1h ia- îeaephine Sit. . N0odyalyever puta ailiwii ner un1 ihuits tlt Whiai 1Four Outic1 gui i-a-? hhy. lid Itavea a wial- an. on aîay hands. t ngh -liuh! Lut Ofi aî'ýc uu ahow voua new faiber-à laiNeIiî? JoU$aiul tilt i eu YiUU ai ii.e aedding oui aiii DeasiaPlues tlu- muai oasiight-ci i-1 aeePa forgettling -1 itau -nlit teUic a cnnlahat was1 tii tai . UU scaitili. Aeaailt Li n the Oaily News. Peter IHoffman ioareù ailla aiirth. yes, tai lid man iut be blillpn- nubody ever tooleil iii' belote. le liait ia a-ai out tIfle icCieiIl iag - i i,*%% aI4;tllneairl> Iii. ),cars agu 01 hiii- 5iti"ii ar, Lei .h u iail5 2j ci-i. aid. a0 Jaüc ii 0iunCi, ý _(llaood avenu. The couple Il l I iiaiimiiad th-aa' liaiy aouid b.ý lii- lva i.iior a w Dagluaai (lie - huai taîa iaii- alia-n Nha ,la aey i li a:ai iaîaiidautia el i a l ble a a-aI d 1li~ ilai-il 1, Joliaiiculi. Ila a ii lu ldia-La-c a oubla- aitali-. Diao>jaibel 1 gave 1 a a aaking Iola t il a1a iaaw anthie palier iast niglil l'aid bea-ià banaboozied," ýliuckIed clt, coa n o f ( iit ok coulaiY. Su-connica-ad. I)augliti*,> 1saldt-ereyoaivc' been woi-king an the couni> building ilas aayprivai.- secretary ail ihis 11W.-. aazanie $0 i-aiet andi innocent about %aiiellier thie bridegroonaa-il daotaieuicring andWahettiier yOU iabOUlai ib iiiihuat atheic eddlng ceaemony- étaid you (îinaotll me you acre mai- riel o ilan ajial thle unie. And 1tl-l WeI.alal coulai 1do? .Iack'saa Lilie lxd -a niagitîyune boîy. t I las-> su-a ad liai e aoi taie. t Rtomance of the War. Il 'ias a roaaaaava- ice ite waai thait ina ýrianCei- n 'aauka-gan on Jant-ary Vi, DiMS, ut In -sigia .Jack 0<. Oflàeii ena-aMiasueaclini.îtiaii. '[bey laaa bava-ci- e l,e liîieid i ali-f Olo0nnreil Wa iii t-IciarItli thie civil sa-ivice9 cniiiiiiailo n iieeas ad Miss Hoff-g * iia ur ilied hfi n lier iathers office I a in- e l iallî%ay. OVinill te- cet-% cd oidei-s Io li-nie te Great Lakepo nais atiaiing siation and pjroceed v s-a- . lemasc houtu for Fiance andc Ille rs-ai adveaiiiite, îiey Ihouglitl. ansd iii->ba-e lie- anuiint ever cone bai . go ailla Siier l,îclynfor a * iinaiss iey %are narried andthetti îv'-Orid i i Pt sevra-i. OUt)ine.i avit iisi andi&bicmolli- ci -. iiiy ctlonateii.tiuyer foi tiiaaaslaii Fi-lu - Co.. anallte girl la-a-la I .îaaag anuai-l huat gond-bye. 'rben iiaialaflreliaifi-l 1tu Chicago, l'ai h.. aads ufiita-. andnal aicir aid a V.-aii Abolit il!(- a -ia hitlaiii.ilisa aa li-r ut Oa loup i îaaalutoiî laii itca-a- urIaies ,rii. le an- *taiioducd fa -inct F. Jolinson. ltai lrial rgaia ut ci uiflinroi iagli, tu 1-laeyn iloinilair t ri-t ai kal-i- VÀUGIIN FACES -MORE CHIARGES jailn - ljpo Vaugliafl.ptcher for theibe a, laappareliily sat ontbia-- log (liii- iat word alîb is aIfe in * thear divocn-e suit, n penting in te Klnoslaa coulrts. Aacardhag lu Mm .Vaugbn. lierbhus- bandi luacti bsr In Kenoaba yeatemday by lell ili er Iheir baby ras seri- ously iII, asad aben aho arriveti se liar lothing ana ldit er belpiens white lié gegin a îfa-w rarllng a-onde Morris hura-Il. '<auina attorne-y, saklaiea- as present ai-thlinltervew, and, whie Ibere sas soma trouble. Ibinga weren't hot ennuglaho wan- rant conienipt of court pauca-edlngs, as Mm. Vaugbn thireatened after tiie Interview liait enda-al The court baai ordened *'Iippo" flot 10 Interfere witl hii wife'5 liberty. - Misa Elsie liepp andi MIa, Evange- lIns- Bacs, two s-iaol leacheara reprl- mantiet for thiacr association sîlli Mrs. Vauglun byth ie preident of ia Ketuosha cehaool boardi, reaiglieti yea lIn Cer..,aI Kamies Colpal lo a restaaouagunt foundi la tslrg&e alliarltlies ln the ntnnuby fo>. mis of ta- Centrai Kongo. It la galt. cri-aifi-na lvinugtria-a prlnlpally acf *te cûlnfýlhfPm aPe(.es> fir ha datg f ron -- te roui lIn a fa*isita-e. often tes Ing foîîmud In -aandy riva-r bttomas. Tht-e i t lla sanît, liov consltie» able laga.llihy In flliadhag CAOpa. BUSY; MIANY CASES ATTRACT ATITENTION, POLICE NEW.S. Phlip Pink, who clainiedtitItat everytîing norili of Eighteenti atreail belongcd lu '<'a aakegan was arre1ýted for diaordeiy conduct antIIIs under bond$l. Ails tra-l wiii coane up tonaorrow a-vening, witere ha- ai probably bac itlown that North Ciaicago, la sonte few blocks 1o thte norlth. A Libertyvlle mani sas alto tala- est into cnnîody and lbc'n relaeti. Ile did nttai-cla te pr-ofit any by lue s-atomE vso baëti 1hbepicketiUp flac second tinte -ahi-n ho waa f inedtifoi dlaorderly eonaluct. Seven prominent ma-n f rom Wau- kegan andi Nor-th Chfcago acre air- retmied Moiiday, but tbeir ntes are witblal. The- police are lryflxig 0 stop thae Use nf profane ant i njtcent language useti at sont. of!tlb.-sallons on the elechric lina- andi ivili stop IL aller a few arrmais are-made. An amatsing case was up yesterday 'avien a taIr. Fiderîcka of tb. south aide in Waîakegan lumbical off bis wheci and flara owiy asçaped hein.- run down by a hivy truck. The ,wbeel was smasbeti andi bot were brougitoth ie police afation. Frederick sas a little la doubit ai 10 wbat bait bilai. H. wasn't sure wbetber the wheel lies p or s street car fell on il., but front al[ appeanances hbe bateaen "klcked" bv a "witle riî ant ihat no baisi- na-s lryang to:- à-ile nnyliing a-aîh oni> 1110 aaaeel-'. M. CHIICAGO BRIEFS l'li mafr-nds ofni s>lŽKI'y Povell aiNi be leauet Iho la-arn tliat site lias bei-n hrouglit iionac anti la gettng alung naa-vîy. Siae just recentl Iy undcient. an opea-an in a Wau- kegan boapilal. il a isa îjarla-d ltatJoe ?icie:n- fe11 front a latdeLr y,eedy and s-an hîart Io the cetaI of bis being uni- able 1 te haround loday. Louis PF Atkins-, Portland,. Or.. andi ia-s Cecîle Iioilguay. of NorhChti- cago, *era- litensedtu homarry la Chti- cago Tuesdsy. The Woodmen are preparing 10 tu- ta-raain a large ciowdti a their Butacu paaty aI tbe Audalorauni thibaevening. Rebearsali onig!at for thae *Via Ring" casa. Aitnaciauberas ili ha- there oit lime If possible. Tom McKinner, 1-ia-nîy Erialan anti lzlai -ay Bititieconi a a-e cailers Ian Chicago hoday. Mia. Mdin o! Vicloria streetlaa via- Il ing an Ei ani-los. 111. Tih. fil-e da-puaaliuvnh ailbave someabîng Io annuace soon In te gard 10 lhit-r newa lire anak. Suare got ho bave a truck lu keep pace a ath the other llnproyeanenta in lh. cils. Il la probabule lbai a lar-ge number of aciaoolebildren wilI have le be vacnateti mn aca'ounh of lb. numbier of cases pofainllpox. bot bei-e andi in W'aukegaa. ACTUAL WORK 0F . EXCAVATINfi FOR HIOSPITAL sTARTS Believed that it wiIl be Possible to Get Foundations in This Winter. Thea- semaI sork 0f excavation for the $300O.000 Victory Memtorl iospi- tl In W'aîikegan has been sarited and a-verythng pointe 10 lb, tact Ihat It ailI be rusited Ioba cpeetiy complelion. as both contracter anti the. building commîhîce of. the boa- pitai are anxlouâ tu, laIe advant ,aZ of lbe seâtaer conditions. Wile Il ntay lie poaclblelo gelthIb foundallons in ha-fore exhnenteiy col weather arrives lthe belief prevala ltat.notilusin-ULba-done.toward lb. actuel sorIt of constr-uction until na-t apring. Dy having tbe foundation-,lin. itowever. il sill not te necesaay 10 vait umliilbthéfroat la oul of the grounti na-St apmng anti wonl cau he startet earîy lit Marcia. Thtis sboulai make 1h possible ho Iaave tite bospilal ra-ady for occupaacy by sonte.(frne early next flau. The lact Ilat tlhe North Btote lin. ha building a saitca track loto *,ue hoapilal grounda sali makeil i pos- 1sible to, oblain building inatenils îreadily anaL Ibis twilbeoan important factor in eaapediting the work. Massy lan 1h.i8h... A Polo naloui Pcîr Talla, traveling front Anierica' ta Danzig. was taken Ill recently lantbe Y. M.0. A. but. Waterloo rond, London, andi ra-uoset ta tb.i nflrmary. lH. bat only 150 ahillinags lhreepenee lae lnglit amnoy, but idtien in bis clothing bhoitat 2. $10 golal piecesa nta laper moncy te tbe value Of $M0.: Ulma Soes %ar-m foumat ta be viery beitvy, anti a-ta- tua-yvemi- PholtVmaplied by té X-rny, 12 large coins, laeun'aaily $1ogelai pla-cos, sare fouîual lfiteia-ti-va-catbf la-sather adti ule soles of eaci bot- Brooklyn Bugle. ma-arcliig for la' 511h Iron-tgpfli-Il____________ altil-- a o- l-eli a-ne a-prince 'n.Ie11olillîviiay af tha- laieiinfi lt-- fit -r Iiîaîa litIof any rOhler foodt. unI - t 9us. --aa-nnaill'a :0!wl i Sre ant a iflW ae %iiit nvPrlation iHai atiliy lioduce 17.000 tllii -ai iag -fiot vona i il eiîhia-r teel r' Units -la ig y fruai - lu.iiit ar ar-ik" irul ia u 1-aiI aaay- Dêe amhavea a wiwe fobail'fiai ay friaaînt! Titi-ae J i îatliîîg morena-In-r-P- - .ccessary. tria--haalle. "51Yni-suite-18 fixa-air. Pît - iîaa u laaiiiaai andîti IIar pot. Wl,-. ia llsdiian as 00:tuI lta : Iia-ic-iaae-<, 14bene-lai ht in agira' ' lIratly -lita-y n*ia-l nt-lege hum ai.-' - liaiiliJuiohlasInjaarge quan- fusion îh.amore tey ' taad ti , i ~or ia,- No iiia iait la o tacnt rihî'aaei wrpm± -"n1e lGdte our Ialalau, e<'cInfliaitipensuas -48%se - cma Ment-ise otcrs-'rdeaie!. 'aUDi. Ne RE3AOf<TO fIET PANICKY; COPER' ATI4JN IS UR@EU City Physi cian Foley Says Peo- pie Alone Can Prevent a Spread of Contagion. EFFECTIVE STEPS TAKEN aha- paevalenca-'o! dihtbcraaanal anialipox an certain section$ of tbe .vîîy is no cause for anyone te be- coie panticky. accornfg 10 the local haaltb dapartotent. hut aeth@Ai. ama tinae il ahould ser-ve as a aarninii ho tae ail possible Irecautions to pria. vent a spreati ef the- two ilisc-a ses andi tber-eby privent a posasile epideie. Diarpite thie stepa thal baie been taken by the beaith authaoritleà therai bave lavan severai na-a cana ut botia diseaseai.btt iy prompt action tha-y halia-ve (itey havaithelita- ana on Wei in ianti. Accoa-ding tu City Playaletan Fofey. lîoaa-a-a, il lai nece3aiay t10 itta'.ce- op-raîfbil if tslualla nifitie corn.- annnity la ho ha- seracd. fie suggestâîa taiIn casa-n alhsre pate ania sa-sP -cIIte presene-of tapit- aheia tuai thby cal b inte lauuity pîtysician inmiîusicly anti baie à diagnnaîn nmade- volkitaIt t isasa wali nul bue pa-cad auaong otiia-î chi- tirsn. Sn fartas nituzi,:pox asconcerneti ho repeats bis aurgent ha-atât parents or ail acLool ciWdu!dis La-e t ia-e in laâýna mthliaiaacanaied. le baa il bias hesae-vti lima i lia tai a sua-e Pievs-nic- aittblieduc o t- s lie slay pn-enls a-a.aalling lu 'n-ta- a -hante' a liera- lýeia- edy la bo simple. 'J'lie a-lfeceîa--quianlini- regulaîiaan tuaI have-been adupt-eti a'bireker aiae dia en-e lias alîiearaid hI prevent a aur- 1lpirestlitaa n titonelocalîlîca, but iatre la na-ay utf l-lng laow uany haie been ta-pasei. FRVIT JAR SHORT- MiE NEVLR SO 1 tARK- ED AS THIS YEAR IIEREi People Unable to Get Jars as the Wholesale Houses were linable to Supply Them. WAS NEVER SO MUCH FRUIT i ie chtances are ihat ns-ver ha-- loi-e an the bishOa-y 0f Maukegan bave thae larda-rianti cellars been liledte 1 OîartiOwing wihbfruit, can Vegelablea etc. as hs year. A lad not gener- ally anown titat durlng the canning aeason il vas next te impossible to ga-î fauit Jars for cannang purpoces. tlie-wiîolesale bouses ian out of Ibesa- Jarss a nra-atlîof lbe da-aand for tem iliaI canae-frotai atparla or tie country. Anti Walkegan f1.-lthlbganerai a-- fa-ct anoal dlsasteroualy. People a-ho liait large antont8 of fruit wbicb tnà_, Plannedte t can sera- unahie ho do an because lliey coitîtinot get t,,e fruit Jais. hlany familles a-ho itat an ex- ceas nuanten of jars took ativaniage aof thte opportunity oIf iling' thant anti this fruitt taftilng ibisyea1a- aas done Ibrough thle gena-rosUly andîtiwiî hngnesas ornaighititoma10urrentder- part 0 oh li-assorhmeuut of Hail of the liane tiurng tlae canning saason. local stores ahiclu useal t0 carry truît jars bat enaply sba'Iveh anti were unabla- 10 repieniahtIhemn. ita a number of casa-s lpeupîle- wnoao d a lot of jars on bantd ativertîset thega for sale andti ltay sera- ougnt vrri qUICkly hy olters a-bn bcd bei-n un- able t0 gel tent BANKERS TO JOIN NATION*WIDE DRIVE ON-THE TAX LAW WiII Seek Repeal of Excess Profits Tax; Claims that It Is Unjust. ÙNNECESSARY HARDSHIP The Auerîcan Bakers' association bas tiecîiedt10cast ils slrenglb sîit other naionai boardsa anti organiza- tiens of a commaercial character for a joint drive on conîgres$ te 3ecure repeal of lb, excesa profils lax anti securs other suhalanîlal modilfica- tions la the lax laws.t s'a tinnouncetiaiahe bieatiauarlersouthlie association. The asaoclahlons fîgbtt wil te sagedi t was snid, by an advlsory coanmithee et leading tank- ers front ail sections oetlthe Unitedi Staes. Thte commtiteu la Dow coan- ductlng a questionnaire among lank' elFs 10 ascentain thelr vicias on te laI changea litIare taoat tiesîralale - te mamoe 's. present ohsalls ho business progresa ant ilnltlati-. Thte speclicontanttee of h-ta si in a tentative oulline ofils lp., i lu be suballltetIho congrnes wi i El ho etuce the heavy aurtaIun in- cornes, Heavy aurtax. lte tankers- salda- la hhrotling tuaina-s ita -ihte evetywhere. ScggenUim Save ceeà avitnsal'ton, tankers lliaougboultte Unitedi Statca -but the coninittee la #ls question- naire sels forth Ils own1su.-aîb1ons of a 'boasihie progrant te reancala ex- sing evila lla tax laws. Generalîy' lbcae remedîcas oulti -cali for ra-vi- sien of present rata-s. anal alaeduica, a tax on tindistnlbuitet Incoae tta I corporations, a sales or turnovèr tlix. an excise lai on the pivîlege i, holding landis, anti an intreaee ii stailip taxes. htc'p Up -to9use tilcte, , TaaLîe a pluîg of comnmon %vaint 80la 1 the boitaithl t N' ou ont. satreai yon w ne luý bic tefrntthatji, Late t ficures f lthe bureau 0f jIn- A 4 Prklc e Ovalllng for Contraband DtISMi R ÉAKS Iternai revenue show that 46,444,071 belreae,the liquornow beUeved to More titan 2.000-000 «allons o~f other sOmetbing liii. 8600.000,000 or $10 a PRuIîIIIONifSS -ld~0 atilrare liboaded ware. qat bougea8 bstli. neUzoffîclal esti Officlats of te Internai revenue bu- mates or ,Ofîlals are ttat a>- reau lointed out that if thia la tnt. VJasblngton, D.C. Nov. 9-proli. 1ltinslatelY 30 pet cctt of ibis Jquor ît wiIIinmake I vlrtunly Impossible la ùl-d by privaat Individuni-adla for 1h.e governanent to checrk up on bit ion enforcMent officIaIs are âmne-tîîerelore, accordîng to lte couit'a mii. flquor abipanenta, Whother by motor soit and i daappointed over yeuterday'a IngS subjeçî bo withdrawal fer pri- truck, by express or by' freight. decialon of lb. Suprente court that varaaattîo ilQuor acilreal Orlor 10 esautaient 0f- vtoitim aetionî ' a0 it1 uea etaBi 1lplu the Volatead law and i Itendeti for pri- Ths a officiaifthaeburîgAeu Nt à Biad ry scrb aeipti .an vAte COnaumPtion nMay b. removed Pit u tdg talloso 0.00U.Oo qoar Natura-elsr wu the "b catiteland front places of storage to heole o 500;h alà,onte.00,00fuata h bu whthe e nedtffiraly >0f riOii na>- ho taken froia bonded 1 wliat un nyster is?" ÀA abrili volr dey, bu lt fifailv, Itth e es.warehoumes Irftirat llniregolona are ceat n "noae a ii ui Ion rIIeffodrt a t e ngreatly ln -correct Ibat the decialon means a pet.' u. thelr fot .tlor.sthe lîquor son anglilquor lield ln e bonded lie anat I~auKcgan Aîwy aind Navy Thé ale 0f or aweIauNa4 -f %MI P £osition. lie rIý ado - their Pintà direcltd baekwamd wben te animal la exeli t ;;;iii capsule of being ratbe«. 'The ILSU lire looacl7lnsrted lai.lte akin MI may. on being violetli abaiten, be. tomte detacheti, a circumatruace wblcà probably gave rime 1to ta purety imbu. loua sfafentent fitetlthe animal pfS. qesses lbe power of sctually jetlne, Ils quillelke arrows or dart. aetaM Strange SeIng.. n'vnry now aadt Ib-ione ruteta ernum porri W ho belives everîbohan a riUlt hia own Ôllh. 'aaa' StoIç 221 South Genesee St'eet, Waukegan, Illinois We have purchased a.tremendous amount- of -surplus war pro - perty direct from the. U. S. Govt. at ridicuously low prices and are therefore in a position to offer -them to yeu- far below the> cost of production. Following is a partial list of our tremendous sfe&èks, Paints 0utaidW White, per gallon ........ AU Othef Colons, per gallon....... $3.75- $3.89 Red Barn-$.9 per galo95.. Varnish) 29 per gallon........ Shoes Repaired Russets pair ............ Repaired Field Shoea pair ............ New Russets pair ........... Officers Dres pair ............ U. S. Navy pair ........... $3.29 $3.69. $5.95 $8.95 $7.45 Rubber Boots Hip Boots pair............ Knee Boots ' pair ............ 4-Buckle Artics pair ............ Leather Gloves ......... Leacher Mitta, wool Iined ....... Spiral Leggings, new ........... Spiral Leggings, used.ý............ $5.39 $4.45 $3 .10 Shirts 0. D., AUl Wool, renovated.......- O. D., Ail Wool., new............ Khaki, new ........... Blue, Navy, new. ail wooî ......... $2.69 $4i95 $2.95 $5.45 Overals Blue$25 Denimn....1$2 5 Khaki$3 9 Union-al.... 3 9 O. D. Wool 25 w00l Çsnas5 Underwear olUnion $38 Wool Two $2.19 Summer Navy Two Piece ............ 89C Socks Wool, Medium pair............... Wool. LUght pair ............... Wool, Heavy pair.... 1.......... Cotton ~- 79c' 49C 95C 29 Leather Jackets Corduroy 'Top $149 leather lined. $49 Wool Top, $29 leatherlfine. . . $29 Leather Top. $19. 50, wool lined ... Sheep lined ......... $17.50 Coats Private, ail wool ...... Private'e Rain Coat.. Ofliccr's Rain Coat.. Wool Mackinaw ... Sheep Uined ........ Moleskin for .......... wool Top, Rubber lined. $10.95 $5.,95 1 $10,95 p $14.95' $19.85 $29.50 $37.50 Pants Khaki Breechea ....... Work Pants .......... Marine, Al WooT.... "tF. D,.. Ail Wool.... $1.49 $2.95 $6.45 MISCELL.1ANEOUS $1.29 $2.25 $2.45 $1.79 Tick 19e Mitte ............... Garrison ~ 4 Hat* .........$34 Barracka Baga. $ 1.45 new .........M Steel Cote,. $6,2 new ........ .......29 Mattresaca - - $3.29 for ............ Webb 50C Belte ........... Cartridge 98C Beits .......... Wool $3.95 Sweaters ........ Nay l olrnvtcgray, bitie and$4 9 New Marine, 5 lb., brown color, $ .9 plai colrs . .......$...9...size 6Ox8O. .. . . .... ... .. Amalwoful si $505 New 0. D., Virgin Wool, 5 lb.$ .2 for ....................... 729. . . . . MAIL ODR carefuily anid promptly 1114d. money order, dra ft or check wkIt .,IM WaoKcgtin Aîwy and Navy 221 SouA nesee Street -w Illinois 's PR"ICE LIST 1 11 DAY TIR] Fifty Cents a Pc for the Meat 2 ries Also ari FARMERS RAISI Ilis lIe usuaal . Goe. Fine. PlInMI for iltbanksylving acal-ce. t'ranberriei dteb. aithot i a -b WOUld fa-el huanilîr a- d tan without ai Ii lng sa ilzzy ai-v-lai n #Cn adivaneai. bu sucb vettritti trelaiaaa a, IX l*B. Coainey andi rago le back bt ia laarkiy lenapel ai] aane fo rtilaceai ci feasIt blad anid ind(eq. lItiriy-fiae >a-arla a Si COMMinhiaaliîa i il.,- i 1ha1 biti-alof 1îAîa1 cîamPiatc *xlln-iaun. 'lîke tliti arkF,. Ilf as î ici l'a i niers fiain*ta I, ie tuli Oaa rde lng i lia. a-a aes f ia i in 0S lac iiie of hua-ina lte ifole a fs-w i e bail fIai aiShla- piail Ili- vratemcit il ai-va- lucky an gel 1 paîind for tbenl. Tii re-i l rom 60te anta a ma iota of ,palanl )e0:.Ïbey Sont i yard: I laey rIFit ov b oOal:ahi-y rutnIlle.C ..U *'lfas tlie. a--ai <an ' I lai- uued i m la-. ilan 9 Wlaîsul a i a han îha-y 111e off ltire- - lay dota'i a-- aor I llablashe. lî t-iagi hala fall Andi 'o ion aat-biid Inrka.- lioi-a ataience An) A'laough 1i. 1ailla 10 incaîte fIllei liig iilwf Ille pi ,ic iaie-.-a- lui ki a- i vaai-, aiondacg A nal fi l ianin la 10lu Leîîaiaaei oui- a!, hiniaa :-i] T'si, l t-hi.a-gai a:'rknt1 ii Illac Sil- :aanbl As fi ,rî, h- is icafr 1.1 a iaaifli, -ar î- : lia-la. .Anti iiNi: ar ,lit . 'anu se.i th- 1liîait dsr:i-a ryani alviaing pi ople 'I) rT!p anal givilig le cia hW.. Thai ai tiae da-il-i 'pl i-r aJa.ail ,a-nI a a d aiiCo- k- I-icasn-iaelia K'aaatlh 3. agS, Cla- iii La-a i-- La - mI lard Li lienIai1- iLik and £ceg LoBuba! tirents Lagos , and Liie B Beti . lrbu lan Llt . ielîia-b Hrbor-%is Lester sJ.oeepb fieago, snd r-fi1li AethurVence Eor, l B.c, 29d ma ]artrn si.2 Ncito lils 21,DI la Perey itu ata-, £du&ititent, 2' Etigena- Jonea, Iary E. White, 41 Albert NI. Bru Wîo.a fll Elithe C ph 1rnof s ofi mrili's aîarfsce a o0f tiietoc la Villndih0g n lte dey, rr ien aa h lit ay directionl, t» e eascac i rat wards tfie rigging. oftheichigliest n

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